THE DAILY BEVIEU. JOS 11. T. JAMES, .Editon & Prop'r WILMINGTON; N. O: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7,188L Entered at the Postofflce at Wilmington. K. C. aa Second Class Matter. . - , m rx rjs - er trw ar .- r meil rT U Col. A. K. McGiure, editor of th Philadelphia Times, and ODe of the most far-seeing' of 'Northern journalists, has written !a letter to his paper, from Atlan ta, where he note is in attendance npon the Exposition, in which he predicts a most successful future for the South. lie says : "The chief le&sons of the Atlanta Exposition are eminently practical, and they are so regarded by the Southern people. They will give not on ly immedi ate, but lasting and incalculable fruits of j the grandest character. The Cotton j Exposition will tilence the hum ot many spindles in the North, and it will make the South much more the legitimate field for both invention and capital than it has ever been in the past. It will k r ta rrroat tnstcfl nf fhft Knnt.hpjTI fccau buw sJ. v w ww people what only the theorists have known until now that the greatest boon to the South, after the cotton gin, is the cotton spindle ; and I hazard noth ing in saving that in another decade Georgia will spin all her cotton, have looms for most of it, and make the music of the cotton factory heard in every cot ton centre of the South. Of all civiliza. tions of the nineteenth century, the Old South was the only one that would have paid more than two hundred millions of dollars annually to the hated North to spin its cotton. With a thousand miles of transportation, the cost of baling, the injury to the fibre by pressing and separating it : again: for the spindle, and the increased cost . of labor in the North, all pleading for the spindle in the South, the North gathered the chief profits of Southern products by receiving the raw material and returning it in web to be , sold - largely to those who 8 bo aid have made it. , But the New South Las studied simple arithmetic, and its Cotton Exposition is merely a huge blackboard on which ;s presented to the whole South the plain lesson tta the three hundred millions' worth of cot ton, produced this yer, will be worth three hundred millions more when the ample and ictks3 water powers of the South shall be employed to whirl the merry spindles at home, this is the great lesson of the tlanta Exposition, and the preliminary progress that has made the grand Exposition possible, has developed a meas ure of invention and advancement in the Sonth that is truly wondeiful No one can carefully note the cotton machinery at the Exposition without accepting the conviction that even the old cotton gin and the old spindle will soon become integral parts of the .same cunning implement, and that tho raw cotton from the field sack will be ginned and spun by a single process. That once attained, or even the spinning" t bf the cotton, with its two or three hundied millions of annual compensation, assured to the South, its progress will outstrip the wildest calculation, and every chan nel of industry will share the impetus. It was a hard up-hill struggle to lay the solid foundations for Southern progress, but it has been done, and the active men of to-day will live to rejoice io.