1, 1 '".V lUia lrai ,V.ry afraao. Svadayi fa- ,rWio5s. postage PAI;f Six months, S3 50 ; Three -i j5 - One month, 60 cents. x will b delivered by carrlera, 5 :..r mrtof the city, it the cents per we . - . .... rate? low and liberal lTrecTa their papars regularly. l v THECREAT. FOIt BHEUMATISItZ J Muialaia. Sciatica. Lumbaao. Sacktchi, Soreness of. the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bod7 Pains, forth, Ear and Headache Frosteq Fedi and Ears, and alt other. Pains and Aches. 5 Preparation on earth aqnal Sr. JACOB! Oil. , tmfe, iurr, simplo and cheap external Im&ij. A trial entail but the comparatiTely mlisf cotlay of oO Cents, and erery one ruffer ( with pain caa Lara cheap and pciitrre proof i m claims. Direction! in Harm LaogBagef. 3CLD BTALLDSTT&GISTS-AHD DEALERS IH KEDIODJE, A.V0GELER fc CO., Baltimore, 2fd U. 8. A. ipril HdAW4M t . - Ktt,raff, N. C, Sept. 27, 1881 Franklin ton, N. O Dili, Madams: In reply to your let" touting what I think of your Remedy I would say that the sales have been very air, and io far as I can learn, the Reme ij hu been very satisfactory, to my cus toBiri who have used it, especially 80 in tt case of a little girl of this city, ten jtin of age, who was troubled for a Icif time with sores breaking out over tie face and neck, having the appear of Scrofula, and which had resisted tie trail alterative treatment for a long tiw. She took four bottles of the Bit ten last Spring, when the sores entirely disappeared, and un to this time she has kai no return of them, her skin looking m icr and clear as anyone s. Touting that you may receive the sue i which your Itemedy seems to merit, I am, very respectfully yours, WM. SIMPSON. Druggist. For sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wm. fl. ureen. Send for circular of testimo- oct 3 dw AND JK BEING RECEIVED BTfcEYERY aad by Ettt. The prices will be as or lowei thanver before. ' Respectfully, R. M. Vlclntire. tll Wgell house, SW MANAGBMKT, WlLMIVflTOV, N, C PERRY. . .i-.L?Pr.0P r AtUntis Hotel. rrop er in Look! TiI?VWANTAREAL NICE piece of inrf . ,, uloor button. Bausacres or veal, .U at J0RiJ C. BORNEMANN'S J Store , on yorth aide of Market be- i5. . nJ anJ 5Wrd 'treeta All meats el?!1 rromptlj and free of charge y,Te' rae a caU and aave money. Rpectfullyt t7-frl04m JOHN C.BORNEM ANN. Exchange Corner, THE LAbIE3 07 WILMINGTON are irtfpeetfallJ aotSfled that I have Just m .1 Xxchange Corner, a aupcrb atock Udiea Goods, Millinery, Feathers, &c eli I will bo pleased to have them cal Uttpect. Latest styles of Fall and Win L'L , Md BonneU, New 8tamplng Pat l&inW Kobe and Cloata. OMISS E. JlARRER, Bil YXJ ci Crthangt Corner. nit! Dry i' Pi Pi aL JUL g VOL. V Loekir NE WIS OPP..iUousE.Jfettz Santley Novelty Co Herman n iXT7.fi New Meat St-v.e Opeha Hci n WUow Bdott Sol Beau & Enos Gr! Bargains J Ii Meitox Still Another Excursioi E Levy Local Ad Lieef, Mutton, Ac IIei2tsbeeger--Sc1ioo1 Books . C W Yates Photography fchool Books No Cilj Court to-dav. That Keef!' Extra Fat! at Meltbof '. It ill -and Eve it ! , 1 be receipts cf cotton at this port to day foot up 1,200 bale?. Col. J. R. Davis, of the Davis IIouso in Weldon, was in the city yesterday. 'Most elegant weather and wood and coal dealers look resigned and unhappy ft a Steamship Benefactor, Capt. Tribon, cieais andsails-fcr New York thia after noon. i.One item of the cargo taken oat by the Benefactor to-day is 1,254 bales of cotton. , The Dizzies show in Raleigh to-night. and the Widow Bedolt holds a' levee there to-morrow night. The piazza spring-board crowd have nearly all adjourned to the more con fortablc parlor or sitting-room. New River oysters are . arriving more freely since the change in the weather. Ihey are all to order, however. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort mcnt and lowest prices at J acobi's. t Don't you know it ? If you do go and sec that Beef at Melton's, and if you flon't go and see it anyhow ! It The Wilmiagton Light Infantry were to have been in Norfolkto-day to accept the invitatiop tendered them to that city. Some outhe firemen oa Water street did not hear the alarm bell to-day. It shoal 1 be removed at once and put on a belfry in the yard at the City Hall. The Methodist Conference will meet this year at Durham, on the 23rd day of November, Bishop Wightman presiding. 