4 HP ifehed TH18 PAPKfc JAMES, inH. T. " .nK8C&IOIlSFOSTAOK PAID 'Lmth,i M; One month, 60 oenta. J. Btper will bt delivered byearriera JeLS- partof theeity.ait. grates, or IS cents per weak. ..rtfcio rate low and liberal 8cbacriber8 will please report any anr inreato receive thsir papers regularly jfow Advertisements. r VOL. V WILMINGTON, N.C MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1881. NO. 275 LOCAL NEWS. NEWj AlVEBTI8EMENT8. Heinsbexoeb Turner's Almanacs for 1882' - ... CW Yates Javenile and Toy Books. Alt jlffer, Price & Co Sash, Doors aol Blinds - L J Otterboubg Onr Specialties Dovald MacRah, Sec'y Notice Ckoxlt & Mokris Oranjes James Br.Rxr.TT Revolution in Photo raphy Japanese Tea Party and Bazaar. John C Chasb, Supt't The Clarendon Waler Woiks t ompany : ,T A Si'niKtvEK-r oal. Wood and Brick Mrxx & Co Patents. Wm. Lawrence, Master 8hip Notice. The 'last ros of snmmcr" still ling- Col J. B. Davis, of Weldon, is in the The receipts of cotton at this port this city on a brief visit . week foot op 8,639 bales, against 6,910 T- ; T77: ' I bales for the corresponding week of last day foot up 1-21 bales. ; New Advertisements. Notice. year, a gain for this year of 1,729 bales npHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Etock- V t. im i J i i i IlUlUcia Ul tile rri uuauu vyuuii'u; niilvu la ck uauuiuuic ouu n iug. I oi Wilmington, will be held at their Office Major W.L. Young, Supendtendent of. t.t.rn. Krtrt,. fArtnft in this city, on Thursday, theSthdayof fc TSnnlln Ha1 ia in th citv to dav. "w , 1 December, 1881, at 1" o'clock, A. M ' r , - jupera House until December , tn ana Now is the time to look OTer your last 1 9th with a matinee on the 10th, at which n0Y 21u DONALD MacRAE, Sec'y and Treasurer. winter flannels and see where a stitch or prof. Pbarazon.the magician, will make qq j 'QQQ ! AHD BRICK two is neeoea. . uis uibi appearance uciore a u muiugwu I nAittnfka. A rtA t Va f en lal 1 TCP ftrA in I 1 AA fr' BRICK, -Xtem W wffl be h-ld ia thb rbOTewillb th. hot until somet.me : 100,000 city on Thursday, December 8th. in January, 1B8I. The Water oilts statistician estimates that conrtships The announcement is made . officially H.nf UU that the Clarendon Water Vorksi J Company ia now ready to receive applica- Why are ladies nara on ciotnes i ti f 8aDDlvinir water. Mr. John C. 1.000 T0NS WKU 300 nov 21-tf COKD3 WOOD, For sale low prices by J. A. SPRINGER. ranges-Oranges PZiKlSE ztotics, TTa vQl be f lad to rooeire osuatmieatfoa from our frUarfs oa aay and all rcb?ett a general zntcrMt oui TTie aame cf tas wriicr icnrt always be fa Biah4 j Editor. . . " Ooxaaaaicationa neat writes: co only cat aid of th pap. Pertoaalities ctojt b aroMed And it U eapealally and partiralarly nsdtr tood that tho EdiVw does noi always eadors the Tirtrs ot oorrpcodenta kanleaa aoUt ia the editorial eolaoaa. Now Adverti&oments. EHEU1ATIS1, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, dwell ings and Sprains, Burns and . Scalds, General Sodily ' ' Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Proration on rth equals St. Jacobs On. a a afaurr, sitnplf nd cheap External Jmdy. A trial ntaila lut the comparativelj triflinp outlay of 50 Cnt, and