Baadsri . OTU P1FIK j Uw JOSH. T. JAMBB, jBJTOJl AD FBOFXIXTOB. nBSCRirTlONS, 06TAGE PAID. t& 00 Six mentis, $160 ; Three $1 IS ; One month, SO cent. Mf ww JfehsrC." Prt0f Ueeity,attlu JT,r.u,,ortlt,p.rwMt Adrertliiairatei low and libera a-KMribrt will please report any and ,n MlnrMto receive their papers regularly. j?ew Advertisements. r H 1 1 r PLttAHK IOT10. Te will be clad to receive eoaunaalratloa from ov fries dj on amy aad all tabfeet. e general tatarest bat 7bt-sjjc of tie writer start elvers be fe aUbed to the Editor, Oo&aealeetSon mast belvrittea o only eae side of the paper- .y . Personalities mast be avoided And It ix especially aad particularly nnAr stood thai the Editor doee sot always radon VOL. V WILMINGTON, N..C WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1881. NO. 277 h.rr7- - - - . . . . I ia tee editorial corners. . ', , . LOCAL NEWS. ftZl THEGREATnCJQ New Advertisements.. Hfinsbergek U61iday"Goods CW Yates Juvenile and Toy Book. No.City Court to day. ' On to Richmond" ' , The lei Party. Mr. A.H. Morris, who.has been- for Notwithstanding the inclement weather many years the railroad agent, telegraph the Japanese Tea Party given last nifht operator and express agent at Magnolia, at the City Hall, by the ladies of the N.U. has been relieved from duty at rresoyierun inurcn, was largely t.. oorori tr rpArf. for dntY attended, a. number ot tne entertainers tuv pwow v NothiDg doing in' magisterial circles to-day. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up954 bales. The Postofiico will close to-morrow at 9 A M. to 4:30 P. M. Steamship Ecqulalor, Cpt. Ioaue, nrrivpd here this momins from New York. 1 here will be no paper issued from this office to-morrow, ThaDksgivics Day, in accordance with our usual custom. at Richmond, Va., for which place he left last evening. His future duties will bein the employ ot tb ' Southern Ex press Company. Mr. Morris ia a capable and efficient vailrrmrl men and there are many who will deepfy regret bis departure. He was well and intimately known to tho many who bad business tt traneact at the warfVimiM and his uniform courtesy had spirit of accommodation will be long and kiddly remembered by them. "The melancholy days have come, the oddest of tho vear." because of the increase of suffering induced by Colds, were dressed in full Japanese costume ane attracted much attention and some amusement. A beautiful and attractive feature was the Chinese (we mean Jap anese) pagoda which was erected in the centre of the large hall. Many beauti. fal articles of Japanese ware were dis posed of and the refreshment tables were iberally j&troniae3. To-Dight is tho last of the entertainment and all should go. DIED. Now AdvertiBoments, JORDANOa hia Urm, & -Sag Park, tear Burgaw, Tender county, N. C , cn the 18th of October, 1831, Kev, JESSE PRIDGEN JORDAN"., aged 70 years. He wee efil cted with a Ion tandiog diseae of tba lungs. The de ceased was eudowed with a etrons and cultivated miod aud poisesaed of excel lent see S3 and a fine judgmeat, as well as energy cf character, lo all tLe varied relation of husband, father, neighbor, friend, citizeu, patriot- Htid christian, ho was exemplary, firm, reliable, true and faithful. Converted early to religion he joinea the Methodist Church early in life aod becaiu reuiar uiiouter ot tb" -d-' nomination, when a ycucg man. He la bored with great good and success under the appointments of the church at vari ous points in Georgia and North Caroli na for izjot years until tbo failure of his voice compel led him to abandon preach- j j Q 353 ;to think about , HOT BSD SASH. rLKASE ORDER EARLY. . . ' RASH, D0S.1S AJ1D DUMQS BKACKETS.tMODLDING, ;I.UMBER,' Ac ALTAlFFER, PRICE & CO. : n t 21 ' " AND It bos rained pretty steady all day Coughs, A sthma, etc., all of which Dr. .. 