THIS FA FEB aFaoUied every afteroeoV. Suadayi fx- nBSCWFTroWpOSTAGBPAIIV ' rear $5 0 8ix onth8 J 50 0MJ!!thi.ll ! Om month, Woents. ft, pftper will be delivered by carriers, t. tew, or 13 enta per - . .rtiiiBir rates low and liberal -Robseribers will please report any and .li failures to receive their papers regularly. I New Advertisements. r VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1881. NO. 272 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Notice In regard to Beer bottlee. C W Yates-Juvenile and Toy Books. IIeinsbErgeu The Philadelphia Press Thanksgiving is just one week from to day. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,289 bales. Wo understand that the ladies of the Fifth Street Ml E. Church realized $54 irom their Festival last night. Magistrate.'! Court. The Cape Fear Mary Bay, colored, whose arrest we There are no Fayette ville steamers mentioned a few days sinee, was brought here to-day. The Worth is expected up for trial, charged with receiving to-night, ehe having left Fayetteville stolen goods. She was discharged. yesterday at l o'clock", it is ner nxs Albert Herring, colored, charged with trip with freight since having oeen re rlAtiitnerfrnm Archie Ellerbv. I built. , w a w w r WAS hnnnd in the sum of S100 for his . i . . ii appearance at the next term oi me Criminal Court. Beautify yournomes by using the N. Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. :- Sold only at Jacobi's. f MM THE GREAT M No family that has any regard for do- mastic safetv and comfort can afford to be without Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in the house. Price 25 cents a bottle. t Eclipse of the Son. The sun will be an actor in. the scenes that diversify the experience of his fam ily of worlds during the month, on the 2 1st, when the phenomenon of an annu- . a m m t lar eclipse occurs. The golden Ting oi Somebody defines genius as "eternal patience." What a genius is he who good naturedly waits for an errand boy. 1 XxvhS, surrounding the moon's dark shad- The Order of the Knights of Honor, it ow will only be visible m the Southern ,'s Bnid nnwnav nnt over one hundred ocean and in the southern part of South for thousand dollars every month for insur- ance. The lastest thing in harmony is said to be the fashion of wearing suits to cor. respond with the awnings over the front of the house. ' N; Mr. James C. Munds, who has been absent in New York, with Mrs. Munds, for. two weeks past, 'returned here on Tuesday night. America. RHEUMATISM, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago; Backache, Soreness of the Chest, ' Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily : . Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, s tfo Preparation on earth equal St. Jacobs Oil m a afc,surr, simple o clieap External Bamedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifline outlay of 50 CenU, and every one ufier ing with pain can bare cheap and poaitiTf proof f its flnttpf , , , H . i Wrectioui In Heren language. 0LD BT ALL DBTJGGISTS AND DEALEE3 . .. IS ILEDlUJUili. A. VOGIXER fc CO., " aprll 12 daw-oae te "JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." ' " Beo-nswiok, Co., Ta., November 5th, 1881. ) Mas. Jo Psasox, - : - l ' Franklinton, N. C. Diar Madam : It is with pleasure I that write to teujouina. your Taiuu lfc Vi inian Bay8: S.SM.SS - on tZZL I LuaiW J Ma are go- IUUOI IW. - . 