Hil 6Tery ft,raetm J8n. T. JAMBS, XTJl'on AJfTl PPOFiaXTOB. .nBaCBIPTI-N3'i,C8TAGE PAID ear f 6 CO Six Koctie, 52 50 ; Three C T -tf fl 35 One Doatb, 60 cent. JoetWfi"7 ?artof JeItytatto ,Tert,orl3cent8perwei. '"idTetiwsP ratet Jow and libera! t-Aobienbora trill pleasereport any and frfsrei to rosoiTe llieir paperc regularly. Advertisements. '1 THE GREAT FOR 9ATIS1 5 Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Sackacho, Soroness of tho Chost, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell inns and Sprains, Burns and " Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear end Headache, Frosted Fee, and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. .- TVr,"';sli 'n oil rar,- 11ial8 St. Jacobs Oil. , anf. ,r. sitrl" una cneap mkiu vmiv A tiil -ntaiU Xuxt the comparatively tdinK' ontteT of 50 n. nd eircry one mffrr ing with :.nn have cheap and pusitivo proof cf its f Kims. Pirertions :o Elorcn LargnsgM- 60LDEY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEES IN MEDICINE. A.VOGEIER. to CO., . J8altimoret Md., Tim S. aprilll dAw-aiO tel JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Rxunswick, Co., Va., November 5th, 1881. Mrp. Joa Pkkson, Franklinton, N. O. t Drab Madam: It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most fearful looking and painful sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. He told me he could cure me if I would take ray bed and there remain for four or five weeks, and if I did not do so pretty soon, it conld not be cured at all, as the (bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. J ust imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or gire up all business either of these Re medies would have mined me. Mind jou this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, and this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with caustic, as he advised until September, bnt deriTed no benefit from his treatment I was advised then by a friend to try jour Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now wait as iar, dance as mnch and iomD as hififh as any man you know. Put me back to the 1st of Sentpmhpr. let ma know as mHch as 1 cow do of the virtue of your Remedy, and T nnld rot hesitate to Day. tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it for less. I think more of it than any aiadicino .in the world. It is not only the best'Eemedy to purify the blood and cure all skin diseases, dui i Deiieve u wu cure all kinds of blood diseases, and tnnw if will rnre a love for strong drink T hn T.M1 will have this published, as ikr m manv sufferers who could be cured, if they could know cf and get your Remedy I am truly ana resprcu u.j, 3 JOS. R. MASON, South Gaston, N. C. ' The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington hr of testimnials. noy 14-dw NEW COODS I SOMETHING HEW EVERY DAY Doy ood AND 7E ARE VERY BU8Y, AND THE h-s caw reston is very plain. We show goods with pleasure md our customers rasyjude as to the prices. R. M. rwlclntire. ov r VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY, DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. New Adtektisemzxts. nuNSBEEGEK Wife ! Givea Hitit! For Rext--Uou68 with eight rooms' Pcwb in fct. Paul's K. Lutheran ChUi-cb. Special Meeting Cong. E. Luth. Church Annual Meeting Pine Foreet Cemetery 'Mits S J Baker Christmas 1 James C Mukds Druggist C W Yates Christmas Goods . Plenty ol frost this morning. A new Signal-Service wire is being pr:t up between this city and rslooj. Point. . Messrs Altaficr, Price fc Co. have ad tied to their already, extensive establish ment a 4,buzz planer." Kev. T. Page Ricaud, of the Fifth Street M. E. Church, returned to the City last night from his attendance on Conference. ' PcrchTrourrnd Black lercn. Trout and Black .nd Linpfi. A mil assort- Freshwater fish Uobks and Lines. A full assort men t and lowest prices at Jacobi's- t M. Q. Waddell, Esq., recently, of Charlotte, but now of Johnston county, is in the city ia attendance on the Supe rior Court. -. The annual meeting of the Lot Owners of Pine Forest Cemetery will be held in tbe Court Room, in the City Ball build ing, nest Thursday evening. A postal card received here this morn ing announces the safe arrival in New York of Mr. James Kendrick's- family, who left hero last week on toe steamsuip Guff Stream. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You can cet all sizes andatth6' owest prieea. T u Mr. 11. FL Berrv has taken the con trart for lavinc a Dlank road on Nutt - I arPt rmm Mnlbertv street, to the Caro- lina Central Railroaddepot, and has al- ,,nmmpnrl onprationa. - lvu, r 1 n TT. Robinson. W. R. Kenan F. G. KobTnsoo, J. W. PerdewIacdT E. Bond, have gone to Raleigh, to attend the Grand Lodge of Masons, which opens in that city this evening. We are requested to state that there will be a meeting of the woman's Christian Temperance Union to-morrow afternoon, at 4 o'clonk at the Hook and Ladder Hall, on Dock street. We understand that a race has been made up for this. afternoon, at tapt. Southerland's track, near this city, be tween a city and a country horse. It is to be a trotting, under the saddle, for $100 a side. p. S. Since the above was written the race has been run and the city horse came out the victor by a large majority steamerVori Royal, ihore in Queen's Inlet, The sidewheel uciwto . kw w . - -v 1 was floated off at high tide this A- M. and passed Smifhville at 3 P. M . to day, on her way up to this city. She is from - New York, and is bound to Jacksonville, Florida. Cpa Tlprp uiu u .m w- vr. wall Vipw ia inat onft remedy that will cure you beyond possi- bihty ot doubt. If irs idver or ianey i L1. I Vnnnmntinn I lirsrtPrkClSt. llPflll. )u.rjrSrCvZ 1 1 v vwtim a t cat iu a.uw j v 1.' Druggists. Depot Jas. C. Munds. r . . i x T 1 J laeistraitt' curt There were two or three minor cases before the Magistrate's Court this morn ing, in which the parties interested desir ed their names withheld. City Court. ljOuise Joiun, coiorea, cuarReu wu. ....r , . . disorderly conduct, was discharged. shipped by Messrs Williams & Murchi-ti- nA rhroA with son: Br. brig Saqitta, Davia, for r . i i i j aiUk disorderly corfduci, was fined $10, which fine was paid. Vessel Akhot. The schooner. Cunan, for Sloop Trtinf fnr thi3 citv. is ashoie near Corn A ' Cake Jnlet and will be a total loss, The cargo consists of naval stores, peanuts 4c, a large portion of which will proba- bly be saved1 Any preparation designed to relieve the ills of mankind, and which does so State Brewery. Boston, Mass., write: Wa bftve used St, Jacobs Oil among our mpn and find that it helps them "every time.7Wetheiefo1ieftrt07iw it as a pain.iiealing liniment. DMLI Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in regu lar monthly session yesterday evening. Committee on Lights reported adverse ly od a petition for a lamp in front of the Second Baptist church, aod the report was adopted. The same committee re commended the placing of a gas lamp at the corner of Kiarhth and Ann streets. Adopted. In the matter of repairs to the roof of th Citv Hall the committee on Public Buildings reported the same as needing painting and repairs; but on motion, the work was deferred for the present. The committee on Fire Department recommended the erection of a belfry,on the lot of the Howard Relief Engine Company, and the removal of the fire- alarm thereto; and also, the purchase oi an electric fire-alarm, to be attached to the bell after removal. The recommen dationwas adopted and the committee were cmPwered to act ia tbe mttcr' fop the work to be. done, .... , snhipr.t to the armroval of tne uoara oi J Audit and Finance. The "power to act" gran tea commit tee on Fire Department on the petition r.f Hall andPearsall. to erect a tin roof wharf between Market and Dock streets, was reconsidered. Alderman Worth moved, and the metion was adopted, that action be post poned until the next regular meeting and the committee instructed to inquire as to whether .the owners of property nbiect to the erection oflhe I xvf -v.jj - J building, and whether the said building would increase the rate of insurance on property in the vicinity. I Committee on Streets ana wnarves . , i i fhfthmldinff of a bulk-neadl 4-vrr--r--: at foot ol ltel cross street, proviucu mc Co. will fill up the street