1 nm. pA..u J3mn will cure. XJttll O JVHAj4A VJlujf " f 1 J and the drouth has been broken. v ells and cisterns will now be supplied. ft r red Proceeding. Owing to the fact that we could not untii late obtain a report cf the proceed-1 jDg and to aid tha Math xiuit ministers in iass of the railroad actings iu this city the Circuit where he iired. uo was a preacneroi taucu iurwe uuu jiuwbi. writer never neara more lervent prayers vox. RHEUMATISM, Don't forget the orphans tomorrow. Iu the midst of your plenty remember Look Oat For Them Last evening, (Tuesday) there were day's issue quite a number or tramp snarpera at Y,aiA vsirrdftv. which was in its turn j w V 'www T Ana tn th nrolonered session, we were obliged to contract our report in yester We now publish resolutions which were adopted by the stockholders fervent from human lips than this boJy mo ot God was accustomed to make to the Throno of Grace. He has left the trials and gloom of earth to eojoy the peace and rest and ov of bis huher Dome JjMLLiiD WITH rUNDSOME IUoitrt tionij Hasd Fainted Pantl on Eaatli, Bean. ifal Telret aai Sb?ny 0 jjab'.aitioa Frames le;aatiy Bound Poesa, Ac at in ui i r ru .mf hnnnd to this &nd a0 dv we noaru oi iiretwiB ui mo Lfi.TCn B eaewl are the dead wno oie !i :il ai-a m nnwinaa m irni 1 1 r mrm i 1 11 1 1 1 1 ' ' i. mj . v vtvvu - - r mub uu.sji CUT Willi lite UliWUW uujwuow wi h'" I a The Wilmington Fox Club purpose big hunt for to-morrow but we fear that lhi3 weather will interfere with their arrangements. Bt,rn!nHj. Sciatica. Lumbaao, Backache, Soreness of ihe Chest, Govt, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swelf ings and Sprains, Burns and . Scalds, General Sodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted , Feet end Ears, and all other . Pains and Aches. S Proration on rth -rnls St. Jacobs Ort J a plenty of water in the river f JrJdr A trial otiT4 bot the comparaUvelj IZauTJ'v.- U rnt. and every one inffer- pto c bare cbeaP and porftiT. protr terday by Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor o Ittrectiooe is Xlereo Lanenaa. BOLD BY ALLDBTTGGI8T8 AND DE1LEE3 IS MEDIOISE, A. VOQELER Sl QO. novtl" Boo aad nuuoaerj 8 tore. up the river to Fayetteville to attend the stockholders it was n t.-i.j n p"j Af fhp.m 1 Reeovled. Tkat the President i n mi in juuu av a.uwa a. w 1 a - undertook to "beat" the railroad compa- New Advertisements. Holiday Goods. I 1 I a Z J I The Signal rams are and wo trust that we are now at last to and Directors of this Company be, and they j m hprphv Authorized to increase the ny out of a ride, three by getting upon t k of the Company to such the cowcatcher and two by concealing extent as may be necessary to provide j. - tho Second Presbyterian Church, instead of by Rev, Dr. Yates, as we incorrectly stated yesterday. Baptist, dressed. apt tl lldw-c tel "JUST IMAQIME HQVI FELT Bnrsawicr, Co., Va., November 5th, 1881. Mas. Jok Vv&ox, Franklinton, N. C. Dsla Madjlk -lt is with pleasure that writ to tell you that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most fearful looking and painful sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve mouths ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thinjr I could think or bear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor m the country for advice. He told me he could cure me if I would take roy bed aad there remain for four or five weeks, aad If I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. J ust imag ham T flt. to bo told there was no care for the sore but to lose my foot, or rive up all business either of these Re ?a. wrtnlA ha.YB mined me. Mind you this was the advice of one of the best doctors la the State o! North