WHIT IS FAME ? fame? It is to visit Europe, -tutly art a while In Home, Faint, perhaps, a dozen pictures, qi vimr name up and come home; Ti'ii t hnve tue neighbors ask you U liiu fieysee your masterpiece. -1)o?h tbo kdhcIc of piiotiae pictures lte raucu tlmeand elbow grease?: ;r,d It is to write a poem Olowms wltu poetic fire, l-i!: uf p-.s!on. and ttie lonRlnar a ftcrhornetliinti better, higher. - :i:f iiruc read It to t!ie nelaobors, ""m::A ilien, feelinc like a fool. ji,"; .ce.'ay: "I wrote mch veraea Wry 'ilien wbile In school !" I tiTie Itiato ktepou palntinj, i;..vp oa wrltirj; if Inclined 1 , i tiio v-'orl.l that Ucs beyond you V -ni t Ki!!on liis detinfd. I !, in'.v.r till your pictures '. xehangeii fr mj much gold; iil: jour rxwTu.s, 4lka potatoeh, . in market can bo sola. .vex yu have climbed the JatHcr, From i very lowest round, ? i i..-:i t:i" neislibornpAt your shoulder. A iid your fulsome prlfcHhfjiind. Alter hiving, with yourtal.-i.-t. ' j,mc-d the money-making art. i:-ii they Kay: "We-always loved vou; .VIwavsKHld that you were fcmoi t !" 1'a'il Car.-soi, lu Uoblou Transcript Kertsicak and Llmbsrgcr- h'. ii graduate of Vassar, arid !in she married Julius Augustus .Smith, was much very like another young UJy who "didn't know chicken from -turkey." However, she told Julius Aujrustfls that hhe wa3 a very good housekeeper, because her mother acd grandmother were, and it rau in the taiiiilj- So, on the strength of this, he went to housekeeping. She bought a Ewttt little morocco-covered note book atd au embroidered market basket, and carried a gold p3ncil, wore an aesthetic costume, and appeared like a vision of delight belorc the magnates of the cleaver at thy Central Market. 'Oh! the dear, sweet, canning little Tjf?," she exclaimed, stopping at a stand where several little roaster were on exhibition. 'Til take a couple of those;, how much arc they a pair?" 'Five dollars for two," was the realis tic answer. "Isn't that rather high? I gues3 I'll takcajard beefsteak and a pound of chewiug gam instead, and some oh, yes, some sweet-breads. Julius said he want ed some nice ones, with plent of raisins ia them." Theu she started over to a poultry stall. "Have you any chickens?" she a3ked 'the woman in attendance. 'Heap of -'em," was tho reply. "How muh do they cost a heap?" she answered in a rather faint voice, "Haifa dollar a piece, mum." "Well, send up a piece to my resi dence, and she turned to the next stall and picked up somo little packages that looked very nice. "What is this sweet stuff that smells so lovely?" she asked of a red headed boy behiud the door. " "Limberger. miss; it's just splendid; tastes so much better than it smells have one?" .She took one, and. then she asked tne boy where they sold quail on toast. "Ain't any in the market," answered the young reprobate, "Mother's gone after a load, though, and we'll seud you some as soon as they're in." "What are those lovely navy blue ber ries?" she inquired. "They'll just match my china. You may send me a bushel." Finally she decided to try a quart, which she carried herself in the artistic basket. Then she ordered tome e gs. as she wanted to mate au omelet lor J ulius Augustus. Hut she never did, or rather when she got home the omelet was made with a liberal admixture of blueberries, aud the front of ner seth'et;c dress was ruined. Added to this was an odor that sent Julias into spasms and frightened the cat to death. The limberger had melted. The Vassar girl did justice to high Spanish and (J reek in the .examination that ensued, and the next day they burn ed the morocco note-book and went to boarding. Thousands of ladies have found sud den relief from all their woes by the use ; of Lydia B. