1U1B r- ed r.rj aft.rn.oa. Sndaji t JAMBS, .RIFTIONS, POSTAGE PAID.P ,C 00 Six months, $160 Thrs .rear, ' .v. 1 35: Onemonin,roii. rr wiU b delivered by carriers, Ptof the city, .til i,r low and liberal ,,rtinK .b.eriber. will please report any and .... .-..ire their papers regularly. receive their papers regularly yew Advertisements. THEGREAT FOK RHEUMATISi, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell- n J jngs ana sprains, aurns ana Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. So Preparation on earth equal! St. Jacobs Oit m v7Mrr, simple and cheap External Jm-dy. A trial entails but the comparatively tridinR outlaw of 50 Cnts, and every one suffer-In- with pan can baT cheap and poaiUra proof ef its claim. Directions in Eleven Languages. 0LD BY ALL DBUGGISTS AND DEALEE3 l MEDICINE. A. VOGELER. Sc CO., Baltimore, Md., XT, 8. A, april 11 daw-nao . a ' Raleish, N. C, Sept. 27, 1881. .Mrs. Joe Pkrsox, Franklinton, N. 0 Diar Madame: In reply to your let- -racking what ltnmK oi your xujr. - would say that thesaies nave Deenverjr i ir: and so far as I can learn, the Reme- y has been very satisfactory to my cus omcrs who have used it, especially so in the case of a little girl of this city, ten years of age, who was troubled for a lonz time with sores breaking out-over ii e j i. ..nini Vio nnnpar. : ' fol ri ,iph had resisted the usual alterative treatment for a long time. She took four bottles of the Bit- ters last Spring, when the sores entirely diaappeare, and up to this time she has tad no return of them, her skin looking u fair and clear as anyone's. Tmstiog that you may receive the sue- cesg which your Remedy seems to merit, 1 "v-M.TlMP6Nr c " A i Uruggisu . . .. . . 1 T I For sale in Wilmington oy V H. Green. Send for circular of testimo niala. oct d-dw - Bsy ood s AND RE BEING RECEIVED BY&EYERY Sieamer and by Rail. The pricea will be as low or lowei thanever before. Respectfully, R. TJ1. rJIclritire. apt 22 Exchange Corner. THE LADIES OF WILMINGTON are respectfully notified that I have just opened, at Exchange Corner, a superb atock of Ladie' Goods. Millinery, Feathers, Ac. which I will be pleased to have them cal and Inspect. Latest styles of Fall and in ter Hats and Bonnets, New Stamping Pat terns, Infanta' Kobe and Cloaks. MISS E. KARRER, oct 7 Exchange Corner. NORTH. CAROLINA HOUSE. JOHN D. STELLJES, Proprietor. Th est of Wines, Liquors, Lager Beer and Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY 8TYLE. MEALS AT ALL HOURS DAY AND NIGHT. Corner Second and Prlnseas sta. .' oct Aspitwjtll Baiitiiias, &c. Tl ECE1VED TO-DAY bv Steamship Reff Xi ulator, some very choice Afpinwall iianaDas, Malaga and Catawba Grapes, 8w-t Juicy Pears, Apples, Lemons, New iffs,Kalslns,&c, at S.O.NORTHROP'S, oct 12 Water and Market st. stores El!! I. Oarois r 1: V VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. W F Or7ma.??x The Club House. II P K Veck A Co Abtbraa Cured .IlErxsBEEOKBIufic Books C W Taxes Thanks to the Publ ic New Hirer oysters are getting fat. Coughs and colds" and sore throats aboard. I'hc receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,527 bales. ! - YennoT8aid that Itwould be stormy to-day and sturiny it h. Schr. Joseph Souther, Watts, from thia port, arrived at Boston on the 23d inst. . Steam&hip Regulator, Capt. Doaoe, J cleared aijd sailed for New York morning. this .ff The Rentz-Santley troupe have toned down considerably from their former say ings and doings. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A! full assort ment and lowest prices at J aoobi's. t The,henroo8ter3 are around. They hauled a handful from the premises of a rVnrl nf nnrs oo South Front street last niht No insurance n,Snt- IS0 msnrapce-! . A Northwesterly wind this forenoon , 4n mr.a mm mnfh ..A .u.MLw5tajJ aimigai uavc uccuc , it disagreeable for pedestrians. . Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory Pricesat FacobI's. - T. , I Mr. Charley Gause, a young gentleman of this city, recently a clerK for Messrr Williaraa&Murchison, died this morning of consumption, alter a lingering mura. Our sympathies are tenaerea ine amiciea i family and friends. Mr. Bishop appears this evening at the Opera House aa ' Widow rtadott. .nnnn.i.1 Vw n. -Btrnnir comDanv. He is - . . , he wiU "rr o uuoviuu6v. r r-: w .. . i. i draw a fine audience; the .maicauons al ready point ito 'this fact. : , ' . l:. m.LnA.a I Mr.VVm. urtmann, at I on Second street, is in receipt of some very fine New River oysters wnica wm u . . t T- : 1 1 v.. i Drepared in any style desired. -Tlie club House is becoming one of the most popuiar resorts in the city. . r f Be d-Bugs, Roacbes. . jtg. m;Cef ants, flies, vermin, mos- quitoes, insects, fec, cleared out by ..Rough on Rats." 15c boxes at drug- gigts Frank H. D.rby, Esq., dty Attorney. . . . !. i i lefL here last night on a visu vo u - . dt J hrother Thos. A. Darby, Jfflq., ai v;eaar r vi His official duties-as City -. - Attorney have been left in the hands of Col. B. R. Moore, who will atteoa io them during Mr. Darby's absence. a-A'a McwVipm News savs : Mr. DeL. Evans is in the city. He represents iviumotn.) riA mills, and we see ouuuai 0 - vac t ..-ww j bv the papers that he has created sensa tions in the rice markets of Washington and Elizabeth City. The competition petition markets Blife of which his presence creates in the r v..i XTiotK HirnlinA is the OI tjasicru nuii." wv" i ,. j . J.rifofthimh"iiy faded our rice traue, uu - here. IJnmaUable TJnmailable matter, addressed as fol . ,-n ilift PostoEBce in this tows, reuii" city: r rnn brothers. 35 Jefferson st, Vtuawu ' - N Y.- Williams Albert, Columbia, S. .'... rr ci .- n-ovillA S. CI C AVilliam n. owiu, ' Mln,t,eU. .1 all There was a large auaience, masculine, in the Opera House last even ing to greet the Rentz Santley troupe. The performance was in some respects very good but in others it was below the average. There was nothing improper, either wuMByiug.w--.-6"-- . .ni;.ni.A wmMl well the stage. iuo Dleased, Mudging by the frequent roanos of applause. . ' . 1 We are pleased to record the follow ins opinion by J. A, lieii, jaq, ZrM. :wTwjiH Chronicle: Sometime since, t attacked with pain and slight A " ' . . . . - .i iKr, in And neiow one uiiuj u a taw anDlications ofSt Jacobsl Oilquretea iucp" , ' i ki - flamraation. I regard it as a valuable flamraation medicine. ' .tiT. nffrcrs"should write to H. r i- t..i- f New York City. See the advertisement - Headed Cared" in another colnian. Aathrrtal It Fit in th country. The kitchen attached to the residence of Uiss M. J. Bobbins, hear Phoenix, in Brunswick county, on the Carolina Cen- fral R. R., destoye by fire last Fri- day morning. The house was also at one time in great danger' but was saved through strenuous efforts. The fire was accidental Tha loss is said to be $500 on which there is insurance in the Agri- ultural, of Watertown, N. Y., represent ed here, by Messrs J no. , W. G ordon & Brofor$25a - , 'I us lirdtcaf Journal. 