mm Iliflcellanoous. gsgigigitgg? . . -. ..... .! Fr the Cure of Coughs, Colds,! Hoarseness, Bronchitis,Croup, InfitLK enza, Asth:na,V hooping Cough, In cipient Consumption and iorthe re lief ofconsuni Wc persons in advan ced stages of ihi byalir-nr:?;'".- Disease. For Sale ! Frice. 25 Cents. JSCS CHS. LYDIA L PIHKHill, OF LYNN, ESS., 2 -i 5 "7yr-7 sX- LYE3BA E. PINKHACVl'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Jh a PoIf-lv'ff Cure for oil tfco Painful ('amplulati urn V1iaeW( ococtman to our beat female papnlstla. It will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all ovarian trouble, Inflammation and Ulcera tlon, I aLLInfC end Displacements, and the coawanent 6plnal Weakness, and Is particular! adapted to the Change of Life. It trill disBolre ana expei tumors from tire uterus In an early tUgo of development. The tendency to can vrous humors there is checked very HpecdUy by Its tise. It removes falntness, flarnlency, destroys all craTin for stimulants, and relieves weakness of tho stomach. It cores Bloating:, Headaches, Kerrous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feellajr of bearing down, causing pain, Weight and backache. Is always permanently cured ty Ita use. It will at all tiroes and under all circumstances act la harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. ITDIA E. FIXKIIAM'S VEGETABLE COM. POUXD is prepared at 233 and S3S "W enter Avenue, Lynn, llaas. rrice $L Six bottles for S. Bent by mail in the form of pills, also In the form of lozenges, oe recelst of price. SI per box for either. Mrs. PloVham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pasnpa let. Address as above. Mention thit Ftipcr. Ko family should be without LTDIA E. PlSXHAM'S UTER XILLS. They cure constipation, billooas as( and torpidity of the liver. S3 cents per box, jr Sold by all Drafffficts. Oinjer, Buchu, Man drake, Stillingja, and many of the beat medi cines known are com. bined in Parker's Ginger Lome, into a meaiane f such varied powers, as to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the Bert Health A Strwata Restorer Cvtr Uui. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseases ot tho stomach, ixrwels. : Fayetteville Kmmtner Sale of the Stale's Interest to theC : . ' F. AT. Y. Bailirij. We Dabliih todav some very interest- . . - - . - lagdocameau in regaxa to tne proposal by a coxspaoj of capiuLau, represented by Dr. Caoedo, to purchase the State's interest in tne xtauway. The scheme disclosed - in Dr. Canedo's DroDoeal is one of larcre maznilnde, in roiriog the construction of not less than . a m m . 1 !iL! tnree nonaerea miles 01 rauway wnum the limits of North Carolina, besides many additional hundred miles bntside thetitate. ite bmldinffOL a line 01 railioad from the largest of our sea ports through the heart of the State in a line perpendicular to the trend of our Atlan tic coast, passing through or tapping regions possessed of great mineral re soBrces, and bringing the fertile North west by a direct line of railway communi cation into connection with our principal cities, is a scheme which appeals to the pride and interest of erery citizen ot the State. To Wilmington. Fayetteville, Gieeosboro, and the other towns along its route, thi scheme holds out the promise of a growth and properily in the future, which must far surpass anything hereto fore deemed prooable within the life tune of the present generation. To this town the proposal specially commends itself. It contemplates a crossing of railways at this ' point which would give U3 advantages or an excep tiocal character. The branch to Shoe Heel and Florence would bring to this town much trade with a people who once brought their produce hero, but have been induced to carry it elsewhere by the superior lacilities of transporta tion in other