9 r. jambs, - ,0 FSOPBIKTOS. f" wire laexr Fi - - - 1W 8IEDIATISM, jWyfo Sciatica, Lumbago, kihchs, Soreness of tho Chest, MQvin'f'Sor Throat, Swell m and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, fEar and Headache, Frosted fui end Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, u frnntion en earth jind St. Jacobs Oil JlmtLmrt, titnple and cheap External tkfOTfly cf W Onta, and wy on- iuffer ifrtk pan can bare cheap and posithro proof Ptncboftf la Erreo Language. (U JIA1LDSTT0GIST8 AOT) DEALERS 1V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, 2fd., XT, S. A. : Bursa. N. C., Sept. 27, 1881. I&Joi Person, Franklintoo, N. O EuiHadime: la reply to your let- jjutitjwhat I think of your Remedy, hiKldgay that the sales have been very jiir,i3d to far as Lean learn, the Reme Jijiubeen very satisfactory to my cus jx who have used it, especially so in I cue of a little girl of this city, ten ya of age, vho was troubled for a tie with sores breaking oat over i to and neck, having the appear j of Scrofula-, and which had resisted jiaul alterative treatment for a long at. Shi took four bottles of the Bit I a lut Spring, -when the sores entirely appeared, and up to this time she has jMretaraof them, her skin looking w ana clear as anyone s. touting that jou may receive thesuc athich yonr Remedy seems to merit, I an, very respectfully vours, WM. SIMPSON, . TYrrnrcriat. iGreea. Send for circular of testimo- oct 3-dJkw Bry (goods AND Qarpetts I BDi'C RECEIVED BTVERT pind by R.u. The prices will be than ever before. " Rr.M. ftficlntire. Bi1 ITT) TTl -IP x nn 1 TT T j .1,1. y '-i ri'V- a v- T VOB; V WILMINGTOri, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 188i:? ?NO:;248 LOCAL NEWg: "Netv Advebtiszukntf. Prof. Deboit LqcaJ A? Cow, Ban ions, Nails s HKiNSBEKGXB-School Books :U C 7 Yates PhotograpbySchol Books And again, no City Court to-ciay. Cotton advanced one-eighth? in market to-day. this UH GELL iiQUS J'rof Jha Cosmopolitan feJ St' purcst most the mmer brinks' to ,be v?piestn d iin , Tery 1)051 -Wines Ikl OBv JOHN CARROLL, Proprietor.' hange Corner, Vt. lJ ?110 have them csl Ud feofJaU and Win. "SJti' krw' acw Stamping Fat- O DMI?i5- BARBER, IXChaa Corner. JThe receipts of cotteaat thi3 port to, day foot npf86 bales. h'r : Ihe expected news of an' increase of water in IkecJialgol jet arrived. , Bruce Williams, Esq., of Lillington, Tender county, '.was in the city to-daw. Steamship Benefactor, Capt. Tribon, arrived here this morning from New York. Gcr. barque Elizabeth Ahrens, Aim, cleared at Boston for this port on the 18lh inst. " Sol. Ilaas, Esq., General Freight Agent of the Associated Railway?, is in the city to-day. , Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Uooks and Lines. A full assort mcnt and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f The News and Observer speaks cf heavy rains in the interior which may give us some water in the river. The box sheet for the Rcntz Santly troupe will be open at Messrs. Dver & Son's clothing store, to-morrow morning, In the Supreme Court the argument in the case of Fowle and Vick vs. Kerch ner and Boatwright, which was begun on Monday, was continued on Tuesday with the hour of adjournment and was to have been resumedyestcrday morning. Mr. W. C. Coup did a very gracefu thing in Augusta. He invited the chil dren from the Orphan Asylum and the orphans at St. Mary's Convent to visit his show free of cost at the performance given yesterday afternoon in that city. ' Bucfanpaiba.""" New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary atl'ections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases. $1. Druggists. Depot J as. C Munds. - Lieut. Edward A. Oldham, of the Wil mington JLignt miantry, nas been ap pointed by Col. Albert Worth, com manding the Second Battalion N. C. S. G., at Yorktown, as Adjutant of the Battalion, which is a very graceful com pliment and one worthily bestowed. Mr. J. Echter, 210 Chestnut St., Har- risburg, Pa., says : I have been afflicted with rheumatism for hve. years, and for two years have had a sore on my leg the size of a silver dollar, which nothing would heal. St. Jacobs Oil cured the rheumatism and healed the sore. - Corns, frunioiis, Kalis. Professor Deboit,- the ' well-knowm Chiropodist, returned here after an ab sence ofltwo'vears. thi3 morninsr. Pedal- mm' istic