THIS FA PER Sundays JOSH. T. JAWB8. XOITO iKP PKOMfclJCTOB. - nB8CWPTI0N8.i,08TAGE PAIT. 00 Six Dttonthi, "12 50 a Thr oath. 1 J ; One month, 60 oeats. ft0 paper will ha delivered by carrier. ofehar, la. ny part of the city, attb ot rata, or i rtuiajr ratet low and liberal f-8abeeribert will please report uy utf 11 failure! to receive tlielr papcri regularly. jQCAL NEWS. New Adtebtibkjcents. 6eo- N. Harris?, R Carolina Lodge, 431. K of H A Povx International Cottou Exposition Heissbekokr Aln.anae. C W Tates Thanks to the Public Day' length 12 boars and 13 minutes Scnset thU afternoon at exactly 5 o'clock". -. Fall moon this evening at 40 minute? past 8 o'clock. ., ; Bat one interment, an adult, in YK! this wtek. Belle The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,849 bales. There were two interments thi3 week in Oakdale, an infant and an ad alt, British barque Wm D. Seed, Wood ward, for this port, was at Hull Oct. 22L Stsamsuip 0ulf Stream, Captain In (ram, arrived here this morning from Kew York. There was alight frost, the first of the season, visible in this section early this orning. The Register of Deeds has issued "mar riage licenses this week to one white and three colored couples, Beautify your comes by usingthe N Y. KnamelPaint. ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f The Fayette villd Examiner says that the rise in the river at that point was 15 inches. Two boats were expected to get effoait. -r . . . - ... Norwegian barque Fremtiden, Tor jeien, failed from Richmond on the 2d inst, for this city, to load for Cork, for orders. To Builders and others Go to Ja co n's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass kc Ya can get aH sizes and at the owett prices. f Mr. Cicero Barruss, of Norfolk, Va,, ia here on a visit to' his brother, Mr. . K. Barruss, President of the First Na tional Bank in this city. Five interments this week in Pins Forest. Of these one was anadalt and bar were children. The adult was brought here from Savannah' for inter dent sir. W. R. Richardson, who resides two milea south of White ville Depot, in forms us that ice formed at his place daring the night of the 3d inst., which he broke with his boot on the morning of the 4th inst. " New Irish potatoes, the second, crop this year, were sold in Market this morn ing at 50 cents a peck. They were rais ed by Mr. Joe Montgomery, at Mr Wilkes Morris place," about five miles below the city. - We have in our language four- words coatainiog in the aggregate 29 letters and ten syllables, which spell, each back wards and Jforwards the same. Four oirels and four consonants only are used ia spelling them. "Which are they? Capt Jno. D. Cameron, late of the Durham -.Recorder, has purchased one half of the State Journal and thatpaper will thereafter be published under the npt5rtetorsffip ot Messrs. Spellman aad'eieron. , We are glad to. know that Capt T Cameron will continue in the joar&alistie field. Write to MriLydia, B. Pinkham. 233 Western Atenue, Lynn, Mass., for names of ladies that hare been restored to per. feet health by the cse of her Vegetable Ctsipound. It is a positive cure for the most stubborn eases of female weakness. Here is ene iUostration, of the effectt of the drouth, clipped from the Fayette Tille .Examiner: "The C. F, & Y. T. T?an... : ba sAnincr off daily fkf .UK rirht bv W8V O1 Hamlet Tor Wilmington: This freight paaaes over two hundred xaiies of distance to reach a point dislant in a direct line only eighty miles." . j -ii f' UnnsJUble Unxnailable matter, addressed as foU lows, remains in "the PostolE5ce in this city: ....... v ,.j..t n r-.t- ; ' - One brawn enfelope illegibly address ed; Caroline Blount, No. 6 Reed St Bef y Williams, FayclteTille, N. C.; La iaaa Albert, No. 1683 Nashua, N. H; Chwd ct3N6rtBraptoa.o. frptoliibed .very axrnaoa,; nn-w - '--rr - - .