h--toUrt aW afternoon,: Sunday.. i j0flH. T. JAMK8 finoa AHD PEOFEIfTOB. grjB8CiUrTJON8, POSTAGE PAID. Mr,f5 00 8ix months, $2 50 j Three JMacBthJ, $1 5 1 One month, ftO cent. lie pF hdelivered by carrier, TS- ofetarjr 7 Prtof the city, at the L.r rate, or 18 oeats per wesk. yriabriberB will please report any and 4U filore to recede tbcir papers regularly . yew Advertisements. ill THE GREAT iron RHEUMATISM, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feel and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. j PrTwrmtlon on uth ji:als St. Jacobs Oir, a , urr, ttitnpl and cheap External JmdY. A trial entail! bnt the comparatively trifliriK outlay cf 50 Cent, and t cry one suffcr Injj witb pnfti can bare cheap and poaitire proof cf ita rlaima. i . . Pireetiom In EleTu Language. BOLD BY ILL DRUG GISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELSR Sc CO., Baltimore, Zld., XT, S. A. aprillMaw-ste tej "JUST IMAGINE HOWJ FELT." Bbtxswick, Co., Ta., November 5th, 1831. Mrs. Jon PnaeoK, . . Fraoklinton, N. C. Drab Madam: It ia with pleasura tkat I write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a moat feartnl looking and painful soie on xny ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking pla(e. Tben I commenced to try every thing I coold think or hear of, until it becam so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. He tDltfme he could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or five, weeks, and if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be curod at all, as the-bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. Just imag ine how I felt, to be told there was' no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have mined me. Mind jou this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, and this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with cacatic, as he advised until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment. I was advised then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore, is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, dance as much and jump as high as any man you know. Put me back to tbe 1st of September, let me know as much as I cow do of the virtue ot your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it for lea. I think more of it nhan any riedieine in the world. It is not only the best Remedy to purify the blood and care all ikin diseases, but I believe it will cure all kinds of blood diseases, and I Know it will cure a love for strong drink. I hope yon will have this published, as there are many sufferers who could be cured, irthey could knowcf andgetrour Remsdy I am truly and respectfully, JOS. R. MASON, South GastoD, N. G. 4 The Remedy is for sale iD Wilmington by Dr. Wo. fl. Green. Send forcircu laroftestimnials. novUdiw Just Received. I HA YE JU8T BECEIVED a handsome Int nf rin.Vt frftckof finods. &.C. 1 he Millinmy Department I full of beautiful Feathers, Pluahes, Bata and Bonnets. I ill receive- another assortment In a few dava. MISS E. KARBJEK, dot S3 Exchange Corner FERTILIZERS ArtD I FERTILIZING MATERIAL. QOTTOK AND. CORN PLAN1ERS Truckers and o tiers can get Into correct channel, to trade advantageously. by eom; munlcatiogwith J AS. T. TETTEWAT, Agent for the celebrated Fertilizer ,Wlleox, Gibba Go's Maiijulattd fluanojand Acid Pho; piate; - sfjtf-ti US VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dax'i. P Beattt A Beautiful Organ New Styles of ChromoCarda Lecgit Bnos Cheapest Book-Store Metal Lamp Wick FionrDA.-50 000 Snares Dr W H Paukek Know Thyself CmcK'ERixa&; Pianos Coxaxt & C'oGarSeld and his f'abinet PETEn Hekdekox & Co Seed and Plants IIeixsberger ChrfetmaB Gool C W Ya TEs-rChrietraaa Good. SUgbt raia here kettjight. The receipts oT cotton at this port tc- foot up 1,433 bales. Norwegian barqae Ilaabet, for tb.;s port, was at Berruaila on the 24th ir.st. Stpan2sliipj7f Stream, Captain In. gram, Railfd hence this morning for New York. ThcEG rain3 have extended cs far up the Carolina Central as Wadesboro, -and perhaps further West. Old mother Earth has been troubled with more ague chills in the past year than for seventy years previous. The rain, it raineth. There has been a steady down-pour ever since noon to day, and at this writing, 4 .p. m., there are no signs of an abatement. In those advanced stages of bronchial disease where great organic decay pre. eludes the possibility of restoration, I)r Bull's Congh Syrup gives very gratelut relief to the weary sufferer. Nor. barquo Lovid, Capt. Pans, clear ed at this port to-day fer Bristol, Eng land, with 800 casks spirits and 2,800 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son. The greaC Italian tr gedian, Erncste Rossi, ha3 made arrangements to appear at the Opera House in-this city, for one night only, ou Monday night, December 19tb.