flllS PI FSB Baalim W ftrBHfl- Buadays t JOSH. T. J A MRS, XVITOR AXf FROFBIKTOK. CEgCBIFTI058, POSTAGE PAID. ,er,S5 00 8Ix aontis, 12 SO ; Three zjonths.fl 25; One month, 60 cents. re paper will be delivered byeaxrierr, rfVetrre, in oy part of the city, at tie AjTrtisi3g rates low and liberal jgcbacribers will please report any and tll fiinr to reeeiTe their papers regularly. New Advertisements. - FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backacho, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, , Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Proration on earth equal St. Jacobs Oil. at a safe, trr, simple and clteap External Kraiedy. A trial entiiU but the comparatively, trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and eTery ono suffer Injr with pain can bare cheap and poiitiTO proof cf its claim. t directions in EleTen Languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGIXER fc CO., Saltimoret Md,t XT. 8. JL april 13 daw-ato t2 "JUST. IMAGINE HOW.I FELT." Brunswick, Co., Ya., November 5tb, 1881. OMRS joe Pkbsok, Franklinton, N. C. Deac Madam: It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me ofa most feartul looking and painful sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear, of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the countrv for advice. He told me he could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or five weeks, and if I did not do 60 pretty soon, it conld not bo cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. J ust imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have mined me. Mind jeu this waa the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, and this conversation took place last February. I continued to bnrn with canatic, as ho advised until September, bat derived no benefit from his treatment. I was advised then by a lriend to try jour Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the Boro is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, dance as much and jump as high as any man yon know. Put me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as I now do of the virtue of your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it fbrlecs. I think more of it than any medicine in the world. It is not only tha beat Remedy to purify the blood and care all skin diseases, but I believe it will cure all kinds of blood diseases, and I fcnow it will cure a love for strong drink. I hope you will have this published, as there are many sufferers who could be enred, if they could knewcf and get your Remedy I am truly and respectfully, JOS. R. MASON, South Gaston, N. C. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wm. fl. Green. Send for cireu lar of testimnials. nov 14-dw FERTILIZERS AMD FERTILIZING - MATERIAL. "lOTTON AND CORN PLANTERS Truckers and others can get into correct channel to trade advantageously. by com municatins with JA8. T. PETTKWAY, Agent Tor the celebrated Fertflixers,Wneox, GIbba Co's KaalBUlated Guaond Add Phos phate ept 6-ti The Cosmopolitan BAR 18 THE PLACE WHERE YOU can get the ceoleat, purest and most scientifically mixed Summer Drink to be found In the city. The very beet Wines Champagnes an t Liquors always on hand Jthe best 5-centIClgar that is made. Drop a UiCeol of? JOHN CARROLL, Jet PraprU tor. wranefanr-r- llilj VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1881. NO. 282 LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVE3TI3EMEXTF. Miss E Karkeb Something New Heixsbekoke Christmas Goods C W Yates Christmas GoOs A "square . meal" generally c03ta a round price. V?hyt do you speak of the silence of steep, when most of us sleep sound? The receipts ot cotton at this port tc by foot up 1,642 bales. November leaves us today. Tomorrow is the first day of the first winter months Glory is well enough for a rich man but it isof-very little'consequence to a poor man with a largejamily. Explode gunpowder in your bed-room if you want to drive away flies and mos quitoes. A twenty-five pound keg .will do. If a cheerful heart is a continual feast, there must be a large number of' people who do cot get a square meal once a year. i TZ ' 7777" T boon married men will be groaning over the fact that their wives are out buying them elegant Chritmas pres ents. In some respects the gentler sex iar surpass us. No man. for instance, can deliver a lecture with a dozen pins in his mouth. . 