,U1B r-"B -. - ' .. ... .. , ... - jjolWod every aftaraton,. JOSH. T. JAMEO, XDITOB A1M PBOFMXTOK. .npCBlPTIOOT.POSTAOE PAID. B" 5 00 Six months, SI 50 ; Thr oaths, M; One month, 60 oeata. fhe pPr wiU'btdeUTered byeifrtm vofehe.inMJ part of the city, atlfc ibote raw. or 13 watt per wL idrertwiBS: rates low and liberal -ySabaeribers will please report an y an ,il ftvilwM to receive their papera regularly jfew Advertisements., J 1 THE GREAT mm FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache. Soreness of the Chest Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell' ( ;ngs ana Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. H j IVparfttinn on earth eqtiali St. Jacobs Oil. tifc, trt 0inpt ti! rheap Etrrna! Kral. A trial entaiU bvt th eomparatlrely trifling outlar of 50 Onts, and very od aulfcr In? wl'b rin can bare cheap and powUra proof rf turlattna. rHreri,,nj is E1to LangnagM. BOLD BY ALL DSUGJIST8 AND DEALERS IH JIEDICIHE. , A. VO GETTER Sc CO., Baltimore, 3rd., V. S. JL. tpril 12 daw-aae tej FALL AN& WINTER GOODS AT ivz. ivr. rpBE BET A8SOETKD BTOCK.EVl-I sreught to ths dtj, with all the latest Kot !Um aod Shades la DRESS GOODS, getla M arreOUux, 8atln de Lyon, Bhsd as( Parrahs, Brocades, V oire An-Uqaa,;Cajnal-s fiair, Mlk Yel TU, Plnihea, COLORED BLACK AHD .fUU Ml WA STED CASHMERES, Btarlettaa. Mohairs. BoitioRS, Alpacas and fUids la tndleti variety, Passamente ie, I.FrLcgea and Trimmings, White Gocd'.fc, Boasekeejlag Ood , DOlLMAHSj CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, Ma aai Bo j 'a Wear .ttrtls Kerin Tb derwear, Hosiery. Gloves, Corsets, L&exs aad dgrgs, GURTillN Staple & Domestic Goods. .sri M-vtfclnr desirable Warrant d to e Jice up U ptlea and quality, to any ssm ! from retail Looms North. Call and save extra cFenee by tmvirg H. H. MTZ, 36 oetSl Market Street 100.000 BRICK F R PALE. LOWEST yrictra.j Hard and Soft, nor 7Hf ' J. A. 8PBINGER. Wew Meat DStore. I HAVE LEA8ED and nttd up hand-; eomely the Store West side of North S ; ni Tr tv.ir Aiuir from Market, where I will be riad to ice any friends and cus toeaera. BDiendia rsei, umv( 7 1 2ftAUt Ell wiasj W f 3 I I - 1 I - II- 111 VI - I I ! . VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. . WilLioiit Infaxtky Notice Asso. of OFFicuns r,d N C I Notice Veteran Coi:ps W L I Notice Festival Fifth Street M E hurch C W Yatls Juvenile and Toy Books. UEixsBE&tiER Hoyt'a German Cologne! We believe it is tbe stylo to affect con: tempt for things that are old. Not bo, however, with Dr. Boll's Cough Syrup, which has stood the popular test of 34 years osp, aud is more thought of than ever uelorc. "... Sampson Fair convenes at Clinton to tomorrow f Wednesday and will rnntfnnA Beautify yournomes by using the N V. Knaiuel Paint, ready mixed and war i ranted. Sold only ut Jacobi's. t Only one case before the Mayor this morning and that was for neglect to pay lithe city tax. The steamship Gulf Stream, Capt. Ingram, from New York, arrived at her 21 r in this city at about 11 o'clock tthis morning. The popular craze now is a two cent red etamp and a one cent blue stamp on a white envelope.. This is especially the tccorrcct thing where young ladies- and gentlemen correspond. The blendina: of SV. a. mm istne colors, red, white and blue means union. I We arc 9 A 1 1 are requested to call attention of: the members of the W. L. I. to the ad vertisement in another column. It is Especially desired that members of the or Iganization, honorary members ard par tticnlarly the Veteran Corts should be in attendance at 10 o'clock A M, sharp sActive members should be in uniform complete. Unmailablo Unmailablc matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Postoffice in this city: One dove colored envelope, illegibly addressed: one white olored ooreiope. with ndaddressjEmma Singleton, CharH leston, S. C; Smith Lane, No. 4. Church Festival. An will be seen bv advertisement in another column, the ladies connected with the Fifth Street Mi. E. Churcht will hold a festival to-morrow ( W ednea Iday) evening, at Rankin Hall, for the (benefit of the Church, They promise a good time and will supply their patrons with oysters, ice cream, cakes and other delicacies. We trust