DaoiW"i every efteraeoa,; Baadayi s "dbT j O 8 H T.JAMBW, JOITOK AKD PKOFKIKTOH. .nBaCRlPTION8.POSTAOJfc PAID. r 55 0 8U months, $2 50 $ "Three '"Latto.tl 15; One month, 60 cent. rZ BPr will be delivered by carriers, beri" part of tbe eity, atth. ,r",rl3c8ntporw. AdMrtUin(trt6SlowaiidUbr e-rittbieribers will please report any and uViiarefto reeeire their papers regularly. y07 Advertisements. 93 THE GREAT. FOB RHEUMATISM, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equal" 8t. Jacobs Oil J a safe, ture, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entail bat the comparatiTelj tft;n ntiv rt RA rnta. end erenr one Buffer ing with pain can hare cheep and poiitire proof r in claims. Directions in deren Language. BOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AJTD DEALERS Y& MEDICINE. A. VOGEUER As CO., Baltimore 2Id.M 17. 8. A, April 12 dwaao to. EALKian, N. 0., Sept.-27, 1881. Mrs. Joe Persok,! Franklibton, N. C Dear Madame : In reply to your let ter asking what I think of your Remedy. 1 would say that the sales have been very lair, and so far as I can learn, the Reme dy has been very satisfactory to my cus tomers who have used it, especially so in the case of a httle girl oi this cny, len rf a (tp whr was troubled for a long time with sores breaking out over the face and neck, having the appear f Kcrofnla. and which had resisted the nRiial alterative treatment for a long time. She took four bottles of the Bit ters last Spring, when the sores entirely diaannpared. and no to this time she has had no return of them, her skin looking as fair and clear as anyone's. Tiusting that you may receive the sue cesi which your Remedy seems to merit, I am, very respectfully yours, . WM. SIMPSON, Druggist For sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wm. H. Green. Send for circular of testimo nials, oct 3-dw NOHTH CAROLINA HOUSE.' JOHN D. STELLJES, Proprietor. The best of Wines, Liquors, Lager-Beer and Cigars. - OY8TER3 IN EVERY 8TYLE. MEALS AT ALL HOURS DAY AND NIGHT. Corner 8econd and Princess stf. oet DR. C. W. BENSON'S J E-i I J M Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, 8CROFU LA ULCERS, PIMRLE8 4b TENDER ITCHINQSonaUpartaoftlie tr tA M body. It xaak.M the akin whit, soft and amooth i rKnoTea taa end fireeUee. end fc the BEST toUet dreaainc la TUB Zlemtlr put up, two bottlee in one pac&sge, oonaiwting cf both internal eznt1 treatzsent. flTt fitA rnvr Imtn Tt 1. perpecfrage. -J. W. CONOLEY, AgenU CCLv.5p-d i Turpentine Hands TTT ANTED TO WORK at my turpentine Y farma la 8outh Carolina and Georgia. Hands of good character that want to work and receive good treatment with fair wages and prompt pay, can apply person or by letter. P -A. H. VanBOKKKLEN. oct2T-dlww6t m Health is Wealth I DEE O WEST'S Nsava aid Baaix TiuniifT, Atpeeifie for Bvateria, Dix aiaeet, Conralaione, Nerrom Beedeche, Etatal Depreetioa, Loesof Memoty. Impo Wnoy, frematare Old Age, eauiedy over aertion, ezoenet or over-laduigtace, which leads to misery, deea and death, ae box will ear recent case. Each box mt lag one month 'e treatment. Oae dollar a hot, or six boxes for five dollara; sent by ail prepaid on receipt of price. Wo guar, late, aix boxes to cureaay cue. Withevch rter rseeived by us for sic b-zes. we will Nad the ptrchassr oar written agreement to warm the money if the treatment doee not Seat a euro. Nmaraatee istned by Wit H OKEmr, Drrnggbt, (saeeessor to Green k 'laaatr) Wilmington, B 0. Or dsn by mail will receive prompt atteaUoa noh 2W4w.iv ffe l V life i- c f vv .... - ,7 -- -r. I- S. 3 II Ii skin VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, NOVEMBER s-, ishi vo 260 New Advertisement s. See ad Globe Saloon, MissE. Earkau By express. Heinsbekger Alocsnacs C W Yates Thank? to the Public Thanksgiving turkies fattening. The "anoual stir about apple butter has commenced. Balloons might be used by policemen for taking people up. - To day is far. more like May than No vember , A musician says the time to strike bee flat