1 he clam has a larger month in pro, portion to its size than a human being" and vet a clam never talks about its neighbors. . . "When one knows a good thing it should be told; and we do know from experience that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the best remedv for Coughs and Colds we ever used. It only costs 25 cents a bottle. Some idea of the magnitude of the railroad interest in this country can be had from the fact that 860,000 people are employed in its service. Dr. Foote's Health Monthly advises people to try a newspaper over the chest beneath the coat, as a chest protector iu extremely cold weather. Children are already making up their lists of what they want Santa Claus to bring them. May none of them be dis appointed in their wishes. The most elegant buttons have the cameo head of Queen Elizabeth, or Mar. guerite., cut in mother of pearl. Price fifteen dollars a dozen. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort. ment and lowest prices at Ja cost's, f There was but one trifling case before the ITajor to day. ' Laura Hall was charged with disor derly conduct and was sent below for ten davs in default payment of a fine of Brier Stella (Br), from Bantry for Smithville; N. C. before reported aban doned was passed, totally dismasted, by steamer Neptune (Br), at St. Mitchaels, Nov. 15. The steamer took the wreck in tow. but wa obliged to let her go on account of bad weather. The scarcity of nuts and the thinness of corn shucks the invariable signs of the weather wise farmer indicate that the weather will .be warm, while the goose bone (an equally reliable and solemn authority) points to a cloudy stormy and inclement season. To Builders and others Go to Jxco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get all sizes And at the owest prices t Death or Mr. Patterson. Mr. William A. Patterson, senior member of the firm of Patterson & Hicks. died this forenoon sit the residence of Mr. W. H. McRary, in this city. Mr Patterson had been a sufferer for a long time from consumption, the disease which terminated -his life, ne was a native of Milton, in Caswell county, but has been a resident of Wilmington for 23 years, having been employed previous to and for a few years since the war as bookkeeper in the office of Messrs. W E. McRary & Co. He was unmarried and as near as we can ascertain at this time, about 40 years of age. He was of a quiet, retiring disposition, pleasant and affable in his discourse with others, and was probably without an enemy in the world.' A host of friends mourn his departure.; Conference Appointments. The appointments lor tne ensuing year were announced by the Bishop in Conference on Monday just previous to adjouurnment. We cannot publish the in full to-day bat cive here those for Fayetieville, Newbern and Wilmington districts, which are as follows: FAYETTEVILLE DISTRICT PRESIDING KLDER, L. I HKSDROX. Fayotteville J R Brooks. Cumberland C M Gentry. Lumberton AP lyre. Robeson -M W Boyles. laurinburg J W North. St John's T W Guthrie. Rockinjrham Station J B BobbitC- Rockingham Circuit Supplied oy Siimuel O Pharr. Mount Gilead C M Pepper. Pekin FLTowbsend. Montgomery W S Hales. Carthage J R Scroggs. Buckhorn A M Lowe and I W Avent. Jonesboro J J Carden. Ashepole Mission W S Gaafin. Jonesboro High School -To be sup plied. WILMINGTON DISTRICT PRESUMING ELDER, B. O. BURTON. Front Street F H Wood. Fifth Street T P Ricaud. " Topsail W I Hull. Duplin A D Betts. Clinton J E Thompson, E Schalken. Cokesbury J O Crisp. Coharie Mission Z T Harrison. Bladen F A Bishop. Elizabethtown G W Hardison. Wbiteville J W Puett. Waccamaw Mission T J Browning. Smith ville VT a Norm. Brunswick J T Kendall. Onslow R L Warlick. NEWBERN DISTRICT PRESIDING ELDER, J. E. MANN. Newbern LSBnrkhead. Goldsboro W M Robey. Wavne W H Call. v Goldsboro Ct Supplied by BB Hol der. Mt Olive J E Bristow. Kinston F D Swindell Snow Hill J N Andrews. LaGrange W P McCorkle. Craven J M Lumley. Jones L L Johnson. Beaufort N M Jurney. Carteret W H Puckett. Pamlico Circuit F B McCaU. Straits Mission D A Wttkins. Pamlico Mission Supplied by B Han cock. "BuchopaiBa." " 1 1 A - A J - n rsew, quiCK, complete euro ujb, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases. $1. Druggists. Depot