they may bave, as they richly deserve, a good attendance. That even the form of trial by jury is; not perfectly free from prejudice, is be- Iieved by some, ajui m our secuuu, Jucobs Oil has been tried by that great jury the public and been judged the infallible cure for Rheumatism and all painful diseases. A Sew Club. Some of the young gentlemen of this city met last night'and formed a new or ganization, to be known as "L Arioso German Club," and elected the following officers : . Tresiderlt J. M. Cronly. Vice President C. B. W right. Secretary and Treasurer F. L. Mearesj Leader J. G. Bradley. Governing Committee J. M. Cronly C. B. Wright, F. L. Meares, E. J. Lilly, f.Tr.. Dr. Fairfax Irwin. L. r. Wavis and . w - -1 - ' W. C. Jones. Their first German will be given in Germania Ilall.oh the 23d inst. , The Club starts with a large member Uship, and in a flourishing condition. 8ol hmith Kussell- This distinguished and versatile come dian, who is well and favorably known to most of our readers, will appear at the Opera House to-night in a new play, written expressly for him, and in whicn he takes the principal character. In speakmg of his appearance ia,Edgewood Folks" the New Yort commercial Jia. vertiscr says: Mr. Abbey's new Park Theatre was rArtrned last cieht. The play chosen for the occasion was one entitled "Fxlge-, wood Folks," written for Mr. Sol Smitlr r?ncll bv Mr. J. E. Urown, of Boston.1 Tbe dramatist has succeeded admirably, and Mr. Russell last night appeared to the tero of the play. Every sketch, and mnro liitorocrneou3 lot it would be ;pR.ni in imagine, was received with t,0rtv annlanse and honest delight, and thoronffhlv did he conceal his own in4 Kdividuality in many of his disgnises, es-, rfallv in that of Deacon Ahsalovii hardtcicke, as to deceive a great poonj Jrtf iht vfl8t andience. au.ttuscww The Result of Kxposure. We regret to learn that Mr. J. G. Uashagan, who represented the govern ment aa Signal Officer in the balloon ascension or Frof. King, some weeks since, and who at one time was given up as lost m the wilds m a . . been confined to ms oed eTer since iromjiapopiexy. He was born in Auaust. 1641. ill ne68 caused by Lis sufferings and ex posore during that perilous flight and bis subsequent wanderings . through the forests aud swamps. The Editor of thi3 paper grieves to, laorjouace to the public the death ot hp companion, a?sociate and -J iTlIEODORE GaLHOVN JAMES. event was very sudden and unexpected,butw"u Z"6 uesc CI lV maDJr1 ia tew snort uours inien-emng netweeu me; I - , . . , a . .i announcement of his actual COnditionVam vivfniV rnn.rzApi rchn nnnraJiitcl liicl and hia last breaJ.k. He died of atOTjloxv.lIhi2h soldierly ouahtioe. At.tbe time of Vr9 caver.l Anna noat alifinn o.Ti fit hisllaia death he was Associate Editor of the desk in this office, he had been suffering intensely with a pain in his head which he and all of us thought was facial neu' ralgia and which w&s treated as such. Wo now know, alas! too late, that itW was but the premonitions of apoplexy, and 'that the trouble was from the brain and not from the facial nerves. Ho was found on his bed unconscious yesterday. morning and died yesterday afternoon, at 5:35 o'clock. j He had been the Associate Editor on this paper for nearly five years. Brothers as we werc, of very nearly the same age,1 raised together, schooled together, in camp together during the first year of the war and intimately associated in business during the past five years, our grief is simply inexpressible. Of his virtues for ho had many let others speak : ... THEODORE CALHOUK JAMES. Seldom has that solemn admonition,1 "In theraid8t of life we are in death" been more forcibly illustrated than on the sudden demise of him whose early taking off wo are now called upon to ouf . lathe fU sirens th of vigorous manhood, with, the prosoeci oi a xoog land useful career shining up before him, his light has been suddenly quenched. and he has passed from among us ere yet hia sun had reached its zenith, i he e p.AS;n oro inn inacmtableMfor Duritv and strength. We would re n. .v.