FLO WEBS. mey are not ours, - Tne fleetln flower. But Ifcbuof Qod. mat through the sod w ward rrom the world beneath, SipeopJed wide with death, i 55SS meacn subtle hue. A.?1 life renewed la pans Idjc tnrougb. TblJo?ld stain o efe the sklea oor Ttive realm of Paradise. DftllVilJw brief their day ! They cannot atay. The very earth Ueslres their birth, , nf1 spreads her ample bosom deep, ADi relic of tbelr stay to keep, eSE im benediction flings Anae from its dainty wings. A VKgne treasures it in vain; f btoo'm and vanishes again ! Richmond Diepalch. "Duelling" Bcoa sjvs: -Toucbiug the causes of ne first ..motive, no doubt, is a fal I eroneous imagination of honor aod dit" "For if oue judge of it truly, i: ffe bett-r than a sorcery that enchauteth !ho i?iri ofyouug men, that bear great Lit with a false show, 'species Wsa' 1 1 kiud of Batauieal illusion aud arpari. Sou of bouor agaiuBt religiop, against law, azainst n1 irt9' nd aC1"- the pre ints aud examples of the best times and uUiotest uations" Yet the rream of vnl r opinion is such as it imposeth a ne cessity upon men of value to cosfoim themselves, or else there is no living or lookiB" 0P3U men's face? So that we UdLOttodo.inthscaso,? much with particular pereoD as with unsouud and depraved piuions, like the dominations tnd eptrita ot the ir, which the scripture Miketh of. Hereunto may be added meff have almost lost their true, no tion aud understanding of fortitude and talor. For fortitude d'stiosaishetb cf the crounds cf quarrels, whether they be fast;" Ind not only bo, but whether they, are wor thy: and setteth a better price upon men' lircs than to bestow thera idly; nay, it is weikoes and disesteem of a man's self to put a man's life upon such leidger per il .,- o man' Hf is not to be trilled swart it is to be offered up and sacnfiod to boDorabia services j puouu mew, noble adventures. It U in ex. pease of blood, as it is in au expense of money; it is no liberality to mafca profa?, s ou of money, upon every vain occasion, nor no more is it fortitude to mako effusion of blood, except the cause d oi worm. rjaeitual CosilTCHtss ia the bane of nearly every American woman. From it usually arises those disorders that so undermine their health and strength. Every woman owes it to herself and to her family to use that ..i.Krota modirine Kidnev Wort. It is the sare remedy fer constipation, and for all disorders of the kidneys and liver. Try it in liquid or dry form. Equally efficient in either. Boston Sunday Budget. The Berenne Qt the GoTernment The amount raised by custom dues and internal revenue imposition of tha jeneral government is, with a very faw millions difference, about the same as that collected by Great Britain. In addi tirmti this, the dcodIo of the United States have to pay their State taxation, and certain county and municipal levies from which tht people of Great Britain are exempt. I These fcts will be availed of in the movements to commence immediate It on the assembling or congress m vw of the reduction of taxation, ine strong at effort will be made to reduce the tax on whiskey and tobacco. It is claimed by those in favor ofthe reduction that a tax of 50 ceuts en whiskey will realize a much larger revenue from that source than the present ux. The abolition of the internal tax on matches and bank checks will again be strongly pressed, and with good chance of succesa. There is no question tht reduction can be made in both the tariff and internal re.enue which.