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com- j pound, the great remedy for diseases peculiar to females. Send to Airs. Ly dia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamplets. liecklcss Mosby- Although a guerrilla, Mosby was a brave man. lie would run risks aud J take chances which he would not order his men to take, lie was in Washing ton three different times during the war: in Baltimore four or five times,' and in more than a dozen instances he pene trated the Federal lines for information. Near Middletown be was onco cut off by Federal cavalry who held the pike in both directions. When ordered to sur render he drove his horse over the Btona. wall and got away through tho fields. Three bullets pierced his clothing, his horse was struck twice, and an overcoat strapped to his saddle was clean cut away by bullets. One day while he was eat ing dinner in the Lurav valley six Union cavalry walked in on him. They did not kuowhim as Mosby but righily cou jeetured that he was a guerrilla. s they attacked him . he shot two and dashed through a window and made off with one ot their horses. He was occa captured in Washington while on a spy ing expedition, but feigned drunkenness and made a dash for liberty while on the way to the Provost Marshal's office. At that time he bad plenty of proofs on his person to have convicted him ai a epy. Near Warrenton he one night rode with twenty-four men lull upon a Federal reserve picket of at least a hun dred men. Both sides stood staring at each other for a moment and thee Mosby called out; "Did any of them mules come this way?" . -Haven't teen any," was the reply. "Cuss the crittsrs they stampeded on us," growled the' guerrilla, as be tamed his men and rode away. Some of his men bad blue overcoats on, some wore citizen clothes, and no one could Bay, that thsj did not belong to the Federal wagco trains. Virginia Utter. - Persons who stand upon I heir Feet, whether men or women, are often troubled with serious pains and weaknesses in the back, loins and other parts of the body. It has been proven beyond a doubt, how ever, that Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is a certain preventive of these troubles. Denver (CoU Tribune Primer. Wild Western WiL LTere wo have a Picnic. Ia it not Jol ly? Tho children are- running around a nd Playing Tag. Bat where i3 the Cus tard Pie ? A! moment ago it wa3 under the Kim Tree. Can it. Be that Mr. Jones is Kitting on the Custard Pie? Alas! it is too True. And Miss Smith is Liugh injat him. Ho iooks &s Badly Broke up a? tho Pic. does he Not ? Ha3 "the Printer tobacco ? Ho has, ' But he will not Tell you So. He carries it in tho Leg of his Boot and when he wants a Chew he .Sneaks down in the Back Alley where Nobody caaSec him, Whf n he Spits tobacco it Souotb like a Duck diving in the Water. The printer is a Queer man. He is a Fickle person. Sometimes be has ten thousand Luis cn the-. Striug. but they are Always h g Uupes. It you are a Printer, Do not b? a Blacksmith or yen will get Fired. '1 hi3 is a Boil. "It is on the Man's Neck. Would you like to Feel it? If you Do, tho Man will Feel it too The Boil is a mean Thing, and it is a Cow ard. If you Strike it it will Run. But the Mao will not Run. He will Dacce and make Remarks. Boils may start Way down near a littleUoy's waist band, Bat they always come to a Head at last. Many Miserable People drag themselves about with failing strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking into their graves whn, by using Parker's Ginger Tonic, they would find a cure commenc ing with the first dose, and vitality and strcnjrth surely' cominsr back to them. Seb other column. A'TRUE TOKlIC ;TSL A PERFECT STBENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. S" B1TTEKS