It THIB PA FEB p,oWtii .r.ry affraeoa. SuadaT. 4 JOSH. T. JAMBS, XDITOB AD rBOFXIKTtTB. ' T&s fl 35; One month, bO oents. B0.ner will b delivered by errter, ..ratts.orUoentiperwec. d' ti-Uirr low nd liberal irSabicribers will pleasereport any and rto recede their papers regularly. yew Advertisements. f . f .--. 1 -d VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1881. NO. 265 t V ::V PLKASZ HOTCCS. TT wO baglad to rtetlra onmsrleatloa from mr frlands on uy aad all rahiaeti Casual laterwf but - Tie aasi of too writer kuI always be fa nlshedto tie Editor. OoamCT.OTt.oBt mart bejwritten: on only ome aUa of tie papa . Penosallties mast be avoided And it ii especially and psrtlcalarly gndr stood that the Edttnrdoes sot always radon l it .Ma . ,'.- LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Heiksberger Turner's Almanac Louisiana State Lottery W fc W U R Civ Annual Meeting ; W, C & A R R Annual Meeting a, it ncib-'vtanu w jv iiiii i Tiros II Jonxsox New York Beef and J Democrats. .Mutton. . Miss E Kaurer. Still Another Lot t; W Yates No Frees, No Water Lateit Election Hews. I sal of the Carolina central. NeT7 Advertieements. Iu point of comfort a cargo of ice ia j worth now more than cargo of coal. Steamship licnefaclcr, Capt. Tribon, arrived here thi3 morning from New We have a special from Bicbmond I It has been known that negotiations pn a im Mil I IK1CDV nPCHIMH AataA m A .OA I Vi is aftoraAnn la va I Ver8 OH foot in New York for the sale of I lla.klllCIl I UrCIIinU ua&u a 'x.atavr usci ava a wm aM? w i feared, Virginia has gone for the Ma-1 the Carolina Central Railroad and the rpBERE WILL BE A GRAND OPENING honeites on the State ticket, Cameron Review bpubhshed such information as otyj Frenca PattcrtlSt Hats Bormcts having been elected Governor by several we were able to glean on the subject The tfcnanrf ma5oritv. as conceded bv the Erst news of the sale, however, received & on Thursday, Nov. 10th at Mrs. E. A . . : ' m, t ! r r I km traahrnnnrSt in crsfprds.w'R flhrirlntte I LUMSDEN'S. The Ladies are resnectfullv ifemocrau. ine xjeirittiakuru is nun iu i j j , - ----- - UOUUL, wiiu iue uuus uu tuc owe ui me i j n0Y v l Readiusters. The election passed oIT day afternoon. The Observer Bays: quietly. Last Thursday the Carolina Central r a - 41,0. ii,.t v changed hands iu New York, Mr. John Oor advices are to the effect that New r?LhinsQ nresidcnt of the Bav Lino York majori Still Another Lot. radices are tithe effect that New JSTpM f The Sa'y Lioo TPUE LADIES of Wilton and the has gone Democratic by a small of 6Uamcr,, tbe Seaboard & Koanoke blc spKtfuily inforfflcd ity, estimated at 5,000. the. Raleigh & Gaston and tho Ealcigh It A ii ct net u. A lrT.!nr ra ilwavsnnre-hasin'r I that I have iust received btill anotherlot of ThcTlrst Hop, ... luuwjiuiir mat mci m. m. eatz fJlHE BE8X A8SORTED,:HTOCK EVR brought to this citj, with ell the Uteat Hot- elties and Shades in TUF GREAT a a vei mmm .B3I ", 1 - 1 irT" n rTHabanthoritv that the wife v first Hop of the season ot toe ioius I Mr vArd Matthews, of New : - r .. . - : " t.,,- day on reliable authority tbat tuewne nov9 . E: nar - vour interest You can now nr8t W0P 01 ine Bca50D ol luc T of Mr. Edward Matthews, of New Study your interest xou cau uuw An:ni. Kt. wft had it! , v lj. an,nnnrA( ticuf Ynnif RPPP It t. j . 