Carolina, took place last .yu . mil . . February. I continued to burn witn caueUc, as he advised until September, Ut derived no benefit from his treatment. I was advised then by a triendto try t.w- miitpra and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and t ...n man. the botg is perfect- If cured, and I can now walk as tar, d nmv as hiirh ns any nan you know. Put me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as l raw f th Tirtue ot your Remedy, t rTi hnt hesitate to pay tea dol hut a bottle for iUf I; could cot get it Mtf Mn1t more of it than any ZZifltl i- v- world. It is not only tTOtmedto purity le blood and cure all skiu diseases, but I belie ve it will curtairUhds of "blood diseases, and I . ;n a love for strong drink. . . : -ill v.m this csblisbed, as OtrTJa auoj inBerere who conld be S5.ttt IviM .odgc your f w r onth Gaston, N.C. tv. T.r i for sale in Wilmington Kw tw "WW hVg recn. Send forcircu Ur of testhnuials. , uk" EriDROlDEriED DRESSES. The congregations of the Presbyterian, Methodist and Lutheran Churches will all worship together to. morrow, Thanksgiving Day, in the First Presbyterian Church, at 11 o'clock.when Rev. Dr.Bernheim will preach the ser- car. The evening was mveuac uu - dQ for Companj , and favorable, but Oapt. Outts, the con- ' tion 0f BUCh sleeping car equip- RllSSia Leat Her IxOOQS, dnrlor. discovered them and politely In- ment for tho Atlantic Coast Line as may vited them to "git", which they did in be deemed Jj totot to good order. They are blackleg, and gam- MKsTStoiM biers and it will be well to have an eye tf d F advertisement: provided, on them il they should eome to the n0 bid shall be accepted at less than . ml nil Mnni) an TrT I nar Cliy. XUOJrre j. " V rp, .f fvA -Pr-aidenk and Directors of this Company be aad they FANCY HOTE PAPER ia elegant Bezel BEAUTIFUL POEMS, bouaa in Cloth, Gilt and Horo03( TOY BOOKS in endlesa variety. At H KIN -BKBQ EE'S, nov J 3 Live Book and Music Store -r 1 n P.iuili Tmnt and Ftl ftrV I t I .ntlA.!.ar1 tn rnrrl aHft At not fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort exceeding 110 such of the $571,000 7 per QOAL ! WOOD ! AND BRICK ! tMew Restaurant. rpHE UNDERSIGNED would respectful ly announce that he has jest fitted up at No. 3, Granite Row, 8onth Front et., a Res taurant for Ladles and Gentlemen, where meals and refreshments may bo had at all hours of the day. Every thing is new and flrst-claes. Polite waiters and courteous at tendants. Game and Oysters in season. Fine "Wines, Liquors and Cigars. nov is F. A. SUIIUTTE, Prop. WIL. k WELDJN RAILROAD OO. ont. trr d bonds recenilV leaucu oa t,niriom tbrp.of mav signify their mon. COSTUMES Don't o In the House. Ask druggists for Rough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, bed bugs, roacn es, vermin, flies, auts, insects. 15c per box. ment and lowest prices at J aoobi's. t The North Carolina Midland Railroad wiiliogness t dispose of, on or before the Crops, Ac t Ac Smithfibld, Johnston County, N C, 1 November, 21st, 1881. ) EniTftR "Rrtirw; The North Carolina Midland isaii Road is graded from Goldsboro to within 7 miles ot this pluco, and by the 10th oi December it will be graded to this town. Ihe people here say that air. iiest pro poses to eat bis Christmas dinner here by comiDg up on his train from Golds boro. Smithfield has a population of about 500. I am told, and in order to secure 5th day of January next, payable in the .. i a i c k; i rm net n tt at. rtar Capital SIOC& ui vuio vumuj - r and that they be authorized to increase ti AAnital of the Company to such ex tent as may be necessary to pay for same. The Board of Directors adopted the following : Resolved. In accordance with the authority conferred upon the Board by the stockholders at their meeting, held Ma ,w w. T. Walters. D. MacRae and 100,000 1,000 300 nov 21-tf BRICK, TONS COAL, CORDS WOOD, For sale low prices by J. A. SPRINGER. 