IHflcellanoous. . - . V. - s. SSL - . a m vitMC For the Cure cf Coughs, Colds,! Hoarseness, Bror cMtisCroup, Infm. fenza, Asthma,WI:ooping Cough, In-f cipient Connimpt ion ana lor the re-j lief of consumptive ersonsin advan-l ccd t2pes of the Disease, ror bale by all Drucsrists. rrice, 25 Cents. OS. LYDIA L niDUl!, OF LYNX, o 0? t&&i!zt&t LYDIA E. PIWKHATS ft Posit iyp Cure rr s'l IIimc 1'alarul Complnlnti nnl AVeknetM toeemraon toour brttt Icinule popnlallon. ISwiarJr ?!illrely tle worst form of Female Com- f lainta. nl ornrlJin frouUes, ln!1aiunitlou nod Ulcera tlon, FaUinn and PIiiloceniit, nnl tho eonieqaent Spinal 'TeakiM'), and U inrtlcclarljr adapted to tho CbantfM of life. It frill dUsoT ana eapettninorn from the t:tnialn an early fcte of !.-TelcFit. T!o tendency to run- ctrovt li?nncr there is tbeckod very ppecdily by Its use. It ivmiTrifalntnesA, flafulency, destroys all craTlsg for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It tnree Bloating, Headache, Kerreas Prostratlofv, General Debility, Sleepssnees, De:resaloa and Iadl- cestloa. I That feeling" of bearlor down, causing- pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cored by Its ose. It win at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with tbe laws that g-orera the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. riXKIIAM'S VEGETABLE COM- TOTTXBIm prepared at 33 and 23S Western Avenue, Lynn,aCasa Price SI Six bottles for. Sent by maS In the form of pills, also in the form of lozenges, or receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Sirs. Pinktam freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. ASdress as abore. Mention this Paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. FlSKHAJTS LITER FILLS. They cure constipation. HHoqsneas( and torpidity of the urer. S3 cents per cox. JB3 Sold by all Drug-gists. "V Oinger liuchu, Man drake, StiSingia, and many of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger a omc, into a mccucin f such varied powers, as to make it the greatest L.lood runner and tbe Ent Health & Strength Restorer ever Used. It cures Rheumatism. Parker's Sleeplessness, & diseases of the btomach, Bowels, U r i L-ungs w k tvianeys. Hair ba sarrii tidi5aitfro,n Tk. R-t nt. u Puters, Gineer Essences Lungs, uver ft Kidneys, v. ' . j:er r ' ' MutEnonminilllaiiDmv and 1 Oil ICS, as It lac. Kerrr fiu t mters r.ever intoxicates. Hiscox youusiii color to grj hir. Co. . Chemists N. Y. KVi. nd tl y.rfng Baytgf IVIlar y !. assist wr(?i THE GREAT CURE roa RHEUMATISM Am it is for all dise&a of tho KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It oleasLsas the system of tho acrid poison that causes the dreadful aafferinc which osljr the Tiotiina of henmatiam can reallaa. THOUSANDS OF CASES of ths worst forms of th! terriblo rtfs s haT bean QlokJy relieved, in a short ttma PERFECTLY CURED. kaalutd wirfl sueeess, and an imnwmao sLla in e-rery put of tho Conn try. In hun dreds of eases it haa eared wbera all ! had failed. It la mild, but efficient. CERTAIN 121 ITS ACTION, but harmless in all eases. t7It eleaases, BtreaaHheas aae rlreeXew Lifts to all the important organs of the body. The natural action of the Kidneys is restored. Tho Iirer is cleansed of all disease, and the Bowels more freely and healthfully. In thia way tha worst diseases are eradicated from the system. As it has been proved by thousands that ia tha most effectual remedy for eleanalne; tha system of all morbid accretions.. 