0 nr ens af uo 6Mtu lul0 B,VUH,bi " I XOiS, WUO uuiua oiuw-m. Hbn itony uook oioves jr i . ... t ke iace at I .tnek m the road, had served out an in- .... acobis. . Th,. rlns innction airamst the transfer, but it is I I.T wa, .lmrvst too warm for r d m0rC thaQ Ucr, fresh Fulton Ma t night was almost too warm lor CiUD, we anderstand, is very full tnlsIla.h- ri,ane in the management POIt RHEUMATISM, . Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scafds, General Bodily Pains, Topih, Ear and Headache, Frosted Taef and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. So Proration on earth equJi St. Jacobs Oit safe, sure, impl and cheap External tmeJr. A trial Btl bat the comparatirejj tfflin outlay of 60 Cents, and erery one suffor k,s with ria can baro cheap and poaitire proof af iu claim. lirettion in EeTen BOLD BY ALL DBXJ GGISTS AHDDEALEK3 IH MEDICINE. A VOfrELER & CO., j Balti more, JUd., j spril H daw-nae to: . AMD MUTTOri. receives by every Germania Hall, this evening. ;rr "Hi T more, than r Last night was almost too warm lor Club . we anderstand, is very full this X;VQ"" Tn th; anatremcntri"m",i: comfortable sleeping. It was the warm FaU tnere being 65 members. The I for snort wnile. Those of our citizens ton, direct from New York, which he offers est November niglit we can rememner. L Arioso will not reorganize this Winter I who learned ot the transler yesteraay fo th bencfit ot hi6 CU6tomers and the i i exoress muca sansiacuoa witu 4 m i Mianigm uarauuers- i in8ures a competing line to tne seaDoara, puouc generally P .TrkJ, inn Dower- i -, An officer -u Stall No. 1, New Market : - . i i nrm-psa mnr.n saiisiaciiou wim m oi W oro frlflfl in learn that IT rOI. At?08 I Ulnlerttt lraranAPPS. r ka eaaWrrl rmMio othbmIIo t. IftW nrilM. ini hns lar?rc classes in hisdancing school Thlaxrea lout nurht broke into the I nnnrated bv a verv wealthy and power- . T?.8:,,!. VI W M-w t-k I L. MAW I Var B J aV w this season. He has in all, we under- kitchen and pantry of Maj. H. H. Foster, ful: railroad combination. An lA wt. 7S T.nnila. Mniwro Wwmmi Seventh and Mc' 0 e Carolina wau xu I O LttUU uvvu- " t I kitchen and pantry of Maj. H.H. Foster, fui: railroad combination. An omcer ii iu i otrnth finri Mc' of the Carolina Central in this city yes- WIL WELDON RAILROAD CO., on Mulberry, between Seventh and Mc expressed the conviction that Rae streets, and stole all the eatables tho new management would not con- , 'SSSffi they could lay their hands upon, even to tmue to pool freights with the Richmond tjfcj tlTFn.. . r,M .uAnwi a mh j&-TamrUlA enmnanv. and ii his opinion f """ r1rijACirji.A jrrics or thi SKcaiiiar A Tbsisureb, . . .1- . -r- f I - . en leal t?51rnad 18 on maaujouuHg iu, iu .uw-w-v-It was statea tnat ine xncnmouu wiiichqtov. . u.,ot. ou, xooi. J , far as to break the lock of the door, when I Danville company, it will be remembered, annual MEET- Freshwater Perch, l'rout ana ciacx . were f . atened I were negotiating for this roaa a iew aay i i Hen hooks anu iiuca. i ment and lowest prices at J acobi s. t unanimous I was eau-ht this morning at Market Dock Bull's Coo 1 1 ininnq rm mAL il nruuiiacs. j. nvc v. . , ij .ni.nnK bv Robert Carter, colored. It measurea .. r I