sufferers can interview him at Mrs. Pickett's, Market street. He also will cure any case of malignant stammering, having daring a recent visit to France acquired the art of curing these i dictions, as well as producing speech on any intelligent individual born Deaf and Dumb. . : H Quarterly Meetjnzs. Wilmincrton District. Methodist E Church, South. Fourth round. Oct. . -19 Oct. 20-21 Oct. 22-23 Oct. 26-27 Oct. 29-30 Nov. 5- 6 Nov. 9-10 Nov. 12-13 Not. 1617 Nov. 19-20 Brunswick . . Waccamaw, Cypress Creek, .Whitevifle, Sbiioh, Elizabeth, Bladen Springs, Bladen, Windsor, Onslow, Queen's Creek, . Duplin, Wesley Chapel, , . Clinton, Clinton, . t . Coharie . Cokesbury Let ail the officials be present. L. S. BCRKUEAD, P. E. naif of the Caultal In the La. State Lottery. . After the last drawing of the Louisi ana State Lottery it was reported that Mr. John Conners, an engineer on the JU & N. road, had drawn half of the capital prize $15,000. "I understand, Mr. Conners," said a reporter, "that you eld half of ticket No. 43,713, the capital prize in the Louisiana State Lottery." "Yes, sir; I did. On Wednesday before last (the 7th init.) I bought three half tickets of the agent here." ,sDid you have any trouble or delay in getting your money?" "Not a bit. On my n return to Memphis I .went to the Bank of Commerce, which collected the money forme. I got every cent of st." Mr. Conners is a fine specimen of the Amer ican mechanic, broad shouldered, well made and intelligent. . There is no doubt but that he will put Ms winnings to good use. The next drawing is on No vewber 8th Memph A valanche, Sep iember 20. 4 - There aid some half dozen or'o of weddings on the tapis for the latter ipt of this month and tho first part off No vember. - 1 is 7 said ,that there are ' enormous anbant. of . freight acxumulated on the interior water courses, awaiting a treshet to bring them down to this port. ( Mr. Jas. Iredell Meares, of this city, who has been with Arbuckle &Cd:v in Vew YorW, for some time past, has re turned here and has secured a position in the Carolina Central freight ofHce. j v JUrJrfCMfclbe'phvjBiqin utchs H working very hard in his efforts', to get the new public hospital for the city and county open at an early day. It is hoped that it will be ready to receive pa tients by the first of November. Budden Deatb. Mr. Charles White, an old citizen of Pender county, died very suddenly yes terday at his home, about two milts from LoDgOreek. Uo was taken with the cramp colic and died within tan minutes and before a physician cold reach him. Mr. White was about 50 years of age and was known all through Pender conn ty. Unmailable Unmailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Postoffice in this city: Geo W Catlett, Port Royal, Va; Vinie Chalman, Onslow Co, N C ; Addie Rus sell, Amherst; N H ; Albert Williams, Columbia, SO; Margarett Phillips, Roasly, Coney. Island Jennie G Love Society uui, b u. . ' At Home ana Abroad. . The November number of this excel lence publication is at hand already. it contains, as usual, an excellent va riety of matter. We are corry to learn, as we do from its editorial department, that the publication of the magazine is hereafter to be removed to Charlotte at which point the next number will be is sued. Dr. Bernheim's family, we under. stand, are to remove also but that gen tleman will not abandon his residence here until January next, at which time his connection with St. Paul's Lutheran Church will cease. To Builders and others Go to Jaco- bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &g. You can sret all sizes and at the lowest prices." . t Tne c. P., & V. Y. B. n. ; We learn from the Parmer Me chanic that at the meeting of Directors of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Yalley R R, on Tuesday, no definite action was taken as to the sale of the Road. But we understand it is now as good as set tied that the road will pass into the hands of a wealthy syndicate, who will finish it at a rapid rate. It is flow stat ed that the explanation of the sale of the English iron to a Florida Railroad after its arrival at Wilmington, .was due to some dissatisfaction on the part of the English parties who had agreed to f Or nish the iron, and accept the - bonds of the compaay in lieu of cash. They de clined to take the bonds, and the trade fell through The