V 7 tniartrza. n T. JAMBS, - rRlKTlONS. POSTAGE PAID. C 00 Six months, 'SJMjThwe .war, 1 : ci 15: One monui, Ppr -ill be deuverea dj cimom, 0 Pp nartof theitv,attbe 'f,lor 13 oenti per wek. a7b.critwrj will please report any tno -to rewi their paperi regularly. fiil i THE GREAT. FOR RHEDIATISI, M,i,rn!cia. Sciatica. Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily . Pains. . Tooth. Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and tars, ana all otner Pains and Aches. ' ... n nn oarth canals St. Jacobs Oil m safe, sure, simple and cJieap External Zmtir. A trial entails but tho comparatively .: f r.rt rnt nd evenr one sufier- t( with pain can have cheap and positive proof tf its cUimi. Directions in Eleven Languages. EOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AITD DEALER3 lit mxixixui-nxK A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Hid., V. 8. jI prillJ daw-o.se ta Raluqh, N. C, Sept. 27, 1881. Mr?. Jok Person, FranklintonrN. 0 fine if in awe: In reolv to vour let ter i&ng what I think of your Remedy. T wnnM Rav that the sales nave oeen very kir. nd n far as I can learn, the Reme dy has been very satisfactory to my cus tomers who have used it. especially so in the case of a little girl of this city, tea Em of age, who was troubled for a ug time with sores breaking out over the face and neck, having the appear Smfnlft. and which had resisted the croal alterative treatment for. a long tim Rhp. tnnlr four bottles of the Bit- iPMUstSnrintr. when the sores entirely nrftrpd and nn to this time she has hid do return of them, her skin looking Tiusting that you may receive the sue cesi which your Remedy seems to merit, I am, very respectfully yours, WM. SIMPSON, Druggist. For gale in Wilmington by . Dr. Wo. H. Green. Send for circular of testimo nials, oct 3-d aw Dry ;Cad:od s AND airpefts jRK BEING RECEIVED BYi.EVERY amer and by Rail. The pricea will be as to w lowei than ever before. Respectfully, R. IY2. Ulclntire. Female School. l83K;BURa 4 JAil&Hm.Pjincipali Jtaa. M.KcU8Q150'Mua:cal Kitructreis rpH.E10HTKKHTH AWBfUAL Bewioa A of tail School will ooffiiase on Wedaea "J, October bth, 18S1, and clot about tile Wwkto Ja188V PplU wo enter after tho firt inctth will ot eaefed only from date of entraaee, brt JJ "xpaeted they will attend ichool iht re- Waroftte a?aion tmlea otherwise pr. tl by Ul health, or rem vat froin the JT- Dedacticn made la all easea of pro- te!Udatekaeea. The couraae of inatmctioa will b as befe- taaronth and vyitematie, "MTior Indiridad atuntiL from tlw r"rin- Optlg. The -eheol or Melo will be eordaeted by ?. H Cuhia. Pnrile ontside ef the Nl.:wihlif t . enter fr tha braneh of vacation, an teasoommcdt4 with sal ta whoan tj early application A. iuniictf Bomber of eoardinz eebolara can JJTeVl In the family of one of -tbe Frin- 'or farther partlenlan. tee Fr incipaii, or .fordreaUti. , . aug SO Jew Advertisements. IB 11 oral r T i-Ji VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. CM THURSDAY, OCTOBER LOCAL NEWS. N.TW ADVZRTISEJlEXTSa Notice North Caiolina Industrial Aeso- ciafion A II VaxBokkelex Turpentine Harlds IlEiKSBEHaru Muf ic Books C W Yates 1 hanks to the Public A strong combination- -beefsteak and onioiis. .The cry oC competing railroads give JQ3 a (are fight. You el(Jom Gnd aa attorney.at-law- he knows better. f The receipts of cotton at this port to day -foot up 1.50G bales. Sampson co-anty fair opens November 16th and continues four days. i . " - No room was ever made large enough to hold berth a fat man and a mosquito. livcrythiDg has to pay up sometimes; even the little chickensTiave to shell out. Alan born of woman is ot few days and full of Echemes to get his name in print. No man is born a bore, because a bore s the one thing in the world that cannot be borne. Every lady should belong to an archery club. Skill in drawing a beau is very desirable. Ii you want to get whipped, ask a thoroughly bald headed man what hair dye he usas. An affectation in jewelry is to