k9t0U&dT9Tj afteraeoa, Bndays c ityttdbT jOSH. T. JAMBB, Drro AKD PBOMUMOB. -rrnor-RIPTIONa. POSTAGE PAID. f tr $5 0 8lx mcmti, 3 w Three -v. -.o-r will b daliTered by carriers, of ln "J Prof theeity.atthe . ..rtlsiaif rates low and liberal gaberibera will plena report any and ,fl fillers to receive their papers regniarly. LOCAL NEWS. Njw Advkbtibevkxts. Hal Cassidit For 8ale HcKflBSRQXB-Parlor Organs C W Tatis No Frees, No Water A G Pjcaud, Com'r Legjl Ad The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1.663 bales. , ' Ger.", barque Madura, Schuitz, from this port, arrived at Hamburg on the Ctb H them ' - , 'eampico, . L-oa sar. barque Carl Max, Beyer, from M !-.w.A' A ? Jl it . ! w m pan;, arriveu en ine om msi. at lAr I. - : - . :. r. barque LiV e Oak, Still well, arriv- Y'D the 5th iost at Rotterdam, from K port, steamship Gulf Stream, Captain Id Id, sailed hence (or New York this brniocr. Spirits turpentine advanced to 50 j enis in this market to-day. It sold yes. ( Jfrdaj at 49 cents. Sol Smith Russell's "Edgewood Folks" ; Company is booked (or the Opera House ia this city on Tuesday next, the 15th inst. The Ladies of Firth Street M. E. -r Church have decided to hare a Festival for the benefit of their Church on next Wednesday, the 16th inst., in Rankin Hall. That slight Tickling in the Throat and disposition to slight Cough may be the precursor of years of suffering unless jou take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup which never disappoints. Price 25 cents. Unmailable Unmailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Postoffice in this city: Carrie King, Beaufort, N. C; one white stamped envelope, no address. This article appears in a Michigan journal: Amos James, Esq., proprietor ot the Huron liouse, if ort Huron, Mien., suffered so badly with I Rheumatism that he was unable to raise his arm for three months. Five bottles of St. Jacobs Oil cared him entirely. See Here. You are sick; well, there is just one remedy that will cure you beyond possi bility of doubt. If it's Liver or Kidney trouble, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Debil ity, Wells' Health Renewer is your hope. $1. Druggists. Depot Jas. CMunds. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacob t's. t Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t Major Graham Daves, of this city has removed to Charleston, where we understand that he will be located as Agent at that point for the Atlantic Coast Line. Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine. T.DK WITTTALMAQK, D. D., EDITOR. The December number of this favorite periodical appears with the popular di Tine, T.De Witt Talmage, D. D., as Ed itor, and extremely good as it has hith erto been, it has acquired increased bril liancy irom his connection with it. In his characteristic initial address, "To the People," be says: "We promise nothing, except to trust in God and do our level best. Our re ligion is sunshiue, and the difference be tween earth and heaven ia that the eun ahine of earth sometimes gets beclouded, bat heaven is everlasting sunshine. We mean to cultivate the largest catholicity- .; We want in our Magazine to belonucke Sunday the brightest, and most enterlainiay, and the happiest day of the- week. We believe there is no other Sunday Magazine in America. So the field ia clear. We propose beginning in our next a series of articles of 'People We Aave Met, and will, before we get through, set forth some of our con temporaries of the pulpit and the ptess. They have often given their ideas of us We will give our ideas of them." The leading article of tbc number is entitled, "The Christian Statesman, James A. Garfield," by the Editor, which is replete with interesting reminiscences, and is finely illustrated. Among the other par ticularly noteworthy illustrated articles are "Malta," Reminiscences of an Old New Yorker, "Religious Dissent in Russia," "Ibe Prince Imperial Memo rial," "A Missionary Emancipator," etc4 etc The interesting story, "May Cun ningham's Trial," is continued, and there are several short stories, sketches, essays, etc, by Eleanor Kirk, Augusta Browne Garrett, Rev. Dr. Deems, Rev. J. H Waterbury, etcetc The poems possess great merit, and the miscellany is abund ant, entertaining and