5, vi"!! faiirinu. THE CLARENDON WATER WORKS COMPANY NOTICE THAT THEY -OUVE ARE Fire at Kidder's Mill- At about 3: o'clock this afternoon c a e t fire broke out at the steam saw miuoi Smithfield has a population ot about R p Newcomer were appointed a com-? reftdy to receive applications for euppljlng .ToaM v. TTi.lpr A: Sons, in the building son. I am told, and in order to secure m;tt0 with nower to advertise tor pro- . , .. . ..... nMn the ..remises tbe 'road coming to this place, they bare dispose of 8o much of the Ill nun." 6 -r I i l i in..fn (ha vnai - I r . . , r . r, man ha . - . . ,i a Bri nnn aftpr the cenera- Buoscnueu, r uuubwu, w .w capital stocK oi mis cuuipau v o i can be naa, and appucauone muBfc umc is gtuciau, u 0Q0 not stock in tne roao, dui an um nPpPaflarv to meet the expenditures maoe 3 fl,.mnn onrfiDrf TCI ftflfj . c. i . 1 t ha .. .1 , J XT T, tor Durst auu mo uaun a r and out gui oi ue muue, iu bcuio j to De made on tne 'Trios or tee SuoaiTART b Tatiscasa, . WmcisaTOS, N. O , Nor, 8tb, 1891. rp IE FO ;TY-iXrU ANNUAL MEBT- iog f the tocholdarg of t e Wilmington Veldon Kaiiroad ) mpa-.j wfl beheld at. the oflicerf call ' vm any, in Wilmlogton, oa Tneedty the 22d int. at 11 o'cl ck A.M. roT9tdin reere'ary. WIL, OJLA1B. A AUGUSTA It. R CO., FFICB OV THB ECBKTABT , Sl TuA80ai, .UCUUIIUISO umus , - . Scotland Neck I at the Superintendent's offlce.No.l Journal ijrnited the boiler and engine room. The road coming to the- town of Smithfield. Brancn Railroad, and to provide for this buildinff Princeaa etreet.from 9 to 11 AM. 1 Wilminotos, Nov. 8th, 1881 mas ANNUAL MEETING OK THE Lortmpnt was promptly on hand and Property has advanced very considera- company's proportion of such sleeping department P W olttnn(rh bly. I was told that a lot hera that had PJipmnt for the Atlantic Coast soon nad ine ure uuu e- - aoino- beirffintr . for several years it was still burning when ocr report fof ft phager, was decliaed to-day at closed. We have no means at present of $759, I have just come over the route the loss, but it will probably this place w xuuuu ' I rnn tha road, and having not be large. , ; n exrerience of eighteen years as a ! Z 4,0 v I civil engineer, I am confident that if Mrs Beautify yournomes by using the IN. a Salisburv.thi. "5. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ronte wiU be tbT0Ugb, the town of Lli ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t lingtoa, in Harnett, and thence on to Han ford ou tne xi. a. Air xjiuu xv. ar flioniuij u aw4u " ; .... . 1 a rccenv nuuiuer ui xuo nu.USWu . T than the usual crossing of the Caps Fear at Lillmgton . p t . aQ interesting sketch State of North Carolina, County of New man lUts ""l, ranam arA nn OP two creeks I U' .6 r s.m,1 I (T.nor HnnAriar Court. ouu vuc avmdw . hAV nne AU?nsiU8 J-'o vhuujuiuuuI t "r Warnfrtsaf. Kidney andUrerCre route L52S.J!!!2 I ton CtkU UO WUSUUWWU ,Mwjw. I . . . . 1 a rfi. ... w. un4t.i- n nthar orninfr in rnai airtcuou. iud iraua juciuc 9 1 viuta Tliprft are even more attractive leaiures u ir" npar Smithfield are the only expensive ber of this very popular mag azine, u - bridging. Harnett, county, it prominent among them are the opening Poin!n d" m raise $50 OOO by the chapters of Gerald Carlton's great senal bed w , 1 rais y novel. "Lconie, impress 01 ine ait. - the road Richard B. Kimball, Li L, u.t nas an am cle. "TheSiege ot Yorktown me our ?c andCoLBenj.Fhawand render and its Centennial ' with thirteen alnne0uwV'i!cLeaD and in fact the - 1 . ... Line as may be deemed essential, ne whole not to exceed $200,000, and not to be disposed oi