fewtfafrtaBW1 ST--,' jm a-fey . .... . . .. v j ; i - - , - - COMFORT- . , . " "1 .,.' nfcrht W dreary, :i?Jnow It U only WTl7ltf la past. i uin ibe measure The it and the bitter Must botb pass away. Peris Oorr O Picayune. PlKISTBIME. ssaie Interesting . Caes That lUTe 5 uU)j Excited the French Capital. Asa4J3ination3 were never c tumen ro nnr. and as for attemntn Urob wito tioleuce, they are perpetrated omnibuses, the Palais Bojal baa Lome almost tbe great Rialto of vice it before 1830. Girls of twelve or thirteen years are there in number ply . aa infamous trade to enrich monsteia bo drive them on the street. - The iqso leoce of the lower classes is. intolerable, etneciallj to priests and nuns. All this ieoioff to bring en a reaction, which wiU confide power to the sword. Tho Joeral elections will produce great ex Jtemeat. A. shopkeeper said to mo the o'her day : 'As soon as the canvass wins I will sell nothing ; no work will be done; people will do nothing but drink ; no money' .-will be made." Ico iiaftlera. however, cannot complain that tbe season has been stagnant for them, the sales of ico this month having cx eeeded ia Paris alone 45,000 tons ; Cafe Anffiaiw,Cafe Ricfce, Cafe Foy, Maison VrhftttA . rjonchlfeach & ton of lwt., ' -- a. . ice daily, and there was scarcely a single cafe or restaurant wnicn qui not ouy $UU to 400 pounds every day. More ice woald probably have been sold had not sot the revelations of the police chemists checked the sale of beer. The chemists declared that every sample of beer ana Ijzed by them ; was unwholesome from adulterations of all sorts, so few people were bold enough to pour such poison down their throats.' The drouth has Dido itself felt in other ways than in the sale of ice. Uur. vegetables nave Deen scarce and of poor quality, and so small that they seem dwarfs ; they have been lad are very dear."! ; The other night ' " TWO' TOUKO CLESKS were playing billiards in ' a cafe of the o.alevard St. Germaio, and talked freely of thoircoaoerns, without heeding a man who seemed asleep at the adjoining ta ble. One of them said to the other: "I have just inherited $400." "Oh, then, wo are going to have a jolly time of it," "No, no! I will not touch one cent of that money. It is safely hidden in a theat of drawers under my shirts. To morrow 1 am going to carry it.to a stock broker ana bay threes." A few minutes after, the sleeping man woke, rose, took ais hat and went out. An hour after wards the clerks paid for what they had taken and tooTc their hats one of them, he who had inherited $400, found that bis hat had been taken, probably by the aleeper, and another left in its place. As it was just as gvod as the hat taken, and tho former fitted Jbim quite as well, he bore the exchange philosophically: and jogged home. lie had no sooner entered iii lodgings thaa he saw they had been catered with false keys.hia chest of draw ers broken open and his $400 stolen. He did not sleep that sight. The hat left him did not altogether ' suit him, so he weat to his hitter to change it. His hatter told him that the evening before a man had come into the shop and had said he had inadvertently taken a gentle man's bat; ahiseeing the- hatter's name inside, he had'caHed, thinking the hatter Eight be able to give him the owner's name and address