- He will appear in Othello. - Beautify yonr nomoa by using tho N" Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Magistrate's Court. Charles Williams, colored, and John Deal white, were before Justice Gardner to-day, charged with forgery. In default of a . bond of 50 each they were committed for trial before the Criminal Court. Quick Work. Chas.,Anderson, the man who shot at a woman yesterday afternoon on Nutt street was put through a quick course of justice. Ho appeared before the Mayor this morning and was sent on to the Criminal Court, where he appeared to day and was tried in two cases, both cases having been disposed of. All of this was done in less than twenty-four hours. Art Abandoned Child. A colored child, a boy, about two months old. was found last night at the door of the residence of a colored man by the name of Moore, residing on the cor ner or Market and Eleventh streets. The child was in a basket and there wbb found with it 2 in money and a lot of. materi-1 for making clothes. It was kindly taken in and -will be cared for. The couple at whose house the little waif was left arc aged people and have grown-up children. They are kind people and it is said that they will keep the child. There is no clue as to its pirentr, - Criminal Court " The following cases were disposed of in this Court to-day: State vs. Wm. Gordon, for Carrying a concealed 'weapon. Defendant sub mits. State vs. David Brown, on a peace warrant. Ordered that defendant give bond of $100 for his appearance at the April term. State vs. Chas. Anderson, for carrying a concealed weapon. Defendant sub. mits.' State vs. David liarrel!,. for assault and battery. Verdict, guilty. titate vs. Beverly Scott, on a peace warrant. Ordered to give bond of $20 to keep the peace until next term and to pay the costs. State vs. Lewisv Jackson, for larceny and receiving. Verdict, guilty. State vs. Jno.' Ferris, for assault and battery. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to 30 dajs in the House of Correction. State vs. Chas. Anderson, for assault and battery. Defendant submits. Judg ment luspandgd on payawt ef tests. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER Will Wltbdrsv. The Agricultural Insurance Corapany, of Watcrtown, N. Y., of which Mesars. Jno. W. Gordon & Bro. are the agents here, has decided to withdraw from North Carolina, and ita agents have been in structed to cease work for the company All policies in force are good till expira tion. The State law will not allow the I Company's $10,00 deposit in Raleighy tft hp withrtrawn a Innor am 4hA iTnmnanwI has any policies in force in the. State, v To Builders and others Go to Jjtccn bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. You can" get all sizes and at the owest pnees T City Court. Chas. Anderson, charged with carry iDg a concealed weapon and attempting to use the same, was arraigned before tbe Mayor this morning, and was bound over for an appearance at the Criminal Court. Anderson, who is said to be a runner for a sailor boading house, had a difficulty yesterday afternoon with a young woman by the name of Sue John son, and drew a pistol and fired at her fortunately for both of the parties, with, out effect. Virginia Bolden, drunk and disorderly, was sent below for 30 days. Fell Headlong. On last S iturday night the fireman on one of the tugs in port met with a pretty severe accident. He had been ashore imbibing pretty freely, and on his return to the boat, having lost his key, he could not get into the engine room, and so stepped into the fire room. In this there aro no steps, only a ladder leading down from the entrance to the room in front of the furnace. He missed this and plunged headlong to the bottom, a sheer fall of seven feet. His head and face were badly cut and when the tag arrived at Smithville the next morning a surgeon was called in who