are highly recommended for all diseases requiring and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Intermittent . - i. 3 7 !NEUAAGIA . Nervous Irritability, Sciatica and all painful Nervous Diseases. A. treatise by a well known physician, a specialist on these subjects, concludes as follows : "Neuralgia is one of the most oainful of diseases, and is attended with more or less nervous irritation. Sciatica is also a form of neuralgia, and all painful ner vous diseases come under that name Neuralgia means nerve ache, and there fore you can suffer with neuralgia in any part of the body, as the nerves are sup? plied to every part. I have,for many years closely studied the cause, ofnrrahiii, and the nature of the neryonss?BTem, with the many diseases, that tt4ft8ubject to, and bave fonnd bv afcraat exDcrence that the true and prirqarmgs&o'f neuralgia is pover I y u I LUC lici uuyuuiu.'-y i v(wiueo kut- poverished and poor and in some cases starved, noi because the patient does not eat, but! because what is eaten is not appropriated" to the nervous system; there are many, cases iof thi3, but ur. C. W. ,Ben8on.'s. Celery and Chamomile Pills have in my.hands proved a perfect remedy for this condition and these dis eases. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents f f T il Tm. Oa a box. uepoi, iuo ionn rutaw ou. Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for SI. or six boxes for $2.50 to any address i il f-i r: DR. C. W.-PEKSOrPST JP. V 8 i" 3 3 is Warranted to Cure rr'CMA. TfTTPPS. MUMnRS. H i y INFLAP.1M ATIOM, MILK CRUST ALL ROUCJrf SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFP LA ULCERS, PIMPLES & TENDER ITCHSNCSonUpartofthe body. It reakes the cIn whit, sofl and emootli f v-emevca tiii Rud freckles. Rad i the EEST toUet drcsain- ia 7H3 Y?QZZ. Esaat'y put up, two bot'Jos in oao r-ackaso, ooubieUuc of both ictcmsl aad ei ernal treatmsnt. AH first f. ir,s dnvccisf a bfie it. 81. per xckae. J. W. CONOLEY, Agent. dec 1-crn-d nrm ... 3. -sSg-i a5 m -xZl C 5 is- a 3 u. 5 'a 3 SrV - 2 Ufl ,-3 c Kj"'- . . DOT 51 French Candies. JUST RECEIVED, a fall line f flat French Caadies, warranted pure and fresh. Also, Hffae-Made CajdieaTrult, 1 ei:strftt, dtrs Mew rttflt a certain Fevere, WcmtofAjrDeUieIjosacJSaiathmLachof liner mi.tir. KnrioJiPM thm Klvw4 strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing aU d jp?p( ic tymptom, snch as Tatting tMFood, Bekhing.Ueat in the Stamach,IIeartburnj. The only Iron Preparation will not blacken tho teeth or gixe headache. Sold br all druggists. "Write for the ABC Book (32 pp. of useful and amnsinjf read inS)seHrte. BROWN CHK3HCAx CO., Baltimore, 3IcL 6etht '! Iron Bitrir mde by Beoti CprrMiCAt Co. ad "bT czotad rd liaet on wtppee. BE WAKE Or UITTATIOXS. 1 Z1C pi 12arm-.V tVILftllHQTON & yFLDOIl SAILEOAD COUP AIT 7. Oma ow Gul ounumnm '" I Wilmington, V, OV, Ds. 1, 188L I CHANGE 07 SCHEDULE. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILBOAD 'COMPANY. Oma QsstaAi! Bvmimnift, Wlimlactoa. B. O., Jui s, 1SSL Chxksk ow Schxduijb to 1 Vo S Off AND AFTER Jane 5. 1881, tk tel. lowing Schedule will b cperatd on icu ttiurou i PA8SENGKB, MAIL"? AND EXPRESS TRAIN. Daily axon 8udsys! rLeare WiLiAjrton...9.4& A U Arrire at Charlotte at.6.45 P 11 Leave Charlotte ........ a M f Arrive at Wilmington at.1.15 P M Trains Voi 1 and a ito at rtrvlar itafloni oniy, ana points aeugnatea la Ue oompi nyi Time Table. Theee trains make eloie 'eonneetion aft Charlotte with trains 5oc 3 and 4 for Cleve land Springs and all points ;on Shelby Dt- PABSEVOEB AND FB EIGHT. Leave Wilmington at.. 5tS0 P H Arrive at Hamlet lU. 1:26 A at Charlotte lU. 80 A II l 1 Leave Charlotte atMMMM.7tS0 P k iffy 6 Arrive at BanJetatM..M. 1x28 A U s -l mm w usunnra mm msu a mm ON AND AFTER December Ht, 1831, at 6.40 A U, PaMenger Trains on the Ty il minirton k Weldon BaUroad will run followi ! DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, da'J j Not. 47 North and 48 South, Leave Wilmington, front St Depot itMmxMiMMMmlMIKmi 6 40 A H Arrive at Weldon at 11 WPM Leave WeldonMMMMMMM.MMMMMM 3 3T;P H Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot iL.... 9 5S F M Fast Thronrh Kail and Patsenjrer Train Daily No. 4S North and 40 Boats. Leave Wilmington. Front Si- Depot atM..MM.MMMM.MM.MMMMM 6.2&P C, Arrive at Weldon L15A ft LeareWeldonM....M..MM.M.M.M.M. 6.001 arrive at wumington, xronies. - Vr c t r Z " Depot 1 ' ....M-..-.10.8Q P .to ?F.9Vt Bandar, bit bo M.n a.na PuMnvir. Titiw. w-r.fonneonon r Kaieignon satnrdav: . . j - "i u,j.n.i..i a. a 8HELBT DIVISION. P 88KNGKR,MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. a A (Leave Charlotte tM..MMM.7:00 P 11 "0,'-rArrlTeat Shelby atM..MM.10:30 P U mL 1 Leave Shelby at... f :0O A H BO f ArriTe at Charlotte at. 9:30 A M Traini Nos 6 and 6 make close eonneotiea et Hamlet to and from Raleigh, ezeept ae above. Through Sleeping Cart between BalelgB ud Charlotte, Trains No. 1 and 2 make eonncetion at Charlotte with A , T. A O R. R,, arriving at htaetville same erening, and eovoeeting tn.re witb W. N. C. R. R. for Asheville and all points on W. N. O. R. R. , yr Train Nob 8 and 4 connect e)ofly with Chester A Lector at Linoolnton. ft . -OH1TS05, ie 7 orl fttriiteiS.rt North and 42 8outb. Leave Wilmintrton Front St. sy- Depot at.... eeeeeeeeeeee KiSMett 03P U4 Arrive at We'don at 9 1 0 Pfl Lear Weldon at ....................... 1 3S A U ArriTe at Wilmington 8 15 AM Train No 40 South will stop only at Kooky i r x nrii n.u.L Jl vr 1 1 - Trains on Tarboro Braneh od Leave Roekr Mount for Tarboro at 7.15 P M Daily and Tneaday, Thnrsday and Saturday at 3 lf A ll. Returning, leave Taibo o at 9 00 A M daily, and Monday, Wedaecday and Friday at 8:60 P Mi Train No. 47 makes close eonneetlon at Veldon for all points North dail?. all r ail ria Richmond, and daily ezeept Sanday via Bay Line. Train No 43 runs daily and makes elose jinnee' Ion for all points North vie Rioh--nond aud Washington. " All trains ran solid between Wilmington nd Washington, and bave Pnlltnan Palaoe Sleepers attached. JOHN r. DITI ITS, funeral 4aei, A. POPK, Gen'l Past. Igent dee 1 Leave Wilmington. Leave FloraneeM.M.. Arrive at C O and A Junction Arrive at Colambla. Leave Columbia. Leave O C and A A Junction........ Leave FloreneM..nM..MM. Arrive at Wilmingto Gen'l SuDts Office WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA AND! AU. 617STA RAILROAD CO Wilmington, V. a, Nor. 4, 188! CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON AND AFTER Nov 6th. 1881. at 10 40 P H, the following Passenger Sehedole will be run on tbu road RIGHT EXPRE8S TRAINB (DailyV - r Nos. 48 West and 47East. 10 40P a , 3 20 A U 6.S0 A M . 6 40 A M ,10 CO P M .10 SOP M 100AM 8 20 All Nieat Mail asd PassiHSia Tau, Diar, . . r . as. . n. PO. U Tf EST, 1KD UXT AIAIb AWB Jl iiisia Tbaib. Io. 43 East. Leave Wilmington u.n.M.mMU 45 P M Arrive at f lorenceM...MMM...M.... o a m. Leave Florence, cm eeeeee 1 05 P M Arrive at Wilmington. tw sjeee-ee t VI r a Mail aKd PAMaxona Dax&t,142 West, 45 Lsave WilmingtonM.M.......M. 8.36 P M Arrive at Florence.................l'2.S A M Leave Florence... 