1 Uted aftraoa.; ady c- fru,OB PKOrRIKTOK. rtrfONa.PGHTAUK PAID. I?frf6 00 Six months, 350 ; Tkrf thi.ll 16 One month, fiCceata. t per will b delivered by carrier. T,rt9,orl3centiPr wtlu -gabteribera will pleaee report my erd Wlarw to receive their paper regniarl THE GREAT PR BHED1ATIS1, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell" ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fee4, and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. " rrepermtlMi m earth eraal St. Jacob Oil m m rV,Krs rtmpte and cheap Externa1. Krnerfjr. A triiT rntalU tut the comparatively tHfllu outlay of 50 Cents, etui ernry one euffr fe wlh rla can hnrre cbap aoI pvtltire p;W f its rlclioe. Prertlrn tn Xlerra Languagw. SOLD FT ALL DETJGGIST8 AND DEALUS3 nr MEDICItf E. A VOGELER. &. CO., apfH 13 d VS tl MOST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Bkuxswicx, Co., Va., " - - November .fttb, 1881. II n. Job Prsso V xraubiiuvuu, xv, v n l.if-i ikT r Dsab Maoau It is with pleasure that write to tell yon that your valua hie Bemedy has entirely cured me of a most fearini looking and pamrul sore on ray ankle. It camo more than twelve manthsago, very much like a ringworm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodino, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became o very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country . for advice. lie told me ha could cot me if I would take my bed aid there remain for four or five weeks, ad if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone woald become 'diseased, aud my foot would have to be taken off! Just imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but te lose my foot, or give up all business cither of these Re medies would have rained rou- Mind yen this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of .North Carolina, ad this conversation took place last February. I continued to born with caabtic. as ho &d vised until September but derived no benefit from his treatment I waa adviied then by a friend to try yotrr Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cared, and I can now walk as fir, dance as much and jump as high as any man yon know. Pat me back to the let of September, let me know as mnch as I now doer the virtue ot your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay ted dol lar a bottle for it, iT I could not get it for lees. I think more of it than any 1 "j?ew Advertisements. fiaiisi Jllilll As fes medicine in the world. It is not only tha best Remedy to purify the blood and tare all skin diseases, but I believe it will cure all kinds of blood disease, and I know it will cure a love for strong drink. I hope yon will have this published, as there are many sufferers who could be cured, if they could know cf and get your Remedy I am truly andreppectfury, . JOS. R. MASON, J ; - South Gaston, N. C. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wm. H. Green. Send forcircu lar eftcstimnlalg. , nov 14-diw ' this lAUniNBUHG EIITIRPRISE JB THB BS2T MEDIUM through whteh o dvttb all axd Wiitr Good men 41a people of Bobteor, RicniBoad An wm ceaatle, In lt rtb Carolina, asd in tbe border ecvaUtt of Soatb Caiolin Tbe Saterp Hi eba a lere and iaentaj circa letkm la the Pe Pe and Cpe Fer t tetton cf ihi titatev taTiBf obutaed a large r.ro a (adee ib tbe Utter dorii tfce x w rthelt wacpeUicbed ta Fayartevilie tefc re Hare a-oval te Merlnbnrjt, atd is t&e torwer witila tie lart few months Advartlseaeats will be i rted by tb ' meatb. eaarter aad year at tea sella rate iaxecs a. L M court IK, . Laari rg, h 0 II 'TJT? VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1881. LOCAL NEWS. New AuvERTisEimtTS. RM McIxtirb New Goods IlEiKbiiERGjni-Sorcethlnsr Entirely New OrciiA Housk liJln.l Tom . CW Tatks Juverile and Toy Book. Dres?skirts grow shorter and fuller. Chamoi3-leather glovta are roach worn. The small boy couuteth the weeks to Cbrlstrraa. rlen is canght by bis tongue, an "an byhiaboru. , i'ow to get rich lhe on air and Elcep on a clolhes linf . There was a heavy frost vistble in these parts this morsing. BeafariD men would like a coffee house to go to while iu port. Wood is scarce aud hiffh, and sells readily by the flat load. But one interment, a child, in Belle- vne Cemetery this week. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,460 bales. Light colored kid gloves for gentlemen are fashionable for street wear. . "Fall styles,'' said the farmer looking at lis fedce that had fallen down. Let to-morrow take care of itself uati it gel, here, then take care of it. By all means . keep clear of the man who dees not volae his own character. Pulse warmers are the latest articles of trade for itinerant street merchants. Can a man who sings bass be expected to keep along the even tenor of his way? It looks suspicious to see a man always take a clove before answering the tele phone. Little boys and girls are considered a necessary part of a bridal procession now a days. - The Register of Deeds has issued mar riage licenses this week for three couples all white. Steamship Gulf Sfream, Captain In gram, arrived here this morning from New York. - The weather has moderated very muGh during the day and gives premise of a fair and balmy Sunday. - It rains aliko on the just and the un. just and on the just mainly because the uciust bavo borrowed their umbrel las. Soapmakers may give each other the l ive with impunity. In other lines of business it is safer te be a little cautious er a in this respect. To Builders and others Q6 ' to Jaco bi'b for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, Ae. You can get all sizes and at the owest prieee. t . And still one more watermelom. It was offered for s.ile this morning for fifty cents. It weiehed 21k pounds rretty good for tne "top crop " Many of our ladies who are really brave pale every time they find themsel ves in front of the looking glass with a powder puff in their hands. It- is an old saying that "one half of the world does not know what the other half is doing." We guarantee that it is not the better half that doe3 not know. Beautify yournomes by using the N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f 'She was a daisy," but she put her little French heeled shoe on a, banana peel, and in a flash was transformed into a lady slipper, and then arose blushing like a peony. Bat one case before "the Mayor this morningr and that as of an cb3treper ons individual who had taken too much Thanksgiving in his turkey. His Honor ordered his release on a promise of good behavior. Messrs Lndden & Bates, pablisbers, Savau nab, Ga , send us the December number of the Southern Mutieal Jonr. na, "a monthly review of literatdrc, ma lic, drama .nd art.' The contents are weu cnoscu auu jiuhmwb one worth having ia any household. Per year, postage paid, $1-25, single eepits 10. j j " J I l Fell from a Etep Ladder. We are ecrrj to learn that Mr. J. W. Zimmermaa, the Princess street upholst erer, while arrangio some decorations last night at a residence in this city, slipped and fell from the step ladder, spraining his left wrist and bruisinr his face very ranch. He' is aaid to be int. proving to day,! hewever, and we hope to tee him ont again soon.", . For ih lor. The collections taken np is the First Prefbvterian Chnrch on Thanksarivinir Day, onthe oecasion of the ioint services held there, and which were turned over to Mrs. C. G. Kennedy, President of the Lidies Benevolent Society, amounted to $37.90. In addition to this, when Mrs. Kennedy went to the First National Bank to deposit the money, the gentle men there made up 216 more to be ad ded to the sere. On a pleasant fall day some persons will thoughtlessly expose themselves as in summer, and take a severe Cold. For such, immediate relief offers itself in Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 25 cents a bottle. Bargiartoai- Two huegry rascals (at least it is thought there were two of them) broke into the premises of Mr. John C Borne mann, on Castle, between Seventh and Eighth streets, on Thanksgiving night and made away with nearly all of hia supplies. They first effeeted an entrance into tbe kitchen by breaking out a pane