1 1 should ba used in every household as a SPRING MEDICINE. Always cures BILIOUSNESS, COKSTIPA TIQir. PTT.KS and all PZZXaXB Diseases. Is put up ia Pry Tesr table Feres, ia tin cans, J oneparkapeof hlch makes S quarts medicine. Also In IJal4 Frm,Try Ceeeatrateror the cooTeRtroce of those who cannot readily pre pare ii. It act with equal efficiency in eiikerform, GET IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. TRICE, tl.a WELLS, KIC1I1KD0N A Ce., Prep's. fWffl send the d ry post-paid.1 BrRLIX CTOS, t T. :THS STATS. fcl -VIM -.Nil, VA. Owners ad Kditort I crjiUM. Oiaott Habaarip tla ''ia, tiv "t3rjit?nj Kates. Kj 9-s -i sr rtrar 4,007. Tat lr aitt-a t ajrt"s: RlaTtond. Btwivlot'M rli - If. jU.SO per; as. am t; rf Ur 21 pit atiM3. I HI 12 I if Q I n t i far rT : a? a 2- 5- -ZO--ZS - - f Tsni ) a wiiii QE2TEC1L FOSIIQX RETTS- Losdo.v, Dec 6, 1881. It u probable (bat General Sir Evelyn Wood will be appointed Governor" of Natal. It is expected that tbe Spanish Cortes will adjourn on tbe 20th instto the 18th of January. The Standard says it has authority for stating that the Marquis of Lome has every intention of returning to Canada, and that Princess Louise will also return before spring. The Roumanian government has re ceived no communication in regard to the instructions sent to Count Hoyos-Spria-zenstein, the Anstro-Hungarian Minis er at Bucharest, to suspend personal re lations with the Roumanian Cabinet. The Committee on Colonial Defences haying determined to completely exam ice tbe defensive capabilities of British ports abroad, Colonel Grossman will pro ceed to -Jamaica, Bermuda, Barbadoea and other places for that purpose. Bishops are arriving daily to bo pres ent at toe approaching canonizations in Borne. The IAbertd says there is rea son to believo that at tbe ceremony itself the. Pope will pronounce an allocution affirming the necessity of the temporal power, That great Dermotologist, Dr. C. W. Benson, of Baltimore, has prepared bis lavorite prescription for general use and now any person, however poor, can get tho benefit of bis best treatment for Ekm disease. It consists of both external and internal treatment. The Strike Against Bent Losdox, Dec. 5. The Dublin corres- Dondent of the ZYrae says : "The con- I spiracy against the payment of rent is extending. Intimidation, Boycotting and threats are prevalent throughout a large area of territory. Dublin. Dec. 5. At a meeting or the KilduKioLand League to-day .resolutions werja passed adopting the "no rent manifesto and expelling several members for paying rent. Two arresta were made in Dublin to day under the Coercion act. Six hundred of theDuke or Devon shire's tenants have decided not to pay their rents. exceDt with a reduction oi twenty per cent. A farmer named Milligao. wno lately paid his rent, was waylaid and beaten to death- near Shannon Bridge, while re turning from market on baturday. Po afrests have been made, ihere were ately extensive evictions on the property of the deceased's landlord. A farmer named Koonev has been brntallv beaten at Athlone. He had paid hi3 rent. tie is in a precarions condition. A large crowd to-day stoned the car riage of Mr. Uonsidine, on wno6e- prop erty there were evictions recently. M rs Uonsidine was struck by one oi tne r . . stones. - w Catarrh of the Bladder. Stineriner. smartinsr irritation of the nrinarv oassaees. diseased aiscnar&res. f.nred bv Knchnnaiba. Drofferists. Dent I Jaa. O. Munds. I Twenty Elzht LWes lost