wear a aolitarie Earmhire screwed in one ear, and a ruby of.correspondingsize in the other 4 Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory jprices at Jacobi's. t It has been truly said that some men are like the rockiDg horse. Tbey are al ways on the "go," but never get ahead. No better advice" could be given an asnirant than the terse little counsel of g RmPrsnn! "If YOU want SUCCesS, 8UC- eed." What utter nonsense to speak of stock reports! Every child knows the report dopa not come from tho stock, bat from the barrel. A a a nerfect. reliable and economical remedy, we cordially recommend Dr. Rrtll'o nnnrrh Svrnn. Price 2a - cents a a 4ii vw J ST bottle. For sale every where. The new butter made from cotton seed ml in the South is now known as "oleo- cottone." That taste, however. doesn't improve its Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint. ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jagobi's. t " 'The first bop of the season will be given by the Lotus Club on or about the Qth of November. The L Arioso Club has not reorganized this season. The Farvier and Mechanic thinks it as cood as settled that the CI F. & Y. Y. R. R. will pas3 into, the hands ofhe .nnitalista who are to onen a line from WMT w - A Cincinnati to Wflmmgton. Tn Rnildera and others Go to Jaco- bi's for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass Xrf Yon can et all sizes and at the lowest prices. t A French chemist can take sugar, flour and other substances and make a nicer egg than a hen ever laid, and the hens must' feei fearfully ashamed of themselves. . - . There was a private ball In Rankin Hall last evening given by a young gen tleman to his lady and gentleman friend?. Jt was a very pleasant affair and the dancing was kept up until 2 o'clock. Peculiarities of journalism: Newspa per men don't go into business places and say: "See here, I don't 'like the way jou arrange vour show winflow, and I'm going to have it fixed? Not at all.- But other men are continually coming into newspaper offices with very similar com plaints. Isn't it about time that people looked upon a newspaper as a business operation?! : .," : -' Bucnupalba." New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or' difficult urination, kidney diseases. $1. Druggists. Depot Jas. 0. Munds. Nor.barnoe Fagna, Knudsen, cleared at this port to day for London with 1,752 L casks spirits turpentine, -snipped by Messrs. Williams k Murchisoa and Chess, Carley & Co. : 'I 7 .0 ATT J " ETietton There was a fine audience at the Opera House "las t night to witness the play of "Eviction." The piece is on the substantial order andis fail of surprises. It was' well rendered and the audience seemed satisfied, as a whole. The.troupe played here but the one night and left this morning bound North. 'ParaUzed Mrs. Ellen Eden, an aged lady, residing with her daughter on Dock Street, be- t ween aixxa . ana , oeveniu, ws itjacu with paraJjsiaia'nJsntete Sjand 10 o'clock. Her tongue is not entirely paralyzed but 6he talks with the utmost difficulty and can scarcely be understood. Mrs. Eden is said to be about 70 years of age. - ; i Unmailable Unmailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Postoffice m this city: F.Sadgwar, Mars Bluff, S, 0.. Dan iel W. Bell, Coliinsville, Co.; Messrs. E. S. Jefifrays, & Co., N. Y A. G Goodwin, care H. B. Claflin, & Co., N Y.: Wm. H. Swain, HendersonTille, S. C; John H. White, Moss Neck, N. C.; Henry Gardner, Box 177, Mass. Mr. Wm. Lowery, Foreman Suffolk Manufacturing. Co., 592 Washington street, Boston, thus spoke of the way it works: One of our men had been suffer ing with severe pains in the side and back for some time, .tie usea a numuer of remedies withoat relief, and at last was persuaded to try St. Jacobs Oil which entirely cured him. I can highly recommend it, as by its use several other of our employees have been cured. Supreme Court. In this Court, on Tuesday, the. consid eration of appeals from the third judiciaj