5.46 A M Arrive at WiimingtonM..MM.M.. 12.00 M Train No 43 and 42 stops at all Stations No 40 stoos onlv at Flemlnzton. White vi le, Fair Bluff and M ar ion. Passengers ror UoiumDia, ana au poutm on G. A a R. R C, a A A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Janetioa, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Express. : oeparaxe miiman ojeepcri ior voaxivna and for Augusta on train 47. All trains ran solid between Charleston and Wilmingtoni JOHN r. OITINS, General BnvU A. POPK, Gen'l Pass, Agent nor 4 New River rJlullets. jgQ BBLS. NEW IfrjLLETS, tr : 2QQ DOZ. LARGE BOE, Fos f sis by HALL &,!PEABSALLa tstlC "TJNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION 1 OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisiana State Lotif rf Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote tte franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. Its Grakd 8i:ngxb Nttkbxk Dnxwuros will take place monthly. It never toalet or postpone. Look at the following Distribution: GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT. during which will take place the 139th Grjlstd Mokthlt iks Tim Extraordinary Semi-Annual Drawing. At NewiOrleans Tuesday, December 18th, 1881, J- T Under the personal supervision and man agement of GEN. O- T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000. tST Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars ODly. Halves, $5. Fifths, $2. Tenths $1. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of $100,000 $100,000 1 Giand Prize of 50,000 50,000 1 Grand Prize of 20,000 20,000 2 Large Prizes of 10,000 20,000 4 Large Prizes ei 5,000 20,000 20 Prizes cf 1,000 20,000 0 500 25,000 100 300 30,000 200 ' 200 40,000 coo 41 loo 60,000 10,000 " , .10 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of $200 20,000 100 Approximation Prizes of 10010,000 100 Approximation Prizes of 73 7,500 11,279 Prizes, amounting to - - $522,500 Gen . G, T. BEAUREGARD, of La Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Va.. Commissioners. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Orleans. For information apply to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La or 21. A. DA UPH I. at r Ko.f212 Broadway, New. Torsi - Notice to the Public. ' Thejublic are hereby cactiomd aoadtbt sxxnixo axt Moxzr on Oansns to NUNES & CO., 8-i Nassau St., Nrw You Crrr, as authorized by the Louisiana State Lottery Company to sell its Tickets. They are flooding the country with Boors Cmcc LAJts pnrportinr to be of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are toatou lxktlt rtpreaenting themselves as fte Agents. .They haven authority from this Oonrpany to sell Its Tickets, and are not Its acC5tsfey csf pnTpsc - il. JL DAUPHIN. Pres. LaaUiana Stats Lottary.Csw Nsv Orlsaas, Lan JnJj , Id, i cit lirtd-KiwS7 THE DJlttY EEIIEf s BDITOB AND PUBUSHEK Is published Every J it-ernoon (Sun day a excejrted) VHOLKSA LE PMC E3. The followtsr ototincts reerrsent wholesale prices geaerally. In tsakirgnp all order t higher criccA tar e tele thtrg od. DAOaiNO Sta&(iarXM 3 E 1 I , IK B BA DON North Carolina. Unas. V E fi ShoaJdars, V 2 Btaa, y p.,.,,, Weztern SsoasI BUe. P lb., 8toaidrs.. Dry Saltsd tiido. V b'f -li-Wv.tTf , At the following rates, postage paidt One Year. ... .... .... ....$5 00 Six Months........ ........ 2 50 Thiee Months 125 One Month. ............... 50 The paper wlllbe tleliTered by carriers, r so of charge, in any part of the city at the kbove rates, or 15 cents pcx wcci 4 The Daily Bavirw is sow in the fourth year of its existence, is per manently established, with a large and steadily increasing enbecn'p. tion list, and presentsto merchants and others a most desirable medi- urn for adTertiglngJ A'ah P5 20 CO PO 12 :s :s 10 14 11 5 ESUF LiTPWe-cht... BARRSLH-Hint Trjatlre tttsend eac:.....w., Nw York,sc?, nsw.., 1 BraWAX- BU1CK8 WUsiisjrtca.Vit 7 SCTTEX A'orthCaroUna D CaNDUili Spersap E Ada22tiae,) et CHEESfc Northern Factory. Si Uairy ersam, y 2.MM tstate, y d COFFE Java,p . Lacnyra, y COBN MEAL y bnhel.. TO UOTTON TIIS New V bdl 1 60 Piaced 1 25 DOMESTIC Sfceetbg, 4-4 V yrA.. s Tarn, V bunch ...... 