THIS PI FEB - hBloltobed erery afteraeen,; fliJi -JOSH. T. JAM EC, , inB3CJrnK8 POSTAGE PAXD. ; i year,f 5 00 8Ix monthi, $150 ; Three OM90Bths,tl J5; One month, oQeeats. paper will be deUvered by carriers, f ehr lff in any part of the city, at the idTrtMiBir rt iow nd Ubril jl faHarss to receire their papers regularly.. yew Advertisements. THE GREAT FOB RHEUHATISI, Iteuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell" fogs and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, tooth. Ear and Headache', Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, o preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil ti tmfe, utr, simple and rheap External fmt4j. A trial entails but tj comparatirely trifling outlar ef 60 Cents, ana erery one suffer ing with pain can bare cheap and positfye proof f its claims. Directions in Heron Languages. COLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS AHD DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A.VOGELER&CO., Baltimore, Md., JJ. S. A, april 11 dAw-nao tcS ' . Ralegh, N. C., Sept. 27, 1881. Mai. Jox Person, Franklinton, N. O Dear Madajib: I" reply to your let ter askingwhat 1 think of your Remedy. I would say that tho sales have been very fair, and so far as I can learn, the Heme dj has been very satisfactory to my cus tomers who have used it, especially so in the case of a little girl of this city, ten ears of age, who was troubled for a long time with sores breaking out' over the face and neck, having the appear ance of Scrofula, and which had resisted the usual alterative treatment for a long time. She took four bottles of the Bit ters last Spring, when the sores entirely disappeared, and up to this time she has had co return of them, her skin looking aa fair and clear as anyone's. Trusting that you may receive the sue CE8 which your Remedy seems to merit, I am, very respectfully yours,. WM. SIMPSON, Druggist. For sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wm. H. Green. Send for circular of testimo nials, oct 3Uw TO SUBSCRIBERS WILMINGTON TELEPHONIC EXCHANGE. TjR0M AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, Xbr. 2, 1SS1, the verbal repetition of'Srders Siren to Operators will be discontinued Ihe Central Office Operator, Instead of an swering back through bis transmitter, as heretofore, will in the future acknowledge the rectDtion of vour order and ffire notice that it has been executed by . a sicgle tap of the bell of the subscriber giving tne order. Always hold your lever down until your bell taps in response toyour order, and thus atoid haviae the operator ring In your ear. The Central Office Orjerator upon the re ception of your order- for disconnection, will give both bells one tap; this notifies both parties of the disconnection. . ?. C. WHITE. . novl JManager The Club House, Ant; If 'sCt?raJIO TO ITS FINE TS r stock of Wines, Liquors, Beer customers and friends NEW RIVER nvatrp mrweA in anv stvle desired. Mj motto la to please and to this end no effort .... n r..ll- wuibe iparea. cspccuiuij, . F. W. ORTMANN, ProorietorOrtniann, Club Houie, -ott 25-tf 8econd at., Cnrrie'a Block. The CoGmopolitan THB TO TTTTT PT. A C.TL WHERE YOU v. omnlAct nnrst and most sdentlficallj mixed Summer Drinks to be Champagnes an t liquors always on luand Ithe best 5-cent Cigar that la made. - Drop aaadcooloffi. JOHN CARROLL, jS Proprietor.