-will lighten the burdens of the people, and at the same time not appreciably impair the revenues of the government. But the diffi culty to be met and solved is "to reconcile the conflicting views and interests of the adrocates of a low tariff and the protect tionist. The two houses of Congress are apt to be divided again, as so often before, on the questions arising out cf the tariff and the internal revenue as to render ineffective any efforts to secure the much seeded revision of both systems. Wash. Du patch. Write to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for names of ladies that have been restored to per feet health by the use of 'her Vegetable Cempourid. It is a positive cure for the most stubborn cases of female weakness. a Cnrlonsliy in the Smithsonian I Vna ' m HIT CM I ions things while strolling through the Smithsonian Insti tution. Inoneofthe cases there is a small irregular piece cf xuatttng about six inches loog and two or thre9 wide. It is made of the bark of the Southern cane, and ahboueh coarse when compared with the muting made by the Chinese, it is well and neatly made. This small piece Of mar 's handiwork might form the basis for treatises and lectures Innumerable. It was found ou. ?etit Anse Island, near Vermillion Bay, coast of Louisiana. This island contains a mine of rock ear, which was discovered during the late w,ar which seems to be unlimited in depth and extent. Not far from the surface of the salt the piece of matting was discovered, and it was probably preserved by the salt. Two feet above the malting' were discov ered the tusk and bonea ot an elephant and i beae bones were fourteen feet below the present surface of the soil. The ques tion irresistibly arises, how many years h.s it been since elephants lived upop iuU continent, and what i ace of men capable of manufacturing such matting lived and flourished hundreds of years before them? Many miserable people dra-them-celves ahout.with failing- sfrenth, feeling Xhat they are steadily sinking into their rraves when, by using Parker 8 Ginger Tonicr they would find a cure commenc ing with the first dose, ana tiuuiwj .strength surely oming back to them. See. other column. . . At Economy, Fenn-, the home of that large and acJve community, the "Uar. monista," founded by Father Bapp, about one hundred men aid women sili linger, moat cf them on the brink of the grave. The business affairs of the society have always been well xnanaged,and its accumu lated wealth Is enormous, in the neigb Aoraoodcf $10,000,000, It Is said. To a ISSil2Sf to the Anal 41 I Hu7 w 11115 7" property an old white tiT v. . au Je uea tnat f aid not doubt - r.t .v . rennsyivama would gladly settle the eccleiy'a. affairs and take the as- ocua tur iia irouoie. r j i . - maue irom narmieaa mato.?ia . Adapted to the needs of fading and fall- ,us "r, jrarKers Jiau Balsam has! tasen me nrst rank as an elegant and iciiduio uair reBtorauve. I: Is monstrous that the American unh form f hould have been disgraced on an occasion which recalled the union cf the ! eariu-at. ox we Amen can colonies to achieve American indeoeridpnrA vi atiiguarus we Aiing the Insignia of tne oia LJay Jstrte. White the sentiments appropriate o a centennial ce ebratinn of tue birth of Americ-n freedom were set for.n m noble aud dignified words bv an orator reprtsenti: g the blood and bearice the name of Governor Wintbrop, cf Massachusetts, tbeee men royetered and blustered, flown with insalenca and whiskey," through the afreets, of Rich- mpiid.New York World. I . SB rersons who stand upon their Feet. whether men or women, are often troubled with serious pains and weaknesses in the back, loins and other parts of the bod v. it nas oecn proven beyond a doubt, how ever, that Warner s safe Kidnev and - mm Liver Care 13 a certain preventive of these troubles. The Long and hhort of it I CI I TtHT, BUC a Jia-innogontlyy olie surveyed the reconstructed boM of au gea soca, ana scratched her head with a darning needle, "tell me why so much ! grain is beinz sold at auction just now." Wherf r ' he ask, startmg up and man. ifestmg the hrst visible sign of Ufa he had shown during an entire evening. "Why iu Chicago. 