Uwen bound. Unt.. liec- 9 Jbor a week past there have been fears about the propeller. Jane Miller, which leftj this port .Friday morning, Wo v. Za, and has not since been heard of. On Friday last the tne: Tommy Wright went in search of her. The tuer returned last night. She reports finding considerable wreckage of the Jane Miller, indicating the loss of the propeller. The general opinion is that she foundered not more than a mile from Col pay's Hay. Of the twenty-eight people on the propeller, the -following are known to have been on board: Andrew Fort, captain: Kichard Port, mate; Fred Port, purser; J. Chris- tianson, engineer; Alex Scales, wheels man, and four deck hands whose names cannot be ascertained. All are from the Tillage of Wiarton and of the vicinity. The passengers were James Walker, James Ballock, Lyman Vader, and a man and wife, all from MeafOrd and oound for Michael's Bay. A number of passengers, also from Wiarton for Lion's Head to work at Watt s Mill, were on board, bat their names are not known. Made from Harmless Materials., and adapted to the needs of fading and fall ing hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has taken the tirst rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. 1 Slayer Chased. Londox, Dec 5, 1881. The follow ing telegram, dated at Zanzibar, has been received at the Admiralty: "On the 3d io8t. Capt. Brownrigg, of the British man of-war London, with ten men in a 8 team pinnace, attempted to capture a dhow, flying French colors and loaded with slaves. The Arab crew resisted fiercely, Captain Brownrigg, a seaman, a stoker and a supernumerary were kill ed, and one man was severely and two slightly wounded. Tne dbow escaped.' Pigeon Shuotloff. Londox, Dec 5, 1881. A pigeon shooting match took place today at Hendon between Dr. Carver and Mr. Stuart Wortley for 500 a side, at 100 pigeons eacn, from nve traps, thirty yards rise. . Dr. Carver missed his first five birds, but then killed 23 straight on. Wren tne match was half through the scores of the competitors were equal, they having killed 40 birds each. The match resulted in a tie, each killing 83 birds. Three Dollars Invested Profitably. A jolly Alsatian named Max Schmidt, ol No. 440 W. 32d St, New York City, keeps a well patronixed saloon of him the inquisitive interviewer in a New York paper reports that feeling the cares oi providing for his future welfare a burden after thirty two years struggle in America: he determined to invest one dollar in the Oct. 13th drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery.' by sending to ' M. A. DahDhin. New Orleans. La., and 1 his confidence wasj rewarded with his eettiag for tiektt No. 7,240, at once $15,000. The same interviewer atf tha ChemicalBanlc met a Mr. Jobn.C. Dief fenbacb, ot West street, and he had in a similar manner lor No. 56,939 received $5,000, all for one dollar. He also ran across Mr. Alex, Unas, of No. 54 Di vision St, a segar dealer, who for No. 99,538 had drawn $2,955, through Ad ams impress Co. The next 139tb Grand Semi-Annual Drawing will take place at New Orleans on Dec. 13tb, un der tbe sole management of Gen'is G. T. Beauregard, of La , and Jubal A. Early. ot V a., when over a half a million will do scaiierea among ine lacsy ones perhaps the reader may cut it fat. Who knows 7 Newbern Nut Shell: Probably C.I00 bushels of rice were sold in this city yesterday and when it is considered that the most of it brought $1 per bushel, it will be seen