1. l&-jn'- 1 """""T""" i t .ft.AoB.: Huadavs t ...OU. " . I O 8 H t - " " ' tUlTOB AT0 PKOFBJKTOB. -u POHTAUK PAID. 80 $ 1 00 Hi month. 2 50 ; Thr J-er . ... one month. 60 oesto. It will' be delivered ty carriers, Je, Pofcity.aUhej WrtrlM ,low and liberal AiTjabf criber. will please report any n7.;mrMto receive tneir pipreguij. Advertisements. f: t - ... K VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. 0., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1881. NO. 266 SHEDS IK' ri no cut hii Ell LOCAL NEWS. Nzw Advertisements. Found Set Ring IIeixsbercek Turner's Almanac u v iates no rress, ro vater THE ASSOCIATED RAILWAYS OF VIRGII1IA AMD THE fcAROLMAS, Passenger Department, Richmond, Va., November 1st, 1881. No session of the City Court this Memoranda of Arrangement of Round-Trip Bates, Tickets, Routes ot Transportation, and Advantages offered . matinn of Parties of Visitors to the INTERNATIONAL COTTON EXPOSITION, for the for morning. Magistrates' Rot? looks dull enough for Sunday. Schooner Silver Spray, Hall, cleared at Baltimore for this port on the 8th in3t. - " Norwc At Atlanta, Georgia, from "car (Heads on aay aid "til 0 itaeral Lateral kaf . - Tkt naae of the writer xsut alm yt b f a ; filth to the Editor. . - OosuBvaleaUoaj taut b wrrtfea." en aniw decide of the paper- ; - '. Personalities mast ts avoided - t tm .t. 1" I u 1 . . stood that the EiifcTf does not alirayi eoaorT sAal mw u mi. ,..ha. Imi. m.1 m'.T" ta the editorial eoinmas. ' New Advertisements, WIL. Jt. WELD UN KAILKOAD OJ. mm - rrrca or thb 8eciitxt A TatASOaxa, Wimisoros, N. C ,Not. 8th, 1831. fJiaE FOiTY-lXTH ANNUAL MEET- iogff the stockholders of Oe Wilmlnrton A Weldon B&ilroad Ccmpaay will beheld at the office of sail Ootaoaej, in WHmtogtoo, 01 Taesdaj. the 22d inst., at 11 o'cl ck. A.M. mm A m.J I I I '1 ' J - " " ian barque Pallas, Petersen, FOB RHEUMATISM, Backache, Soreness or the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. yj Potion on eertb pTxnai if iu claims. p.rection. in Keren Lsnpge- A.VOGELER & CO. .. iJaitimorc, 2ia. c. tprilU dw-ne tej the 8th inst (ierman barque Adelha'm, Agunton, arrived at Hamburg on the ath lLSt , from this port. . " 77 i- Very many we 1-meaniog peoPi TTMdsbero pre,crL foyour Cough and Cold and o , you w 11 lose time in laKing men u. Wilminton cine ; ergo, take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ton' i j l' ri nn. Pr ce 2o cents. arooro , ana ue rcijci-u I WadesDoro , The steamer Elizabeth came off the Cberaw, ways this .morning" and has resumed her wren I regular trips to Smithville, carrying the wilsori U.S. mail. Magnoua, ; Marion, i Sumter, Frntr ' r !! 1 . I FROM AY H AT POINTS. Routes of Travel See Notes. Period of Validity, in Days, Of llCKCis nerem Enumerated. Ret c nx ISG. TTm,;iAhlP. mitter reraains'the Post- 1uuumi""v office iu this city, addressed to Carrie A. Kim?. Beaufort, N. C. ; also a wane cu ' rm velope with no address. VnlM. IStay ix IXG 1 l flILAJl . "" 9 2 Days. 6 Days. 2 Days, v . 0 2 6 2 " I ' " io 2 " 6 " 2 4 : ' . . 0 2" 6 ' " 2 " '. . 10 : i . . 10 12" 4 " 2 " 10 2 " 4 " 12 " ' ' ". I 10 1 " 6 " ' 9 2 " 6 " 2 " 1 ' ' 9 2 " 6 " 2 " ' ' " 10 2 " 6 2 " v ' 10 2 " 6 " 2 " i . FOR SINGLE INDI VIDUALS For RATES OF TICKETS. U ' Kdlft nnd Use 0f rr-tf VvUUltlvii va w , which Bee Notes. tm- i xo iVai- Par I For Par- r or irar- i'w t ?- i- r i a t;.nr. n vii tiou rtr .sin liks ui uu 09r i. A. eacn. I5. eacn. v. $22 00 23 00 18 25 24 00 12 80 15 00 15 00 12 00 23 00 21 00 18 25 14 55 19 10 18 80 16 90 21 20 14 65 13 25 12 35 9 55 20 00 17 85 13 15 11 00 16 35 16 15! 