directions. The contiu- ocice of the line cn to Goldsboro would give us an outlet to toe great eastern and northeastern marts, and m- connec tion with the road to Florence, place us at once on . one of the great lines of travel North and South. It is easy to see the merits of the plan. Made from Harmless Materials, and adapted to the needs of fading and fall iog hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has taken the first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. C1CQLEI. Baleigh VisiUr : There is a colored boy living in White Oak township, this county, only 14 jean old that has a feot 1 2 inches long. He can't wear a number fourteen shoe. Hit shoes hare to be made to order. . n a m m. uarmage wazate: a youag man named Carlettn Watson, who was clerk a ahort time ago for Mr. A. S. Kel'ey, at Cameron, was killed in Fayetteville last Jbriday by a moving train. The same young man was crippled a few years since by the same Kind ot accident. Charlotte Home and Democrat: A gentleman who heard Mr. W. J. Best in conversation, informs us that he (Best) said he intended now to have his Mid land line surveyed to Charlotte. At present he expects to build from Golds- boio tobmithheid, in Johnston county, and then wait lor developments. ureenviiie express: uoi. l. JL. bugg has made on bis tarm near Ureenviiie, this year 135 bales of cotton on 122 acres of land. Mr. Epsy Albritton, of Pac tolas, Saturday afternoon was lean ing on a box and suddenly fall over. It was observed that he made no effort to get up and some one cn going to his as sistance found that he was Jead. Heart disease. Fayetevillo Examiner: Mr. Sam. Steele, of this place, has in his possession a pair of old-fashioned balances with the date of their manufacture clearly cut in them, viz: 1774. On Sunday la Dr. Huske, of St. John's Church, read to his congregation a series of resolutions passed by the v estry of the Church m lavor of making the pews of tho Church free. Dr, U. expressed himeelf as favor able to the proposed change, and declared thtt he felt the system of private pews as an obsatcle iu hi3 way as the pastor of the Church. Statesvillc American: Thousands of bushels of corn are being brought to this market, to supply the demand lor bread, feed and distillers' use, which will relieve the demand for the local product, and keep down this article of food to a more reasonable, price. The painful duty devolves upon us to announce the death of our esteemed fellow-citizen, Joseph W. otockden, which ead event occurred at his residence, in this place, Monday night, JNov. 29th, at 9 o clock, the ltn mediate cause being paralysis, the first attack of which came on him Friday morning, Nov. 25, rendering him speech less and helpless, and continuing till death. Charlotte Observer : Mr. Wm. Ar thur, recently employed by the Carolina Central, at Hamlet, has, it is learned, be n onered the agency of the Pennisula Railroad, at Ocala, Florida. - Still another very interesting wedding cere mony was solemnized yesterday morn Affram on Wednesday, it was tne ling at n ociock, at tne residence, on severest that has been experienced there I Fifth street, ot Mrs. Amanda Stoney, since the great catastrophe ef November, I the bride's mother. Dr. R. J. Brevard, 1880. I or Cleveland county, was united m mar- Peiry's petroleum stores at Temple-1 nage to Miss Alary (J. btoney, ene of back. Bristol were burned on Wednesday I the most accomplished and popular of night. Hundreds of barrels exploded I our city belles. A tasteful marble throughout the night and the explosions I tablet, prepared by Mr.W. G.Berryhill, continued yesterday. I the marble cutter of this city, by direc The representative of the oarsman I tion of the Ladies' Aid bociety of the Hanlan writes to Boyd that Hanlan will I Tryoa Straet M. E. Church, in com .a a a m .