-jthd en lightened advancement: and . wealth and grandeur of the ew South." , GEN CL.INGaiA.K'8 LETTER. Hon. T. L. Clingman has a long letter in the New York Sun, of the 5th iaste in which he speaks of tha ; resources of North Carolina, its climate, ksoil, woods, minerals, growth in population and wealth, &c, which is of mnch interest. His remarks, if it were possible for a northern .man to credit any statement coming from the South relative to, and . in praise of, this section, will have weight among those seeking new bomes, a more congenial climate or a place for the in Testment of capital where the certainty of remunerative -returns are guaranteed in advance. There is undoubtedly a great and im portant revolution taking place among the well thiukiog people of the North, relative to this section ot our common coautry, nd it may be that the words of tieueral Clingman, corroborated as they - e I 1 J f inlalir . axe Dy tne tellers Oi uuuarcua ui tuwiu- stent northerners who have recently vm tj thfl South, will receive the credit which is properly their due. If we are not very much mistaken the General made a slight error in geogra phy by leaving tho inference that the manufactories at Lowell, Massachusetts, obtained their water power from the Mer rimack r.ver, when, we think, they, are fed by the waters of the Concord river, . a a a tributary of the Merrimacs and waxen empties into the latter at or near Lowell. It is a valaibla letter, nowever, ana wo are glad that it has been written and 'THE p ttSI Den TS M ESS AO This important document was read into Congress yesterday, the 6th inst. - It is a formidable document, so for as length is concerned, and contains some wise and practical suggestions, but would, as a wboie, possess bat very little interest to a majority of our readers, even did our space afford room for its insertion. Our people are not inclined to care so much for what a President may say as - they will for what he does, and would much rather avoid the trouble of such an amount of reading and wait to pass judg ment upoh his acts. It is predicted by many that hfs ad ministration will be of the stalwart order. but we will wait and see, although we confess that appearances indicate that such will be bis course. In alluding to appointments to office, he says : "In my judgment no man should be the incumbent of an office the duties of wh ich, he is for any cause, unfit to perform who is lacking in the ability fidelity 'or integrity which the proper ad ministration ot .such office demands." The want of the last two requisites were charged to him by R. B. Hayes and John Sherman, when they removed him from the New York Custom House ; but as the present President was known to be as honest as Hayes, and as recent de velopments show that he was the equal of Sherman in tnose virtues, we are not surprised at the result. Fidelity and integrity, we imagine, are intended to extend no farther than party needs may reqire, witnout any regara u tne oia- fashioned and almost obsolete idea ot commoa-b ones ty . ' Gen. Judspn Kilpatnck, who was known quite promiuentlya3 the com mander of the cavalry corps attached to Sherman's army, when he devastated the South in 1865, is dead. Dispatches re" ceived at the State Department, at Wa&hington, D. C, announce that he died at Santiago, Chili, on Sunday, the 4tb inst De mortuis nilmsibonum. W airji r's Safe Kidney and Liver Core A Syracuse maiden has promised to marry five different men. I he papers refer to her as a "promising society belle." Mr. ' West, the British Minister, maybe popular for awhile, but who knows bow soon we shall be