3 . ... The October issue of the North Caro lina MtdicalJournal has been received. The contents are varied and interesting bat we notice principally an article on the official record of the post mortem I examination of the body of "President I n.M mAa SAnfjunhnr 2flth 18S1. I - i. which is accompanied by three illustra- tions, made for this especial article. There are two very instructive articles tha fc;n. wu f-o ary columns there is a notice of the death, of the late Dr. J. B. Seavy. Pub lished by Dr. Thos. F. Wood, Wilming. ton. at $3 a year. If vou are conarhin? or not but feel tb ni-anrf of ft Cold in the svstem. use I Dr. Rail's Couirh SvruD and feel irame- diate relief. Price 25 cents a bottle. The Great Tronpe 01 Bicycle reriorm- CM The Selbiai and Villion troupes arc , wilt the lireat orepangn Dnw. a IWashinsrton Republican says m M th . bicyole5 are 8pinming around the arena twenty miles an hour, the I tronne mount their machines, climbing Vr ... , . i,ja I and standing upon each other s ueaas, and are seea wniriing arounu tue nuK w defiance of every law of gravitation ! of I otnmg cquxug trese wonaeriai muwui, w.. . . ever been witnessed in the unueaoiaxes i ing the building of a railroad up the val To behold them execute the most difficult I ley of the Yadkin. and daneerous Kvmnastic feats unon m wheel revolving fifteen or twenty mnes an hour, perched high upon a tiny seat, astride a net-work of steel and rubber, which rests only upon the narrow support of an inch-wide wheel-rim, constitutes . . j .afAnnri ner the most asionwning u -o triumph of gymnastic skill the world has . CTer beheld." To Builders and others Go to Jaco- t'a for Sub. Blinds end uoore, uiass 4c You can get M nd at the lowest prices. 'The star of Bathleliem In reply to a correspondent who asked ha tnld what is the large brilliant star w " .1 now visable near the Seven Stars ana . . . ii L. nut,, nri which some persons cu vuo I . .... 7 it 1. C Bethlehem " the JNew xor. ou. - . Til : Thhrilliant twinkler near the Plei- ade8f or Seven Stars, is the planet Jupi- ter. The sur that is bo k-Maria Kelley, Isaac Kellej, Hel the SUr of Bethlehem is not now visible, Jame8 Kelley. although, according to the calculations astronomers, another appearance .. . ofitisdue.anditmayblazeou any moment. This star, was last seen in 1572. in the tune of Tycho Brahe. " shone out suddenly where no star was auoucvu.. y Tisible before, end was so br gh t that it could be seen at noonday. -It grad- r-j-j .ncnmlnir virions hue8 nsanmmir VariOUS UUCH disappeared. This wonderful sUr is believedto have been seen in tbe.years' 1264 and 945. Its ap parent peiiod extended backward would indicate an appearance oi wia awur wui the time ot the birth of Christ; henca if, mme. Star of Bethlehem. If you I - . . t wish to know where to watch for it, iook t ArrroMa to the northeast of some iorvj uoftivv- J0pUer,a04joa wdl a group m n, I o vr n nrp f tVl U9. ' """" These are in the constellation Cassi A. shows I ODOia. sou wo - ?a -xnected to aD- wac w r - 1 - A Testimonial- MUwinr letter was received in thi, cMj b, Mr. B. F. Perrr.cf the P u House, and explains itself : twtt. I. fL. Oct. 23rd, 1881. ' 1 J 1 rrn KttlAtt was maveu ucre tl . u i-re and fashionable I house, io say tna. t v..w r.v - cxpret8i it. They were i as t car- c- j . xr nl.v erer rave auca aai- ZTJo your lady friend. miss it. ours, eve Q. W. Blaccxaix. A The Cape Fear and Yadkin Yalley R. R. The following, which we clip from the Statesville Landmark, will be read with interest here. It is a fact, as. we under- stood some months ago, receiving the in formation in such a way that we could not use it, that a through Western line from the Ohio to Wilmington is to be built and that the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley R. R. is to be utilized as a part of the line. Our information was to the i. effect that men of means and enterprise were engaged in thennderUk jog-andr thai s&me ' of the stock? would be held here. The construction of this road would be the making of Wilming ton. The following is the clipping from the Landmark: . Dr. L.Harrell of this place, ono of tte g directors of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad, was called to Raleigh last weeK to aiiena a meeiiDg . m to attend a meetiog of the for the purchase