1 see so much about it in the papers.. Whenever I go to look for a receipe for. sugar cookies I come across scmethiDg about auctions in grah), and they alwajs hold them in the bed room of a man named Converse, or some, thing of that kind." "Options! woman, options. They sell options iD Chamber of tha Commerce.' "What's them? . "Bear with me and I will explain." . Oats no matter," she said disinteredly. ' It its not an auction I don't care any thing about it." . ' live-there permit me to remark then tbat it-is man's destiny to be scld.' ' Weil, I reckon, I maiza well acknowl' edged the corn." And this is the long and short of it. "Hoir are Ton My Id Friend?" Asked a bright looking man. "Oh I I feel miserable. I'm T billions and can't eat. and my back is so lame I can't work." "Why in the world don't you! take Kidney-Wort? that's what I take when I'm out of sorts, aud it always keeps me in perfect tune. My doctor re commends it for all such troubles." Kidney Wort -s the anre cure for billions- ness and constipation. Don't fail to try it. Long Branch iV ews. EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists a means of se ccring a soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter how Soor it may naturally be. asan's Magnolia Balm is a delicate ana harmless arti cle, which instantly remoyes Freckles, Tan, Redness, Roughness, Eruptions, Vul gar Flushings, etc., etc. . So delicate and natural are its effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. Iio lady has the-right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. ESSE dot 3-licnrta The Landmark, PUBLISHED AT aTATE8yiLLE, 1 UK DELL CO., S. C, Is the Leading Newspaper in Western North Car olina. TV It is the oaly DemocratiflPaper pnB fched in Iredell county one of the largest and weal this t counties in the -tate and has it taioed a larger local circulation thaa asj paper ever heretofore published in the com tj Its circulation ia Alexander. Wi'kes.Aibe, Alleghany, Yadln. Davie and Iredell, la larrer than t;at or ny two par era ia the " . . . . - ;J1 :j Htate comoinea; ana u rpjiuj icquintB stronjc f-othold in Fotsjthe, tiarrj, Kowan and western aiecxienDarjr. It is the only paper in Vestern oi ih Car ollna that eoaplojs a Begular Canvassing Aeent and is ttns kept constaaJy beff re the people. Cnier this system a tapidlv Increas ing circulation -is Ethe rtralU maiiogthe Landmark, l-The Best Idverusing atedium in West ern North Carolina. Health is Wealth I DR E O WE3V8 Naavn xn Bsam TaATMT, a specific for ntsteria, Dix zinett, ConvoltjonV frTons Headache, Mental Depreetion, Loss of llemoij. Impo tancr, rematore Old Age, caused by over exertion, excesses, or over-todoJgeace, which leads to misery, deca and death. One box will care recent cases. Each box cont iis one month's treatment. One dollar a box. or six boxes for five dollars; seat by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We g nar. ante aix boxes o cure any case. ith etch orcer received by BJJof sic boxes, we will send the purchasar our written agreement to return the money If the treatment-does ni effect a cure. tJuarantee issuea by WM H OKkLK. Drxgxbt, Iscceasor to Green A Flanner) W Umirgton, M C. Orders by.mail will receire prompt atteatiea mch 2dw.lT "-RUQKIC A PERFECT STRENSTHEHER. A SURE