1 It came more man iwcic ' In speaking yesterday of the river steamers liere it was indirectly stated that those in port then were the first arrivals from Fayetieville in many weeks, which was of course incorrect. A Singular Occurrence. A sigular accident, fortunately with out serious results, took place yesterday morafng at the freight office of the Wil mington. Colombia & Aueust R. R. in o ' this city. A young gentleman was in the office at the time and leaned with one arm on oncof the open doors of a large iron safe, when it (the door) gave way suddenly and fell to the ground. There were several standing near at the time but fortunately no one was injured. The door which fell weighs about three hun dred pounds. The safe, is a very lare one and has been in use many years and Hew Advertisements. Notice. , - - Lr PLSAfla H0TX03. ,- . . .... - ' TT will t ad to re!v ommssleatloa I frora mr fHodt oa amy and all rc!eet3 rnerl fstamt but sum of la wrtttr mart always bt fa &h&4to ft tor. DmnMBTitaUOT cunt bQrrtttaa; ca otly oatsLUof th pap7 Personalities n&it be avoldad 'And It Is ospeetaQy aad particularly madsr stood that the dltnt doe eot alwayt eadort tha virwtot eorreffpoadests .tolen solttat ! ta t&e editorial eolu&ct. Hew Advertisements. v WIL, A WELD JN RAILROAD GU. nnHE UNDERSIGNED desire to noUly I the public that, in view of the loss we meet in our business, by our patent stopper bot tles not being returned, it is our intention to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law any person or persons who may ba found with our bottles mtneir possession, ana who refuse to return them, or who Will traf fic in them in any manner whatever. E. PORTNER, nov 17-St WM. GENAUST. The Philadelpliia Press. ONTAlIKG A -EFLY T BUB JH- t rics or thb SgCaiTxar A v TaiAScaia, WmnvsTOsr, N. C.,Not. 8th, 18S1. rpSE FOiTY-SlXTG ANNUAL 1IEET- iajrf the Htoekholdsrs of t Wihnlnrton M Weldon Eailroad Compaoy w 111 b bald at the office cf saW Oonspany, in WUmlogton, on Tuesday, the 22d innt., at 11 o'ci ck. AV. V J. W. THOilPBON, rov 9 tdw ietttLTT" WIL, COLMB. & AUGUSTA R. R CO., n GUSOLL in. the oTi-aber number cf thejtJrFica or thh Bkczitart A Tuxirm, City Court James E. Walker, colored, was up before His Honor this morning, charged it is thought that an original flaw in the with disorderly conduct. Judgment bus- door had gradually been enlarged each "North Ameiicaa Review," by JUDGE BLACK. , 4 ? Jcr le at Pianos and Organs. QHEAP FOB CA8H ur oa the easy Inital ment Plan at nov 16 Live Moo t and felBsie Store Wilmisotos, Nov. 8th. 1651 fJIHE ANNUAL WESTING . 07 TSE Stockholders of the Wilmtnfton, Cclambla A Augusta Bailroad Company will be held' at the Office of the President cf said Com pa ay, in Wilmington, oa Tuesday, the J2d inst, at ia o'clock, M. - J. W. THOMPSON, nov 9 tdm Secretary THE VARIETY STORE. It is a rough business with some peo pie to keep up appearances with their friends and society, and keep down their creditors at the same time. We are sorrv to learn Mr. H. M. Ho- cutt, of Kocky Point, accidentally shot himself yesterday. We have no particu. lars, only that the wound is a very severe one. The season ot weather we are now en- t-A J L.I m rt Ana joying IS as Dngni auu uaimjf a uut could well wish for the" autumn. The leaves still cliDg to the- bougb.3, and pre- sent,in their variegated hues, a beautiful scene. hit ankle months ago, very mutu "6 -I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to tryevery thine I could think or hear of, until it became scrTery painful 1 could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. He told me be could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for lour or nve weciva. intr to Wilmington, N. C, to be used in the dredging of that harbor, under Mr. John A. Ferris, of this city, who has a contract with the Government to do the work. pended. The same party was then put upon trial for resisting a police officer, for which he was told to fork over $2, or go below for five days. He took subterra nean lodgings. - To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Do cu ass &c. You can get all . sizes and at the Irvweat nrices. t Look for Meteors. Some very handsome meteors have been seen in the heavens recently, and, though the present is not considered a good year for meteors, yet watchers who stay out of bed loDg enough o' nights may witness enough of these strange lights to reward them for their trouble. The meteor period is 33 years. The