sale Has reauy oeen euecusu, aituuuS- WIL C0LMB & AUGUSTA B. R 00., 1 foot 11 inches in length and was 4 me btereopweon. . , lis said that uapt. Murcmson wm sam inches between the eyes. The stereopticon exhibition last mgni, the reen the eyes. The stereopticon exhibition last nigni, the management and that tnere are : TTT . . at the corner of Front and Market streets, ruarantees in the transfer that Wilming- U 3.H. Johnson, at his ; stall m was very fin6f There was an enormous tott shall not be discriminated against. r"tTf irket.ism receipt by every om0n? whom were many iftM-fc. the sale or transfer of the Omn of thi h Mr. Thos the new Market, is m receipt by every a were maQy or tranafer ,Qf the CrFI0B 0F .thi B.oanAx Taenia , e . T. VjikI' rY hnltftn ll HT- I ' ...I . ..I . . steamer iroiuxc xM.v.;-- ladiea Jt ag a free exhibition, yet it r0ftd wiU have but little effect on tne ket beef and mutton. He invites house- well worth an admission fee, as it local business the merchants have had keepers to call and examine n anu BW generally pronounced one of the oa the Une of the Carolina Central for Ralkioh, N. C, Sept. 27, 1881. Mrs. Jox Pkrson, Dear Madame V - a T inasicing wuai. i v. jv. ' Society, oi .uuuuuu, jiu6uu, a3 nis auvani lWOUia Say lUt- V, J Vr..fcasnr.Vnn .1 usuiuuu. w. o - - I , , i rtf fQ W.MU tUiar m x u .v-.-, - I Knt nrtw nf UXIOrU. Jt T,a;r ,. onttipo hv nsin? ine IN I J " . , , rcayraUtt, ranted. Sold only at JacoB.a. t Sy " transfer WiU be years 01 agev wnw A Sad Disaster. T rt-t t. and Money. mnA .mmw. when something inter- nnir time Wlin sores ""-""'"b I :t a .lopnlvl w a--.. , - wceofbcrolula, ana u "":v-,.,;r shocked ana gneveu tu-y yesterday afternoon in tne rice uem. tl v.nanoinlterative treatment for a long nutressintr accident . , iLf. u- n. anil four ' " r was generally pruuuuuucu dug a ou ine line oi iue vjaiuiiuck vysaa Franklinton, N. O how nice it is. ... mQSt cntertaillillg displays ever made some years past and which, by the way, k : In reply to your let- The members of the. Royal Historical nere. If Forepaugh's circus is as good ia au that they have had from . thfIreo nHni-nfmnrRfimedv. .-a -e t oiond . fleeted t..- -.1 u ;n K . tat HUie commer- iw assiug wu iT" oocieiy, ui ""r"6;"-'. "77 " . Jwda " cial intercourse vr v, ..- v,0iin 1 nn m do rr T tidT. sal fa uavc uu." -'j 1 . --t .insmnou. iuiiuvhj 1 tirian ai ljwvr.and bo far as 1 can learn, tfco n.- 'u' 1' r..i.n 4n mv ena-lcitv Wilmington, Nov. 8 th, 1881 rpBE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Btoekheldere of the Wilmt niton, Columbia A Augusta Bailroal Company will be held mi ine viucQ ui ua xr icbiucu . ui puu vvjiup y. in Wllmlnjrtoa, on Tuetday, the 22 d Now Advertisements. FALL AND WiNTER GOODS AT a!in IlarveiJleux, Satin de Lyon, Bhad- amef, f urrahs, Brocades, Moire An tique, Camera Hair, Hit Vel vet, f lushes, OLORED, BLACK AND ILLUMINA TED CASHMERES. Henriettas, Mohairs, Baitings, Alpacas and Fields ia endless variety, Pasiamenterie, Fringes and Trimmings, White Goods, Housekeeping Good, DOLLMAHS) CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, Men and Boy's Wear, Flannels, Merina Ua derwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Iitoes and i-dgngs, Staple & Domestic Goods. In short everything