1HI8 PAPBB ... -T.rr afternoon, Sundays- nprr JOSH. T. J AMB8, KDlTO AX PKOPBIKTOB. -ohifTIONS.FOSTAGE PAID. 8 ,U 00 Six months, 82 50 j Three .s. Si 15: One month, &0 cents. " -nr will be delivered oy carriers, "VhJiT P"tof all.; . .. rwi, or 13 wnu per we. "Ln rate, low and liberal e-Sabicribers will please report any and Glares to receive their papers regularly. ye-tf Advertisements. r vr 1 tl H VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. 6 MONDAY; OCTOBER 31, 1881. NO. 257 j k v II r a vr. i xv . - 'w rzt. . - Two trifliner cases were all that the Hr. Kali's Card. I Prom Ottmany. Mayor was called upon to adjudicate this Mr. M. M. Katz resume! in this issue I The mother, a brother, a sister and an morning. his. advertising space in the Kkyiew. aaoptea sister or me aiessrs wcsacu, If ew Advertisements Dancinar School. w - ' . . .. . - 7T , s He makes an attractive disDlav. His this city, arrived here yesterday morn -trof. AGOSTINI will oten his Dancina: iroi Agosuni wyi open ms oanc.og in great v.- ing on the steamer Benefaeior, from - school in this city on Wednesday after- sra is complete ana n is in great v .md School in this city for Ladies and Children noon for ladies and children and on Wed riet" He carries a very large assort- ew York, at which port they arrived on Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Gen- noon lor laaies ana cnuaren ana on uu . , , , , . , . i..D,irrmmr..mnv will hAr. wn.r J7r,r t s nvwir - , - - I meut 01 aress eooas ana is preparcu w i v.uJ( ..... - i ..j-j w..-, - - -- nesday evening for gentlemen.. J. Ln, Lfter make their home here. OntIie UfH.ft?f . I UUUiittkig UT Uiuu utsi .ww 1 - i CIA T o 15llC. WCl Ul'it M W - - - A. A m a K Nor barque Brcckka, NeilBeo, cleared house. He invites the attention oi the passage out on tne ocean steamer, PLKASS SOTIOS. ' W will be clad to reeelva eoxaiQunltloa rak ow frieadj oa aiy and 'all fsbjetU a . Tie east of the writer nut alrTt be fa Blslve4 to tW&fltar. ' .''- Ctenmualcitionj csit be Jwrtrtsn: cn oily oat side of the paper , Fersosslltlas nut be avoided ' -And it Is espeelallT and i;?ittlr!7 ucd tr stood that the Edltr does nti alwsyi endofT t the views of correspondents .ntJAtd to ttat U the editorial oolu?-.&ft. 1 New AdveHumonti - The Clothing Revolution. mm t t Ki nnrt fnr i.iupmnn! nn Satnrdftv Lrtnnrtr &. of the citv trade to I little cirl, the adopted-child, was badly afternoon with 1,278 bales cotton, ship- the excellent goods and the low prices at scalded on the side by the overturning pe3 by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & on. which he is oflering tnem au. j 1 31 u ctllc m The Balclf,aiton board the .chponeH , "troe, 'tis pity, and pUyHi,, 't& Mde from hmle materia and Julia Elizabeth will be continued to, S,r"T,tT. ine ha. Parker", Hair Balsam ha. I oocVM UeSWxM - - eiegant and 1 x, ta at 4T.A friAt Dork r-M. ;. Anlr 9S rnta a bottle. reuaDie nair resioiauve. 'C I ViUlilY Jt iitviiso) - - auu vVAvao wuvs v Fruit at Auction. FIRST CARGO OF THE SEASON. M. CROITL."K , A.actioneer. BY CHQ25LY & MORUIS. street. Personal- Mf.L. Flanagan has returned to the Supreme court- In this Court, on Friday and Saturday, oftc FOB A I- 4 ft sv si aYw tion the following ministers will officiate: city from the North, for which he left the following appeals, from this district :LVi.:.i..jnn(n.iTi-mnn T?.Av I ... a.it. vt ho were heard : - -r T.i.:t.. i 4- . . . ,. t... :J is Sarah Holmes et als. vs. Mizabetn - bKinner.oittai.igu, u..u., b0Qght a snpero swck. esiu Holmes et als . from New Hanover; error rnr n A .InnWino. nt tlTloru. IO I f m;ii;nti r,A fanTT ororvda hfl has I . A. j j u preach the missionary