4 TfcI3 PAr EB e4 vsry aftaraetn,'. fidyi t- T. J A M K R , FEOPRJITO. f ClTOB nCBlPTIOfi.lOSTAGE PAID. Hit month. f2 50 : Three t. in - 55 One moniB, o- ccati. fl ,r wri'l b delivered by carrier, f6,ieJe.i n7 prtof tkcit'ttb' rttef,or 13 cents per week. Te . i;w and liberal !aahlrribfrp rleawrcpoTi any ltd T' ..to receive tnrir papers repcixrly. oW Advertisement a. a t Al)E - MAi:r ?vyc,- REVIEW VOL: V WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1. 1881. PLW4SK BOTIOK. . t7s) xML be glad to recatve osnnunieatloa ftwaoo fries da objivj td all rab'egii eiWHUHIKI 1181 T nae cf tte writer wnrt slve yi be Oomin males tl ana orat lx.!rrltta.' or oxxJj ProoAUti sou t b aroldI 4d It Is etpecUDy &sd rt&rttailftrly tader tood that the Editor does not tlwan cadon a tae o3itorliu coIuzbss. ,s LOCAL NEWS.. New Advertisements. J no S Ja&f..- Cow Strayed St e ad Ho-t tlcr's P.ittcrs Jso F Gaiekell Mules ami Wagon for Sale . . Dr. O W Uen?on Skin Cure Jave? O Mi:xds Drusg'idt Heinseshgejc Clirblraas GooiU (J W Yates Christina (ionls The receipts o! cotton at this port 1c i)ay foot up 1,005 bales. V5 r f Deaih or an Old Citizen Mr. Joha Col well, an old and well known citizen of Sampson county, where he was born and raised, died on Thurs" day, the 24th ult , at the residence of his son, A. S. Colwell, Esq., in Duplin county. The deceased was about 70 jears of age ; had been for many year an in. valid from chronic rheumatism, and had been for a quarter of a century a con sistent member of the Baptist Church. To a 1 way 8 protect the weakest parts la a duty and it is especially tbe duly oi . . - . . r . I r . . . t i i.-.nioi c ii iimnr w iinmnivi.t i. - 1 - w n boniui I'viun -j -" - - 7 i Lnnsii VrUUec lUULCB ate uciUiL ntaatucu I - . " . . miJ . ,t. .u -r SlA.t Druffffist lepot,os, Sj ,. ;c-are ouiefJ lor cnanouu on vci oy m wuamuv vt-;vuiB'wgv.' 7 - r '-y .i.i: . .-", bu" December THE GREAT FOR J RHEUMATISM Nnurafoia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Sorcnoss of iho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell inns and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General 3odiIy Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feai and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. o rwaration on Mirth cqr.als St. Jacobs Oil xf-.r. and cheap External VA'lr A trial ntail3 Lot the comparaUvelr iriflinc outUT of 50 Cat. and every one Bufier blji itb iiiii n baro cheap aad poiitire proof I'L-ectiou in EleTeQ Languages. BOLD BY ALL DEUGGT3TS AKD DEALEE3 IH MEDICINE. A.VOGEIiEH, &i CO., Baltimore, 2Id. V, S. A. April H dAW-oto to! reme- Frtsh'watcr Perch, Trout and Black fish Hocks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacob's, f protect them by nsioar a soothing dy, such as Dr. Bull's Cough byrup. rnce 2.") cents. The freshet is booming. For the iirst Jr wish Fair. .We are pleased to learn that our friends of the Jewish con or relation intend in;e in niouihs past the waters of the holding a 'Fair beginning on Tussday, river at this port are yellow with mud . 2- . f Decembr. ror four niirht8. in lreni the interior. -f 4v0;, Taninia rnmmi havo been appointed and from what we hear it lnt.tr. and a nrominent citizen of Bruns'l will be on a errand scale, and as there js Hew Advertisement. Stroved, 1 IROM THE PREMISES of the under- ISw Advertuemonta. BLIN.D Tom 1 Recfclp s of Cotton. The receipt! of cotton at this port duriDg the mtnth of November, just closed, foot up 35,778 bales, as jjutht VILL 30,43u bales tr tbe same monin last year 1 KfiD COw, rei airovor, with a swallow fork in each ear. a i-uitable reward win be paid for the recovery of said cow. dee 1 J SO. i. JAMES. an increase this year of 5,348 bales. The entire receipts this year to date are74,5S0 bales ajrainst 74,559 bales to same date last year, an increase for thiayearof 21 bales. Decline of Man. Impotence of mind, limb, or vital fuac tion. nervous weakness, sexual debility, Ac, cured by Wells' Health Kenewer,! MULES AND WIGOH qWO LARGE, FINE' MULES j two-horse Waqu. j-uitable peatioc farm or lumber lm iness. cheat). Arpiyyo j FOR and one. I for tur- For sale PLAY AT PERA HOUSE, WEDNESDAY, NOV. HOth. Prices, 50 eti. and 75 cts. Secure seat at Dyers'. nov 20 4t Red Ash Coal ND BLACK A 11 WOOD ;. White, Aab Coal and Black acU Wood ; Chestnut . Coal for Self-feedJu Store, best thing out.. ' AS Thrtate Mr. Patterson. : We stated yesterday that Mr. MT.'