erery with Pin n chcaP Pe Proof if its claim. Directions in Elewi Language. BOLD BY ALL DEUGGISTS ANDBEALBB3 IH MEDICINE. A. VOGIR fc CO., Baltimore, Md, U.S.ji. aprilU daw-aao to T L. m n nt enlt 4 how I . v oecauso wubu mcy uuj j chase, the Supenntentlent.uas an oince in -ryESSELS ALL Ul ClIARGED, but we wear it out the first Sunday. I v i TKnai Ttr.;u;nrr -irp will hr I V TT ... ; V V ' m r7 Li haVe in etorc 40,000 SELECTED SWEET Wro.tlAa r nnt so bad alter all : it is found from 9 to 11 A. M. and from 3 ....j f ;f tr,P M. Thft nines willbelaidin the I GARDEN OKANQES, at low figures in S1U VUl UUC Jll 1 UV(0 uwv vbiw --' I . - . - i f I ePMnjf them on another eirl's face. order in which applications are received. oaautitics. CKONLT & MORRIS, WWr. I : 77T. xi. The Company have generously agreed it is on it in certain localities mat ai . . ... i.r i imo r i j TATnrn en i.iiiis living aa.iif u ll luo aiuvo v i Thcic was an eclipse of the sun to day, man's body is supposed to be composed lfce mai nd whow ci3terns or wells REVOLUTION IH PHOTOGRAPHY! of water. That is where beer is plenty. . , ;th te fpom the hv- tereotype3 at the foiiowiuir Drices : UUJ W V v J - m mi ers. - Indies may now gather lerns and au tumn grasses. New moon. this forenoon at 11 o'cloek and 7 minutes. but it was invisible atthis place. "TO THINK ABOUT : HOT BED SASH. PLEASE ORDER EXRLY. SASH, DOOHS AND BUNDS DRACKETS.'.MOULbfNG, ILUilBEIt, &e ALTAFPER, PRICE & CO. AND . l TO "S" 3 O OE;S piLLlsD WITH UaND30MB Ulttitra tiata, Basd Painted Paneli on Ecitli, Dean ifn! Velvet aad Sbay C3ib.nitioi Frames Elegaatly Bcncd Foe ma, Ao at thfi nreaent drv BDell. X IflCrO BftTC UCCU mioawuiujs u' I o - - all day yesterday, and to-day but . none Exports Foreiffn. 1 For 25 Cents. 2 44 40 44 4 "-.75 " A coolnessShas sprung up at last between the nights and the days. Br. barque Japan, Rodgers, hence, has yet fallen. The atmosphere has been Tne f0n0wing cargoes have been ship .rr?vRt.Tt;n Janeiro Oct. 21st. cool with the wind from the North.. pcd foreign since our last report: a 1 WW 1vW a . . -mmmm-- - . mx : ; IT tVa VionfrVi flrtnn'a flirp.nsl Mrti. humna fiViXrxcn. Hadlind. lor I rwirf1-1f ... ... a. C I 4 b iuvas M vuwuM -ww I - w.,' ' , I The weddings bells wm nngo fa au Bce beie again Rotterdam, with 2,603 barrels rosin, ship- .... Tp. p AftJn qucntly next month if reports be true. He is billed for Sumter on ped by Messrs DeRosset & Co.; Nor. JArANSlOC IE A PAH I f AnU . .... . r .-. -ii A soft answer turneth away wratb.Dut theFridsy of next week, December 2d. barque 5f0ftt0Isen, lor London, wnn BfiZSABi .. ii it.. j:OV.m ?i4Vi BAft.rftrn.l I i oaI a;Ue eliinrkAfl hv Messrs! it 13 auogeiuer umcicuw i - . , Pi x,oux uoojwj Diiw, ""'Kf- JAMES BURNETT, over A. & I. Shrier's Store, Market at. We cannot understand why days of I m ffT-IW rtTT.W TT ATT .. ar 1 .T M Knf)AtlO I A A A XI Sd Vi 1 J. iiawii . 