of glass, and then got into the storeroom, robbing both of all of their supplies of provisions. There is no clue to the ras cals. Files & Mosquitoes. A 15c. box of "Rough on Rats" will keep a house free from flies, mosquitoes, rats and mice, the entire season. Drug gists. A Pine Opportunity. We are requested to state that the beautiful Carpenter organ owned by the ladies of St. John's Church, and now at Mr. Heinsberger'a music rooms, is .to be raffled off by them on or before De cember 15th. The ladies have decided tc reduce the number of chances from 200 to 150 and those who,bave already sub scribed will notice the change. The in-( strument is well worth $200 and he will be a lucky man who gets it. SllTer Wedding. Mr. and firs. James A. Willard cele brated their silver wedding at their resi dence in this city last evening. A nam bar of their friends were assembled to tender their congratulations and to wish tbe happy couple another quarter of a century of conjugal happiness. Many beautiful presents were received and itTis needless to say that the guests were handsomely entertained. Mr. James A. Willard and Miss Mary Bonner Blount were married in Washington, N. C, on the 25th day of November, 1856. May they live to celebrate their golden wed ding and may we be there to congratu late them. See Here. You are sick: well, there is just one remedy that will cure you beyond possi- VI. 4 V. Y trnnhle. OonsumDtion. DvSDepsia, Debil ity. Wells' Health Renewer is your hope. $1. Druggists. Depot Jas. C. Jtiunds. Badly raided We regret to learn of a very serious aad painful accident which occurred to Dr. J. C. Walker's little boy, at Mr. Richard Bradley's residence Wrights ville Sound, yesterday morning. ,Mr. Bradley was preparing to kill some hogs, and had the hot water ready in the yard, in a huge pot. Being called off for a moment, he placed some boards over the pot and left it. During his absence Dr. Walker's little son (Mr. Bradley's grand. son), aged only about six years, climbed upon the boards, which slipped aside and one of the lad's legs fell into the steam ing water. He was badly burned from the knee to the foot, all of which is said to have been blistered. At last accounts we are glad to learn that the little sat ferer is much easier. A few applications cf St. Jacobs Oil cured Mrs. Sue Cony era. Cor. Spring & Olive Streets, Quincy, I1L, who had been ill with rheumatism and suffered the most excruciating pain. There were three interments, two cbil. dren and one adalt, ia Pine Forest Cem etery this week. To morrow is known in tbe Church Calendar is the First Sunday in Advent. It is the beginning of the church year. iifiii The horn of the tooter if already heard in the land. Three interments this week in Oakdale, all children. . ; Green pork was selling here yesterday at tO cents per pound, by tbe pig. t Spirits turpentine is on a big boom. It sold to-day for 54 cents, the highest price recorded on the books of the Pro dace Exchange, and threatens to go still higher. The steamer Oov. Worth, which ar rived here this afternoon, got V hole stove in her on tbe trip down. It is not serious, and a day or two only will be necessary to put her in trim again. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A fall assort ment and lowest U rices at Jacobi'. t Sad lews. We are grieved to learn of the sudden death at Cameron, in Moore county, this afternoon, of Gapt. Ed. Batchelor, a con ductorOntbe Raleigh & Augusta Air Line. There are no particulars stated, other than the fact. The sad news ar rived in a telegram to Mr. Harry Loeb, whose wife is Capt. Batchelor's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Loeb will leave here to morrow morning for Raleigh. Many Miserable People drag themselves about with failing strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking into their graves when, by using Parker's Ginger Tonic, they would find a cure commenc ing with tbe first dose, and vitality and Btrengtn surely coming back to them. ee oi tier column. Kissing Fair. As something new, and as a means of raising funds far any