-v-v- for man'a limited capacity; we dare not question them, and however grievous the stroke may be we can only bow in sub mission to His will who we know doeth 'all things well. The subject of this brief notice was a native of Wilmington, the second son ot Mr. John S. James, of this city, acd was born August 16th, 1841. He was but a youth when the war broke out, but was among the first to volunteer bis ser vices in defense of of that cause which he believed to be truly just. How he bore himself in the positions in the army that, ha was railed UDOQ to fill, bis com- ajMtaiw rades and superior officers under whom k naJ or the beat, thb truest and uw owa i w w - the most impartial judges; and how well he played his part m that great and bloody drama could be seen oi all men, for he bore upon bis person the evidence of that fearful conflict through which, he hA nailed so irallantly. He was ardenq in temperament, impulsive and high. toned, chivalric and with ft keen " - a a M m 1 1 vkAaifioA 'sense oi nouor, uo i yvot natures are, quick to resent an indignity. either real or fancied, but equally prompt! to make reparation waen convinced of .... - - hia error. Fidelity to his irienoa was with him a cardinal virtue. It shone forth in every action of his life, but it was in the home circle that the unselfish m 1 . -X . n. Watt ntltnllc ness oi niscnar&cwrr ww wwn vv displayed. Nothing could Exceed his tender affection for parents and kindred ; no sacrifice was too great for their comfort or Dleaaure. A sombre shadow now rests upon that but yesterday happy nretide Private griefs are to9 sacred for the oubliceye ; they are for the heart only, and for God. To mat uoawnoaoiu not willingly afflict, we commend the heart-broken sufferers, knowing that lie land He alone can give strength sufficient! to sustain them under their grievous be . T". reavement. jLtBizzu. nr. to np THEODOEB CALHOrX JAMES4 Dnr rommnnitv will be shocked to im nf the sudden death of this well- known gentleman, which occurred at hisj father s residence las nignv uwm. v o'clock. He had been complaining since Wednesday last of what he and the urn n thnntrhtwaa a severe attack of neu Mw;t in thfl head. He had taken aeda- tip in moderate doses during several) (days, and on Sunday took a pill Udminiitered by physician. He meat J u to Bleep about 12 o'clock' that nigbtandf ii-jj-vb. .u icsv wen. ucu uis ruuujj I anno fa A .11 u: was entered by one of the family on yes-' iterdav morninir. aftpp 9 nVlnrk. het was lOUnd to be in an nnrnnan'nna stjitp ?irom wnicn be never rallied, although She received every possible attention j - J from h 1.1 rplfttlpa snrl coroFil cLilTnlil oi aucnigan, na8aphy8iC.an3 His death wag caQsed b J. ' SUM kJrf V M gallium and was, therefore, in the 4lst rear of tie was a eentlem-iu of intel ligence, of gieat decision and inde-3 pendenee -of character, of high personal courage and honest convictions. HeM served bis native North Caroliaa most . 3 ; v. r 1 1 .v. i : . . A rsevere wounds, and losing one of hisarms.6 Ijucrwawfekone ume on uenerat u. k.i v wa,u u aUV BV4 VU ?iVU UIOUU UA ICUCU lne sadasairy as Adjutant ot tee Third rs or ton .W'h""1''"'' vui uiaiv ccuv iu iuc noli Hls death ,., iamenle4 hv all of hifi couirades, who appreciated his Daily Review, with which he had been fnnnnr.tftd rlnrinc tVift lacf. fivA rAnJ in his death North Carolina loses a cour-j tasreons and devotad snn. and thn nress nl conscientious, intelligent and outspoken! journalist. Morning near, lofi. ssmwsflBBamBanBassaaHainBWBJsam Improiog. Wc arc happy to learn that Mr, James Sprunt is slowly improving. He was resting well at our last report and is doing as well as could reasonably be ex-j pected. - Magistrate's Court. Albert Herring and Mary Ray, both colored, wore before the court this morn ing, the former lor larceny and the latter for receiving stolen property, which con sisted of clothinff stolen from Archie Ellerby, colored, who lives near the cor ner of Dock and Seventh streets. The articles were found in Mary Ray's pos session, and both defendants were com mitted to jail, to await their trial, which will take place on Saturdav. the 19th inst. There was one trifling case of assault and battery before Justice Millis this morning, which was dismissed at the cost of the prosecutor. We suppress