IB IB PA FEB UF.oii.hed.reryfleroB, Saidays if JOSH. T. JAMJ5B, -DB8CR1PTPH.1'08TAGK PAID. er,f5 00 8ix nonlb ,ft0 5 Three 'lootbt.fl 35; Ose month, M cent, rte PFer wiU bdHTered bxearriera, of cbsr" part of the city, aft toe fer.tss.orMeeutsrweefc. i drertUitg rate low end liberal ..Ssbseribers will pleascreport UJ and tn failles to receive their ptpin regularly. j?ew Advertisements. ' f- tr4. j -r- v TRAP 'ACr TH5GIIEA7 U V1 ij 3 a. n n. m o II I Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, No Proration on earth equals St. Japob3 Oil sar,urr. simple and cheap Extonwl Jl.-m(HiT. A trW eaUila but th comparatively trtfiir. ontlnr of 50 Crnta, ami erery one euffer hs: with rin c cheap aad potitiTt proof f iu claims. l"irction in Elereo iAnsnaf . OLD BT ALL DSUG0I3T3 AND DEALEB3 A.VOGF.T,F,R fc CO., aprlllS daw-oto tcj JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Bsuxswicx, Co., Ta., NoTcmbcr 5tht 1881 1Us,Jo2 Fssses, Franklinton, N. O. Dkar Madam: It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy bas entirely cured we of a most feartol looking and painful sore on my anklet It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ringworm. I painted it with TincL Iodine, until it became a very painfel and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in tho country for advice. He told mo he could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or five weeks, and if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. J ust imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but te lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have ruined me. Mind you this was the advice of one of the best ; doctors in the State of North Carolina, ! nd this conversation took place la6t February. I continued to burn with caustic, as he advised until September, bukderived no benefit from his treatment. I was advised then by a friend to try jonr Remedy, (Bitters and v aenj toos the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, danco as much and jump as high as any man you know. Put me back to the 1st of September, let me know as mnch as I now do of the virtue of your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it for lets. I think more of it than any medicine in the world. It is not only the best Remedy to purify the blood and cure all skin diseases, but I believe it will cure all kinds of blood disease?, and I know it will cure a love for strong drink. I hope you will have this published, as there are many sufferers who could be cored, if they could know c f and set your Remedy 1 am truly and reppectfoPy, JOS. R. MASON, South Gaston, N. C. I 'The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr.. Wm. H. Gren. Send for circu lar of testimnials. nov 14-dw Children's Cloaks Ladles' Cloaks .AND TJZiSTZ3ZX.O, Just Ileceived Lace Collars. Lace Collarettes, RUGS AND MATS and many other nw aad pretty things. R. r.1. Hclntire. "flora ra fed fc ij RHEUMATISM, r 1 1 1 VOL V WILMINGTON, N. O, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1881. NO. 289 11 K, LOCAL NEWS. Nrw Advtsrttsemexts. Gro F TiLLKr Mountain Bef Takouxa Cry K RChaae of Schedule HciX6BE0 KR-Vife ! Give IHut.! James C ilrxM-Drucist C W Yite5 Cbriemas Gords No City Court to day. . Our 'stetmel friends oysters. Pumpkin pks are now altogether is order. . Official no5J-popers marriage certifi Buckwheat ctkes end 'lasses are d cidedlr popular. The failure of one rcan is the oppor tunity of another. . Maj. T. D. Love, of Bladen county, is in the city to day. Why do people get married when courtEhip isFO eweet? A lady can cat a pretty figure with out being a sculptor. The receipts of cotton at this port tc lay foot up 1,406 bales. Cold weather comes during the ecason when it is least agreeable. . Good wood was selling from the flats to-day for 75i cents per load. Mr. Jno. D. Williams of Fayetteville, is tn the city on a short visit. Selling out to close business at How. rt's shoe store. 