- FERTILIZERS AND : FERTIUZINQ MATERIAL. QOTTON AND CCTRN PLAN1ERS Truckers and others can get Into correct channel to trade advantageously by com saukattng with JAS. T. PETTEWAY, Agent 7r the celebrated rertflizers,WIlcox, Glbbs Co'a Manipulated Oaano and .Add Pho yUate. sept 0- s ' ' nryfi BENE 111. L t - 1 1 VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1881 LOCAL NEWS. A New Advertisements. HzrasBKRGXB-wParlor Organs ; C W Yates NaPress, No Water Altavfer, Price & Co Sash, Doors an 1 Blinds ' L J Otterboubo Clothing and Agents RMMcIntire Embroidered Dresses J F Schtjltz Lontignee Notice J A SrKiNGEB 100.000 Bricks I. Flanagan -The Variety Store Bridesmaids wear white Gelder roses and small ttklle veils. Feather head-dresses . are adopted by Mufis of velvet and lace will be much in vogue this winter. The storm signal floats to-day aad the weather is threatening. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,379 bales. Money isn't exactly tight, bat it is perhaps a little exhilerated. ' , The big sunflower still holds its own in the aesthetic world of fashion. Be. barque Geo, Davis, Malloy, sail ed froml3ordeax for this port on the 2nd inst. The Benefactor is the next steamer due here. She sailed from New York last Saturday. A few watermelons are still brought into market, notwithstanding the ad vanced season. The handsome new residence of Mr. J. W. Taylor, comer Front and Walnut streets, is nearly completed. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You can get jdl sizes and at the lowest prices. ' " t Mr. H. I. McDuffie, ot the Laurinburg Enterprise, can speak now of "my two papers ; both weekly". He has leased the Pee Dee Bee, at Rockingham, and wlil hereafter ruQ it; aucww w PD -D, as well as to the' Enterprise. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi's. T It will interest the marriageable ladies of Wilmington, if nothe gentlemen, to know that wedding cards this winter are' of the square note size, heavy paper, en graved with running script or round English letters; no embelishment of any kind on either card or envelope, not even a monogram. Weddings in high life are to be sol emnizedwith unusual . splendor during the coming winter. It is whispered in well informed circles that while tulle will be more worn than ever in the trimming of wedding dresses, and that tulle veils will -be more popular than those of great er value, but less becoming. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and 'lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at J aoobi's, f . Unmailable Unmailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Postoffice in this city: One brown envelope illegibly address ed; Caroline Blount, No. 6 Reed St.; Bet sey Williams, Fayctteville, N. C; one white stamped envelope, no address; La vinna Albert, No. 1683 Nashua, N. H.; Charlie Honesty, Northampton Co., N. C.; Carrie King, Beaufort, N. C. I cannot. express joy enough over the wonderful qualities ot St. Jacobs Oil. For eight days 1 suffered with terrible pain in the back, almost to distraction, until I heard of St. Jacobs Oil, one bot tle of which cured me completely. G. B. Haverkr, Foreman, New Haven, Conn. y. Y. $ iv If. S. B. Co- . Relics or the Lower ja- The Raleigh Ketcs and Observer sa.vs: "At the colored fair is shown a gun owned by Henry Berry Lowery, the fa mous outlaw. It is a Maynard, with two sets of barrels, one rifled, the other smooth-bore, and is in a case which con tains a wonderfully com pie apparatus for making cartridges. With this gun he killed several persons, among them his mother. His initials, H. D. B. L ,' are cut on the stock." This reminds ua that the Editor has in his possession a copy of a newspaper which was found on the person of Steve Lowery, the last of the gang, and through which the ball that killed the outlaw had penetrated. . r- Q ueauiuai ana Aitracuve. w "4 aampiea ot oauuiui lubiura tarua ana envelopes, ec, lor Ad- , for Ad Tertising-purposes, can be sen at E. S Wtmv.V'a TvW T:: Aac nuiuig kjiucc, corner I caau.3 communities North Carolina I Chestnut and Water streets. T!Jpito rua are popular ana , attractive, and mav hA h A tlA .f .i 4. r, it , . , l' '; p. aa inspect ine aampiea. It. Cases are constantly occurring ' in ev - ery family, where, if Dr. Boll's Cough with 20,250 bales raised on 51,880 SISFJ"?"