14 50 18 20 12 55 11 35 10 0 8 20 12 10 15 30 11 25 9 45 13 60 . 10 90 13 45 10 75 12 30 10 00 15 15 12 10 10 45 8 40 9 45 7 55 8 85 7 10 6'8l 5 50 1 14 25 H'40 12 75 f 10 20 9 40 7 50 7 90 6 30 o T1-o wilmineton & Weldon Kauroaa anu uiuuiui. Note.-?' via vinungw n.n a. Augusta Richmond and Columbia. . , nnA v' in via. w iiiuiuuvuu. . n t -r-v :ii An i n mo I a nmn a. i ;() umuia auu Iiurc. v . -.-fpftP rfttes in croups A, i, ana x, win uc ujr , Movement of all Pt 0J and tickets will read accordingly. . - The wind got around to the Norm Yine and Atlanta ana n fornJf vma y frae"c' .. A T! n,i thi3 morninjr it The Round-Tnp I ickets herein na cast wa u?o"" . - . , i oriainal purchasers, auu uuuu . - brouBht p a -M.drif Ung T wb,hU- ' Coaacto. . f f TisWtl- tho Expo6ltion, Coptrt jiS? l called for ovcrcoais.ucu To the ena o. " i.""r TheT embrace all the Btipulations of 81Dge S .ZZ?.ttM .. To lbe ena oi nuuiuiuft -rL omhrara all the stipulations of siDgie ticKew, wnu iu w -Y'-, .7 - - I iin named, are likewise offered, h1.,. in connection with aZZ others of the specijic class they We thank Mr. L. Branson, of Raleigh, good for transportation to AUaoia omy ucu f0; a copy of his orifc Carolina Ag bclot iJUa upon them singly, within the period of their validity, provided they are the original cultural Almanac for the year 1882 Holto inuM mna atftm nint? of retnrn.coap0ns has been established at the Union Depot in the calculations having ran r An office for the ident, . r rr:M.iiv i a iorr . . a i ro nnKiicu uv r- Dr. Craven, oi iriuj Allans x; r- f thege ticket8 will be changea in any resuw : , Q,;ntPnnt rome v4 wrc:" ii.ni.-a for personal comfort, lodging, ana ioot Orncs or ths kcetay A Taviicaxs 4 WiLUiKaTOM, Nor. 8tb, 1831 THE ANNUAL . MSwiuO OP TUJ& St3ekho!deri '- the Wllui u2ton, u.-jumoa A Augnsti liailroal Company will bebed at the Offics of the Pieeident cf sld Compa- telt 4t " 0ClCCk; w. THOMPSON. " novStim Secretary GRAHD MILLINERY OPENING fTlBERE WILL BE A GRAND OPENING of Tina Frencb Patterns, Hats, Bonnets, &c, on Thursday, Nov. 10th at Mrs. E. A. LUMSDEN'3. The Ladles are respectfully invited to call E. A. LUM3DEN. nor 94t Still Another Lot. mllE LADIES oWilmlngton and-the I public generally are respccviunj I that I have just received still .another lot of Millinery", Crochet and Fancy Goods, Ac. I . Mlftf V.. KAKKER. tiov 9 . . Exchange Corner. The Assistant General Dnperinwu-. investigation of tne appuauo - , Iwpnta pxist contribntin? to a pleasant and economical visit. V' "7 .1' i .11 that ia claimed for 4 . nr Pasaeneer Aeent. provea equai - t-0j- ways aciniercoi. r. . uV rrtnni efficacious. Ready I , . j it. ana uecu --. no? a okw Look ! Ralsigu, N. C, Sept. 27, 1881. Mrs. Jop Person, , relief for Rheumatic complaints t- fn rnnr let reilcl - Dkar map , .,,!. vim Yesterday l Unfd sly that the sales have i been very T a eli ht fire at the waUr i h water Work turned into the pipes i',ould that tbesales l There Was a Blight Bre at tbe Wat.r .uc and the .ir,.ndB0rara3lcanbar the Th tonl tte T ' Foattb dy has been very sawwciui j j . .. caught hre nyaranis uu ,v, u used it. especially so in en sheathing oi - worn fairlv tested ana iouim rran7.:"irl of this city, ten - Bnmtx nlanks which had been care av- "7J!J1w- While the 0Pera- we case oi iii-w" ....u-j fnr a"1""" r. .. flmape to wo spieuuiu.;. - 'iVm!-. -irl of this city, ten fpmn some DlMta which had been care stree.