ed every aftercHW 8uadays; T. JAMES, ,oTiriON8.FOBTAGE PAID. 80 5 oo 8ix months, f20 ; Tbr 0fllM pper will be delivered byearrier, debug: P"tof tbeeity,ttb Tar.w., or 13 cents per week. jforMto receiTe their paperaregtuarly. yew Advertieementfcv RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tha Chest, Gout, Quins, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fee and tars, and all other Pains and Aches. Va Prwrmratfon on earth eouals St. Jacoes Oil. m . ; and cheap External Itoa!. A trial ertaih tut tl coiupars.tlr-iy teiZir.K ntlr of 50 fnt. end rrery one sufrr tr with rin -ran baro chp and positir proof firsctiocs io Eleren Lang-jag?. 60LD BY ALL DRUG GT3T3 AND DEALERS lit HXLDICIIiE. A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, 2Td., V, 8. A. sprfl 13 (Ur4u to "JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Bkuxswtck, Co., Vs., November 5th, 1881. Mas. Jox Fz&sos, Franklinton, N. O. DiabMada: It ia with pleasure tht 1 write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy baa entirely cured me of a most fearful looking and painful sore on ay ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ringworm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. He told me ke conld core me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or five weeks, aid if I did not do so pretty soon, it conld not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. Just imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or fire up all business either of these Re medies would have ruined me. Mind joutais was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, nd this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with caoktic, as he advised until September, bnt derived no benefit from bis treatment. I ai advised then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured. and I can now walk as far, dance as much and jump as high as any win yon know. Put me back to the 1st f September, let me know as much as 1 now do of the virtue ot your Remedy, ad I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it fcrless. I think more of it than any Bedicico io the world. It is not only tfce best Remedy to purify the blood and acre all skinidiseases, but 1 believe it will car all kinds of blood diseases, and I tsow it"will cure a love for strong drink. I hope you will have this published, as there are many sufferers who could bo enred, if they could knowcf and get your Kemedy I am truly and respectfully, JOS. IL MASON, South Gaston, N. C. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wo. fl. Green. Send forcircu lr of testimnials. nov 14dw HEW GOODS I UUETHIIIQ fJEV EVERY DAY! 07 odds AND arpeits V AV1 ARE VERT BUST, AND THE ft am JMCMfcHW ou U very plata. We ahow goods with Cameasd ourtutrarg noay Judge as to priea. R, LI. Llclntire. Tit , . The ' i-l iA I ft VOL. V WILMINGTON; N. C FRIDAY; DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. .New Advertisements. Sec 1 New York Herald Jame5 C M r nds Druggist Heissberger ChrUtmas Goods CW Yates Christmas tiucds You can tell dog wood by its bark. A bear story not necessarily the na ked truth. We lese only 11 micntes of daylight this month. . Calling ' milk keep f&t&free.x. lacteal fluid" doesn't Xo Mayor's Court and no Magistrate's Court tp day. - You cannot alwajs tell a crank by the corner he turns. it is the clean table cloth that catches the early grease-spot. This month has five Thursdays, Fridays and five Saturdays. five This second day of December, 1881, is warm enough for a day in May. Swe. barque Fagna, Knudsen, from this port, arrived at London on the 29th ult. Steamship Benefactor Capt. Tribon, arrived here this- morning from New York. . If a man's biography is called history why should not a woman's be called her story ? -' ' 1 1 r - -1 1,1 Schoonef Melrose, Lufkin, from this port, arrived at Jeremie, Hayti, on the 12th ult. Schooner D. V. Streaker, Camp, cleared at New York on