sewed up a long gash in his head and gave him other necessary attention. He will recover. Blind Tom. This musical prodigy will appear at the Opera House to-morrow evening; oa which occasion he will probably draw a large house. Asa curiosity, he is wel. worth seeing and hearing. He is a wonder and a marvel and has been look ed upon as such for years past all over this country and Europe. We first heard him in Richmond, in tbe Spring of 1862, and there heard him ply with one hand Yankee Doodle and with the other Dixie, on the same instrument, a mental feat which we have seen equaled in but one instance, and that was in the case of two operators in the Western Union Telegraph office in New York who were sending one dispatch with one handand receiving another dispatch with the other, at one and the same time. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f Campaigns of the Civil War. We have received from the publishers, Messrs. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 'the first two volumes of the series of Campaigns of the Civil War now being issued by them. The first is en titled "The Outbreak of the Rebellion," and tbe second "From Fort Henry to Corinth." . The first is written by John G. Nice lay, Esq., Private Secretary to President Lincoln, and late Consul-General to France, and is a preliminary volumo, describing the opening of tbe war, and covering the period from tbe election of Lincoln to the end of the first battle of Bull Run. The second volume is by Hon. M. F. Force, Justice of the Superior Court ' of Cincinnati and late Brevet Mojor-General U. S. V., com manding the First Division of the 17th Army Corps. It is a narrative of events in the West from the Summer of 1861 to May 1862, covering the capture of Forts Henry and Donaldson, the battle of Shiloh, Ac Each volume is accompa nied with maps. Price $1. A Word in Season. Illustrating the truism that a "word in season" can often bring happiness toa person or household, Mr. W. W. Eckels, Drnggist, Springfield, Tenn., tells the; following: I have a customer whose wife had been ill for ten or twelve months, so that she had not walked in j that time. As almost everything had been tried, and the doctors had failed to relieve her, I told her husband of St. Jacobs Oil. He procured two bottles, but did sot use uaeh more than one, before fho wis walkiEg aroKid tfca rocsL Conference Appolntaents. The fall list ot the Conference- ap pointments for the new year hare not yet been receired here bnt the following are known: Wilmisotox Dis't Ret. R. O. Buetsv, - Pkisidino Elder. Wilmington, Front Street Rer P H TVood. Wilminf toa, Fifth Street Rer T P iCttUU. Topsail Rev W I Hull. Duplin Rev A D Betts. Clinton Revs J E Thompson and B Schulken. Cokesbury Rev J C Crisp. Cofaarie Rev Z T Harrison. Bladen Rev F A Bishop. Elizabeth Rev G W Hardisoo. Whiteville Rev T L Hoyle. Waccamaw Rev T J Browning. Smithville Rev W B North. Brunswick Rev J T Kendall. Onslow Rev B L Warlick. Newbernc Rev L S Burkhead. Raleigh, Edenton Street Rev E A Yates. Swan's Quarter Rev J L Keen. : Made from Harmless Materials, and adapted to the needs of fading and fall ing hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has taken the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. List of Letters. The following is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed In the City PostofSce Wednesday, Kov. 30: B Joseph Ij Barlow, H Brown. P W Beals, Frank E Brausrhton. Clarra Brad v Alexander Brown, Athalia Bishop, Mol- lie JourKe, mcnara -Brooks, Mary Ann UurKins, v n 5Jacb:. C P D Capps, Elias Campbell, G R Casey, Minnie Culpeper, Rubin Carter, bantee Charles, Ho onion Chappie, Wil liam Council. D C C Dickson, J S Dearing, J H Dorsett, Nelson Dickson, George Daren port. E Lillious Evans. F J D Furgus, W T Fulcher. G Ellen Gohram, Fannie Galloway, Edwin Glavm, Hellen. Green, James YT Green. W W Gil hurt. M E Gurriaon. S jl Games, wiuiam Giles, ttw j au.es, w U Green. H Wm Humphrey, S E Hall. T E Howard, Susie L Hewlett, Sarah A Hall Polly Hawkins, Lucy Hart, K Hardy. J Hickman, Julia Holmes, d VV Haghes, JUliza Hall, Allen Hamas. J George Jones, Haywood Joies, 2 : John Jackson, Kosa Lee Jackson, Starr John. K Mary Jane Kornegay, Annie Ken neday, W L Kennell. L- Adie Leak, George T Littleton, Hardy Lewis, W H Lucas. M Henry McMillan. G M