seimon, Rev. W. J pUrchased an immense stock, the largestt J moved for by plaintiif, and cause contin- ... . I ' . ... I TtfnnQrkn Sr. Owpna. administrators. VS. Itev. w.i.. vvngm, oinmiHiuru. Xmas trade. As soon as ne can geuese Wjjjjj (NoJtb; Carolina) Life In- The FftUral uurt. I goods in store and marked and arranged, guiance Company et als., from Sampson ; Judge Brooks has hold the term of the ifih is ariDointed for this week. I and examine it. As nothing to the contrary has been heard Bcautify your nomeg " by using the N r 1 - ;a 4Vnf ho will ftr. I . . . 1 J irom mm, it is cipcuiou v ..... y. lflnamelJraint, reaay mixea ana war not yet arrived to he will notify the readers of the Rkview argued by E. W. Kerr (by brief) and J. io U. S. District of the facts and will invite them to call L. Stewart for the plaintiffs and D. J. EHEDI.IATISH, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted rive, to night and that the Court will 1 Soid oniy at Jaoobi's. t Feet and Ears, aitd all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth .quals St. Jacobs Oil m safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entiila but the comparatively trifling outlay of 60 Centa, and every one auffer lnK with pain can hare cheap and poaittTO proof f ita claims. Direction! ia Eeren Languages. fiOLD BY ALL DSUQGISTS AHDDEALEE3 IH MEDICINE. A. VOGEU3R. Sc CO., Baltimore, Mdt V. S.A. tprllll-dw-oo to. a LOCAL NEWS. He did not noia i VUVW - the Court m Newbern last week, on ac conns of being sick. The W. N- C R. R- W am nrenared to hear anything " x 1- - i now-a-days, and therefore did not fee1 Devane for the defendants. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi's. I WsaKSmmmmmmmsBfSSSi New Advertisements. OTTERI As a Hercliant Tailorr SDira ELEGANT IN FIT.'BUPERB IX . : . ?. : tyle, and unfnrpasiid in fislcb, forcltttsd t9 . . I mder in fifteen inloates. Ho mllfits. nod i 5. a4iifaicnf no salts tkea merely bicicse t eb ijer is to kidfcesrted tov tVrcw tte I i t fi Tim tl'ma htri.- - ' Eale, unless faily assured by hit pitrcn tbkt (farmnts are estisfactary io evert way. Latest novelties srririD? daily, baodjomest and Largest Life f. yarcy CheTict 8u ta ever dis;ltyed in ilmiogton. i Oar J'at- terns and Btjle are re aenfae ured exprcs v for us, and can be hud rn;j at the S'is WearDejot. Pelectioss io nr Hers' tnd You the department declared the ficest in the meriet- u line if TTcda!War and Furn hiuft Oocdj wai rerer m ?r e -cBTiet R mainhAP nnrii. ihi- (ir PiluFrttfini.&Bl FALL AND WINTER GOODS i7Mc!. .d.t'. .. 1. J. QTTBOURG, 22, 24, 26 and 28 Ii. Frout St. Wilmiit..a, C. P. P. OTTCIvBOuRf derirec a wide awake gent in every recti n f the country t solicit C. D. orders for Clothivfr aod Furnhbiag Goods. To a reliable and popn i iar man a paying emmi-sion will be a low- ed. write lor parucaiars. cct31 0. O. D. kN TTJESDAT NEXT, let Nov.. at 10 ' o'ollf . A.M.- wa will iiell a.t vrh&rf. ftnJtr of dock ttreet, on Doava tsr. eenr. juua ELIZABETH, from Nassau, N. P., lOO.ttXT ORANGE&j Bananas, Pine Apples, Cocoanuts, Grape Fruit, Lemons, limes, Sugar Cane, and Conch Shells. oct 31-lt AT JHE BEST ASSORTED 8T0CK ETER brought to this city, with all the latest ffov. eltie and Shades ia Proposal ! M W At.. CTaMM TZZZi: mch surprise en cam acre, hare becon.6 considerably exercised over following in Saturday's iro-of the . tyi n tt rr mav JNeWDeniiCW3.