that he might restore the. hat accidentally taken. The hatter gave the :naiM' and address. The bur glar secured $400 ' by the information given. The barglar'a hat was lqft with the hatter and a new hat selected. Af ter the clerk lefV, the hatter took out the linitg of tho burglar's hat, and to his surprise found under it a letter bearing aa address. He read it and found-it was from a burglar promising aid J in a con templated burglary which haf been plaaned by the" person to whom the let ter was addressed. The latter took the letter to- the police and told what had occurred. Before sunset both burglars were arrested. - A few days since TUST' CASHIER OP A ' STBA8BURQ BANK wsa surprised to find, on opening, a regis tered letter from Schles taunt, which he was advised contained $1,000,- held only waste paper. Ho at once summoneu me police, tound it came from a Paris news paper.: -Continuing their investigations they found that the person who had sent the resrlstered letter was a subssriber to the' Paris newspaper- A newspaper, of the same date as that from which the cuttings had been takes was procured. It was found that the collection of the subscriber (who . filed the paper) lacked the newspaper of that date. Evidently the thief was in the sender's house. Allpersons ia it were watched, and inquries as to their character made. It was found that aa apprentice- hadjaked his master the day after the theft had been - committed leave of absence to assist his parents, who lived in a village come distance off, and that he' had" not gone there, but had taken' a different direction. , Tbe tele graph was used to order his arrest just as he was crossing the frontier; the $ 1,000 was found onTum,nd he confessed lus crime, ; - . Countess Branicka and Countess Czars took --a few evenings ; since .a coach of the Korthern railway for their exclusive use. Whenthey reached Charleroff they found that their two satchels had disappeared. When? where? how? They could not answer All they could say was that their Batches contained a seven row peuri necklace, six gold bracelets set with ru bies, sapphires and emeralds, $6,000 in gold and bank notes, a prayer book and two passports, - the - whole - worth be-, tween $80,000 and $120,000. The po lice are all out trying-to discover the thieves who Bade off with saeh rich Asked a bright Jookin? feel miserable,-I'm billions and can't , u iuj uaca is so jameTI can't work, ;YVhy in thworld jion't you laVeidney-Vort? thaVswhat l!take when. I m out of sorts, and it always keeps me in perfect tune."" My doctor re commends it for all such troubles." Kidney Wort is the sure cure for billions ness and constipation. Don't fail to try it. Lonq Branch A etc. -1:. Qoarterly Meetlagg. Wilmington District, Methodist E Church, South. Fourth round. Onslow, Queen's Creek, . Nov. 5- 6 Duplin, Wesley Chapel : Nov. 910 Clinton, Clinton, . Noy. 12-13 Coharie . ? : t$foj. 16 17 Cokesbury . . . ;, 0 -: Nov, 19 20 &"Let all the officials be . present. L. S. Buskukad, P. E. Persons irho stand upon their Feet, whether men or women, are often troubled with serious pains and weaknesses in the back, loins and other parte of the body. It has been proven beyond a doubt, how ever, that Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is a certain preventive of these