is when the insect stings ysra. To keep food on a weak stomaeh Bolt it down. Weddings by the score are talked about as to come off this winter. Lemons are: high priced but quite plentiful in the market. The lovers of saur kraut will have to pay dearly for the article this winter. Steamship Regulator, Gapt. Doane, cleared hence this afternoon forNewYork Poultry and game are in moderate supply and choice qualities are expen sive. ' ' ' The ice cold soda, ditto lemonade, have been thrown in the back ground at last. The child never sees the necessity of strict obedience until it becomes appa rent. The man who travels without change usually succeeds in getting numerous checks. Every certificate of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup published is genuine, and a reward of $1,000 is offered for one proved to be meretricious. Schooner Edward Lameyer, Kendall' from this port, arrived at New York on Tuesday. It, is not safe to call a man a rascal unless you can prove it, nor a saint un less he i3 likjely to prove it. Study yoTir interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacob i's. t i : Ignorant people are always narrow minded, and affect a contempt for excel lence they cannot appreciate. One trifling case, an affray, was a that the Mayor was called upon to adju dicate this morning. The parties wer ordered discharged on. payment of costs - Col. S. L. Fremont, who is now on duty at Brunswick, 6a.,in charge of the U. S. government works at that point, is here on a brief visit. Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t It's an even thing in Rome if you give: a beggar ten cents, he will bless your soul, and ifou retuse to give anything he will bless your eyes. ; The fairest faces are sometimes mar red by myriads of pimples, and markings of tetter or freckles, which are readily re moved by a popular toilet dressing, known as Dr. Benson's Skin Care. Even scrofulous ulcers yield to it. Miss E. Karrer has received this morn ing by express a large addition to her already handsome stock of ladies mil linery and underwear. Mr. John Meurer, Titus ville. Pa., re lates the following : On many occasions I have had to use St. Jacobs Oil in my family. My daughter smffered for nine weeks with severest rheumatic pains. The first application of St. Jacobs Oil gave prompt relief. The pains left, the swelling subsided, and in-three days time aha had the use of her limbs again. One www W bottle cured her. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A fall assort ment and lowest prices at J acobi's. t Gen. Manning, Sheriff of the county, turned over to the County Treasurer, yesterday, the sum of $3,267, the amount cf taxes collected .during the past week, ot which $2,495 'will go to the general and $772 to the special or sinking fund. Persons w&o stand upon inelr Feet, whether men or women, are often troubled with serious pains and weaknesses in the lAins and other Darts of the body. It has been proven beyond a doubt, how- - ,- AVamer'a Safe Kidney and Liver Cure i3 a certain preventive of these troubles. To Builders and others Go to Jaco- i'a for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. Yoa, can get aU. fixes and at the lowest prices. Mr. J. H. Lee, of Pender county, a brother to Mr. B. E-.Lee, proprietor of the Rock Spring Hotel, died at the hotel here last night, of typhoid fever. He was aged about 52 years. The remains were taken to Burgaw to-day' for inter ment. - ? I have the utmost confidence in the mails. Enclose $1, for two boxes, or $2 50 postofSce order for six boxes-of Ueiery and Chamomile pills and 1 will take all risk for money and goods. Dr. i C. W. Benson, 106 North Eotaw St., Baltimore, Md. Supreme Court. In-this Com t, oo' Tuesday, appeals from the fourth judicial district were called and disposed of as follows: J. L. Moore vs. D. B. Austin, from Anson; argument, commenced yesterday, was concluded. A. E. George vs. D. P. High, adminis trator, from Columbus; argued by D. J Devane for the plaintiff, and J. W. Ellis (by brief) and W. H. Pace for the de fendant. Allen & Caudle, executors, vs. Thomas Jackson, from Anson; argued by J. A. Lockhart (by brief) and Battle & Mor- decai for the plaintiffs, and Burwell & Walker and Payne & Yann for the de fendant. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, smarting irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchipaiba. Druggists. Dept Jas.;C. Munds. Tbe Carolina central. There has been much talk, here and elsewhere, for some months past, relative to the Bichmond & Danville R. R. purcha sing or leasing the Carolina Central. The rumors have crept into print at oth er points, but have not been published here. Tbe latest was in the States ville Landmark, which reached us last Mon day. We find the following in the Char lotte Observer, which is the very latest : It has been rumored on the streets here for several days that negotiations were pending between the authorities of the Richmond and Danville syndicate, and the management of the Carolina Cen tral Railroad, for the lease ot the latter bv the former, and all sorts of stories were current. It was known here that President Murchison, of the Carolina Central, was in New York with his attor ney, and that he was prepared to listen to proposals. A private dispatch was re ceived here yesterday to the effect that all negotiations had been broken off, and that, for the present, there would be no change in the management of the Caroli na Central. Home Correction! Our attention has been called to the fact that, in the diary of the yellow fever here in 1862, as published in thenar, on Ttesday, there is a strange omission, no mention-being made of Rev.,Dr. Repi. ton's ministrations here during the epi demic, while Father Murphy, Dr. Drane and Re v. Mf. Pritchard are all spoken of. The writer says, "Revs. Drane, Pritch ard and Father Murphy are the only ministers of God here." In this he was mistaken. Dr. Repiton was here during the entire epidemic and ministered no bly and faithfully to all who were in dis tress, relieving the sick, consoling the dying and burying the dead. He alone of the ministers who were here escaped unscathed and lived to see the health of the city once more restored and he alone, when Dr. Drane, Father Murphy and Mr. Pritchard were pro strated with the disease, remained to give a Christian burial to the dead. They were a noble quartette andwell worthy the work in the vineyard. They all ffered p freely their lives and - but one was spared. They are all gone now but the influence of their bright example during the dark days of '62 should be cherisheby us as a sacred legacy. There isone other error made by the writer which we are moved to correct. He says that "every government office is closed and officer! scattered, save the Commissary." On the contrary, the buartennaster'e offices were open every day during the prevalence of the fever . Maj. Jno. W. . Cameron was wen in charge with the late Capt. u. vv. Styron to assist him. The Uteuapt. L B. Grainger was Chief Clerk and Capt. O. S. JEllis, now of Savannah, was Bookkeeper. Maj. Cameron would not allow his subordinates to remain in town over night, nor would he allow any duty to be neelected. The force of the de partment encamped on Wrightsville, where they passed the night, and where t0me of the book work was done, but ererr day two or more were in the city, spending .froa firi to six fconrs in work atthacSw. The receipts of cotton at this port to" day foot up 1,191 bales. Capt. Jim McGowan is in receipt, this afternoon, of a "cargo" of unusually fine New River oysters. See advertisement. Nor. barque Normanbv, McCarryi cleared at this port to day for Antwerp with 500 casks spirits and 3,300 bbls rosin, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Spruntfc Son. A splendid bieakfast on the table sar rounded by a family of Coughs. They used Dr. Bali's Cough Syrup and that family no keeps it always on band and recommends it. irrice only zo cents a