REnvgP IRON JBITTEBS axo highly recommended for all diseases rcqnirinir a certam add efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Intermittent evert, iV ant mAppeixttylxmcf SlrengiJLacJiof Energy tc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the mnsclesnd gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the. Food, fltwiSWcAjariojT!,cte. The only Iron Preparation tnat will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by au druggist. Write for the A B C Book (32 pp. of useful and amnsinjr read uyp -cnt free. BROWN CHE3HCAL CO., Baltimore, Md. B tht mZl Inni Bittn ar m by Biurmr CHEncAi Co. mud bT 1 11111J red koe on wmv. I J1 1 J. 11 mi l lcy apl 12-nrmia Gen'! Suo'to Office WILMI5QT05. COLUMBIA A5D it; QU8TA KAILSOAD CO vYDmtngtos, J. C, Nov. 4, l8li CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON AND AFTER Nor 6th. 1881, at 10 40 2 M, ths following Passenger Behtdue ill be run on this road ilGBT KIPSEHH TBAI'S (UaslyV Noe. 48 Weat and 47 Kat Leave Wilmington . 10 40 F Leave r lorence A a Arrive at C O and A JuetionM..M 6.S0 A I! Arrive at Columbia....... 6 40 A M Leave Columbia. ....m.m..mm10 w if a Leave C C and A A JunetionM.M..M10 S0PM Leave Florenoc ............ Oe A a Arrive at Wilmington. 6 jtQ A Jft Nisst Hail abd Pasbbhgbb Tbaik, Daily, NO. 40 WxT, AHD DAT MAIL AHD FAS- sxiisxa Txaih, Ho. 43 East. Leave Wilmington at..il 46 r as Arrive at Flornoe..... 8 lo A Si. Leave Florence............... 1 05 r M Arrire at WUmington......... 6 05 r a Mail and P Assuror Datit, 42 West, 45 Xast. Leave Wilmington 8.SS P M Arrive at Florence................... at LeaTe Florence 6.46 A M Arrire at Wi.mingtoo.............12.00 Jtt Train So 43 and 42 stops at all Sir tions Uo 40 stops only at Flemington, White- vi le, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for uoiumDia, ana an poinn os O. A C. K. E.. O., C a A. K R. tons, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Express. Separate Pullman Sleepers ror unarienon and for Augusta on train 47. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington JOHF 9. DIYISB,Gurcl Bunt. A. POPE, Gan'l Pass, Agent nov 4 WILMINGTON d WELDOtl SAILED AD COUP ANY Omn ot GaxL ownimnin i Wilmington, N. a, Ner. 4, 188L I CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER Nov. th, 1881, at 0 40 A M, Passenger Trains on the j ii mington A Weldon Railroad will run rs follows " DAT HAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daii Nos. 47 North and 48 South, Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot ftt. ........ 8 40 A 31 Arrive at Weldon at W 0 P J Leave Weldon...; ..... 3 66 P U Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at . 10 20 f M Fast Through Mail and Passenger f rat Daily Nos. 45 North and 40 Bouts, Leave Wilmington, Front 8. Depot at 6.15 P M Arrive at Weldon ..w... 1.26 A M Leave Weldon....... &1& P M Arrive at Wilmington, rout at. Depot..... "' .11.25 P M Day Malt and Passenger, Daily, No. 45 North and 42 Srnth. Leave Wilmington Front St. Depot at.... .............. ...m.2.B6 P M Arrive at We uon at. ...10 15 P M leav eld on at......... 1 35 A M Arrive at WilmiBgtOB..K . 