HI8 a .vary ra&ott 8"dy,' - t JAMBS. WiU berfad tn recwrra eotnii Pi'Ctf! roa oar rrtesdTos amy and aD mbrwiT" v en KDIT08 00 Six month., M 50 ; Th Three k. II J5 ; One month, 60 oeats. f . -ill be delivered byearri raw rearriara, ? in any P of sitae l3 cent, per week. JabKrilwri will pieaee report mj u Lta receiretneir papera regularly, and 5ew Advertisements FOB RHEUEATISH, . i i. Keuraigia, ocaica, uumoago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Goat, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell' jngs and Sprains, burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooih, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. JO rrffnmon on rsnu cuus ci. wawoo vm $afr, ure, sitnplo and cheap External twifjy. A trial entails but the compmratiroly rAuig null? of oO Oats, and every one suffer fcf with pain can hare cheap and poeltiTa proof f i d&ims. Diractiona in EleTen Languages. ' S2LDB7 ALL BET700ISTS ANDDEALEE3, IH MEDIOINBv A.VGGEKER lc CO., Haltimorr, 2Hd,t U, 8. -A. tprQlldaw-aae tel r Ralkioh, N. C, Sept. 27, 1881. lis?. Jos Person, Franklinton, N. 0 - - H. .-..-1. O Timm4-W. I htk Madame: In reply to your let ttr askiDir what I think of your Remedy. Iwonld say that tne sales nave Deen very air, and so far as I can learntbe Beme dj has been very satisfactory to my cus tamers who have used it, especially so in tie case of a little girl of this city, ten wars of age, who was troubled for a kf time with sores breaking out over the face and neck, having the appear 1X8 of Scrofula, and which had resisted tie usual alterative treatment for a long time. She took four bottles of, the Bit tci last Spring, when the sores entirely iiappeared, and up to this time she has an do return oi mem, ner b&iu iuuuig n fair and clear as anyone's. Tiasting that you may receive the soc ees which your Remedy seems to merit, I am, very respectfully yours, WM. SIMPSON, Druggist. For sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wmv B. Green. Send for circular of testimo aials. oct 3-dw AND BEING RECEIVED BTiEVERY tnacr tad by Rail. The prices -vrlll be a i k'orlowex th anever Je f o re . - , Respectfully, , R. TJ r.lclntire. Exchange Corner, THE LADIES OF WILMINGTON axe respeetfuliy notified that I have just opened, at Exchange Corner, a superb tock tfUdiea' Goods, Millinery, Feathers, Ac. hich I will be pleased to have them cal iwpect. Latest styles of Fall and Win Hats and Bonnets, New Stamping Pat lfM, Infanta' Robes and Cloaks. MISS S. KAKRER, oct 7 JExchan ge Corner. NORTH CAROLINA HOUSE. JOHN D. STELLJES, Proprietor. The beet of Wines, Liquors, Lager Beer inaCisirs. OYsrERS IN EVERT 8TXLE. MEAL3 AT ALL HOURS DA? AND Mght. Unif r 8eeond and Prineees eta. .' oct" For Sale or Exchange DCSI&ABLK &K&IDK5C1C with four 'oocu aod kitchen and good wail of water tea xelUst cardem. f . r sale or eaehaag r Property in'; Wilmington, for partitm '. jPPlyaat TBiaiOFflCE. - iMtt - iioEtii! Dry oops aroefts vol. v Wilmington; n. c.,. Wednesday, October 26, issi. no 253 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisemkxts. 8 G Nohthrop New Chestnut) NouTHKor fe Cummixo Notice A U CaMPBKLiy Administrator's Notice Heixsbe&qeb Mutic Books C W TATEt Thanks to the Publte No Magistrate's Court tbia forenoon. The receipts of cotton at this port to- day foot up 906 bales. Only those despise riches who despair of them. ' ' ' l ' -"'" ' v Among the new ornaments are turtles and shrimps. ; . There are now 33L different styles of. bicycles in use. Nothing realized is so good aB it seem ed beforehand. A man with a straw hat and ah over coat on looks odd. Grapes, gripes, groaps, gasps, grins. growls, grunts. No more seaside or mountain gossip for twelve months. The novelty out is a mock pocket in gentlemen's coats. Typhoid fever wiir sadly mar the pret tiest face in the world. If you are slandered never mind it: it will all rub off when dry. A decided improvement in the quality of the, oyster is observable. A salad of soft crabs and enenmoersis the latest dish out tor discomfort Ladies of style now carry a smelling bottle with them while on promenade. Some of the ladies hats just "opened" are big enough for minstrel burlesque. Young men, remember, virtue is the safest helmet the most secure defence. The buv whn was kent-fat .