Jas. C. Munds. Personal. Mr. A. H. Canedo, representing the New York and Southern Railroad and Telegraph Construction Company, of which he i3 the Vice-President, is in the city to-day and at the Purcell House. The above company, it will be remem bered, have made a proposition for the purchase of the State stock, 55,000 shares, in the Cape Fear & Yadkin YaU ley R. R., and the Commissioners have been called by Gov. Jarvis to meet in Raleigh on the 19 th of December to con' sider the proposition. Mr. Canedo is on bis way irom Ral eigh to New York but as he was desirous of meeting and becoming acquainted with some of our citizens, concluded to pass a day in Wil mington on his return. He was called upon at the Purcell House by Dr. A. J DeRosset, one of the State Commission era for the sale of the road, Hon. A. H. YanBokkelen, Maj. C. M. Stedman, Messrs. R. E. and William Calder and other prominent citizens, whose namer we did not hear. Afterwards, npon in vitation, Mr. Canedo visited the Produce Exchange, where he met many others. He will leave here to-night on his return to New York, but will be in Raleigh again at the meeting to be held on the 19th. Soothward the Southern Generrls Fly. About Thanksgiving Times for some years past many of the leading journals throughout the land have chronicled the movements southward of Gen'ls G. T. Beauregard of La., and Jubal A. Early of Ya.. to New Orleans, where they resort semi-annually to conduct under their sole control the Grand Distribution of The Louisiana State Lottery, which will next ocear at New Orleans on De cember 13th. when over half of a million of dollars will be cast among the ticket holders, and the full particulars of which can be bad by sending to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. One nundrea tnonsana dollars is the first prize. Who will get it? It is feared that the enormous manu fact are of wooden toothpicks is utterly destroying the forests of America; but then the vouxsr man who spends all his salary fox gocd clothes nest haye scat- imBgioca. "TFt ,-,-,, ..v. ,r;; J ImproTexaents. v Messrs. Altafler, Price k Co. have recently made some improvements to their sash and blind factory, at the foot of Walnut street. They have extended their building, the addition being 21x44 feet, and infthis is to be located the glazing department, where the glasses are kept aad fitted to the sashes. The office of the factory has also been re moved from Nutt street, near Red Cross, and located in the mill yard, near the factory. Produce Exchange. At ev meeting of the members -of the Produce Exchange, held this day at noon, the President announced the death of Mr. William A. Patterson, of the firm of Patterson & Hicks, members of the Exchange, when on motion of Mr. C. H. Robinson, it was ordered that the mem bers meet at their rooms to morrow one half hour before the time named for the services, and attend the funeral in a body. It was also ordered that a page in the record book of the Exchange be dedicated to his memory. The Exchange will be closed during the funeral services. Tne cape Fear. Steamers D. Murchison and' North Slate are both here to-day from Fayette ville. They both brought large freights and it is said that there are lots more to come yet. There was about eight feet of water at Fayotteville when the steam ers left, the river having fallen off about two feet, but it was vthen about at a standstill which is a sure indication o another rise. It is said that there have been heavy rains in the interior and that no apprehensions need be entertain ed fer some time of a want of water. It is said that there are a large number of raftson the waydown the river to this port. Criminal Court- The following cases were disposed ef in this Court to-day: State vs. Wm. Price, for assault and battery. Yerdict, guilty. State vs. TemWescott, for larceny. Yerdict, guilty. State vs. Pat Sullivan, for assault and battery.. Defendant 'submits. . Judg. ment suspended on payment of costs. State vs. Albert Herring for larceny and Mary Ray for receiving. Yerdict guilty as to the woman and net guilty as to the man. State vs. Amanda Fennan, for per jury, v erdict, guilty. . State vs. John Solomon, for larceny. Verdict, guilty. Exports Foreim. Barque Glacier, Small, cleared at this port to-day for