8.16 A M Train No 40 South will stop only at Uock t Mount, Wilson, Ooldsboro and Magnolia. trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 7.40 P M dai ly and Tuesday, Thursday and datum ay at 6iuc AM. EetuTning, leave Tarboro at 9.60 A M dally, and Monday, Wednesday act Friday at 8:30 P M - Train No. 47 . makes close eonneetion at Weldon for all points North dallr . All r ail Via Richmond, and dally except 8anday via Bay Line. . . , Train No 43 runs daily and makes close ccnneeiion for all points North via Klca mond and WaaLiDgton. ; All trains ran solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palaot Sleepers Attached. JOHN 1. DITINS, General SspU A. POPS, GenTPasa. Agent 'HOT 4 i i V- " THU. LAURINBURQ ENTERPRISE B THE BEST MEDIUM . through which to advertise Fall and Winter Goods among the people cf Bobesos, BUhmead and An son eountids, in North Carolina, and in the border counties of South Carolina. The Enterprise has a large and isereasing circu lation In the Pee Dee and Cape Fear reetiun ef this State, having obtained a large dret- lation is the latter during the six months it was published tn Fayettevill before Its re ovel to Laurinburg, and in the former within the last few months. Advertisements wiU be inserted by the month, auarter and year at reasonable rates AuSeat, Vl McDUFalf. I xja.asjjujxa CJ&NTKALT BAIJ KOAD I COMPANY. Omen GanaAL Svrnaiimrann, WQmlngtea, N. C, June , 181 CHAS&B OF SCHZDULftk J -iN AND AFTER June 6, 1881, the iH .J loving. Schedule will be ooarated on ting. Schedule will t is Railroad : PASSENGER, No 3 MAIL AND 1EXPRKHH "RAIN. OjLlv except Sundays' f Leave WiliDington....9.4a A s5 Arrive at Charlotte at..6.45 P M Leave Oharlotte atM.M..6.00 6. U ArTive at Wilmington at.S.25 P If Trains Nos I and 2 stop at regular station? only, and points designated In the Gompe nysTime Table, These trains make close connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. 3 and A for Cleve land Springs and all points on Shelby Di vision.; PASSENGER AND PREIGH1. 1 Leave Wilmingtou at.. 6:30 P k No 6 Arrive at Hamlet at."l:2S A M J ' at Charlotte eW 8:00 A M ) Leave Charlotte at....7:30 P IS Ne 6 y Arrive at HanJetat..M. 1:23 A k " at Wilmington at 9:30 A U No. 6 Is daily except 8unday, batl no connection for Raleigh on Saturday 2 No. 6 is daily except Saturday. 8HELBT DIVISION. Pi 88ENGER.MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. B (Leave Charlotte at..7:00 P It wo f Arrive at Shelby at.10:30 P V Va j (LeTe8helbrat.wfi:00 A II I Arrive at Charlotte at 9:30 A M Trains Nos 6 and 6 make close conneotie at Hmlet to and from Raleigh, exeept a above Through Sleeping Cars between Ralelgt and Charlotte. Trains No. 1 and 2 make connection st Charlotte with A , T. A O K, U., arriving at Hts'esvilie same evening, and copoectiie th-re witb W. N. C. R. h. for Atheville atd all points on W.N C R. R T rales Nos 3 and 4 connect efosAly with Chester A Lenior at Li&oolnton. id. rfOUNflOH, le 7 Geceral BuperiQteet 1881 ITEH SUN. BALTIMORE 1881 Publish-d Dafly, Except 8undsy. Renowned as the Freshestand Most Satisfactory ef all Newt papers. Low in Price Compact in Form. Independent la Expression, Conservative in Tone, ' The career of THE 8 UN, from it earliea beginning, has been characterized by a pro gressive spirit and an original and effective enterprise. To these characteristics it stead, fastiy adheres. Covering as it does the wheie field of news paper endeavor, its every cumber ii a oom plete reflex of the spirit of the times and the activities and even's of the day. THE SUN expresses its opinions on cur rent events as they arise snd on subjects of public interest, with the view only of arriv Leg at rig tt result and oonserving the gen eral welfare. Its consistent integrity is thor oughly known and understood, AS A FI&ST.OLASS NEWSPAPER, THE 8 UN is ad at ted to the needs ot ail and enjoys a world-wide confidence. The extent and variety of THE SUN'S Local Reports, their careful tceuracy and avoidance of pruriency, constitute a striking feature, acceptable both at home and abroad. ITS CORRESPONDENCE, Foreign and domestic, is unsurpassed In ex cellence and freshness