-. ..... ... E mmdm VOL. V I he steamer B. Uurchiton arrived here to-day through from . Fayetterille and left on the ' return this afternoon. There is no further news - as to the river to report bqt the New and Observer speaks of heavy rains in the interior on Monday and we may reasonably look far more water in the river. The fairest faces are sometimes - mar red by myriads of Dimnles. and marking of tetter or freckles, which arp readily re- uivu uj a pupumr luuei dressing, known as Dr. Benson's Skin Care. Even scrofulous a leers yield to it. - ' . Chamber or Commerce. A meeting of the Executive .Council of the Chamber of CommercoSvas held at the Kxchansre this dav: r resent: Messrs. A. II. VonBokkelen, E. Pes- chau, D. MacRae, R. E. Calder, W. L. DeRosset, R. E. Heide, George II arriw, James Sprunt, Jap. II. Chad bourn and J. L. Cantwell, the Secretary and Treas" tirer. ' The minntesof the annual meeting of the Chamber were read and approved. Messrs. Jas. B. Cbadbourn, Geo. Har ris and W. L. DeRosset were elected Committee on River and Harbor Im provements. There was no appointment of Meteo rological Committee, as this committee is a permanent one and there is no va cancy. lhis committee consists of Messrs. A. H. YooBokkelen, W. L. De Rosset and Geo. Harris. On motion, a Standing Committee on Commerce, consisting of Messrs. A. Mar tin, C. H. Robinson and D. G. Worth was'appointed. J The meeting then adjourned. Don't Die In lhe House Ask druggists for "Rough on Rats." It cleara out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roach es, vermin, flies, auts, insects. 15c. per box. cnurcn services. Worship in the various churches of tho city to-morrow as follows : ST. JAJiES' PARISH, Corner Tnird and Market streets, Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Rector. Twenty first Suuday after Trinity Nov. 6th. Mornine Prayer aisd toramunion at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m. Evening Prayer at 4:30 o'clock. 8T. PAUL'S KVAN&. LUTHKRAJf CHTTJRCH, Corner Sixth and Market streets. Rev. G. D. Beruheim, D. D, pastor. Sunday School at 3 p. m. German service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. . ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, - Corner Third and Red Cross sts. Rev. T. D. Pitts, Rector. Twenty-fi st Sunday after Trinity Nov. 6th. ilorniug Pra- er and Celebration at 11 o'clock. Erenlng Prayer at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday School at 4 p. m. fIBST "BAPTIST CHURCH, corner of Market and fifth streets. Rev J. B. Tavlor. Pastor. Sunday School a 9.-30 a. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p m. Lord's supper after morning aer inon. Brotiklyn Suuday scnooi at f p. m. nhnrch Meetius for business Monday nlehtat7:30 o'clock. Youug Men's Prayer Meeting Tu"fday nicnt at i:&v o aocs. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 7:S0 o'clock. FIBST PKESBTTKBIAN CHUBCH, corner Third and Orange streets. Rev. J. R. Wilson, D. D.f pastor, horning Services at 11 o'clock. Sundav School at 3 p iB. Ni .ht Service at 7:30 o'clock. Thursday night Lctnre at 7:30 o'clock, ST. MAJak'S PABISH Corner Six h aud Mulberry str0ets. Rev. C. O. Brady, Minister. Morning Praver at 1 1 o'clock. Evenin , Prayer at 6 o'clock, Sunday School, at St. Baraabas'4 School house, at 4:30 p. m. Seats free. st mask's chukch, Corner Sixth and Mulberry sheets.' Rev. CO Brady, Minister. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 8 o'clock. On Holy Days services at 0 a. ra. and 430 p m. ucday School at St. Barna bas Schoolhouse at 3:30 p. m. Seats free. J-IFTK BTBEKT M. E. CHUBCH (SOUTH,) on Fifth, 'between Nun and Church streets. Rev. T.P. Ricaud, pastor. Services at 11 a. m, and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a.'m. Prayer Meeting Thursday eve ning at 8 o'clock. t, FROST 8TBEXT M. K. CHUBCH, (SOUTH) corner Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. A. Yates, D. D-, pastbr. Services at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. t W. M. Parker, supt. CbrisUan As sociation meets Tuesday evenings after tb.9 first and third Sundays in each, month, prayer Meeting and Preaching Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. CHRIST'S CHUBCH (CONQKBaATIOSAL)t on on;baiWfen Sixth and cevwoth Rev. D. D.uooge, rasior. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. -aat r,a Bible Class at 12ip.m. Prayer andPralse Meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. 8unday School at 3 p.m. ' SKCOSD BAPTIST CaUBCH, r on Sixthi between Church and Castle sts. Rev. J. P. King, pastor. Services mor row at H a. m. and 8 p. m. Sdnday School at 9 a.m. SXC03TD PRKSBTTKBIAK BCHUCH, Oor Four h and CampbeU JfiMti. . - Bey. rt fjt Pavne. Pastor. Sarrices at 11 a. ml and riS p m. Sabbath School at 4 p. Si- Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 7&0 p. m. Ceaafre. . 'r; ' i' " ' mm ' ' - - . .. THE ASOOCIATED Fassenger. Depai?tmeiit, Bichniond, TaM NoTcmber lit, 1881, ItjtERrjATlbrJAL -"OOTTOM- EXPOSITION ; At Atlanta, Geo reria, Routes FROM WHAT POINTS. Travel See Notes. Goldsbere', Weldon, Wilmington, Tarboro', Wadesboro', Cberaw, Florence, Columbia, Wilson, Magnolia, Marion, Sumter, 9 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 Notk. 9 via Wilmington k eldon Railroad and Columbia. " Note 10 via WilmiogtonJolumbia A Augusta Richmond and Colambia. . A office for the identificaUon of purchwert and taiiipiDsr of retim-coopons baa beta C8t.bli.hed at the Union Depot in Atlanta. It will be opened 30 minntea prior to the departure of the traina. . i-jiuv iu None of the conditiona of these ticketa will bu changed in any respect, v Inreatintion of the applUncea for Penoaal comfort, lodging, and food,' means of transit between Atlanta and the Expo, sition Ground, ,, authorizes theassnrance that all elements exist contributing to a pleasant and economical visit. P , V; lllf - b ac interest. ways nov 5 3t-eod Yesterday, the 4th inst, Henry Lov- ett, colored, paid the extreme penalty of the law at Whiteville, Columbus county, for the murder of Archilaus P. Williams, who was also colored. The crime was committed at Williamson's X Roads, is Tatum's township, in the above named eounty, on the 19th day of July. 1880. The parties had always been upon the most friendly ttrms, bat upon the day of the murder there had been a slight misunderstanding between them,, both being partially intoxicated. The diffi culty, however, ;had been settled, and Lovett went to Williams and, patting his arm around the neck of the latter, said, "There is no trouble, Ard,' (a name by which Williams was sometimes known) between us"; and the two walked off a few steps together in seeming friendship, when a blew was beard by the bystanders and Williams exclaimed, "I'm a dead man, without cause," and at the same time Lovett was seen to draw his knife from the neck of his victim. The assassin made no effort to escape, and was immediately arrested by some of the people present while others has tened to the assistance of the wounded man. -They found him with his throat and windpipe cut and the jugular vein nearly severed. Medical skill was prompt ly in attepdance, but the man lived only about twenty-four hours alter receiving the fatal wounds. The murdered man was about;fifty-five years of age, and left a wife and several children. He was, generally, a peacable, quiet man, but sometimes, especially when he had become intoxicated, was inclined to be turbulent. On this occa sion, although drinking freely, he was very quiet. Lovett was held ta await the finding