-A Patterson was born in Milton. Caswell county, but to-day a warm personal friend of the deceased gentleman assures us that he was born in Person county. He came to Wilmington in 1858, and this has been bis home ever since. He served the entire four years of the war and at its close was Orderly Sergeant of Cumming's batteryfof light artillery. : Druggist, - r ;...; 35 NORTH TR0HT STREETi TOx&MZZ?aTozii,'''Xi9r.. c. dee 1 ' Coal and Wood xf all kinds and eizu, at nov 2S-tf 1 1 SPRINGER'S YARD; wick county, died at his home, at the ample assurance that it will be, we hope I jje served with much acceptability, and above place, on the 28th ult. The State stock in the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. is 5,500 shares, and not 55,000, as we had it yester day. One ciphsr at the right of a row or figures makes a heap of difference Eometimes. "JUSTi IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Brunswick, Co., Ta.v November 5th, 1881. Mrs. Joe Person, ' - Fracklinton, . C, Dxar Madam: It is with pleaere tiat 1 write to tell yon that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most fearful looking and painful sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. He told me he could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or bve weeiss, and if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. J ust imag ine bow I felt, to be told there was no tore for the sore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have mined me. Mind jou this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, nd this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with caustic, as he advised until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment. I waa advised then by a friend to try rMir Ttf.mp.tv Riiters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore h perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, dance as much and jump as high as any tnun you know. Put me back to the 1st of September, let mo know as much as I low do of the virtue oi your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not got it for less. I think more or it than an medicine in the world. It is not only th best Remedy to purify ' the b.ood and care all akin diseases, but I believe it will cure all kinds of blood diseases, and 1 know it will cure a love for stronjr drink. I hope vou will have this published as therear'c many sufferers who could be cored, if they could knowcf and get your Remedy I am truly and rt?pcctfully. JOS. R. MASON, South Castou, N. C. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wra. II. Green. Send forcircu Uroftestimnialg. nov 14-dw NEW COODTT SOMETHING . NEW EVERY DAY! Beautify your nomes by using the N Y." Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Next Sunday being Communion Sun day in the Second Presbyterian Church, in this city, the Rev. R. B. McAlpine, of Coldsboro, is expected to be here to assist the Rev. C. M. Payne, and will preach in the above Church on Friday night at half-past 7 o'clock. Criminal Court. The report from the Criminal Court to-day is not interesting. It was occu. pied during the forenoon in the trial of Robert Helsey, Jr., for a failure to list He was discharged, ine that our citizens, without distinction, J uaL Camming, the Commauder of the will aid and patronize them liberally, as battery, has beem heard to say that he. this is the first time they have made was one of the best soldiers in the service. such an undertaking, and our Wilming-j jje was always at his post, was prompt ton Israelites have ever been ready to I an(j reliable in every respect, and it was contribute to and aid at all times our fiaid 0f hjm 0nce by his commanding churches and beneficial institutions. They officer that he really did not seem to I i'AM have our heartiest wishes for success. know the meaning of the word ' ,.fear." I gyg. -j; his last Peace to his sraliant spirit in . w -r -n 1 - beverai years aero, says air. o . rranz, , . n-uoi- Cerry, Pa , my mother fell and sprained 1UU her limb, which of late would swell so 1 Peculiar Case- . 