u pmolUhed erery afteraooa, 8Mdiyi t upted 7 JOSH. T. JAME8, DITOJ AVI PROPRIETOR. gUUSORIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID, jje year, $6 00 Six months, $2 60 ; Thre noiths, tl ; On month, 60 Mats, ffce pPer Dt deIiTerc' DT carrier, fre of eharjte, in any part of the city, at the Te rates, or 13 cents per weak. AdTrtiiBr rates low and liberal -Subscribers will please report any and ill fiilnresto reeeivi their papers regularly. j7ew Advertisements. IT RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feel and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil as safe, sure, i tuple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entail tut "the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and erery one suffer lng with pain can have cheap and positive proof f its claims. IHrections in Eleren Languages. COLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ANDDEALERS IN MEDICINE, A.VOGEUER & CO., Baltimore, 2Hd., U. S. JL. april 13 daw-oae to "JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Brfxswick, Co., Va. November 5th, 1881. Mrs. Jox Peksost, . Franklinton, N. O.' Dear Madam : It is with pleasure I that write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most fearful looking and painrul sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then 1 commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. He told me he could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or five weeks, and if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the Bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. Just imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the core but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would hare ruined me. Mind vou this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina,- and this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with caustic, as ho advised until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment. I wa3 advised then - by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and "Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, dance as much and jump as high as any man you know. Put me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as I nofedoof the virtue of your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it for less. I think more of it than any medicine in the world. It is not only the best Remedy to purify the blood and cure all skin diseases, but I believe it will cure all kinds of Wood diseases, and I Know it will cure a love for strong drink. I hope you will have this published, as there are many sufferers who could be cured, if they could know c f and get your Remedy I am truly and respectfully, JOS.- R. MASON, South Gaston, Nl C. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Win. fl. Green. Send for circu lar of testimnials. nov 14-dw 1GO.COO BRICK ! R PALE. LOWEST MARKET prices. Hard and Soft, nov 7-tf J. A. SPRINGER. Rooms to Rent pURNJLSHED ROOMSfor rent. Apply at the 8outheut corner of Market and Froat si arrets. ov 1U w French Candies. JUST RECEIVED, a nil line of fine Trench Candlea, warranted pure and freslu Also, Home-Made Candis. Frulta, Nnt,-&c ' ' C. JEVEN8, Second afreet, 3 floors below Pottoflee ttt II ffAPlfillfflKfiamT- r VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTfSEMEXTS. , CW Yates Juvenile and Toy Books. Heinsbekger The Philadelphia Press " Nothing doing in magisterial circles to-day. Oysters are fattening, but they seem slow at it this year. Eggs continue scarce and high in this market. Poultry ditto. Frugality is founded on the principle that all riches have limits. Raleigh is mightily exercised over a white partridge. Isn't it a quail? Rather inferior wood was selliDg from the flats to-day at 89 cents per load. A fly is said to have 16,000 eyes. No wonder he is careless where he leaves hisspects. ! i jin . . m , m m Sailed from Pauillac Roads, cn the 3rd inst., the George Harriss, Majlory, hforthis port. y, SchoonerDjdm'el Pearson, Sumner, hence for Boston, was at Edgartown on the 12th ins! Nor. barquel&anZei, Garshen, hence for Hamburg," arrived at the latter port on the 16th inst. A, druggisV-says that he has heard the very highest praise given to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in very many instances- some of Croup: Price 25 cents. If we don't have a good rain soon there will be distress hereabouts for the want' of drinking water. Duplin Superior Court, Judge Shipp presiding, convenes at Kenansville on Monday next, the 21st inst. There is a difference between visits, but all visits are agreeable it not on arriving, then on. going away Steamship Benefactor, Tribon, clear ed at New York on the 16th inst., for this port, and sailed the same day Everything without tells the individu al that he is nothing; everything within persuades him that he is everything. Study your interest, xou. can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at J AC obi's. t ' Mechanical