- a receni occurreu wm j Hes we may mentien an not be of a criminal nature, l ne imec- InftentJcited rumor. tion has even spread .to the city, and 1 reaches us through channels en there has been much talk here about the tireW uncenneeted with the Midland mottpr within a few days past. v e i noaa, mai uiv awuuwuu matter wnnin a iow uaj r , . . , I i,Q v Atirmined to turn the suppress the names for the present ana "0aroUDa Railroad over I ' ' M. sTTrn TT lAT IFTg OREoiS GvPU Uo, -oboposals for planking nutt TO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. JPLEASE order early. RASH, DOORS AHD BLINDS New Advehtisements. Hxinsbkrqek Blank Books C W Yates Than k9 to the- Publ ic M M Katz Fall and Winter Goods Prof. Aoostisi Dancing School ' Williams & Murchison Bagging, Ties, Bacon, Sugar, Coffee, &c suppress lue uaiuca iua ? . Western North CaroliDa Kaiiroaa over until some legal steps have been taken. tQ M Best and hlg Boston Syndicate BRACKETS, MOULDING, '.LUMBER, Ac It seems that there iss a young man who within the next ten days, if they will re VmaE & CO resides on a hammock (or hammuck) of -i- oct 3 land on one of the Sounds and there is a ASSmM. which have, . , , p young woman, of heretofore excellent 3, "called the turn" on the ThanKS 10 the PUDllCsj AND character, who has been in the employ as Richmond and Danville Syndicate. g THEIR TART LIBERAL School a. house servant for three yearn paot of- ' we should not Do at "all surprised if ' a housoervaniior j rih News has received Book pairun.Ke. I am u, , Affi The --cr"Secombinationsandcom.L famine of Picture Frame, and Easel, Blinds youno-man invited the young womau i pucations " ii speae o weyuooai, jutbouo L J Otterbouro The Clething Kevo-1 to the eity with him and go to Well-known facts. 'Ihe i. peopic Bemember that Second-Hand Pchoo . i . 3 I j i i..t. k. w act Trip nin I . Coup's circus and she consented to ao possess anotner uey w. bout half the cost of New Men's and Boys' Wear, Ilannels, Merino vn He called for her on the morn Blue Ridge road, which can be completed derwear. Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, ot the 13th .ot uciODer, i at ies3 expense man win w j . street will be received at my office until noon of November 5th. Plans 'and specifi cations can be foand at the Mayor's Office. L. n. BOVVDEN, oct29-tf-nac Ch'mn Street Com. French Candies. JUST RECEIVED, a full line of fine French. Candies, warranted? pure and fresh. Also, Ilome-Made Candies, - Fruits, Nuts.&c. C. JEVENS, Second street, 3 doors below Postoffice. a. M Henriettti, Mohairs, Suitings, Alpacas and ' . Iw.w .1 a Plaids in endless variety, Pasiamenterie, IJUSt rrOIll 1116 faClOry Friogei and TrImmin8,White Goodi, Housekeefing Gocd, Batin MarveUleux, Satin de Lyon, Rhsd. ames, Furrahs, Brocades, Moire An tique, Camel's Hair, LUkTelv veti, Flushes, ; COLORED BLACK AND ILLUMINA TED CASHMERES, All wool cabsimeres in great DOLLMANS, CLOAKS SHAWLS, lution J L Boatwrioht Pure Cider Vinegar Cronlt & Morris Fruit at Auction ,mmm I iug u "" 1 -w ft, , , here, and I hnild bothiroads in Western North car The receipts of cotton at this port to- told her that she must go with him in a 0lina. Bat, "we shall see what we shall Noreen. from thisport, - P , ITfT wuatremamDucoPCpu.ow. the city she ent mih mm mine .dw. KJ fe from flies, mosquitoes, ! Steamship Regulator cleared at New and they were not seen again until tne I ratgana mice, the entire season. Drug- York on Saturday for thi3 port. ext morning when a nsnerman wno re gists. : ; "".u sides near Capt. Moseley's place, on Top. I mails. Steamship jsenejaaor, - j, Soandf l0Una tne young iu. u aTe at the City t. mArninf from I . , ..-..j v:-, croifinor hi I The mails Cioeo wu wuig j lmvan nana vhwiji iia auv a. n . l oaeiwiHii 1 1 1 1 1 1 a la c w v - ii . j w"w . i oeiKu 0 - t Pewt Unice aaionowe i New York. boat afloat. As he did so he caught a N thern through malls...... 