?11?.. "dLcrea, , New Hanover raised but 66 v. wuuiu giTBno luruxerroUDie. , am ior me urpUftn cause. It is propoaed,: and the presr of tha notice, that a collection will be lifted for the benefit t)f the Oxford Orphan AgJ. Thankarfvi Iv. thna nractillr d J monstrating our gratitude to the Giver of all good for the blessings of the past year. SWnDy Men. eim xxeaua ?ewer. awoiuw cure for nervous debility, and Weakness of the generative functions, $1 at drug - gJSlS. XJiSpOv O. J. ILLuaUB. Belle of a Past Age - Tn ihet rnnNA nf nio rontin 4a Viof side of Second street, near Dock, occu- pied by Mrs. E. Warren, a brick was re - vpA .hiVli ha iffl faA ftlftr sketch of a schooner in full sail indent - ed in the brick and which was probably made when the brick watr green. It is curious as recalling a past age as it has been many, many years since this build-1 ing was erected and the hand that made the sketch has probably long since meulderedin the grave. 1 he Variety store. We took a tour this morning through the variety store of Mr. L. Flanagan, on Market street, and found him one of ths busiest men in Wilmington. He is now engaged in opening and marking and getting ready for display the enor mous stock of -millinery, fancy goods, UUilWUa ..A L.117 gOOU9 pUrCUMBU by him on his recent visit to the North. We speak advis edly when we siy enermoas stock as both floors of his store are crowded with his purchases. He will make a very handsome display when all is ar ranged, and as he bought low, he will sell low. Mr. Flanagan makes a spe. cialty, by the way, of his line French candies, which are. truly nice, as all who have tasted them must know. Sale or Real Estate The Grant property, running through from Second street to Third, along the line of Princess street, was sold to-day at auction by Mr. F. H. Darby, Commis. sio'ner, under a decree from the Superior Court. It was divided into four parcels, the house and lot corner of Second and Princess streets, two offices with premis es fronting on Princess street, opposite the Court House, and the site of the burned stables, corner Princess and Third streets. Mr. Carl Mugge bought the first named house and lot, for $4,550. Mr. L. Brown became the purchaser of the office and tract adjoining this at $1,150 ; Mr. E. G. Barker bought the other office and tract for $1,387.50, and Mr. S. Stevens, of Onslow county, purchased thev stable tract for $2,250. The entire sale realized $9,337.50. Terms of sale, one-third cash and bal ance in 6, 9, 12 and 15 months.. Free Show Ho Res erred Seats, t. Mr.W. E. Cros&ley, agent for the third advertising brigade, of Forepaugh's Show is in the city to-day, making arrange ments for a grand illuminated stereopti cdn exhibition to-morrow evening. Prof Abt will entertain the spectators with a series of wonderful zoological illustra tions, exhibiting many of the rare ani mals and birds to be seen in the great Forepaugh show, which is to exhibit here Saturday Nov. 12. The leading features of the circus will also be produced, and views ot famous places, portraits of illus trious women, reproductions of works of art. views of great cities, lakes, nvera and mountains, and last, but by no means least; a fall-sized view ol Forepaugh's famous "Queen of Beauty." the ''hand sjomest woman in America" will be exhi bited by means of the stereoptieon. I t is a free show. The exhibition wUbe given ff$m the balcony of the house Southeast corner Of Market and Front streets, but if the weather is