desirable. .Warranted to come np in price and quality, toany sam ple from retail houses Northa . j me 1 Pr0Vl.:u:" Krnalcin out over A Sad Disaster. I i,nt oat. Coat and Money. I mn.ifo tn-morrow. when something inter- I na-xNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! V S?face and neck, having the appear- Gur entire community was deeply R Turlington, while hunting wtI M to Mr. Robinson intentions I LJ . MILLION DISTRIBUTED. j Ince of Scrofula, and which had the,ln yesterday afternoon in the rice fields at I 3pire. We aretruly sorry that I OVER HALF A MILLION dis ; rSSErtBi. of a r Point Peter, had his boat, coa ana lour Ca M to retain , m Tn ppy llu,c: 4i,a nrPS entirely Uhich had befallen Mr. jani-r- . w ich he had kiuea swien of the Company. -WA , hv the dSppeared, ad np to this time she has this city, yesterday afternoon. Jetling Ia the coat pockets were $2 fle notbeea long its President Legislature for Educati had no return of them, her skiu iuu.iuS mweU be did not lo a - .Q money and Vttlaable papers wor ;n aiu bufc dQri the time that ne Peserve fun of over f 550,000 has aa fw nil clear as anyone s. I . namnnn hnt started witn nis i ..... frr.Unwtrtn fastened his I . ,, , tiiprP! has-I , i . . AMooivpthe snc ins luo r , i in money. - . . i nas conwoueu its ucauu'w - buico uwu uucu. i l'.oot;nf fVint. TOTl maV receive iuc buu i o . . . 4Vnffnnnn-l J . ia. I Uia wuww . . i a I -n .,i,.imi TiAnnlo-r votA Its cwhic TyonrRemedf seems to merit, youngest sister lor a urive w ' boat to a tree Btnmp ana iocu iw a marked improyement in aimos, iStoTpart rof "the present 1 CS wnicn jwut f . .. I . ohnnt S o'clock, SOOn al-l , . rnhhed nD thl . tt r,c, frpplv I Lrancae Wr,lrr nhPr 9,1. l am, yery rcsucunuj mo icu, ine mei Tiw d i every aeparxmruu u.c & - oiaie vouuiuuuu au. . WM. SIMPSON, ter8tartiDg, his horse beamDnai': stump aad took it aloog tth the boat Talattble Ume and attention to A D. 187 , 1 - . . .. K?ng,SWm. able d started to rua. M bptort There u n0 clue to the rascal. ... ad. a it to be greatly regretted 7jS oraiem fttim0. iampedfrom the bnggy and aligntea m . . ' ld not pusa it through to ittinxvcale. arpotpme.. noreeu. Send for circular o test jopea also at- To BuUders and others-Go ,to e umiKM r tempting the same dangerous resource, BI's tor Sash, Blinds -to retain the management GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT. CMRRMDFRED DRESSES, k v. fB bones of his left foot so shock. You. can get allj ..zes and at the that ;to. st,U to reU agwMcnwm take place the " " I .. r ,1 I , 4 I I IvUO 1, Mo SillZr, 36 Market Street, oct31 TUBNfiR'3 ALMANAC, 1882. .The Old and Reliable. Roein Weight Books, with No. 1 Paper. Blank Books, of all izes, styles atd prices. At HEiNSBEatrEa'fl 1 j r.r rnaTTTMEsJ ;nw that amnutation was found neces- howett prices riim. Muai ' -av . CaDt Man. JL ... lnfi.fl sary. v'uu'v' - . .-0v to .c, Man. . Tilated. One loncn 01 aarare. e i ""J" re.s Ungths, . in ae -7" was dis 4 "Xhad Sen a short dis- A respected and widely known wjvo. ISm 1nDlcT CT,nC r,.. H.iP.ndBhuaa doths, r.r7k.cltT. Mr. W. U. Spruntl and was driring le?, . - ffitf L-"."'