to the bulk-head. Adopted. ThP Rnecial committee to whom was - . .. referred the matter ot renting tne mar- ket houses made the following report which was adopted: The committee to whom was referreda , ... , xi A oo r ha 0-rPrl. rpanintion of this Board, as to the expedi- oni nf ppntiner or leasinsT the market h mi rpr n f the Wilmington Market Com. ttat they have informally had the matter decision, and desire to report it back to the Board for discussion, and to be dis charged from its further consideration as a committee. D. G. Worth, 1 J. B. Huoqiks, V Com. A. Alderman. ) a isolation was offered and adopted, directing the Mayor, with the Chairman of the Board of Audit and Finance, to nroceedatonc. to carry out the provis- ions of an act of the State legislature to fnr its bonds enaoiciuoviv, - maturing in 1882. Petition of the Howard Itelier uire v.o, lor ucw w . rt r nnf rtF harnPM inr ineir i horses, was granted. On motion of Alderman nauouuru the committee on Fire Department were requested to consider the expediency of i - . r. : I removing one oi ,... : . r.w-M.AA m n ru nniri inn to the northern part oi vue , uv w. i . .. . tha railroad. .:: "r.ittlp. Columbia" Fire X Clitiuu v. n fr,i- tinsA was referred to com- mittee. vfannr9 Trpr rorp.ived from the Chief i . n Of the i; ire Uepartmeni. -r-"r tendent of Health, for tne monwi ui vemb and the report of the City ireas . and ordered snread upon the i I ituu Exports Foreign. The following shipments foreign have been made since oar last report: Nor. barque Carl Imenats, Olsen fnr Livernool. with 1,353 bales cotton, shipped by Messrs Williams & Murchi son; Nor. barque Gronsvatr, Jacobsen, 1 . . tit. i "1 knlnn onHnnl i rm i .irontnni iriLn i.iji uo-o wfv Liverpool, with 250 cask spirits and 2,412 barrels, tar, shipped by Messrs ti.i.Ma TtAtrninff k. Co.. the Nor. barque 2?aroo,Pedersen, for Trieste, with 3,160 bbls. rosin, shipped by Messrs Rob inson & King; and Nor. barque Euxi- . a.Vai.n tnw Oneenstows. with j 419 w Spiriu of turpeatine, shipped Messrs peRpsset & Co. Btilroad Cnanses. ye heir it sUted upon good authority that there a prospect of a change of other roads, whose gauge is 5 feet, to 4 oi inches, so that thej may con , . A 4V. of the W. & W. and other roaas. f postpone nent, . The lecture on Florida, bv Rev. Thos. D. Pitts, which was announced to be - r m delirered, at the Opera House on the evening of Thursday, the 8th insL, ha been Dostooned until the evenine of Friday, the 9 th inst. Some Potato. We are in receipt of a sweet potato, of the Tarietv known as the "Whig Spanish." which is indeed a curiosity. It is 25 inches long and 9 inches in circum ference in Us largest part, and has the appearance of six sni&ll potatoea joined together. It wes raised by Mr. K. W. Player, of H olden township, in Pender county. At first sight, and at a snort distance, it somewhat resembles a snake, and is altogether a homely looking escu lent. We shall try a portion of it, nev ertheless. The poor sufferer that has been dosing himself with so-called Troches ana thereby upset iDg the troubl. his stomach without cur- troublesome eough, should take our aavice ana use at uoco j-u a V 1 A II. Inll'fl Cough Syrup and get well. Church Matters, A meeting of the members of St. Paul's j Eyangelical Lutheran Church is called for to-morrow at 2:30 o'clock, at .which j firaA the news in the Church will be rented. The meeting ia called more es pecially, however, to consider the Batter of extendmg a call for a Pastor or the I Church, as the pulpit will become vacant on the first of January. We learn that the sentiment of the congregation seems larrely in favor of extending theinvita ; Mr. Peschau. of Nashville. who preached last Sunday morning and n iftPP,e conffresrations. and with! vi - -o a o ' , imucnacceptaoieneBa. i- IneJewlin IfeSUTai. We understand that the ladies and rentlemen of the congregation of the I .. .1 T . - . , X Temple or Israel are inasmg very exwu. sive preparations for the Festival, to be given by thenin the City Hrll, during Christmas week. It will be: a grand I . rrrL . a 1 anair in every way. are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Frid.y, the 