troubles. "E:. v:':"?;;- A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. ELEVENTH GRAND DIB TRIBUTION, CLASS L, AT NEW OR LEANS, TUE8DAY, NOV. Sth, 1881 138 th Monthly Drawing. lmm State Lottery Company. Incorporated in 1S63 for 2o years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital ot $1.000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $420,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. Its Grand Sinolb Ncubxh DsAwcres will take place monthly. -Itnevtr scales or postpone Look at the following Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH, HALF-TICKETS, ONE Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES, i 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 2 Prizes of $3,500 5 Prizes of 1 000 20 Prizes 'of 500 100 Prizes of 100 200 Prizes of 50 500 Prizes of 20 1000 Prizes bf 10 $30,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $3002,700 9 Approximation Prizes ot 2001,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1S57 Prizes, amounting to - - ,$ll0,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. For further Information, write clearly, giving full address. Send order by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order bj mall, addressed oxlt to M. A. DAUPQIN, ? Nw Orleans, La or M. A. PAUPHIY.al No. 212 Broadway, New Torsi All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of GENERALS U. T. BEAUREGARD Sad JUBAL A. EARLY. Notice to the Public. , The public are hereby oautioxkd aqaixst SENDING- ANT MONKY OB ObDSKS TO NUNES & CO., 83 Nassau St., Nbw- Yobx. Citt, as authogzed by the Louisiana State Lottery ompany to sell its Tickets. They are flooding the country with Bogus Ciecu labs purporting to be of The Louisiana 8tate Lottery Company, and'are fbaudu ientl"T representing themselves as its Agents. They have no authority from this Company to sell its Tickets, and are not its agents for any purpose. M. A. DAUPHIN. Pres. Louisiana State Lottery Co New Orleans, La.. July 4, 1SS1. ot l2-we3-at-4wdAW . GRAND BARGAINS. SOL. BEE & BROS OFFEK NOW ONE OP THE LARGEST STOCKS ... OP Heady-Made Clothing I FURMSHIKQ GOODS I DR7 GOODS! ' - . BOOTS & SHOES ! HAT S ! A FULL LINE OP Oarpets ! OIL CLOTH! AND We respectfully solicit a call before purchasing elsewhere. , , SOL BEAR & BEOS' oatai CD i-v lit... iU M i A TRUE TONIC A' PERFECT GTRENGTHENER. A SURE REV1VEH, IBOK BITTEKS are highly recommended for all diseases requirinir acertn and efficient tonic ; especially LvUoution, Dyspepsia, Intefmitu& Fevers, Want of AppetiLoss of Strength,Lack qfnergy,ete. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles,and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing ajl dyspeptic eymptom such as Tasting the Food, Ijldt?li n StnJIwrib, The only Iron Preparation .ff rl -ot blacken the ieeth or giye headache. Sold by au druggists. .Write for the A B C Book T32 pp. of useful and amusing read-ing)--eTUfr.; J3KOWK CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Id. SMtbaaaS IwoBitUiWB!yBowyFHgioOAl.CV.adba OT W3 GOODS ! TBI WISE 13-Br? - - - 1.... ' "": " ' 'i best in the market. n nn niTt EPfe DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES I All varieties of CLoice PreBerres in one and two pound vCans, the Gan'l 3 uo'to Office TTILMI5QT0B. COLUMBIA JLBlf AD 0 OUBTA ftAILSOAD OO. Wilmington, w. o., Nov. 4, 1881. CHANGE OF SOHEDULB ON AND AFTER Nov 6th, 1881, at 10 40 P II, ths foUewintr Passenger Behcdale will be a ob this road . TIGHT KXPBE88 TRADI8 (Daily). Nos. 48 West and 47 Eatt . Leave Wllmlngi Leave Tloreaee Arrive at O O and A Janetion Arrive atOolombia.w..M Leave Columbia. Leave O O and 4 A Jaaetlon., Leave Florence.. Arrive at Wilmingtoa 10 40 P h S 11A Jt , S.S0 A ft . 