- . 1 il I . . l l rowaraceon tne ryne wun nim lor I memoraiion oi me laie mncn iovea pas Lonnon, Dec. 2, 1881. The Spanish Senate yesterday passed the bill for the conversion of the redeemable debt. The Daily News Bays: "Verdi has com pie ted his new opera, which he has named 'Othello An extra police force is again station ed in Downintr street to protect Mr. Gladstone's residence during his tempor ary sojourn thera. A shoes of earthquake occurred at Wednesday. It was the Parkers 200 a side. Boyd Torwarded to Han lan last evening articles fixing the 17th of April as the date for their match. The Servian government win under take to introduce in bkuptchina in March a Jewish Emancipation bill in conformity with the Treaty of Berlin. The Servian Jews will be, by the new bill, placed on an equality with Jews who are Austrian subjects. . tor of that church, Rev. A. A. Bosba- mer, has been inserted in the wall ot the vestibule of that church facing the en trance. The trains Monday night will in all probability be very much crowded by passengers for Atlanta and the exposition. A party of 50 has been made in Mooreaville and will pass through Monday. The party to pa a through from Goldsboro on that day will, Penoss Trbo stead cpc3tlieXr,Festt whether men cr women, axe often troubled with serious pains and weaknesses in the back, loins' and other carts cf the body. It has been proTnteyond a doubt, how- Al A- Trf ' m TTf 1 X ever, ma warners oaie jauaney, aaa Liver Cora is a certain preventive of these troubles. WIIiMrSOTON MARKET. DSCSXBKB S 4 P U.- HP1IUT3 TURPENTINE Quoted stead at 52 cants. Sales of 100 casks at these figures, cloning firm. ROSIN -Quoted steady at $1 89 for Strain ed and $1 83 for Good Strained, TAtt Quoted flrmat2 49 per bbl of 2S0 lbS. r . . v CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted firm at 12 50 for Hard, 13 T5 for Soft and Vt tor Virgin.: . . COTTON Quoted quiet. Sales of 100 bales on a basis of UK for Middling. The follow ing are the official quotations: Ordinary... .MMMMM.M.MM. food OrolsaryMMMM.MM...M iQyk Low lliddiiojr sfiddUae Good Milllini..MW. 11 M6 OaiLT asenrri 16-)3 ririta Tnrpentina................. 276 131i Xsr.. ... .,... . m ..... ... ... . 2cO Bales easii Ob'f u - tt HEWS, teuner Elizabeth, Blsboe, Smitnvtlle Steamer D Murchison. Roberts, Fayette ville, Williams & Murchison. (Steamer Elizabeth, Blsbee, Smith vllle, Steamer D Murchison, Roberts, Fayette ville, Williamsfe Murchison. sjteamshlp Benefactor, Tribon.New York, r E Bond. steamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell, R PPaddison. . ... rtteaniBr Gov worm worm. rayetieTiiie, Worth & Worth. sehr .-silver Spray, Hall, Baltimore; cargo by J W Taylor, vessel by Geo Harrlss & ;o. Eiports - coASTWiar Ba'tlmore Schr silver Spray- 157,6i feet lumber. iew York -teamship Benefactor 1,723 bales coitou. 350 casks spirit s, 151 bbls tar, 75 bbls rosin, 15c0i shingles, 82 tierces roe, 4 tierces beeswax. 2 bates hides, bale yaru, 2U pkgs mdse. IliflcollancoTio. GRAND BAROAiNS, SOL BEAR & BROS it is thought, number 100, and number 50 Irish Disorders. I at least from Raleigh are also expected. London, Dec. 1 A farmer living near I Wadesboro Times: Rev. J. B. Al- Augharas, county Leitrim, was assaulted I ford, of Wadesboro, is the oldest active by a party of armed men last evening! member of the North Carolina Confer. i a. i j Ti . . . I nl l-ungs, -er luaneys, i ana receivea iwei ve wounus. xt. is oe-1 ence navmg been in tne ministry ior naif Daibam. iZ nieved that his injuries will prove fatal. I forty-nine years! -Mr. William Car 'iai ljmt. u miML maa : m. . rr. . l l l ? - . j r . , . i - ne naa paia nis rent. j ucepsu-a irom i penier, wno lives near me urassy Boyle, county Roscommon, says : Two 1 Ilsands, was , in Town on Saturday, and hundred cattle on a grazing farm at Car-1 started home in the evening. He did rowgiul have been mutilated." At the regular weekly meeting of the Ladies' Lungs, Liver & Kidneys, ipv. n. ri Diiicre, yjtnrr essences. I a i a-Bfry c-utwa, bum . 