crying, "Go, West?" Every Eveninq. Chicago boasts of a woman who is the mother of 22 children. A pair of slip pers must last her a mighty short time. Bohton Post. A Philadelphia actor lugged away a pound ot.butter from a boarding house, the other day,; mistaking it in his baste for a mg.Boston ro&t. "Will you tell ma," asked an old gen tleman of a -lady, "what Airs. s maiden name was?" "Why. her maiden aim was to get married, ."of course," ex claimed the lady. - . Clara Belle tells-of a man who. having inadvertently sat down on the only out- let oia hornet s nest, resolutely stayed there for hours, preferring to eodure the stiogs- in 7 a circumscribed area rather. than be stung all over. You never hear any fuss about the Astft of the water in Cincinnati. No one ever drinks it,and the boys keep their mouths closed while in bathing. Boston Star. What a pity tne lemale gossips of Porkopolis don't bathe every hour! weto xorK JXtws. A dorr that hears through an ear trum pet and wean spectacles belongs to Pat. rick-Nichols, of : Milwaukee, Wis. This animal is said to be 35 years of age and has lost his hearing and sight, and his mnotor for hin manv vpara nf fidelity. procured !these at Js to cheer him. A set of artihcial , teeth are being maae ior The king rodo fast, the kins rode far; , fJow by my crown," quoth he, "If U la all the land, shall And A maiden or contented mind Be she of high or low degree. By raggtr ma or Christian signed Mr eohsoxfi she shall be.'' u But when he chanced the maid to meet. So wqll content was she. She would not wed bat. deaf and blind. Went on her way; "Alack, I And I'm caught In my own web." qaoth he; - This maiden of contented mind - is too content forme" 1 r: f y T -t -rjf" Century. Why Are Ion Billloos? Because you have allowed your bowels to- becojie costive, and liver torpid. Use Kidney Wort to produce a free state of the bowels, and it will stimulate the liver to proper action, cleanse the skin of its yellowness, cure biloui headache, ana canssnew me in uio vtouu. wrK- gists have it, both dry and liquid Zton a Herald. We call the attention of our readers to thft advertisement of J. Monroe Tavlor. This house has been established nearly 40 years, and their goods are celebrated for nuritv and strength. We would re eommena a iriai oi meir uoia onuai l . - . m t rt.u S ( . J -1 brand to all who - desire superior cook saasaBBMBaSHBaaBaSMBHBiBHHBHHBlBBW Quickly and Permanent TV r-fA. la tmeonaled as a positive AlMraUT ana lbm jmJ all thrtr attendant evils. It docs not merely the fir. medieie in the ytart tAat ha lootemed aty eoHCm4 male exrrtorotiri.mcuv. . rum ateep all niaM mto nomoM- ICymt ArBst dees not hn iustna S3T manse ana wsumoami w ' W l-nsrwy, Hew xrtu III- TOT xrM Eliscellancuv Irmefrom a FJmpIVJTrepleal .! of are Yalasfed is a rCiH"if Rmei f rl lis oircae that cos palss in the lowe? pat o tfi b dj for Torp-d Liter - edaH Jaandi-e D ziinefp, GrsTel, Msltria, d a 1 dit c allies of the BHne'i", Li er, and Cri ary f)rj&s. For Fhl&ib Diiimi!, Ko 'hy 5in8tre&tioss, sna enr loi i reg an j, i-hM do q al. It resting tte cr2z3 that kak tha ilocdf ani fcetce if te bs 'loob FvRVica. It i ;he cn'y knows rm y tha cure ''bight's DieRAss. P r UUbetes, uca WAasBa' Hatb Diabetes nre " v ; lfor sale by DmziU'! &&4 Defcl-rs at $1.3 per bottle. Lrgeet bottU ia the market Try - jr 22-dw-iirnjtc Uocheatw JJ .-.-la .