inclement then it wil- take place the following evening, cea taeacisg at 739 o'clock. i . rattnt. in tt.t. c..tu. tteara few items, compiled from - 1 the Ifcensus returns of the rnttnn rmn I whiAwill tn tb. I . ton from 893,153 acres of land under l will.. -. . "u"c uuiiwation. me largest cotton, produc- ing troaty is Wake, which raised 30,115 j 1 baict 9a 59.16 acres. Edgecombe is bale r U9 . . ui w-m. hviw , iut itUClu IB VCljr mueot iMew Hanover, it!must be re- IbeMd. outside of the .city. Anson "tHUBW"; ; voiumous, ou ; amoenana, 3,VUD; uoplm, 4,499; On- 754i Robeson, 846; and Sampson, 6,291 ??on Surry cooties raised but olo bale, each and it took two acres in Per son to do this and three in Surry. iuorrriujicrwuBinoo. r r..-j- ILaurin are the only delegates from this 1 city in attendance on the Synod of the PrMhWi ntrnroh n th!. St.t. in session at Salisbury. The former rep-1 w ws -wmswm u vusa sssyvaiWa uwrr I KlAnffl SMnni1 r!ViniK and laf the proceedings of the first ; day as we 1 find them in the Salisbury Examiner: Th nnimfnir smi'm f fl.A flwnml 1 took place in the Presbyterian church of! I this city, yesterday evening. The ser. j mon was preached by the Rev. J, Henry I Smith, D. D., of Greensboro. After the sermon the -committee on J enrollment reported the following minis- Iters sjfihe Synod present: Presbytery of Orange Robert Bur- well, T U Faucett, P HDalton, J Henry Smith, DD,DE Jordan, J ' C Alexan- . w T.nxr' TWT.;m - TTmn.,;n ,. ' T A1,- J L Currie, S M Smith, P R Law, A M Watson, George Stunmey. 17. Presbytery of Concerd E F Rock well, P T Penick, A L Crawford, W A J H Coiton, L McKinnon, T G Thurs. on, J M Wharey, R W Boyd, J A Ramsay, J N H Summerell 13. Fayetteville Presbytery J P Mc- Pherson, G M Gibbs, H G Hill, D D, Wm S Lacy, D A McRae. 5. Wilmington Presbytery C M Payne. Mecklenburg Presbytery Walter W Pharr, D D, J Kennedy, Wm H Davis, W E Mcilwaine, P Gammon, Geo L Cook, J L Williams, Walter W Moore. 8. After this report the Synod proceeded to the election of officers, viz: Mod erator, Rev H G Hill, D D, pastor of the Fayetteville church; temporary clerks, Rev L 0 Yass and. Rev J A Ramsay. Rev Mr DuBose, of Spochow, China, was introduced to the Synod as a corres ponding member. Heir Advertisementa. Consignee Notice. CONSIGNEES will please take notice that the German Barque AMANDA, has been en tered this morning in the Cus-t torn House, and is ready to discharge cargo. nov 7 J. . iJtJUUiyrz, Master. EMBROIDERED D1ESSES. rjlHE MOST ELEGANT COSTUMES, which are sold in Dress lengths, are In fine Camel's Hair and Shod Cloth, with yards of narrow, and the same amount of wide, Embroidery wrought in Silk. The wide la Intended for flounces .and the nar row for trimming Basque. The suits range In price from $30 to $45 and can be seen at R. rj. rjclntire's. Just received several colors of those nice 8huda Cloths at 50 cents per yard. A large assortment of fine Laee Neckwear and Laces - a for r"g such articles. nov 7 ev River Mullets. 150 BBLS. NEW MULLETS, 300 D0Z"LAER0Zi For tale by 4 HALL & FEABOALLa NO 263 W "W Adve i tig em -ii ta I 4 ar- a- mm . WWKJ D K I li I Hard and I Hard and Soft. hov 7-tf J. A. SPRINGER. HO PrOSS. No Water. 