bottle. ; - Mr. John Barnes, the same gentleman who showed us the big potato On Tuefday last, has a pig, five months old, of the Chester and Suffolk breed, which weighs 85 pounds. It was one of a litter of sev enteen, and tbe mother weighs 850 lbs. Fred Davis, a seaman, was before J us. tice Millis to-day charged with an assault and battery on the person of Charles Cummins. Judgment was suspended on the payment of costs. Warner's safe Kidney and Liver Care Don't throw your lif3 away by marry" ing a man for the purpose of reforming him. It is the worst use yoa can pat yourself to. The proverb says, "The fox may grow gray, but he never grows good.' Made from harmless materials, and adapted to the needs of fadiog and fall ine hair. Parker's Hair Balsam has taken the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. The boy who forged his mother's name to a shingle with a piece of chalk, and bought five cents worth of caady with the bogus order, now languishes and slum bers on all fours at night. The mother got possession of the shingle. It is said that beer makes a person grow fat; this will have the effect of changing the old expression -of "laugh and grow fat" into "smile and grow fat.' A beautiful meteor, one of the largest and most brilliant seen hereabouts in many years,darted across the sky last eveninjr. about 8 o'clock, rising in the East and falling in the West. It was is brilliant as to surpass the bright light of the nearly full moon. Terrible Loss of Life Millions of rats, mice, cats, bed-bugs, roaches, lose their lives by collision with "Rough on Rats." Sold by druggists, 15c. Unmailable Unmailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Postoffice in this city: One brown envelope illegibly address ed; Charlie Honesty, Northampton Co., N. C; Messrs. Armstrong, Cater & Co., Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md; Mrs. Lavinna Albert, No. 1683, Nashua, N. H; Betsey Williams, Fayctteville, N. C; Caroline Blount, No. 6 Reed St. A postal card with a pocket attach. ment to enclose a stamp for a reply is the atest idea. The next great invention should be a postal card with a bay win dow annex, into which a man can crawl and travel anywhere in the country for one cent. Chamber or Commerce ' The regular annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held to-day. The President, Mr.. A. H. VanBokke-j en, did not present a written report. Be gpoke at length on the river and harbor improvements and other matters of com mercial interest. The old officers were all reelected and the appointment of the committees was eft to the President. Mr, Henry Nutt, Chairman of the Committee on Biver axd Harbor Improvements, submitted hi8 resignation as such, which was reluc tantly accepted by the Chamber. On motion of Mr. B- G. Worth, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That this Chamber desires to record its regret that Mr. Henry Nutt should consider it his duty to resign his position as Chairman of tbe Committee on Biver and Harbor Improvements, and reluctantly accept the same. Resolved, That the Chamber takes ad vantage of this opportunity to renew their acknowledgment or the valuable services rendered by Mr. Nutt in the re sponsible positien which he has just va cated. A copy of these resolutions was order ed transmitted to Mr. Nutt and oa do- tica tta cttttsg adjoTCsd. Quarterly Meetings., Wilmington District, Methodist E Church, South. Fourth round. Onslow, Queen's Creek, . Nov. 5-6 Duplin, Wesley Chapel. . Nov. 9-10 Clinton, Clinton. . . Nov. 12-13 Coharie .... " . . Noy. 16 17 Cokesbury . . . Nov, 19-20 gLet all the officials be present LC S. BrjMHiAD, P. B. Hew Advertisements IMPORTANT NOTICE. JECEIYED AT GLOBE 8ALOON THIS afternoon the finest Oysters yet received in Lihim lt. tfy. auu'Hwlltui Hi I ail aUU see them. Nov 3 16 Market street. BY EXPRESS THIS MORNING. A RICH ASSORT ment of Hats and Bonnets, Beaver, Flush and Satin, and Straw. Also a full line of Ladies' Underwear and Fancy Goods. MISS