J THIS V'U Buadayi r "..iln jOH. T. JAMS8, KDITOB ap pbofwwoh. nKscWPTlONS.F08TAQE PAID. 8 T f5 CO Six months, 50 ; Thr, ujel. tl IS; One month, 60 cent. -. 7J H V ? 9 ; V JL Btr will b delivered Dyearriera, ,itee,or 13 cents per week. JrS-bscribers will please report any aro ..to retire their papers rcgniarly. - VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDA Y NOVEMBER 14. 1881 NO 269 try ii . ,3 a "VI 1 4 5 jjeW Advertisements LOCAL NEWS. , New Advertisements. . Altaffeb, Price & Co Sash, Doors an 2 Blinds x L J Otterbouro The Policy uavis & HoxKoe. Muuets, uysters. C W Yates Juvenile and Toy Books. Mrs Joe Per box "Just imagine how I felt:" Heinsbzrgek Hoyt's German His llalesiy. I Second Growth or Bice. - The receipts of cotton at this port! We have had laid before us a specimen 13 1 week foot op 6,409 bales against I of rice of the second growth this year 8.672 bales for the corresponding period I clucked in a field at Hilton. It has on- r t w . I ' " ' of last year. J ly partially matured while the grains are The receipts to date this year are already ripening and turning yellow. S3 57R hftlpu against 59.005 bales to same I The SDecimen before us indicates not . O I - I date last vear. The exports this year to 1 more than ten bushels to the acre. m - New Advartiaemeiitt- Cologne date are 36,493 bales against 39.331 bales to same date last yearl """" ; T- i Tfl Ml THCCREAT sAbIBFM An occasional straw bat looms up. Christmas horns have set in too early. Menshould-be tried before they are trusted. . - Nothing doing' in magisterial circles today. Persona! , . Judge W. M. Shipp, of Mecklenburg, spent the day in the city on yesterday. He was accompanied by his wife and daughter, and stopped with Mrs. T. D. they have do settled employment they Mea res, sister to Mrs. Shipp. Judge 8hoaid be arrested and sent out of the ' Burglars ana Thieves- We would invite the attention of the police authorities to the fact that there are a number of hard looking characters around this city who do not beloDg here and who will well bear watching. When Roe, Mullets. 1.00 Dcen in 2 J Bbl A 5o, 1 MULLT8, For file br botH It DAVI3 4l?ON. Ousters. DAILT, FROM Hew Hirer and Myrtle Orore Sound. To City Trade backet famished free of eaarge at oar Fiah Market. U4Y13 eon. ot 14 It. The Coraline Corset ! The society of women of good manners. is the element FOB RHEUMATISM, Hauralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, 6out, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Rains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feai and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. g Preparation on rarth equals 8t. Jacobs a , inpto and rheap External tJt. A trial n1tl Irat the comparatiTelj irSig ootlaT of 60 Cents, and wry one snffer fctinth pain caa hare cheap and poiiUTe proof t( it elaima. JHrectiont In Ewn langnagei. BOLD BT ALL DB UGGI3TS AND DEALEB3 IH MEDICINE. A. VOGEUER & CO., The last mosquito of summer is as ven omou? as Guiteau. The receipts of cotton .at this port to day foot up. 921 bales. Flowers that come from a loved hand are more prized than diamonds. Shipp' returned to'Goldsboro this morn ing, where be is holding court. He holds Duplin court next and then New Hanover court. Mrs. Shipp and daugn-. ter will remain here about one month. city. Reports are frequent of premises entered during the. night by sneak thieves and burglars who are probably of this very class. One gentleman residing on Red Crocs street, not far from Fourth, had a valuable yard dog poisoned a few nights ago, and last night a stranger was Forepaush's show There was. of course, a large crowd present ia the circus tent lastr Saturday detected prowling around the outhouses 1 mm me a a night, the last of the two performances or a residence on f nira sireei. here. The entertainment was a