7s rM MttErooomlclHirDre- ana omcr xontcs. a tt inf. New faiU to mture' never intoxicates. HIscok yootWnl color to gny hair. & Co.. Chemists, N. Y. ElV. mrid 1 lzt. LaraSwytwgPiiytni; lfl91ie. D BY? does iw WONDERFUL y CURES! 1 Because it acts on tlte LIYEB, BOWELS and KIDSEIS at tho game time. Soeansa it cleanses tha s rstem of thancdaon.. ons humors that deTftopa in Kidney and X7zi nary Diae&aaa, BlUoasness, Jaundice, CoasU. nation, Pilea, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia Nerroua Bisordera and Femala Conxplaiata, Land League, in Dublin, it was announc ed that since the last meeting 66 had been received for the general fund and 119 for the prisoners' maintenance fund. I day of last week, Col. B. D. Mr. Sexton.lmember of Parliament fer I was re-elected President, and not reach home, but was lound by an old negro, in a fearful condition, badly beaten up, and bis skull crushed in. At a meeting of the directors of the above road held at Florence on Wednes- Townsend Cols. JaF. ' OFFER NOW ONE OF lim LARGEST STOCKS OF Heady-Made NMhing I FURfliSMISG GOODS! 0:OSSl)Z Ufccollancoine Favorites of Fortune ! Tit Capriciouaness oftlio Blind God deis ihowa by tia Varitd and Uoeqiua bestowal cf Her . Pavbri ! ' An UmaatchabU Eecord I A PiUiil Uil of the Prfies Paid by ite Louisiana Stale Lottery Comptny during the Year ending Noyember 1S61, together with the Names and addresses giren to the Company by the Holders, OmltUog those who haye requested it. Receipts for the Amounts are ov file at the Office of the Ccunpau). Reference may also be made to Adams Express Company, which has collected on behalf of n -lders of Prizes Sold through the New York Office more than a Million Dollars. Deawixo of Dkccmbsb 14, 1881 Mrs S C McCaslin, 62 Fourth sU " Chelsea, Mass. 20,000 Jo.-eph Stickel, 329 Grand at, WUhamsbargh, Sew York.. 10 000 C B Conyers, Carte? sviHe, G. . . . 5,000 A V ChsrtUvoyne.CourtlandtjAla 5,000 F A Phillips, e22 Chestnut st, Phila, lJa. ....... 5,000 uenj t mu Uiarff, linnton, Llying- ston ca, Mich..... 5,000 j a vviiar, f F P Boltz, $ Fort Wayne, lbd.. 20,000 raid Chatham Bank, ew York, 1,000 VV S Rogers, Democrat Office, t it. tie Rock, Ark...... ........ 1,000 Paid to the National Sank of the Common wealth, Boston, Mas. 1,000 Ferdin-, d Maj rt Tufrisburjr, La, 5'J0 J J Ki ne,l32 W Solli st,Ne w 1 oik, 500 James Mc Doagal,Wihiiingtou,N 500 J L Lock wot jd, 1242 Eighth st, i W. Wash rgton.D C. . . . 500 A H Kasslog, 1411 2d av,ew Yk, COO Jjlajsisq'cj August 0, it3i. Felix U Lester, II a O u It Shops, Jadcn,Tcao.-.v Go W lUrkdoU, 65 Cherry it, . Norristown, Pa. Wm W ehaw, Lakeside Foundry, Chicago, J1J... Urt II w New York dtv. 11,00a 5,C00 5 New York city. . . . Unas Burch, New Fork cUy...... Jmo t Defmonle, 520 Masazlne sLHew ' Orleans, La. .-. , . . Henry Ztemerast New YoikjjfY N A frier, through 21 21 Pool ft Co Bankers, Shawneetou, in. Truman Baitleu, 50 Tremontst, . Boston, llaat... ,M0 10 1,250 1,250 DEA.WIKQ OP jAXUAhr 11. 1881. David Leovi, 334 Canal at, N Yk, 15 000 James L Murray, Ottawa, Ills.. . Philip Bias-, 201 outh Rampart st New Orleans, La. Mrs Charles liaquie, 234 Canal st, 5 New Orleans, -La. ......... John J Scbultz, 592 DeKalb av, - Brooklyn, iV ........... Mrs J ii Wi eoa, 170 W, 120th st, New York 15,000 5,000 5,000 5 000 ' 1,250 Doawtso or SxrxzMuiB 13, 188L John Coolers.. csfneer L &n R R, Memphis,! enn. ...... . Simon Silverman. Indian Bay. Ark Haynst Wathen, Vincsnnes, Ind, . collected through First Na tional Back. ... ' 7.V i Albany, N V . . " " APri0.z Culimau, AU BJShort,www,ini!:;;;;:;; 13,000 13,000 10.CO0 5000 2.CO0 1,)50 Dbawiko cr OcTonxa 11. 