-Hosts of Families tl'stettsre tmacb B ttra is as much re- trardM s a htJS d 'ceMty e aaaM - eoffaa Tbe rnn f this is tnat vears of x e'ieoce are p ved it to b pe- ect' roiiab e in th se rase ' erne ge ov wuo u apr mp'enlo nvtmnt rfrnwr is dernan - ed. i-natiMi n, iyr c m. l t Cy ea- inrjr'tion and ther t ontlos a over o ma t i . - " ror 8'.f by aJ! Hmc-ft !-iwz rhom apply It 8o!tefer''A"nmc iir .4 Tot Wlioso complexion botrays:j some humiliating imperiec- j tion, whose mirror tells you that you are Tanned, ballpif ? and disfigured in countenance ; or have Eruptions, Kedness,J Uoughness or unwholesome tints of complexion, we say i use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. It i3 a delicate, harmless and ; delightful article, producing; tho most natural and entranc ing tints, the artillciahty of which no oT)3errer can detect,, and which coon becomes per-; manent if tho, 'Irguolia Balm is judiciously ted. MMJ JUL dec i'lnsnrm Th6 Landmark, j publibhed:at; - : BTATE8VILLF, 1 ft DELL CO., N. O, Is the Leadinj: Ifewspapcr in Weitrn North Ctr ' . !olins, " :-: i It is th only Democratie Papr pnViehed la Iredell conoty ods of . tbe largest and wslthiet count i in the b tste-r-ADd has at tained a larger local circulation tuaa ,any paper erer heretofore published in the coaltj recirculation in Alexander, Wj'ke Ae, Allegnanr, Yad in. DaTi-j and Iredell?1i larger than t -at o ny two pa ers intbc State combiced; a d ic ran aj , cquiri -gv s tjonic f'-othold in Ko'Btbe, fiurry, Bowsd and western Mecklenbnrs'. " ' :J i , i It is th only Pper io v estern North ' Ctr olin thst emvloji a Regular CBTasrivf Agent, and ii thtis kept conetantlj bef re the people. Under this system a - apiilr iscrsae iar; circnlaticn is the rsiolt, rcaHngT' Landmark. . . - - ' :Vl -Thm Beat Adyertigjog SleJia-n-fe'lZtiiJ ernlNorth Carolina, f - $ Ad J rest, NORTH CAROLINA tiMzl ; ; JOnN p. STELLJES, Proprlelor. f The best of Wines, Liquors, Laer fctit sni Cigars. ' ' OTSTERS IN ETEXIT STYLE. JjS . MEAIA.AT ALL .HOURS D AYATD Crtr5leom4 am 4 irmuiU Uiscellane oust PURE C5IDER SOilETHIXG IXlKOlll! -ff!f ;J Patip by a Private Faicily in the State of New York. -And ". "Bought direct from them. EVERY FA M I L Y ":' In onr city SKould get rome of it in. order to really i? FOR PICKLING IT IS ALMOST INDISPENSABLE. SOYSTES CRACKERS' Of SEVERAL DIFFERENT VARIETIES. j pFrom 10 cents to 20 cents per ' poc nd. Send in vouf ordered Br I. eOATWRIGKT, II & 3 K. Front St 9 Q DK'IilCJCTJS IE iOHKS ANI TOMATOES 1 ' All varieties cf ( to e Pre? erta in one and two ponnd Cans, the t- best in tbe market. p- f .f. I . ..... Our elegant Family ionr, Parole d Honeui 1 ; Pig Baas, Lreakfast Strips 1 , and Small Shoulder Parched Java and Laguayra Coffee, i .... . iTheso ; goods ai e all fresh this weokj Oar. prices and quality of goods will convince you if you wiJl try U8.5 j 7 Try 'the prepared Soups. For sale at" ; .ft- 'J .... . j, MONROE TAVLUH waxrii rr . rrET7 YOXXK . Are -imrer, tcrsiRmger, and longer known m the market than any other article cf tha kind. - Are always sure and reliable, '." tiwrf fail ' ta insure the best results in eockery. Ask your grocer for it and '-rive it a trial. . Satisfaction guaranteed or . i i- uas as s ?s fij s.- b- we l( jim jiff Iliscollaneous A BEaDTIFUL f BOa.v.rte JJcxisr-. fttvle, 5o !S 00,17 Htops. 