1 The usual reduced rates will be obtained on the railroads. The argument in the case of "Fowle and Vick vs. Kerchncr and Boatwright, from Wake, which has .occupied the at tention of the Supreme' Court since' Sat urday, was concluded on Wednesday. Cocoanuts have advanced in price from $38 per thousand, the ruling price tor a loner time, to SC5 per thousand. Balti more, Philadelphia and New York are the principal places where cocoanuts are imported. I will have to-morrow at my beef store on Second s'treet. three doors North of Market, some unusually fine stall-fed beef, mutton, lamb, veal and sausages. Call and net sunnlies for Sunday. E. w a Levy, Second street, three doors above Market street. ' t It Mr. Herman Hintz has removed from the New Market to Second street. West side; three doors above Market which he has fitted up nicely and where he will be .pleased to see his ftiends and customers He will have for tale to-morrow some , beiutiful meats which he claims are as juicy and tender as any in the "market. To. Visit lh Workf. Mr. Bacon, the U. S. Engitearia charge of the works at the month of the riuer, will be in the city to-morrow with the steam tu? Easton. and will take down Mr. A. H.- VanBokkelen, Presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce, and a small party of gentlemen who have been invited to accompany, him. The boat will leave about 9 o'clock and the gov ernment works will be visited. The party will retura to the. city about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Oil and II as I c Prof. Ed. Hoist is one of the leading professors of music in Chicago. In a recent interview he stated: For the last two years I have suffered intensely with sore throat and neuralgia, which from time to time rendered me unfit to attend to my scholars and composition ; but ( I am now, thanks to that admirable reme dy, St, Jacobs Oil, perfectly cured, and ean cheerfully recommend it to all who are similarly afflicted. Study, your' interest. Xoa can now buy Cook 'Stoves at factory pricasa Jacobi'. ' t - : - - j. . . - - :- 4 . . . . WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY OCTOBER The alarm oLfire this noon iua caused bj the ignition of the roof of the kitchen at lira. Bunting's residence on Second street, between Walnut" and Red Cros3; The fire Was put out before the engines could get to the scene ajid tha damage raa very light ' ' A number of young SkeQUemea went out possDiahuqting last nijrht, and didn't BtriKe a trail. Thev,POt nat. and lnskf their bearings, and it.was some time be- fore theyJountei? tray back. -home again. Possum huntini? has' lost its charms for them. - " Hagtstraie f Court juouie uarnss ana vioiet iienry are in trouble. They were before Justice! Millis to day, each in turn, defandant and accuser. Assault and battery was the I charge, and in each case judgment was suspended on payment of costs. Alto gether it may be called a drawn battle. The thoughtlessness of people is so great in regard to watchfulness against Colds, etc., that were it not for the won derful curative power of Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup we should shudder at the fate of such. The Lrcmre To-Night. We trust that Mr. Forbes will be handsomely welcomed to our city to night, in thejlecture he isj to deliver at the Opera-House Itls the opportunity of a life-time and from all that has been told us of Mr. Forbe3 we are sure tkat At . 