instructive. '1 he price of a single copy is 25 cents ; the annual subscription $3; six months $1.50; four months $1; sent post pajd. Address Frank Leslie, Publisher, 53; 55 and 57 Park Place, New York. nn VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1881. NO. 264 County Commissioners. The Board met in regular session yes terday afternoon; present, Mr. H. A Bagg. Chairman, and Commissioner Pearce, Moore and Worth. Applications for licenses to retail spir ituous liquors were granted to John G. Gilschen, J. W. Gerdts, J. H. Busch and H.Schulken. It was ordered that the poll tax of J ohn Gore be remitted, he being ovr age. The application of J. H. Hanby, for redaction of valuation on property, was not granted. The application of David Hall, to be relieved from- the -pftynwnt of-poll tT was not granted. The application of county officers, to be furnished fuel for their offices, was not granted. The application of J. C. Hill, in re gard to tax on property, was referred to Col. J. D Taylor. The. Treasurer submitted his monthly report for the month of October, which was as follows: . ' . i General Fund: Balance on . hand . . . .$13,454.43 Special Fund : Balance on hand . . . . 924.98 Educational Fund: Balance on hand . . . 9,394 53 He also returned 13 coupons of $3 each, and one coupon of the denomination of $15 which were burned in the pres ence of the Board. Tho Registersubmitted his report for the month of September, showing the amount of $14.25 received from marriage licenses, and exhibited his receipt from the Treasurer for the same. Also the report for October, showing the amount of $19 received from the same source, and exhibited his receipt for the same. It was ordered that the petition of the Register for a stove in the Register's of fice be granted. The application of Norwood Giles fc Co., for a redaction of assessment on property, was not granted, there beinflr no legal authority, in the opinion of the Board, for such action. . The regular ventre of jurors for the special term of the Criminal Court was drawn as follows: . ,G. M. Crapon, Lewis Bryant, R. A. Kingsbury, F. V. B.Yopp, C. C. Parker, W. H. M Koch, N. F. Parker, Joseph F. Craig, John Dyer, James H. Lane. Wm. L. Duke, Joseph Doane, John T. French,Isham Quick, S. W. Dunham, H. McL. Green, F.- A. Newberry, A. L Freeman, Thos. E. Davis, Wm. Kellogg, L."FJanagan, Benj. Tcdd, M. Cronly, C. M. Bonham, J. D.H. Klander, John W. Gerdts, E. F. Johnson, C. H. Ward, B L. Hutchins, C. H. King. The following regular ventre for the December term of the Superior Court was drawn: First Week. Robt. Lee, Benj. Dun. ham, Jno. L. Dudley, A. J. Hill, D. F. Barnes, E. J. Moore, R. Greenberg. W. R: Beery, W. M. Hankins, Thos. Evans, Geo. W. Hughes, R. F. Eyden. Second Week. W. C. Puckett, N Hullen, Geo. I. HusseL Geo. Moseley, John Ottowayi J. T. Mclver, William Gilchrist, John B. Casteen, John B. Beery, B. G. Bates, C. W. Uawes, Walk er Meares. Made from harmless materials, and adapted to the needs of fading and fall- - n . w-fc 1 ing hair, Jrarters xiair jaisam uas taken the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. The first Hop of the season of the Lotus Club will be given in Germania Hall this evening. It is confidently ex pected that it will be a brilliant opening of the gay season. The atmosphere to day has been like unto July. The thermometer ia this office at 3 o'clock this afternoon, regis tered 83 degrees. Beautify your nomea by using the N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f Don't forget the Forepaugh atereopti con exhibition at the corner of Front and Market streets this evening. The weather is fine and it will surely take place.. Those who wish to secure good teats should go early. Rev. H. A. Northrop, the newly ap pointed Vicar Apostolic of North Caro lira, is to be consecrated at an early day, not yet named, in Charleston. The Young Catholic Friends Society of this city will attend in a body on the occasion, having chartered a train of Pullman Palace cars. ; : Warner' safe KItoej and Uter Car If I1' U J , THE ASOCCIATED OAHUAYS OF VIRGINIA AND THE CAROLINAS, Fassenger Department, Richmond, VaM November 1st, 1881. Memoranda of Arrangement of Round-Trip Rates, Tickets,. Routes of Transportation, and Advantages offered for the for motion of Parties of Visitors to the INTERNATIONAL COTTOrj EXPOSITION, At Atlanta, Georsria, From4he Territory Ira versed or reacted hvh Tg?1wi nf tkn ai,l ruw t: Routes of Period of Validity, in Days, Travel of Tickets herein ; FROM WHAT POINTS. Enumerated. Notes. qoivo Stat ik Return , Atlanta! isg. Uoldsbero', . .... 