Wednesday for this port. ' It is not what yoa see that makes you popular among your friends; it is. what you don't tell. Goethe says a man must be either an anvil or a hammer ; yet how many are nothing but bellows. - Ice cream is said to contain trichinae. Every young maa should send a copy of this issue to his girl. Generally speaking, outside of the legal fraternity there is not a great deal of clothing in a law suit. The farmer that "ran rapidly through his orooertv" wore a red shirt and had his brindle bull behind, him. Third street between Chestnut and Mulberry, is being graded preparatory to receiving the top crop of ballast. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t Time is money and money is time, for when you give twenty-five cents to a couple of tramps it is a quarter to two. His now believed that the oleomar garine fuctories put hairs in their goods, thus rendering it more dlffipuit of detec tion than ever. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glasg, &c You cm get all sizes and at the owest pncea T It ia. ootited by an exchange that at some time or other the man who does not advertise, i brought into prominence and a red flag i3 always used. - Perpetual motion is perhap impossi ble to obtain; but you can approximate it by putting a boy on a chair at a funeral aud telling him to be still. Frankfurter sausages and lebcrwurst. If you don't know what all that means, call and ask Mr. Schutte, at his restaur ant, on South Front street. There will be a partial eclipse of the moon on Monday next, at 11 o'clock and 50 minutes in the forenoon, which, of course, will be invisible here. Beautify your comes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f He had been telling her stories of him selfand had done a rreat deal of brag ging. When he had finished she kissed him and murmured, "This is a kiss for a blow." There is a' very bright Etar, Venus, we think, which is visible in the Bast, just above the horizon, a short time before daybreak. It is a .sun w itseir na it worth tumbling eat of bed on a cold ntreing to itt. . ; j Overboard- A little whito boy from the county whose name we did not learn, fell from a fiat, into the river this morning, just be fors dybreak. He was asleep on the fiat which had wood on it, and was moor 1 at Princess street dock, and awaking suddenly and endeavoring to pass around the fire, became dazed and stepped over board. He was fished out, however, by a man who was aronsed by his cries. Telegraphic Note- The Charlotte Observer tells us- that a force of hands is now at work near Shelby engaged In overhauling the Car olina Central JelczraDh wires of the Western Union Company. The force will work this way and it is expected to thoroughly repair the line all the way A W TV 1 10 wiimmgton. ine wires wui in a r great many places be strung anew on the new poles erected by the American Un ion Company before the consolidation. The frittering away of wealth is of minor account compared to the expendi ture'of vital force by delay in treating a Cough or Cold. Dr. Bull s Cough Sprup saves time and strength in its effect upon Coughs and Colds. Price only 25 cents a bottle. Colored Flr at Wadesboro. We thank the Secretary, Capt. John T. Patrick, for an invitation to attend the First Annual Fair of the Colored People's Agricultural Society, which is to be held in Wadesboro, on the 20th, 21st and 22d of this mpnth. Capt. Pat rick says that Hons. O. H. Dockery, W. P. Canaday, R. Tyler Bennett and other prominent white men, and N. W. Harlee aud a number of other prominent colored citizens, will deliver addresses during the Fair. We wish the projectors suc cess. Rev. Mr. Wood Speaking of Rev. Frank H. Wood, who has been sent by Conference to fill the pulpit of Front Street M. E. Church during the ensuing year, the Durham Plant says; The appointment of Rev. Frank H. Wood to Front Street church, Wilming ton, gives peculiar pleasure to his many friends throughout the state. As a preacher Mr. Wood has few equals. We had the pleasure of hearing him every Sunday for three years, and if the good people of Wilmington want good doc- trine and logical sermons torcioiy deliv ered they cannot but be pleased with their pastor, Rev. Frank H. Wood. We bespeak for him a hearty reception in this new field. "Bough on Rats." The thing desired found at last. Ask druggist for Rough on Rats. It clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, bedbugs. 