1 a - taose wno ao not go win miss a genuine ntellectual treat. The lecture is to commence at 8 o'clock. I in rnn.mn. Ktnn!r The old and popular house of Sol Bjar& Bros, appears in avery attractive aivertisement in thig day's issued They cirry an enormous stock, which is all bought under very advantageous circnm stances, and which can, therefore, be sold at very low figures. It is imDossible for one to form an estimate of the large stock they carry, without a personal inspection. It fills' two large houses with three large floors in each house, and this stock is replenished as fast as sales " are made. Monday Might. The Rentz-Santley Combination will appear at the Opera House next Monday evening. They remain here but one eve ning Speaking of their appearance in St. Louis the Globe-Democrat of that city says : "Good wine needs no bush," and cer tainly the Rentz-Santley combination now at the Comique need no praise, their peformance speaking so well for itself in the crowded houses that greet them every night. ' The first part or minstrel scene la a departure from the usual style, the ladies all appearing in magnificent even ing dresses of different styles and colors, and with the new scenery at the Comique for a frame, forms a parterre of beauty and loveliness very pleasing to the mas- culine eye. The olio is composed of some ot tne oen specialists m vue variety pro- fession. Manchester and Jennings, in iUClXBUUgB kUU ViAUVCO, BIO CAUCUCUkUUU have become favorites here already. Lottie Elliott, in her skipping rope act, shows great endurance as well as ease and grace in her performance. The Etzeltine sisters gave a fine exhibition of club swinging. -The Parker sisters, in their song and dances; were good. Minnie Farrell, in her quick changes, one of them being done on the stage, chang ing from full-dress male costume to a Highland kilt plaid and lull Scotch dress. The Murphys, in their Irish sketch, give i i p t:ii a very laugnaoio peiormance. xui Uhase, our oia xroviaence javonu,-, sou w, ?j r ?j J I bis partner, uuciuey. in ineir songs anu dances and negro comicalities, keep the audience .in a roar. The Bartlett sisters rendered some duetts in their usual excellent manner. Polly Daly, in her clog and jig dancing, proved herrelf to be one of the best. Some of the singing io the first part was of more than ordinary excellence, that of Miss Rosa Lee de serving especial mention. The after piece, a burlesane on Hazel Kirk, wis one of the best we have seen and was brimful af fun from beginning to end. A number of selections from popular comic operas are introduced and well rendered. Taken although it is in Us entirety one of the most finished variety performances ever given here, a fact that is attested - . a a 3 a. by the uniform urge attendance at eyery performance. Decline or Man Impotence of mind, limb, or vital func- tien. nervous weakness, sexual debility, & cured by Wells' Health Renewer, 51. At Druggists. Depot was. U. Manas. Netcs and Observer'. There are 303 convicts in the North Carolina Peniten tiary, of which number 75 are white and 234 colored; 50 are females, 2 white and 48 colored. CoL Walter Clark re turned to the city yesterday. He repre seated North Carolina in the Ecumenical Council recently in session in London. Mr. A. W. Haywood, who accompanied him, is at Yorktown. ' - Unmailablc tTamailable matter, addressed as fol Iob, remains in the PostoEce fti this Vinia r!ln.lmftn Onclnw Pn: N" C! inr.. TMii; n. T- land; Addic AYhitkj, Kewbero, N 0 James D Boie I'etersbuag, Va ; Jennie PPr & U ; Albert .. VV'wbw; c v. The JEronanis. T&; ere is no news vet iroin ir'foteTSor King, the aeronaut, and his companion, Mr. Ilashagen, and the conviction.' that they are lost is gaining ground. The ascension was made a -week ago yestei day and there Jwere provisions for but two days. A despatch from , Genesee, 111., savs: "About 3 o'clock this after- J noon Mr. Bailey, a mason, at work on a house five mile north of Genesee, saw a balloon, and called the attention of h:s iellows to Jt, It was very high and drittioer in a scuthwesterly direction." This is not credited at Chicago, however. in vue cases oi vue uouaiusoa ana w ise balloons, both of which were wrecked in Lake Michigan, many persons in differ ent parts of the country were positive that they saw the airships passing over i. i... ii e u their habitations. All