that the culture or rice in this section is indeed a profitable busi ness. Raleigh Visitor: Mr. W. J, Hicks, Supermtendeat and Architect of the penitentiary, turned over to tke State Treasurer yesterday, between $3,000 and $4,000; being money received from hired oat convict labor and also for the sale of shoes. Vliss Ciarkie Elkins. ouite I an aeed lady feli from the steps of Mr, 1 Madison Koyster s dwelling in Backhorn township, this county, on Thursday night last, and received injuries from the effects of which she died in a lew hours afterwards. Jewa ana , Observer : jcesteray s cotton receipts were 178 bales. Only a tew persons left yesterday from Kaleigh lor Atlanta, and tbe proposed excursion was a total failure. It shows the impossibility of getting many people here to agree upon one thing. North Carolina has 9,057 miles of star service at an annual cost of $105, 435; 498 miles of steamboat service at a cost of 18,364, and 1 330 miles of rail road service at a cost ot tIZ4.UbcJ. or 10,885 miles of all combined at a cost of (247,882 per annum. Charlotte Observer ; Master Egbert Alexander, son ol Col. C. W Alexander. left last night for New England, where he is te enter, large machine sbop3 to learn the business of a machinist. Saturday night last, a passenger train on the Western North Carolina Rail road ran oil the track and was precipitat ed down an embankment six miles be4 TSrs-l f-I J r 1 tt rIM-A tava tiifhaI ssrmJFrr" J, , Qver Qr . . . , J . ' .A . 4, from city, and the train was almost a total wreck. Two men, whose names fcwere not given, and a Miss Davis, of States ville, were seriously injured. The letter says it was a miracle how any one es caped. . BBE5B5BBS33BSB3BBBB3BWrWBg! FERTILIZERS AMD FERTILIZING MATERIAL. ITTON' AND CORN PLANTERS Trackers and others can cet into correct . . . x , cnumei w uauu auvauwtgcuuBiy oj com. mnnieating with JA8. T. PETTEWAT, Agont For the celebrated Fertlliaers.Wilcox, Glbbo Co's Manipulated Guaao and Acid Phos phatejj sept tt-ti Bagging and Ties. 1 000 a Ro1181 Baf,ging 3000 n s a jls - Bacon, Coffee Sugar. 2QQ Boxea 8mokefiandD S 6idef 2Q Baga Coffee, diflerent ?rac6l O C Btla Sura, Granulated, 4A)J Standard A, ExMa U and T 000 Flour grades,, ;jQQ Tuba Choice Leaf LarJ, " 75 Bbls 11314 1,oxe8 Iresh CaJ IQ Boxes Assorted Candy, JQQ . Boxes Selected CreamJCheese, Potash, Lye, Soda. 100 BXe B&11 Pota8h i': 200 60X61 Lye" JQQ Boxes audKcslRoda, J Boxes Soap, rrtZ Half Bbla and Boxes 8n Doaen Baeketa, "1 Reams Wrapplg Paper,1 Hoop Iron,SNAil8, Tidy, OntS, "Randolph Tarns and "Weetices. For ale low by oet 31 WUJJ A.MS 5l MUR(jH150N 8500 Reward. WE WfiL PAY Tn ABOVS reward for a v caa cf Lirer 'oooIaiat, Dys- pepsia, bice tieaMfit pauon or Ucet to&css a e.not onrewita Wti .Teget able Urer Hub, wbea the ai leetloas are ttrietly comcliad with. TheT are purely Y&zetae. aad naver fail to vira 4 iuieyton. ' tsajrar eoaUd. Lsre boxes,, a ooniaiaiajj riu?, 2b eenta. J or tale tj all Drmlisa. Beware of cocntarfeiu ait I 0 imiutmcs. Tbe ffeapico maaQfaetared onl r 1 m Tun k nsa-. rsisststBAi At 3 i4ian j wear uuw -IDO Jrlll - q lera' IS1 A 1?3 W siallrm t, ehicazoa 3 v t -1 i a frt-KiupMii(, kui of nut prpata , 4 .French Candies. "TTJ3T RECEIVED, full tyi!' IL J1??1 Viniie, .?rrT.nu& pure- awl 7 ome-iae waiea, ratrrr' i 1 - WimiEQTOlX MABKET. . - DBCZXSXB 74 P K. , ; &PD3XT3 7TJTItF2ZriISS--Qnot6ddullat att2X eenta, Galea of caixa at 53 cants. BOSIN Quoted firm at fl W tor Strain cd and 11 m for Good BtralnnsV Sslos ot 1.SC8 bbls Good Strained at tl 85. TAR Quoted sjulsft at IS U per.bbl of z lb. ; CKUDJ5 TU&PrrXLN-Quoted dull at 12 W for Hard. 1175 Ibr Soft and It for Virgin. COTTON Quoted easy.iVoaalei reported, The following are tbe official Quoutlons: Ordinarr. Kcoa Ordinary Loir Kiddliajr.mM. 10 -.' 