9 '2 Days. 6 Davs. 2 Days. Weldon 9 2 -4 6 2" Wilmington, . ... 10 2 " 6 " 2 " Tarboro', . . . . . 9 2 " 6 " 2 " Wadesboro', . . . . 10 - Cheraw, . . . . . 10 2 " 4 " 2 " Florence, . . . . . 10 2 " 4 " 2 " Columbia, . . . . 10 1 " 6 " 1 " Wilson, . . . . . 9 2 " 6 " 2 " Magnolia, . . . . . 9 2 " 6 " 2 " Marion, 10 2 " 6 " 2 " Sumter, . ... .10 2 " 6 " 2 " 1 Note. 9 via Wilmington & Weldon Note. 10 via Wilmington, Columbia k Augusta Richmond and Columbia. Movement of all parties on contract rates in groups A. B. C. and D. will be ville and AUanta and Charlotte Air-Line RaUway Division, and tickets willread accordingly. The Round-Trip Tickets herein named, when used singly, are of a soecific contract form. vnd if transfer a t nther than eriqinal purchasers, and authorize .agent ur vjouuuuvura. To the end of affording increased facilities for visiting the Exposition, Contract Tickets,' adapted to parties of the size herein named, are likewise offered. They embrace all the stipulations of single tickets, with the additional one, that they are good for transportation to Atlanta only when presented on Trains in connection with all ethers of the specific class they belonq to, as per the prices jiveny Holders of these tickets may return upon them singly, within the period of their validity, provided they are the original purchasers, and identify themselves accordingly. An office for the identification of purchasers nd.tamping of retirn coupons has been established at the Union Depot in Atlanta. It will be opened 36 minutes priorJ the departure of the trains. Nome of the conditions of these tickets will be ehanged in any respect. Investigation of the appliances for personal comfort, lodging, and food, means of transit between Atlanta and tho Expo sition Grounds, authorizes the assurance that all elements exist contributing to a pleasant and economical visit. For all information not contained in this advertisement, apply to the undersigned, or to the Station Agents of the Rail ways at interest, jl. POPE nov,5 3t-eod v- Board f Alderman. The Board of Aldermen met in Regu lar monthly session at the City Hall, last evening, present; Mayor Smith and Aldermen Bowden, Hoggins, Worth, Northrop, Alderman, Chad bourn, Tel fair, Sampson and Willis. The resolution to reconsider the reso lution empowering the committee on Fire Department to erect a belfry on the City Hall was adopted. The Finance Committee were granted further time in the matter of Belgian block pavement. Committee on .Lights were granted farther time. The report of the Chief of Police rela tive to the portico of the First National Bank on Front street was received, and on motion the matter was indefinitely postponed. The contract for repairing Nutt street was awarded to Mr. R. H. Beery, (his bid being the lowest,) subject to the con currence of the Board of Audit and Fi nance. Committee on Public Buildings were instructed to have the roof of the City Hall and Opera House building examin ed, and if painting and repairs were deemed necessary to advertise for bids and report at the next meeting of the Board. A communication from the Chief of the Fire Department, relative to build ing a chimney at the Cape Fear engine house, was referred to the committee on Public Buildings with power to act. The committee on Hospital made the following report: To His Honor, the Mayor, and Board of Aldermen: The committee on Hospital be? leave to report, that they have appointed Dr. W.W.Lane as Superintendent of the same, and Jno. D. lay lor as Treasurer, and that the City Hospital is now ready to receive patients. They would also re port the expenses for the month of Oc tober (which includes the purchasing of the necessary outfit for starting the Hos pital) to be $346.78, and that they have drawn a requisition on tne City Treas urer for two-filths of this amount, say $138.71, and on the Board of County Commissioners for $208.07. SaXUKL