of these reports were found to be baseless, as the above -511 olM h Th nn virtinn i f 1 U IWU aa.BW bmw ww..v.ww that King and his companion are lost, but as to the locality where they met their fate there is, of course, only mere conjecture.. ' P. S. Since the above was made ready i i - i j.t i. a. l wo &TQ giaa io icara iiiab luco: arc ic- Ports of the Bafely of the daring, yoy- Mr- -Uaahagen, of this Clt rece.1Ted tn corning a telegram from t;bicago wnicn, aitneugn it simply says:' 1 elegram reported sent oy King tDIS mraIDS 10 m8 mie Irom western Mconsin, yei iurnisnes reasonaoie grounds for a hope that all is well with em.; ' Thousands of women have been entire lv cared of the most stubborn cases of . . . female weakness by the use of Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Wes era Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Pout Office as follows : Northern through mails. . . . ..530 m Northern through and way mails . 5:40 a. m. .,6:40 a.m. Raleigh Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. & N. O. - Railroad, at 5;40 a. m. Southern mails for all points South, daily...... 7:45 Western mails (C C R'y) daiJy p. m (except Sunday) 9:00 Mail Tor Cheraw & Darling ton...... 7:45 p m. Mails for points between Fio- renceaDd Charleston.... 7:15 p m vu anH ffir, nn Fear Eirert Tuesdays. ftaa Fridaya 1;00 p ..u vi. T.nmWto. m. daily, except Sundays...... 9:00 a. m. Onslow C. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at 6.C0 a.-, m. Smithville mails, by team- boat, daily, (except Sun days)................-.......... Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Sballotta and Little Eivor, S. O., every Mon day and Thursday at......... 8,so a. Di 6:00 a. m. : OPEN FOB DSLIVEBT. Northern through and way . mails.... .....7:30 a. m. g03tbera Majia...:. 7:00 p. m. ooMna Central Railway 4:00 p. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 II., and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open eame as stamp office. . General delivery opsn from 5:30 a. m. to 7:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. m. Stamps for sale in small qaintltiis at general dcUvary when stamp office U clceei. To Builders and others Go to J aco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t WANTED ! MEfi OF ABILITY ! . TO UEVUZiZST CJEiA-MBEHS5 Dictionary cf Uniyersal Knowledge. ... ansa a -j Coanrra GTCtorsasia or avaar bat wax a TUa !a tha if oat Casual and O aspaet LIta sary Aehiavameat cf tha Ag a. It has ao ojmpetitcf Vie wat eompata&tHolieitora N Peddla'B caad a. ply Ldreslars, airing all deacriptkn. aant on appliaation. J 11 UfiAllBJERS, t LcmU, CUeaio, UU Atlaata, Qa frpt 6-lxadAwi 21. 1881 NO 249 STILL ANOTHER Grand Excursion THEPEOrLETO.J.R. MELTONS Bitcher Shop. " . ? Well, because J. R MELTON ha? ant carries the Finest, FAttest ana L.rg-t Assortment - or. all , kinda of AleaJaln thacity,aiiddrlirered DromrUy aod; free of charge ; -fJls customer - always Sfi wnai icey want ana. tney tcn rely on him .Conie ' anl 'see! for yourvlvea if we don't show you the Fraeet Melf ever shown th Wilmlnjtmi dn JUwnorrow (iJtturday), and a plenty of it, and our - charges arc rea sonable.:: PoHtet vlerk and plenty ot them. yUs Don't roi get thepLcr, Northwest Corner Second and Market streets. , ; , 7 Kespectlully, v''ViU J K- MKLTON, . ; Kucceasor to the "Butcher Compmy, Proprietor of the . oc ly Steam Sausao 3Ianufactory in the 8tate. s i octSMt ? . Star copy .... 1 . OPERA HOUSE One Bight dh?v I Monday Octol)! 24. The Universal Favorites the Celebrated RErtTZ'SAWTLEY MOVfLTY AWD BURLESQUE CSf.lPAKY. The Finest and Most Distinguished Organ!. nation In America.. Comprlslmr the Most - Accomplished , ArtTand Leading Celebrities of the Ecg- - iUSU no American Ptage A POSITIVE NOVELTY. First production on anv atace of th Vw- I and Kjngiuan uunesque, including the uouoie stage and all the modern imorove. Daze-L Kirke, or the UeTfingo of the juascoiz Complete in every detail. - Beantifnl Wn 8le. Superb Coatumes. And all Necwuarv AnrUiaries. Reserved Seats Secured Three Days In Advance at Dvcr fc 8on ntnthimr WWiC. , ftptll Jit Qk,;. OPERA HOUSE. 