Murrell, Joseph Martin, Lizzie Mitchell, 2; Mar tha McRee, Neonry Mack.Nancy Moore. Paul McNeal, 2; Verry Morriss, 7HB Moseley. " N CWNeal, O J H Oliver, F B Orr. P Martha Phinney, John Phillips, J W Pearssn, 2; Henry igford, George L Pender, Emmerline Pope, Caleb Pollock, Delia Ferse. R Fannie Robert, Isaac J Ryan, James Richardson, J H Kobbias, Lizzie Riggius, R S Buss. b Albert B Sawyer, 2: G A H Shaw, ElbySterkey. T -W H Taylor, Jessie Thompson, Sudie Thomas. W Catherine H Wright, Carrie Waddell, E R Wilson, Geo F Waddell, Frank Whitfield, Ella Williams, George Wood, Jeff William 8, James Williams, Louisa White, Martha Jane Williams, Pompey White, Richard Woo ten, Thom as Wood, Sarah Wetherly. x Alfred Young. Persons calling for letters in above list will ptease say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 80 days will be sent to dead letter Office; Washington, D. C. E. B. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington, Now Hanover County, N. C Make $20.00 for Christmas. The publishers of Rutledqt's Monthly in the prize puzzle department of their Monthly for December offer the following easy way for some one to make . $20.00 : To the person telling ns which is the longest verse in the Old Testament Scriptures by Dec. 10th, 1881, we will give 520.00 in gold as a prize," The money will be forwarded to the winner December 15th, 1881. Those who try for the prize must send 20 cents with their answer, for which they will receive the Christmas number of the Monthly, in which will be published the name and address of the winner of the prize, with the correct answer thereto. Cut this out ; it may be worth $20.00 to you. Address, Rutledge Publishing Company, Easton, Pa. f It dirw. The peanut crop will not aggregate one half the average yield. The crop was not only shortened by the drouth, but injured by the recent rains. Terrible Loss of Life- -Millions ef rats, mice, cats, bed-bugs, reaches, lose their lives br collision with "Rough on Rats." ' Sold by druggists, 15c TJai noi ll v ,60 1 New Advertisements. A BEaOI IFUL i RO S the UcztaT X. ow Htjle. No Hf 00. 17 Stooi. 10 ml; aeti Goldn Tamfn P.ui an, m si i I NUTHfchly Foliahed Oafo.' Sew acd val uu; uBproTBUfn ijuK aaaea. n:ooi,lJoor, Muii. Boxed and dliTerad oa bo&rd e&ra ratisfaction jravaat eJ !n wy particular wat mw a iJAtl AOLAIt3, A3 MT l;43I, or money refunded after oao year' aa. Eve r one told sella Mother. Itii k atard. uff advertisement. Ordr at Coca- Woth la tiaved by (Jerrespo&ddsca. My new fac tory juit oom;JUd, c paeltv 20C0 Initrn wenta ev ry 16 dyi rtry latea labor-satin wood-wtrainx maebi&err. Test Capital enable me to is at v 'acta re batter gooca -or ten mecey to a a evr. Adore or ealt upon i)ML HKATTY, nor 23 Vaahinstos, New 'eney -f ew tittles of Chromo Cards with JJ Kai e.or2& New Year a Hard. 10e lard Co. 5a-.iau.JV J Bov 29 4w CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE IKTHBWi'W 17567 i Vartificent Gift boks Gorffjous JaTenlle Rook.r nrh SSliw&'V liday LEG&AT BROS., 81 Chambers at. Near Broadway, New Yoik WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. MET A L TIP UL9IP WICK j Pat'd Dee, 7, 1880. CES9E53S5j255SSSS GiTes a Brinia&t. White and Steady l ght, retires no trlmnclnir, and lasts fo months. Sample wick 10 cents, 3 wicks 25 cents, 12 wicks 75c, tostajre paid. Bare four s zetfNo. 9, 1,2, 3 A goats w-nted. Ad- dreis U5UL IHe WICK CO, nov 2Mw 70 Uorilandt N T FLORIDA ! Atlantic and Gulf Coast Canal and Okeechobee Land Co, 50,000 Share? 3 1 0 Each ! At P 4 U with a BONUS of 40 Acres for each 10 Shares frcm Ckoiea Lands of the "DIston Purchase OFFICKS ' Third A Onestnnt Htr. Philadelphia 115 Broadway, N V, Kooma 111, 113 Detailed Prospectus with descriptive maps maiiea mists. dov 29 in COLD MEDAL AWARDED tuc aitTun vunattd to bst and chap JL nw x cti fiit iladica) Work. Eaa, cntiUad "tbe Sairaaa t ia." bonad ia finest Franeh maaiis. aiaboaaed.full gilt, MO pacaa,AintaiDa baaatif ml ataal nerarlaa, 125 prescription, lilaatra eampla.l o. : aaad aow, Addreae Paabod lada anl lBrtatntSiOV IW Vf H Pii. x, lnaiapraaaDi to Trr fa Xaa,tfoBalankat.&estoa. THE THE HIGHEST AWARDS TpfANol in the GREAT WORLD'b PAIR in LONDON, 1851; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS, 1ST; at the INTERNATIONAL, EXPOSITION in CHILI. 