JSronaats. There is no news as yet from the missing serial voyagers, Prof. King and Mr. Hashagen, and serious fears for their safety are gaining ground. ;A New York Sun special, from Chicago, dated the 18th, says that" the newspapers are sending out correspondents from towns supposed to be in the vicinity of where I the aeronauts descended, to gather infor mation and look for the missing men. Western Union telegraph operators are instructed to scan every speck in ine sky and give information of any appear ance of the balloon. The Signal Service at Washington, one of whose employee8 accompanied Prof. Kingi is beginning to express some anxiety. A suggestion has been made that cavalry be sent out from Fort Snelling, Minn and other points where United States troops are stationed to scout for the aerial voyagers. Mrs. King is said to have gone to East Ten nessee." annoyed by the visits of newspa per men and by the -cries of newsboys about the lost ( balloon, bne nas tne utmost confidence in her husband, and believes he is in the forests of Wisconsin, Northern Michigan, Minnesota, or I3a- kota. The chief cause of anxiety is tne fact that the balloon took only 21 hours' lupplj of provisions. . There is much light sickness in town caused, no doubt, by the' late aeason. The physicians have their hands full ' Mr. W. S. Wftrrock, we are glad ." to rote, nas so far recovered from his recent illness as to be able to ride out to-day, . KXRor la To- pa J. 1 Ger.bar que Jaraijd,Iiackan,cleAr ed .to-day' for :Rie de Janenb With 260, 843 1 feet lumber.sjiipped byMessrs Pars ley & Wiggins; also schr.-A7eirose,Lupkin, for Jeremie, Eayti, with 115,133 feek lumber, 203,850 shingles, and f 1,000 bricjs,Jshipped by Messrs orthiLfe; Camming; also Br. barque- 'JtRtadi Edwards, for Liverpool, with 1,900 bales cotton and 500 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt fc Son; also Dan. barque Elene, Dahl.for Rotterdam, with 3,450 barrels rosin and 500 casks spirits, shipped by Messrs Robinson & King and Messrs DeRosset & Co. The Lecture To Morrow Jiigntv We trust that Mr. Forbes, who iaf t lecture here to-morrow evening, in the Opera House, on "The Inner Life of a War Correspondent," will be greeted by a large audience. From what we can ascertain, there is much interest felt in this lecture, and we trust that it will manifest itself in a substantial apprecia tion, - The distinguished lecturer appears under the auspices of the Wilmington Library Association. The tickets are only 50 cents each. ' Uses of Charcoal. Tainted meat, surrounded with char coal, is sweetened; strewn over heaps of decomposed pelts, or over dead animals it prevents an unpleasant odor. Fou water is purified by it. It is a great dis infectant and sweetens the air, if placed in trays around apartments. It is so very porous in its "minute in terior" that it absoros and condenses gases most rapidly. One cubic inch of fresh charcoal will absorb nearly one hundred of gaseous ammonia. Charcoal forms an unrivaled poultice for malignant wounds and sores, often corro. ding away dead flesh, reducing it one- quarter in six hours. In cases of what we call proud flesh, it is invaluable. It gives no disagreeable odor, corrodes no metal, hurts no texture, injures no color, is a simple and safe sweetener and disin fectant. MARRIED. UALK9-WUrXliS At LiVO U1C, U CO. Thursday, the. 6th last , Mr W n. HALES, of Fayettevfll, to x Miss ALICE JONES, dsngntrr of Reuben Jones, Esq formerlj of this city, . ' , - - - - - - - - ' rJ it t-.e fed '21 Under .the rausplce tbf helJiniington UbrHrjsoeiAtion, WarCorresppnentof lie London Dally aOSE-BOD CREAMERY." . I have just received my first sHp ment for the season of fresb, Kew Hulled": ' BUCKIAHEAT 17 will btTfa4 to racTs oactuUrUop fxoa ctt frUnds oa city iai a'J tc! gescxsltet-ragt but rT f ' Tiskuaa of ttowrttsr mart klrt b f- ' 1 nlxhed to lis Editor, f , , -Orrmr?rmTrBrt tewTiiisa. a only Cfiadlscf tea Bttscs T'k' ---.- FerioaallUsi aait bo avoiisd And It ll otpodaOy and r&miaiiy dr ckmdlhil ths Eiltv doaa writ alw'ys cdori 4Hi tlsirg ot 'oontovdeatt o tsV la tit odltorlsJ ooU Itfc; ' " ; ' 17ew A dveftieemonts. J r Female Schooi- n illM IW4(i(i t'l norm f rn Or.H.L' Jbird wecs In Jt- . . t tbwgtd odr frrti dtt , f earra c. bti eat4d:LT ill. 