-after school for bad orthography said he was spell bound. The man- on the "home stretch" can generally be found on the" sofa in the diningroom. Steamship Gulf Stream, Captain In gram, arrived here this morning from New York. ,,, Mai. D. J. Devane and E. S. Martin, Esq., were in Raleigh on Monday, in at tendance on the Supreme Ceurt. The Steamship Gulf Stream brought out a large quantity of hay from New York on this trip. "Tis true, 'tis pity and pity 'tis 'tis true." . .Br. brig ; Signal, Capt. Williams, cleared to-day for London with 1,878 casks spirits turpentine, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son.. . Scbr. Alta V. Cole, Mitchell, from Boston, for this port, armed on the 24th in Delaware Breakwater and the same day proceeded on her voyage. . The poison ofabeestins; may be forced out by pressing the barrel of a small key firmly lor a minute over the wound; no wound or swelling will result. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines: A fall assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t Mrs. Laura L. Saunders, the mother or Col. W. L. Sannders, Secretary of State, and formerly of this city, died at Capel Hill last Sunday, nearly 72 years ot age. v - " The greatest boasters are the smallest workers. The deep rivers pay a. larger tribute to the sea than shallow brooks, and yet empty themselves with less noise. If a little vinegar or some cider is mix ed with stove polish it will not take much rubbing to make the tove bright, and tfie blacking is not likely to fly in fine dust. A letter received here yesterday from a gentleman in FoyetteyUle states that there were gooa rains at that place on Sunday but that there , has been as yet no appreciable increase in" the water ia the river. ' ..... . " Steamship Barnesmore, Capt. Ten cry, arrived safely at Liverpool yester day the agents here, Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son, having -reoeived a tele gram to that effect. "The Barncsmort sailed from this port oa the 6th inst- having crossed the bar aad gone to Eta the same af temooiu . , ..V. . VlCr-Apo!tollc. ' The Baltimore American of the 22d says: The apostolic briefs appointing the Rev. Harry Pinkney Northrop, of Charleston, vicar-apostolic of North Carolina, have .been received by the Most Rev. Archbishop Gibbons. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Northrop arrived ia Balti more yesterday." All should recollect that with the loss of health, loss of enjoyment and- happi ness soon follows. A Cough or Cold quickly undermines the health, and should be checked by the prompt use of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. For sale" by Palnffcl Injury. Dr. J. E. Winants met with a very painful accident yesUrday at his ice. mill on North Front street. By the springing of a lever he was struck in the near neighborhood of the left eye, and a painiul contusion was the result. Had the blow fallen one inch lower it womld have destroyed the eye. It was a narrow escape. Supreme Court In the Supreme Court at Raleigh on Monday the following were among the cases called: . Harper Williams vs. Mary Williams et al&, from Duplin; heretofore argued; court took the papers. John Read vs. William J. Exum, trom Wayne; put to the end of the district. James M. Williams vs. Robert Tea chey, from Duplin; argued by D. J. De vane for the plaintiff and Allen & Isler for the defendant. The Bedotf. The "Widow Bedott" held a levee last night at the Opera House to a fine audi