of the jury of inquest, and tha being in accordance with the foregoing facts, he was committed to tho coonty'jail to await the action of the grand iuryjn the matter: At the Fall term of the Superior Court of Ixtmbus county, the grand jury found a "true i bill" .jrainat Lovett, and he was arraign- 1 for trial. Messrs. W. L. Norment, of Robeson, and O. C. Lyon, of Bladen, were assigned by the Court as counsel to defend the prisoner, and upon afflda vitmade that the defense was not pre pared for trial, the case. was continued to the Spring Term of 1881. At the Spring Term of 1881 the defendant asked fnr m. atill farther ccntmuance to enable him to secure Jhe attendanct Mnptr teat witers, 134 aT w NOVEMBER 5, 1881. NO RAILWAYS OF VIRGHIlA whe TerritorytraTersed or reached brthp 'r,u of Period of Validity, in Days, of Tickets herein Enumerated. FOR SINGLE INDI Goio. fAlXY IK TLA XT A 2 D .ys. 6 Days, 2 6 2 " 6 " 2 6 44 2 4 44 2 4 1 44 6 ' 2 6 44 2 u 6 44 2 44 6 44 2 44 6 " Return ikg. VIDUALS. Days. $22 00 23 00 18 25 24 Of 12 80 15 00 15 00 12 00 23 00 21 00 It 25 14 55 14 tt U tl I uT.meni, apply to the undersigned, - r;vi nmo a; I DUieU HOC? the case continued to the Fall Term of 'l88l. At the Fall Term, which con vened at Whiteville on the 19th of Sep tember, 1831, His Honor, Jndge Jesse F. Graves, presiding, Lovett was brought to trial, and after a fair and impartial hearing, an able defense by his counsel and an exhaustive charge, both of the law and testimony in the case, a verdict of "guilty of murder in the first degree was rendered by the jury. A motion was made for a new trial upon the ground that no malice was shown npon the part of the prisoner, but His Honor overruled the motion and upon the reqaest of the Solicitor for the State, J. D. M elver, Esq., proceeded .to pass sentence, which was, "That the prisoner be taken back Irom whence he came and there confined until the 4th day of Noyember, 1881, and that he then, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M., be taken thence by the Sheriff of Columbus county to the place of common execution and there hanged by the neck until he be dead." The prisoner received his sen tence with a perfectly stolid indifference, and without .any apparent remorse for his fearful crime or regard for the awful fate which awaited him. In this state ot mind he has remained until within the last few days, when-he .professed to be come convicted ot sin' and was converted. He, however, to the last maintained that he had no knowledge oc realization of the crime for which he has just paid the penalty. He was visited du ring his incarceration by the Rev. J. W. Dickson, of the Baptist Church, who ' offered him spiritual advice and consola tion,and he has also been visited by two colored clergymen of the same denomina tion and for the same pirpose. One of the latter. Rev. B. Gore, stated to the reporter that Lovett expressed himself as willing and prepared to go. Lovett was about twenty-four years of age, fall black, small statare, and his status, as a colored man, was considera bly below the average of intelligence among those people. He was never married, his father is dead, but his moth, er, three sisters and one brother are now living near Kins ton, Lenoir cosnty, in this State. 1 At an early hour the streets of the quiet and lovely town of Whiteville be gan to be thronged with people from the surrounding conn toy who were incited there to witness tho awful bat nncsaal spectacle of a public execution. The gallows, which was in the jail yard, was to mztzi cj to ftffcrd tsjU tcK 262 AND THE CAROLINAS, jnim,, LXwjiijinfl. RATES OF TICKETS. for Condition of Sle and Use of .which see Notes. For Part For Par For Par For Par ties of 10 ties of 20 tiesof30 ties of 50 each. A. each. B. each. C. each.1 D. 19 10 16 35 13 6010 90 18 80 16 15 13 45 10 75 16 90 14 50 12 30 10 00 21 20 18 20 15 lb 12,10 14 65 12 55 10 45 8 40 13 25 11 35 9 45 7 55 12 35 10 60 8 35 7fl0 9 55 8 20 6 81 -5 '50 20 00 . 