1875; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in Philadelphia, 1876. All pereona wfahlnff to parehaae (orer.' amine) iDntramenta a.re reapeetfaily til vitcd to Tialt our Warerooma. Send for Circular and Frie Lut. CHICKERIfie & SONS, ISO Fifth A venae. N.Y. ( 156 TremontStn Boston Our Beloved CARPI ELD And lis Faithful Cabinet: An elegant Chromo Lithograph of our late Pre ident, making 8 ml laacth portraits, printed In lOeolors cn heavv paper with a rich jfnld border, fliie. 18x26 'inehea The sale of this baautiul work of art has be n simply ucp'seedent'd at f I per copy. In order that every family mav be able to po esathiabea tifaland tonehloar aoaveMt'of our late President aad his i abioei, we will mail It for only 10 cents per copy. We c famish t&usaaae sabfet. pi In ted i 8 colors. radoawl to 0x12 iaba, for only 1& eeota AGENTS Z&.'-i'Z'S WANTED the time for agents to reap a rich harvest withthase beautiful portraits. Nothing s!Jb lite theaa. 8nd for terms and bay sa nplea toworkwith. , CON AT A CO. org. nov 29-2 ai 7'ayst, ew York NEWGOOD5! SOMETHINQ HEW EVERY DAY! py (Soods AKD jTE ASE TEST BUST; AND THE reason ia very plain. Wo show goods with pleasure and our customers may judge as to the prices. Rm LI Elclntire. OT Jl . 29, 1881. a.. HqpP 1 mjm- m. wtrf- joa i: M mffiiTTHYSU mm. ; " - PXJU.8B VOT1GS. wQ bo glad to reeefve eonimunieattoB 'from ow friends en aa ef n mi freer! raUrert but - Tie aaaae of the writer ant aJwara be r. nlshad to the Editor. OoBBvalottlou east bawttrtea! ca bJt eat dda of the papeji Personalltl mast ba avoided And It is especially and payttoalerlr cedar 7L " aiwyi endors I " Tiwa of oorrwrpoadeatf unleu fro stst a tie editorial eoluwas. Jcw Advertisements. BLIKD TORS ! I MUSICAL PHENOMENON, WILL I I PLAT AT I Ma M M . I vJ C" fcf. Brr AA MHIi 117 I . " a w w wfc WEDNESDAY, NOT. 30th. Prices. 50 eta. and 75 rt.- 5?. Dyers', . nov 26-t ed Ash Coal A ND BLACK ASH WOOD ; .White -Aah Coal and. Rlaolr .Tob-w . . -,. I n.1 X- o. .... . .v.- yvuii-jj k-ivico, UGIIUllUg VBV, Coal amd Wood of all kind and aizes, a t S aov 2S-tf SPRINGER'S. YARD. WATER WORKS. I rnnR nwriTCRtJTnvrn v- I 6cu competent and experienced PLUMBER, from the North, beg to notify the public that they will hereafter combine with their- present Iron and Copper Work the business of PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. By doing FIRST-CLA83 WORK at reason able prices they hope to merit any older their customera may leave with them. nov zo- 4.-HAI4T, BAILT & OO. Christmas Goods. J AM NOW OPENING THE LASOEST STOCK 07 FANCY CHRISTMAS GOODS ever brought to this. oity S Prang's Celrbrated Christmas Cards ia great variety, at w nov 28 Book and 8 tat lone r Store. Christmas Goods. J HAVE THE LABQaKT. PncTTlEsT and most oomprete stock cf HOLIDAY G00D9 ever broaght to this city. BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS. My customers can buy thsir H I8TM AS PRESfiilTd now, and have them put away until Christmas. This is to avoid the great rush at HSIff'BERGE&'fl, Live Book avd Voslo Rtore nov 2t Wew Restaurant. fJlHE UNDERSIGNED would respectful ly annouuee that he has just fitted up at No. 3, Granite Row, South Front a, a Res taurantfor Ladles and Gentlemen, where meals and refreshments may be had at all hours of the day. Every thing ia new and flrsWlaes. Polite waiters and courteous at tendant. T,T"9?m and 76trs in season. Fine Wine?, Liquors and Cigars, nov 18 t F. A. tiCHUTTE, Prop. THE VARIETV STORE, THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD BE spectrully notify his friends and the public that he has recently re turned from a visit to the - rJorthern IWarkets where he has purchased the Handsomest Display MILLINERY FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HOLIDAY GOODS, he has ever offered in this city My stock is e, Complete And is. GBEAT TTj&BIHTTT I have thousands of thincr w!ifc ! would take columns to enumerat. fw fine, fresh FBENCfJ -CANDIES ar 1 specialty. I lead in these goods as mr muus wcaa Kuow. i nave an elegant variety of ;: . 4 Millinery Goods, IlaU; Trimmings, &cM To which I invite the attention ef the Ladies. My stock of CHRISTMAS fionnq is full and complete and havinr beea rougat iow wui do soia low. I resnectfnllT invita a call nA ir.... tioa, L. PLANaOav , ' ' m Variety Stcrt, 6 v No.4aMArkititrttt.

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