the quest. We call the attention of our readers to! the advertisement of J. Monroe Taylor. This bouse has been established nearly 40 vears. and their goods are celebrated tY - ' A n f iV commend a trial of their Gold Medal brand to all who desire superior cook ery, tf j To Builders and others Go to Jaco- bi's for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass fcc. You oan tret all sizes and at the lowest prices t JAMES In this city, on Monday evening, November Hth. 1831. THEODOKE CAL HOUN JAMES, aired 40 v ears. 2 month and 29 davs. The funeral services win tase place to morrow ( Wednesday ) morning, at iu mj 'nV.iook from St. James' Church thence to lOakdale Cemetery. DOYLE In this citv. at 2 o'clock, this rTneadav' afternoon. November 15th. 1851 IDA, lnfnt daughter of George W. and Ida . Doyle. Now Advertisements Head Quarters, Wilmingtox, Light IyrANTET, Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 15th, 1SSI. mHE MEMBEua or tliu Company are I hereby ordered and the Honorary Mem bers are requested to meet at the Armory at 10 o'clock, A. 31.. Wedueday, tbe ltiib In t in attnii the' fnnpral nf Anintantl THEODORE CALHOUN JAMES, late ofl the Veteran Corps. By order CAPT. JOHN L. CANT WELL. B. W. Durham, O. 8. nov 15 Head Quarters, Asso. or Officers of the Third N. C. I. Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 15th, 18S1 COMRADES: You are requested to meetl j at tbe omce or Burgeon j . v. aiKer,ai lo o'clock, AM., to-morrow, tie 16th inst., ho attend the funeral services of our late member .Adjutant THEODORE CALHOUN JAMES. By order of the eenoir officer present, nov 15 JOHN L. CANTWJELL, Sec. " ATTENTION! VETERAN CORPS W. 1. INFANTRY. fCrOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED Ox L the death of our friend and comrade,1 rrtlEODORE CALHOUN JAMES, and re quested to aeeemble at the Armory of the . . . -v . . n a w nminPTon iirni lnianrr. vcciueuaj morning, the 16tb inst., at 10 o'clock, to at tend the funeral. CHAS. D. MYERS, nov 15 Sect'r Vet. Corps W. L-1. Festival- rflHE LADIES Or FIFTH STREET M.E- I Church will hold a FESTIVAL at kaNKIN HALL, corner Fourth and Prin cess Btxeets, on to-morrow ( WEDNESDA Y ) eTeninr. Oyeters, prepared in all atjle; Ice Cream jJaJte, etc , etc, in aoanoance A nice way to spend a piea-Ant evening, ana at the same time forward a worthy Christian object. The Ladiea will welcome all who may iK proper to come, nerW-H 15. 1881. NO; 270 . Km Aaaotnt. tl " - wc. The Coraline Corset 100 80LD 1K ONE WEEK- PRICE $1.00 1 ull assortment of tz??. no.vl- . . J. IIEDRICK. Hoyt's Ocritiau loicffue. rpHE Moar fuqbst and labt- ling of all Feifuajf s. Betvre of ConnWrfnts. Who!eia!e mi Retail. At nKl&BBKRQER'S Pianos and Organs. QHEAP Foa OA8H or oa the easy install tuouk .u. CiYsrj nauo ana urgan war ranted fcr fite yean at HEINSBERGER'S, uovll .Live Book and Moaie Btore OPERA HOUSE. A. Welcome Star in Wllm!nirton. The Great Comic Success of the Day. TUESDAY EVEKiriQ, NOVEMBER 15 engagement or tbe Great Comedian and! cnaracter Actor uoi- amiTH In his famous creation ot TOM DILLOWAY, In J. E. Brown's New American Comedy int Ed are wood Folks. '"Dramatic 'ArtkU. Received everywhere with eereama ofl laughter I Tickets 91. 75c, 50c, and 25 cts. 8eat$ secured at Dyers' nov ll-8t "JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Brunswick, Co., Va., November Mh, 1881. Mrs. Jox Perso.y, Franklinton, N.'OJ Dear Madam : It is with pleasure I that write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy has' entirely cured me of a most fearlui looking and painful soie on my ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm.V I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. I ben 1 commenced to try every thing I could thiuk or hear of, until itl becam so very painful I could scarcelyf walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. He told me he could cure me if I would take mv bed and there remain for four or five weeks. and u 1 did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all. as the booeS would become diseased, and my foot! would have to be taken off. Just imag l ine how I felt, to be told there was no! cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re-j