15c. boxes. For the Review A Startling uenonment Nkwbebk, Dec 1 A startling ramsr is in circulation here that Dr. Caned, who desires to purchase the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad, is an agent of the Boston Syndicate, and therefore allied to the interests of Mr. Best. If there is any truth in this gossip, Newbern and Morehead City will eventu ally become the -great outlet for the foreign trade or Cincinnati ana tne ureai West, provided, or course, tne juiaiana N. C. K. R. is completed to some point where it would tap the C. F. & Y, v . road of its Western freights. Yours, ju. A. U. The "startling announcement" has not startled us much. V e do not believe that there is any connection whatever between Mr. Best and Dr. Canedo. One represents Bestonians and the other New Yorkers. We fcelieve mat irr. Canedo is perfectly sincere in his profes sions and that he may be relied upon to do as he says he will do. But as this is a matter of business Dr. Canede's .ropo- sition will be scruunizeu very cioaeij " a W . I and ample guarantees will be required, and will no doubt be given, that the contract as made shall be carried out in good faith. We think that the interests of Wilmington and of Fayetteville and of the Cape Fear A Yadkin Valley R. R , which are in many things closely al lied, can be safely left in the hands of the gentlemen who compose the State Commission. WaxahacWe, (Tex.) Enterprise. Fall From a none. Rev. S. S. Yarbrough, whose wife, by a fall from a horse, received a severe bruiting and a bone broken, and who used St. Jacobs Oil with splendid effect, ia a communication upon the subject, observes: It would have done oee good to listen to her eulogizing the oil. This good lady's experience is simply that of multitudes throughout the country, whose absolute faith in the eScacy of St. Jacobs Oil is rewarded by never a dissp poiatacat. . . The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,445 bales. Nor.' barque A. M. Schweigaard, Johnsen, cleared at this port to-day for Liverpool, with 1,600 bales of cotton, shipped by Messrs. Williams k Murchi son. It is said that Coup's Circus, although it will perform in Sumter early in'Janu ary, will not stop in Wilmington longer than will be necessary to change tho trucks of his cars, and herein Mr. Coup may make a mistake. , Thft Raleigh papers have been felici tating themselves over the supposition that Bishop Northrop will make his res idence in Raleigh, but we understand that there is good reason to beliave that tho Episcopal residence will be ia Wil mington. Unmailable Unmailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Postoffice in this city: ) Andrew Jackson, May Park, Fla.; Mr. Morriss Thomas, Amour, N. C; one stamped colored envelope illegibly addressed. A Prompt Response. Here is an illustration of the benefits of advertising. Yesterday a gentleman in this city advertised in the Revikw for the recovery ef a strayed cow, and very soon after the paper was on the streets the cow walked into the back gate, which happened to be open at the time, and took her place as usual in the cow lot. She remained there until this morning and was turned out into the street again, as she didn't happen to be the right cow after all. Household Hints, Apieceof zinc placed on the live coals in a hot stove will effectually clean out the stovepipe, the vapors produced carrying off the soot by chemical decom