If LKA8B.woTtna; ' - ;rm balad to roSTa uumivu tx, t txz e zf ttiadi oa amy tad all nbf 7 C lzt"rixt bsi-. . Bttaoyic f r I8"7 JAMB J0u H PAID. -a cxaa of tawrttsr witsi alvsri hi U Blsas4ia tajB4itnr::-. .., " fkin 'wrTTti1?nwgiit be wrlrka. ct atlj eatcUsoftapt9r ' Three 1 J wi'J dolitered oy ca m fP nt the eltT. carriers, at the vUffiaM,J v V i mou per WW. Bill r - T I s-, i - . 1 -1 j i Aad It laatp fafty sad amemlarty andw csood tWtst Editor does o always ado'rT Ue vlswsol eoiTpoadts aslecto sist ta tae adltortal eoha -r a. i - : Hew Adverti8oment3. 1 rtV low nd liberal VOir v WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1881. NO 247 lbsr-'lpleaserept rfrB- ... PieMe report AST a&d re their paper. regularly) Advertisements pifflll I i5 n - if r FOR : BHEUEZATISM, r gsaralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, hclichs. Soreness of the Chest, 1 Ssati Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell- nsgs una sprains, a urns ana Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Usih, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fest and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. ... f. VraBtntlon en earth eeuals Bt. Jacobs Oil m t tmft, wr, simple and -ehmap External Umdr. A trial entails tmt the ompasstlTely Blilsff ootUy of 60 Cents, and eyery one inner- hf wita pain can bare cneep and posmro proor Mnctiou la Seres languages. . a CU) BT ALL DBTJ (JOISTS AHD DEALEU3 IS MEDIOIHB. A. VOGEIiER fc CO., SaUimorct 2Tt 17 A -4. ipilll-dev-oee to Rtntoa. N. C, Sept. 27, 1881. His. Jot Person, Franklinton, N. 0 f Duft Ma.da.mk : la reply to y6ar let. iffuktaff what I think of your Remedy, I WOtlld r JWeaJee hmjro baarLvery alr,andao far as I can learn, the Heme s' U been very satisfactory to my cus tosiri who hare used it, especially so in Hi cua of a little girl Cf this city, ten Em of age, who was troubled for a H time with sores ' breaking out over til face and neck, haying the appear 3 of Scrofula, and which had resisted tin mil alterative treatment for a long tist; She took four bottles of . the Bit- tci last Spring, wben the sores entirely disappeared, and np to this time she has bo return of them, her skin looking u fair and clear as anyone's. Tluting that you may receive the sue cm vfiicu your Kemedy seems to merit, 1 am, very respectfully yours, . . . WM. SIMPSON. Druggist. F tale in Wilminzton by Dr. Wm H.Greeo. Send for circular of testimo- alia, " , ; Cct 3-diw OS AXD - : A BEING RECEIVED BTkUVERY w i '- - .... - : ! umer and by Rail. The prices will be as - r- . ' t. or lowei Uxan'erer before. Reapectfully, R. (11. HlcIntire. B CELL HOUSE tNlKH WW XI Va S S EN T, 0. I. PKRRV. The CoGmopoIitan B1R 13 ttlCS' i WHERE YOU canct the coolest, purest and moet dentlfically mixed fiummer Drinks to be found In tha dty. The very best Wines Champiges an d Liquors always on hand Wat best 5-centigar that Is made, Drop i 1 sad cool o.!V f JOljy UARBOLL, W 8 Proprietor. Dry.. RU. lExchanse Corner, fTOSXllJlES Of .WU.MIKGTON are X respectfully nollfled that I have just opened, at Kxchasse Corner, a superb stock f Ladles' Goods, Millinery, Feathers, &c. whk& 1 will be pleased to haTo them cal lBpect. .Latest stjles of Ftll and Win ter lists aad Bonnets, Mew SUmpin Pat terns, In rants' Kobes and Cloaks. i i -, , KARRER, ! opiT1 JExchanjt Corner. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisement?. Heixsbekqek -School Books v CW Yates Photography School Books The change in the atmosphere is a de cidedly agreeable one. More rain last night, and the weather to-day is cloudy and gusty. Fcrepkugh's circus is billed for Char, lotto on the 4th of November. &(&v2orlhern Light, Stilwcll, from this pert, arrived at Baltimore on the nth. t V!.' Norwegian barque Columbia, Stray, cleared at Baltimore on the 17th for this port. ' Schooner Jlaltie A. -White, Griswold, cleared at Philadelphia on the 17th inst. for this port. ' . i German barque Madura, Schultz, frcin th:3 port for Antwerp, was offDun geness on the 15th inst. Ex-Mayor Fishblate and Judge Macks have returned from the -Baltimore Oriole. They are slowly recovering. The ice men save had it all their own way for a loDg time. The wood andcoal dealers will now step tothefrorjt. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Ja'cobi's. , , f Norwegian brig Emily, Larsen, and Norwegian barque Norge, Henricksen, have arrived joA. Liverpool to load for this portv The authorities of the Carolina Cen tral say that new brick offices will be built on the site of those lately burnt in Charlotte. Sneak thieves are about. Collar every suspicious character you find about your premises and .be prepared for a raid on your hat rack. The, tpredicted.. meteoric 8hower booked for last night, to-night and to morrow night. A glance at the weather is enough to assure everybody that it will be invisible here. Freshwater Perch, Trput andJJlack fish Ilooks and Lines. A full assort men t and lowest prices at Jaoobi's. f Mr. Chas. A. Price, for some time past Express Messenger on the Carolina Central R, R., has been taken from ths road and promoted to, a position in thb office here. Norwegian brig Ebenezer, Lundegard, from tbis portjor Hamburg, arrived out on the 17th inst., towing the Dutch barque Tmaidcn, which was dismasted and abandoned. , , - . To Builders and others Go to Jaco si's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t Amusements Next Week . There will be three tine entertainments offered next week to theatre goers. On Monday night tht Rentz-Santly troupe will appear at1 the iOr'ra House ; on Tuesday Haverly's TVid.wBedott Com. pany will hold the boards, and on Wed. nesday Heme's troupe will present a powerful Irish drama, entled Eviction.0 yTe'liallo X , . ; - - - Catarrh or the Bladder. StiDging, smarting irritation or the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiba. Druggists. Dept Jas. C. Alunds. . . , . - . i ; A Double Propellor.: A double proj.eilor, the steam tug Belle Sparls,C&vt. Parker, from Buffalo. T.Y.,to Cedar Key Fla., put in at this port yesterday for coal, and is expected to-leave to-day for her destinations She is G3 feet in len'gih, 17 feet beam and has two engines and a steel boiler. When light she draws three feet of water. She was built for towing logs to th sawmills oa tbe Sawahee river. " , ? ; , QnarUrly Meetlnis. . Wilmington District, Methodist E Church, Soath.. Fourth round. ; . Brunswick . . ' . "Oct -19 Wartmaw, Cypress Creek, Oct. 20-21 WhlteTille, Shiloh, - 1 1 Oct. 22-23 Elizabeth, Bladen Springs, Oct. 26-27 Bladen, W indsor, i . Oct. 29-30 Onslow, Queen's Creek, . N ov. 5- 6 nni;n WmIpt f'hanel. . Not. 9 10 ni inton. i:imtoa.N-f : f ' .w'Not.' 12 13 stKorio . NvTf 1617 it ;L. S. Bubkitd, T. B.. TheBlggeat lei. Talk about your big snake stories. Here is one which will pale many into utter insignificance. The best of it is that it is true, as we must believe, it being furnished for publication by a very respectable and reliable citizen of Pen der county. A friend writes us from Point Caswell that, a few days ago, Mr. L D. Bordeaux was hunting in Bee Swamp, Caintuck township, and found a rattlesnake which he shot and killed. On examination the reptile was found to have iorty rattles and to be 13 feet and 5 inches in length. Mr. Bordeaux and Mr. Neil Simmons cut the snake open and found five large rabbits and two squirrels in his stomach. Warner Safe Kidney and Liver Core- The JSronaats We are fearful for the safety of our young townsman, Mr. J. G. Hashagen, of the Signal Service, who accompanied Prof. King in his serial voyage, as re ported by us last week. Not a word has yet been heard from the balloon, al though it is now six davs since its ascen sion. We find from a special in the New York Sun that it was last seen in the neighborhood of Sparta, Wis., and there is reason for apprehension that some dis aster has befallen it and its occupants. The forest in the northern part of Wis consin is one of the largest and densest in the world, and if the aeronauts alight ed safely anywhere within it they would find it extremely difficult to work their way out. Many instances are recorded where men familiar with its recesses have lost their way and wandered aimlessly through the tangled underbrush for days before reaching a clearing. If the aero nauts are in this forest, the chances are that they will not get out alive. Par ties are out searching for them. Prof Earns had provisions for two days. His only companion was Mr. Hashagen. , Beautify yournomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at J atom's. t Llppincott'8 Magazine. Lippincott's for November opens with a finely illustrated paper by Charles Burr Todd, describing "A Walk ever Mon taak," and reproducing with pen and oencQ the striking features of that wild and ocean4eaten cape. ''A Varied En tertainment," also illustrated, is the title, of a humorous sketch depicting some re cent frolics of American art students in Paris. The eighth chapter of Dr. Os wald's "Zoological Curiosities" is devoted to Animal Renegades." Mr. James L Ferriere has found in the National Li brary at Paris materials Tor an article of great value and of timely interest. An article on John S. Clarke, the comedian, by William Stuart, sketches the career of that eminent actor. "The Order of the Carmine Countenance' and an account of "Shroton air," in Dorsetshire, are lively travelling sketches. Fiction occupies a large portion of this number. The new instalment of Sher. wood Bonner's bright and readable serial, ?'The "Valcours," is of unusual length. 