vcryl Quarterly Meetings. fine one. as we had good reason to ex. I Wilminirton District. Methodist E trot that it weuld be. A few of the Coharie . Noy. 16-17 Vovf Adverti -ementi WlL WfcLDJN iiAILRUAl CV. ' H - ' t mcK or the Sxcarriar & Tatuirsia, WnMixerov. N. O., Not. 8th, 1831- rpaE roRTY-ixiH annual mbst- iogrf thePtcctholirs of te Wilrainxtoa Wrldon Railroad Company !I1 be held at the oce of uli Compary in Wilmtoato, oa Tn-idaj. the 22i int., at 11 o'cl- ek, A.U. . j. vf. TaoMFsa5f, toT 3 tdia - Keoretary. WIL, COLLI B. A AUQU8TA B. P. CO., . dries' or tbs i scaiTiaT & TaxAicaxa. WitvjtHiTo, Nov. 8tb IU1 THE ANJiUAL ' HfstTIKO 01 T2B Htrekh;idrs n"' the Wilm rxton, Colombia A Aogosti Uatlrcad Company will be held at the Office of tte President cf laid Coxa pa nyt In w lm;njur, on Tuesday, the XJd ln(t, at 12o'c:cck, M. J. W.TUUBrHUN, nov 9 titn Beeretary nr" P.nll'a Couirh Svrnn. that old and tried remedy for Coughs, Colds, Con sumption, etc. , Sol Smith Russell, the inimitable, "Edgewood Folks" to-morrow night. Nov. 19-20 present. Burkheap, P. E. ! trfnrf!spnt time the countrv is flooded with preparations for Conghs features, such as tho riding and trapeze Cokesbury . . and Colds, but far ahead of all others is Mrformance3, wcre very ordinary, but w T ZZZ U that nlrt ann I I -- all of the rest were very fine. Tho men agerie is by far tho best we have ever I 7e call the attention of our readers to An hre. Mr. Forenatifirh has made a the advertisement of J. Monroe Taylor. fine impression here, and if he will come to see us again next Winter he will I have the biggest kind of a crowd. 100 80fcD IN ONE WEEK. PRICE $1.00 Full assortment of sizes. nov!2 J.J. HEDRICK. m Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi'b. t Burglarious Entrance An entrance was effected last Saturday Tfcia hnriRA has been established nearly 1 40 years, and their goods are celebrated tor puruy ana Birengm. "u -trial of their Gold Medal brand to all who desire superior cook arm tt iery. Learning is well enough, but it hardly I night into the residence of' a gentleman I A milk answer turneth away wrath- pays to give a five thousand dollar edu cation to a five dollar boy. on North Front street, not far from the io does a suggestion to take a drink. ipril IS dAw-nsa to. I railroad offices, during the absence of tho head of the house. A lady was in her room and beard some one fumbling at the door, and looking out saw two men. She screamed and they left. Two gentlemen It is singular, but true, that the whis ky" that makes some men uproariously FALL AND ViNTER GOODS 113 of the stau Crows flvinc to the southward yester- who were at work in the railroad offices J O - . . A day were indicative of colder weather heard the alarm and rusnea across ine At least such is held as a sure sign by street. Just as they were entering an the premises they met two rough looking AT 1.2. nz. height to this alty, with all the latest Hov- a!tits and Shades in DRESS GOODS, gatin MaxveUlenx, Satin de Lyon, Bhad ejoer. Pnrrahi, Brocads, Moire An U4a",CamJ Hair, Uk Vel vets, Plushes COLORED, BLACK AMD tLUMIKA TED CASHMERES r Hriatti. Mcfiairs Bnitfacs, Alpacas and Haldi lz cndlcsi variety. Pasiameiti ie, Frirges and Triinalags,Whlte Oocd-.X, Bouseieej iajr Gocds Mr. James Sprunt's condition yester dav was not so satisfactory out, waj, . . . i . we are glad to hear, he is pronouncea i not ttinBl to stop the men, and found out. white men coming oat, who remarked to hied and in neea 01 a5iowuw. oj somewhat better. when too late, that they were the offend-1 Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war -v ranted. Sold only at JACQBi a. t Messrs W. E. Davis & Son have made ers. From Atlanta. Col. E. R. Brink returned to the city from Atlanta last Saturday. He is very arrangements o receiveeyer, day u . y a plinfal aDd bad