HE HOT AFRAID TO PRAY.. . not afri4 to prsy-Lo pray Is fight. pry ,f thoa canwt w liope: but ever Ttioiilbhope be weak, or sick with loos de- ifthe darkness If there be no liah. L-luthe time, remote from human sight. W&e wr ud d,sConl ou tL, eirtu uall cease; - . Verv prayer for universal peace I ibe bleased time to expedite, atever is good to wish. aatc that of Ueav- Tau'bV. be what thoii canst cot hope to Prit t'J be perfect, though material lea veil r.irbkl Ifie spirit so u earth to be; uat If for any wlh thou d 3 rest net pray. ZZl oray to (Jini tocM that wish away. 71,8 p lllnrtfry Colcrklgc. u9 o,t Free rre s. A Cop of Cold Water It was night at tko Michigau Central station in Deiroit late, dark, silent fli-rhf, and only a few dim lights broke the gloom into dense shadows, ibat were more foari'ul than utter darkness and no trarelcr was so unfortuuatc as to be co npelled to linger in th a dreary pi ice. At least that was the impression " the raat silence gave, but there were two travelers who, when no trains were com in" or going, waited in the depot through the chili morning hour. One was a man who had come by the latest train, and whom the conductor helped into the de pot, and who, through weariness, had fillen asleep on tho cushion: He wus ticketed through, and his destination was the grave ; no one needed to glance at hitn twice to see that he had almost reichcd the end of his last journey. The other passenger was oa the road to ruin : he, too, had nearly arrived at tho termi. cai; at least, his pallid, bin-marked face, aai lll-asaorted, ragged clothe3 seemed to indicate that he hid nearly touched the toot of the ladder ; tho world had taken his measure and named him "tramp," but he had wrought his own ruia ; low and evil as ha was, he never blamed any one but himself. This man had been watchiag the sleep er for a long time, had noted his weak i neas, his respectable appearance, and tiathe.hada watch-chain at his vest pocket and a respectable tatchel onder his bead; and ho crept near, nearer, with the one horrible thought uppermost he would rob the dying rain ! He had no fear of the act. He hugged the baseness of it to his eoul. But he did tear that gome one would come in and interrupt his project. If the man moved ? Why, a torn of the wrist at bis throat would lottlehim. , lie did not move. The tramp took the satchel aid the watch simultaneously and was ready to fly, but the sick man merely groaned taiutiy aa nis neaa arop ned na the cushion. In the face of actual j"- death he slept as quietly a3 a child on its mothers breast. Aa tha tramD looked with greedy eyes at the watch to note its commercial valne ho started and shivered as if an official hand had .been laid on his shoul der, stared wildly at the face of the tick man and back to the watch, which, with open case, lay in his hand; then he nnLLArftri anrnethintr that bad the name of "God" iu it, and instantly it was back iu the pocket bt the sick roan, and the Satchel was under his head again. W hat had he seen? The picture of a captain in the South em army, wearing the Confederate u i ferm. A face that resembled that of the bud who, when be lay dying of thirst, and was about to be transfixed by a rebel bavonet. crave hini a draught of spring water, and setting him on his own horse, tutned him to the North and aid: "When you meet a vanquished man pare him, as I have spared you.' And he had raised his blue cap in the ah; and sworn to remember. .Now they had met again! Aa hour later a carriage drove in haste U the depot, and first of all a child came Tinning in. She looked at the tramp a moment and hesitated, then flung her self on the prostrate