vibration is said to be of a use in curing neuralgia. A tapping over the fifth nerve, changes the state of irri tation and produces ease. ReVj. Jas. B. Taylor and Mr. B. F, Mitchell have returned to the city from their recent attendance upon the Baptist State Convention at Winston. A woman's hand is j. great trouble to her. When she goes out to walk she must have something to bold in it, other wise she knows not what to do with it. No wonder she is ready to give it away at the first opportunity. Schooner Amelia G. Ireland, hence for New York, which put into Norfolk in distress, has repaired her damages and was ready to proceed on her voyage on the 16th inst. We regret to learn that the wife of Capt. Swift Galloway is seriously sick at her home in Snow Hill, in Greene county, and hope to hear of her speedy recovery. - Beautify your aomes by using the N. Y. EnamciPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f There are some experiences in life which make us feel like the boy; who, when he stubbed his toe against a sharp stone, said he was too big to.cry and too badly hurt to laugh. , . i 1 1 1 .The steamer Gov. Worth, which left Fayetteville on Wednesday noon, ar rived here last evening with a cargo of nearly 300 bales of cotton. There was a rise of about 30 inches when the boat left Fayetteville. The man who drops a copper cent on the church collection plate with force enough to knock the organ out of tune, and an hour afterward slides into a beer saloon to deposit a quarter, isn't the in dividual the cherubs expect to fit up with a pair ot downy wings. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of J. Monroe Taylor. This house has been established nearly 40 years, and their goods are celebrated for purity and strength. We would re commend a trial of their Gold Medal brand to all who desire superior cook ery . ' Last Xlglit'i Fire. At about 11 o'clock last night . the alarm fcf fire was sounded, caused by the burning of two rice barns on the oppo. site side of the river, a short distance below the city, on the plantation of Mr. George W. Kidder. They contained about 4,000 bushels of rice, 1.000 of which were threshed. Ther wpra ravpra.1 stacks of rice which were also consumed. The fire is supposed to 'have, been the work of an incendiary; as no one about the premises could give any other reason. , Mr. ICidder was insured" fa agencies represented by Messrs. Atkinson k Man ning, for $6,625, as follows: On Rice Queen Insurance Company $2,000,-Commercial Union, 2,000; Vir ginia Home, $1,625. On barnsNorth Carolina Home, $1,000. The rice, of which there was about 2,500 bushels, be longed to Mr. Kidder, and-this wa3 cov ered by the insurance; but on 'the two barns destroyed, which were the proper ty of Messrs. Northrop & Cumming, the loss will exceed the insurance. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t THe Water Works. Our report of the test yesterday after noon was necessarily imperfect, as the time allowed us was too short. We are glad to say that while complete, it was in every respect satisfactory. The follow ing is thejeport of the inspectors sta tioned at the various points: - Water and Market Streets. Water was thrown through a one-inch nozzle with one section of 50 feet hose to an av erage height of 109 feet. Through two sections of hose, or 100 feet, water was thrown 125 feet horizontally. Front and Church Streets. This plug or fire hydrant is the farthest off from the pumping station, being over three miles distant by the route the water had to take to reach it, and through fifty feet of hose with a one-inch nozzle the av erage height reached was 108 feet. Fifth and Market Streets. -This hy drant being near the feeder on Fourth street, an average height of 143 feet was attained with a one-inch smooth ntzzle. Fourth and Red Cross Streets. The record at this point was very accurately kept and the report full and complete, and shows an average height of 111 feet. The position is an exposed one and a high wind was blowing during the entire time the streams were played At this point there was a stream thrown horizontally 156 feet. 1 Fourth and Harnett Streets. This was also an exposed position, and the firemen.not being familiar with the man ner of opening the hydrants, did not get any water until Dr. Cloud, the contractor was sent for and opened the hydrant, after which they threw a stream to an average height of 111 J feet. The above streams were all thrown throught fifty feet ot linen hose and the averages are figured from observations taken every five minutes during the test. The engines pumped at the rate of 1,600," 000 gallons every twenty-four hours, with an average steam'pressure of sixty three pounds to the square inch and an average water pressure of nearly one hun dred pounds to the square inch at the a pumping station. H. R. Worthington, of New York, built the machinery for pumping, and the perfect nicety with which it works reflects much