looking f. - I , rri,a r .nmrnprtred to trv evtrV" To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass a-i. Van in iret all. sizes .and at the ,W C? lowest prieet, T If ew Advertisements "JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Brunswick, Co., Va., Norember 5th, 1881. Mas. Joa Pbssox, Franklinton, N. 0. Da Madam : It is with pleasure fct. I write to tell vou that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a mnat fpartnl.lookine and painful sore on auww ' . i my ankle. It came more tnan twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. t ,;nt it. with Tinet. Iodine, until it X UUUtVU " Then I commenced to try every Hoyt's German Cologne. mHE MOST TKAQBANT AND LAfcT ine of ail Pei fames. Beware of Covatasfrits. Wholeiale and Betail. At HEINSBERQIB'S Pianos and Organs. IHEAP IOB OASaoroa thdtasyinstala meat Plan. Krery Fiano aaa urgaa war ranted for live years at HkINBBEBGeh'B. nov 12 Lire Book and Kuslo 8tore OPERA HOUSE. A Welcome Star in WllinTiiJrton. The Great caaic Success of the Day. TUESDAY lyiUJIIQ. HO VEMBER 15 Engagement of the Great Comedian and - vnaracier acwr . ooii- amiTH Still Another Lot. fJIHE LADIES of Wilmington and the public generally are respectfully Informed that I have just received still another lot of Millinery, Crochet and Fancy - Goods, &e. M1S3 HI. K AKKEK, nov 9 Exchange Corner.. THE VARIETY' STORE. 1 i.... TmsIi Fnnm PtinW Klvcr &UU I UOSIUUU. U5"J " ' r I 1 . . t . I . i atU; nontonnial ttnn tnatllll . . . I U aF nnti if. Mvrtle Grove Sound. The dimcuuy mernuaaeipum VCu..-. thing l couia inms or uc abatbucketBisobWated as Mr. Davi, ,h, lart and h.nome o o . P- f0rni.he3 the buckets free of cost. kind inangurated by any SUte .logly adTi(;e He told , and alone. At least two aays, ne ay0, - m .f j WQuld uke v and menajzerie left I -rA necessarv to make the tour of the ex-1 , thre remain for four or five weeks, A' Ul vMMMSf,aa mw w--w I w w m , . - I In hi famous creation oi TOM DILLOWAY, In J. E. Brown's New American Comedy in Four Acts, ejiiuea Edeewood Folks. Supported by his own Company of Talented Uramatic Artlt-U. puita(1 f.vervwhere with screams of lauchter ! Ti.Vofjil 75c. tMa. and 25 cts. Seats secured at Dyers' ' nov'li-3t it SHAWLS, mo Shall eggs be sold by number or by the nonnd? is. the momentous queuuu oir.fr ao-iratfid in some sections. uun fcr.M o ?i. ir .a.v. fh'a r.onld be I meuics aAnt A TTllIt. 11. UUnblVSI wmmtmm MEN'S WEAR DEPOT, REMOVAL. . Neceetitated by the Established " " Increase of buiiness, to Iron Front Store, 1877. 1880. The Policy Xea and Boy's W r, tels, Merino TJa derwear. He siery Gloves, O.riets, Sjsxcs and Fdgags, r ... . , . . t n I . . .t j. f n fViaf I t -r T J : J An an nrpt.tv SOOD. . r m . i. i. 4h.i. to impr miHririai inr Tn.i rniirr liiuc bum whmv i a nn 1 1 I uiu liuu ov r here last niKQi. iur n mouwu, u. " , ; T j n "oa tv, hnno j. , ! . .cvi 4V.M .ntiM not be cared at all, as tne, Done in Philadelphia, it requires - can De prouwoiy w - aUeaaed. and mv foot . . T a . .1 I M A M A A M Willi til a VW LtlV w a move his vast collection, wnicn were ui j i rwn apptinna or trains :of 23 Yiucu iuw,." - ,-o - I 1 7, ' frtf nr Pach , I railroad lares, rrom " r cure ior vuo duic - --- cars eacn. i I n Unoinoso either of these Ke- ties of fltty. it is out nine more vuu uuo giyo up n X, a! Minrl ties oi my, i u kJmorliea would have ruined me. Mind you this was the advice of one of the best that I . v Qtta "Nnrth Carolina. OOCVOrB 1U fclao i-w.i w- . - tfiia nnvpraation took place last Buva .w - . . tx.u.... T TintiniKKl ro Durn wun CUi uai i . w - - . i uevuuici w -- - fowls of r4.. 