7 r. . " ; :n v :.ji-aJ I Williams : iiiurcuisou; vh-" z There is certainly ouc tuwiui i nesitancv ana aeiay win do muwacu ui , -.i, u.x . . i r - . i i l.i 1 1 i ,.in- Karir inr iiivprn hi . wiiu ,Bm,HneS can't rally in force this weatb. when a few doses oiur. uuus v,ougu xw 1. ; cr. Syrup will ease and cure the worst Cough 1,359 bales cotton, shipped by Messrs Nov 22d and 23d, by the Ladies of or Cold. Price only 25 cents a bottle. (Williams k Murchison; Nor. barque TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY nighte, the First I . I Tt.. n.nl TViotr xmiU rlrnce in Nor. barque Lavctnna, uaawop. . .- Aiheona. Beruldsen, for navre, with " ' '" - hence, arrived at Rotterdam, on the 18th the vnurcn w" J L 430 Dales ccttoD shipped by Messrs Japanese Costume, and a very larffe and W&M LlltS lOSbUl lU& uuuuaia u I . ... rill m . inst. ' o.i-- -,. .k. nPTt Russell & Potter; and scbr. -ajia, oai- choice assortment of Japanese Goods will be I A .1 CnfiJ.a ilivng nnnn Gcr; barque CAarcs, lopgnon, There four gundays jn llDry, l0r Jeremie, jiayu, offered for gale ftt rea80nable prices. Come irom Rio Janeiro uct. iur ' A, tlin(,tlfln,nmM Christmas. bncK, bU,uuu Bningm auu o-,0., w.. Tna AU 1 . . XTll,.nn AUU BCC LUC tlUUUCllUi i.KUU.i v. y lumber, Bhippca Dy iieHra 0110. Cakei Oyttere, sc. Admission, iu cents, nor 2l-2t "JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Bkusswicit, Co., Va., November fth, 1881. Mrs. Jok Pkrsox, Franklinton, N. O. t-. Miniv: H is with nleasure that write to tell you that your valna- deliveries active ble Remedy has entirely cured me 01 a port. : . r- lumber, sni o The chimney on the premises of Mrs. r.nmm;nfr me condition of Mr. taa bwoat. sJtliet6t corner of cmro'D: , 1 t,'.nlM n m. ' w " ' I nntl CwIasp we are nappy 10 iearn ujuuuuwi Fifth and Princess streets, caugbt firel ' 'lT.j t k. fUB fil ARPNnnN WflTFR nrovC. I 1 wTuVti nrvaitxil iJruo l On CBlCniOT auuauiuu, x,. . iJr tt , j .n,un.UpAlPN feel better " . .u Front street m. 1. inurcu, jcciu iuuwuuuuw..- , 1 some iitue aiarm in mo uwsuwiuw, . , . , i, uQ farp Th. demand has been brisk and . morning and evening, to hear the fare- iu-j - IllUb LlJ gtuviui - o WORKS COMPANY nov 21 Hiox aad outionery 8 tor. IMew Restaurant. rpHE UNDERSIGNED would respectful ly annouuee that he has just fitted up at No. 3, Granite Row, South Front staIlea taurant for Ladies and Gentlemen, where meals and refreshments may be had at all hours of the day. Every thing la new and first-class. Polite waiters and courteous at tendants. SSSTGamc and Oysters in season. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, nov 18 F. A. SCIIUTTE, Prop. WIL. Jk WELD ON RAILROAD CO. f rrica or thb 8EcatTiT Jk TaiASvaKK, Wiikikgtok, N.O., Nov. 8tB, 1831.. rp as fo iTY-y iXTn ann di l meet- lingrf the Ftcciholdera of Ve Wilminrton weldon Katiroad ucmpaay Kill be bald at well sermons Mr. James Burnett has leased the tor. Dr. Yates has filled the pulpit of Key. Dr. Yates, the pa.- NOTICE THAT THEY ARE fnlSSfT. ikii filled the Bnlnit at , ,.. , :,., . w. TtsoMPHos, reauy vu receive aiitauujo iui i-'F'Jub nor 9 tibi tieoretary. , , , . mL. 1 ill. l. uauin yuuwb i but. it. Aubwa r i reaaT t j : . r . i i nne l uuitu . i . , i : ii. unrtor tirppi i t?i utM. fm. inn. woro .nn it im uul st 'l?'01 ""Than Telve huSbacd of the W, who wear, the pink P"" ,i n w. i s ZXt hVU be a'Jn retorned - ET CilLLlB. AOUU3TA B. B CO.. months aeo. very much like a ring worm. U3aally does the shelling. Lnrf fferimr to do work at