12 10 14 25 11 40 17 85 15 30 12 75 10-20 13 15 11 25 9 4: 7 50 11 00 9 45 7 90 6 '30 or to the Station Agents of the Rail- . n,nn General. Passenger Agent. aation to all who desired to see the sol emn proceeding. At precisely thirty miautes past ele ven o'colck, A. M., the jail doors were opened and Lovett, in . the 'custody of Sheriff A. McCollum. aud his deputy f and attended by his spiritual advisors, came out and mounted the scaffold with" a firm step and perfectly calm demeanor. After prayer and singing, be bade good bye to those in attendance and hoped tbalhe should meet tbem all in heaven. The Sheriff i hen adjusted the cap and rope and at precisely 12 o'clock and 10 minutes, P. M , the drop fell und Henry Lovett was lasncb d into eternity. II is neck was dislocated by the fll and he died with hardly a struggle. After being suspended fifteen minutes the attending physicians, Drs. Jackson and Har re 11, declared that lift was extinct and he was cut down and taken te the "Potter's Field" for burial The reporter takes this method of ten dering his thanks to Col. W. M. Bald Win, Clerk of the Superior Court ; of Co Iambus county, to Sheriff McCollsm and to the jailor, Mr. Pridgen, and1 others for their many courtisies to him on the occasion. ' ' Warner's safe Kidney and Liver Core How Ad vorticomenta Carolina Lodge "434, tX. of H. 1 .Mr" D RETHREW: The hour of meeting will JL be 7.30 o'clock, until further noucs. Regular meeting Monday evening the 7th inst4 The new Benefit Certificate are now ready for delivery. .i GEO. N. HARRIS3, nov 5-lt m Repoiter. - BY EXPBESS ' THIS MORNING. A RICH ASSORT ment of Hats and Bonnets, Beaver, Plash and Satin, and Straw Also a fall line of Ladles' Underwear and Fancy Good. MISS E.KARRER, ' - Exchange Come.-. Thanks to the Public JpOS TEEXS TART LUsSOAL Ectoo tiook patroaaga. Z am bow raadf to bow a fall liae of flcta- rraacs and 2aU, , aaay Good, Javaailt Boots,.. - Ramaber taat coad-aaad r clwo Books are soli at abat aalf saa t af if aw .. . oass. at Will ber'ad to rwlT .mmo'!'tJ, ?a oar frta v .n h... OosuBssiastiotii mmtt b wntf Tr .nJ. pma slda of tha Dapa. Paraooalitlea taft b irnitUA jnod thai the Bdlsdo, iw y, don New AdrertUamonts. 4 FALL AND ViNTER GOODS AT HZ. IVI. KATZ?. fpB BKaT AB PORTED STOCK EVER broafhtta th'i city, wha all the latest 2rOT Itifamndfihad la ' ;CTOO DS, 8aln Marreinenx, 8atin d Lyca, Rbtd ames, Pnrvahs. Brocade, "oir An tiqne, :'am f''i, iih. Vbi v t, : ioir-ri, . COLORED- BLAC A D U LUMfV'A' 4Tt Ml . . v OOiLMy. 'cihi'tif AND SHAW.?, ; Men and Boy8 Wer,' rlnrt.U Me fa f n derwsar Hoierj.. filnvi, O rreu, OKSPB3, Maple & Dome lie Goods. to e i, e up i prioe tij qxnl ty, tu aa m- 'a'- and ve txt' oo9 b bail a ate. . II 36 Market G reet. oetsl 'Almanac for 1S82- T O .D & SD 1 UiN ZrJ . KORfHO K L N, ALMANAC, f rl881 lha rt f"pie. jut ree ir d, ' f t i ! . . ' f r, . Nautical Am .aacs. Jutrec 'it d at H"'I.V BEKGE 'fl. nov S NEW YORK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO.j SEQU-WEEKLY LINE. 1 STEAMERS" " ! WILL BAIL FROM NEW TORK -gvexy WgD5K8DAT and aiTUKAT. at 3 'o'eock, P. M. GULP 8TREAlf-.Welredy, S vttaber 1 BR2l2FACTOIt-.iarJy, Korer 5 REGULATOR-.. Wfrls4f! ay, VcwmttT 9 , OULFbTSEiii,..r?etirs;, 2..Txnb5r tS BSifEFACTOii..Wet.dy, ;or, terlS RaDLATOKw.itorfr, XT fB IS 0 17L F " A M .i W i c f d y , N rm ter 33 . U. ihrotj(h iiillB Ladia x.d Itimttt Thtsugh Rat- faraati fc ais frca -Foittt la Kortb and -oa h Cruliaw For Freiht "Ctiuit r 5 t TUOS. E. BOtU, p 1 ' WCaaiart, H J T3X0. a UGrR, FrdrM AtC Wklr. no., Gaa'i Azcou. . liST I-tf ' nn. i. K n , I. r, ! . u t ' is I i u -