E. KAKRER, Exchange Corner. Almanacs for 1882. rpHB OU) AND RELIABLE TURNER' NORTH CAROLINA ALMANAC, for 188L The First Copies just received, At HEINBBEROR'& Nautical Almanacs; -gLISSES for 1883, Jnst received at nov 3 HEIN BERGER'S, French Candies. JUST RECEIVED, a full line of fine French Candies, warranted pure and fresh. Also, Uome-Made. Uanaies, fruits, Nuts, SC. U. JliVlLWS, Second street, 3 doors below Postofflce. oct 39 NEW YORK & WILMM8T0N STEAMSHIP GO, SEMI-W1SICLY LIME. 1 STEAMERS VT7TT T OATT T?Tr.T VTUvr jTORK Srery at 3 o'cooJr, P M GULF 8TREAM.'"ed e;dv, - ramber : BEWEFACTUR....-tarday, Noremter 6 REGULATOR-.... .Wedse-day, November 9 GULF 8TRBAM.-... ru'dj. VoT.mb- 12 SIE AGT'.M.eli..dy. or. - tr 6 REGULATOR.., ato'dar, N r ob' GULF 8TB.KAAI... Wednesday, NTeaubar 23 8a Throcgh Bills Lading and Lowest Thr ngh Betes guaranteed to ana fron Poidts in'North and on'h Carolina. For Freight Eogageoaents spply t ; THOS. E. BOND, Sap't, WBzaington, N, O. TBEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, SS Broaaway, Sew York. W1L P. CLYDE A CO., Gea'l Agents. nov 1-tf Just From the Factory. AlL WOOL OABSIHEREB IN GREAT variety. Oahaad a foil stocJK of TABLE LINENS. TOWELS, EANDEKCHIEFS LADIES LLNEsT AND FILE TIES, BILK HANDKERCHIEFS, the cheapest stack of GE5T6 TUB ia tbe city. Oet 'J50. J HEDBICX OP I 3SdE 353 TO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. JPLEASE OBDEB EABLT. RASH, D00.1S AtlD BUNDS BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, dte ALTAFFEB, PBIOB t CO. I OCtU v . . . - & :UJ y tf frt par.. nJ 2 fr&x enf fruits us f i jrTal h see dde of the And it Is eaeetaiiy And , 1 ? .-. .iTl?.. ettir .-JV iolz. 1 FALL AND WiNTEB GOODS AT . " . rpBE BSajJ ASSORTED 8T0CK EYKIt brought to this city, with alUhe latest Ifov e'.tire acd fc hades ia .' DRESS GOODS, ca:in HaiveUleux, Satin de Lyon, Rhd amei, Eurralu, Brocadfg, ifoire An tiqne, Oamei's Hair, t ilk Tel. vets. Flushes, ' COLORED BLACK AND ILLUMINA TED CASHMERES. Henriettas, llehalre, Boitinci, Alpscas and Flaidsia endless variety, Passementerie, Fringes and Trimmins,W hite Goods, fiotueieepiog Gocd1, DOILMANS, CLOAKS SHAWLS, AND Men and Boy's Wear, flannels Merino Un derwear,"" Hosiery, Gloves, OorseU, Lasts and Fdg sgs, OURTAIKT IrOBS, OREP2S, Staple & Domestic Goods. In abort every tbiar dei- rcblo. WtrranteJ tac n.o cp i-, r;J: in 2 qiY.t7, t3 aot sroi pie frcm roUilif usa Ki.r tli. . - CaU ftal r-ve -cxJ-f -x? tir - by huyirg s . St-1 J G Nov. ti, ISSi, the verai r"p titiou of order given to Operators will ba discontinued Tbe cntral Office ' perator, insteiid of an- fcwe iDg back thruutrh his trai bralrter, as heretofore, will in the future ack-owlcdge" ' the reception of your order and give notice . that it hue been executird by a fitgle tap of the "bell of the subscriber giving the order. Always hold your lever down until your bellUpi in response to your order, and thus avoid haviig the operator riog in your ear. The Central Office Operator upon the ception of your order for disconnection, will give both bells one tap; this notifies both parties of tha disconnection. J.C. WHITE, novl . Manager. THK ; LAURINBURQ ENTERPRISE JS THE BE3T MEDIUM through which . to ad Textile Fall and Ticter Goods among the people cf Robeson, Richmond aad An eon oountief, in North Carolina, sad ia the border coon ties of Boath Carolina. The Enterprise has a large and lacresslog circu lation In the Pee Dee aad Cape. Fear a actios ef this State, having obtained a large dree lanon ia the latter daring the six months It was published ia Fsyetteviile before its re ot el to Laarihbnrg, asd fa ta former within the- last few teoaths. Adrertisearntt wiU he inserted by tie moatb; quart rr aad year at tevsable rates Address, ii. I. McDDFUE, PUBGELL HUtiSE UNDER ffEW HAWAGEMENT, WlUileSDSf, ft. V, 11. L. PERRY. - - Prop Lets Proprietor Attends HvUt flmCUseiaaUiti arpcizusests. Ters 1 130 to H per cur Ul&tl f 1

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