very low Un it bv the Conference. His pastorate can be had, and applications must be made I painted it with Ti?f.to;v It makes a big difference when a lady iceg He is a youig gentleman well has been marked by a warm attachment at the Superintendent's offlce,No. 1 Journal f ffi&s II fAi' 5la?r Then7! CmenS to try every- faints away whether yon bathe her tern- ersed la bia baaIncSf and we trust that between the pastor and his congregation, . Q to n iji thing I could think or hear of, until it jes wjth camphor or molasses. he may succeed. . and has also been marked as a period flp . r)nMwi n be la'd 0rFI" 0P IHa Secmtaiit Taaiscasa, became so very painful I could scarcely ' 77rw daring which large accessions have been and 3 to 5P.M. Service pipes will be la.d Wilkinotov Nov 8 th 1831 waiic, wnen x weu w b"o 1 Messrs. ruuij - c. I made to the church memoersmp. ine mtne oraer m wmcn iae appucauouB arc the country lor advice. e lumu 40 0T)0 selected oranges, which duutnaooup u rim ha couldcure me ifl would take 7. 40.0 "jecw . knowiedge that yesterday would prooa dot21.1w 11 .. a att. - i i a n n r t am a t nn i. iit- wi uiii i " ' i nunii ANNUAL MELTING OF THE SrSJTfti four r, offering at low fignres iu gnantiUes A ttaunoaosme iavu . . .,t .... ,imB th.t he would 111 if I did not do so prettysoon, .t atettmship Benefactor, Tribon, morrow 7.": preaeh, at least for some years, in that UU.T specialties. r'Krdte'anlZtf www a i mmi ca r 11 cr a - a vksAnai vrn annua. i.iiiir wi-:iv a HLiitiuc w w w would have to be taken off. Just imag- this city yeBieraay Vouuujr, ,w-.-0- ComDany's offices. . L1' ."T , " land MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS are - - . . . i.u mo nn - - i I i Knth naamr a.na neuiiie. i .. . i . ttt- 1 . -mj l w.u x I peCimiieB. C wane gwuicuu w uiu, Deauuijr juu -j a bt:ekheldera a' ths Wilm'ngton, O Jambfa A Aogust vadroal. Company will be held at the UCac( or toe rreaiflen- r said Uorapa- o- Tueiday, the 22d in i,nw T frit, to be told there was no cure for the sore bnt te lose my foot, or give up all business either Catarrh of the Bladder. noT 9 tdm W. TQ0MP8ON. Beeretary AtthAivilth Street M. ru. Luurcu Xynt devote our whole tune to tne two lines, I vnta iim-xqi7 a'Br9Sfm of these Re: y.EnamelPaihU ready mixed and war- . 8martiDff irritation of theL, OTO wprft ftlso larffe audiences in at- bence the plain, " frSKS,SZ I Ut U All 1 O fl U.iE. medies would have ruined roe. aima nted Sold only at Jacobi s. T urinary passages, diseased discharges, nfinftw T,ftsaaffes. diseasea aiscnartres, . , u fn Rr v r ..TL. . v . jou this was the advice of one of the best .. n r o .MHsd cured oy feuchupaiba. Druggists. Dept w , . than other Houge doctors in the State ot xvortn aroi uu, ateamsnip Acra., Ja8 C Munds. f---' " " " Carolinaa. We carry, without doubt, the TnE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE and this conversation iook piace atNewYork ontneiaia msv, iur tm. Uonierence. uei.uci uC ni - largest, tne most styusa, ine uDeac, auu Dy apectfolly notify bis friends and the . . vv tnrn with I . ... , I TininMA Tea Party. I. - . nntil tho ihnii.t. ail d most tastefullr ee ect I ouiuii; uunj " eDruary. 