1 U Wfttier, TIEW IOK iwir nrnmn.n ...v. . I f- ) irvr in m 1 n7 froa tb Manifold awi mari; uianx cooas, ail slzot and a om- pleta Bt;ck of utienery, Pictare Frame, Uadeal Iastraments, Taney Goods, Ac, at BOOK STORE. nov 1 Parlor Or&rans TfT QUALITY OP TONE and Beauty, of I X I fin"a u wwrpaised. Ileg ant andlttract-1 Innuu.U. n.J... for Thoroughness of Workmansnip, and con- w fcawaw avwKuei pavvi a an ac I Iew Ma J I f!lU wai ranted u give entire satisfaction I 'saiogue iainunea on appu Prloi Reasonable Terms Favorable For sale at H KIN BERGEk'8, Lire Book and Unsle Store nor 7 THE VARIETY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- spectrally notify his friends and the ' public that he has recently re- turned from a visit to the . Northern Markets ' where he has purchased the Handsomest Display OF W 4Y UBSB9. NOTIONS AND HOLIDAY GOODS he has ever offered in this city. . My stockis mplete au a I have thousands of things which it would take columns to enumerate. My fine, fresh FRENCH CANDIES are a specialty. I lead in these goodsr as my patrons well know. 1 have an elegant variety of Mil ill" ry Oood9 Hal, To which I invite the attention of the Ladies. My stock of C B RIS MAS GOO DS is full and complete and having been bought low will be eold low. I respectfully invite a c il and inspec tion. L. FLANAGAN. Variety Store, nov 6 No. 42 Maf ket street. Clothing and Agents. "F ANYBODY WANTS TO KNOW what kind ot CLOTHES are best adapted for their purposes f business or pleasure, at home or in travelling, for all seasons and climates, we shall be happy to supply both the desired " INFORMATION" and the' CLOTflES. Our large experience and perfect famili arity with prevailing customs enable us to determine just what Is the CORRECT THING for every occasion. And as for the CLOTHES, we keep con; stantly made up a variety of all desirable fabrics ready for your service, and. whatev er you BUY HEBE may be BROUGHT BACK unsofled, If you think yen have chosen unwisely, and we will famish others instead. AgenU are wanted in erery locality, WIDE-AWAKE ACTIVE MEN, to solicit CO. D. orders for OTTERBOURG'S FAMOUS GARMENTS. To those willing to devote a portion ot their time to the busi ness, a paying commission will be allowed. Write for particulars and send references. l j. OTsnmcouns, MeVaJTtar Depot, win beglad o nwrair. JnttrfHica y ta4 --num. , gSBsaral fgawwsi bqs Th &ana el ti wHt? ert J. k. FersosiAlItSes tannt b aYotitl And It ewaalry aod nS thai tb, IMft-fdoM " " uoriai eolcu ns. Now adtorttirTioi.t f - . . . T77 " I TALL AND W rs'TFR fifi mQ I s- ' vim www AT .ltt.;H. KATZ's rjB BEUT ASSOBTED HTOCK EVKR bronght to ths cltj, with all tha Utst Sot- Ities and 8 hides la Satin MarjeDlenx, 8atin do Lyon, Rhad- ames, Eurrahi, Brocades JJoire An ' tiqua, Camel's Hair, iUk Vel- vets, flashes, COLORED, BLACK A FID ILLUMINA TED CASHMERES, Henriettas, Mohair,, Buitlnrs. AIpScm and I u RB' AP" aa ril " endJess variety, Pasiamente'ie, Fringes and Trimmlns:s,?hlte Goodi, Housekeeping Gocd, OOILMANS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, Men and Boys Wear, Flannels Merin Un derwear. Hosiery, Glore, Ooriets, iaecs aad Fdgga, OTJBTjBl ISt E ACES, OHEPBS, Staple & Domestic Goods. In short eTOTjihina: desirable. Y?&Ttuted to came up ia price and qualltv, " atm" le from retail houses North. , A 'mxam'zm CzpA 4y bajicf ' zae. .' 1, I. "KAT 9 36 Market Street. OfltSl 3? E S3 TO THINK ABOUT OT. SEO SASH PLEASE ORDRU KARLY. 'J 6t i BKACKRTM, MOULDIVfi, I.l' ."F-K ,ic ALI AFKKR, i'KlOK & (50. ct 3i KEV Y0.iK &-VILMINGTON STEAMSHIP GO. 3E22I-WEEKLY LINE. STEAMEBS' WILL BAIL FROM NEW YORK Ireiy WEDNESDAY and HATUEDAY. at S io'e ock, P. M. GULF 8TREAsfMWedseiday, XcTemberS BKKEFACTOB.?atnrday, Koreater 6 SEGULATOBmmm. Wednesday, Bovcmber 9 GULF BT2KAM8tards7, ortmber 12 BK9ErAOTOS..Wdntdj, borsttber 16 RXGULAT0Bw.MM.8atarda7, Norraberlt GULF STSEAtfWedaesday, HortnUr 23 . Throngh Bills Lading sod Lowest Tarcgh Bates guaraateed to axa frca Foiatf in North and South Carolina. For Frdzht Esfafeaesta ap;!y t? TIIOS. Em BOJC D, Bap't, WBaiaictoa, N. O, : THEO. O EQER, Freight Ageal, 1$ B roal way. Us. Yoric mi. f.clyde a cy., aevl-tf GorI Agtnta. ... f . 1 -I 1 ' i i

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