1831. Ausustus D .rummuod, 483 Msu "aamugion, U C , Mgcbroldt, 440 W 32dar, ifew York dtv. . 15,000 15,0M 6,000 5.000 200 2,500 2,500 2,500 BOO f$ &l 8IIOJES ! HATS! A FULL LINE OF OIL CLOTH! AND Sligo county and of the Executive of the I A. Leak and John Robinson of Anson, Land League, who was released irom I directors, We are glad to learn the prison the 1st ulL, has postponed his de-1 road is doing a good business. The BSZ WHAT PEOPLE 8AT t Engene B Ptork. of Junction City. sTana, sajs, Kidner-Wort cared him after regular rtoy I slelana had been trrlrur for f oar Tears. Vn. Jvhn Ara1l nf W..Kfntnn tfMa. aaTS her boy was a-irea up to die hy four prominent physicians and that be waa afterwards oared by kidney-Wort. SC. If. B. Goodwin, an editor In Chard on. Ohio, ays he was not expected to lire, being bloated beyond belief, but Kidney-Wort cured aim. Anna L. Jarrett of South Sala-n, IC aayt that seven years sufrerinp from kidney trouble and other complications was ended by the ase e Kidney-Wort. JohnRLawreneeof Jacksen. Term., suffered for years from lirer and kidney troubles and after takinc "barrels of other medicines, " Kidney-Wort made him well. Ld aucnaM waio or jnonfroniry wmT, swierea eigne years wit n aianey ounoaiiy ana was enable to work. Eldney-Wor Blade him well as eTer." parture. for Paris, where he expected to .remain until Parliament opens, lie is much improved in health. The Coroner's jury has found a verdict of murder against Inspector Strich, who was in charae of the police durinar the aHrav at Uelmallet. Ireland, when a woman named McDonough was killed. Nine more, arrest under the Coercion act were made vesterdav Mr. Charles Dawson, home rule mem ber of Parliament for Carlow borough, has been elected Lord Mayor of Dublin. State of Mississippi, is an Anson C ounty g)litt--WlgTil Governor of the Robert Lowery, boy, having been born near White Store. He was the son of Robert Ldw- ery who lived for a long time in Chest erfield, just over the line. Bis father moved to Mississippi when young Robert was quite a boy. and has made that his home ever since. I he younger Robert, as we said before, now writes ' Governor" after his name, and his many relatives in this county fell a just pride in the high honors heaped upon him. On Last Friday night the gin house of Mr. J. A. Arett caught fire while he was absent, and was totally consumed. With it hs lost three gins, a cotton screw, thirteen bale3 of cotton, and a lot of cotton seed. Total loss will be upwards of twelve . hundred dollars, PERMANENTLY OURE8 KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAIMTG, Constipation and PHoe. tV It is put up in Dry Vea-etakte Term to tin ease, one packac of which makes six quarts of tnedieine. Aleo in Ltal4 Farm, f? Oew eeatratcd, for thoeo that caaaot readily pre pare U. IW jt act trtth equal tPcienffjf fa either form. get rr at the DRCoarrrs. riucx. ti.o WELLS, mcaAlIDSOJC A Co., Prop'a, CWmseod the dry poet-raid.) BntUKCTOlT.VT. Russian Affairs Lokdox, Dec 1 The court martial held in SU Petersborg in the case of Prince 1 cberevachidse has found him guilty of wounding a merchant last sum- mpr ana n&s apntencea mm 10 exiie in I . r i - l Archangel with deprivauon of his rights I mosi oi wnicn iscoverea Dy insurance, as a nooieman. i ne senience aiso ini rJndps diamissal from the armv and a I See Here. fine of 5,000 roubles as compensation to You are sick; well, there is just, one another merchant whom he injured in remedy that will cure you beyond possi the affriy. A court martial will open to- bility of doubt. If it's Liver or Kidney ituhuic, vuuBuiupuuu, jjepepsia, un ity, Wells Health Renewer i3 your hoDe. 1 1 T A. T m. . 