medies would have ruined me. Mind jon this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina. and this conversation took place last February. I continued to born with caustic, as be advised until September but derived no benefit from his treatment.! I was advised then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Hitters and Wash) took the first dose tbe 17th of September, and l am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and 1 can now walk as far. dance as much and jump as high as any man you know, r'at me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as I now do of the virtue ot vour Remedv. and I would not' hesitate to P3y ' tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could cot get it for less. I think more of it than any medicine in the world. It is not only; the best Remedy to purify the blood and cure all skin diseases, bat I believe it will cure all kinds of blood diseases, and I snow it will cure a love for strong drink. I hope you will have this published, as there are many sufferers who could be cured, if they could know cf and get your) Remedy I am truly and respectfully, JOS. H, MASON, South Gaston. N. C. Tbe Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Win. H. Green. Send for circn lar of testimnials. nov 14-diw Roomc to Rent T7UBM8HED ROOMS for rent. Apply : '4 the Southern comer of JI arket aad Fro aretis. ot 10-ln om om rriaiaoD aayaad all nbuett e The name of Vtm wrtUr mv aJ.f h r tiihed fto tit suitor. ' ' waauuoiaPBi mst h vntieai tUy uifdi.efthe pttMrr',"JN'i!,Ji 5'"y " Peno&aiitles meat be avoided " ABtf IsawpaalryaBd ifClariT toodtbattta Rdk-v il-T, TdorT fc views ct eorresw du b1n iotl?aP a the editorial eojaojaj. , WIL A WfcLD ,X SAIL.4U4LI O f. rnci or iaa ecaitajit i ariicaVR1, Wi'Kitcrost, K. C.jNo', 8tb,183l. ' FO a n i 9 e)lA a ' I . o 'i nviiof iin - - p.T Ull'iH J Tcerday.the 224 :nt;. II o'cl cJc'A.li! 107 9 tiia ,resay. ftf It,, ,UjfJlB.i; ADQUdTA P0.t 2rpics Of THB tECBITABT A TBSASC6I, " Wilvikot::, Nct. tth, lttl IHfi ANNUAL iiKHTINO O? 7iE n;okho?dersn'.the WUm'nrtoa, 0 JamMa Augnitt hailroad Cisinmt wilt , 1.. ttA tthe O&cnoZ the Fresident r f etii Com!a- T. .,na nt ,r 0 3 Tueidaj, the fid mst, at 12 o'ceck, M. - J W. THOMPSON.: no & tim Heeretary Still Another Lot. pHE LADIES of WDmiDgton and the jpubllc generally are respectfully Informed that I have ju?t received still another lot of Millinery, Crochet and . Fancy fioods, Ac. MISd E.KAKKER, nov 9 Exchange Corner. FHS VARIEW STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- spectfully notify his friends and the public that he has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern Markets where he has purchased the Handsomest Disnlav ' OF NQTICNS AiD HOLIDAY QOCDI he has ever offered in this city. My stock is c, Complete And: in ' GREAT VAPJETY I have thousands of things whi .h it would takt columns to ennnu-rale. M? fine, fresh FRENCH CANDIES are a special ty. I lead in those goods a9 my patrons well know. I have an elegant" variety of Millinery OoimI, Ilatw, To which I invite the attention of the L'idies. ? - My stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS is lull and complete and having been bought low will be sold low. ' I respectfully invite a call and inspec tion. L. FLANAGAN. Variety Store, nov 6 No. 42 Market street. EMBROIDERED D.1F.SSES. rpHE M03T ELEGANT COSTUMES, which are sold ia Dres If cgth, ars in fine Camel's Hair ard ihuda Cloths, with 4J ycrds of narrow, end the same . amount of wide, Embroidery wiought in Eilk. The wide fa intended for flounces and the car row for trimming Bdsqne. The eults rang n price from 1 30 to $4 and can be seen at R. PJL feiclntire's. Just received several eolora of those nice Shuda Cloths at 50 cent per jar J. A large f assortment of fine Laee Neckwear and Laces for making such article. nov 7 "3? 3E 3? S3 , TO THINK ABOUT ' . HOT BED SASH. PLEASE ORDKR KAHLY. SASH, DOORS A3 BLINDS BEACEET3,I0ULDINO, LU5IBER, Ac ALTAFFER, PRICK & CO. oet3l French Candies. TUST RECEIVED, a full line of fine J French Candle, warranted pure aad fresh. Also, iiome-Aiade Cart:ie. iruita. Nut. Ac . C.VEVfcNi, Seeond treet, 3 floors bIow Potoflc et W ' ' M i ! 1