district was resumed and cases were dis posed of as follows : . Wm. Daugfitry vs. Samson Warren f ala Trntn Karrmsnn arirued by E. W. Kerr, 'for the plaintiff and J. L. Stewart for the defendants. : , Sarah Holmes et als., vs. Elizabeth Holmes et als, from New Hanover ; put to the end of the district. . JamM ionr vs. 1. B. Hill et als., w aaMWM from Sampson : argued by J. L. btewurt and J2. w. iverr ior tuu puamwu , w counsel for the defendants. KtatA va. W. J. Penton et als., from New HaaoTer; argued by Attorney General Kenan for the State ; no counsel fn. ika fofonr)a.nts State vs. Wm Tyler et als., from New Hanover ; argued by Attorney General "Kenan tor the State : no counsel for the defendants. , ' State vs. J. T. Edens, from New Han over; argued by Attorney General Kenan for the State ; no ctiunsel for the defend- A p wkitA At ala. vs. Beaman it . jwntoTfl I from HamDSon : ar gned by E. W. Kerr for the plaintiffs, and J. L. Stewart ior mo ucicumuw. I ll Ferer la '62. Some one has been furnishinsc our neighbor of the Star with extracts from a diary kept daring the prevalence of war of the yellow fever epidemic In tnis city, in 1862, It is rery interesting but there are two minor points which we would like to correct. The Medical Par- Teyor had no storehouse on Dock street. The articles stored there were in a quar termaster's warehouse, under charge of Maj. Jno. W. Cameron, and the keys were kept in his office and generally nn der the charge of the editor of this pa per, who was employed in the depart ment. Tho stores contained there, pnn cipallyof spirits, were, if we recollect aright, drawn on very freely . for the use of the sufferers but always, be it under stood, on a proper requisition. , t The diary-writer ' also' says that the townspeople were quarantined by the Sounders. This is another error." Maj. Cameron and his staff were quartered at Wriffbtsville Sound, on the old Dr. "VVright place, daring the prevalence of the worst phases of the epidemic e came to town in the morning and at tended to business throughout the day and returned to the camp at Wrights rille in the afternoon. -, We all mingled freely with the residents at the Sound and there was no restriction, or attempt ed restriction,-on the intercourse. The epidemiedid not reach the Sounds. There were a "number of cases, carried from the city, and several deaths,, but the disease was in each instance contracted in the city. The physicians declared that the greatest danger consisted in remaining in town daring tha night, and hence the Sounders ielt easy. The result proved that they were right. We passed through tii a emdemic here in all of its ieanoi realities and thtatforo know whereof .we ipeak. .i-,..,.,, ; ...... if I. mi in :.' 'yw jV -I' VA 1i vr " 'WW " V ; - ' ? . The third annual' fair of the North Crrolina Industrial Association will be held at Raleigh on the last day of this month and November 1st, 2d, 3d; 4th and 5th. By notice published elsewhere it will be seen that a reduced fare has been established. Foreoangh's Great 8how We are satisfied that Forepaugh's cir cus and menaeerie will be the ereatest attraction of the kind that has ever vis ited W iloington. It is spoken of every where InTiEo hilehest Vterins of I praise. Tho JLUanU Constitution gayt: -Wo say mamapUr, fof itally the new featr urea, rare animals, size of canvas and all that goes to make an immense show, was presented our people yesterday by, Mr Forepaugh, and the verdict of two im mense audiences is, that the above named gentleman in his line of business, stands about head, if not head. The street pagent was witnessed by thousands, who were delighted by a spec tacular display, making a reality of that beautiful dream of India, the departure of Lallah Eookh from Delhi. The lovely princess, seated in her howdah upon the bacK of. an elephant, richly appareled and attended by her handmaidens ; fol- Trtwin cr tliAm npra rftiaTia find moral lords of the court, aceompanied by cava liers