9 a. Aruggi-iis. Aepotuas. J. Ainucs. I !D!rH3 STATS. RIOIIUOWO, VA.12 a-- aasnma a u, V Ow aats a ac i 41 tor Li-sat ;r?jUtii, Uneapect atenp DaiU i-e Utl now "T- ,0OO.j 7r.a otr a;t9-- t-aer ttlnskOaU cbjo -Uttoa ?rt3a -Oaitf, 8LS0 jxraji. ZM i; WaeilT, f I par anaa.-, . w J4il it o?U- (fM2iuat3 morrow on eighteen hussars, wno are chanred with killing a subaltern officer. Gen. Wannowski. Russian Minister i or War.will submit the sentence to the Czar, and will recommend its commutation to three years' confinement in a fortress without deprivation of rights. PreTi ons to n lcoiai v ranxow&ai upon the life of General Tcherevine m m .a V a the Russian Ministry ot tne interior, the Prefect ot Police received an incohe rent threatening letter pointing to an in tention ' to assassinate both . Geoeral Tcherevine and General IgnatiefL The writer, a medical student, was arrested. A despatch from .Berlin to the Jrost says: It is rumored at SL Petersburg that a pbt to - assassinate the Grand , Dnka Vladinir hxt been diseoTered." 8SOO Reward. T attemDt WK WIlL PAT TBB BOVS ravard S attempt YV 1 atv cat. of liver Complaint, Dji erevine, at J pepia, filck Ucadacha, IadiwUcn, cioteti- pauon cr Uctt veceti we eaunot cure mitu West's YegetadleLirsr Pill, wbeathea tectloo are trletly ccopliad vita. Tha are parelj Veietab-te, ami nerer fail to irire aatkf action tSa,zr esated. Laree ooxea. ecutaialc iriiii, 35 eets. or said oy all UruggUts. Beware of eonaterltiu aao imiiatiuos. i he ceaine zaaooiaetred only by JOHN O WKOT CtM -The Pill Ma aera," 181 A 183 W MMHaon nt, Uoieaao Free trial paakasre. sent bv man prepaid o rteatptot . a B.eeat staan. raoi:J2-dAwl We respectfully solicit a ca before purchasing elsewhere. SOL. BE as & BEOS: oct 21 THE VARIETY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD BE 8pcctfully notify his friends and the public that he has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern Markets where he has purchased the Handsomest Display OF :"V " ' " MILLINERY, FAHCY 000DS. M0TICFIS AfJD HOLIDAY GOODS he has ever offered in.this city. My stock is . And in ghbAt vhibtit I have thousands of things whish it would take columns to enumerate. My fine.fresh FRENCH CANDIES are a specialty. 1 lead in these goods as my patrons well know. I have an elegant variety of Millinery Ooods, Iln!, TritnininffE, &c, To which I invite the attention of the Ladies. , My stock of CHRISTMASGOODS full and complete and having been ugh t low will be sold low. I respectfully invite a call ' and inspec tion. L. FLANAGAN. - Variety Store, BtT 6 No. 42 Marktt street. Dbawing of Febbtjabt 8, 18S1. Isaac Kr-ru, 101 tit Loui& at, New Orleans. La...... . ; 25.000 Clayette, Sew Orleans, La 15,000 John Shaw, Alleghany City, Pa-. 10,000 Frank A Lee, New Orleans, L?, 5,(00 Wlnslow C FIsk, S5 Kingdom si, Boston, Mass 2,500 . colleced through Charles i GAndry, New Orleans...... 2,500 J J Cronin, . Boston Oo-epera M Mmmons, ( tive Cigar Compa- V Sickles, ( ny, 70 Sudbury st, S Segar ' Boston, ft! as .... 1,000 DBAWiaa of March 8, 1881. Ge S Bran8Oii,047 5 4Ui st, Cam. deu, N J.. P M Wilson, Agricultural Dep't - Raleigh, N U.... . ........ - Miss Maggie vx'Jran' , 210 East 57th m. New York ci v.... W J Haw, '231 d Frns at, Phil adelphia G A Silvey, C&KIUK Office,. Chicago ...............( 15,000 15,000 5,000 5,000 2.500 Dbawiuo of apbil 12, 1881. Charles Sailer, Mt Holly, N J 15.000 Pid AngkMCalifomlau Bank( Lim ited), dan Francisco, Cal. . . . 15,000 James Gaudin, S Braintree.Maas, 5,000 Mrs Catharine S Taylor, Sullivan, Ind.;.... 3,000 Jo eph Lane, Greenpolot N Y,. . 2,500 James M McEwen, 49 Wood st, Pittsburgh, Pa..... ........ 