man. "Grandpa! dear grandpa! wake up. We've come to take you home." A gentleman and lady hurried in. "Father," said the lady, kneeling by him, "we missed the time, but here we are now. Do wake up." The tramp was fanning him with nis eap;a certain dignity, was in his face and manner as he did so. The sick man epened his eyes, smiled feebly and said: "Gtve-me--a drink-of -water." The tramp brought the water and knelt as be lifted the helpless head and placed the top of water to the cold lips. When he laid1 him, back there was a mile sealed upon them, and the lady and the little girl sobbed aloud. The tramp rose to his feet, but his crisffiog manner gas gone. "The battle is , most - over," he said ?ently "He told me to remember, and did. I would have died for him." Ha has done better: he has lived for feint, and men touch their hats to him now, who three months ago would have iparned him from their door3. Rftmncp do rnu sav? No. wv dear sir, it is reality! Why Are Ipu Billlous? allowed vour bowel 4 n. anil livr tnmid IV ucvuaiQ. VUOtV, . 1 Use Kidney Wort to produce a free state ei me ooweis, ana it win euKiuiaio m liver to proper action, cleanse tho skin 01 its yellowness, cure and CMirca noorlifA in the blood. Drug gists have ir. both dry and liquid Zien't Herald '. . A Woman oa a Cow catcher. Th AnintrA rnnntv pxnresa train that lett Jersey City on Friday evening pass ed through Patterson and f intermediate Nations at the rate of forty nines an hour to Ridgewood, where it slowed up to allow a postmaster to get on. rrum Ridge wood no stop was mado until the train reached the Greenwood Iron Works in New York. At this place the engineer discovered the hedy of a wo man. on the narrow platform directly above the cowcatcher and in front ot the boiler. The woman was alive.t hough SQconscious. She was cut about the bands and face. She said her name wai'Mrs. Crowley,' of Spring street Pa ttrwa. Ii fjplaittion fher strange position, she' said she only remember ed being. struck by the engine in the streets of Paterson. Mrs. Crowley is now at Milton, N. Y.. under medical treatment. Jle? injuries, it is said, are not serious. ' Many Miserable Peopledrag themselves about with failing strength, feeling that they aro steadily sinking into their graves wh n, by using" Parker's Ginger Tonic, they would find a cure commenc ing with the first dose, and vitality and strength surely coming back to them. See oth cr column. X. V. Herald. Artist FteMs a DneT In An American Uome. Captain George Butler is a fine speci men of American manhood, he fought very 5ray-!y in tiso war between the North-and the South, and was'" severely wounded at Gettysburg, lo.-ing bin riht arm. lie now resides at Home, and is a a painter by profession. He is as clever with the word as with the brush, not withstanding that he has only his left hand available. Captain Butler the other day was walking out with a brother artist, also an American, when Signor Mosso, au Italian, accosted Captain Butler's friend. Captain Butler said, 'Do not answer him, for he is tipsy," and immediately received a slap in the lace. A challenge follo wed, onlsts met at 5 15 on the 1. iiu auiag' afternoon ot 'ru 1 the 18th, at a spot outside the Porta Cava'eggiera. They were attended by tneir respective seconds and surgeou?f and fought with long Italian rapiers, terrible weapons in the hands of strong and skillful men, being very thin, and sharp at the point as a razor: They penetrate with wouderful facility, and are rarely used in" duels unless mischief is meant. Sisaor Mosso is the son of an Italian officer, and is employed in the j Government Tobacco Department. He wears