riding champion steeds, and reful gent with rich, oriental .trappings, all makine: a splendid spectacular pageant. The magnitude and merit of this colos sal combination must be witnessed to be appreciated. We have not space to mention the extensive collection of ani mals." Lemon Juice In Diphtheria. Dr. J. E. Page, of Baltimore, invites attention to the use of fresh lemon juice as a most efficient means for the removal of membrane from the throat, tonsils etc., in diphtheria. In his hands (and he has had several of his professional breth ren say the- same) it has proved by far the best agent he has yet tried for the Tjuroose. He applies, tho iuice of the lemon by means of a camel's hair probang to the affected parts every two or three hours, and in eighteen cases on which he has used it the effect has been satisfac tory. There was but one case before the Mayor this morning. Oscar Jones, col ored, was charged with carrying a con cealed weapon. He was bound , over to the Criminal Court in the sum of $50. Mary Anderson has been appointed lighthouse keeper at Round Island. This, of course, is not Mary, the tragic actress, for she knows nothing about lighthouses. Br. barque W. D. Seed sailed from Hull, on the 25th inst for this port ' Brig Aflon, Johnson, cleared at Pnil adelphia on the 24th inst. for this port. i i Warner's safe Kidney and Liver Care THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at tho City Poet Office as follows : Northern through mails 580 p. m Northern through and way , mails'...... 6:40 a. m. Ralelsrh... ....... ...... ........ .6:40 a. m. Malls for tho N. C Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. k N. O. Railroad, at. ... M ...... M 5;40 a, m. RnnthArn malls for all DOintS Sooth, daily.. 7:45 p. m. Western malls V Utt joauy (except Sunday) 9&Q a. m Mail for Cheraw & Darlings ton.......M -- 7.45 P rn. Malls for points between Flo recce and Gharleston...MMM 7:4Sp Fayetterille, and offioao on 1 ' Capo Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays......... L00 p. m. VftvAttArlllA. via Lnmbertoo. . -. -. daily except Sundays...... 9:00 a. a. Onslow Cv 11. and intermeai- , ate offices, every llonday - and TBarsday at.M.M'.... 6.00 a. m. Smlthville maila, by steam boat, daily, (except ; 3un days)......M...... 8.80 a. n Uails for Easy HllL Town , Creak, Shallotto and Littlo River, 8 O , every Mon day and Thursday at 6:00 a. m. - OFX2V FOB OXUVKBT. Northern through and way - - mails: :.. ...... ...-70 a. ra. Southern Mails...: 7:00 p. m Carolina Central Railway...... 40 p. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 50 p.- m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. . . , , General delivery open from 5:30 a. m. to 7;00 p; m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:80 a. xa. - J . : ; Mails oollectefrom street boxes orery day at 409 p. zn. . Stamp for aalo m small qnanuues a eeneral dsUvery when aUsp offica U lrri - , 27. 1881. NO. 254 COLLINS CARE In Duplin county, on the 11th Inst., at the residence of the bride's lather, by Jtev. Jame M. Sprunt, D. D . Mr. K. w. UOLLINS, ot Fender county, to Mia ISABELLA. L . . daughter of Olbeonii. Carr, Eq. " '. ... .. ... ... ', ITcw ArJvortiEomentu Tu rpentine r H ando XTTANTED TO WORK aVmy turpentine YV. . farms in South Carolina and Georgia. Hanis of good character that want to work ana Teeerre gooa treatment witn lair waes and prompt pay, can4 apply In person or by letter. a. u. vavuuaaisLU.iN. vf oct 37-dtwrw6t f : 9 it.i I f I THIRD ANNUAL ' FAIR OF THE TJorth Carolina INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION, AT RALEIGH, v October 81st, November 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and . - 5th, 1S81. . REDUCED RATE OF FARE OYER THE " AY. & W- R. R. Yisitors W Raleigh, N. C, attending the Third AnnuaLFair of. the North CaroliBa InduBtrlal Association, on Oct. 3l6t, NOV. 