St. Pierre, Martinique, with 190,000 feet lumber, shipped by Messrs. E. Kidder Ss Sons ; brig Aftn, Johnson, for Point-a-Petre, Guadaloupe, with 166,173 feet lumber and 268,850 shingles, shipped by Messrs. Northrop & Cumming, and German brig Elizabeth Ahrens, Aim, for London, with 3,653 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Pater son, Downing & Co. Col. K. M. Murchison, of New York, is here on a short visit to his brother, Capt. D. R. Murchison. In a recent interview with Mr. Joseph Gramer, one of the proprietors of the Kmerson Piano Company. Boston, Mass that gentleman remarked: I hare used that splendid remedy, St. Jacobs Oil, in my family, and found it to be so very beneficial that I will never be without it. It has cured me of a severe case of rheumatism, after other remedies had failed. We are sorry to hear that Capt. W. J. Potter's wife is very ill, not expected to recover, at his residence, in Smithville. A letter received here yesterday states that the residence of Mr. James Moore at Pittsboro, was destroyed by fire last Friday night. It caught from a spark Nearly all of Mr. Moore's furniture wa saved. We eall the attention of our readers to the advertisement of J. Monroe. Taylor. This house has been established nearly 40 years, and their goeds are celebrated for purity and strength. We would re commend a trial of their Gold Medal brand te all who desire superior cook ery. tf PUB CELL HOUSE OYDZK VKW HAjrAOXHEST, WtLBiaCTOB, JU U. B.' I PEltrxY. - - - Prep Lateropriesor AUaatie Hotel. first CUa i all iti'ypqtauaaaa. Tar 41M 11 per flay. Ub Stt - " . i f rf ..- r . ,i if-".;. OIKD. PATTERSON In this citv. . to-day. at 11:10 o'clock, A. M.f at the residence of Mr. w. ii. McKary, WILLIAM A. AT- The funeral senricei will take plac to morrowat 12 o'clockfrom the First Pres by terian Church, thence to Oakdale Ceme tery. Fi lends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend. Hew Advtu tisamoiita. Something: Mew JN THE WAT OF NECKWEAR, Collar- ettes,. Spanish Fichucj., &c. Material for Fancy Work for Christmas. Millinery al- ways new and stylish. Hair Goods and Ladies' and I hildren'a Underwear. Respectfully, MISS K. KARRER, nov 30 Exchange Corner THE CLARENDON WATER WORKS COMPANY IVE NOTICE THAT THEY ARE ready to receive applications for supplying water. Information in regard to rates, fcc, can be had, and applications must be made at the Superintendent's officc,No. 1 Journal building, Princess street,fromO to 11 A.M. and 8 to 5 P. M. Service pipes will be laid in the order in which the applications are received. JOHN C. CHASE, Sup't. oot21-1w A BEAUTIFUL ORG the Mozakt' . New etjle, No 12(00,27 Stops, 10 mil sets Golden Tongue R?eds. SOLID WAL NOT Highly Polished Gate. New and val liable improvements just added. 8tool,BoJc, ttusi Boxed and delivered on board cars here, price t,T Sixtt Douias, Net Cash. Satisfaction guaranteed in every particular or money refunded after ooe year's use Eve y one sold sells aaother. Isisastacd lug advertisement. Order at Once. Noth lag Saved by OorrespoadeBcs. My new fac tory just completed, capacity 2000 Instru nents ev ry 26 days very lates labar-savin wood-working: machinery. Vast Capital enables me to manufacture better goods 'or less money than ever. Address or eall upon DANIEL P BBATTY, nev29 Washington, New Jersey rr Hew Styles of Cbromo Cards with 0J Name, or 26 New Tears9 Cards, 10c. Nassau Card Co. Nassau, N Y nov 29 4w CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE IN THE WORLD. 17E672 Magnificent Gift Book; Gorgeous Juvenile Books; superb Dimes ana x-ray er mooxs almost given awav n J n .a -a vrrana aouaay vataiogue iree LEGGAT BROS.. 81 Chambers st, Near Broadway, New Yoik ; UOV 3 - . .- .., i WONDERFUL DISCOVERY RfETAIi TIPIAMPWICKjHSl, Pat'd Dec 7, 188C Gives a Brimant, White and Steady 1 sht, reimires no trimming, and lasts for months sample wick 10 cents, 3 wicks 25 cents, 12 wieks T5o, postage paid. Have four sizes, No. O, 1, 2, 3 .agents wnted. Ad- are 8 MsTAL LeM'' WIUK GO, ov 29 w 70 Corilandt s N ' nov FLORIDA I Atlantic and Gulf Coast Canal and Okeechobee Land Co. 60,000 Share? S I O Each ! At PH with a BONUS of 10 Acres for aeh 10 rtnares from Choies Lauds cf the "Dis ton Purchase." 