40 A M .10 00 P .10 30 P II 3 00 A M 6 20 A M Niaht Mail akd PAssavesa TaAnr, Daily PO 40 WT, A1ID DAT MAIL A PAS ssaeia TxAia, Ao. 43 East Leave Wilminjcton iUWMHM.ll 45 P M arrive at Florence eeeeese weMstM 8 15 A M lare FloreneeMM..M.M.M. eeeeeee 1 05 P M Arrive at Wilming tonM..M.MM.M 6 05 P M Mail iki PAassaeaa Damt, 42 Wasr, 4k East. Lsave Wilmington 8.SS P M Arrive at Florence 12.46 A M Leave Florence ... .... 6.45 A M Arrive at Wi.mington......mM..M12.00 M Train No 42 and 42 stops at all Stations Wo 40 stops oalj at Fleznington, Wtdte ri le. Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points oa O. 4 G. H R., O., Or A A- R. B. Stations, aiken JasetioB, and all points bjondf should take 48 Night Express. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta on train 47. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. j on r. DiYiB8,toaTaj Burt. A. POPE, Gen'l Pass. Ageat nov 4 WILMINGTON A7ELD0I1 aaixnoAD COUP ANY. 9mnor Gab.otrraauiTa'aoam 1 WUntington, 2f. a, Not. 4, 1881. f 0HANGR Of srlOHEDULS. ON AND AFTER Nov. th, 1881, at S 40 A M, Passenger Trains on the fil mington A Weldoa - Railroad will run folio DAT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, tail) Not. 47 North and 48 South, Leave Wllsolngtoa, Frost St. Dspot at.......- .6 40 A M ArrlTeat Weldoaat 12 50 P M Lesre Wsldon 8 58 P M Arrive-at Wilmington, Front 8L Depot at-..-....;.......... 10 20 F X Fast Through Mail and Paweajrer Train Daily Nos. 43 North and 40 8oth. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depet at...-. 8.25 P to Arrive at Weldos L26 A M Leave Weldon.... .15 P M Arrive at Wilmington, frost ML DepoU........-.. 11.35 P M Daj Mait and Paueaer, Daily, .No. 45 North and 42 South. Leare Wilmiogton Front St, Depot at.......... 2.C5 P M Arrive at We don at- ..10 15 P ,M leav eld on at . . 1 35 AM srrireat Wilmington- - 8.16 A M Train No 40 Sontii wUl atop oalj at Koet Mount Wilson, Goldaboro and Magnolia.' frains oa Tarboro Braneh aoad leave Boeky Mount for TarDoro at 7.43 P M dally and Tuesday, Thursday and datorc ay at 6:ui A M. Returning, leave Tarboro at 9.50 A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday ast Friday at 8:30 P M Train No. 47 makes eloec connection at Weldon for all points North dailr. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Bond ay vis Bay Line. Train No 43 runs daily and makes dose connection for all points North via Rich mond and Washington AU trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palscr Sleepers Attached. JOHN f. DIVINE, eeaeral SupW A, POPE, Gen'l Pass. Agent BOV 4 rJew River rJlullets. BBLS. NEW MULLETS, is, V ; For tale byj 150 Osri DOZ. LARGE R HALL & PEliSSALtB oct 2 I Mew Meat "Store. THAVE LEASED and fitted up nana-ervm-iv ! Stnre WMtaide of North Sea ond street, third door from Market, where I will be glad to see my inenu uu cm tomera. Spleudid Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poik and MaCineandaee me. OABOLINA CBKTBAL BAIXBOAD COMPANY. Owzen GxxnAL Bsnazsmnawx, Wilmiseton, ual BsrsaDRtvanv, i, JET. a, June , 1581. f Czaztob or Scheditlk. rff AND AFTER Jnne 5. 