7 ' iT; V. ts,;. causticas he advised PM ""KS1" wouiu i con j a- I Knt derived no benent irom nia ireuuu i snouia una uut uuw utuci. w, uu friend to trv I It as be can ae iisewise. It o-la tickeU we thick UUCIGU w- O . ten persons would go where one goes now, has been found out that the average I therefore fhe profits to the road I February but derived 0irrfit of twentv eggs.iaia Dy different breeds is two and one-eighth pounds. It is claimed that in justice to the consumers keggs should be sold by weight. ' THAT GOVERNS US IN CONDUCTED- the "Men's Wear Depot," and which has placed us in the front rank among first class Clothios; Establishments, we shall briefly refer to. In opening business the beginner is too apt in tne ouisei, woe- uiab urn near- When we tom- THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE. spectfully notify his friends and the public that he has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern tVJarketo where he has purchased tho Handsomest Display "v ;': , op ;:. MILLINERY FAriCYQQDDS. iinTiniic t-""T" ' ------ he has ever offered in this city. My stock is Large. Complete And in GREAT V-G.H3C ET Y I have thousands of things whi;h it would takeof'lumn8 to enumerate. My fine. fresh-FKEVCll CANDIES are a, specialty.. I lead , in these goods as my patrons well know - 1 have an elegant variety of Miltin-ry Goodu, Half, Trimming, fcc, To which I invite the attention of tho - Ladies. - My stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS is full and complete and having beea bought low will be sold low, I respectfally invite a call and inspec tion. Li. U IjAW AtiAIN, , 1 ..Variety Store, nov is No. 42 Market street. menced the Clothing Business in Wllmlng- we struck out for ourselves a new lino CURTAIN 7 Staple :& Domestic Goods ... rrr a . . VnXtrm I T noa adVlflfid tnen DY ...... . ; -Remedy, (Bitter, and Wnh) took j . . a i i ' w n-r iirm a. lii aw . - a a a a l.( a ii. Uur tneaire-go ft"- thB fir8t dose the 17th oi aepiemoer, , fchunned M muCh as possible enterteinment offered for to-norrow x ftmn0w a well man,the sore is perlect- tnerwol0Ut grooves. We knew, that to pninir'bv Mr. Sol Smith Russell and f cured. and I can now walk as far, ft more attractive stock than other evening Dy mr. oui ,4 . , Zncc as much and jump as high as any houes exhibit, It must be larger, it mutt be his troupe Speaking of Edgewood " pjt back to the 1st moreartisticinlUcnt,be dlsdiMruiihed for t !T Via n.fintftd here. maQ TOa k.now: . CT T. v. T its nniaue strle and excellent workmanship, roiBs, vuc w r of SeptemDer, iei me auw 1 th t.h nafn adhered to and so reasona- the Philadelphia iVorti American says. nowdoof the yirtue ot your uffJ ble fat no one eould queattoii it, vTo tam over a new leal In trade was our aeiermin- jinmnnnv 111 nUDSeil. SOU . wuo- w lari & OUH1C iw , v"-- . o I . ... . , . costs. . ... ,. . rr7 Sit . Called "Drotean rn-lBM. I think more of it taaa any we empioTea pome auerara, auu m- Willie BoWlandas charged - d in p-hfladel- d cine ia the world. It is not "JISlSaSE found la short everything desirable. Warranted orderiy conduct; but judgment was sus ponded in his case.. John McCartney, for disorderly con .f wa sent below for 30 days. W.-T. Cutlar, disorderly conduct, $5 or30 dayr. ' In thiffwise does a worthy Illinois con- temporary bemoan : i ms w wyk"V. thatwebave never tried St. Jacobs i Od, and haven't the least idea whether it would do us good or not. bven so. ye such a glad thanksgiving as is daily ren lered by the army of martyrs .recovered fmm rheumatism and other painful dis eases, would be a revelation of pleasure to the favored ones oi neaim. - "rpi. onnnal meetinff of the Ladies Unt Rocietv, which waspostpoaed from last Thursday, ' will be held at the hall of the Hook and waaer , - ,-fTnesdav" the 15th mst) at 11 A.M. The ladies of Wiloiing- (anirA all invited a Vu to eome up la price ni quality, to any sim ple from retail kotatee North. Call and eava extra peise by buyixg 1. SL KATi, 36 Market Street, oet3l 100.000 OR