below par. Also, to notify the holders of the $571,000 7 per .nf hnnds recently issued, numbered frnmto of their privilege -to 'sell the same to the company at 110, payable in t Al Htnck at par. provided they notify to TVAMTirer at Wiiminzton of their Aamira fA An an (rt 0r before the 5th of UCOUB w January next. A Lucky rnmp Maker. A recent number of The Washington and 3 to 5 P. M. Service pipe will be laid I in the order in which the applications are received. JOHN C. CHASE, Sup't. bor 21-1 w - ' " - NORTH CAROLINA HOUSE. JOHN D. STELLJES, Proprietor. The beet of Wines. TJaors, Lager Beer and Cigars. OYSTERS IN' EVERY STYLE. AT ALL HOURS DAY AND oet -t ekho dera lbs Wiinj nrton. O lorn It A August . lMrrl Cnri-.paay will beheld t the Office of the P esiden ' fetid Compe aj in ilmnz' r, o Tueidej, the 22d int , at 12 o'c.ock, M t. W. THOMPAOX. nor 9 tdii Heeretarj THE VARIETY STORE, MEALS NIGE1T. Corner Seeend and rrlaeeea.Bte. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE spect fully notify his friends and the public that he has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern Markets where he has purchased the Handsomest Display admirable illustrations. kxIa nr Ffarrtt. Are roused and at rrfHE-MC'ST ELEGANT wt are soMia Drees lengths, are in line Camel's Hair and Shuda Cloths, with 4H nVrroV, aVd' ihe' same amount of e. abxreTZ wxousht, In 8Uk.'A The wMe la intended for flounces and the nar rtrwtor trimoteg Baioue. : Tie suits range a prk trom SO.iO f and can be seen at V--J iiW u' . R.TJ1. Wclntires, Jrmrvidsemalw nic fckoda Cloths at W cents per jard. A larg ameCMLaNeckwearandLaces v 1 rr 1, bv N. RobioSon; "fcamuei jonnson, uy Leslie Stephen; "iuouttuiuiiuau . vV War" by Frederic Daniel, and "Llec tricity, the Queen of Our Century, by A. V.Abbot, arc finely illustrated arti cles, and will greatly interest the reader. 0canyan has an illustrated article on l7r.-m psk of Plevna"; there are short storits by M. T.Caldor Mirgnerita F Aymar,.S Annie Frost and others, several well-written sketches and poems by popular writer, and a very abundant miscellany embracing a large variety of subjects and replete with entertainment and useful inlormation. 1 here are, in addition to the illustrations of articles, cArrrftlfrom the pictures of deb'isu and a colorec I plat, frontispiece, "A from the painting of Hans Dahl. The number contains 128 quarto pages j, and over 100 embeUishments. A single copy ?s oniy25 cents; the yearly subscription. "3 or$i.50for six, and 51 for four, nms.Vntptfree k' Publisher, 53. 55 and 5 Park Usee, New York. , We call the attention of our readers to tor purity nu eommena a v . nnV. brind-to all nho desire superior cook- 1 inrmltna I IA 1 rll In 111 U IlU . i-iL rha nmn mannfacturincT f Susan LeRoy Kioe, Katie K. Parsley;nt t tha national capital owing to and husband George D. Parsley, Blanche ju- ;MtrAdnrtion of Potomac H. Chadbourn and husband James H. t.- wo in liia financal ?spera- Chadbourn, Jr..Oeden D. King and f? La nnr pndinfr a dollar to John Neilson Kinz and Edwin Burruss M. Arbauphin, New Orleans, La , and King, by their Guardian, Susan LeRoy MJUIMErY, FAWCT GOODS. in return obtained glD.uuu, navmgre- iwiug, , . ceived in return-half of ticket Noi 7,240 In pursuance of a decree of the Supe in the 137th monthly drawing of The rior Court of New, Hanover county, io T n;.inft RtAtc Lottery on Uct. litn. tne aoove eniuisa wbw, vae uuut:i.i Ti.;. nnA inrW of a worthv Washineton as Commissioner appointed by eaid de- ian will tempt many to correspond with cree, will expose to sale at public auction, the beneficent M. A.Dauphin, New Or- for cash, at the Courf House door in the rt trin firand Semi-Annaal citv of Wilmincton. on Monday, th.