charitable object, we publish the following plan recently adopted in an East Tennessee city with great success, although, let it be distinct ly understood, we don't recommend any thing of the kind, A local paper says of it: "If any had supposed it would turn out the way it did, the scheme would not have been adopted, but the object was a char- name one, and the committee on mvita tion were very careful to avoid the presence of any disagreeable or unpopu far person. The following price list was hnally adopted. For one go as you please Bqueeze of one minute,and one kiss terms cash in advance: Girls under 16 Girls from 16 to 20 Ladies from 20 to 25 . Married ladies under 30 . , Married ladles from 30 to 40, Widows under 30 . . Maiden ladies from 30 to 40 25 cents. 50 cents. 75 cents. $1. 50 cents. 75 cents. 50 cents. The gentlemen were ah gathered in the dining room, and all the ladies in the parlor. In the library was a committee of two a lady and gentleman (tbe latter being time-keeper) ard they called in the gentlemen one by one. Each was shown a schedale of prices and a list of the la dies present, and when one selected tbe lady he wanted to kiss Bhe was called in, and the transaction occurred in the pres ence of the committee. In cases where the squeeze was prolonged beyond the schedule time, or an additional smack taken, a fine of double the price was charged for every minute in excess, and in several cases the fines were heavy, but were paid without a murmur. The whole affair was confidential and none but the committee were to know who kissed who." Warner's Mar Ktdney and Liver Care Church services. - Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows; ST. JAMES PARISH, Corner Third and Market streets, Rev. A. A Watson, D. D., Rector. First Sunday ia Advent Nov. 27th. Mornin? Prayer at 11 o'clock. Soxday School at 3:30 p. m Erening Prayer at 4:30 o'clock. 8T. PAUL'S SVAXO. LUTHERAN CTLVIXU, Corner Sixth and Market streets! Rev. G. D. beruheim, D. pastor. 5unt'y bchooi as 3 p. m. J5; glish service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. nr. FIRST BAPTIST CHUBCH, S , corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rer J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Suuday School at 9:30 a. in. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Brock Ivn Sunday School at 3 p. m. YouDg Men's lrayer Meeting Tuesday night at 7:C0 o'clock. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday ntht at o'clock. Sick headache, nervous headache, neu ralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleeplessness and brain disease, positively cured by Pr. Benson's Celery and Cham, oraile Pills. They contain no opium, Suinine, or other harmful drag. Sold by ruggists. . - .-'-r UNDE& EW MARAG8MEXT, Wibmaerox, X. C O. L. PEUrtV. - Prep Late.freprietor Atianiie fiotet. , tr Clart ia all iu'potata;Bta. Vera 2.tO t- as per oat. left &Vtf jajx ci'VCl Ke-r A d ver tiseman te. B LIPID TOR3 ! THE MUSICAL PHENOMENON, WILL! TLATAT WtKA HOUSE, WEDNESDAY, BOY. COth. Prices, 10 et. and 75 cts. Dyers'. Secure seats at nov 28-4t Ealo-SIedti, PJiinese Fancy Ware. Gifty Kettlee, Cfjcsr Caet, Card tttands Fruit PIhea, all Poo eta, Cerob and Brush rbket, Bilprr i ocktiis, S!Iism fewla Stand, Hatrf&ercaief Boxes, Serap Baskets, inre uatei oi t&ese Beaatifu: Oooda, Jnstrocilred at HSIjrsBERGER'a. ot 38 tin Uoet ar?d tmle 8tore PJEW GOODS I vwMciniriu utw tVtKT DAT I bp K. w m wm n n r m m m . piipn n.m mm. m m AND -yyE ARE VERY BUST, AND THE reason Is very plain. We ahow goods with pleasure and our custemers mayjudge as to the prices. R. M. aiclntire. nov 29 Just Received. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED aand8ome lot of Cloaka, OrocliecroooaB, "et' ni Miuinery Apartment Is full of beautiful Feathers, Pluahes. Hats and Bonnets. T win receive another aesortirent In a few aays. MISS E. KARRER. nov 2e Exchange Corner TO SUBSCRIBERS WILMINGTON tLtrnUflfi cauHAUGE. "TOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED to the following : Whenever your TeleDhone la out ftf nrr don't fail to report it promptly. My en deavor is to get all instruments in working order and to keep them so if possible. Yeu understand, of course, that a Tele phone Exchange, with Its network of wires, forms a complicated system, and al though the utmost YigUance is given, there will be umes wnen some or the many wi es will be will endeavor to remedy them in at ahoit a ume as poseioie. i'8cribers are request- bers, as it ereatlv ta.cCtta.te th the Exchange. The party who first calls lor a conntlon. must nevr fn a "dlaconnect", when throuirh talking ; for ffl thU la neglected the wl-ea may remlin con- nectca indefinitely and thus unavailable for To which I invite the attntmn Af , nartles who ma, want ih.m- t I iVU ioe attention of tbe notknowbylfltuition when the wires are idle. If the above Is complied with I see no reason why we shouldn't have a good- cattonsto J. o. WHITE. w ursuig Axcuanire. aaoregi all commnnl. nir, , - COAL ! WOOD I AND BRICK ! 100,000 1.000 TOSg Vv Qnn coms wood, For sale low prices by oov 21-tf J. A. SPRINGER. THE CLAREND0I1 WATER JIVE NOTICE THAT THE! ARE ready to receive applieatloas for supplying water. Iafonaatlon In regard to rates, Ac., can be had, and applications must be made at the Superintendent's ol3ce.No. 1 Joaraal building, Frinceas errceVoia 9 to 11AM. and 8 to d F. IX. fierrice pipe will be laid in the order In which the applications are received. JOHN C. CHASE. Sup'U i o 21-tw . FERTILIZERS AND I FEBTfLIZINQ MATERIAL. QOTTON AND CORN IXAN1ER3 Iruekers aad others can get Into correct channel to trade adrantBgeoualyby eomj ma&leatiitg with JAfl. T. FETTXTTAT, Agent For the ealehrated FtvtiUscn.WQcoz, Oabs Co'e MaalpolaUd GuAao'aad Add ke: Fhaus; sejrSCSlK We wW b glad to reeclre ctamBolretJcn from oar friend on aj aad all nl?r Tie KajM of tie writer cut jv be f OoauauriaaiioBi aut be rite! a c.'t eae side of tb pa Partem all tlw tacit be avoided- ' ' And it U especially and on:alr i nnr I uirwUoes ooi aiirj nlnr itfwvt v r J: j . . : in th adltprial eoino.B& 8gw Advertimenta, E1T3 TT TO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH, PLEASE ORDER EARLY. BASK, B0033 m BUMBST BIUCEETS. MOULDING. T.mtwvw A- ALTAFFH1L nv2L PRICE & CO. AND O IT -3 piLLfcD WITH HANDSOME Hlostra- Uoc. Band Faicted Panela on Etssls, Beau, iful YelTet ad Sbaay O jjablaatio' Fratnai Eleaatly Bouud f oema, Ae , at ncr2l iJjoa aad otatioaer; dtore. ew restaurant. mHE UNDERSIGNED would respectful ly annouuee that he has jest ntted up at No. S, Granite Row, South Front at., a Res. taurant for Ladies and Gentlemen, where meals and refreshments saay be had at all hour3 of the day. Every thing Is new and waiters and courteous at tendant. Game and Cimtpy fn Wines, Liquors and Cigars. uuyio r. a. HUHUTTE, Prop. THE VARIETY Sim THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD Kn speciiuiiy notify his friends and the public that he has recently re turned from a visit to the orthern K?arkets where he has purchased the Handsomer Bisplay OF I MILLIfJERY, FAfJCY GOODS, MOTIONS AND HOLIDAY GOODS, he has ever offered in this city. My stock is ? Gomplcto And ia I haye thousands of things whish it . - o v mm WAn I rf tolra nnlnmna 4 M - t mm ipecIalty a lead in these goods as my j uua weu khow. i nave an elegant LMil linf T Ooodfl. H.llft , s t TTit , .r . . . Jt of CHRLSrMA8 GOODS 11 ra" and complete and having been t uoukhi iuw win ne oia low. I I resner.tfnlltr ?nit-- n I.i I . . L aim luipef tion. L. FLANAGAN. Variety 8 tore, No. 42 Market street nov 6 Bafffiring and Tie? lOOft W leandllaTf Roll Bagging 3000 Bnndle New n3 TIES Bacon, Ckifleo, Hnaf. 2QQ Boxes SmokedandD S Sidet? B Coffee different grade, Ofin bl Sugar, Granulated, OUVJ 8tandard A, Extra (3 1 000 Bbl8 Fl0ur' ?rad and' 100 TabsCboIceLcaf L. rjQ Bbl and Boxee Freeh Cake, :50"BoxeAortcd cnd7' 100 Boxea fiel Crwra V. Potash, Lye, Sodo "100 Btxe B&n vnuBh ' 200"' Lie" . : JQQ Boxee and Keg, Eoda, -J QQ Boxes Soap, . ryp HalfBhla and Bexe Bao3, Doaen Bucket, 150 Em WnppSjW' For sale low by et ft TTTTJ.TSMaA UrSUPSDN

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