- While the opera- years of age, who was lessly left under the turnace. rpnlral I tion was going on the writer bereoi U time with sores breaking ; out er There waa n0 general tion was got g ork8 the UiiTi butthe L2emn boyspuiiea mauc. - aned, for a long and got t0 llton just in time to se are fJ Tle reso, time. She took four bottles of the Bit- lbe lasfc of the illumination... Dr. Cloud, the toiiow K K'oreSnofthen., her skin loofng wrote the ompan,--. - oftheriTer. It ta m.de of sheet tronanu pd clear .s.r-yone-s. eTe,ie, accomFanj.ng rt i. J to contein 200.000 gallon, o water TiDStmg tnai you iuj - ror $0 in iohcu which can be thrown into ai. j r- which your Remedy seem merit, whichc an iQ four hours- sr roaUCCv, auu WO uuuu L UUd lua b jut. i F. 1 L.r I.A ID inlll Forepaugn claims oiuy wuv o j--v entitled to when he says that his is ,4tbe greatest snow in me wunu. w lection of animals is by far the largest we have ever seen in any menagerie, and is exceedingly interesting. The circus, too, is fully up to what it advertises itself to be. The riding was excellent, the athletic feats leaping, somersault- t.ha trarteze and . i i:.i,4 .nna wprp riftcidedlv tne i .. me ukuk '"jf " - , - " ' TTTxr.orTBT, wnOMSfor rent. APPiy at best which have ever Been f- cess I am verv respectiuiy yui rr... enm cusiu" - - u'aa i am, very r iTMpS0N Bratn & fcen e- . ,nA vonse. or machinery build- Druggist. WpII's Health Renewer, greatest Pat brick building, locat- Fin Wilmington by Dr. Wm.M; n J Send for circular of testimo- f dcbiUty &e. 51, at eaBo--.-- . Iq niall "" octw D olJas C. Munds. ately-npon --;. ana boilers I col. RoblloTa 1?J at" EMBROIDERED DRESSES. DIRD. QUINLIVAN HANNAH, daughter of Thomas and Ellen Quiulivan, in Charleston, 8.C, this morninif. at 7 o'clock, (Nov. 10) of croup, aged 6 years and 3 months. jeJtajjMsopy New AdvertiBemeute Rooms to Rent. nov 10-lw best wnicu uc r r auc nViilA fhp. vonaeriul performances o 1 tne iraiucu c,Ci,ua,u.0, . goheait corner oi jhwi u all sizes, iroiu me wouuu- w rf and 01 tne remarauijr -treets trained norsea 01 vuciuoc --r- . . those who witnessed them. The attaches FOUnCl and employes 01 uw wo, "v - pma T ' J M oil nnnr. I -.-r irnwn XTv 7th . a. SET RINU, Anprcreuc Dropneior uuwu, iw w . in jauwiA,"'" -- rr ul- A nnlita and th fOOd I 1 f 5S" 3Iincr despite the wMch the owner can have by proving prop- orucr nuivu " ' ... i i a wnt. reflected crreat credit I , . Address i -fi manQiTpmpnt, and audience . I ootu uuu 1Q REVIEW OFFlCiS- To Builders and others Go to Jaco- IF YOU WANT A REAL NICE piece of Beet. Lamb or Mutton, fausages or Veal, just call at JOHN C. BOKNKMANN'S J. . t it. .1.1. nfiMj.L-at Meat otore, on nonu " ,7 : ween 8econd and Ihlrd streets All meats delivered promptly and free of charge oct7-fri-m-lm JUN C.BORNEMANN ADMirnTAT0A'S KOTlCF. T UNDtB.llUNt,UDT qa . . : . - 'a in thePM-b.teC u'tttNew Htn-ver -onn -ty. al 1 1 erflr,E hTi srtl.imj cuai btth el ut of ,sii iot.tt , ar heby n tilled to present men- ia vm " """K1"' - " . V6lo daj ot October, 18, o-heriee thU notica wlu be pie d.-d in bir of fCJtary. rer cnsUdebted to a kid i tc its te will mk. pc,mt to .th ll :ha engines ana uoucio, - t. 7. . T-mt and of the finest pat- To Buuaers - JUSt FrOm me f aClOry. . i mi utn aa v rf . - . t' tor aaan. cuuua u -- i .. T,.oUent of tern. There are two Yotf . -4 - .. i t i Knniuauui l antrinn uu au . - toi.u- . . water. ine irg" ve i .t0- I LL WOOL OABSIMKR83 I QBBAT TUHtffcR'ri AI-MANaC, 1882. u Tbe Old and Sellable. Hotln Weight Book, with If o, 1 Ppor. Blank Bookf, of all !xss, styles atd prises. . i . At BElNBDKaiEU'3 MUSIC BOOK. . . - n n t.1 nn . TOW By L. O. Emmerioa. Another lot of NEW SCHOOL BOOKS Joit received at ; " HKIH, BKBOEV8, nov 9 Live Book and Kuiicoiore wide, Krabroldery wi ought