680 p. m BOOK STORE. PURE CIDER Laoes and Edgings, detSl 1TTCIT1 ATTVT T. Ck uuttii uuuov. - XlUlbuClu the bushes I vt v,om tVimn?h and way Snrrinr Court for this county will glimpse -r v -MW. .T ...6:40 a, m. - iAAi.nMn aaj 1111111 i ir-. uiu u w a 111 a a.aa aaa - - --v nAma I itt IP f i ihljlliig nuww w the first Monday m uecem- r f more than mafia . jjktrt t r ic i . . . Ft a 1 1 a in. Mnnna nn ()A first AlOnaaV 1U xyc I ' ... Van I RalAlcrh Z rrsT.1. Tevl mnntl. reCognize. He did not get m0re or" beN. O.Railroad, ber, the 5th of the month. - ,p-d varda t0 the young flniM there- . - I UUUUb vuvt " . M1U lui""" "ri " Some ext3nsive repairs are being made who was taten in the boat with fromf including A. & N. a ...... " m. m. m. uvjLuc cAkvujii" w I woman wuu wavM - w, a. Tt .ii a. t.11' wVinrf TirnD" I j:nnnafpAm (hp.l PailrrtoH. at. w aiesirs iiau - r- the vonnff man at some uuwuv ' .11 rinta erty.en Sonth Water street, between 8he was put into the water Southern 7:46 p. Market and Dock. ' it wa3 evident that they had passed the Weaternmallg jo O By) dally . - " ... . .i.ho hPftr.h and had had f.,Mnt nnndav. 9)0 a, Nor.brigenezar.iromthis.portior "---.rf.. This MiTfofoW D,lft Hamburg, before reported towed into a good breakfast there Iier . 7:46 p. amourg, ftt M. waa the last seen of either until on a ri Pr;" ,nt betweeQ Flo- x uiuiucu atiu uvjuj was totally dismasted. When a woman leaves a man who has Wnr not earned his salt for years, he imme- m.n diatelr adverUses that he will pay do ' nn hp;njr told that there waaal-J Rnndavi.... 9:00 a. m. debts ot ber contracting. warrant out against him he lefthumedly, Qaaow a H. and intfjl- . lwar . . . . n hoat. which I t- office, very Monday AV m lv I a I 3 IlknnT T11K1I If iiaoww-- ' 1 ""- - To Builders ana owiere v ana wituv-- o ... rumis iui -r . . day, the 21st inst., when tne younK uiu ad 0harle8ton .... 7:40 p m earned the boat WmcB pe w F.jett"f. .. He was asked about the r,l rp.tnrned a defiant uuw - iro Rivftr. Tneedavs. .nriWdaTi-.. 1:00 P m Fayetteville, tU Lomberton, uuu" 0 .. , i,f;ill A Thnndar at... ii's for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass Uas moored at the, ianaing, u " SralthTiUe mall-, by steam- . 6.00 a. m. ll'S tor Basn, Aunua u 1 ww uiv. . . , , j 4c You can get all sizes and at the lies. After his departure blood. lowest prices. smut and grease were found on the sail of the boat. The young woman u been seen since, but the , young man was seen last Saturday at a spring on Myrtle Grove. A warrant, it is said, will be is sued to-morrow lor his arrest. -several theories venturea v . . . .irAt matter, borne tnmh. vu the young woman has been louuy ac.. It is difficult to explain the working of the youthful mind. A boy who -win listen indifferently to the sublimit truths of theology, will be aroused to tte attest interest by the progress of a caterpiUaroTer the collar of a bald-head- ; vAnflv in front of him. : Z r.j di. thPtti that she is living with the Freshwater Perch, Ttou uu . tanimock of her own fish Hooks' and lines. A fall assort young man ou nera still that she has been ment and lowest prices atJACOBi a. 1 Y. " j." been deUined there I jUiUCVI emu ThU is the way an Illinois exchange Uer willand through the influence JJlnJrZZ L nt it: "His ham- af.uc As we have said, -the young mock, swing loose, at the sport of the bor e a good char- wind.and tumbled me oou. v. . 1 . to have left tne nouae on h 3 head, and but for the apphcaUon acter. She seems b . :kf hacp crone I ... ,v ion tion of going ui 01 OL JaCOOS Vll. BO Ulig " I W1LU - , . V 2 where e woodbine twineth." Even 1 d tBrniug that evening and that 1-1 monv nthpra have I cua a..nxHP. 19 so, aear .ueaccm, j 7.