---- I IlE VHniCS I . ....... ... .mount of ., Woodatonce left forthe Sound, L.wit-totewningaboutTo'clock 1 I am pleased Under the personal supertWon ua man- " 01 Darr , . ; . t- T,r Wood's call, Dr. Love h' when ping the comer of to 8ay" that I baye used St JacoDs uu ayen ..merywiought 0' It "as found impossible, to "and Chubtreet, some one. et 139th Monthlt AND THE jy(JUSI0 BOOK. HER&LD OF PRAI8E. liy L. O. Emmersott. Another lot of NEW SCHOOL BOOKB nov 9 Jait reeeired at HEIN'BEROER'S. Lire Book and Kaslc Btore I ana it. ouu u ' T miome city ' o remeuy, w- Q T us Oillairement of GEN. G. T. BEAuKJSUAKw, ie and later, at Dr. Wood's call, Dr. Love that when passing the corner of to say at I have used St Jac 7,1 Tt was found impossible, to clmrch streets some one set for rheumatism with .yin.. I iuiiv'"" -- - - - j. awu ... 1 and can cneerioiiy rewuiiuvu- i ijAJriAAi riwjr a?i.w,wv. i intrii for flounces and the nar- , . it was amputa. 4 nthnf. wheel which was fas. ftD" w" S.ffa.u " .T .,..a ii-.. - kcfirn ine iuut a- - - . i lire lu o v-y - i norsniiR HiuiiiawT auwvt i natipp. 1 ir.M.eLH axe a r."- ; a-i aI I i 1 I lWw m I BL"3PV v mww . A 1 aV m am T fls D T"a II K - a w a. a n tened to a tree ana f r, 1 SliVU w w . 1 row for trimming Basque. The suits range tedf jast above the ankle, air. opruu. iu price irom $30 to S45 and can be seen at system sustained the operation sc , well - ' ' - that hewasthis forenoon removed to the Notice. Tickets are Ten Dollars tened to a tree ana mat t .t fWfl nort to only. Halves, w. JTiiuis, . xenxu8 . i. was narrowly averted. The horse was so I ' ,om hP. ia now at his father sresi- . . , ArimR nice! mo.PrincPss and Ninth streets. Ju6trecelvea several cuiuo v. ueuuc, wiuv. , . . ii. misfortune has aroused S, Cloth, at con, per , am. ml 6jmpathy among all . ..t nf fine Laee Neckwear and Laces lor" f ' ftT1i- . He is one of the IO -v i classes ut w"' i'-i' . . v-to-. nov 7 . and. most true-hearted ior mxauiig Buv.u a.v..- moai, tuui . t.r OPinU I frcntlemcn among the many iuu.uuw r;tvcan was narrowly avencu. . well under control that he was enabled day foot up 1,84a bales. to prevent his running away, mere an ordinance against setting-off fireworks ia the city limits and it snouia ne c- most courteous and . most true-nearu.u Hcalth Renewer, greate Theladies are requested to teke notice goo m 100000 Ml UIHERYi FANCY GOODS, gentlemen among the many whom our d 0Q ior imtence, JgJ " fact that there will be a grand APPBOxiMATION PRIZES. W' M " l", Scan boast and hence his affliction debility, &c $1, at druggists, of the aca rrow at Mrs. loo Animation Prizes of f300-20.?00 .NOTIONS AMD HOLIDAY city can boast a . M mrcl M DeDOt Jas C. Munds. milmery 0PS. ino 100 AtproxinUon Prizes of 100-10,000 . , .. tp water works for Wilmington are nnw an accomDlished fact The mains were filled with- water to-day, and the hydrants were tried and louna 10 worn. very satisfactorily. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Cauital Prize of $100,000 $100,000 1 Giand Prize of 1 Grand Prize of 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prizes of 20 Prizes oi 50 100 200 at 50.000 20,000 10,000 5,000 1,000 500 300 200 100 THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD ItE spectfully notify hi3 friends and the -public that he has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern Rflarkets where ho has purchased the ;oooiidLanasomcsL An&piajr 40.0001 UJt 00,000 50.000 20,0001 20,000 20,000 20,000 m I citV can DOaSl uuu utuvv - ov ' j ...