latest remarkable apparition or mem was in 1866, and the two latest before that were in 1833 and 1799 all occurring between the 12th and 14th of November, a" circumstance which has given the- November meteors an assured position in the circle of celestial respectabilities. Proceedings of ihe Ladles Beneiolent Society The annual meeting of the Ladies' Benevolent Society, postponed from last time it was opened or closed until at last it gave way. The Water Worts Test- On account of the blowing out ot a plug at Castle and Fourth streets, there was some delay in getting ready for the trial announced to take place to-day. At Red Cross and Fourth streets a hose was attached to the hydrant on the side- walk, which led to a post fixed m the centre ' of the street, to which the pipe was securely fasten, ed. At 3:30 o'clock, precisely under the supervision of Capt. w . Manning, of the city fire department, the water was let on by members of the Lit tle Giant Steam Fire Engine Company, and at the expiration of three minutes the stream had reached an altitude of 69 the expiration of seven minutes a height of 74 feet had been attained. Fortunately there was but very little breeze to disturb the water, and no diffi-j culty was experienced in determining the height of the stream. The experiment j was entirely successful, and was far more ' satisfactory than the lookers-on antici pated. We were obliged te leave be fore the test was concluded, but we saw Wr Ha satisfied that the trial wil1 CUVU51 w prove an entire success. The Coraline Corset 1 100 SOLD IN ONE WEEK. ' , '- PRICE 1 1.00 Full assortment of sizes nov 12 J, J. HEDRICK. FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD EE spectfully notify his friends and the public that be has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern ilTarlcets where he has purchased the Handsomest Display . ; OF ; MILLINERY FANCY GOODS. NOTIONS AND HOLIDAY GOODS he has ever offered in this city. . My stock is Complete And in.. - - . ITT -During the test trial of the water week, was held, as previously announced. works this afternoon, a, small stream of in Hoot and Ladder Hall, on luesaay, water came to the surface at the foot of 15th in8t. The opening prayer by Rev. and there remain 1 ?' a ;t nT,00tnntfltrPpLinstot)D08ite the hydrant n, Pavne was followed by a short, im- culdnot all, as the bone oa the sidewalk near our office. The presSive and Mghly appreciated address use their patent beer bottles for other 11 AitmaaA anrl mv foot I 3 ? 1 .AneManMa nmfpr I r n mvammiI rntlprna.n. The I tiipi n.nd those who may have them on would have to-be taken pfL L.Just Md ia ' too bably caused by a leak in the assemblage was far smaller than had hand and reruse to surrender them. i r r.ii w tn ui innre was uw i - . i a . . a wn hnnd for. from mteen 10 iweuijr aavertisemeut. -f ' Aom nnltr hftinor nresent. The irresi- Messrs. Portner and Genaust are go ing to come down heavy on those who See : r ri n Ka tnid there was no cure for the rVbut Te lose my foot or joints of the pipe. give up all business eitner oi vucac c ia t,aM rained me. Mind ha.vft . ruined me. you this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, and this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with caustic, as he advised until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment. t then bva friend to try Fresh-water Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t The only enquiry for the Opera House between this date and after Christmas, with the exceDtion of a gift show, is the first dose the L fear that they may not come. They have I amnow a well man, the sore "periect ivc j chanffed and changed your Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took Hesg Company and we . ii-u f fianijtmner. anal dance as much and jump as high as any them, their latest enquiry being for the - L.r Pnt me . back to the lstl .. . Bowdo bMhe yfrtue1 o! fjour Remedy, nd