10 ine Good Miiciiax. OalLT asoxiFrs Cotton.. .... 1201 bales CASKS Spirits Turpeasics..., iOIUt.. TsrM.. .w. 1094 324 . 411 Orad Terpen tiaa. ABU1TKD. Steamer Kllaabetn, Blsbee, 8mlthvllie, viRster Steamer Gov Worth. Worth, FayettevUle worm x onn. eiteamer Vet, Love, Wlllla Creek. T 8 Liove A Co. rtteamer D Morohlson. Roberta, Fayette- vuie, nruiismgs Aiarcuison. nteamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell. R P Paddison S eamer Clinton Gray, Bannerman's tsridge, Henry VonKampen. iSr barque Kristlue. Jensen. Marseilles HeldeACo. tsctir William Dunning. Hodjcins, New London. Master. chr JBiwood Doron. Warrlneton. Wil- minstou, Del. Geo Harrlss & Co; gaano to Chnmpioii Compress Co. acnr David V treak:er. Camp, New York wun cargo taano to Kauan & lorstiee. tschr Eunice Key no da, Yeamans. Eliza- eh City, wltb 144 bcishels corn to Hen- aerson s uo. CL&ABIED llzabetb. Bis bee, Steamer Smithvliie, steamer D Murckison, Roberts, Fayette vUle, Williams A Mnrchison. steamer Bladen, Skinner. FayettevUle, DeKosset &, Co. .iteamer Gov vVorth. Worth. Fayettevi lie, vv ono ac worm. Br barqu Uattie H, Cochrane, Barcelona, A D Cazaux, ageu for RusHetl t Potter. Kxports .' " . 70KEE0S. Barcelona Br barque Hattle H 1.550 Dales cotton. STATEMENT 1 stocks ost Hand OE0SHSSS 1. 3881; wry "V via aouviOMiNiiH(iHt 13,265 an o tit nsnwt MlnatassttstM 9,399 Total...... MiwnimmMim Qiirits ashore' afloat.... 31,664 4,213 939 5,161 TOt&l,,..as. afloat ....,. 3,0 TotaU.M. 69,083 T 1 f8'i afloat.... Totals. .....M...MM......W 3.897 Si tt.V OUUIOm..MM..M... w 1,283 aoat.... taitssssssss V SIMSHMS Totalw.. .M.......MM....M.M..M. ' 1,238 asosiPTS roa the mohtr" or vovaicBia 1881 Cotton 35,778 Spirita............ ...... 8.475 afta)Mssa4stwass 31,961 1 irMHNHIMIItNMStfMIMtMlHNN 63 GfOCtCt)S)W sta asssaaass mas ssssMssssas w -J 78 0 xvoaTs oa ihi hohth or aeviHiia 1881 Domassia 15,293 Spirits 2, 33 Eozin.. lar 2,423 IQdtiMIMmHHHHIHHNmHHIMIHIHIHH. t ''2 Foreign. at MaasM Mt isssaasafMass Cotton.... .m m. 12,544 3 fiOl ..a........ fLDirlts....w tSStSSSSMSSSSSMSSSIWIi ........ 18,053 !NEW YOiK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP GO. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. JSTE VMEBS 1 rVILL SAIL FB0M NEW 10RK 1 iToiy WEDNSfDlT and'sAlURDAT. at 3 o'e'ook, P. H ' GULF 8TREAM..8arday, Dceember 8 BKWEFACT08.We5afdaypacemket T 8AN DOMHf'iCw...lhartdy, Daoezabsr f ECOULATOBm.. Saturday, December 10 CrCJLF 8TB5AUM.'Wa4teadayf December 14 SA3 DtnSIW(K.8atnrdeyEenber If I XEGCLATO..we4aciday, December 21 QCLrriTRSAbf-..atardaj, December II Ihroagb Bllla ladiBf and Lowest Th.,h Rtla T a-naraataed to Ianaf!frifflB V SSI BfesV Poitta ln5"rUi and 8eu:b Carolina. For Freitit Ingzg&a&axa applet Taos. Rm bohu, flsp't, v " 1 WEmiatca, NC, . THBO. G2Q'FreUht.a.fea VOL, P. CLTDKUd CZX SGean Aeeata. de S-if 1E31 THE ML tSALBE 1881. Paklahad DaOy Sxeept 8aaaay. ' Eoowaed at tne Treaheit aad Host SatSsttCfry of all 5ewf payra. Low ia Price Compact la Form Independent !a faprereion. Center? atlTe ia Tone, Tbe career of THE SDN, from l earliei beglnnicir, baa been cbaraetsrlzed by a pro greedveipirit and an crisis al and