0JE NIGHT ONLY. - TUESDAY OCTOBER. 25. THE COMEDY VICTORY 1 British America to Florida ! Maine to Mexico ' - " Mr. J . H. Haverly, - - - - Proprietor Mr. Frank W. Paul, - - - - Manager J. a. UAVJSULY'8 - " NEW ;- WIDOW BEDOTT COMEDY COMPANY. The most succeasful Farcical Comedy ever pruuucea, lniroaucing America's Famous Comedian, CHARLES B. BISHOP. As the celebrated Widow, In Petroleum V. Nasby's second edition of hla rmwiud dramatization, supported bv MR. HAVitKLY'S STAKCOMvi)T CO. Kverything Entirely New, Sparkling, and Entertaining 1 Incidental to th rmw will be Introduced .Beautiful Music, Quar. tettes, Duetts, &c, rendered by Misses ELLISTON, CREE8E. Master kENNKR and others of the company. Scale ot Pri ces : Admission as usual. Reserved Seats $1 and 75 cts. Now on sale at Dyer A Son'a. GRAND BARGAINS. SOL BEARS BSOS OFFER NOW ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS OF Beady-Mado Clothing J FURNISHirjQ Q0002I DRY GOODS t BOOTS & SHOES ! HATS! A FULL LINE OF ! AND We res tfally solicit a call before purchasing elsswhere. SOL. BEAU & BB0S oct 21 OILY CLOTH I C T7 wta befiad to raealva oa.jacD!tca frosa our fritadaoa ay o4 all tnhVM " ICaral!Btsm bit taa caaa of tat wrtw nut ) i r tlttsd lo ta Editor. c- OoaBassIeatXonsauut t 'wrltua: c& nlj oat iMa of tat paper PanoianrTw cart bt avaklad Aad It is esptally aad sartielarly kodet stood that tha Edlwdoea qoI alwya mdorT tatvitwioteorraepordaatsirleia po rixiT 1?0T7 AdvertisGmoiiuj. Wev;R2t3at Store. TnAVE LEASED and fitted- up batd-aom-lv the Sore We, tuf.li. r t4.,'' th,rd ar fm -Markft, where I will be gui to e m'T f '. r.dj nd eu- vp 8?1Vdu -f." i-uf.n.i-.L.rab... oct2i-im 'iiUMA. m.m. OPES OU3E. UhicrtLe dulc 0 -v, , "-Ubrry A-ociati n. . War crre5vr.drr:t of .th.- Lociim failv -LWs, wiij deliter hi- rnpul ,r Lecture; eu'itled "TIID INNtr. LIFE OP A v or rv.t RESPONDENT." . a a i m -a ' "w t , "P073 "oute,- 'FRIDAY., FVTu- lioKeU50 cet.ti, C4U he o( utnvd at n k Stores.. . . . tvi BY CRONLY & ilOililis. SALE IF Unclaimed Freight. Wilmington & Vel, R. R. AND Wiliipstofl, CQlumbia & Ansnsta R, H OV Ti KUA.OOfOB-H 25ih,VII, commencing 1 10 o'c'o a. A. M , wlil 1, at onr r.le Rooms, by ordar aad under inspection of 801 UaA , General freight Ate it of the abore named Corpora tiona, ths follow rfc U N o 1 USii . a ft I t7LittH9now in the Warhoate of taid Com paaiea,upoa whir h fre ,h asd iher chartrti hava a t beo paid, via ' Aa 3 mTadflM' tht Jtltak'' 1 bux a jr Nlciclj, Uzy. 17? Bl t;Bu?: i?1 n': W 0U"M 'Ir I !m,ted,' A narwel1' W imtog ton, a pi U bM- tilfT CanaBrjaa Moore, Wilming ton, March J, 18i0 MaSTlaT IS80' J E i,PpUt' WIltnICtoo 1 box Olaia, A Pridgen, P. ooeks . 1 Cotton Gin, Mm. rarmelat 1 bcx Mdae, W a tiardln I caao ejten J K Lil. A Hoa tkg lear kitt tiidoa a J mi ... a, 1 box 1 obaeeo. VFilili For wn I b-x. Canned Loa a. rm irn 1 box O.aai War, fBJ. WUmlDjrton 1 cleca Plfenk. Am P..t. i - Ju 5 4.1860 " ' ".xa.B, 1 bbi Fia,Mj, WiJmi gtoa, Nor 1$ Ti0 1 ocx, ifi array, W ImlnKtoa, uglVBsO Ift Of rlwDffh Point. w it v., nMn. gold " " - S0Xf FS?d Onolioa A Ma re, Oioln 1 bag Coffee. I W) cr (H) Wilmn4toa 1 baeket t andy, (8) Wl mlaf Un lOboxeaHtarcbf) Wl miaitm 1 box Mdse.B Barnth II ml 1 box Candy, Hall & Fearialj, ni mlagtcn 2 Chain, (-) Wllmlogton . af 1 box Mdaa, k Habn, ilnffttoi l Ojx Pepper ranc. Worth a. Wi Worth, Wil. iuinaii' i A Spell, Old Terry 3 bags Caffet, k Koraegay, T, cara Patteraon .S bcxM Candy, Canadr A Wood, Jack- n viila, ca a hall A Pta.i!l 'P iS r"oflr Peanall. JIT I mlnKton WilmSgr6"' WUi' apt 14 at pt U oat 7. 31. li . School Books QLD CCaoOL B00K3 Taken la I-xeaaaie for Xev tea. Behool Book ufd by II the diffrea t Bchooia in tht Citr. tha Tery Lowest Plsa at ' eel 17 The Photofirraohor ,-... fT 4TI5( UZTCZSED f r-n h a ca Mf vacatioa. it eow prp tti to do u ii tl tatettfifyU. ffeir al Pe-oaJ-aiad hci.ol Maoka very caap. .1

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