1881. frl J loving Schedule will be operated on t' is cuiiroaa : PA8SENGER, MAIL AND EZPRES RAIN. Dally except Sundays -r . f.Leave wuninrton. 9. IF, a Jt Arrive at Charlotte at..6.45 P M . Leave Charlotte at. s.oo a to J Arrive at Wilmington at.3.25 P If Trains Nos 1 and 2 aton at Momlir Ktmtinn only, and points designated ia the Coops nvs Time Table. These trains make close "connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. S and 4 for Cleve land hp rings and all points on 8helby Di Tmon.; PA8SENGER AND FRETGRn. ) Leave WOnungton aU-. 6:30 P t No ft Arrive at Hamlet at-. 1x26 A at Charlotte at. 80 A H 1 Leara Oharloftta m.t TiSO P ' a sTe 8 V Arrire at HanJetat. . 1:23 A hi j at Wllminsrton at 8:30 A M No. 6 Is dally except Sunday, half bo i connection ir Kaieigfion Saturday. No. 6 Is dally except Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION. P SBENGER.MAIL Z.VLri41VH A.HU IT JC1U11T. - Lre Cii&rlctte at T:00 P hi 1 Arrive at Shelby at....-10:30 P i. j I Leave Shelby at.-.-.. : X) A II 1 Arrive at Charlotte at fitSO A U . -Trains Noa & and S maka elnM AnnoMttAt ai Hmlet to and from Raleigh, except a aoore. Through Sleeping Oars between Raletfft and Charlotte. Trains No. 1 and 2 make connection at Charlotte with A ,T. A O K. R., a'rivinc; at otaresTiiie same evening, and eopeeoting tnre with W. N. O. R. K. for Asheville and all points on W. N O, R. R 1 rais Nos 3 and 4 connect otoely with tioester iienior at Li- colnton. ?2 W. JlJH$tiif. Je 7 erl s?vrintmv.vt 1881 THK SDK. 'BALTIMORE 1881 Published Dally, Exoept Huny. Renowned as the Freshestjand Most' 9tistcct ry ofallNewi papers. Low in PriceCompact in Form. Independent ia Expression, Oosiervativeln Tone, The career of THE SUN, from Its tar lies beginning, nes been cnaracterixed by a pro gressive spirit and aa original and eflective enterprise. To these characteristics it stead. fasti v adheres. Covering as it does the whole field of news- paper endeavor, its every number is a com etlete reflex of the spirit of the times and the activities and even's of tne day. TBE sun expressed its opinions on cur ren t events as thev arise and on subjects of public interest, with the view only of arriv insr at riartt results and conservinsr the seen eral welfare 1 ta eonsistent integrity is ther ougnly known and understood, AS A FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER. THE SON is adapted to the needs of all and enjoys s world wide confideoca. The extent and variety of THE BUN'S Local Reports, their careful ccuraoy and avoidance of pruriency, constitute a striking feature, acceptable bcth at home and abroad. ITS UUHHHKUAUKSOIS, Foreign and doxaeetie, is amsurpaesed In ez- eeueaee and rreennes ITS WASHINGTON BUREAU covers all the phases of political information tanspirine at the National Capital, with proper- aote and comment. Unexcelled in the part, It will b maintained at the highest standard in ue future. THE MARKET AND STOCK REPORTS cfTHE 8CN are collected and compiled with tbe utmost ear, and may be taken as safe amides bv all who desire to obtain the i latest and most trustworthy information on these I otDortant tonics. In abort, THE SUN will continue to main tain the biz h reputation it has acquired as in enternrisinr. accurate and well-edited newspaper, always ready to add to its facili ties for eolieconsr news neseve? neoeeeary to meet the ieereaaiar demands of the time, and to maintain tbe hlsrh enafidenee oi which its larsre and steadily inereasinsr cl.eulatioa rirM evidence. Tensa of .