eyeglasses. Although an excel lent fencer, and possessing the advantage of a risht arm, 'it soon became 'evident that he was no match lor his antagonist. After a few passes Capt, Butler aimed a thrust at S iff nor Mosso. striking and smashing his eyeglass, breaking the steel rim. The. rapier glanced a little aside, and penetrated the flesh between tho eve and Lose. The wound was not daugerous, but it gave an excase to the seconds and . surareons to terminate the , - conflict. c A Sew Motor A French chemist has found a way of j makins? eras from carbonate of lime. The gas can be used as a motor and it is said wrll furnish tie cheapest motive power known Chalk or lime is one of the most abundant materials of which tho crust of the eapth is composed, and a cheap mdiive power furnished by ita disintegra tion would revolutionize transportation. Several tramways are being run in France by this motor. The gas can be extracted from the stone and stored, and after.being used, condensed again. Some of the French papers think that the days of steam are over, and that the use of coal will be confined to heating purposes hereafter. At. vShSfi ' ' J i.- BEUBAAGIA. Nervous Irritability, Sciatica and all painful Nervous Diseases. A treatise by a well known physician, a specialist on these subjects, concludes as follows: "Neuralgia is one of the most painful of diseases, and is attended with more or less nervous irritation. Sciatica is also a form of neuralgia, and all painful ner vous diseases . come under that name. Neuraliria means nerve ache, and there fore you can suffer with neuralgia in any part of the body, a3 the nerves are sup plied to every patt. I have for many years closely studied the cause of neuralgia, and the nature of the nervods system, with the many diseases that it is subject to, and have found by actual experence that the true and primary cause of neuralgia is pover ty of the-nervous fluidit becomes im poverished and poor, and income cases starved, not because the patient doeSj not eat, out because what is eaten is not appropriated to the nervous system; there are many cases for this, but Dr. C. V. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills have in my hands'proved a perfect remedy for this condition and these dis eases. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. ' Depot; 106 North Eutaw St, Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for $1. or six boxes for $2.50 to any address DR. C. V. BENSON'S is Warranted to Cure ECZEr?At TETTERS, HUMORS, 1 iriFLAMMATlCH, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES CF HAIR AND SCALP, 1 1 t 1 r. (- r I 1 SCROFULA ULCERS, FIMFLCS & T3NDER ITCKiNCSm02pxUortSu J body. Xi cakes the akin whit, soft and esiooCi t iresiovea tan aid Irecilea, aad li the rST toilet dressing In VTCD. nejttt'x pat up, two bottles ta cna package. c3Pfiifit.i .:g cf both internal and ex eraaltreataeTst. Uxsi&s3drai5t82i&Telt. CT.pcrrwcijwra. J. W. CONOLEY, AgtnU dee 1-csa-d arm J I 1 urarcmse A TRUE A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IKON B1TTEI13 arc highly rcruendsd for all diseases requiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, D?pepsia, Intermittent Fcxcrt, Went ofAppetiteyLo&3 of Strength, Luck of iWeJeEnricIies the blood, strengthens the muscle3,and gi vea new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing cU dyrpeptie symptom, suck as Tasting the Food, Belching,RcatintfeS(amach,n;ar;burnJc. The only Iron Preparation S jfc wiU not cn tho tHth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Writ for the A K C Book C32 pp. of useful and amusim? read inS) tent free. BROWN CHEOTCAIi CO., Baltimore, 3Id. See that TI Trrn Bltt rs are m-d by Brx- C?jt;ttc.x Co. and hvre ciomad red liaes oe wrmpper. BEWABE O? pt 12 area -to AILSOAD C0EIPAK7. ' 1 : v QttlC 0 GBKl omrKBIBTBBAM? I Wilmington, X. O., Dec. 1, 1881. t CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER December lbt. 1631. 