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th, 18SI, will be trans ported over the Wilminjrton & Weldon Rail Road to Goldaboro and return at 2 cents per mile each way. . -. ! - Articles Intended , for exhibition will be transported at Regular Tariff Rates, atd if returned by party exhibiting, (which fact should be established by certificate of Secre- . tary, or by presentation of original ship ping receipt,) will be billed back free and amount of freight paid thereon returned by Agent at Station from whence pped. t tST Wilmington to Raleigh and return, SOL HAAS, , A. POPE, Gen'l Fr"t Ag't. Gen'l Pass. & Ticket Agt octJnyzv, si , ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. m iE UNDBRdIOiD hailar qaUified as tee Administrator of John Dawson, (tcrc, fa the Probate C nrt of New Ban ver oonn 'j, all ftenona having eltintf a, aloft tha et- tate of raid iotertat-, are Ittreby notified to preeentthea to the nndersigbed before the 26th day of Octobar, 1883, otherwise this none win do pie a da in oar or recorery.. All persons indebted to laid Intestate will aake pay meat to the nnderrfffed inimedl et2S-law6w Adminiitrator Wew Cheotnuto. fTlHE JTRST NEW CHESTNUTS of the season, just In. : Also, Fine AspinwaH Bananas, . Applea, Pears, Grapes, ' New SweetCider. Ac, at 8.G. NOKTHROP'B, oct 26 Water and Market st. Stores The Glub House. ri ADDITION TO ITS FINE N S stock of Wines, Liquors, Beer Arr and Cirara. is offerinsr to its customers and friends NEW ' RIVER OYSTERS, oerved la any style desired.- My motto is to please and to this end no effort will be f pared. Kespectruiiy, . , " W. F. ORTMANN, Proprf eior Ortmann's Clo House, oet 25-tf 8econd St., Cnrrle's Block. : i 'i DriSaBSon's wyftTnsRosdy Ja naeoaaled ae pottiTe Alterative end Care far Arthsa tjidSyxpis ImSmmmmmJ and all thdr atteaoant arils. It does not mere! afford Uroporary relleC bat It permanant roie. mtrprimsi at lu ipeectw cifeeu afyor remedy. JX i the ftnt mcxtiet in tix yean that Ju lootmed my eotoh caul made mxpteiomiion eaty. Jnou tteep aU keep U, send far treatise voA testi mooll to PECK ,BOWV oct 2i4dw. For Sale-or Ezchan(re DESIRABLE RISIDETC2 with focr roosas oaantehem and rood wen cr water bO oaoelleot rsjdesV for sale or exchaur or orcportr is 1 HaJnatn. Fer partim at orpij u ..xmji oiiica. PLK18 V7e will be r I ad to receive eouj is oii '-alias Lca ott fries ia on ary and all rabjefltf . 1 The aaato of the writer usrt always be fa to the Editor, saaathowrtttsa oo only' CIS kUs of the paja ' Fersosaauss cut be avoided And it la'erpeeUDy and 1 rt'-.UTlv wndr anas too hAitr oeee t orweyf end on tho views o eojTsepoc dents aaleat so Stat in the editorial eolo e.! ' ; t TJotice. "VTO BILL AGAINST THE '4 Mavtien Briz ,DAUPHIN' will S bo paid except those conlractcd by NORTHROP k CUllilING, oct 2G-2t Agents. ThaiiKG to the PuWiCi- FiOft THKIQ TART LIBERAL tsehocl Book patronage. I an aow ready to shew k14 IUB VI l(re X.IlkUU EEU AKil a&ey Good, Javoailo Boots, Ac. '." fS Renteotber that ?ecoad-Dand ?choo Books are sold at about half the ooit ot New oats, at k " T BOO'. HI ORE. - "et24 Twluoic Books. ! - BORROWS UUEIO Pl EiH, v . r ByT.-p. Uurrowi , - . . . . :.Jf. ir . . tfouni jausicti uatrtDism. Clark's D liar Imtrnotorg. ' Bellack's Plato Itstroctor. " Richardson's Piano Method. ' "A large' it-ck of tlie Lateit t'hect Masle always on haad. An r not lo ft ok can bo ordered on thsrtfco'Jc, at . oct 24 ' tlKiN BEHOEu3. : 'iB? i: -S3 TO THINK. ABOUT H OT 3EO 8 A i3 H . ' PLEA'SE ORDER EARLY. sas, nam m buhos, BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, fcc ALTAFFKH, PHI PR 1 CO. oct 24 mm mm. SOL BEAR & BROS a r.. .'' OFFER NOW ONE OP TIIE LARGEST STOCKS of . ': ; : ' -. Beady-Made Clo thing J . FURrllSHIflQ Q00DS! D R 7 GOO DS t BOOTS A: SHOE! EATSI A FULL LINE OP Si CLOTH! AND "We. respectfully solicit a call . before purchasiDg elsewhere". " sol. BEas & bsos; oct 21 WATER 'MILL siEALr- - . 1200 v:u ' - 3-'. : '- :- ' ALSO, WHITE AiiQ foftXEO.GGHNi For tHeJij , . HALL &; PEiiESALL Sfs. ia"t'

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