tzua PIPES UfBlShimJ afteraecv. eaadays JOSH. T. J1MEB, astro amd nomnoi. . 0 E8CBiPTIQN8, POSTAGE PAID. 00 B aonthi, $260 ; Three oaths, flUf On month, W eeata, ftpir will be delivered by wrier, m of efcarre, 1 aay part of the city, at the t. rate, or IS oeata per week. A,iTrtIiilf rates low and liberal a-gabeertbers will please report any end ill fsilBrea to receive their papers regularly. ITerr Advertisements. r 1 T7" will bar) ad to rtealvt oraaxialfat!ca Crna ear frisadg oa aay aad all rsbtrct- e gesera tatsmt but r: - ? T caze of ttia writer taxti always hm r a!shd o a Esiftor OeBimaTitwtlon- art b written.' oa only oaasldaof tha pa9r. PanoaalltlM mast ba avoided And It U eepeelall y and .. ti.mlariv wtir flood tbat the Edlwdoet at alwiyi eBdorT the views ot oorrwpoa dents juices eoJutaT" la the editorial eolane. i : VOL. V WILMINGTON; N. CU TUESDAY; NOVEMBER 22, 1881. NO. 276 f?"F Ilk1 VV 1 Sit - P 1 i TI1E GREAT bill roil RHEDI.IATISH, HeuraJgh, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily - Paint, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and tars, and ail other Pains and Aches, If rrrfttioa mj rth trials St. Jiccsa On m mrr, timpU xA tKeap Extmcl (UfMv. A trUl entail bat b oropeimtlTelT rMl it of SO Oats. ud er7 oo raffer- tewidi csn hare cbp b pocidv proof f tti dates. . . - Ptcttos ta Stq taoffoagts. 60LD BT ILL D3TJGGI8TS AND DE1LES3 IS KEDICUE. AVOCrKIYRR & CO., eartUI-ds ' JUST IMAQIME HOY I FELT." ' Biirnswicr, Co., Va., Norember 5th, 1881. Ifxs. Jo Vmxmos, Pranklinton, N. O. Dnxn, Madjlx: It ra with pleasure that write- to tell yoa that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most fearful looking and painful sore on tny ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, rery much like a ring1 worm. I painted it with Tinct Iodine, until it became a rery painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. - He told me he could cure a if I would take my bed and there remain for four or five weeks, and if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be owed at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be Taken off. Just imag ioe how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re Dediea would have ruined me. Mind jou this was tba advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, aad. this conversation took "place last Hts. jreorB&ry. l cooiinuea 10 uuru wuu eaufttic, as he advised until September, tat derived no benefit from his treatment. I was advised then by a friend to try your Remedy; (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the l?th of.September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured., and I can now walk as far, dance at much and jump as high as any nan jo know.1 Fat me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as I now do of the .virtue ol your Remedy, and JLwottld not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle fbrit, If I couhTnot get it for letK; J think more of it' than any medicine in the world. It is not only the best Remedy to purify the blood and cwre all skin diseases; but I believe it will ct?rnkitdt of blood diseases, and I tuowit will cure a love for stronp drink. I hope you will have this published, as there are many sufferers who could be cured, if they could know cf and get your Btoedy I am truly and respectfully, J0S.R. MASON, , South Gaston, N. 0. The Remedyis for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wo. H. Green. Send forcircu kroftcstfaanials nov U-diw Er::n:;3znED : dresses. maS MOST TSLEOAKT C08TUMES, which are told !u Drees lerths, are In fine Casls Hair and fihuda Cloths, with 4 rirda of Barrow, and the tame" amount of wMe,Xmbroidery wrought in Eilk. The HtUtntended.for flouuett and the nar row tor trimming Basque. The suits range e price from $30 to and can be seen at LI.' r.lclntire'o. ust reeetvtd aevtral iolors of those Shuda Clotha at &0 cents' per yard. A lars assortment of flue Lace Neekwear and Laces tVipijsXKartJtfla, " LiOCAL NEWS. New Adyebtisemexts. ' IlEiirsBKiozR TurEer'g Almanac for 1682 .. ' . ; V " CW Y.tTEa Juvenile and Toy Book. The worst wheel in the cart makes the most noise.. t ; The best lightning rod for yonr pro tection is your own spine. There is no pleasure bnt some pain is nearly allied to it. Oar deeds determine ns as much as we determine our deeds. . . Every onniyersary of a birthday is tbe dispelling of a dream. No aebes are lighter than incense, and few'thiGs burn out sooner. When it comes to descending a ladder the bravest of us back down. Two hundred varieties of grapes are now grown in the United States, The clouds stilt threaten us but very little rain has yet fallefc in this locality. - - Thoce who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love truth. . We seldom find people ungrateful as loag as we are in" a condition to render them service. Beautify your nomes by using the N. Y. Enamel Pa iut. ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f - A new prospective industry in the South is tho growth of flowers for per fumery. Virtue dwells at the head of a river, to which we cannot get bnt by rowing against the stream. Poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue. It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright. 15 yen poverty is bettor than avaricf for while poverty wants many things avarice wants everything. To Builders and others Go to Jaoo bx'b for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get all. stcea and at the owest prices T A man's curiosity never reaches the female standard until some one tells him that his name was in yesterday's paper. Our good deeds rarely cause much iressip among bur fellow citizens, but our evil ones leap' immediately into no toriety. "Buchupatba." New. ouick. comnlete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smarting," frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases. $1. Druggists. Depot Jas. C. Munds. - 1 1 Gilbert and Sullivan's last opera' "Patience." is to be presented in Char lotte on Thanksgiving night by Chas, E. Ford's English Comic Opera Com pany. The widely known livery stable keep" er, Mr. C. H. Colvin, Lancaster, Fa. used St. Jacobs Oil on a valuable, mare whose ankle had been sprained and it cured her in a short time. This is the quickest remedy I ever used, writes Mr. Colvin. Death of Mr. J. Ghost Elliot. We regret to learn, as we do from the Goldsbbro Messenger, of the death, in Pitt county, on the 13th inst., of the venerable and well-known teacher, Mr John Ghost Elliot. Ho was 84 years of age. Mr-Elliot was well-known and highly esteemed in this city and section. Ho Babbler Ont. the Record When a substance has certain "powers claimed for it, and everybody testifies that it does more than is claimed lor it, to gainsay its worth is useless. This is the substance of St. Jacobs Oil record. : Woriti Knowing. It is said that a poison of any conceiv able description and degree of potency, which has been swallowed intentionally or bv accident; may be rendered instantly harmless by swallowing two gills of sweet oil. An individual with a ver strong constitution should take twice the quantity. The oil will neutralize every form of vegetable poison with which the physicians and chemists are acquainted. Cut this out and save it; you might have great cause for congratulation for doing so. - The sunshine of many a bappy home has been turned into dark despair by the death of- loved ones caused by neglected Colds. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has sav ed InBtnatrabla lint by Ut timely w. ' The H. C. Conference. . Rev. Dr. Yates, Rev. T. -P. Ricaud, Rev. E. T. Schulken, Rev. F. A, Bishop, Rev. J. w: Craig, Capt. W. Ul Parker and Mr. J. H. Mallard' have all gone tt Durham to attend the Conference, which meets there to-morrow, ''" The following' which we clip from the Fayetteville Ex' aminer, will be interesting in this con- nectiou-;J: ;r.;,'t:,"(;i ' ' Up to 1837, there was no North Caro lina conference, all the State being em braced in the . Virginia, Holston and Smith Caroliua eorjrw. Io lAhrnary of that year, ther North Carolina ccrafer enco was set off irom the Virginia confer ence, taking the Danville district from the . State . of Virginia. In 1830 the southeastern part of the State, cmbrac ing Wilmington and Fayetteville. was transferred from the South Carolina con. fere nee. In 1858 the Danville district was ceded to the Virginia : conference In 1870 the south-western part of the State, embracing Wadesboro, Charlotte. Shelby, Morganton, etc., was transferred to the North Carolina conference. The Holston conference still .holds all of North Carolina beyond the Blue Ridge, and Virginia all beyond the Rtanoke River and Albemarle Sound, embracing Edenton, Elizabeth City, etc. In 1880 there were reported 67,489 white mem bers in the North Carolina conference, and 14,458 in tho