1 wuhuucu nnrt and sai ed the same oay. a- - turned or nui uauuub uC tiVaf canbtic. as he advised until beptemoer, r Th f the Firgt pre8bytenan bat derived no Jentiromni3 i-.u."- The changen tne waiuw.- - Church will bo d a Japanese tea party aware that hia large congregat on would and invire all buyers to call and be covinced I was advised then by a Inend to try pleasant stimulus to the re- Pr w . p. ' ftll trwmorrow T,? , v k i- n h ti,- of the truthmlneaa of this broad aBtertion. t a- minora nm. WashUook nare given a pica . 4U . and bazaar at the City Hall to-morrow -udl v welcome him back. He has the "1-m- nr wrtlhpm(,nt meiina inst the first dose the 17th of September, and tail clothing and dry gooos iraae and Wednesday eTenings. They will earne8t love of his congregation, and his what it saya. Otterbourp Intends that hia fm' dty- i -PPear ia Japanese costumes, and a pa3torate has been very successfal in ly cured, and I can now waia . nf small kevs has-been found. rhmce assortment of Japanese . goods tf thQ membershiD of the church. the best. dance as much and jump asuguuuj -- i;M4iftftM(i .,,...1. . Th ladies -will r." rninr fi.ia Fiienda. you who reside out of the city, know. Pnt oe DacK wise i They may oenau uv auwuv- WIU w UUUEU IWI wnaiever muy uC and have never met thla now famous Cloth- public that be has recently re- turncu irom a visit to tne Northern B3arkets where he has purchased the Handsomest Display OP -I MILL1FIERY. FAfiCY GOODS NOTIONS AND HOLIDAY GOOOIa lars aUOtue or it, -UUiU & it nas Deen sugsclcvl J " for less. 1!P think more of It than any fel trust your ckild's clothing with the mebdey sent but L rest of the litUe one you iureUWn disfa. but I believe it will had better look out for yourself. Paper platss are the latest novelty in euro iuau - - r, . t -it utA f hlood diseases, and l euro ii v . . . " it will cure a love lor sirou uriu. r . w.. i I i j ! T in 4 Vioii" gnrrasi and I enn real Vf Freshwater Perch, Tront and isiaci wenare anu rrjuivo a President. Physician. Lawyer, or his u-t- crv- T.;ni A frill assort I haDDiness. Honor the Mayor of WUxninctou, and ask UBU UWM I J I r V j OM.-.n.. Innm-ro Into ment and lowest prices at jacobi a. r I political economy has been recently I tb ricjpes that Rovam so aucceasfully Know City Court- A. inVH iur 3UUUK I r ... i . I . i . t.r.innta n0 nnnft nLiipr i i i 1 .. i I hone von will have this publisnea. as Germany, xne re8u4u Dick MarliD( orcd, lor oisoroenj y0u tnrougn. l none you wm r , , , i ,i , i iwa therlai.xnany sufferers who could.bel areat thilJg is paper-it carries 'oodto , jj cured, if they could know cranages your the mind as well as to the other locality. Hay Wood McKoy, colored, was found RemedyamJ Mutton "cW whiskers are said to be 0Q the streets, and as he wasevi- v I v South Gaston, IS. ti. The Remedy is for sale in rtind tn be. "runnine on the same Thia now famous Clothincr Establishment, . . ... i i . , . . ticket with a very rich man who win pun and we'll wager the nnest outnt m our m tablishment that not one word will be given in replr detrimental to the reputation of Ot terbourg or his renowned "Men's Wear De he has ever offered in this city. ! , My stock is And in iton, ii. u. rowinir