position. If a little vinegar or some cider is mix. ed with stove polish it will not take much rubbing to make the stove bright and the blacking is not likely to fly off in fine dust. When patting away the silver tea or coffee pot which is not used every day lay a little stick nnder the top; this will allow fresh air to get in and will prevent mustiness. It will then be ready for use at any time, alter being first thor oughly rinsed with boiling water. Criminal Court- The Court- was occupied all of the forenoon in the trial of the case in which Hiram Merrick and Sarah Merrick, col" ored, are the defendants, the former for the larceny of a gun and $140 in money, and tne latter tor reaving the articles, knowing them to have been stoles. - The case was begun yesterday and has excited much in terest. Col. B. R. Moore, the Solic itor, assisted by-Mr. Frank H, Darby, appeared for the State and Messrs. Jno. L. Holmes and Marsden Bellamy for the defence. The case was given to the jury" this afternoon, and a verdict of not guilty as to the latter was returned. Persons who stand upon their Feet, whether men or women, are often troubled with serious pains and weaknesses in the back, loins and other parts of the body. It has been proven beyond a doubt, how ever, that Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is a certain preventive of nese troubles. Mtaplaced Confidence. A colored woman by the name of Diana Alderman, hailing from Fiem- mington and on her way to Fayetteville, bought a lot ot goods yesterday, and on her way to the steamer, the. TVare, she was accosted by a colored man who offer ed to take charge of her bundles for her and see her safely on the boat. She ac cepted the offer and after some conver sation loaned the man, at his request, $1.50, he promising to pay her as soon as they got to the boat. . . '.-! He managed to give her the slip, how ever, and the woman now mourns the loss of the bundles as well as the money. She applied to Justice Millis, who issued a warrant for the rascal's arrest, but he could not be found. The woman had two small children with her, who were taken care of by friends last night. We eall the attention of our readers to the advertisement of J. Monroe Taylor. This house has been established nearly 40 years, and their goods are celebrated for purity and strength. We would re commend a trial of their Gold Medal brand to all who desire superior cook ery. , .. i - . t -U - tf : 2, 1881. NO. 284 Not? Advertisement. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY KEEALP. J-3ILS GOKDON BENNETT, POP".IfTOii. The Beit asd Cheapest Ne wt paper Pubiiih- Poprajre Free, ONE DOLLAR FER YKaR. b0 CENTS FOR SIX MONTHS ! An fxtra Copy to r?ry Club of Ten. ew York -Herald,.: Pabliehed ersrj dy ia tee year. $10 pays for oaa yor, urjdayg inc'uied. H piya-tor cn y.vy, t&t fcaadey a. $5 pwjafor s'x ttinaib3, riaadays iaoiaded. 4 pay for six js-ottts, without BandaTi $2 psjBf;r one r for ary specified dy 01 tne weet: $1 pjb for lix months for any apeci3ed day 01 in a wee. $1 per month (fcicludiss: Ssndaya) will ba euarffcdon ttocrip!iT Kralesipa riod tbae three mcatha. TO EUKOPii Including Postage. Daily fl7 80 Weexly (European Jiduion )............- 4 00 Weekly (lome tio hditioa.. 2 03 NEWBDEALEE3 SUPPLIED Postage Jfee. "aUy Edition... Two and a hf eta per copy Sunday Ka$ti Four cents per copy Weekly Edition ......Two cea.'a perecpy N H Not 163 thn S ODj'ej mailed ' to newsdealers at wbo!s tie rtten We allow so commii.ib a on subsorip tiona to Daily Edition . Address, NiiW YOfcK UfiftALD. dec 2 Broadway an Ann st, fiew York Strayed, FROM THE PREMISES of the under signed, about a fortnight ago, a SMALL RKDCOW, red all over, with a swallow fork in each ear. A auitable reward will be paid for the recovery of said cow. dee 1 JNO. 8. JAMES. MULES AND WAGON FOR SALE. TWO LARGE, FINE MULES and one two-horse Wagon. Suitable Sot tur pentine farm or lumber bu tineas. For 6ale cheap. Apply to dec 1-tf d! XW JNO. F. GARRELL. JAMES C. MUHDS, Druggist, 35 NORTH FRONT- STREET, WXLEIXZJaTOlti. EQV O. dee 1 Baling and Ties 1 Ann W le and Half Rolls Bagging 3000 8- W a P TIES, Bacon, Coffee, Sugar. 