PALE. LOWESTaiAnx. j- - F Hard and Soft. nov J. A. SPRINGER. Mew rJleatDStore. -r ttsvp i .TCASED ana nuca uj----- I wt .M of North See JL somejy vneOW. . . where ona sueei, tnira aow ,T..i. Iwlllba sflad to see my r aT VI I afl IH LI. tnsaers. Bplsndid eei, Taai pir .4 flausafirea. .Coma and Uwem. to attend. A short . Tl dditional funds . . u tApA. The necessi- aaoreeB " jt f Mir noor require a and we urge the ladies to bo prtseat. ..".5 a mpuy retuxneu in tjerfect coadition. nor would we hesna e the'atock as the one "in ten d- parchase on the spot; never- to ppeak is beyond their real merits, and In m . a J.iMl 1 . . at. . . tn b almost as innumera- tnow it will cure a love ior strong unu. no stance lojoaisrepreaeni rac 8iiguot cwiu.wv-. :r- k tl V.Vo frtia nnblished. US I decree. .-..iirr ble and pretty near y ' . .i"1" ".nti ho could be f o exchange goodslf pro; fhA PVB aS IDS rcaialbo v f.. B I uiwoimx . . , . witidoscooe. To Mr.TincentCrnmmles cored, if they conld knawcf andget your woatfhtve been inxaluable, for in Kemay I truly and rectf ally. -- - - - . A w a c at w i -w the same piece ,uia yPr wr4 V C. bother him but nuie to pyf" w . , ..r: r pii hero, heroine, stern lamer, i xue liemeay is ior saie iu tt ..uf. play weu nero, ' niiti . k- n. w FT. Grsen. Send forcircu- foolish motner-ui--, uj nft -.. comic footman, pert maiu iar ot tesmuuMm. EMBROIDERED DRESSES. fJIHE M03T ELEGANT COSTUMES, which are sold in Drees lengths, are la fine Camel's Hair and 6 huda Cloths, wlth4$ yards of narrow, and the same amount of wide, Embroidery wi ought in Eflk, The wide is Intended for Horaces and the nar row for trimming Basque. The suits raago Vprlce irom $50 to $45 and can be seen at R. rJI. f Klclntiro'G.;; Just received several colors of those nice Shuda Cloths at 50 cent per yard. A large assortment of fine Laee Neckwear and Laces ' fhr maklnc such articles. nov 7 - - : ry i TO THINK ABOUT mmm m W 1 Tl 1 A T R. 1T1 Tl 1 15- SiVdrna whkh last night he made ,the AND O? BOOKS to return the amount paid for the garment, and shall be pleased to do so whenever per fect satisfaction cannot be given by an ex rhaTuret for other roods. In 6hort we have spared nothing that la any war could con duce to tne success or our entersww, u the comforts and advantage we desire to - - -11 war. oner our puvu. uMerwiug "-.I mmm m a ni ranted claims, Otterbourg'a fully meant I UQT OED SASH. piCUgC HI Ut yuuuv.! ja,4. IH, fn tlita narmnr. ha aniestlr calls TOUT attention to, and for verification, of. either cordially request the honor of a personal Tint to his Mammota jietnmg ivaiaui ment. . . No. 22,21, 26 tfc 28 North Front at,. Wumington, . y- nov H-lt "li.u fAr exhibiting his reallyremarka .av.w . ,a ble skill in eccentncwarvc. uvArmnnA Folks, ana is an caucu T, . -la J - amnAtniV WT1 1 UUl uiau,-uw fan of which is not coanterbaliced by rjl any dark shadows. The whole perforj I ance is pitched in a W HT tILLXD WITH HANDSOME Illartra- t,nmAP and.tnroaza su hv" : i r BusseU sings comic songs or g iTes comic B&ad Palnt9d p,!, 0a EassU, Bsaa- A Af 1ft n fy li LPi 1 . tanSbtoto Mirt. The Ufal aad tty CoWtI. Fra-aa, U-, 18HJED BQOMSfor rent. Apply at compy erenl, f UUy B. . ' 1 . t i .a 'i nw nnnsa wan uumhh j - oiui. - .Ml if was I I .. .ia.-- a ..r u..Vrf W Fiffii V I ine DOuiueai vwiusr v - 4 PLEA8E ORDER EARLY. SASH DOORS AKD'DUliDS BRACKETSUOtrLDINO, pWJilBEB, Ac Roomo to Rent octSl ALTAFFEB, FRICB & CO. and the applause was as general as it was deserved. P It would be fficult to find ,nV entertainment mere laoghable than tht Qagewooa m ois :L P ? UI U aevIS Bosk aad Btattoatry Ctcrt, I struts. nov IMm F rench Oand ies. -T7ST BXCZnXD, a full line cf na I French Candle, warranted pur aad fresh. atitn. HaMne.Made Candies, Fruits, NUt. SJtm V. . f IVO, v Bsccsl street, 3 doors balow FostcCs. et sa - 311m tSBMAN wn