once. It was one of the very best per formances of this or any other, season. Mr; Bishop is simply immense. There if no discounting the real enjoyment he serves out to his audiences. Always ir resistible he has improved since his last appearance Ijere. He kept his audience last night-in a roar of convulsive laugh Ur lUruUsUUUIi VUU vuiuv vw Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Personal, Capt. N. F. Thompson has returned from his visit to the Northern cities. He has made arrangements with, the Elkins Manufacturing andGas Company of Phila delphia, a very large firm, who will estab lish a Southern Department of their bus iness, with headquarters in this city, un der his management. Capt. Thompson will at once secure a location and open for business. He is a gentleman of business capacity, pruck and enterprise and we are sure that he will do well .in bis new venture. A Cure for Diphtheria. The following is said to be an excellent remedy for diphtheria. The disease is declared by Mr Greathead, ot Australia, to be of hyd rated growth, and that the germs of it floating about in certain im pure atmospheres are inhaled by human beings : For a grown person four drops of sulphurus acid diluted in three quar ters of a tumbler of water, with a smalU r dose for children. The effect of this treatment is instantaneous, the acid at once dsstroying the parasites and the patients coughing up the obstruction. Sufferers have recovered in la few minutes by adopting the Greathead treatment Children almost previously in a dying state, were declared to be playing about within ten minutes, and at a computation some forty or fifty of these sudden re coveries have been placed on record, with full and satisfactory results of the performance of this wonderful, infallible and quick cure for diphtheria. When necessity demands you to arrest this dan gerous disease, don't neglect to test the virtue of the Greathead treatment. An Intercitlnr Dispute. The courts of New Orleans have now before them an injunction suit restrain ing; Mr. Simon Silverman, of Indian Bay, Ark.; from collecting $15,000 from the Louisiana State Lottery Company, as it is alleged that Mrs. Emma Clarke of the same town was the rightful owner, and that the ticket had been obtained from her on the promise to collect it, while she was ignorant of her great good luck. The Company have had three similar cases in it history. All that is wanted is to know who is the owner. The next drawing (the 133th) will take place on Nov. 8th, and M. A. Dauphin, New Or leans, La., will promptly give any infor mation relative tiiereUx , Study your interest. You can now bay Cook Stoves at factory prices at This Evmlnff. "Eviction," whichTis to be presented to night at Opera House, is aaid to be a very fine piecav It is founded upon the present rronbles in Ireland and is full of startling sensations. The box sheet is still at Dyer's where seats may be secur ed. - - . " This statement is to show, writes Mr. John Dieffenbacher, Stfasburg, Onto, mat a. nave been afflicted with rheuma tism for several years past, and could not tret anv relief until I used St. Jacobs Oil. Bv. tha use of one bottle I wai much relieved and with the second; I was as neawy cured askit is possible to core rheumatism in one of my age, being now sixty-four years old. - The Wrecked Ship, j The wrecked ship La Louisiana has drifted from her former position and is now about one mile from the shore and about two miles nearer Bald Head point. Mr. James Nolan is engaged in wreck ing her on hehalf of Messrs. G. Boney & Sons, the purchasers of the cargo. Thus far but little of the cargo of lumber has been saved, but under the present favor, able circumstances, it is thought that a considerable amount of it will bs secured during the next few days. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, smarting irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiba. Druggists. Dept Jas. C. Munds. There is a forest ot masts at the docks of both of the compress companies. There was a northerly wind this morn ing, and the atmosphere was cool enough for fires and overcoats, but this after, noon the wind has shifted, and it is warm and pleasant again. Rev. W. W. Colley, who was for sev eral years a missionary in Central Africa, will deliver an address to-morrow night at the First Baptist Church, corner of Fifth and Market streets, "pentine is toy worth in IMS Uiaiact iwo " tober 26th, 1880; rosin 65 to 75 cents more for strained and good strained; crude turpentine 45 cents more; tar 15 cents less and middling cotton f more Mr. James H. Hearne's Dramatic Troupe are booked for the Opera House in this city November 5th. They play "Hearts-of Oak." So far as is now known there will be a gap in the theatri cal season from to-night until the Satur day night of next week. Mr. Charles R. Mayer, a well-known resident of this city, and formerly a fruiterer and coniectioner, with a hfrge business, died here yesterday, of con sumption, after a long and lingering ill ness. The remains were taken to Smith -ville to-day for interment: ; Judge Brooks, ss we learn from, the Newbern Aa.has telegraphed District Attorney Albertson that he is sick and unable to leave for Newbern, as he ex pected to do. The Federal Court is set for Newbern this week and Wilmington next week and we suppose by the above that it is very doubtful if Judge Brooks is able to hold Court. ' ' City Court. A colored boy by the name of Robert Howe was arraigned before His Honor the Mayor, this morning, charged with disorderly conduct, was found guilty and sentenced to five days in the C. P. . Charlotte Green, disorderly, five days in the C. P. ' Simpson Richardson, charged with an affray, was ordered discharged.- Joseph Lucas, found guilty of an af fray, was fined $5. lorepaashs Clrcas. - This big show exhibits in Augusta on next Saturday evening, and the people of that city are preparing to visit it in large numbers. Yesterday's Cliromcle says : "' '; . Prof. Abt, of Ferepaugh's great show, gave a free exhibition in front of the Masonic Temple last evening. A large canvas was suspended against the Tem ple and the stereopticon was immediately in front of this. A very largaxcrowd was in attendance. The views presented were very tine and many of thenvelicited loud applause from the spectators. They embraced pictures of various animals in the menagerie,performancesin the arena; statuary, landscapes, comic pictures, etc The statuary' was especially fine. We have seldom seen as fine an exhibi tion of the kind- If this is a foretaste of the' circus, the latter 'certainly must be the finest that has ever visited this i section, and from the manner in which the press speaks of it, -we believe it ia. ' ' Eatlnr Lemons. s H VA good deal has .been said through the newspapers lately about the health fulness of lemons. The latest advice las to how to use them so they will do-the ost good runs as follows: Most people know the benefit of lemonade' before breakfast, but few know how it 13 more than doubled by taking another at night also. The way to get the , better of a bilious system without blue pills or qui nine is. to take the juice" of onel' two or varyo lemoDs, as iue appeuiecrayes, in as mueir ice-water - as - make r it ? pleasant to drink, without sugar, before going to bed. In the morning on rising, or at least halt an hour, before breakfast, take the imceot one lempn in a goblet of water. I 1 ms will clear the system of humors and bile, with mild efficacy, without .any of the weakening effects of calomel or con . gress water. People should not irritate the stomach by eating lemons clear; the powerful acid of the juice, which is al most corrosive, infallibly . produces im flammation after awhile, but properly diluted, so that it does not burn or draw the throat, it does its full medical work without harm, and when the- stomach is clear ef food has abundant opportunity to work on the system thoroughly. If ew Advertisements ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.: rjl HJE UNDERalQSED haTjtfljf qualified m the Administrator of John ntwim. ift. in the Probate Court, of Nei7 Han rer conn, ty, allper8onihaTi-.fr clis acaiast the es tate of raid iatettatft, are hereby notified to present ineai to cae under sigced before th 26th dav of October. 