ITS WASHINGTON BUREAU covers all the phases of political information transpiring at the National Capital, with proper note and oomment. Unexcelled in the ast, it will be maintained at the highest standard in the future. TOE MARKET AND 8T0CK REPORTS ef THE SDH - are collected and compiled with the utmost care, and may be taken as safe guides by all who desire to obtain the latest and most trustworthy - lafonaatloa on these important topics. In abort, THE xUN will continue to main tain the high reputation It has acquired as an enterprising, accurate and well-edited newspaper, always ready to add to its facili ties for eel l ec ting news whenever necessary to meet the increasing demands of the time, and to nrrin the high con fides ee of which its large and steadily increasing escalation giTesevideee -Terms of hubeeripUon by Mail Cn in Advance On Tear, postage included.. ......... ....$8 00 Hx Months, postage induded S 00 Ihree Months, postage Lneladid 160 Two Months, postage mduded 1 60 One Month, postage Included.. . . 60 Address - A. 8. ABXLL 0O Publishers, Bca Xros BalUiag, 6O0DH DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES! All Taneties of Choice Preeerrea in one and two pound Cane, the best in the market. .Onr elexrant JETAilwJFlniir Parole d' Honenr Pig Hams, Breakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched Java ani Lagnayra 'ffef, These goods me all fresh this week Our prices and quality of goods will convince yon if you will try lis. Try the prepared Soups For sale at CEO. BUYERS'. feb 14; Noi11 and 13 South Frost Sti WHOLESALE Jr. i in hv BEST OF ALL IS ; FOE AND BEAST. For more than a third of a century the Mexican Bfuatanp; Liniment has been known to millions all over the 'world as the only safe reliance for the relief of I accidents ana pain, it is a meaicine above prioe and praise--the best of its kind. For every form of external pain tne I MnstAnir Tlnlmertt Iff withont an enual. It pMetrmtea fleth avnd muscle to tne very bone maxing toe conunu ance of rjain and inflammation impos sible. Its effects upon Human Flesh and the unite creation axe equauy woauer fol. The Mexican C9USTANG Idniment ia needed br aomebody in every house. Every day brings news of tne agony or an mvrral acaia or snrn subdued, of rnetsmatto nuurtyre re stored, or a vmlnable horse or ox eared by the healing power of this ! which speedily cures such ailments of tHa ITTTTtf A V ITT. TAtf a Bhenmatlsm, Swellings, StlflT and Scalds, Cmts, Braise e and Sprains, Poisonous Bites and Stings. StilTnese, Iuuiimi, Old Sores, Ulcere, Frostbites, Chilblains, Sore Hippies, Catsed Breast, and Indeed eeiy form of external die ease - It heals withont scars. For the Bxum Cxeatiok it cures ' Sprains, Swinny, Stiff Joints, Founder, BTarneea Sores, Hoof Bie eases, Foot Bot, Serew Worm, Scab, Hollow Horn. Scratches, TFind- iralls, Spavin, Thmah, King-bone, Old Sores P1L XML Film, npon the Slerht and every other ailment to which tho ocenpante of the Stable and Stoeh Tard are liable. The Mexican lTf m"jr Liniment oiw. nnm ajid never Uaamxlnta : and It is, poittrvely, THE BEST OF ALL FOE HA1T OB BEAST. new River Mullets. 150 BBLfi. NEW MULLETS, 300 D0Z LAEGE roe' Tor tale hvj H LL & PEAP8AIi OCtls its-: The f olio win , quotation, wholesale prices generally. La u all jcr(!srs hfberpriecs tav e to v Misetsee i. Btaaaara.... 1 Ih 15 lb M..I. BAOOJ Sorth CArcIina, oams, y D... Shoulders. Xi Ew aides, V Western Ssaoked Bans.. ee iea eee ia?i CO o . mo is o 10 13 8 10H .8 V-f CO 2tf e 4 eote eeoe 25 25 10 ft 0 00 e? u t? 8 CO U4 09 13 ti S3 13 14 14 10 25 Shoulders.. Dry 8 al tad Bide., v c Hheulders, V Ei . BEEy Lire weight-.. tseeona nand,e&chM..MM.. 5ew Yorkeaea, new..... 1 85 l RESWAX ? lb ... 