- Stb n;.iKt;on Af ov.'rhalf a million of day of December. 1881, at 12 o'cl xk, jn-. rrnhpr 13th. under the sole M..tb following real estate in said city. Great apprehensions are enterUin- rolofGen,l8G TfBeauregM beginoiog on the Wast side ,t the cotton will be seriously dam- Jubal A Early of Va., and some 0t Third street, ninety-five feet from tba oin will be nut in history in like vuw ..... r manner. caors. I regret to report that fully one-fourth of the cotton crop between this place andLillingtonndfrom there to Sanford, is standing in the field in consequence f h. riifflrnltv tA tret labor to. pick it mj mt tutv ' n M, out. fA that aged by .being beaten ontby the rain oe fore it can be picKea out. The people m tnis secnou b way IromSanford here endorse thea ction ofiSenator Z.B. Vance in me noDieeiauu . "V . . - 1 .f VVh Tarn I. he has ta&en in aeieoce u w.. OF fiOTICfiS AND HOLIDAY GOODS he has ever offered in this city My stock is Xarge, Complcto And in northwestern intersection &f Princess and Third etreeta. at the northeast coroer of I have thousands of things whiah it would take columns to enumerate. My fine.fresh FRENCH CANDIES are a . . r fi . a v ff i v . v t tha UJd teilows uaw, as u now tiaoue, specialty, l lead in tnese goods as my . . . m. - tV A- ieet, to Burgwin s Alley, tbeuce vei variety Ot till Another Lot. - I aiTtv ir fafct. tbeoee Sooth "twentyoiae I na's interest, and well may they endorse j rpHE LADIES of Wilmington "4 Be ft, thence East eixty six feetto the be 31 11 line ry CrOOflg, Uat , . Trimniiiigt, &!, wexttrn intersection of Third and Cheat. 11 .. n .-, 11 r infnpmMl I ClUninZ PUD'll;:h7ri;7nf I Second-Lot becinbloc at the south Millmery, Crochet and Fancy Goods, Ac MISS EKARRER, 9 Exchange Corner. his action, for he has certainly stood up manfully for the best interest oi ner seaports and her general welfare. T. The Right Mems. The fair administration of the means in question enabled Mr. O tto Eichhorn, 1413 N. Ninth street, St. Louis, Mo , to .u t hA ben a sufferer for the LUiu nn . . i past six weeks with severe pains in xne i shoulder and spine so that 1 was unable j to do any work. .Advised bj a friend I used St. Jacob's UU. vun e ecWu i: ;r, iir w&a had and a cure effected in two days. . To Builders and others Go to Jaco for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass, tc. You can; get all sixes and at the uu!fuUid.Guanod A a; FERTILIZERS AISD I FESTILIZIKQ MATERIAL. Nfrrmv AND CORN PLANT ER8 . - - M. W,o1rAra nd others CSJ1 UUO COlTCCfc j A wee rhAnnel to trade advantaceoudy by com sauxdcatlng with JAS. T. PETTEWAST, Agent Far the celebrate Fertillrffslcox, GIbas I nut streets and runoing thence westward- iv alone southern line of Chestnut street nioety feet, thence southwardly parallel with Third street nity-seVen feet, tnenc. eastwardty ninety,, feet to Third atraet, thence along the western side oi ;xmra , street to the begiualsg. i S I -" A. G!BICA0D. nov 8, 15,22,29 Commiasiooer. French Candies.: -TUST llECXrmJ, a fan Una of fine J French Caadiea, warranted pure aad fre&n. Also, llome-uaae o&ncues, inui, Nuts, , . CJJVKUS, 8ms4 strtsS, Itaa heiow Fostaflte Qtstir . ,. , To which T invite the attention of the Ludies. My stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS is full and complete and having been bought low will be sold low. I respectfully invite a call and inspec tion. L. FLANAGAN, Variety Store, nov 6 No. 42 Market street (Mew Meat "Store. T HAVE LEASED and fitted up hand- X eomciy tne store eusiue or ortu tsec ond street, third door from Market, where I will be jirlad to see say friends end cus tnmers. Splendid Beef, Matt on, Lamb, Veal, Pork asA flAaaatree. Come and see me oet 21 lea tCEJUlAK 1aW1XE,2

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