credit upon the builder Mr. John Slingerland had the supervis ion of the boilers and machinery during the test, and was assisted by Mr. Geo. Alsover and Mr. W. H. Brewer, all in . a sk the employ of Messrs. J. A. L.ioudK Co.. the contractors. Mr. John Sweeny, late engineer of the, Wm, Nyce, who is to be the resident engineer, was also present to assist and to be iiducted into bis new position. The inspectors and firemen were much commended by Dr. Cloud for their gen lpmnnlv demeanor and the conscientious discharge of their duty during the test. A medical journal gives the following limple remedy for relieving hiccough: Inflate the lungs as fully as possible and ifcon nrsa firmlv on the agitated dia- Dhrajrm. In a few seconds the spasmodic aCUOn Ol U-c uiwxca nut iwc Never experiment too much: but use the right means and thus secure the best results. Mr. F. Luchterhand, 145 C street, Boston, Foreman of P. LaUyt Co.'s Machine Works, S. Boston, did in this wise, and writes: I had severe pains in pit ehftnlder: but after, nsintr St. Jacobs OH, I was quickly cured and an mow tiuniy irtu. SlYlEW. City Court. Onlv one case, that of a colored man who was found asleep on the street; was before His Honor this morning. He was discharged. i Personal. . . , . . Aiii.tuuu xi. orrie, oi mis city, re - turned here on Wednesday night with his bride, after an extended trip to the North as far as Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. Gurrie are stopping at the Purcell House. Unmailable Unmailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains iu the Postoffice in this city: One stamped white envelope, illegibly addressed: Edward P. Tucker. No. 7 Primus ave, third flight; Raphael J. Moses, Jr.. attornev at law. 61 Wall street, New York, N. Y; one stamped ilW;hlir aAAraao.A r ' & J . For a New Home. T. H. W. Mclntire, Esq., of Moore's Creek, Columbia township, Pender coun ty, leaves to nisrht for a home "wav down South." His future residence will be at MmterGitv. Leflore conntv. Miss., which - y f r in in fho Weetom r!onta1 Vi Stateon the Tallahatchie river. He goes to superintend the business of his brother, Mr. G. C. Mclntire, who is a merchant and planter at that place. Mr. Mclntire takes his family, consisting of a wife and seven children, with him. We dislike to have such people leave the "Old North State," but as he is bound to go, we wish him and his a safe and pleasant journey to the home he will adopt, and hope that a career of profit, Success, happiness and usefulness may in a measure recompense him . for the ties he has sundered at his old home in Pen der. At3o'cleck to-day the thermometer in this office registered 78 degrees, which is two degrees above Summer heat. How is this for the middle of November? The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,232 bales. -THE MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the City Pout Office as pllowa : Northern through mails. .... .530 p. m Northern through and way mails 5:40 a. m. Raleigh ....5:40 a.m. Omces between llamlet and Raleigh.......... 6.00 p, m. Mails for the N. O. Railroad, and routes supplied there from. Including A. & N. O. Railroad, at. 6:40 a. m. and 5. SO p.m. Southern mails tor all points South, daily.8.00 p. m. and 7:45 a. m. Western mails (O OR'y) daily ! (except Sunday ).... 9:00 a. m. Mail for Oheraw & Darlings CoHaff) - 800 p m Mails for points between Flo- ; renceand Oharleston.... 8:00p m Fayetteville, and omces . on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays.................. 1:00 p. m. j Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays..... 9:00 a. m. and 5.30 p. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Tuesday and rriday at 6.00 a. m. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days) 8.30 a. ih Malls for Easy Hill, Town Greek, Shallotte and Little "River, S. O., every 'Moa- ' day and Thursday at... 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DKLTV3BT. Northern through and way mails 7:30 a. m. and f.00 a. m. Southern Malls. 7:00 p. m. and 7.80 a.m. Carolina Central Railway...... 4:00 p. m. Stamp Ofnce open from' 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:15 p. m. Money uraer ana .register impairment open j- a T-a a . -w-v , I nmeuiwopomco. , General delivery open from daylight . 0:A ' ouuu-jro "uu! Mails collected from street boxes every I day at 4:00 j?. m. Stamps for sale in small quantities at I general delivery when stamp omce is closed. PUB CELL HO USE, UHDEK NEW MANAGEMENT, WiLHiaeroa, il. G, C, L. PERRY. - Pro Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel, first Glasa in all iti aoDoicitx.ecU. Tera The Cosmopolitan BAR IS THE PLACE WHERE YOU can get the ceoleet, purest and most scientifically mixed 8ummer Drinks to be found in the city. The very best Wines Champagnes am c Liquors always on hand ithe beat 5-centJCigar that is made. Dro nandcoeloff. JOHN CARROLL, JtS Proyrlttor. 18. 