ia public favor; the baroerssay and lame, no waa w The Remedy is ior u . . facQ jS s0 dimcnii to snavc y uara uousc ior more wu by; Pr. Wm. n. Green. S?nd fercuca- wfo chop. n, . Mnt to the city Hos EMBROIDERED DRESSES. . . ' ifV. mm In fine which,areso;din.i'resacxij, -Camel's Hair and Shuda Cloth with yards of narrow, aid the same amount of wide, Embroidery wiought r in Silk.' The ridels Intended for flounces and thenar row for trimming Basque- The 8ults g n price from S0 to t and can be seen at Ri " PJ2 - tVJclntires. Just received several color of those nice Shuda Cloths at 50 cents per yard. A larg ; assortment of fine Laee Neckwear and Laces To Builders and others Go to Jaco- v ' m d and d was dis. ,r. for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Ulass, , . , . cmiriicu. rrffE-MOST' ELEGANT COSTUMES, Ac. - F ' BlTtr 5CW1 Thin leToTbutter will be re id with - The steamer North State arrived here . ; . w 5. rom tha Paris Stnrdav niihL The D. Murchison Rub some of Lrrived Sund evening B.th bcts had Jouxnai w n hroadeloth- Uirv heavy freights. They report fcthe rZ leaving Wave as a't Cypress, on the way down, xi vuo x r e v.- flat, havlmr t Ul At last . . u- noor. But tind bv one of her fists having be a stain it is . Y i I j w k. She wUI CUU1Q k.vt. ..k tir o niffht. .ixedwUhfa. The .widely known livery K and it is hardly probable that the er. -air. C. q?l via.. caster, Pa. used St. Jacobs u. - -j and 7 Shoalf unless there whose anaxc -- m Tbis the 1 .M.rahla rise in the river it cureci ner iu - -. , Mr. 1 w MW w quickest remedy l ever useu, 1 wlthia day cr two. Ship Notice A LL PERSONS are hereby I have thouands of things which it cautioned against harbor- TTit-o Vinndrerl of the latest sDecialtiesnn Ulfeters. Ulsterettes and Orercoata expected I would take columns to enumerate. My by next New York Steamer. fine, fresh FRENCH CANDIES are a tTnT tmstJn? anv of the crew JQijs- "c,c vru'1a,,ilu"' . CI ? specialty, l ieaa m tnese ,gooas as my of the Br.BaFque 'RES0LUTE,i2 to1"5"15' J U7 " patrons well, know. I have an elegant aa no aeota ouHrwauacuag - - " a G. D. order8 meet with prompt vanety oi Dy wci uv-. xr..f., Uttntion br addresains 1 t jl. itAtllVIVA, I - ' L. J. CHERBOURG, 22, 24, 26 and 28 N. Front SL, nor 21 Wilmington, N. C. f s P s .a.-s -! c 5 "r: . . a r is c2 o pjL,iiijfiii?!iii ov 31 Millinery Ooocl, lint, Trimming, &c.y To which I invite the attention of the Ladies. My stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS is foil and complete and having been bought low will be sold low. " I respectfully invite a call and inspec tion. L. FLANAGAN, Variety Store, nov 6 No. 42 Market street. Tnmcr's Almanacs lor 2000 OLD RE LI IB LE ALUASAU?, Whcleiala ana Retail at TAM RE0Z1TISO DAILY a large stock of FAHO r Q00D5 of all kinds tor ths ond street, third door from Market, where I wfilbe pi d to see my friend and cua B0LIDAT8, Coma and look at them at tomera. Splendid Beef, Mutton, Lamb, HaTUTslfKROKib'S Teal, Poak and Sausacea. Come and te mg aov 31 Livt Book asd raaio Stora t 21 lm HrJLlN IIIXTZI " Kiev PJleat s3tore. r HAVE LEASED and fitted up hand soraely the Store Westslde of North Sec for making such article. : nov 7 Colvin.,