2,500 A'exBeye-, 1221 S 2d st, Phliad 2,500 John K Haring, Washington, La, 150 Drawing of May ,10, 1881. Geo P Deshon, 44 Eilby Bt,Boston, Mass. , Washingtonr . U ; C-. -. . Matthew Gelsop, Bagle Office, Brooklyn, N x. D E Wei zslle, 866 N 9th st, Phil adelphia,Pa A D RtffeL 225 Segar av, Toledo, Ohio Wm R Brewer, Baltimore, Md. . J J Morgan, New York..... .. Dbawxxo of Juxb 14, 1831. Alexander B McCro8ky,Somervlile, Tenn.... ........ ........ John Halle, P O Box 2410, New York city... Solomon Apfel, 574 W 8th st, Cin cinnati, Ohio.. Wm F McCaffrey, 02 Monroe at, New York city W C Pendleton, 12 Bradley st, New London, Conn. '. . . . . . J K Matbews5 West Ctestnut st, LouisviUe, Ky . . . . ...... Chas Brennecke, cor 6th and Kentucky sts, Quiocy, Bl. . . Paid National Bank of Dallas.Tex Samuel S fcbarp, 10 Castle at. Boston, Mass......... Geo Albert, 536 Master st, fhila, Pa J A Berlin, Markaviile, La. ... . . ' Jacob Bender, New York city.. L Keliy, Brooklyn. N Y James D Cottingham, 258 Light st, Baltimore, Sd. A KLovfj iy, Micnsapjlli, Minn ' , Niw Orleans, La...... John Kiae, 133 Walnut at, Ciucln- nati, O . . ... . : ........ . a H Campbell, 41 Ktv r at, Oam briJepott, Mass. . . . . ..... . 15.000 15,000 5,000 5000 2,600 2500 2j500 50,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1000 1.000 1000 i,oto 1,000 500 500 John C Di. ftVnbach, Wea Vt, lorkcit;. JTT co"lecld tuVough H Washii.gton, DC . Alexander Uria, 5J UlvVlon'it, New ork city J G Baux, Fd wards, Miss M C Casparl, 245 AtgyieaiiVlu. more,Md... . B H Howard, Aberd6n, Alji Dbawjuo of Novembkb 8US31. John T Garvin, M R ILSaflbn, wiuew W KOXOUrv UiVrirt- ' Boston Mass . : J RusaeU, 144 Main at, Norlo kV Va, co.lectd through' Ex. Change National Bank..,.., L Edwin Mouer, JEmmlittburg, M I. . , ... ... collected through J M Selxas A Co New trliana f . John Biauy, 101 O jrbt ih-r sL New York city Frank Weibel. 71 J Kir.t .1, Nw wrieans, La.. ....;..... 2JOO0 BF Jacobs, Warreusburg.Mo.... 2500 By authority of the State. Gen OT Beauiegard, of La., and Gen, Jubil A Early, of Va., will personally arrange all retails and superviaa tht extraordinary SemLAnnual Drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, at New Orleans Tuesday, December. 13. 11,279 prises, amountiug to $52200, Including one Capital Prize of $100 000; one Grand Priae of $50,000; one Grand Pri of $20,000, etc. Tickets, ten dollars ($10); Halrsi, five dollars ($5); Fifihs, two dollars ($2)) Tenths, one dollar ($1). , ' . Write for circulars or send addreat to U A Datphtst, New Orleau?, La., or if A Datjphw, 212 Broad wsy, New Yrrki For full particulars see the advertlaemeLC of the Company la another column. " " " dec 2d&wlt . . 15,000 15,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 FALL AND WHITER GOODS AT Dxlawixg or Jult I2,188L Kearney, Tailor with Warner iSerlto, Vicksb-urg. Miss'.. Jfetse Wtbo, Gaj el, Yesi chest er. Pa....;.u.i......r-' J.-ibn Becx, 7 Bpa a , lit caN Y, Jaxnes O'tiorniaii, 36 Nonh Dela ware av, Pnluultl LUir. . J 11 Hendrickson, New York city, ofcteJo,S Pond Unloa Square, jSew York dry. ........ ... 1L A Bo wen, care teicbard Mums, ltd Frczt tt27e w Ycxk city, . - 2500 15,000 15,000 10.000 2.500 2,500 2J500 fpBB BEST ASSORTED 8T0CK CTm brought to th's di , with sll ths latest aTtf eltles aad Shades la . -. - PRECC GOO DO, fiailn Marreaieax, Batia de Lyoa, Sa4 aaets Forrahs, Brocades, If eht Aa tfqaey Carnal V Eatr, tVk Tel. TS ts, Flaxhas, - COLOnED, DLACR AnOflLLULlinA TCO CASIIMEOCSr Bearlettaa, Mohairs, SalUagf, Alpaeaf sal Flails la endJen vArltty, PaaasstiHUy Priagei aad TrLamloi,T7 tlta Oooii, . ' '",.': EooMieeplag Oaod; SHAWLS, ZIa aadBAy's Waar, Flannels tfarlaoCs - derwsar, Rodnjg Gloves, Oomtv, - Ltecs and tigitgt, ' ' dnBPBOef Staple C: Domestic Goods, . la sfeort everyttta deelrabla. Warmta to enaf ap U pttee nd aalitr, to say tU fxoa rtii bouses North. ' -i 0&3 aal fare extra ;x?erfs hy tI7w ea T7 - Ma - mm rjacrict Ctrc ctSI