in 8ilk. The wiJe is intended for flounces and the car- row for trimmioe Basque. The suns raugc are no ucr v. r- reniral cine. There is siui auuw R R'ds., from Uoidsooro to oum- r oL.nanbeSeena Sported 8ale of the Caro 1, na O ud fnia m wUch u u,ed altogether for A.B tto aiBDKBB0HIM8. .a..,-.. of K. Iwi. be no caangc -0 divided from the engine tuuu the great Exposition should cut it out 0BNTb tixb la wiy. 8hud. doth, at 50 . Pe, yar.. A utr. - " we do lt ad,i.edly as we to . p--. -. "T - . . knowthatCol.Bobinsop w on- u 5. m to iiter, W - ' ot Un n6 VWHlMVum-" iue I ; " , A9 flnea: the ,Wi . " . . . A e t ,4 K( J50. J. HED8I0K. i v'nr.V-par and ILCeB assortment ornncwcc.- . ' .a bPIOIU BeautirTjooroome. by using the smaUer is 3 feet .n to each - of thirty, for S12-30 each and of AJSS), mix5l Sailer Drink, to ; Ue 1 0O.OOO BRICK.- YB-aint, ready miled and war tain, flue. The works ow each of Emer g-M w . .4 T.nftlll'S. T DB CUUlWv - 1 . - Z .f nrUra. " i x- I 4 hi a I l.tiamDaZncS IB -j soon will be in Tall ana succ.u. va.. Col. Fope's representauvc xu fttcent.Cigarthat maue. uP tion. - Citv. will furnish all information desired n and cool off. JOHN C ARBOLL, for making such articles. l"OR I? ALB. LOWEST MARKET prices. J ranted, Soldnlyj i: Hard and Soft. nov 7-tf .nrtioin tn mite l . (.'w:.ne. Krisr tn. ouuw.i the f P wor iNit ' I parsley v i papere w ... . rr. " a W lor AW Cajes. U,U, th P P , wlU gire place OT fro tt. vld0ow,J't n7.967feet lumber, and 200.000 Uo tbo testimony of . m ... i.il fjr tbU Book Roiia Books raieiT'.;v .ark.t; Blank Bo.ks, all te. nd a plf .lock of Uii.wy. Pietaf rrsm, M.rieUIt.tiamenU Fsney Gooof. J, 1 1 - aov 1 BOO a 81 ORE. TJew Meat nStore. JL eomely tbeatore 7 : 7 nere od street, third door J u? I will be glad to. .ace my Wnn, g TO THINK ABOUT - HOT BED SASH. PLEASE OBDEB KABLY. RASH, DOOnS AllD BUUDS THE VARIETY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD. RE. spectfuiiy notny nis meuus u public thathe, has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern Markets where he has purchased the v Handsomest Display - 7 OP ' " FillLLlflERY. FAMCY GOODSt H0TIQUS AMD HOLIDAY QOQDSt he has ever offered in this city. My stock is Larcfe, Coxnplctp And in " . . GBEAT . 1 v.at Mr .Tim. Adams lor Anx Cajes. uJ". Huteld aod toJJ we wihbip We are pleased to - uVs67 feet lumber, and 200.000 shingles, fc rf . gomhern paper of Sptunf. condition today .. y I Messrs E. KHdtr&Sons; ,hoM opinion .merits con- ther8 was any reason tohope it would tPrllr . tor,, for 0. - inannab be. He pa a rather unortab.e " . ' 1 .AMnn niri- I . twt J. anrl tlPTB la I -t.il A4ah TP B WU. WClt auu I ' " - BRACKETS, MOULDING .LUMBER, c u,u. wa-.-. 1,;.! .,,it DOTm. ir HO. " .inthatcitv: many friends as to tne euw.r . a.iai' IlAVlien --- . i0rB.w. .. , . .J 1 - . . : U1- Ml vribrl rrt3l w t oi. 635 feet inmoer. mIi mvas wlucn ipre -vatem has been couw-c.-u'j 1 Ponce r . - Nof. .-li of Forepaagh's great f the phTsicians. . l?Ar go. I A OT ESCliaillie Ln SHE5s -aKi Ajri: ?rrr f - .hmoed by Messrs eesraea -y , fl one in W w i iL n f Vilnrrfl wVil'H lt l nave muu-uus . f would take columns to enumerate. - My Afresh FRENCH CANDIES are a specialty. Head in these goodaasmy paeons well know. I have an elegant variety 01 Millinery Ooods, Halu, Trimmingf, &c, To which I invite the attention of the-. Ladies. My stock of CHRISTMAS G00D3 is foil and compieic u . a. t :l I W arM InW: rrespectfolly invite a s4inspec- nov a : No. 42 Market street. 1 i -i tomers. Splancua "TZ me. Norlhrop & Camming. . 1

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