6.4C A M, Paueager Train on the T. i! mini?ton m Weldon B&Uroftd will rao ta folio wi DAY MAIL AND EXP3E88 TRAIN, Ati Noi. 47 North and 48 South, Lvave Wlimlnarton, front St. Depot C 40 A k Arrive t Wldonat.M.WM.M.MM... 12 SO p is Lasts Weldon . 3 ST P Arrive at WUmiairtoa, Front t Fait Throuirh Mail and Ptweaaer Trait Uiiiy No. 4i North and40 8out6. Leave Wilminirtoa, Froat &- Depot U.h.m. 6.25 P arrive at WeldoaM.M........M.M.M 1.15 A M Leave Weldoa......M..MH.H.MMMW. 6.Q& P M Arrive at Wilminirt on, Froct L Depot 10.0 P M Dar Mail and Paueefer. Daily. J$o 45 Korth aad 41 South. Leave Wilmioz'on Front St Depot t.........M.. 03 P M Arrive at We uon at... 9.0PM eav Weldon at . l 35 A M mre at Wilml&flrtoa.... .... .8 15 A M Train No 40 rioatb will t.p only at Kooky Hoant. Wilson, lioidsboro and uairnopa raici on Tarboro 8ranofc od Leave ocky &ioont for .Tarboro at T.15 P M Daily and Tuesday Thursday and Sat rday at 3 16 AM. Returning, leave Taiboro at 9 06 A M daily, and Monday, Weiaeiday and Friday at 8:50 P Mi Tram ho. 47 maks close oooceeaon a Veldon for all points North dall. Ill r ai! ria Richmond, and daily exoept Handay via a? Line. Train No 43 runs daily and makes elosr Connection for all points North via Kiob- oiond and W aahington All trains run solid between W liming ton md Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers Attached. JOHN F. OIVINE, General U A POPE, Gen'l Paes. 4gnt Gen'l 3tJDt0 Office WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AU QJHTA BAIL SO AD GO. WIlmiQftofl, N. C, Nov. 4, if 81, CHANGE OF BOHKDULS ON AND AFTER Nov 6tb. 1881, at 10 40 P M, the following Passenger Schedule ill be run on tnis road NIGHT EXPUS3S TQAI98 (Owlyk Nos. 48 West and 4?;Eatt. Leave Wilmington -. 10 40 P Leave rlomnee........ , 3 2)A M Arrive at O O and A Junction...... 6.80 A li Arrive at Oolumbia.M..M......... 6 40 A B Lea re Columbia. 10 OOP K Leave O C and 4 A JocetionM..M..M0 20 PM Leave Florence.................... 2 00 A is Arrive at Wllmiagton....... 8 20 A K Nisht Maii, axd PxssKssia Taxra, Dan.v 0. 40 WBSI. ABB UAV MAIZi AND PAS- Bsssza eai9. No. 43 East. Lave Wilmington t.M....,..ll 46 P H arrive at Florence-....- 3 15 A M Leave Horence. . 106PM Arrive at Wilmington.......... 6 C5 P U Mail a no Passbs qb DAttr, 42 West, 46 JEast. Lsave Wilmlngton..-. fi.35 P M Arrive at Florence-. 12.46 AM Leave Florence-... .................. 5.45 A M Arrive at Wi.mingtoo...........-12X,0 M Train No ii and 42 stops at all Stations No 40 stops only at Flemington, White ri le. Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points ot- O. 4 C. S. L, O.. O. A A. EL R. stations, Aiken Janotion, and all points bayond, sbonld take 48 Vight Kzprce. Separate Follraaa Sleepers for tj&arletoB and for augnrta an train 47. AH trains run solid between uaarunoc and Wilmington joh JiiSK, Antral tfaat. A. PPK, Gen'l Pa Agent n 4 . R3ew River Twlullets. BBLS. NEW MOltLETo, 300 DOZ LAJRSE R0E Jor fait by H4LL & PEARSALL O et ia. Prx rii wp prri 1 ' sk 1 3 1 ft a TONIC I5IITATIOS. UAUOIjCNA CFNTKAJ, UAIIROA!) llmiaitton. N. C, June , 1S31. CalSOK OF SCHRDlTIa ON AND AFTER June 5. 