-ubecription" br Mail Cfrah la Advance On eYear; postage tneiuded... ..,,18 00 lx Months, postage iaelnded... S 00 Vhree Months; postage included. 1 58 imra Months, poataare tndaded 1 58 Our elegant Family Floor, Parole 6? Honour Pig Hams, JBreakfast Stripe and Small Shoulder, Parched Java and Lagnayra Cof? ee, These goods &ie all Ireeh this week Our prices and quality oi goods will convince yon if you will try us. HTry the prepared Sorps Foi Bale at CEO.:;MYi.RS'. Q'eb 14 ; Nos. 11 aodl3 8outh Front RMfJ L THE BEST OF ALL 70S K&N AKO BEAST. For more than a third of a century tlf Mexican Mnitang Liniment has been known to millions ull over tbe world at the only safe reliance for the relief of accidents and pain. It is a metliclno above prioe ana praise tne nest or It a kind. For every form of external pain the Mustang Liniment is without an equal. It penetratee xleali autd muscle to the very bone making the continu ance of pain and inflammation impos sible. Its effects upon Human Flesh al the Brute Creation are equally wonder ml. The Mexican Liniment is needed by somebody In every house. Every day bring news or tne agony of aun awfnl eesdd err burn subdued, of rhenmatlo martyrs re stored, or a valuable horse or ox saved by the healing power of this UNC9ENT which ispeedirr enres such ailments of the iiuuan jfXJasii as , Bhamatiim, Swelllnara Stiff Joints, Contracted Slueeles, Burn and Seaads, Cut; Bruises and Sprains, Poisonous Bites autd ni.. MMMi;' KdUBMSi Old Sores, Ulcers. JProstbetos. ChllblaUns, Sore If ipples, CaJaed Breast, and Indeed every form of external dis ease. It heals wttnaat sears. For tbe Bstm Cbxatiok it cures Hnnlma. IwinnT. StiT fIntS. Founder, Harness Sores, Hoot IMs eaaes, Foot Cot, SWrew Worm, Scab, UoUow Horn, Scratches, Wind galls, Spavin, Thruah, Ringbone, Old Sores, Poll "Evil, Film upon the Stent and every other ailment to which the occupants . of the Stable and Stock Yard are liable. Tbe .Mexican Sfustans; Luhacat always cures and never disappoints; and it Is, positively, THE BEST OF ALL mm FOB HA2T OB BEAST. Usiu. i has Month, postaxe Address A. 8, A SELL' AOO, Publishers, bsa Iron Buildjag. O jratasTryLU 50 TO THDiK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. PLILiSE OfiDEB EABLT. (JASU, DOOnS AD BUNDS BBACXXT8, UOTJLDnf O, LUMBER, A ALTJUT7EII, PBICE t CO. est 11 ' "WHOLESALE PRICES. ' The followiiia qootanona retrasoot wholesale prices genarall j. In makiai? ar all crdsrs hJirber riicet bav tc le charted oeeeeeeoc 9 BAGUIN'O ftantiaru ' fi -IK ft SAOON .North Carolina, Mmxmf r w Bbouldera, lb...... zsidea, y a-w . Western 8saoked Bamst.t.).......,.... Sides, y .... Btouidsra.. Dry 8alUd Sides. ? C Shsulders. ii O .. BKXP Lire freight .. IABREL8 S- irits Turpesiiaa second uaod, eeoh . Kew Yort.aiek. ntvr l c BlilCKS Wilnoiat:tonSa 7 00 wr .a. ' flonnem .. 