182. nthAPiA th!. notice will be ple-dsd in bar of recovery ah peri one inaeDtea to aaid ittaatate will make nat meat ta th tely. . As R. CAMPBELL, cct35-Uw6w ' Admifitratr Wew Chestnuts. fJtHE FIRST NEW CHESTNUTS of tho season, just in. - Also, Fine Aspinwall Banana8f i i m S.G. NOKTHKOP'3, oct 26 Water and Market sU Stores Wotice. "VTO BILL AGAINST THE ' Haytiea Brig "DAUPHIN" will be paid except those contracted by . NORTHROP & CUMMING, oct 26-2t , Agents. The Club House, IN ADDITIOV TO ITS FINE S S stock of Wines, Liquors, Beer Xh1r and Cigars, is offering to its mr customers and friends WEW RIVER OY8TERS, served in any style desired. My motto i? to please and to this end no effort will be spared. Respectfully, . : W. F. ORTM ANN, J Pron'rletoT Ortmann's Club House, oct 254f Second at., Currie's Blocks Ih.Sun'sAsthinaficmedy I r n fl PjrpQ AStnna aaa wyspsyaa, and all their attendant evils. It does not merely afford temporary relief, trat Is a permanent core. Mrs. B. P. tee. of Belaoore, O., says of it : turprUed at the speedy rJTcct of your remedy. It u ttie flrxt medicine in tix yean that hoMlaoaentd my cough and made expectoration y i1 ff nigra vmnowi cougnma.- ai jour urugsot uwm Keep u, oea , liway, MewYriu HOUGE. oriE nioiiT oult i i t WEDNESDAY. OCT 26. THE GREAT IRIS II DRAMA ; As played over 600 ights in Ireland, England and Scotland. CMAt. E. YERNER'S POVEOFUL ' DRAMATIC CCMPANY. . Overflowing with fun ! ' TC-rnr rMn a llffd hlr.turft . Laughter and tears crowd each other ! New Scenery and - Wonderful Mechanical isnects I it' . Act 2 Bktex oe. s Act3 HtTSTED Dowjr, j- . . Act 4r-QcxssTOW2r HabboxI Usual Prices of Admission. Reserved Seats on sale at Dyers- n oct 34 tVlusic Boolcs. Bj T F. Bvrowi. JovMe'a UasSeal UtUMea. Clark's Dr liar iBstmstors. . . i -BeLaek's Plaxo IaatrBetor. ' , Ricardion'a Piano Method. . . A large ! ck of the Lateit eheet Vuaie aJwaja on .band. J Any not Iatcek"a ordered oa abort as tiee. at jof t? writer surfala ftti fa I QoMdtniieatioaj aatt be wrtttea on xdj oae aide of the) jar 1 : - . Pprioaailriftj maft Tbe avoldeJ " . 4 f ' .'..-'. - .' . !. ' i ' toed that he iiliW does oot alwuye twdorT , the views ot eorraveidente vrleas so ataT" latle-etorfftTi Heir A dvert! vm on ta. PURE VOIDER , ; 4 SOMETHING : Put up by a Pr i vato Family, of the - State of New York.' And" BdngBt dire UV ) from them " : : EVERY FAMILY , In our city Should get some of it in, order, to see what Pure Tinegar v really is FOR PICKLING IT IS ALMOST IDISPEKSABU;. OYSTER CEiCKESS of ssvEnAL DiFnmn variety s. . J':Tj fin '' ' i . i . A , '. ; iom j.u cents to cents per . pounds vr:- i i'.ft.r ys3?. ,trwr 00 24 - . ' ' ; i . ' , 1 . " li Jhanks io" ta PublfCe pO O HSt, Yr . i . .lHAitA. cho 1 i'.uok p itr a e. '1 C p.w r'Md? to h' w - line of i'icta" a a nm ,d a,lt bBcy Qad 't Jureuiie li. o Ac. J9 Ktra.ber tlat ?co id-i land ch.o Hooks ara sold atTbiitha'f tit eoet ol .New 9Qs..at . . , v . w i. Ji'o :-.iu!ii3, oet24 GRAND BAPiOAlMS. SOL. BEAK BROS OFFER NOW ONE Or THE LARGEST STOCKS '. ; OF. Beady-Mado Clothing FURNISHIHQ 00QDS! H R IT GOOD S I . . ... . . . - , i DOOTS & SHOES ! ..11 -. T HA 7 S ! " A FULL LINE OF r OIL GLOTH! i - . ( - : AND Vfc respectfully solicit a call . before purchwiceJsewhere. 30E. BBAE & BHOS: - i i i it 1 m

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