1SS1, t!s f l lowing 8hedale will be operated 01 t is Railroad : PA88ESOKB, MAIL' 'AND EXPRESS -RAIN. Dailr ezeept Pnndaye So 1 Leave WiirDingtoa........9.4S A Arrive at Charlotte at....R.45 P Leave Charlotte at-......5.ro a. j Arrive at WiluiinetoD at. 3.25 P Traies Nob 1 and 2 stop at regular rtationf osjy. and points designated in the Oompt ny b nne 1 aoie. rneee trains mace eiose connection at Charlotte with trains Nob. 3 and 4 for Cleve land Springs and all points .on Shelby Di vision. PASSENGER AND FBEIOHi. ) Leave Wilmington at.. 5:30 P V Arrive at Hamlet at..... 1:26 A . at Charlotte at. 80 A 1 Leave Charlotte at..w.w7:30 P VArHveat HaB.letat.M.N. 1:29 A J " at Wilmintrtos at 9:30 A No. 5 b dally except Snndav. bHt bp cocnoouoa rtr taieurhon saturdav" eta, 01 uaxiy except naturuav. SHELBY DIVISION. P S8lNGEBfMAlL KAfKEMH AND F EIGHT. mn m t Leave Oharlotte at..... 7: CO P It f Arrive at Shelby aU...10:3Q P Leave Shelby at..M. :Q0 A M f Arrive at Charlotte at... 9:30 A M Trams o 0 and a cuaae close oonneotisc at 0mlet to and from Baleig-b, except a above. Through Bleeping Cars between BaieLrb vno tiaariotie. Trains No. 1 and 2 make conntction at Oharlotte with A , T. & O k. R.. arivine at ta'esvllie same evening, and ooccectisg thre witb W. V. C. It. K. for Ashoville and all points on W. N C R. B. Trairs Nos 3 and 4 connect ctoflv with Chester a Lenior at Li&oolntos. ft . OHN03L Je 7 ii57,l nsTn4rt XJNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION I OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Lonislana State Lottery Company, Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legislature tor Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1.000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since oeen added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present state constitution adopted December 2d, A.D., 1879. Its Ge and Single Numbkk Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpone. Look at the following Distribution: GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT. during which will take place the 139th Grand Monthlt and TUB Extraordinary Semi-annual Drawing At New Orleans Tueeday, December 13th. 1581, Under the personal supervision and man agement of UJS.N.U. T. BEAUREGARD. 01 Louisiana, and uen. J UiJAL. A. J5AKLY, 01 Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000. 83F" Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars ODly. Halves, $0. Fifths, $3. Tenths $1. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of 1 Giand Prize of 1 Grand Prize of 2 Large Prizes of Large Prizes 1 20 Prizes of 50 " $100,000 50,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 1,000 500 COO 200 100 $100,000 60,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 100 " 200 ' 30,000 40,000 60,000 600 " 10,000 10 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of $200 20,000 100 Approximation Prizes ot 10010,000 iuu Approximation Prizes ot 75 7,500 11,279 Prizes, amounting to - - $522,500 Gen. JUBAL A EARLY, ot Va.. Commieeloners. Application for rates to club should only be made to the office of the Company in Write lor circulars or eend orders to M. A. UAUPHIN. Naw Orleans, La or JW. A. lAUPlll .at No L212 Broadway, New Yo(& Notice to IIic Public. The public are hereby cauiioxetj agaikst AST MONET OR OKDKRS TO NUNES & CO., 83 Nassau St., New Yorx Cjtt, as authorized by the Louisiana S-t&te Lottery ompany to eell ita Tickets . They are flooding the country with Boors Cracc- laks purporting to be of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are tilxvdv- ; ikktlt representing themselves aa its I Agents. They have no authority from this Company to eell its Ticket, and are not IU 1 agents for any purpose, I Pres. Leullana State Lottery Co. v..rwi.... T. Tnl. A I aev 9-ired-aWTrd4w 1 Important to Grocers, Packers, Hucksters, and tlio General Fnhlic. THE KING OKTUKTS-lVIilBZISR ZW E A New ProceiJ for Ircervi!is' all Perishable Arli c?o, Animal and VeelabJt, Irom Fermcn talin nnd Iutrelac2ton, Hetaiuiii their Odor am Fiaror ZONE -Purified air, active state of oxygen." Webster: Tbii I'reseTTA'ire ii not iiqaii, plcxte, j T.tUlT la b J pericit'.ed to' t!pD It or af of-1 e old nd expoiad pro exm, itiA? native ' 5ir.5te anJ c n ba tracaporteU batii eiciplj an-i rate r - Z 'E, t ;r jto ny rart ct h wcrll. dused em ftjjpii? b? a itir-Iy csw cro- Yh$j jicj upreisei fnia f.