eSectire enterprite. To these eharaeterlstict it ttaad. faatly adheres. CoTering as it does tbe wbale field oi news paper endeayor, its erery camber iaaeom plete reSex of tbe spirit of the ttaaea and tbe activities and eren a of the day. TBE SUN espreaae Its opinions on cor renierec'aaa they ariae and on eabiecta of public i&Urerr, with tha riew only of arrir. in at rictt rpaalU aud cosservine tbe ran oral welfare. Its consistent in teg' itj ia thor oaghly known and nnderatood. . AH A FIKST-CLart 15 WrP4PBR, THE HON is alaoted to the needs ot all and enjoys a world .wide confide ce. The extent and ririetj of THE SUS'rl Local Beports, tneir ceroFol ccaracy and aroiaaaeeof pruieac, Ctnrtiiaie a ttrikia feature, acceptable b th at hooie and abroad. ITS COKIl-l'UUUlSi Foreign and domectic, is aaaarpaseed in ex cellence and freahses ITM WActHlNOTOJf BDRh.AU eoTeriallthe t-hasea of political information t-anspirinir at the National Capitst, with d roper note and comment. Unexcelled in the past, it will h maintained at tbe highest itancard in thelntnre. THE MAHKET ND STUCK REPORTS rf THE 80 a are collected ard compiled with the atmoat care, and may be taken aa safe guides by ail who desire to obtain the latest anTI most trait worthy information on these important topics In short, THft f ON will continue to main tain the high reputation it has acquired as an eato'prisiDg, accurate and well-edited newftpapcr, always ready to add to Itafacili ties for collecting nes oheneyer oecesaan to meet the lacre&sinjr demands of tbe time and to maintain tbe high omfidenee of which its large aod steadily increasing ci eulatioc iriTeseTidecee; Terms, of 8ubsoription by Uail Ca-ah in Adyance One Year, postage included 15 10 rix Months, postage included............ S hree asoDtha, postage iccladd....M. 1 Two Montbs, postage mcloded. a One Month, postage included.......... 00 60 63 Address A. a. ABLL A CO., Publishers, rfun Iron buildug, Feb IS i-UI ti n,!rM Kd GRAND BARGAINS. SOL. BEAR & BROS OFFER NOW ONE OF STHE LARGEST STOCKS OF . Keady-Mady ClothiDg J ' a ' FURUISHIHQ GOODS! d;ry GQODS ! . v - , BOOTS &DOS ! H A S ! A FULL LINROF 3 ! OIL OLOTH ! AND . We respectfully solicit a ca before purchasing elsewhere. SOL. BEaS & BEOSV oct 21 y : THE VARIETY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE spectfnlly netify his friends and the public that ne nas recently re tained from a visit to the H orthern til arkets where he has purchased the Handsomest Display MILLiriEfiY FAHCY GOODS. nOTIOHS AMD HOLIDAY G00DI he has ever offered inthis city. My stock is And ia I have thousands of things which It would take columns to enumerate. My fine, fresh FRENCH CANDIES are a specialty. Head In these goods as my patrons well know, x nave an elegant variety of Millinery Good, Oaf, Trlnminsr, &e.f To which I invite the' attention of the - . Lndier. - My stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS is full and complete and having been bought low will be Bold low. I respectfully invitea call tion. L. FLAN At and inspee- FLAAGAN, vanety titers, IIlsccllancoTia. FALL AUD VillTEO GOODS fjpHfi BEST A830BTED STOCK ITER brought fa th'a dtj, with all ths)atsst Kot. e!tics aad Blades ia DRESS GOODS, fc'ailn UatreL'lenx, 8atln de Lyon, Rati. amc, f nrrahs, Brornd' elf An tiqae, ramai4 tJai-, ilk Ta. Mabs, COLORED, BLACK AND iLLUMIflA T0 CASHMERES. Hsariettas, Mohalri, Bnltiaja, Alpacas aas tUIds ia cndUai viTittj, Pasiameitwle, Fricges andTrlmml