1 . 1 1 a 1 j a. a i : 1 The application of St. Jacobs Oil imme- Peculiar case occurred recently in diatelv removed the swelling and severe Charlestons reported by the News ana pain. his poll-tax Court, at the close of our report, was share of the time 0f the Court. occupied in the trial oi other cases, which will probably take all of the afternoon. Sampson court At Sampson Superior Court, Judge Shipp presiding, being held at Clinton this week, such is the amount of busi ness on the State docket that all civil cases have been continued until the next term. There is one capital case to be tried, two men by the name of Tew being accused of tho - murder of Mr. Coo. tea, which will probably consume a large All the 7 JSEsHBat'' ' I la Hosts of Familiei Something: PJew , "N HIE WAY OF NECKWK A R, Collar " ettcs,' Spanish Fichues, Ac. Material for Fancy Work for Christmas. Millinery al- ways new aEd stylish. Hair Goods and. Ladies' and Children's Underwear. . ; Respectfully, MISS K. KARRER, V nov 30 Exchange Corner. THE GLARENDOfl WATER; WORKS COMPAHY IVE NOTICE THAT THEY ARE ready to receive applications for supplying water. Information in regard to rates, &c,l can be had, and applications must be made at the Superintendent's ofllce.No. 1 Journal building, Princes8.6treet,from 9 to 11 A. M.'- and 3 to 5 P. M". Service pipes will be laid in the order in which the applications are received, y JOHN C. CHASE, Sup u r07 21-lf y i WATER WORKS. fJlHE UNDERSIGNED having engaged a competent and experienced PLTJMBEK, from the North, bee rt iinhM mtm IrA-ilntttrirm. mnn . i " . . come 6y it. mm " .2 . t-.i For sale Dyau .ruKm'' whoai apply for Eotiett'l Almantci for paaties were white, and the testimony is tnprplv r.irr.nmstantial. It is said that the Tews had made threats that they in tended to beat Coates to death, and sub seqently the latter was found murdered, beaten in a horrible manner, . and that the former.when the killing was men Harbor Master's Keport. Capt. Jos. Price, Harbor Master, re ports as follows for the month of No vember : There were, in all, 51 arrivals at this port during the month, of which them remarked n him 2 brigs, 23 barques and Z schooners, he neyer bother arjybo(3y else.". ;u or, oiTfrrPCT'itPi of 9.77 1 tons, were toreiso. and 1 barque, 1 brig, 14 schoon er3 and 8 steamers, with an aggregate of 11,404 tons, were American. Budden Death of an Aged Lady Mrs. Maultsey Bass, wife of Mr. Lewis . - . o mm a. Bass, died at the residence 01 ner To Builders and others-Go to Jaco husband, near Magnolia, Duplin county, cu i;n(?a anA Doors. G ass. on Monaay moruiug, iuc -ouu uiw Vnn ran fret all sizes and at the arose m the morning at the usual hour uv. , o owest prices. Courier. A colored man, 01 a respecta ble record, formerly in the empoly of a citizen of Charleston who removed from the city last May, appeared at a broker's CC AQR C( in Paii feriai-af a bonds. UU1CO WHUovuv a- . , iu . . TJHf.r- i, i tnnehtii'l which he said had been given him by bis ""IJi" ft hoa89oo!d necessity as snjra' recent employer, irom wnom y0 or cou 7: hT V;r;ti w thev will hereafter combine with their ea aa exceueui, uciuuwuc v"" v " I reliable ta these case 1 emergency wuo c The bonds were purchased but the check for the money, $742.50, was -withheld un til the former owner could be communi cated with. This was effected when that individual claimed 10 Donas as his. The colored man swore that they had been given to him. This the white man denied, hut admitted that he gave to him a large lot ot Coafederate notes, but did pot give him the bonds. The matter was compromised