-ults ca ba held cess, t'sne i -ho entitepiic pricclrla cf ;for r ia leifn'.la period vmbiut frment- 6Y9-T sibsiacce, a d pes es'ei tie.pwer to presarTe aniial'ttad vd'tale struetares from decay. There is notbior n te faca of the earth iibie ti dec-y or epoil ' whioh Crone, lie ne?r Pre83r7t , wiil not preiere f.r U tisre in a pertectlf ftesh sad pt lta Is con dition. The 1 value of Cziaa.M nktaral prceerTer has been ktown t: oar abler, chem.s a far yews, bu until now no means of proiacisg it in a prctic5, iaezrentire, and simple is&nher hv9 be?n discofered. J!icra;coric obsa viiioss proTe that decay i daw to pti3 matter or in nate germs, that drel p and feed utcn acimai and veee:a!)la straotu'es. t z )te pplit:rt by tbe Pentiss inetho-J, eeiz-3s feed destroy s thes3 gernn at otee, and thus preperves." At our offices ia Cincinnati cn te seen aiiroit every article that cn be thought o'- preserTed by this proce , and every Tisitor is welcome to coiiie in, taate, smell, tke away witti him and t-st in oyery wv tbd merits f Czice as a preservative. We will also preserve, free of charge, anv article hat ia brcuffht or sectpr?pii to hs, and r- turn it to the Bend er, for him to eeep and test. FRF.hK MEATS, sach es beef, mutton, veal, pork, poultry, p&ma fish, Ao , preserv ed by hi8 metho 1, can be chipped to Europe, saoj-ctad to atmoaphd icchacs s ni leturn to this country in a state ot perfect preser vation. EGGS can be treated at a cost of la than one dollar a ihouSEd dozea, and be f ept in an ordinary room six months or mora thor- ouarhly preserved; tha jo!k held in its n r- mal condition, and the a gs as fresh arid per feat as on the day they were treated, and will seil as trfctiy "cbi.ice". The advautaee ia pressrvin? eggs 1s readily een; there are easons when thev can be bought tor b or 10 cents a dozen, and br h ldiag them, can be s id at an advanoe or trom ore nanarea to tiree hundred per cant. One man wi?h this method can preserve 5,000 dozen a day. A FORTURJE Awaits OZONE A. C. 13 c wen, Marion, Ohio, has cleared $2 .CCO in two month. $2 for a test pack agf was his first investment. Woods Brothers,. Lebanon, Warren Co., Ohio, made $6 030 on eggs purchased in Asgust and sjld Ni ve be- 1st. $2 tor test package was their first investment. FK Raymond, Morristowh Belmont Vo, Ohio ia cl-rtbg$2 000 a month i hundllng and se'iing Czoie Si for a test package was his first investment. D F Webber, Charlotte, Eaton Co, Mich, bas cleared $1 000 a nrn'h ri'ce August. $2 fjr a test package wad hi fl st inves ment. J 13 Gaylord.ee La Rl!e 8t, Cjieago, is p eservinff eggs, i-uit etc. Tor tne cm miB- !on men of Chicago, charging ll4o. per ooz en for eggs and other article in pr portion He is preserving o.ouu dozen eges per d-y, and on h a business is making $3 COS a month clear. $2 for a test package was his first invest ent. How to Secure a Fortune with Ozone. A test package of Czone. oontining a snfficient quantity to preserve one thousand dozen eggs, 0? other articles in proportion. will be sent to any eppli an o- receipt of 2. Tb:s package wilt enable the applicant to 1 ursae anr line oftesttard experiments he desires, and thus eat