'Policy 1396," by Sarah Winter Kel losrz. has the intense interest and realism characteristic of this' lady's stories, while "Almost a Catastrophe" is a lively love- story of a more ordinary kind. The poe try is by H. H. Boyesen, Charlotte 1. Bates, and Frances Mace, and the "Gos- sip'rand book notices will repay perusal. . Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. The contents of the November number are exceedingly interesting and enter taining, and afford mich valuable infor mation. Mr. Ackroyd's article on "The Photophone," with its eleren illustra tions, "Amy Robaart," by N. Robinson, "The City of Rouen." by Professor Charles A. Joy, "Charles XII, of Swed en," "Little Huskies: their Homes and Ways," by S. J. Douglass, and "Ameri ican.Beef" are , among the prominent contributions, and are valuable papers. In the department of fiction are the con clusion of Benedict's serial, "A Late Re morse"; - a charming story by J ane G Austin; -!The Countess' Diamonds"; "Her Secret," by Walter Ed gar McCann j "Jet," "Magnammitv," "Madge," ettv, etc There are admirable sketches, tLrilling adventures, some very excellent poems, and a miscellany em bracing all aorta of subjects, entertainiag and instructive. The number "contains 123 quarto pages, 100 illustrations and a beamtiful colored frontispiece, "The Assassination of Amy Robsart." For comprehensive excellence and cheapness, this publication is, we think, unrivaled. The price of co y 's ootv i5 cvi ; U'il nVi-cr:p;Kn $J , ; C V"-. $1 for four inouiu e t Jr-?1 EWnk Irlitt. Pnohsher. 63 Od axd 0?, Park place, IJew York. , I No cases, and in , consequence, no City Court to!ay. .The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 904 bales. Schr. AUa P. Cole, Mitchell, cleared at Boston for this port on the 17th inst. Some very fine fresh water fish, perch and trout, were: in market this afternoon, 7 Spirits turpentine is again at 50 cents' taviDg advanced H cents in this market to-day. Bad habits are easily contracted; so ar Colds, and oth are Tcrjr liard to ct ndn&f."The Colds are quickly acd surely cured by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Schooner Thos. TV. Holder cleared at this port to-day for Sagua la Grande, with 218,114 feet lumber, shipped by Northrop k Cumming. j A Grave Charge. A white man was arrested to-day and taken before Justice Hall, charged with committing an outrage on the person of a little white child, about seven ears of sge. The ease was continued until Fri day afternoon. The names are suppress ed at the instance of the magistrate who is to hear the case, and for satisfactory reasons. The Passport. The repairs and alterations to the Passport, made to fit her for the winter campaign, are ail completed and the beautiful yacht steamed up to her wharf this afternoon. The brass railings on the lower deck have been removed and a new and more powerful propeller has been substituted. She is now ready for the towing business of the winter season. With the failure to secure certain re sults, when measure after measure has been tried, then the "last result" comos into service and produces the effects de sired, as in the following case mentioned to us by J. Wilson, Esq.. of L. M. Bam & Co., Manufacturers of B nk Vaults acd Steel Chests, 153 Portland Street. Boston, Mass : For two years my mother-in-law suffered with rheumatism and tried. various , remedies withnut the remedy was immediately relieved. Death ofCapt. Jones. The sad intelligence of the death of Capt. Thomas Jones, so well known here as the commander of the fine steamer Benefactor of the New York and Wil mington Steamship Line, was received here this morning through a dispatch from his son, Mr. Walter Jones. Bis death occurred last night at his residence in Brooklyn, N. Y. Capt. Jones was probably about 65 years of age. He first came to this port in the year 1869, as commander of the Volunteer, a ship of the Lorillard line then established between New York and this port. From