-.;.... rHcvervwhere almost as sorely as Depot Jas C. Munds OR PALB. - . m.mbcr of one-s IDQUgU 1 w aaia own family. Wc trust that he may soon F Hard and Soft. milincry opening: SS55lJ0-10; T.nmincn 1. On WOrULcrOufc ipws! i . M a Trw-r m aMnn Prtieft Ot lUlaJDWM - Mwm .aja.. yai a, ta w The flampson Fair, . HtvlcsofhaU. bonnets, &c. . . .rZ7Z , onn.i Fajr 0f the Sampsou il" " - 11,279 Prizes, amounting w - - The lath annual air u t I . . - .tlmon mar. I ' n t RT.AnREGARD. of La., County Agricultural AiaUon., S7i he has ever offered in this city. aiy siock is , a -over. County Agricultural AaUo nov 7-tf . - since the above was wrmeu w at Clinton on tne xo .a...... 0f tetter or frecklea, wbicn .are re Application for rates to clubs should o n . 7Z Wo Water, that Mr. Sprunt is resting well and . Mr. E. W. has a popular toUet dressing, APJi to the oiSce of the Company HO Pre8S- KO W ater, Jl a3COuldbe expected. Miss M chief Marshal for the known as Dr. Benson's Skin Cure. Even ycw0rlcalu ' : . . . ' ' a . . l0mS S cMorablv in iump- j I attendance is expected scrofulous ulcers yield to it. Write tor circulars or una I orde to Application for rates to clubs ehouldonly Complete iV HOB INK BEQIRSD to make p.rt.;t eofrom the Manlfold.CorTS Book Rosia Bo-ki rulti tspe lally for thta arkst, Blank Books, all sixes and a ccm pitta stock of BtatioaeryPictura Frames, Maaieal lastroments. Faney Gooos, Ac, at nov 7 rlmn as well as could be cspccica. aiu, selected as Chief Marsnai ir w known as ut. oenson B SpnTni Twasbruisedconsiderablyinjump. ! Alarsc attendance is expected scrofulous ulcers yield to it ing from the buggy, but it is not thought the big day, as usua oibd. .. i .o?n anv serious in- , fiov. Jarvis will do . that snc uaa 0usuuv- jury And in VjftRVBT'g BOO BTORE. TJew Meat 'Store. T uniun ana fitted up h.d- A aoely tne ewre i , where S"Bf' Mutton. Lamb, Write tor circulars or sendoroersio t,fl, of thintra whish it . m. A. J WT o I x uais - o- " . Nw Orleans, La I wnnld take columns to enumerate. My or M. A. DAUPHIN. at fine frcsh FEES C EL CANDIES are a Ko. zi uroauwaj, w " tmecialtT. I lead in these goods as my patrons well know.- I have an elegant t aw iiiiriBii a iiar aamar i si i c m diuj awj vttiTrJ v, otriiipi t aa its I My stock 01 utiraisiu UUUWO LEfTLT representing themselvea " . Jf J, A" . j ,,,;,, K--n -I " Lti. Thevhaveno authority irominiaiig inu ana wbfw,---' . a a.-, ;S Kti 1 enouzn w b - before Deen eim"--- . . I T ..v.- 1 1 .In Tiv.t. ajid are not iu I Knno-ht low will be sold low. out -" u i3 a that there " This cultivator will be sow at auC. te mkal av, ; Irespectf ally invite a call and inspec- to Fayetteville. . interior and I T ?L,nnda on Thnraday- AlwA,-. fnr a work bell. Ha. P. a, DAUPBEC. tioVeSpeC i. FLANAGAN, - to i f i iu iuv a TinTi caii uid ba w - nAantriaE n hsairiT v m -w .iitai k7sta niTrrv ua, - aj9a. 1 KAil El II 1 1 1 1 U aVaBaaw 1 UWM V" " - . . Z . BV.b W IWIII II so in the -ZY Pres. Louisiana State Lottery Co. i J .a 1C01 ; tion. v Mmsl Ta- JoIt 4. 1S3Lj vn wp if i mor -wa4-aaWwdw norC Varietv Store. No, 42 Market street tion.

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