10 tali setsOoidfto Tottoe Hndi, HUI.IL) W A L DT HUtlj FolUhed Ca.e ew sed asbl iaproTeatnti nit added. tool,Bk, 4cI . iJcxed and dellreied oa board c here, priee -my i-jxtt I oixaes ,jit Csa. Satufciion fotrant ed in ererj panicuiar or xaocer lefandeJ affer o-e3er Ere y on sold tekg sotfcer. it it a nacd ioj; adveztisctaetit. Order at t r.ce fiotb i2 hated bj-tjorre?porierc3 ef fac tory jttt com -letd, c tcliy tOCO Icstru n eotB er ry 25 djs Tery lateg' lb' r etio WLod-wjrkin ouebiar, Yatt CspiUl enables vu to cat u'tclsre better toocs cr .tsa mosey thAti feT.r. A!dresor call upon J lAlL V liUiTTT B6T23 U-ashtajt to , N ew ereey 9W 8Tk-r tortt-o CAtds wth UU Banna, or U Stvr Yearn Ca d, 10a Nusan Card Co 5 cku, V hct 23 w CHEAPEST B00K-STOP.E IN THE WiRiD, 17f7J Vanificent Gift B- oli; Gorgeoui JuTeaile Eocki; Superb Bible and Frajer Looks aimodt siren awar Grand Holiday Catalogue f;oe LEGGAT BROS.; 81 Chambers et, Ner Broidwaj, New Toik - cot 29 WONDERFUL DISCOVERY- TirUUIP WICK Pat'd Dw. 7, 18 SO. Girea a Brillin.rjt. White and Steady 1 ht. retire9 no trimming and lasts foi xnoatbf r-ample wick 10 cent, 3 wicks SS cents. 12 wirtf 75c, 1 os age paid, iiare f; nr s!r-5S, No. 0, 1,2, 3 ipentj w md Ad dre MhTALbAM WIf K CO, nor 29 4w 70 Corilaadt s v NY FLORIDA I Atlantic and Gulf Coa$t Canal and Okeechobee Land Co. 50,000 Shared SIO Each! At V H with a bONU8 of 40 Ac;ea for each 10 tlara frcm Choiea lands cf tbe "Dision Puicbaso' . Third s liestnut Sir, Philade'phii 115 BiOAdway, N V, fccomalll. 113 Deteiied Piospectai nlih oeacriptiTe xdseb mUled KttKK, tor 2 4w G0L0 MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR. JV new t jp'Hfli, r.iBTieai orK, TP&rrantrd the best ftndcbiwp et, indispensable to erory lnaa. entitled "tbs 8incot 1 Af." bound in finest French m Uolin,embo6ed, full Rilf, 3W pages.cor. tains beiiut if 1 steel eosravincB. 1-5 prescriptions, price only If 1.25 sent by mail; cal fnstituteor lit. W.ll.PAB- P. KB,(o.4Bal&n.c&6t.Ko&to. THE THE HIGHEST AWARDS-S?'iBSSS tti tha GREAT. WOIILDIS P.IR in LONDON, JS51; fit the GREAT EXPOSITION ia PARIS, 1SC7; Rt the INTERNATIONAL, EXPOSITION in CHILI, 1875? and at the grand CENTER. ISIAL EXHIBITION ia Philadelphia, 5S7C. All persons vrisSilns to pHrcliaae (or a eaniw) iutrtsuier.t- are respectfully Sn vited to vilt onr Warerooots. Send for Circular and Pric List. CHIGKERIflG & SOHS, CO Fifth Avenue. N. Y. I 156 Tremont St, Boston Female School. BUKH & 4AJwB.......Frlnci rii aH M. iO-Mn0l li atrncirn THB EIOHTRKNTH ABfifUAL Hefaion of thia 8eboolv ill commerce on Wedn 1av.'-6thri8Hl asd c!oe about tbe third week in Jnse,1882 t Pap ila Wo enter artr tne nrt m' r.tnwin be chirked ony frcm date rf entrance, brt it ia expected tbey will attesd echool tbe re m&ii der of tte ea ion unlets otherwiae pr tented by ill health or rein ral from the oitT. Dedncticn made in all caeea of pro tracted alckneaa. ' . Tbe com sea of inbtmction will te aa cere- tofe, thorough and ejatematic, each ctild receiTing indiyidnal atttttici. frox tlie Principals.-- , - , The tcbool of Mmic ille eor ducted by aiTa.M. H Cusbiog. Pnrila outside rtbe School, wishing t enter for tbla brancb cf edoeatiOD, can be accommodated with suita ble hours ty early application A limited nun,ber of boarding- scholars can be reciired in tbe family cf one of thejPrin ciralr. . ' Fcr farther particulars, see Principal, oi send for Aireolare. "Ug 30 Health is Wealth ! DBS O WEST'S Kxavx Baiia Tbbatxxit, a specific for HTSteria, liix ctness, CocTulaions,- bierToue - Headache, klental Iepreeeior, Leas of Memory, lrapo tency, J lemature