20 BlilCKS WlkaiErton,ii 7 00 S orthern ...... CO BOTTE3 North Carolina 2 12 Northern, .... CANDLES Spera Taiiow, y a j . AuusBsiue. & set.. Horthern Factory. 2 M Dairy cresxa, 2b.M..MM. BUte, y ....... .......... COFE-Java,i? . Bio, V ft . Lasizvra. 7 lb. conn mjcal v bashel.. TO COTTOSf TIE8J New U bdl 1 CO IFieced 1 23 UUMCBT1U Bhectiny, 4-4 yrd Q T faCCilr, Tih-rnf cbl.lK'lo Q 6 t0 Extra do " 3 btl... 6 CO U o 60 Family "V bbl... . 7 60 City MiUExBoper ? bbL 7 00 " randlyiy bbL 7 60 " x. Family? bbl. 8 00 Macxerel, So. I, bbl..lC 00 o. 1, V K bbl...... 8 lb Hacksrel, iio. 2, V bbL..,13 50 So. J, V K bbL. 6 00 ttaekerel, So. 3 V bbL....OO 00 Mollett, bbl....... S &!" E. C. LerrftiiNitoir... ti Dry tVid, c,m,. , ... . X ivhrTILlZKR" ' ernnan-iiruanc, . rm.-v c : O o & ife i) u 50 IS 50 O l 70 & 1 60 O 8 CO O 7 25 O 7 O 6 15 a so oo eio 6t t?oo on 6 t O 6 36 3 It m n uaroimrcrtiiis'? ' " iv i KaTaes& Ouar.i.v " Ci Oon?plets Mac arc " 03 0( Whann'i Phosphate " CO 01 Wando Phosphate, ' " 03 CO Wilcox, Gihb A Co., ma nipulated Geano .....00 t Ui.UK -9 IB , OEAIW Cornfstore,? 5.1. Corn, cargo, ? 6e fcs..., Oorn.ysL, bushe.... Oats. bushel. Peas. cov. X3 buahL.. HIDES Green, 2 ........ 'H t- 40 -Ct 0 ft ttsMi eeestetw 4ft l. U 7l 00 67 lb 70 & 63 & 00 Q 66 70 (J 4 f 4 10 Q 11 Dry, "m E).... ....... BAY Eastern, V 100 &t.M 1 SC 1 tO North Eiver, p 100 lbs. 1 IC & I 15 HOOP IRON V ton... 80 03 85 CU, LARD Borthern V 11SO 12, Kcrth Carolina b.M.M. UV Q 13 LIME 7$ bbl 1 io g 1 25 LDMBEtU- mty steam sa'wd Ship tuff,reiawed,'l? lift. IS 00 Jl 00 Bough edeplanx, V Mft.16 CO CH (XI Vfest India cargo, accord ing to quality, Mft...l3 CO lfl CO Dressed ffocriEg,sdasoned. 15 CO 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, ft..............12 Q HOLABaES-Caba.hhdi.'gl Zi Cuba, bblt., pal..M..Mn. 41 Scear house, hhds. V ffal. 25 bbls. aral... 25 Orleans Choice bblt. V gaL CO B AILti Cut, tCdtv.4d,V kV.fcuBls Ii a a tj G a S9 42 00 CO OILS Kerosene, "Q gal..M 10 Lard, gal . t-5, tj Linseed, y gal Boiin, 7 gal. FKAWDT8 y buahel.. . POTATOES Bwoet, V bai. Irish, Mortnern,7 btL.... 1 25 CORK Northern,eity mess.17 tit Thin, r" bbL. 00 CC Prime, bbl (extra) CC CC Unmp, Dbl..............00 0C v 3 as it m 25 CO CO o t? 0 90 to Y , VW. ......... BICE Carolina. t liough, bucheL.......... AGB Country, p t 80Pl.i..i.wwt ' HempM..M Manilla t? 2 50 C'18 00 J00 CO GOV CO C- 00 75 Q i 25 J Hi eMsMtMtsM eeeeee 8UOAB Cuba, E.. 3 e. eooeoe e eoe n 00. 70 75 C9 Porto Bieo, A Coffee, v' E.......... o E.... &x u a a..... CrusheoT9 .. 8ALT Alum, V stci.. Liverpool, iuLWMM. American y sack Marshal's fine, eacxM.M. Cadis V sacx.........M..MM. BOAP Korthern, V fl.. SHIIf OLE8 Contract, pUi 0 0C uommon, M........... 7 00 BTAVE3 W. O. bb!. V H.12 60 B O hbd. V E.. ... 00 CO TALLOTV w lb TIMBER Shipping K .14 CO Mill, extra per M........10 CO Mill, prime per MM..MM..M10 CO Mill, fair per M 8 CC Common, per il eeeeeeeeeeeee 5 CO Inferior to Ordinary,per ii 4 CO ffRIBKET Jforth'n,prgl 1 JTcrth Caroica, per gtl. 2 CO WOOL Unwashed, per ft. 29 Washed. xcr S - ,- a, 25 Burrv wool. ier hm.. 10 WAV 10JiO e 13 00 CO 00 CO 00 25 CO a - u c? e c? 1 03 & e 7 60 ? 2 75 ll CO CC0 03 o 00 ?16 CO tU CO 012 00 V 9 00 & 7 CO O 6 00 0 6 CO G 7 60 O CO a 23 G 11 JOB U 1 PRITI AT THE LOWEST PEICSS V ASCERTAI N WT PRICES BEFORE HAVIKO YCUR PRlfiTIflO DONE ELSEWHRRE I Satisfaction Guaranteed i r persons reidij x it nf te eity a?c e to them by mail fr - of t-'tar, H. A BOOK, Oerter bet eaJ Wetr btreetf &oe Bev.n Bui dxfif '

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