the Volunteer he changed to other ships and finally to the Benefactor, of which he has had the command for many years past and until recently. Last Spring his health was so bad that he was com pelled to resign his position, to which he was succeeded by Capt. Tribon,now the commander of the Benefactor. Capt. Jones made his last trip to this port in May last, arriving here oa the 23d of the month and then, by the ad vice of his physicians, went to the Warm Springs, in Arkansas. He leaves a wid ow and four soos, all young men, besides scores of friends at every port into which he has sailed, who will sincerely mourn his departure. That Terrible indigestion and sick headache will vield readily to Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Lure. AND jyjVSLrACTURS?) 3Y WHiltV;s,b r-. mdjta;iei'ca sp-ivcti.-i, ni la jr.zr : n? fcr tbe.t o - ' - das ?-i ' - FERTILIZERS AND FE4TIUZIHQ MATERIAL. c OTTON AND CPRN PLANTERS Truck rs' and others cxm 1 c--t phate sept o-; s SGUFFERSOaS. Hecr Advertl&amGnts. OPERA HOUSE. Under the auspices of the . Wllrslngtoa Library Association, Mi?. ARCH 8ALD FORBES, War Correspondent of the "London Dally News, will deliver his popular Lecture, entitled "TIIE INNER LIFE OF A WAR. COR RESPONDENT.'" At --the Onera. TfrnnAA. FRIDAY EVE NING. October 21 at. commencing a 8 o'clk. Tickets, 50ets, can be obtained at Book Storen. . i-, oct l&4t Notice. VTXE HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on YY and after the 10th day of November next, all assessments due and unpaid on subscription to the Capital Stock ol the Du plin Canal Company will be collected by I esral process. : hy order of the B6rd of Directors, J. H. BOAT WRIGHT, Trea. and Collector. Oct 18 -2t DAVID FA R KlO R , Collector. "aOSE-BUD -GRkAKERY." I have just received my first ship- i ; ment for the season of fresb, New Hulled BUCKWHEAT ! Rose Bud Creamery . BUTT1 3E3JBL Fresh from the Mountains nf PfinnHvlvania. and t Pure tllaple Syrup. Ye lovers of a good breakfast, read and . think of it This is no ordinary Batter, but "has the repu tation of being the finest made in America. 'Gomes direct from the Dairy to my Store, without so much as stopping in any other city. Send in your orders to J ohn L Boatwright) 11 and 13 North Front St. ost 16 CHOICE GOODS. Fancy Imported and Domestic " . Of almost every variety. Fancy Imported and Domestic x Cakes l Cracker Some extra fine.' CHAMPAGHES AND PETIT POIS. Raisins, Crop of -1881 London Layers and New Layers -in boxes, halves and quarters. JNO. 1. B0ATWRI8HT, io. II Sc 13 y. Front St oc n . ; TO THINJL ABOUT HOT PED SA3H. TLEASE ORDER EARLY. 5 oct it WATER HILL HEALr . - " , -' ' V " 1200 BUSHELS Virginia Rg eal. vr-so, WHITE AKD MIXEO CORN, Far lilt by The PhGtoarrapher, .JAVl.Vt:-KSnRNEf f-fm h i amaer. vscitio. Ti mt-.-p;-,i od) rJc i. the ' LWt ylo. ew en-. o.v ini Q?to bchool iiooks. qld lOucol Ducks i Taken is Fzehaaa for New Csei. School Books tued br til the different -choo i In the City, eaa always bo had si tha Very Lowest Prices at nRIV80'EBOtE&S, Lira Bonk srd slnie Ptore f. 17 Removal. MY FRIENDS AND TTIF PUBLIC gererallj are respr-ct fully notifled that touth Front street, two doors from Ex- Vi a Vi rva " AM-k am T ii . . v -i vwac a i tsxt chance Corner, where I wiirbejjlrasedJto.. Wfoti&QO and TobaccdnSooasTTrhe very yeow va CENT CIQXR in the city. I mean it. N. GREENE WALD. . oct ll-2w . ! THE 1 UUR!80RQ EHTEBPR5SE J8 T3E BEST MEDIUM through . which to admttlis Fall acd ? Inter Goods ainoxijr the people of Hobcsos, Klebmend ssd An on eoontles, in North Oar olio a, end in the border counties of Soath Carolina The Enterprise o as a large and ineretlcf circu lation In the Fee isee and Cape Kear section ef this; tats, fearing obtained a Isrge circu lation In the latter daring the rx month it was published in Fajetterill bfur its rt "oral to Laurlnbursr, etd io tee iorter within the last few months. Advertisement will be ir. sorted bj the aionth, quarter and yer at te&nable r-.e5 Address, 11, I. AO'th Pe it, Liri rv. f '. Cheese and Crackers gQQ Boxea CREAM CHEESE, . BJQQBoxea ani Bbls CRACKERS, ALSO. Baffgint and Ties, .'For sale by Hall & Pearsall. Basring and Ti3 1 GOO Wiole and nair 110115 Bff6inff 30 0 Q Bunaie att1 pc1 TXES' Bacon, ColTco Sugar. 200 Boi 8moke2ui3 D 8 8Me 250 Bari Coffee' dlfferent e6 Oin Bl1 Sugars, (Jraaulated, 4A)) sundrd A, Exua C and! 1 G00 Bbl fUmr grdet 100 LiLllnl fypj BbJ Jld Roxea Freh Cakes, Boxes Assorted Candy,' 2u0 BoXr Ljt ' lOO aoxe jgQ Boxes - t - s