sfy bimielf as to the extraordinary meritsof Oxone as a Hre srvative. after havin? tbus satisfied him self, and had tiane o look the field over to determine wha he wish s to do in tne future whether to sdl the a ticie to others or to confine it to h s own uie, or any other lin' of policy which ia beet suited tn him mi to his towrsh'p or county we will enter In to an arr&ng ment with him that wll cake a fortune for h m ant . ive cs good profi e. We will civa exclusive townshiD or coo tv privileges to the first responsible arplioant who orders a tost pact ace and desires to ontrol the business in bis locaMty. Th man who s eures c ntrol o- tone tor any Fpeolal territory will njoy a moncpoly wh ch will so ely enrich him. Don't let a day pass until you have order ed a Test Pacae, and if you desire to se cure an exel slve privilege we assure you that delay may deprive you cf it, for the applications oorae into us " by scores every mail many by telegraph, "First come frit rved"is opr rule. If too do n t care t.o send money in ed vance fjrthe test package we will send it COD, but this will put you to the expense of charges for return of money. Oct corre- tpondesce is very large; we have all we can Give yoar full addrees in very letter, PRENTISS PRESERVING CO. (Limited.) 8. Corner nor 14.dl3tsatwl3t Our Belored A RF I E LP And hii Faithful Cabinet An elegant Chromo Lithograph of our late Pre ident, ma a -eg 8iul length poitraiu. prist'd in 10 colors cn LeaTy caper with a rich fff ld border. Size. 18x28 'incbes, Te sale of this beautiful work of art bss ben simply utp recede nUd at $1 per covj. In ordar that every 'amily may oe able to po- ses tfcia bean tifal and touching scuvetirof our late President and his Cabite, we will mail it tax orJv (0 cents per copy. We cat f arr lab this same subject, printed i 8 colors, reduce t t 9xlS inches, for only 1 cants AGENTS SRTSSK WANTED h time for agents to reap a rieh carvect with these beautiful portaiu. 2 "thing Uu IlKe theia. Send for terms aad boy sacples to work with, 005 ANT A C9. PuH, nov 19-231 T Dey rt, Ftw York The Club House, ADDITION TO ITS FINE atock of Wines," Llquora, Beer and Cigars. Is effexine to ita customers and friend - NEW v RIVER OYSTER3, served In any style derired. My motto is to please ana to uus ena no enon f - W. ORTSfANK, Vrmmrltttrvr fjrfm&fi'n'ft fJlUD Mocae. ft2C 8jt tt.,ConlBlaki V !i-t- . ti c - i;.e gr.ht yaiae ci xais prccera wd:c;E7 a lempeiaaca bsversro. Cider en to teld pe:f.ct y eneet f )T any length of tl CO. Vi GhTABLK can be kept for an Iafefl nlte re?iod in tteir,otural Cjsd ti n, retait ing their odor and flavor, treated ia their original pxckaer&t a small expe re. All K-ia'n', flocri tto., arohe'd in their notmil eonditicn. liUTTFH, after being treat 1 by thii pro- O'.es, will cot become raccid, Dad human lodies, treated before Jeccm poifiticn seta in, can be held in a natural con dition for weeks, wi'hoct panctarin; the ek n or niutiltin iha body In anr way. Hetca th3 ereat vales of ('zone to under takers. Thir is no chmge in tbe slffihtest partie alaria ih3 appearance of any article thai preeortcd, and ro trace cf any. foreign or ttnuatural odor or tsite. The process is m tia ple that a ebild can operate it ts well and as successfully aa a man. Tbce ia no expensive apparatus or mactinery required . . A roDm filled with different articles, such a fes, ireat, fish, eto , can be treated at one time, witbout add! ional trouble or ex- pense. in fact, there is aoibing at Ozone will not preserve. Think of every thing vou caa that is liable tr sour, dicay, or tpoil, asd then reint mber that we guaraa'ee th Ozone will preerve it ia