Old Age, caused by oyer txertioD, exeetses. cr OTer-ltdulgence, which laada to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contiae one month'a treatment. ' One dollar a box, or eix boxes for fire dollars; eect by mit nrntd An reCizt Of P?iC0. W 9U.T. antee aix boxes to cure any case, t itb ach orcer reeeireo dj us ior tic or xes, we wiu t (nannrrhnr onr writtfen tareemrnt tn return tbe money- if the treatment doea cot efieet a cure. fuaraniee lasuea oy wji u Flacner) Wilmington, X O. Oedeit by mail will receiTe prompt attention. mob 23-dAwlT . : : ' ' " ' ADMINISTOATOR'S KOTICE. ! JE TJNDEBBI05ED bar ingqualified as ttse Adminlstrstor of Jobn'Dawstn, cec'd. fa tbe Probate Ciu't cf 5w Han rer eocn- y, all lefsonatarl e Lima araictttbe ei- tate of raid tote t it , ar- tiere oy . cotiaed to preaent tbes to th a u, derail ad before tbe 26th day of CctoW, I8;rt oiberwiae this notica will be Ied a to oar or reeorery A I' rertMJSlndebed a lid it testate will makepojmeat to the ccderiixntd immedQ Ataly. 7 A K- VAXVBKLh, et 25-laww Admiaiatrator The C o s mo p o 1 1 1 a n BAP. IS THE PLACE , JVBEEE TOU can t the cool eef, purest and xnoet scientifically mixed Summer Drinka to be found in tbe city. The rery bert Wine Cbampagnes an Liquors always on hard tthe beat 5-cent Cigar tb at la made. Drop n and eolciLrS2 JOHN CaRKOLL, Jo , WW -: r Prtprlt tor. 4, .7Jy HtttQW THYSELI mm , THE NEW TOBK WEEKLY HE 3 ALB, J MtS GOUOON BENNETT PJnOPHItTOiS. Tiw B?atani Chiajeat ITewapaper PablU. ed. Pcataee Free. ONE DOLLAR PER TEAR. 60 CENTS FOR SIX MONTHS ! An Kxtra Oory to rery Club ef Ten. Wew York Herald, Pobliflhad ertrj day in year. POBTAOK FfiKt. SIO naTS for one rear, nndafa t? o PJ ir wco Jar, wiicoci cUoaaTi. fk5 pajafor six racntba, e ncdaye Indodid. P?for aix ctcsthr, ulttcnt rnaCaTi 52 pay a for one j ear fcr ai y apecified dT ottfce weak; , 1 l pays f. r tx mottba for any ipetiflad dar ortbe vcak. 1 per nsontb (iodudiig Scndaya) wUl ba cbarjadon labaeripttona Ur aleaapf riod tbq tbrea months. TO EOHOPK-lnelttiiBg po,ufe. -..........$17 SO wttly ( a opean fcditu. 4 00 Weckiy CUcxaetic JCdiUoo .... I UEWHDKALfcRfi bUPPLIlD-pMtare Fiee, ' Da'W Editi b...T.i and bif - ---- - - - - w -. mill FuEday Kattiw .Four ceata per copy Weekly tdit:oB..........Two eaia perecpy . N li- Not la ihn 6 cipiei mailed ta newsdealer a at wtouale 1 atea. j We allow co comaiiatioci on eabcerip tioca to Daily KJiU a Aedreaa. , R&W YOhK BEttALD. dtp 3 Broadway anl Ann at, flaw Toik New York, 1882. mBB BUNfor 1882 will make its fifteenth jl annual rerciuucn unaet toe present man agemeot. ebiLlDf, as always, for all, big ad little, mean and sraoicus, contested and un happy, Hepublicai attd JJemociat, depraved and virtuous, intelligent and cbtare. Tbe fina's light !i for scaokltd and woman kind cf erery 'sort; b.t iu getial warmth Is for t e fiood, while it pruts hot discomfort on the blistering backs cf V e pert latently wicked laxbva of 1868 was a newapaprr of a new a multitude of tbe superfluous words and phrases cf arciert journalism- It ucdertok to report in. afreeb, tuccitct, uucoaTentional way ail tbe no sot tha world, omitting no erect of human iottreat, end o mmtnting upon ffifa with the fear: esanais of abaelute independence. Tbe scccecs of tb i experi ment was the cure, aao the Bun. Itelfeeied a permanent change in the style of American nevepapers. Every important Journal ea- tabiiaced in thia eo entry in