Holston and Virginia territory in this State, making an aggre gate of 81,947 white members of the M. E. Church South, in North Carolina. This estimate does not embrace the Fro testant Methodists, the Northern Meth odists and the three colored Methodist organizations in the State. Their mem bership is believed to aggregate some 50,000 or 70,000, making a total oi seme 115,000 Methodists in the,State. The receipts of cotton at this port to d ay foot up 2,130 bales. The Carolina central. We still live in hopes that the Caro lina Central will yet penetrate to Ruth erfordton, and that,too,before very many more moons have waxed and waned, al though we fear that there is but little hopA for such ft onBmnatin inst at this time. The people there are very anxious to be let out of the woods by that route. Here is what the Rutherfordton Banner has to say in response to some recent remarks oi ours; Friend James has our thanks and the thanks of our people for bringing to notice, at the other end of the line, their wants and position on railroad matters. We are pleasedto learn that the matter of an extension of the Carolina Central is considered one of interest to the peo ple of Wilmington, as well as of future benefit to that city. Our people are earnestly seeking an outlet, and it will give them pleasure to know that some interest is being telt in Wilmington for a connection of the seaboard with the mountains. . ' It is a matter of vital importance to our people that the county of Rutherford recure connection with the railroad world at ah early date. She has waited long and patiently, until now she is surround ed on nearly every hand by railroads, while her pet scheme (the Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad), slip ped away from her almost while she was moving the dirt and grading the road. Her bonds, given towards building this line, are yet being paid, together with the interest on the same from year to year; and for these thousands of dollars she gets no return. While this is regard ed in the light of a misfortune, and while the present management may not be to blame, yet our people feel that they should receive some consideration at their hands, in the matter of an extension of the road to Rutherfordton the ter minus of the lice under the original char ter. When the W., C. Jb R. Railroad was projected, it was the pride of our whole section that it was to be a "North Caro lina" road ; that it was for the up-building of Wilmington as our great seaport. At the same time Spartanburg was offer ing us connection with Charleston, but so great was the Jealousy between the Stases, that the w u. & Jtt. railroad carried the day in favor of our own sea port Wilmington. Much of the jeal ousy of that day has died away, yet our people would be rejoiced to 'see the old scheme carried out, and would take pride in contributing to the already great and increasing prosperity of Wilmington, the wealth of ber forests, her mines and her farms. -. We are only 24 miles from Shelby, and a good portion of the old line has been graded. This grade could be turned to good account in the extension of the road, and under skillful management and the improved methods of railroad building should give us a roaa at a nominal cost. Let us bore. friend James, that the extension may soon be made, and that III .,n.or.r1 lT.viaw our people daily. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of J. Monroe Taylor. This bouse has been established nearly 40 years, and their goods are celebrated for parity and strength. We would re trial of their Gold Medal brasd U all who desire ruptrisr coci- cry. 11 We saw a fine watermelon this morn mg, as late as it is in the season. . It was sent to the city as a present to Mr. Harry Loeb. : e intends to "bust' it on Thanksgiving Day. Wedd!njrBellt. Our genial friend, Mr. J. H. Mallard. was. ; married this morning to Miss Davidetta Smith. ; The ceremony took place at the' residence of the bride's step father, Mr. John M. Henderson and was performed by Rev. Dr. Yates, .. The hap Conference at Durham. ' : ! ratnfiil Injnry We are sorry to learn that Mr. E. G. 3arnitz met with a very painful ' injury this morning at Messrs Altaffer, Price A Co's sash and blind factory. He was feeding a planing mill at the time when some heavy lumber near by fell and crushed his foot. He was conveyed to his home and surgical attendance sum. moned. We have not yet learned the extent