200 Boxes Smoked and D S Sides Bags Coffee, different grades, QHA EM Sugars, Granulated, zOUU Standard A, Extra C and ' J xiour, all grades,. ,J00 C110"5 l Lard, lypj Bbla Bo Fresh Cakes, 0 Boxes Assorted Candy, ' jOO BxeB18lected. Cream Cheese. Potash, Lye, Soda, 100 ea SaJ1 potMn 200 50X64 Lje 100 ZeS &B 8 1 50 20X68 Soap ryg Half Bbls and Boxes.Bnuff, ryp Dozen Buckets, 4 O Reams Wrapping Paper,"; Hoop Iron, NaIIs, Hay, Oats, Randolph Yarns and Sheetings. - tor sale low by oct 31 WILLIAMS A MUBCHISON 3? 1L 3dE 2E3 TO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. PLEASE OEDER EARLY. SASH, DOORS AM BUH3S BRACKET8,;M0ULDING, ,LTJMBZB,:&e AXTATFEB; FRIOE . k CO. bct 31 ' PLSA88 BOTIG, We will be clad to receive eomnnnlcatiea rxsm our Crlasdj on ay end all nblsctt reneralfataresi but T & cf the writer mmti elvajg be r aisbetf a ihm Kdltor. " ' Ooaaanlaattons mast bejertaen; oa only oasddaof the papar " " . - . PenonaiiOei nacjt be avoided And It is especially and particularly gsder ' ood that the Editnrdoes not el ways endorT tbe riewaot eorrvavcadesti vxleM ao.ataP", in tbs 41toriai oolotticiw Now AtfvortiHomontft. - Red Ash Coal AND BLACK ASH WOOD ; White Ash Coal and Black Jac Wood ; Chestnut Coal for S-'elf-feeding StoTes, beft thing out. Coal ani Wood of all kinds and aixes, at - nor 2-S-tf SPRINGER'S YARD. Somethme: RIow JN 1HE WAY OF NECKWEAR, Collar ettes, Spanish Fichues; c. Material for Fancy Work for Christmas.. Millinery al ways new-and-' stylish. nair Goods and Ladies' nd t hildrea's Underwear. " . Respectfully, MISS K. KARRER, cot SO Exchange Corner TME GLfiRENDOfl WATER WORKS COMPANY ' IVE NOTICE THAT THEY ARE ready to receive applications for supplying water. Information in regard tp rates, &c, can be had, and applications must be made at the Superintendent's offlce,No. 1 Journal building, Princess 6treet,from 9 to 11A. M. and 3 to 5 P. M. Service pipes will be laid n the order in which the applications are received. JOHN C. CHASE. Sud'L nov 21-tf WATER WORKS. fJIHE UNDERSIGNED havihg engaged a competent and experienced PLUMBER, from the North, beg to notify the public that they will hereafter combine with their present Iron and Copper Work the business f PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. By doing FIRST-CLASS WORK at reason able prices they hope to merit any older their customers may leave with them, nov 28- "HART, BAILY & CO. Christmas Goods. J AM NOW.OPENING THE lABftSST STUCK OF FANCY CHRISTMAS GOODS ever brought to this city fiBr Pran'i Celrbrated Christmas Cards in great varia'y, at nov 28 Book and Stationer Store. Christmas Goods, J HAVE THE LARGE 8 T, PRETTIEST and most complete stock of HOLIDAY G0OD3 ever brought to this city. BEAUTIFUL CHBI67ilA8 CARD3. . My cuitomarican buy thir CHUISTMAB PBE885Td now, and have them put away until Christmas. This is to avoid the great rash at, . LllilNBBERGER'S, nor 28 Live Pook and Kvo Store Wew Restaurant. rjlHE UNDERSIGNED would respectful ly annouuee that he has jest fitted up at No. 3, Granite Row, South Front St., a. Res taurant for Ladies and Gentlemen, where meals and refreshments may be had at all hours of the day. Every thing Is new and first-elass. Polite waiters and courteous at tendants. . tGame and Oysters in season. Fine Wines; Liquors and Cigars, nov 18 F. A. SCHUTTE, Prop. NORTH CAROLINA HOUSE. JOHN" D. STELLJE3, Proprietor. The best of Wines, Liquors, Lager Beer and Cigars. OY8TERS IN EVERY STYLE. MEALS AT ALL NIGHT. HOURS DAY AND Corner Second and PrineeM eta oct Porto Eico HoIasseB. 250 : : HHBS. ' STRICTLY PRIME Porto Eico SIolaGses'sf ' For sale by " " . WiElIam3 & Marchlsono ' asgl 258

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