by the white man getting the money for the sale of the bonds, when the colored man was discharged from custody The white man's name, which was suppressed in the Neivs and Courier, is said to be Chas. T. Mitchell, who did a large blockade business here during the war, occupying at one time the residence of Dr. A. J. Af - W a or" mpt.ni convenient remed is demand- present Iron and copper wor ine Business VOl - - " - ' " PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING By doing FIRST.CLA8S WORK at reason- pable prices they hope to merit any older their customers may leave with them, nov 2S- JHART, BAILY & GO. Christmas Goods. J AM NOW OPENING THE LAB0E8T STOCK OF FANCY CHRISTMAS GOODS ever broubt to this city . pSt- Prang's Celrhratel Christmas Cards in great variety, at nor 28 Book aad Stationery Store 1 Vit 1 .m-; -.a - 'X'--s5fSseasi-.i-: Christmas Goods. T HAVE TH8 LARGf ST, PftETTIEST itcok of HO LI DAT DeRosset, and who will be remembered and ate a hearty breakfast, in seemingly by ny o 0 citizens. ' 11 j. 1 liL ani.ita A f rPr 1 A Kma I a rira tnv waa irillRn 1HJ4L llllJU- exceiieuv aeaiiu "i"""" auud, ,.bw tirnniiPll An important Meeting- breakfast she went into her sitting-room, day evening, a few miles East of the , . JrXnS? Z aira ftnd all The meeting of the Board of County where she conversed with her husband city, by members of the Fox Club. It . f , Nervons Diseases. A treatise Commissioners. to be held next iviouuajr and a vl8ltor for some time, wiin no ap- was aispiayea 10 aay m an. " A by a well known physician, a speciaust aD(1- m0Bt C0Bjp:et, and jucsaay.w . pearance 01 iu-attu. uluUttU10- "tT"i m moat, nainfnl of GOODS ever brorjrh; to this eity. nf the operations ot the tuA v;R;tnr after awh le went out. and in . Lr f n.Aa "curoi6ia " ".V "V , ZZIZ ' " " , t, j j I . 1, . uut one case uciuic mc diseases, and 13 attenaea wun mure ut jear is to uc maue uj a snort ume x ui,uu., and lbat wa3 0f a p0or white creature Mc33 nervous irritation, sciatica is aiso perhaps published by them. I he uoncis widowed daughter, went into tbe room . ... . . lrk nd down she a form 0f neurahria, and all pamtul ner- . n- ...:!! Kn voro I p.-1 nn I i r j i ..L;. mnnlV. n-nA 1 . I A'lcaaaaa fftmc Tinder that D&II16. ot ail county ouici-r- wn v arm ,ounu ner iromjug tti, iu m-uvu . teiow for t,rCe days ti-.it iirrAisinn. and the Board of hduca- anr,arcntlv in a dvinff condition- She tiod will appoint School Committeemen wa3 placed upon a bed and a physician That great Dermotologist, Dr. C. W. fore 'yjtt Jn" ihn Pnsniii. vttir. er?t for. who was soon in attendance and Benson, of Baltimore, has preparea nu pj iAfl tr p.vfirv part. - o - I . fotrrtritA nrpsr.nnuon lor sreuerai use uu i -r , . ,. , aamini8tered such remedies as th occa- r"" ru I have for many years cioseiy biuuicu rwww onw TiDmiii 1 1 1 1 n r . i r: i www a a imu few . - . , .-.u u.-.B.i.i UU".M' r . r! . ; ;.' L..i UVo ransft of nenralffia. and the nature KfeAUTIFUL CHBIrlTMAR GAUDS. II j cuitcmrs can boy ihir 0OBI8TJIAB vous diseases come uuueir pres 5 Td now, and have them pat away Neuralgia means nerve ache, and there- fore you can suffer witn neuralgia in any nu vanuum. . tiu mo Krei as ine nerves are uj. , . Dry ood AND 7 TE ARE VERY BU3 AND THE reason Is very plain. We how goolwitb pleasure and our customers may judge as to the prices. R. M. TJlclntire. aov 18 Personal. air. J 11. Mallard, with hi3 charming bride, returned yesterday (Wednesday) from their bridal tour to tbe Conference of the M. K. Church, at Durham, as far as Rose .11 ill, in Duplin county. They ;,-o,t nt thi latter place by the ttllt'vu fc - morning train, and will stop in that vicin- ty for a number of days, visiting relatives find friend?, bclore returning perma nently to their home3 in thi3 city. Ccme to -Grief. sion aemanaea ; oui wnn no ucucuuuu the benefit ot his oesi ireaimeni. ior aa.iu v T" ' 'uh thi anv reaulU. She died before nooa the Bame Sfease. It coosWs of both external and "g.S'E day. She was 70 years of age and had internal treatment. f0Und by actual experence that the true nor SS . . IIEINBEBGERay Live Rook aad Kailo Store been a consistent member of tbe Baptist Church for about 40 years. Good Words for Us Capt. Shotwell, of the Farmer A Mechanic, is a good friend to our city and has on more than one occasion cheered us with kindly words. He throws uo his hat and hurrahs with a i'inr nr the "sharpers" we named a vim'at the prospect before us in the pur few daysfioceas trying to "beat" a ride chase ot the Cape ear & Yadkin Val- J ... 