of his injuries but trust that they are not serious. Personal. Hon. Jos. B. Batchelor, of Raleigh, was here on Sunday on a brief visit to his daughter, Mrs. Harry Loeb. He left yesterday on bis return home. Capt. Jno. W. Hinson, of Hinson k Blount, cotton factors, New York, is in the city to-day, en route for Texas, where he goes in the interest of his houe. We were pleased to see him looking so well. Dr. H. T. Bahnson, of Salem, Secre tary of the State Board of Medical Ex. aminers, is here on a short visit, and is the guest of Dr. Thos. F. Wood. Annual Meetings. The stockholders of the Wilmington Ss Weldon and Wilmiogton, Columbia is Augusta Railroads met in annual meet ing in this city this morning, when the following prroaedings were had: . wiuongtox a wxldon a. . Col. H. B. Short was called to the Chair with Mr. J. W. Thompson as Sec retary. Messrs B. F. Newcomer, D. McRae and J. W. Thompson were appointed a committee to verify proxies. The Committee reported a large ma jority of stock represented, a total of 11,828 shares. The President read his annual report which together with the reports of the officers addopted. Col. J. W. Atkinson read the report of the Auditing Committee, which wag received and ordered printed with the procedings. - Hon. R. R. Bridgers was unanimously re-elected President and the following gentlemeu a Board ot Directors, viz: Thos. C. Jenkins, B. F. Newcomer, H. B. Plant, A. J. DeRosset, George How ard, W. T. Walters, S. M. Shoemaker, D. McRae, E. B. Borden and W. H. Willard, all re elections Messis. J. W- Atkison, A. Branch and D.G. Worth were relected Auditing Committee. The next Annual meeting was fixed for the first Tuesday after the third Monday in. November, 1882. WILMIXQTOX, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA E. B. Mr. Thomas C. Jenkins, of Baltimone was called to the Qhair,, with Mr. J. W. Thompson as Secretary, ." Hessn B. F. Newcomer, Thomas C. Jenkins and the Secretary were appionted a Committee to verfiy proxies. They re ported 7,909 shares of stock represented. The President's report was submitted and adopted, together with those of the officers. Hon. R.R. Bridgers was relected President and Messrs. W. T. Walters, S M. Shoemaker, B. F. Newcomber, Geo. C. Jenkins, E. Pratt G. S. Brown, J. D. Cameron. H. B. Plant, R. R. Bridgers, fand H. B. Short were reelected Directors. The next annual meeting was fixed for the first Tuesday after the third Mon day in November, 1882. Subsequent to the above the Directors of the two roads mat and reappointed all of the present ofSeers. The Wilmington & Weldon Board de clared a semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent., payable January 14th, and the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Board declared a dividend of 3 per cent., which is the first dividend declared by that road, payable January 10 th. Br. barque Japan, Rodgers, hence, arrived at Bio Jaseiro OcU 21st, ; ' TUB MA1L9. The mails close and arrive at the City Poet Office as follows : T ' Northern through mails. ... ..580 p. m Northern through and way a. ra. Raleigh................. . . . . . ...5:40 a.m. Offices between Hamlet and Raleigh...... J.-.. ......... ......5.00 p. m. Mails for the N. O. Railroad, and routes supplied there- ' . from, including A. &N. C. Railroad, at. 5:40 a. m. and 5.80 p.m. Southern mails for all points - booth, dally. 8 00 p. m. and 7:45 a. m. Western mails (C O R'y) dally flTfteptHaodayl 800 a. m Mail fbr Chera-e & Darling ' - ten... .............. 8:00 p. m. Malls for points between Flo rence and Charleston 8:00 pm Fayetteville, and offices cn Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays 1:00 p.m. Fayetteville. via Lumberton, ' daily, except Sunday?. .9:0?) a. m, and 5.80 p. m. Onslow O. H". and Intermedi ate offices, every Tuesday and rriday at...... M 6.00 a. m. Smith ville mall, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days).. 8.80 a. tb Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, S. C, every Mon day and Thursday at......... 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way Smalls.. ..7:80 a. m. and 9.00 a. m. Southern Mails. 7:00 p. m, and 7.80 a.m. Carolina Central Railway... . 4:00 p. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M.,.and from 2 to 5:15 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from daylight to dare, and .on Sundays from 8:80 to 9:80 a. m. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. m. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. OIGCO. WILLIS In this city, this morning, Nov. 23d, 1881, at 6.S0 o'clock, CECELIA LAW RENCE, Infant daughter of Hardy B , and the late Mary C- Willis, aged 1 year, 3 months and 17 days. The funeral service will take place to- from the residence on MacRae between Mul beriy and Walnut streets. New Advertisements. GOAL ! VOOD! AND BRICK! 100,000 BMCK' 1 000 coal OAA CORDS WOOD, For sale low prices by hov 21-tf J. A. SPRINGER. JAPANESE TEA PARTY AND BAZAAR, JT THE OITT HALL, TUiHDAI and WEDNESDAx nights, Nov. 22d and 28d, by the Ladles of the First Presbyterian Church. They will dress la Japantse Costume, and a very large and choice assortment of Japaaese Goods will be offered for sale at reasonable prices. Come and see the Wonderful Pagoda. Ice Cream. Cake, Oysters, &c. Admission, 10 cents. . Dor 31-St THE CLARENDON WATER WORKS COMPANY QIVE NOTICE THAT THEY ARE ready to receive applications for supplying water. Iafbrmation in regard to rates, dec, can be had, and applications must be made at the Superintendent's office,No. 1 Journal building, Princess street,frcm 0 to 11 A. M. and 3 to 5 P. M. Service pipes win be laid in the order in which the applications are received. y JOHN C. CHASE, fiup'L or 21lw . Tarncr's Almanacs lor 1882! 20 QQ COPIES OF TBI OLD E SUABLE ALU ANACS, Wholesale and Retail at J. AM REOtlVINO DAILY a large stooh of FA If OT GOODS of all kinds for the HOLIDAYS, Coaeaadlookat them at QSIN BEBGEk'8. Uve Boot aad Eerie Store .' BOV Jl ; NORTH CAROLINA HOUSE. JOHN D. 8TELLJESt Proprietor. The best of Wines, Liquors, lager Beer ana Vigars. j t OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. MEALS AT ALL '.HOURS DAY AND XUUUT. - " Cornrr ttzszl dPrlsttaris. est ; Hew AavertiisTriGnts. ;TO THINE ABOUT ; HOT BE B S AS H. PLEASE ORDER EARLY, " S ASH, 0 00H S h 11 D BLINDS BRACKETSMOULDrNG, ILUXIBEB, - Ac ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO. :- '.. AND ' .v ':V.- JPILLKD WITH IUND30ME Illwtra- tions. Hand Tainted Panel on Etstlj, Beau. Ifa! Velvet aad Ebsay Ciab"nt:oa Framas " le;aatly Bound Poexs, &o , at novai uaoa aad Bttioaerj Store. i3ew Restaurant. rjlHE UNDERSIGNED would respectful ly annouuee that he has -just fitted up at No. 3, Granite Row, 8outh Front St., a Res taurant for Ladles and Gentlemen, where niPAl and rpfrPRhmpnt mav Vuv YimA -4 .11 -" u..j uau mu lui hours of the day. Every thing la new and firstelass. Polite waiters and courteous at tendant. t3y Game and - Oysters In season. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. nov!8 F. A. fiCnUTTE, Prop. WIL, & WELDON RAILROAD Ot.- rrtca or ths Siomar 4 TasAsrara, - rjl3E FOiTY-SiXTU ANNUAL HERT log f the Ptocv holders of t e WHminrton a. aXT . v - . .... ! "eiuon uviroaa mpaoy a in be beld at theofliceof ssii Oom-any, in WUmHffton, o j Tuesday the 22d inat,, at 11 o'cl ck A.M. J. W. iiOMPON rov9tdm Heore'ary. WIL, CaLMB. & AUGUSTA B. R CO., Cry ids or thb SEoasTiar & Taaxsvaxa, WiLKiseTow, Nov. 8th, 1881 fJlHE ANNUAL MEETING O? THE at:ekho'derso the Wilm'ngton, G lpmMa A Aagnsti bailroad Compan will beheld at the Oflica of the President t f siid Compe ay in loa nar:'. on Tueidsy, the 22d lat,atl2o'ovck,U. J. W. THOilPrtON, nov 9 dy Secretary . THE . VARIETY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED.WOULD RE spectfully notify his friends and the public that he has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern Markets where he has purchased the Handsomest Display OF MILLINERY FANCY GOODS NOTIONS AND HOLIDAY GOODS he has ever offered in this city. Aiy stock is Large, Complete And in GREAT Tr jx -nvirrtTr I have thousands of things whith ft would take columns 4o .enumerate. Mv fin frooK l?(?pvn it n vriTPts ! Muv,..wH s.mjisaij are a specialty. Head in these goods as mv patrons well know. I have an elegant variety of Milliner' Goods, Hats, Trimming, &cM To which I invite the attention of the Ladies. My stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS is full and complete and having been bought low will be sold low. I respectfully invite a call and inspec tion. L. FLANAGAN, - Variety Store, ' . nov 6 No. 42 Market street Wevr lYJeat -Store. I HAVE LEASED and fitted up hand eomly the Store West side of North 8ee CTidstreet, third door from Market, where JwOlbe glad to see my friends and cue tomers. 8plendld Beef, Mution, Lamb. Ve4l'l?!kaXiUm- Come and seeing