1 00 FLOUR Fine, y bbl 0 00 Scper, Northern, "9 bbLM 5 60 . Extra do - y bbl. 6,00 Faallr y bbL.. 7 0 City KUlExr Super 9 bbl... 7 00 Family VbbU. 7 60 " Ex. Family p bbl... 8 00 Fl3H Mackerel, No. 1, y bbLlO 00 No. 1, V KbblM..MMMMM. 8 75 , Mackerel, No. 2, y bbL... 12 60 No. J, y K bbL.. C CO Maekcrel, No. 3 y bfeL..OO 00 Mallets. V bbl...'..MMMMM. 3 60 N. C. Herring, pkeg.m.M 6 60 Dry Cod, ij lb. . 7 1ERTILIZER8 FcruvianGnsno,2000Bj.CO 00 Carolina Fertilixor " "COCO NsraMS Guano, " Complete Manure " Whann's Phoanbit Wando Phosphate, " WUoox, Gibb A Cc, 7 HO 13 O 10 i 13 .4 tn'f 4. CO i eo 0 CO 21 8 CO o es an 02 o o & a o o e ia a o ft 0 o o o o o o u 18 S3 40 10 15 15 11 SO IS JO Wi 70 60 T 1 10 4 00 - 6 CO 6 60 8 00 7,W 773 8 25 OSS CO oio ts eoo co Q 6 60 6 2) S 76 6 O O a o " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 CO " 00 00 O70 C3 O40 00 640 CO on 03 CJ AO 00 QIQ CO nipalated Guano....M.M.00 00 Oil 00 GLUE lb GRAIN Cornpitore,9 tCt Corn, cargo, y 66 &s.. Corn,yeL, V basheL.--. Oats, y bushel. ... Peas, cow, y bushU.. BIDES Green, V ... Drv. V 2b HAY Eastern. V 9 70 63 CO 65 70 4 10 so 1C a a o u o o a o a 14 72 70 CO 75 11 40 li 100 xai. 1 North Elver. 3 100 Ibj.... l HOOP IRON y ton... 80 00 685 O'J LABDrNorthernf E. IIXQ L1MK " bbl... LUMBER City steam sa'wd 1 iO Ql 25 Bbittuff.reiwed. W ft.ia ( Bough edge plank, y Mft.16 CO West India cargo, aooord- lag to quality, y M ft... 13 00 Dressed OooringySeasoned.lS'OO Scantling and boards, com mon, u W..1J 00 34 41 25 13 ' 03 Oil Cs CI V0 010 CO CIS GO If OLA88E8 Onba,hhd yg vuoa, oDit., gei ...... Bugar house, hhd. X3 gal. " bbb.gal Orleans Choice, bbls. r&L AILS Cut. :0dtc4d.k'cr.h:i OILS Eflroceca, y gcJ,... 10 iara, v gal ........... bb Linseed, y gal. 60 Eorin, y gal .. 25 PKANOTS y buheL... CO POTATOES Sweet, y bus.' 00 Irish. Northern. t bbL-. 1 PORK Northern,city aest.17 t& xnin, y ddu. .........00 00 Prime, y DDI ( extra )..M.M00 00 , p DDI .....00 0C 14 O o & G: G 0 3 0 (9 (J O a 59 41 00 00 25 CO 60 60 1 ieit Meet 171LIJI1IPJ01! J0U1L O 08H, X JAMES, jpnbhAhed EVERY FRIDAY, At tno foHowing rates t One Tear.... .82 00 Six Months 1 00 Three Hon thsw. 50 Tns Wz&TtTjroToar tes iargtly;hi thattdjoning CO IIU' tiss as well ca ia' tha Wcst6rn"por tions cf tba Chtta end presents tm eqnaHcd fcdlitira to incrchsats f bi magTng faowawhat t they hsTe for Samp, y bbl.... BICE Carolina. X? Bough, y bushel. BAGS Country, y . City, y a eiOP ESMSMMMMVM AWMCSS1 Mannia SUG1B Cuba, y E.. Porto BIoo, V A Coffee, v ...... M li " y o- y a Kx U 5 E.. tsesnssusc Crushed V E . SALT Alum, V sack Lirerpool, y iiek.N..MH., American Xt sack ' Marshal's fins, y sack Cadis ? saek.... BOAP Northern, V 4k O Bum ULJsa contract, yji 6 CO Common, M........... 'j CO BTAVE3 W. O. bbi, V H. 12 60 R O hhd. 1? E. .00 00 TALLOW D 5 TIMBER Shipping y 11 .14 .00 jaui, exira per a........io CO Mill, prime per MM..MM..M10 00 M11L fair per XI .... 8 00 Common, per M....,........5 GO Inferior to Ordinary, par M 4 CO 4 WHISKEY North'n,porgl 1 25 & North Caroina, per gal... 2 00 Q WOOL Unwashed, per 30 Q Washed, dot Za 35 o Borrr wrol. Dr C " 10 t 00 70 75 00 M. CO JiO 75 fj m J3KO lCjp o a o 0 (9 a Q 2 018 CO 000 CO C?00 03 cjoo c: 7 1325 13 0 0J 00 ex CU CO 00 35 W 75 e&o oo & oo 18 0U Ol4 00 713 00 O 8 00 00 CO 00 60 00 23 12 m PKlHTie ! AT THE LOWEST PEICE3 1 ASCERTAI MY PRICES BEFOHE HAVIHO YOUR PRIWTIKO DONE ELCEVHPRE ! Satisfaction Guaranteed jr ... . j pRlNTlNO CATiT.fVl LY EXECDTED orpertons reii:ijtgt.i f tie city atd es to thea by taail free &l pttge. E.a. WAR20CE. ; Corner Che. tr et aiid Water Streets flu iirlJC UxUiUg

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