-"'.:: 0v0 not cpntempiaio u -1 gone, who, failing to use the Great Ger- she did wm J ft aU of man Eemedy In time, for their rieuma- witnessed by the laci w tism and other dangerous diseases, ;'have her effecU behind, her and some $13 in paid the debt 01 nature. 1 money dUQ her by ner wi'wJv, motto" ' " ' . U"i . - 1 Amiitr fnrcerja uu Mail, for Easy HliL, Town Greek, ShallotU ana juumo day and Thursday at.. 6:00 a. m. orxa fob DiLrn'a' Northern through and way mails fiouthern Ualls...... sw P rToentral Railway..... 4:00 p nu Stamp Omoa opn irom o . M W from 2 to 60 p. m. Mooey Order and Eegister Department opcu same aa stamp omce, General deli very open from 6:S0a. to 7:00 p. m,, and on Sundays from 80 to 9:S0 a. m. SOMETHING EXTRi JUICE! Put tip by a Private Family of the State of New York. And Eought direct from them. EVERY FAMILY In our city Should get some of it in order to see ?t hat Pure Vinegar really ia. FOR PICKLING IT IS ALMOST INDISPENSABLE. variety, vu uaau a iuji LlNENB, TOWELS, nANDEUCHIEF8, LADIES LINES AND HILK TIES, BILK HANDKEBCIIIEF8, Ihe cheapest stoek of GENT6 TIRS in th city. Oct 29 JNO. UEDBI'-If. Turpentine Hands WANTED TO WORK at my turpentine farms in 8outh Carolina and Ut orgla. Hands of good character mat want to wora; ! and receive good treatment with fair wapes and prompt pay, can appiy m person ur vj letter. A. II. VanBOKKELEN. oct 27-dlw wGt . . In short every tains: desirable. Warrsnted TVT (fS BTV "JT 7 J to come up ia price 'and quality, to any sm- ale from retail homes North. Gall and save extra expense by buvic rn TTTTMT 'ANN UAL' FAIR from . OP THE North Carolina INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. AT RALEIGH, October 31st, November 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and . 5th, lbsi. - OYSTER CRACKERS of slovJ Sw " I Maila collected from street boxes every .rVEriAi DIFFERENT VARIETIES. oay aiw v . .ulmu ia-i. on rr Stamps for sale in aroau 4.""" 7 I irwa au wuw x- i.Hr when staaip office U I , general delivery loeed. Write Mr,. Ljai.E.Pin.N. ,fjn l SnfiTVjHIhHI. 233 Western Avenue, yj". ' t!a KlflJll & 0 H. Front O female complaints. " H, E, KATZ, 36 rJlarket Street oetSl ! Baffiring and Ties. 1-i Whole and Half Bolla Bagging 3000 Bune8'ew ud p'cdTlES' Bacon, Coffeef Sugar. QAf Boxes Smoked and D S Side 250 BS CoffeC dWerait grade. s. . v y-x rv,i Rnnn. uranmaieo. ZUU Standard A, Extra C and 0 T 000 Bbl rumr gret -1 aa tuds unoice vexi atu, fJFy Bbl 11114 Boxes Freeh Cakes, gQ Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Boxes Selcctei Cream cnceae SHBBSSSBSSlBH Potash, Lye, Soda, 100 Boxe" Potal1 Boxes Lye, jQQtBoxes and Ks Soda, ryg UalibDis ana ixjxcsjdbu Doren Buckets, -jgQ Beams Wrappn Faper, Hoop Iron, JTaiU, Hay, Oats, Kandolpb Yarns and Sheetings. For sale low try oct 81 mLLXAXISA MUECHISOS REDUCED RATE OF FARE OVER THE W. &W. R. R. Vfcitors to Kleigh, N. C, attending the Third Annual Fair of the North Carolina Tmrtrat AtanrfaHnn. on Oct. Sltt. NOV. 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th, 1SS1, will be trans ported over the Wilmington & Weldon'Rail Road to Gpldsboro and return at 2 cents pe r mile each way. Articles intended for exhibition will be transported atReinilar Tariff Rates, and if returned by paty exLIMUng, (which fact should be established by certificate of Secre tary, or by presentation of original ship ping receipt,) will be billed back free and amount of freight paid thereon returned by Agent at Station from whence t Lipped. Wilnuflgton-toTaJh nd return esse. SOL. HAAS, A. POPF, I Genl Vt Agf t, Oca'l Pass. i& Ticket Agt.J oot7,sv

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