'hk!t. . . .Vv lV.. Ueuactlrn tuaAm I. .11 - . riaitnietlo4 wii! h i is here to: . :nronah . .... ffl':1" wsiiiauftl suet U ilioj t tt i n. educton, cia roccoiaitodtd with ul!a 01s noura t-y eirly app!;ctk.n. - A Umitrd number of torsiB echolar cia r .-; 1 a xa8 iiaxOJy tf une of tb Pt la Zlph d. i , tII IKNEB LIFE OF A TAR CdR- C RESPONDENT. 7 At the Opera House, FRIDAY. EVE NING, October 21st, commencing a 8 o'clk. 'Tickets, 50 cents, can be obtained at Book Stores. - - - ' oct 18-4t .. . t . -. in -.!- 4 " The Phbtoarapher, jAVINa RBrrjRNED frcm his Summsr vacation, U now preprd to do work lath Latest Sly la. - " ITew ini Sond.hsnd BoliOOl Uooka very chaap. . .. . . . .. . vBUp.' HlUSK. cctlT THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Port Office as follows : Northern tnrougn maua. 530 p. nx Northern through and way mails 6:40 a. ca. Kaieign.... o;4U a. m. Mails for tbeN. O. Railroad, and routes supplied thoro from, including A. & N. O. Railroad, at , 6;40 a. m. Southern mails for all points South, daily. 7:45 p. m. Western mails (U Uli'y) daily (except Sunday) 9:00 a. m. Mail for Chora w & Darling ton..... 7:40 p. m. Mails for points between Flo rence aod Charleston 7:45 p m Fayetteville, and omces on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays....... 1:00 p. m Fayetteville, via Lnmberton, daily, except oncaays v:uu a. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at G.C0 a. m. Smith vllle mails, bj steam boat, daily, (except Sundays). Mails for Easy mil, Town Creok, Shal lotto and Little River, 8. 0., very Mon day and Thursday at... 6:00 a. m. ofxh ros DSLIVZBT. Northern through and way mails............ 7:30 a. m. Southern Malls... 7:00 p. m Carolina Central Railway 4:00 p. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. - General delivery open from 6:30 a. m. to 7:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. zn. Stamps for sale ba small quantities at general delivery whan stamp office i closed. 8 30 a . ib Boxes CREAM CHEESEJ Cheese and Crackers 200 JIQQBoxes andj Bbls CRACKERS, ' ALSO. ; fiaarginr and TiB For, saleby Hall & POarsall.I Rose f Bud Creamery . Fresh from the Mountains ' of Pennsylvania, and f J P u re rjaple Syrup. School Books . i - 'w vv ,-h. . m ,. 4- f QLD EOHDOL BOOKS - : Taken in L'xohaas for New nei. School Books usd b ill the diffreat Schoo'i in the City, cai? alwaribe had a t the Ve?y Lowost Ploei at '' HCIK8BEBOERa' ' 1,19 Jicpl and ilario 8tor . WATJSR SnitgCEALr 1200 BUSHELS Virginia fea). ALSO,- . ' . Ye lovers of a good breakfast read and think of ii, This is rno ordinary Batter, bnt has the repu tation of being the finest , made in America. Comes direct from the WHITE AND MIXED COHN. ...... . . ,3 y$.'-rCZ mnch as a topping in any other city Send in your orders to -. UUJJLLL JJ, jaUittWXXKJll9 11 and 13 North Front $L oct 16 i For tale by HAII & PEA2SAIX. "3? 322: LTO THINK ABOUT: ' CHOICE GOODS. "OT BED SASH. ... . - f PLEASE ORDEB EARLY. BASH, DOOaS A5iD BUKDS, BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, &c Fancy Imported and Domestic Of almost every variety. ; Fancy Imported and Domestic Cakes & Crackers Some extra fine.! : ! oct 17 ALTAFFEB, PRICE & CO. Removal. FRIENDS AND Til F, TTTRLTf! crererallv are reD"ctfuiiv nmmA tht lhare removed in v Clear ti Houth ront street, to .loots from r- -chance Corner, where I will 1-e pleasod to eee and accommodate them with a full line of Tobacco and Tobacco ohIa. ThA best FIVE CENT. CIUAR lu the citv. I CHAMPAGNES ATI D PETIT : POIS. me o ue iN w ald. Raisins, Crop of 1881 London Layers - and New Jjay era inJ boxes, halves and quarters. and ; JNO. I. BOATVilllGHT, owc ei JJA50FACTaflD BY WBltHY St " WUs Coapanj, VfhlUTlIla, rt. C r Prieej and suaplM cn appIiesWu Non. 11 tc la N. Front Bead la yocr crdori for the fccl4T de 7-dw tt. JTHE LADillNBURQ EliTElIPRISE TB THS.BEST USDIUlt throvrh jrhlth J 7!RS A!iD iFEJlf ILIZKJQ MTtue ran and ulster Goods aaoarl ' UAlfctflAU tit irmmls nf Bnhin Tint i ZZt . ' son eonsOea, la JTorth OsroSsa, mad fa the If --J" ; CUUN. FLAN1ER3 Enterprise has a UrftsAd laereadnr clrts. LTICke others can get Into correct f this State, haTlkx obtauS Sertr.1 f21001 to advantagwmaly by coffij was paUlshed la FayeSvlUe be&JTfiVi fattalctto SttolSJiSijr " . JAB.; T. PETT2WAT, JlgcnV Adinaij JL L UeDOrslK. ; letsr "VjJlf O - , ..." j- i - - . w -i w AUIULVI - - .1

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