27th, 28th 29th and 30th insts. A large number of beautiful arti- cles are being prepared for exhibition and sale, and edibles will be in profu. sion. Numerous unique attraction! will also be presented. We under stand that the Festival will be opened Dy UOI. wm. ii. ssmitn, aaayor i the city, after which there will be prayer and then an address by Eugene S. Mar- tin, Esq. The congregation look for ft large support and a liberal patronage, and we do not think they need fear a aisappomuucui. " ,o XT xeuuiy jruui uuc UJ Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted g0ia only at Jacobi'. count j commlulonn We resume to day our report of the I ,;nofthe meetinff of the Board ofCounty commissioners at . qt& compelled to ww-ww -q a the point close yester- I . . . . I " - day: Gen. 8. H. Manning, Shenn ot the nd threg officUl boad8f I . to wit: Process bond, in the snm ol 83,000; County, School and Special Tax hrmri in the sum of 250.000. and the Public Tax bond in the sum of $35,000; with A. W-Shaffer. H.K.Scott, Y. U. l ntu J . . - , I l, Vn V. V Ttnrro and I). I- Bugsell ag gties which said bonds, . . . f . I ' i t-- - - I . - rf 11 3 Jl r rrrora fli omcui ooaua buu iucu. Stacey VanAmringe, Clerk of the Su perior Court, offered hit official bond in the sum of $10,000, with H. E. Scott and Geo. Chadbourn as sureties, which bond was approved and ordered spread upon the record of official bonds and filed. . Edward D.Hewlett, Coroner, offered his official bond m the sum of $2,000, which, with D. E. Scott and D.O. Con nor as sureties, was approved, ordered spread upon the record of official bonds and placed on file. Elijah Hewlett, Treasurer, offered bis official bond in the sum of $50,000, with Isaac Bates, J. W. Atkinson and D. B- Murchisonas sureties, which was ap proved, ordered spread upon the records of official bonds and filed. I Thos. O. Bunting. Constable or WU. mington Towoebip, offered his official bond in the sum of Sl.000, which was approved, ordered spread upon the -re cords of official bonds and filed. James Elder, Constable of Masonboro I Township, -presented his bond and was duly qualiheo. . 6. 1881. NO. 287 MARRIED, Im Duplin county, at the residence of D J. William on Norembei 33d by Rev J 8. Black, Dr. R. W. TATE to Miss MAT- TIE WHITEHEAD. New Advertisements Pine Foret Cemetery mHE ANNUAL MEETING of Lot Own X erg of Pine Forest Cemetery will be held in the Mayor's Court Room, in the City Hall, en Th aredav evening next, at 8 o clc -JOHN G. JSOKWOOD, dec6 2t tuth Secretary Special Meeting: rY 6T. PAUL'S EVAN. LUTHERAN I flonarrez&tlon is called to meet on Wed nesdav. December 7th, at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of eoneideriBj? and deciding on the call ot a rasror. . dec 6 By omer or v ico f resident. CHRISTMAS ! CHRISTMAS! HATS AND BON'Nf.TSHaving receiv ed a handeome stock of Millinery, I am able to sell tnem neiow cost, irom nity cents, any price you would like. Ladies are invited to call ana see my slock, Mar ket street, up stairs, at Mrs. M.P.Pickett's. dec-2t MRS. S. J. BAKER. For Rent, AT REASONABLE TERMS, House containing Eight Rooms, with fine Lot and all necessary outbuildings, inctid east side oi Secoad street, next southeast corner 8econd and " Ann streets, until first of October next. Apply to ' D O'CONNOR, dec 6-lt or F. II. DARBY. Renting of Church Pews. mHE PEWS IN ST. PAUL'S EVAN. 1 Lutheran Church will be rented on Wednes t tn at .cloCK' r' I The assessment is the same as last year f PAwaond aUft those who hare m v n . " w I tft5 this vear. endlnff December 14, who I do not wish to retain them lor the coming I that they desire to retain their respective By order of Trustees dec6- H. VOLLERS, Sec'y Wife l Give ja Hint ! 