t"e drxtn years past baa bees modelled fter tbe fun. Arery im ortast journal already exhtint: has been modified an i battered by tbe force of the Put's oxample. Thb tvn of 1883 will be the same outs pokes, truth-tellirg, acd inte esti: g tewipaper. By a liberal uae ot tbe t esa wticb an ab ndent p asperity affords, we shall make ' it better than erer before. Vs hall prict all it sews, xutticr itia r adab e ?kye, m d mea cripg, itt isnpor net by th ? t a ti-nai jar-tt!ea bet . b its real later- t t tbe pHle I itnce f cm Print nyr Hoi sa quare ia tot tbe first ojn ide atiop with th. run ton er ny ihtsg happexia w.rth reportiog w get the artiorlara wbeiu t it happen in Urooaijn or in Bokhara. lup liticawebare decided oplniasi; n1 ae kcovet md t exprrs tem in Urguase that tan b un ervd tVe say wbatwe think abcut men and events ' ht habit is tbe onlr eere of t e un's olitical course. The Weiilt hen cetbers i t eikt t" s the bes matter of the it t n daily iwuer .an egric 1 - ral Departmc t'l orqill 0 mr ii " II mm. kt TAnnrta and llbaral. Lrouo t n t litera'jr tciettifcc, ard d Beetle io l igesre eompiee tie eekly be . aad make it tbe best ewsr aper for the farmer's household ft at was tret printed ' . U hn cam not k now azd read aid like tee hunday e un, each number of w. ie is a Ooteonda t inUratl g liratur. wl h tie 1 A . .. . A . A mm. . m. m m. mi A B A H 11mA S reaciog, bws, bvmor m tar erouih to fill a good ted boox, and ixfiolt iy are aried an ' entertaining than any book, big ot litteT- " . If our idea of what a rewipapar should be ; pleases ycu, send for tbe fun, . ur terms are as foilows f Vn. v. 2m..w Tin m. fnttrmtiAtrm sheet Cf Mi vm frtw -mmmr - w s p stpaid is bb cents a month, or $e.W a year; or ineluding the hua-ay paper, n eight-page sheet of fifty six columns, tbe price is 65 eeets per mcntb, or $7.70 a year, post age paid. ' ihe fiusdsy edition of tho Bun ia also for ci hed separately at fLW a year postsfe paid. - ' ' The pi Ice of the Weekly Baa, elf ht rf fift?-tix columns, is SI a year, postage paid. For clubs often seeding $10 wo wUl tend aa extra copy free. Address . . Publisher of tho ftnn. New York City. nor 18-i ; Our Belored r And Wi Faitlifal'CabliietO - An elegant Cbromo Iitbograph of our UU T. tAm. m.V a nil ta-nrtS nrtttrlltf. printed In 10 colors cn fceary paper with a rich gold border.' Bixe, lf?x25 Incbea. Ie sale of this beautiful work of art baa beta simply unprecedented at 1 per eery. Ja order that otsit family mty bo able tc po; sets this beaatifol and touching soarnircf our late President aid bis Cabiaot, wo will maiJ it for only f0 cents per copy, .wo esa furnish this ssme sublet, printed is 8txIors, Ttiuxtd tt 9x11 inebes, for only 1 eeats AGENTS !! V7ANTEP thetlmo for agents taresp a rich, .tarra" with these beautiful portraiu. Notbiegf'S lite Ihew. Bead for terms aad bay seniles to work with. COSAJfT A CO. Puts, nor 29'2m 7 Deet, w York The Club Housed tv AlfflTTIOS TO ITS FIXE I atock of Wines, Liquors, Beer cuatoroera . and frieiula J t. w OYSTERS, served in any style desired. iiJ motto la to pleaee and to this end no efiort ProrrlstorOrtmanji'aClubIIruae, oct 2-lf gecord H..Cnrrie'a Blptk, PUK CiHLL K0USE . VSDtH SKW t AK A O kl E5 T, Wituwreroa,, O. ex. PEnair. i - Pr,p Latent oprialor A tlanti flc taL first Cla:a la aU ILTrPcIstatats. Xra 119 to.t ptr.cay. . , f ; . Q9 fabliihed. . e-r-:

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