NOKTBSOr, W. H. Chadbourx. A communication from W. H. Sterl ing. Manager of the telephone Ex change, waa referred to the Board of Au dit and Finance. Petition from Messrs. Hall A Pearsall, to erect a tiaroof shed on their wharf between Market and Dock streets, was referred to the committee on Fire De partment, with power to act. On notioa, tba Uayorirai autherittd lETHW. FOR SINGLE INDI VIDUALS. $22 23 18 24 12 15 15 12 23 21 18 14 Railroad and Columbia. the requirement of identification of said . to lease a certain, wharf and lot from J A. Walker, executor, at an annual rental of $350. A resolution was adopted, instructing the committee on Fire Department to inquire into the propriety of removing the lire alarm bell to the lot occupied by the Adrian engine house, and the proba ble cost ot the same. A communication from the Superinten. dent ef the WV & W. R. R., relative to the erection of a bulkhead at tho dock, foot of Red Cross street, was received and referred to committee, with instruc tions to inquire into the necessity and cost of the same. On motion of Alderman Worth, the cattle ordinance was amended, by striking oat the words "that portion of the city bounded by Red Cross, Seventh and Castle streets and the Cape Fear river, between the first day of September and the first day of April, in each year," and submitting the words "the city limits." Alderman Telfair was allowed to re cord his vote in the negative. Alderman Northrop offered a resolu tion for the more strict enforcement of the cattle ordinance. Alderman .Northrop offered a resolu tion to appoint a committee of t hree to consider the expediency of leasing the market houses in the First, Fourth and Fifth Wards of the city, (excepting the stores and saloons in the market house on Front street) until the first day of May, 1883, at a rental not to exceed $1,200 per annum. The committee to report at a called meeting of the Board. The resolution was adopted and the Mayor appointed as such committee Al dermen Worth, Hoggins and Alderman. On motion, the meeting adjourned. The Masonic Hall building, on Market street, is being repainted and renovated TO SUBICRIBEfiS WILMINGTON TELEPHONIC EXCHANGE. i: TTBOII AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, Nov. 2, 1881, the verbal repetition of orders e Central Office Operator, instead of ao- wenag oacx .uirougn us uusouuer, mm heretofore, will in the future acknowledge the reception of your order and give notice It has been executed by a aicgle tap of the bell of the subscriber giTing the order. Always hold your lever down until your bell tape in response to your order, and thus avoid havisg the operator ring in your ear. The Central Oflce Operator upon the re ception of your order for disconnection, will give both bells one tap; this notifies both parties of the disconnection. J. C. WHITE. i eotL ' Zlfanaffer RATES OF TICKETS. For Condition of Sale and Use of which see Notes. For Par-iFor Par For Par ties of 30 For Par ties of 50 each. D. ties of 10 ties of 20 each. A, each. B. each. C. 00 00 25 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 25 55 19 10 18 80 16 90 21 20 14 65 13 25 12 35, 9 55 20 00 17 85 13 15 11 00 16 35 13 60 13 45 12 30 15 15 10 45 9 45 8 85! 6 80 14 25 12 75 9 40 7 90 10 90 10 75 10 00 12 10 8 40 7 55 7 10 5 50 11 40 10 20 7 50 6 30 16 15 14 50 18 20 12 55 11 35 10 60 8 20 12 10 15 30 11 25 9 45 onlv via Cnlnmhia. Hnlnmhia ni rtrrAn- purchasers, at the option of the Railway's General Passenger. Agent. ITew Advertigoments For Sale LARGE METAL BELL, weighing 100 pounds. Suitable for a work bell. Has fixtures. Apply to nov 8-2t HAL CA8SIDET. State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover, Superior Court. Susan LeRoy King, Katie K. Parsley and husband George D. Parsley, Blanche H. Chad bourn and husband James H. Ohadbourn, Jr , Ogden D. King and John Neilson King and Edwin Burruss King, by their Guardian, Susan LeRoy KiDg, Ex Parte. In pursuance of a decree of the Supe rior Court of New Hanover county, in the above entitled cause, tb.6 undersigned as Commissioner appointed by said de cree, will expose to sale at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in the city of Wilmington, on Monday, the 5th day of December. 