1 rilU IUUK UUHUAMIf IU BU X Viio I of thou beautifal aid brilliant WHEELOCK PIANOSf Upright and Pqaare or one of tbcie CHARMING ORGANS. - Grand In Power, Charming in Sweetneifl, Heaiinj in Variety. . mwrt ill 1.. - T7 l i f . , hrlltmii presen. Come and look at Uaa at HEIBHBERGER'8, Live Book and fcJnslc Store dee 6 JAMES C. LIUIID5, Druggistj I TS NOW OPENING ONE OF THE largest i ftnd most varied stocks of Holiday Goods lever brought to this city, consisting of Toilet fets, Vases, in Bronze and Gilt. Cel luloid Sets in cases. sc . C all and examine. oee 4 w 300 TGNS COALf Ju,t in Tard Aff Afloat, will arrive in i JJ few days. 2QQ Cords Wood, 50,000 7 At J. A. SPRINGER'S, Goal and Wood Tard. dec 5 Everybody Says & HAS THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND THE PRETTIEST Christmas Goods In towa. deeS Book and Btatioaery Store. Strayed, ipiROM THE PREMISES of the under kicd cow. rea au over, wiui a fork in eaeh ear. A auitable rewarxl wm be paid for the recovery of eald cow. deal JNO. 8. JA3IE8. LECTURE Oil FLORIDA, I rjlHE REV. THOS D. PITTS .will deliver a .Lecture on "xiAjmiJL' on xnoay. Night, &th Init., at the OPERA HOUSE Admiuion 25 cents. Tlcketa to be had at Dyer's and at the Drug 8toref of ;W;H. Gieen and J. K. McHhenny. By order of the Committee, de$. Star eepj Son aad Th JiilEL Vt wDl be (lad to rewlve ecTaciaalcatJoi froa our friends on uy aad fall rcbieetf Q rensral lateral cut Ti cans cf tie writer tl tlwsys be fa B'aiad to the Editor. - Jg gstttatntaatfosi aait bj;rTlttosC cc o al y me ride of the pepsr. Penonalltlef ircjt bs to14s3 lad It Is especially and utloilwly nade (food that thelSdit'wdoea sot always esdort the rlewsot eornwpflradenu juilees totiT tn tie efitorial ecluns. Hott AdvertUnmoxita. : Somethinsr ;.lMew ' JN TnE WAT OF NECKWEAR, Collar- ' eues, Sranish Fichnoj, &c. Material for Fancy Work for Christmas. Millinery al ways .new and stylish. Uair Good anl Ladles' and Children's Underwear. Resreotfullr, ' . MISS E. KARREIt, nor GO Exclianr Corner THE LCLAFiENBQH WATEn works' company Q.ITE NOTICE THAT TIIEY ARB reiuly to receive applications for snppljinjj water. Information in regard to rates, Sic, , can be had, and applications must be mada at the Superintendent' office,No. 1 Journal building,. Princess strect,from 9 to 11 A. M, and 3 to 5 P. M. Service cIdc will be lalil n the order in which the applications aro received. JOHN C. C11ASE, Sup'U . BOT21-tf Tlie Goraline Corset ssasaai -jpw SOLD IN ONE WEEK. PRICE $l.t Pull assortment of sizes. ' novlS J. J. HEDRICK. WATER WORKS. rjlHE UNDERSIGNED having engaged a competent and experienced PLUMBER, from the North, beg to notify- the public that they will hereafter combine with! their 'present Iron and Copper Work the business of PLUMBING AND GAS FITTfiG.2 By doing FIRST-CLASS WORK at reason able prices they hope to merit any older their customers may leave with them. nov 2i- : nART, BAILY & OO. t . - E3ew Restaurant. THE UNDERSIGNED would respectful ' ly annouuee that he has just fitted up at No. 3, Granite Row, South Front St., a Res taurant for Ladies and Gentlemen, where meals and refreshments may be had at all hours of tbe day. , Every thing Is new and flrBtclass. Polite waiters and courteous at tendants. . i J3FGame and Oyetcrs in eeason. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. nov 18 F. A. &CUUT1J?, Prop., PIANOS ' OHCAkV Crand Special Holiday Salo a CflaiaTMU, 18sl. macs jon-eilf asd family rappy by tho srft of fl ANO or ta UKui!, v t will fi.l yoar bone with ma iic, cot only io- a Ujy, but to a lifetime. fciCUL hOLIOAT ALE CO hrSt-C.&SJ lB- it mtnufrvotlz beit tnker. 163 ityloe, allrradf, all pri-es,bat no edCDoctiU m will cheap makerf. We sell ten a but KeJib'.e iDgrrumsnfg, from o'd cnkii. Othra m4r deceive purebaicn with oTara of 51C00 Pit oca fo'$325, ani 27-top Orfft for 565, bat we won't. Gold d all re caa't re bou(ht for 60 cent Tme can jmy ll in parchaae cf a HeliabU Inttrumtn, tost what it Qr. Bett Icstrum-nts for leu, money, ii for alaim and in tbii we on pete Tvi'h tb- world. Jetd for Cataloa a aid tpeciil Holiday Bale Prioei- Addrets LXJDDUZ k HATES, Harannch Ga , The Great Wh -leaale Sen barn Flao and Urjran Dealer. dsct-itnic ;to think about HOT BED SASH, PLEASE ORDER EAELYJ ; SASH, D03-..DBU.i3 BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Ac ALTAFFEH. TRICE & CO. noy21 v 1 MULES AND WAG OH FOB SALE. TWO LARGE, T1SLC MULES " and ono two-hone Wasron. fiultable for tur pentine farm or lumber bmloeas; For iiJq , cheap. Apply to dM I-UdAW J-0. 1 . UAKUiLiL,