1881. NO. 273 New Advertisements. I PI OtlCO rpHE UNDERSIGNED desire to notily X the public that, iu view f the lost we meet . ... j m our bufiaese, by our pitcnt stopper bot- i Uesnot returned, it is our Intention j to prosecute to the fulle-t extent of the law anJ person or persona who may be found with our bottles m their possession , and who refuse to return themr or who will traf fic In them In any manner whatever. K. rORTNER, . nov!7-3t WM. GENAUST. The Philadelphia Press QOUTALSJNG A. SEFLY T BOB IN- ttJfiasOLL of the "North America a Review," by JUDGE BLACK. I Fct Bale at HEISBBERaSR'SS Pianos and Organs, SHEAP F03 GASH or on the easyinstal- ment Plan HBIN3BERGE&'8, Live Book and tfasie Store I nov 16 The Coraline Corset ! 100 SOLD IN,ONE WEEK. PRICE f 1.00 Full assortment of sizes. nov 12 J, J. HEDRICK. FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT ra. m. eatw. rTIHE BEBT AS80RTED 8T0CKtEVR A brought to this city with all the latest 5ot I eltiee and 8 hades ia DRESS GOODS, Satin Marveilleox, Satin de Lyon, Rhad aaiee, hurrahs, Brooadei, U oire An Uue Camel's Hair, I ilk Yel t veta, Flmhes, C0L0RED BLACK AND riLLUMiriA TED CASHMERES Henrietta!, Mohairf, Suiting!, Alpacai and Plaidi in eadJeas variety, Paeiamente.Ie, (jFricges.'and Trimmingi,WKte Goodj, Houaekeepiag Good', DOILMANS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, Men and Boy 'g Wear, Flanneb), Merino Ut derwear, Hosiery, Glcvei, Ooriets, ' , JLaoci and Edgings, CURTAIU TRACES, ORBPBS,, w fiiu O n-liaraa4i, OUtUlC QL JLUIllwdllu UUUUOe in thort ererjttlnr deairable. Warranted to oame up Ia price and quality, to any is sle from retail houses North. Call and save extra experieby buyirg e. ; IL 11 Wit 36 rJlarltet oetSl The Club House, Iff ADDinOU TO ITS FINE W atoekof Wlnea, Liquors, Beer l)l" Jf and Cigars, is offering to ita customers and friends J NEW RIVER O Y8TERS, served in any style desired. My motto is to please and to this end no effort will be spared. Respectfully, . P. W. OKIiLLSS, Proprietor Ortmaan'a Clab House, ' oft UM- - Cetosfl ft,Currit's riotk. r Y PLEASE BOTJQ3, we WU1 baflad to receive wmmealettfca froawfrttadjoaaayaad'all nZ:ezj e general l&tarett tml Tta nana of tiia writer oaai alvaji b f Ooaaaaaiaationi taut bejwrittf a.' ea oalj oaeatdaofioapapat. Ferso&slHSas must be avoided And it y eepoeiallj and ptrtieularly wider ttood thai the Edit-wdoee not alwayg endorT the view of eorrespondentf kunlfa toJttaT" fa the editorial eolotxs. - He7 . Advertisements. WIL. YVJSLDUN BAILROAD CP. xfice or m Sscawxar A Ti tiscaxa. WrmiaaTojf, N. C.Nov. 8th, 1831. f 1 1 ii V T?rinT u tv-ttt ZJr. th Kfccfchclden of te Wiiminrton A weldon Railroad Or.raan-- h. h.T . theoiiceof laid fmranj, in WilmUfrton. oa Tuesday, the 22d last., at II o'clcr. A.2. nov 9Mm.. : r.c: ; - Hecrefary.. WIL, COLMB. A AUGUSTA B:R,,CO.i item n mm Office of thi SscatTaaT A Taaaiiaxa, Witiitiiavriv Jn w eii. tea rpHE ANNUAL JuliJ&TINO'Ojr THE Stoekholdere or the Wilmfncton, Colaaxhla 7.AJIgJlii a'oad Oompaay will be held 1 H5C,8 of the P'erident of etid Oompa ay, in WUmfngtoc, on Tueidaj; the fid iml, at 12 o'clock, M, W THOMPSON, nov 9 tdm Beeretarj THE VARIETY STORE, THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE specuuJly notify his fnends and the public that he has recently re- turned irom a visit to the . Northern Pwlarkets where he has purchased the Handsomest Display ' OF : ' MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS, MOTIONS AND HOLIDAY GOODS, no xi uo ever onerea m this city. My stock is Large, Complete And in I have thousands of things which it would take columns to enumerate. My fine, fresh FRENCH, CANDIES are a onAnialfvr T Iaa A J BiwviuibT -M. icau an irrii u iu an m patrons well know. I have an elegant a , w w b.WWUk MMO lill variety ui ltTillivaow riAtla rT4 Trimiuingr, &cM To which I invite the attention of tha ' Ladies. My stock of CHRISTMAS GOOD53 ia full and complete and having been bought low will be sold low. I respectfully invite a call and inspec tion. L. FLANAGAN. -Variety Store, nov 6 No. 42 Market street. EMBROIDERED DRESSES. rjlHE MOST ELEGANT COSTUMES, which are sold In Dress lengths, are in fine Camel's Hair and 8huda Cloths, with 4 yards of narrow, and the same amount of wide, Embroidery wrought In Silk. The . ..- " . wide is intended for floaxcea, and the nar j row for trimming Basque. The suits raage n price from $30 to $45 and can be seen at R. IU3. Rjlclntire's. Just received several colors of those nlca Shuda Cloths at 50 cents peryard. A larg assortment of fine Laee Neckwear and Laces for making such articles. nov 7 3? 3E 3&G 3E3 TO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. PLEASE OEDEK EAELT. RASH, DOORS AfID BUNDS BRACKETS,'MOULDINQ, 'LUMBER, tc ALTAFFEB, PRICE L CO. oetSl ; AND S? O H E O O EZ 3 TRILLED WITH HA5DSOHE Illiatra- Uonj, Hand Pefeted Panels oa Easils, Beau. Ifa! Yalvetaad Sb9ay Cslinstloa Frames Eef aatly Bound Poeas, Ac., at nov 13 JBook aad Sutionery Stort