jga,?WteQodi, Bouaakeeiiajr Qtfld-, DOILMANS, CLOAKS AKO SHAWLS, Man and Boy's Wr, Flanneb, ateriatja derwsar. Hosiery, Cloves, Govts, Lteti and Ed t.g i, Staple & Domestic Goods. In:hort everytbln detirabls. Warranted to cine up ia price and qualitj, to aay siai vie from retail l ooses North. Gail and save extra ezpe&st by traylaf 36 haricot Street, oet 31 ' THE $1. BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUH $1, 18 AS ( OOn A FAMILY FaPS A818 PUBLISHED UT THIS OOUJTTKT. The Original and Selected Stories are fall of interait and constitute eholea familv read. ing. Its ljrical pieces are also of a big a order of merit tfesides these merits it Is s eompendiam of TH NEWS OF THE WEEK, well collated and of infinite variety all fresh occurrences at home and abroad Bad a place in its columns. The bright aad graphio letters of the scedal correspoadatti ofTBK HON at the oapitala of Europe, la California and elsewhere, are published la the Weekly, and, la addition to detcrlbiaf thee-mrs of political events, willgiteths gesaip ot the day and the drift of ereats. The WA8UINUT05 BUREAU OT THE HUN will keep the readers of the Weekly well informed in respeet to everything; of in terest, politically aad socially, transpiring at that point. Whatever besides, that is ss rious or joyous, that tends to gire a rpioe of variety, will be supplied to max tha Weekly attractive. ITS MAUKET AND FlffAYOIAL? BaV POSTS are brought down to the latest hour of pah li cation, and every pains taken to oaks tasa trustworthy. V AOKIOULTUBAL tf ATTE&S r are not neglect d, and the farmer will find n the columns devoted to this subject ssiar valuable hints and suggestions. Seuad edi tor lal discussions" always have place ia tbe Weekly; and, with its stories ana ether light literature, its well-written letters from places at home and abroad, its political and general news and gossip, and its excellent Markst and amanciai Keports, Tua &AiriawA WEEKLY HUN coma ends itself to all who deire to hare a thoroughly good paper at a very low priee " terms of rJubeoriotion Invariably Oasa ta - Advaaea On Dollar per Tear far one copy or asr number of oopisa. INCBXASKD PSCMIUU 00FIC3 TO V GETTERS UP OF CLUBS The following liberal Premium Ccples are given to th e who get up Clans for the BALTItlOKK WEEKLY ttUN ... FIVE COP1ESw.m... ffiM With one extra copy of the Weekly; Bun oat year. - M TE5 COPIES flP With an extra copy of the Weakly Sun o oe year, and one eopyof the Daily Sou three months. FIFTEEN COPIES ,..f if With aa extra copy of the Weekly Sun one year, and one copy of the Daily Son si: months. TWENTY OOPtES - f w . With a extra copy of the Weekly , fi on one year, aad one copy of -? the Daily Sun nine months. . TfilBTY OO PI ES - CT With aa extra eopy of tha Weekly 8 on, and one eopy of the Daily San one year, fe-i- For full terms and pre arum eopUsw getter up of Clabs, see prospectus in THS NUN. Dailv and Weekly, aad la the BAL TIUO&EdUN ALSCAAO for 1881, avail able publication of aeveuty-two pages, fr to allaubseribeisto the BALTIMORE oC Dally and Weekly. ' . Tbe safeet method of transmintng faaos by mail is by draft, eoeck or Postoaca aicn y order QNoderiatioa. Addreas A. B. ABELL A CO., Sua Iron Buildixg. , fab IT BalthB'w. sTd. For Sale or Eschaiixro DESIEA8LE jaEflDI 11021 rooms andkltehea tidf ged, va of wate aad axeeileat ffardeu for 'Sis ot exsiaa or o ODertr la: Uilalai ca. Fjr partis ara arnlvnat IttlQU

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