0M0I8 Third ft Onestnut Str, Philadelphia 115 Broadway, N f , ttooms ill. 113 Detailed Prospectus with descriptive maps mailed rtucts. nov 29-4 w GOLD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOfc. A. new Mt StaOieaJ Work, warranted tt bat and chaajv st, indiapraaabl to ery Life." txtond in nnat Frraen , naua tfi tSmmem ot nnuns.OTnboawd.faliirflt.aoo pacM,containa beaatifd ctel nfTavixra, 125 prescription. prieaonlyaLSSaont by mail: . Uloatrated aample, S e. ; Mod bC'ithltiir". KU, No.4 Bmacii bLOokUsm. THE . THE HIGHEST AVAHDS STt-SsM in the GREAT WOIUIVS FAIR in LONDON, 1851; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS, 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CTJIM. 1875; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in PZuladdphU, An tm pvrcfce (ores- etins) iBtruMt1fl seeyectfaJIy In witedtTfait for CircmlatemdPriety List, cnicKEnniG & sons, CO Fifiiltveeaa. K. Y. f 156Trm6atSt, Bes1ea, The Club House, r ADDITION TO ITS FINE s- stock of Wines, Liquors, Beer VZ h0J aad Cigars, is offering to its ettstomera . and friends NEW RIVER OYSTERS, served tn any style desired. My motto is to please and to this end no effort wfllbe fpared. $ Bafpectfully, Jr. W. ORTUANN, Proarittor Ortzaann's Club House, ft SXtfCScesf ft., Curries Xlack. M NOTICE XTe w21 berlxd to resatve iWirittalcatloa trea ozr frl n i oa vxjja d J2T. rablesU ? Tt name of the writer wrrl always b fft siiasdlfftia ECter. a: ' Oassrsslsxtont nsst fcf2rltta.' cn onlj caesideof the psptr. FarsoaaUtlec must be avoided And It Is especially and pirticuUrly under stood tiat the Editnrdoee not always endcrs otwrrespen dents sfcurliH so ,sat la tie editorial eolumns. " r Ho5tt; -Advertisoinonts, :-BtlM.P;; TOEV3 ! THE MUSICAL PHENOMENON, WILL , f -1 ; PLA Y AT OP E R A HOUSE, WEDNESDAY, NOV. SOth. .Prices, 50 cts. and 75 cts. Secure seats at Dyers'. nov 20-4t Red Ash Coal AND BLACK ASH WOOD ; White Ash Coal and Black Jack Wood ; Chestnut Coal for Self-feeding Stoves, best thing out. Cdil hid Wood of all kinds and sizes, at ' ' nov 23-tf SPRINGER'S YARD. WATER WORKS. npHE UNDERSIGNED having engaged a competent, and experienced PLUMBER, from tho North , beg to notify -the public that they, will hereafter combine with their present Iron and Copper Work the business of' " ' - Y PLUMBIMQ AMD GAS FITTIM0. By doing FIRST-CLASS WORK at reason- able prices they hopo to merit any oider their customers may leave with them. nov2S- ;HART,BAILY & CO. Christmas Coods. J AM NOW OPENING THE LARGEST STOCK OF FANCi CHRISTMAS GOODS ever brought to this city 1 Prang's Celrbrated Christmas Cards in great variety, at nov 28 Book and Stationer 8 tore Christmas Goods. J HAVE TUB LARGEST, PRETTIEST and most eomp!tj stock of HOLIDAY GOODS ever brought to this city. BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS. MYCus r CHSI8TMAB PRESENTS now, and hare them put away untU Chriitmas. This is to avoid the great rush at HEIN BERGER'8, 8 Live Book and MobIo Store M e w Restaurant. rjlHE UNDERSIGNED would respectful- lyannouuce that he has just fitted up at No. 3, Granite Row, South Front St., a Res- taurant for Ladies and GenUemen, where meals and refreshments may bo had at all hours of the day. Every thing Is new and firstclass. Polite waiters and courteous at tendanta, J 9ame and Oysters in season. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ' n0Y 18 F. A. SCHUTTE, Prop. Our Beloved G A R F I EL D And 1 is Faithful Cabinet ' An elegant Chromo Lithograph of our lata Pre Ident, making 8 nil length port-airi, printed fn 10 colors cn hearr osperwith a rich gold border. Flia, 18x28 'inches. Tha sale of this baautiful work ot art has beta simply nop ccsdent d at $1 per copy. la order tht every 'mHy may be able to po sessthisbea tifaland touching soavebi'of our rate President acd lis t abioet, we will aiail it for only 60 cents psr copy. We can farrish tfcis same sabict, pilnted i 8 colors, reduced t" 9x12 inches, for only 15 cents agents sssrzsrs WAHTED the time for agents to reap a rich harvest with these bsautifal portraits. Nothing s-s like tbsto. Send for terms ad baysstucles to work with. COS ANT ft GO. r'utf, nov 29-201 7-Iter it, New York MEW GOODS I SOMETIIItlQ nEW EVERY DAY! , : : and . arpeSsi-'!.. "YTE ARE VERY BUSY,", AND THE reason la very plain. We thow goods with pleasure and our customers may Judge as to thejprices. 1 R. r.l. r.lclntire. nevla Pre f A J