1881, at 12 o'clock, M., the following real estate in said city. First Lot beginning on the West side of Third street, ninety-five feet from the northwestern intersection of Princess and Third streets, at the northeast comer of the Odd Fellows' Hall, as it now stands, and running thence North twenty-nine feet, to Burgwin's Alley, thence West sixty.six feet, thence South tweDty-D!ee feet, thence East sixty six feet to the be ginning. Second Lot beginning at the south western intersection of Third and Cheat, out streets and running thence westward-. 1 j along southern' floe of Chestnut street, ninety feet, thence southwardly parallel with Third street fifty-seven feet, thence eastwardly . ninety feet to Third street, thence along the western aide of Third street to the beginning. A.G.RICAUD, nov 8, 15,22,29 Commissioner. Foreclosure Sale, BY VIRTUE 07 A DECREE of the Su perior Court of New Hanover county, made in a cause therein pending, la which Valeria Meginney, Executrix of Levin Me ginney, is plaintiff, and William Smith and wife Josephine M. Smith, Thomas O. Bunt ing and wife Louisa Bunting, Virginia Smith and 8usan F. Smith are defendants, the undersigned Commissioner appointed by sail decree, will sell by public auction at the Court House door, in. the city oi Wil mington, at 10.3C o'clock, on Monday the 6th dsy of December, 18S1, a certain tract or lot of land, beginning In the southern line of Mulberry street ninety feet westwardly from its intersection with the western line of 8ecood street and running thence south wardly parallel with Second street sixty-six feet, theace weewardly parallel with Mul berry street seventy-five feet, thence north wardly parallel with 8eeond street sixty-six feet to the southern line ef Mulherry street and thence eastwardly with the said line of Mulberry street to the beginning, being part of lot No. 1. in Block 191, according to the plan of said dty. Terms cash. . JOHN D. TAYLOR, cov 1, 9, 15, S3 and Dec i Con'r. r 1 1 Cmf JU PLKAHE WOTT02, TTe will be glad to reeeive onmuaiitloa frma ocj frlendi on aay and all b?ait f fftneral Interest tmt . Tae aaaae cf the writer nrt alwayi b f5 olshedto tae Kdltor, ome aide of the paper. Penonalltlet tamtt be avoided And It Is eepeelaUy and p&Vtilstlj tader stood that the EdiW doei sot alwya endorT the views ot correspondent! kvjilces o.ttar la the editorial oolnwea, New Advertisomonts. FALL AND WiNTER goods AT 1YI. IV1. K1T2'. fpHE BE8T ASSORTED 8TC KVi:R brought to this city, with all the latest fTov elties and Shades ia Satin MatvtiJleux, 8atin de Lyon, Rh&d ame? , Surraha, Broradet, Koire An tique, Camel's Hair, i iik Vel vet, Hushes, OLOREDi BLACK AND ILLUMINA TED CASHMERES Henriettas, Mohairs, Saitiass, Alpaca and Plaida la endless variety, Paeiamenterie, Fringes and TrfmminsTvhite Qbod, Housekeeping Gocd, DOLLMANSj CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, Men and Boj'a Wear, Fl&nnela, Herhn Un derwear, Hosiery, Glovea, Corsets, Laecs and Fdg'Dgs, OTTRTAJKr I1-&CES, Staple & Domestic Goods. In short everything desirable. Warranted m to come up in price and quality, toany sim ple from retail houses North. . Call and sara extra expense by buying me. HI. M. KATZ, 36 Market Street oet3l ? TO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. PLEASE ORDER EARLY. RASH, DOORS AHO BLINDS BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Ac ALTAFFER, PBIOE & CO. oct3l THE VARIETY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD KE spectfully notify his friend3 and the : public that ho has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern Markets where ho has purchased the A """ Handsomest Display OF ; . MILLINERY FANCY GOODS. NOTIONS AND HOLIDAY GOODS he has ever offered in this city. My stock is Large, Complete And in GREAT VABEETIT J have thousands of things which it would take columns to enumerate. My fine, fresh FUENCil CANDIES are a specialty. I lead in these goods as my patrons well know. I have an elegant variety of Millinery Goods, Hat, Trimmings, &c, To which I invite the attention of the Ladies. My stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS is full and complete and having been bought low will be sold low. I respectfully invite a call and inspec tion. Ik FLANAGAN, Variety Store, dot 6 No. 42 Market street. )