I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it for 1ms I think more than any mefein the world, y tt is not only Tt . i & -o A-n nnr fv the blood ana cure all skin diseases, but I believe It will w it will care i lore for strops : dnnt T hone vou will nave luia F""""" . ' An ornnomical wife is one who saves . - .i i ---" - : dent's report, with stetements from xne 0f wbatfcher husband can't spend. Secretary and Treasurer, showea inat tue Society naa expenuea uu u,8 j atJ more than $300 m the purchase oi woou, ffice M follow8 . molaises, meal, meat, nanneis, Northern through mans oou p. m u.nWf and sometimes shoes, &c, for Northern through and-way - ,.i K'Ai a. m. those needing aid. maus v - - rlnh of vounir ttftieign ........ ........ j " as u. nnrior thn circumstances. thereare rnAzn7T friends will know how to excuse. cured, if they couia uvru-u , -ii rvs. TL MASON, '-V-i 5 South Gaston , N. C. v- n. w a. C5reen. Send ror circu laroftestimnials. nov 14m3w- distribution among Several donations from a ciud oi young o . e9Q namiet and ladies and centlemen meeting periodical- Rftlei2h 6.00 p. m lyfor social enjoyment were thankfully Mails for the N. O. Railroad, received" and appropriated. The mem- ""55" bers holding office during the preceding . 6;4Q a m and 5 80 p m I .1 il i:.a wiai 1 ' i ,r," ; .f hi nrvst. To I war were re electeu, anavuBuai. v Ortnthern malls lor ail points the kind friend, who have so generously tors was revised, but notcompleted th. daily SS0 and 7:45 a. m. The ladies agree eacn w "SiBy)...... "..-m efforts to diffuse a more general interest Mf rP0herawJi Darlings in the work of the Society, its funds de- ......... 8:00 p. m. ing far too small for the indispensable Malls for points between Flo- Thptnem- renceaod Charleston.. Claims oi our - ST Favetteville. and offices on bers entreat their sisters of Wilmington Fg mtrt Tuasdays, mh tnland a helDinff nana, inai aii uvMava..- ....... l.00 P. m. vwwm - v w AUU A 1 J ' -ww"" - with one heart and soul, prove Favetteville, via Lumberton, assisted, and offered to assist, us in get ting out the Review during the past three days our warmest acknowledg ments are due. There were, of course, some errors and inaccuracies, uoavoida- which our m. IVI. fJlBE BK81 ASSORTED BTOCKtKVER brought to this city, with all the latest Hov- eltiee and Shades ia ' , DRESS GOODS, gatin MarvelJleox, Satin de Lyon, Shad- -amerv f urrahs, Brocades, Moire An- ' tique,; Camel's Hair, t ilk Vel vets, I lushes, COLORED. BLACK AMD. illumina ted cashmeres, Henriettas, Mohairs, Baitiogs, Alpacas and Plsids la endless variety, Pasiamenterie, Fringes and TrlmmingsWliite Goods, Houseleefiog Good', DOLLMONS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, Men andBoy's "Wear, nanneis, Merino TJt derwear,' Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, litecs and Jagjigt, 1 r CUHTAIIT 8.00 p m may, their avmrjathT with the distressed by bestowing, as the Lord has bless ed them, and thus win His approying word, "He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord." Attention is aUo with no other effect than to fright mother branch of the Society's horse ridden by Silverman, which cauea w amo R;thnnt ininnnir him. I work The Ula ijaaiea xiouw t ' TOR PALS. LOWEBIWauam 17 . . Hard and Soft. ' ' mtvinnen ROOMS for rent. Apply theSouthe4iteonitr,of Market aad Froat novl0lw; at ireets. - Freric It Candies. MT Jl , NTltB4 street, S deori balow Pcstofls. A Dispute About a Lottery Ticket A special dispatch from Helena, Ark., says- Night before last (Oct. 3d.) an attempt was made to assassinate Simon Silverman while on his way to this city. Five shots were fired at him from behind a tree, with no other eneci mau io mgui. u vnK. nMlAn bv Silverman, whicr inrew r:;Ja ;;Zr" .t-where four or five 'I'k. Mnca ni i nt' uLLEuim uu w nil rmioutu w. - life is the legal dispute now before the d and woxthy ladies are provided with New Orleans courts about the ownership e of Tt earnestly hoped of the-lottery ticket wmca wonwe w rr . fiocietT may obtain such anin nft -;-rQ TnisianaState Lottery, that the bociety may " -.uTJn, it to be his. and a U of funds as to enable it to enlarge ni u .u.m.'nrf that it had been I 4.