of the road wouid have been laid before the directors and discussed, and President Gray, who had been made acquainted in advance with the terms of the proposition, was rather surprised that no communication was received, but att ibuted it to a delay for which there was a sufficient reason. It is understood that parties in New York are prepared to offer $55,000 for the State s stock in the road, assume its liabilities and bind themselves to build it according to the charter. They say it raJ their desire to open a line direct -from Cincinnati to Wilmington, and that they can COmmand all needed capital. Presi- dent Gray has visited NewiYork and in- vestigated the business standing f the ,, Tnatinr'the nronosition ana anas I r- flrBtrCtefc "The directors on the part f otftti,ftu0 na voice in the disDOsition of the State's interest in the road, but it is supposed! inai 5 P llB .uuguwaw w, know it sucn an arrangemem wouia ue tigfac torv to these. It is stated that liov. Jarvis is m la- vor of a sale upon the terms pioposed, and Dr. Harrell himself is favorably m- offerg the speejie8t and surest means oi seem- I jjgt of Letters. Th9 foUowiug ia a list of the letters re- ma-inmg unclaimed in the City Postoffice Wednesday, Oct. 26: A Will W Arey. B Ceily Brinkly, James Banksf Jas I H ' rSrOWO. O no V orown, xumc . - - . T,,ATint Opnpo.ft Rlanev. F -' BIak Matilda Blackwood, NG i . . -r. t. T. Brewer, Nellie iJishop, Kacnei uoney, L.izzie .Drown, jvenion joiru. o Americas Cooper, Everline Cor- bett, JsuzaDem vouri jouu, o o y on, Mary garner, rene.ope on,, kJGkl A AW xyvau D Maud Davis. E Fannie Evans, J J Ellis, Moses TFjno A Fowler, W S Frizzile, M Evans. pflrgon. Jn0 A Fowler. G James u . tiause, iienry ureen, ' t-r , t- jmx uavm. ii m c n.nnnn ftilas Hill. Thomas l- """" Froward. Clara Hill. Eliza Herring, Jfil- ' - . -w mi Henry .Julia Harriss, Joshua Hill, Jn0 C Holland Cass Hooper. jLance Bros & Co, Lexington Manuiacturing uo, louisa xioyu, ju a I t i.. vr T imnn WW T.i'trv. Clara lJ-1 ' -g Katie Mapson, Amanda McDonald, Morse Mimes, M XfnrirnA. Mo lie ftlOU. V lOia u niur' Delia Merritt, Geo W Mclver, Fen- Jnll; David Mc- jjonajd A fl Mellen, AUred McCrack- ,. lin. N William Young Norman. P Philmore Piggott, Joseph Pickett. R R Shore. RobeUon, W H Ram?y, Williams Raull, Joshua Russ, Dicy Rob inson, James Rodgers, A J Ruftin. Q Katie Quince. T Richard Thomas, Robert Tieken-, Laura Thompson. . . . S Laura Sparkman, Minnie oiewaru, i twaut" Mafy F Saajers. V T R Vaan. W B P Willis. James C Wilson, Klla Williams. Fannie VWUU ' .ww , - ' u rwvl. Francis Wakins. C W Wadaen, poi. Williams. Lnri3 Williams, John Waddell, A V Waldo. . Persons calling for letters in above list vill please say "advertised'; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. E. R. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington, New Hanover County, tf.C City Conrt. Simpson Richardson was arraigned! before His Honor, the Major, this morn- in?, chareed with an affray. Case con- w mm tinned. Joseph Frank was also charged with! mn iFmv Ann hi case. too. was contin- ned. Alexander Sells, charged with an sault with a deadly weapon, was held in .i r kc in hia art? aracce at WJB auia wi 'rr next term of Criminal Court. Failing to furnish ths bead ha west to jail. 1881. NO. 11 New Advertisements The Club House, XN ADDITION TO ITS FINE X stock of Wines, liquors, Beer ' and Ciarars. is offeriaff to Its ' customers v and friends NEW HIVER OYSTER8, served iU auy style 6ired. My tnotto is to please and to this end.no effort will be spared. Respectfully, : . W. F. ORTMAXN, Proprietor Ortmann's Club House, i oct 25-tf ' Second tt.. Currie'a Block. Drtisson's Asthm&Remedv I Is nneqnaled as a pocitive Alterative nd Cure for Asthma andDyroersiaJ and all their attendan t evils. It does not merely afford temporary rener, Dutisapermaneni. cure. Mrs. B. F. tee. of Belmore, O., says of it : " I at night without coughing." If your druggist does not keep It, send for treatise apd testimonials to D.P.K.PECK4CO- 853 BreailTray, Mew Yori lora. oct 25 3md4w. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY WEDNESDAY, OCT, 26 THE GREAT IRISH DRAMA I As played over 600 ights In Ireland, England and Scotland. CHAS. E. VERNER'S POWERFUL DRAMATIC COMPANY. Overflowing with fan I ' Every scene a Ufe picture ! Laughter and tears crowd each other ! New Scenery and Wonderful Mechanieal . Jnects i . Act 1-The Eviction. Act 2 Revenge. Act 3 Hunted Down. Act 4 QUEENSTOWN HaBBOB. Usual Prices of Admission. Reserved Seats on sale at Dyers'. oct 24 Music Books. T3UR&OWS MUSIC P&IMEaS, Bj T. F. Burrow Joumo's If otic 1 Uataehiim. CfUrrs Dollar I-tuotors. Baliasa'a las puctor. RicbardBOn'i Piano Method. A large atock of the Lateit Sheet Music always on hand. Any not in at cr dan be ordered at very sliort notice, at net 24 HKIIT'BERGEH'fl, OPERA HOUSE. ' one rnoHT only; TUE DAY. OCTOBER 25. THE COMEDY VICTORY I British America to Florida ! , ' , Maine to Mexico Ur prai W.'pIulX- Proprietor. . Manager. J; H. HAVERLY'S " - j . i- - WIDOVUBEDOTT - COMEDY COMPANY. ! The most auceessful Farcical, Comedy ever produced, introducing America' - Famous Comedian, V CHARLES B. BISHOP, As the celebrated Widow, in Petroleum V. Naaby's second edition of his renowned . dramatization, supported by MR. HAVERLY'S STAR COMEDY CO. Everything Entirely New, Sparkling, and Entertaining! Incidental to the Comedy will be introduced "Beautiful Music, Quar. tettes. Duetts. &c rendered by Misses ELLISTON, CRl and others of the Jfff jiana (acia.no company. Scale ot frt asusuaL Reserved Seats bw on sale at Dyer & Son's. oot 21- , Baqrffing' and tiesi 1000 Whle nd Half 110115 Bagging 3000 uunaies new aua p ea Bacon, Coffee, Sugar. - ' - ' 2Q Q Boxes Smoked and D S Sides -Q ' B? Coffee, different grades, i i i Bbls 8urars. Granulated, ZcSjXj ' Standard A, Extra C and looy Bbls Flour, ail grades. 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, Bbls and Boxes Fresh Cakes; 75 50 Boxes Assorted Candy, Potisli, Lye, Soda, i Boxes and Eags. Soda, , " 1 cr Boxes Soap, 75 Half Bbls and Boxea Snufl rpi Doxen Backets, "JQ ReainaVTrapplag Papa as - 1 Hoop Iron, Nafla. Hay, 0t . Randolpi tee I Ttm nhftrers. ' I f rri TZ " ' 19 yui& MTJECBISOIC -".-" - 252 PLEASE JJOTIC. . ' We will br!ad to reiva otamurleatle ftoa onr friend on say to d all raMct. geceratlfitarert t1 r-T ' JTe sa rf wrtt5r net twtys bt f Staked .to tH EdW, " . . '. , ' . os eld of tb. par?v Pertcnailt! isit be avoided - r.AAdit 1 eyscULij j f load thai th4 4ittf do'' alwja rr.dori ta ttTtorTaT1T2A-,, . - TfoV Advertise iaionta PURE CIDER SOMETHING Pat up by a Private' Family, of tho . StatOsof Now, York. . And " Bought dire tly from them EVERY FAMILY " " j ' . In our city Should get some of it in order to see it hat' Pure Vinegar really is. ' ,; FOR PICKLING IT IS ALMOST INDISPENSABLE. OYSTER CRACKERS ' of SEVERAL DIFFERENT VARIETIES. From io ui0 ty zsj cents Der: pou nd. Send in your orders. JNO. L 80ATWHI0HT, iYo: II & S!I N. Front Ht oo. 21 , j Thanks to the Public jfOi THSiii V HE'tA', school lowk patronage. 1 C !! line f i,i'rtaa eftpyOofcd-5, JaTeui'e td f.Altlj. Lk'C'S. Ac. . CO:!-i!l'!2---cV:o Bos5 b r cold at b -thui ta c t oi "ow ons. a n ut f Tuii-;.. ret 24 GRAND OFFER NOW ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS . - -. . OF Beady-Made CMliing FURNISHING G90DS! DRYGOODSI Bnors .V SIIOKS ! HAT S f . - A FULL LINE OF I OII1, CLOTH ! AND We respectfolly solicit a call before purchasing elsewhere. SOLa BEAU z LEGS v oct 21 ; . fliibAi. i 7