1 . n ft Twvm flits on the W. i' ' Railroad, H seems ley ti. it. ncreu uijJuiuK uwm took the bick track, and went to Clinton, Sampson county, where they undertook to plv their vocation during court week They were arrested and brought before Justices James Mosely and L. C. Hub bard, on Tuesday last.. The matter was on trial vfhen our informant left, but as they were caught at their business, there is no doubt they will have the full benefit of Sampson justice. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of J. Monroe Taylor. This house has been established nearly ar,A thPirtroods are celebrated ?oVPWty andstrengtb We Kould -i - tr;i of their Gold Medal commcuu -- - . brand to all who desire superior cook- cry. ' week's issue of his paper which will be read with interest: Capt. Arthur B. Williams, of Fay- etteviile, now in the city, tells -na that the people of the Cape Fear are much interested in the new railroad project. Dr. Canedo was sent down the river in a special steamer on Monday to give him an opportunity to see its entire length aad capacity. Canedo seems to be in parties t He DurDOses laying the track to the Carolina Central at once, (over the already graded .Florence route) as a tamnnntrv arrangement until the direct i;n to Wilmiueton can be built. Oat or two lines of ocean steamships, and an extensive elevator, are also contemplated at an early date Warner'! safe Kidney and Liver Core ftSew Restaurant. i -imoro pancA of nenrai?ia is pover-i mTrv TTunfparriv'pn wnnu m aa, .a . I auu pi j , i r '"ii utiuAuuiu.ijjw nuuiu icactuui RiAW KlVer itfl UIIClOsi I ty of the nervous, nuia 1 uaumcs iw j w m I -ii ,1 an A in enm f nn CPS I lir onnnitlioo Vl o ha till (nt f J..T nn povensneti auti iuvfi, &u www j auuvv. ur . a V 4l noiiant Aru but leWhat Utota t E- - - At 1 appropriated" to the nervous system; taurant for Ladles and Gentlemen, where' there are many cases ior ims, , I . , , . . . . .. C. W Benson's Celery and Chamomile meals and refreshments may be had at all Pills have in my hands proved aiperiect noura, of tne d4y E7gry thl iB new remedy lor tnis conainon auu iuowuh eases. Sold by all druggets. Price oO cenu box. Depot, 106 rortn iutaw ou, 150 BBLS. NEW MULLETS, 300 DOZ. IJ-UGE ROE, For i ale bv HALL & PEAHSALL, oct 2n Porto Kico Molasses. 250 HHDS. 250 STRIOTLYIPRIME Porto Eico Ilolassess For sale by Williams & Bliuxliiso first-class. Polite waiters and courteous at Raltimore. Md. Bv mail, two boxes lor $1. or six boxes for 2.50 to any address tendants.:. r , . . ... : - . ' - f3TGame and Oysters in season. Fine Wineff, Liquors and Cigar. nov 1? " F. A. SCnGTTE, Prop. . m n n a DR. C. V. BENSOM!Sf J el : . "v . - ECZEMAfTETTERS,. HUB k IRFUAMX3ATIOM, BIUC CRUST, y U AULROUCH SCALY CRUPTIONSf M V (4 4 c -1 UVDEIi SSW lAXAGEE5Tt . ; B, L. PEurtv. - - I'rco LateProvntt 'r AUatia ilotU first CLar ia ii it v oomtioenu. r.ja DISEASES OF HAIR ANO SCALP, SCROFU LA ULCER8, PIMPLES A TENDER ITCHt9lCSoaajlrtl body. It maits Oie ila srtlte. on. ajiMnooca i .tKora bsn esd Srxet. ecd 1 tbe E2ST tdlel trro bott ia eras pac&sce, easaisttac of botli iHierocJ and ezeraal treatoest. - , r , J. W. CONOLEY, AgeaU dec 1-exn-d -I The Club House, IN ADDITION TO ITS FINE stock of Wices, Liquors, Beer and Cigars, I otfermsr L its customers and friends NEV7 lOYEIt i OYSTERS, served iu any style (Jeslred. My motto la to please and to this end no effort will be spared. Respectfully, x. W. OKTMANa, . Pronrittor Ortmann's Club Ilouse, - ot 2i-tf Second st, Curries Kock,