extcUy the oondit tion you want it for any length of time. If you will remember this, it will save taking questi ns as to whether Ozone will preserve this or that article it will preserve any thing and every thing you can tbiik of. Ti ere is not a towcabip ia the United 'Hates ia wMch a live man cn not make any amount of meney, from J1.C30 to $10, 0C0 a Tear, that be pleiBes. We deire to get a live man interes ed in each county In the Unite! . tates" In tthesa handi we can p aoa tfcii i reiervatlve. and throuh him secu e tfce business which every countr ought to produce. Any Man who Secures fJontrol of in any Township or County. The Cincinnati Fed 'o 4H vst Pai, 8t'eat,Is baaing $5,0(50 month i hand'tnr brewers' malt, prr serving aod shipping it as feel t all part? of the ountry. Malt un preserTed soars in 24 hmrs Preserved by Czone it keeps perftctly sweet for months. These aro instance t which we have asked the privilege of publishing. There areoore of others. Write to anr of the aboye par ties and g3t the CTiienca direct. f ow, to proTe the absolute truth of everr thing we have said in ih s paper, we pro pose to pWcs fn your hmis tha means of aZ t0r Tru"8l,f tht - we ave not c aim ed half enon h. To any pe 1 00 who doubts any of tbese 'taments, and wo is inter oil J.Utlnr7 a ,k iP' we will iuio viiT, if we iau ;o prove any uiai ment mat we havemde. do to attend to the shipping of orders ltd giving atteution to our working agents, therefore 1 we can not give any attention to letters which do cot order zoce. If you thick cf any artic e that vou aredonbtrul about ( zone pre erving, rernember we guar antee that it will preserve it. do matter what We desire to call ur attention to a class ol re ersnces which no watarpfls or firm based on any thing but the s&undes; busine a saccsjs and high-fit oamarcial merit could ittCure . w t b7 psTmisrioo, as to oar Integ. nty andta th .. value -tT the Prentiss Pre gervAtire, t: tbe follnwi.ng gentltmen: Ed- ard 0Boyc3, Member Buard of Publlo Workt; h O Kele'by, City C omptroller; Amor Hmlh, jr, Collector laterral Beve nue: wuliia A .onbiaton. Attorneys Martin H iiarrell and 3 Fllopkios, County ommifdon rs; W H ap elle'. t'ounty Au w?r f Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. These gnt ean er es'h fattiliar with tie merits (four Preservative and kr ow frona actual cbaeryatien ttal ws have wi'hout quFstioa The Most Talnable Article in thn World. The $2 ycu Invest in a teat Tjaek in surely ! ad tou to secure a townshiD or C3UQIT and then vour wav . ia ln'nti cjearto make ftoai $030 U $:0,o;o a year jnd sind year letter to ninth cc Bscs fctf ., Cincinnati, 0 eaiih is Wealth! DH E C W8T'S h'tavB Aan Ban, TxKAmtar, a speeific for Hysteria, Ulx. ziness, Couyulsioni. Nervous Headache, ftfentil Depresdoo, Less cf Memory.. Ixnpo teacy, i rem a tar Old Age, caused by over exealon, exoesaee. r ovr-InduJge:sce. which leads to miserj, decay and death. One box will care recent cases. Each box contiias one month's treatment, One dollar a bo r, or six boxes for five d oil an; at by mail prepaid oa receipt of prioe. We guar, antee fir box?s to euro any ce;, VVjtheteh orfer received.by ua fa - b xrs, we wili send the parches).- our written agreement to retsra tbemocev If the freit.-rr a L effect a cure. 'naizt?e itiaei bv WM 11 UH.EKS, Drgit, ;-c'f to Green A Flannerj Wilaci Ke.,r. '.' i 0.-:?a by mail mem FERTILIZERS AfiS FEfUILIZIHO .' MATIStAU ilOTTON AXD CORN PLAN1ER8 Truckera and others caj j;et. Into correct channel to Us.de adraatjgeouAly.by comj mnnicatiag wiih JAS. T; PETTET7AY, Agent For the celebrated Fertflizers.Wlieox, GIbba Co'a Manipulated Gcauo and Add Phos '