-. vaM art that food, as well a8 ai rS. viara viaimw - . . . iodciu,m"w'"" pnrlomed irom ner . - 8hpltcrf maybe runusnea t-ton from him at the muzzle of a pistol, and he has instituted suit for the money. It is supposed that the attempt on his life was made to seep mia uuw i'iw--tins the suit. iVcw Orleans ft catune, the Posto ffice as in fol- this Oct. 19. It d&w who must mortifying The young man or woman itv because of freckles, Un, tetter, pimples itching excriations of the face, shouloV use some of Dr. Benson's Skin Cure. It cleansei the scalp and Li good for the touet. Unmallahle- TTnnMiilahle matter, addressed lows, remains in rftv; Mme. Demoverts, 17 East 14 street, w y . Ranhael J. Lloses, J r, attorney at Uw, 61 Wall street, new xcr,. Edward F. Tucker, No. 1 rnsa av 3d flight. m. m. 8.80 a. n ... 6:00 a. m. daUy, except Sundays. - 9:00 a. m. and 6.30 p. Onslow O. H. and Intermedi ate offices, every iuesaay and r rlday at.......... 6.00 a. Sroithville maila, by steam boat, dailv. (except oun- w m w Mails for Easy illU, Town Greek, Shallotto and Uttle Rirer. S. O.. everv aaon day and Thursday at. OPES FOB DXLrVXBT. Boithern throogh and way malls.. 7:30 a.m. and 9.00 a.m. Bouthern Malla.7:00 p. m. and 7.80 a.m. Carolina Central Railway 4:00 p. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. ro. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:16 p. m. Money Order, and Register Department open tame as stamp office,; ,i i . General delivery open from daylight to dark, aad on Sundays from 840 to 940 a. m. : Halls collected from street boxes every at a-OO TL. m. - Stamps for eaie In small quantities at gsseral csUvtry wcea swu w-aq closed. . Staple & Domestic Goods. In short everything desirable.WarranUd ...... . , . , . t - - ' to ome ap ia prlee and quality, to any ssn nle from retail louses North. ' Call and save extra cxpeaee Jbj tujUg I have thousands of things which it would take columns to enumerate. My fine, fresh FRENCH CANDIES are a specialty. I lead in these goods as my patrons well know. I have an elegant variety of Millinery Goods, , Hats,' Trimming, &cM To which I invite the attention of the Ladies. ; My stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS is full and complete and having been bought low will be sold low. . I respectfully invite a call and inspec tion. L. FLANAGAN, Variety Store, nor 6 No. 42 Market street. EMBROIDERED DRESSES. JjlHE MOST ELEGANT COSTUMES, which are sold in Drees lengths, are, in fine Camel's Hair and Shuda Cloths, with 4K yards of narrow, and the same amount of wide, Embroidery wrought in 811k. The wide ia intended for flounces and thenar row for trimming Basque.' The suits range n price irom IZ0 to 1 15 and can be seen at R. IY2. IVlclntire's. Just received several colors of those sice s rn ii . r r a onuaa uouu at om cenui per jaru. a tars; assortment of fine Laee Neckwear and Laces for making such articles. nov 7 TO THINK ABOUT i E 11 Mil, HOT BED SASH. .... ;- . - ' - . PLEASE ORDER EARLY. , SASH) DOORS A!ID CLI'.'DS BRACKETSAIOULDINQ, ;LUHBEIt, &c ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO. 1 36 oet 31 P.Qarket Street AND i i The Club House, JpiLLXD WITH BA50S0HE IUastra Hons, Hand Painted Panels on East Is, Beao ifal Velvet aad Ebony Caabinatioa Frasaes IN ADDITION TO ITS FINE stock of Wines, Liquors, Beer m.A rVmrm fa ei1TtririiT tTk ft ,nrJ5-.nA fr!3a NEW KIVER OYSTERS, served In any style desired. My I Elegaatly Bound foems, Ac, at motto is to pxeaae aso. w uv . Proprietor Ortmann's Club IIoue, oct 85-tf gecesd it, Cunis'i Block. nov XI U ,M1 ' 1 ur Book aalButlaasryCUru

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