00 SUTTEXr-JforthCajroiiaaft 12 Forthern. TO ft.. OaNDLEiB &porn & xauow, y I. AdeisintiE,.? afit OilEKSt Sorthorn Factory, 1$ r. Dairy cream, V 8tate. : COIJgE Java,? M. tr mm . . w- . -UO, y D ISVi? sj $ 6 O 10 HZ 13 13 8 If! 35 10 it I to e t cc e ai ? S CO Cill 02 O i eooeeee w w-a li 14 10 11X 13 C? hi o 0 ew V bdl 1 0 O 1 1 25 1 1 CS 0 oc 5 10 6 CO 7 6G 7 0C 7 60 G? ( O & 6 f ?6 t-0l'-0v V 6 U tf '3 1 iiOMEgTIO bheetier, 4-4 yard... Ifsrn. w bureh FLO U Hi Fisa. ? htl Kopar, nortaarc, v bbl... Kxtra do V bbl.." faaUv . . ' bbl.. . Olty MiilKxBnper bbl... ' Ei. rsTr.i1 hhl a nn rum- . JSaekerel, Ho. i, p tfci. 18 00 5o. 1. bbl A 7R Haakerel, So. 1, ? bbl.. .li hQ So. J, V kbl 6 fx Mackerel, No. 3 bbU....OO GC 2iollete. J? bbl 3 ti S. O. Herrinf;, 'frle?. s l nrvlVd, r 5?.. sci.lILiZ2K ' raian ct.,-- Vy..- t; a.? s t i,ar.lit. rt'i,ir ' G C ftataei Gctu.-. " " f v. vonipiot i'trntt. " ir- Whaw'e Ptc!pLatr - C) f ar.de Faccpt&U. ' 0 vf' WUscx. fiibb t 0.. oi- ripnls'ied Ooaoo....... Co . WLCy-V 3L 9 Com, cargo, V 6 . tB is Oom,raL, ? b&aheL-..-,. 00 ft Oat, bushel...... 66 d Pes, sow, "9 bushsL... 70 BIDKd-Grees, y E 4 y Dry, II &. 10 Q dAl Eaetsirn, 100 Cs. 1 SC Q I ortb Riyar, 100 ibi... 1 1C Q 1 tOOF ISOK V ton 8P C 8 LARIi- iSforttrn IT. llHO1 iri70i Carolina Ib.. -Vip Q UiJ- obL U Q UJMBEiCltj stean. sa'wd 8hipstiiff,resawed, ft.ls 0!j Jl Souirhedic plank. f Mft.if Of: Ql West l&di curfcoy aord. Ingt to quality, M ft...ld en ie . Dressed aoorinjf,sa4onod.l6 00 25 Bcxntlit and boards, eonv noii, M fi........ 1J a ! tiOLABeil.8Ccba.hhd"5?gJ 3i fij Ouba, bbl., gti..L.. 41 ' Suar house,hlds. V gal 3& Q " bbla. ,ral... 29 Orleans Choice fcMi. gtL 00 5AIL& Oat,20dto4d,Vk"g.basi. Q 3 OILS Kerosfeno, gti..... 10 fet Lara, 9 gal &5 & Linsead. J ral Rosit, V gaL....... ....... 25 & fEANCItJ V bcheL.., CO Q ' iOTATOl--ywo8t, has. 00 & Irish, Northern, - bbl 1 5 g J 'OI-K Northern, city tca.l7 frC Cl8 Thin, bbL........ 00 Of 00 Frixue, V bbl (extra) CO 00 tf00 iluiop, bbl....... ...Of; 0C 4P, .ICE Carolina, f; To ci& . . Aough, b-LiL.. 75 i AUB-uocDtrj, i rr- WPC--..- ..... iitflkp...... tt-oLlle i, .... tDAIt-Cnba, C S3 40 l H 15 11 Z0 lb 23 TO 10 1 1 IS 4 00 6 0 5 '50 s oc 1 25 1 ffi 2 Porto Eloo, b lb. i- UOEM, tt.. lOJifr B " . Q " c a. ... q Mx O ta 1x7 j Orushed Jf a...... ALT Alum, sack... TO t Urerpool, sack.......... Tfc 6 . AicerieaE f sack .... .., 00 aarsbal'p fib, 9 sack... . i Cadis V saok. CO C -iO AP Northern, V & Ika aaiNOL-CoDtraet.Jif fi 0C- 1 Ooonot.Ji !.,.... i 0C Q 2 FJTAVEH W. O. bbl 9U.12&C fllfl K O hhd. V 00 CO COO TALLOTV V It . 3 f TIMBER Shipping ? M...14 00 016 sill, extra per Id 10 0C QU Mill, prime par 10 00 Ql UilL fair per M 8 00 ( Oommon, per ....5 00 & T Inferior to Ordinary, par A5 4 CC 6 fTMlBKEY North'n,pers U (f i ATorth Caroina, per tf al... 2 SO fy t WOOL Dnwaahed,perCi. 2C Q Washed, per in-...r..M.. 25 ff Kurrv wool, par 10 O ' 11 . '7t 00 57 n 7t 11 40 lb 0() I'lH 13 26 0C Of Ot m 3d 43 oc CC 45 90 ftC 6U 00 CO . 00 00 T US 10 00 GO ' CO .BX tlX oc CC 35 00 T 10 lb 00 oc 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO CO 60 00 36 .' 13 JGE PRIMS ! AT THE LOWEST PBICES ! AXCERTAI m PRICES tlitUi HAVING YCUR PWlUWiO DOME ELSEWKRflEI Satisfaction Cuaran ie ed r ferftas reidi g of tbe t ty b , to thesa hv BiJ frws e' jTtaf a.

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