2w Have you purchased your eggs for Christmas ? The sooner the better. Ship Republic, Holmes, sailed from Liverpool on the 5th inst., tor this port. Schooner Ida V. McCabe, Pickup, cleared at Baltimore for this port on the 5tb inst Barque Yick Mebanc, Hencke, cleared at Newport, Wales, Nov. 19th, for this port. Gent's Scotch Sole Gaiters and various other 6tyles at cost at Howey's. 2w Previous to 1783 there were no mules in this country. Neither were there any parsgraphers. There are many hot places in this world, but a man should go to Switzer land to Berne. Now that measles are prevalent, mothers, as well as astronomers, look for spots on tho son. It takes three scruples for a drachm but-many a man will take three drams without a scruple. There will be a praise service in the First Baptist Church this evening. Prof Pixley will lead the' singing. Webster was-an aesthete, because he enthusiastically says in his dictionsry that the verb "speak" is to utter. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Bl ack fiah Hooks and Lines A fall assort ment and lowest prices at J aoobt's- f Steamboat men report about 4 feet of water on the Shoals between here and Fajettcville, and that it is slowly falling. What is the difference between a man who awards a prize, and an opener of oysterbT One shells out the priie and the other pries out the shells. i Those who wish to get a beautiful in strument for a very little money are re minded that the list of chances for the Carpenter Organ which is to be raffled soon is still open at Heinsberger's book store. Agreeably to the report of a mass meeting, published in a La Grange paper, reference was made at its close to the phenomenal efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil in the many painful diseases to which mankind is subject. This is re ferred to as showing how strong a hold the Old German Remedy for Rheuma jism hason the experience and good wishes of the great public The work of laying the new plank road, on Nutt street, under the contract awarded to Capt. R. H. Beery, is pro greesing very favorably and will be com pleted by the first of the New" Year. The planks are 3 inches thick, 12 inches wide and 18 teet long. Solclde and Di ipepsla A most remarkable care for dyspepsia "Wells' Health Renewer." The great est tonic, best bilious and Liver Remedy known. 3L Pnggiiti. Depot Jas,0. lltsds. , vxports Foreign. The exports foreign since our last re port are as follows: Nor. barque San dermanden, Jensen,, for Trieste, with 3.8.V) barrel rosin, shipped by Messrs Alex-Sprunt Son: and Ger. birqae Amanda, Schnltf, for Majagues, P. R with 243,064. feet . lumber, shipped by Mewnrs Parsley Sc Wiggins. . fire at Goldsbore. .We learn that tho Humphrey House, at Goldaboro, caught fire this forenoon, and for awhile it was feared that the splendid building would be entirely con i sumdr::TWflaraes rwere extinguished, however, before they obtained the imss tery. The damage was considerable, but as our report is extirely. meagre wecen rart tell the amount at present. If you can't "Bear" a cough, "Ball" it, with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 9 . Pecan Rats. Dr. Potter showed us last night some very fine pecan nuts, which were grown in Brunswick county. He says that Messrs John Innman and J. L. King, of Waccamaw township, near Shallotte, raise a considerable quantity every year and send them to Georgetown, S. C, where they find a market for them. We have also heard of small lots of the same nut from the Sounds in Pender county being offered for sale in this city at 12 cents per pound. At cost for cash.. The large stock of boots and shoes at Howxr's. 2w External Use of Castor Oil The London 'Medical Journal' gives reports from various practitioners who have found purgative results follow the inunction of castor .oil. One writer states that he has frequently applied this oil to the addoraen, under spongiopiline, or other waterproof material, in cases where the usual way of administering by the month seemed undesirable, and with most satisfactory consequences. In a case of typhoid fever; also, half an ounce of castor oil was applied in this mrnner. under a hot water fomentation, the effect of this being as represented, to relieve the constipation and tympanitic disten tion that had been present, without un dae purging or irritation of the bowels. Bargains may be had in foot-wear at Howsr's. Stock cash. must be sold. Net 2w The Lutheran Pastorate At the meeting of the congregation of St. Paul's Lutheran! Church, held yester day afternoon, it was unanimously decid. ed to extend a call to the pastorate of that church to Rev. F. W. E. Feschau, of Nashville, Tenn., who, as our readers are aware, has been on a visit to the city for a few days past, and who preached in 8t. Paul's last Sunday. The result was arrived at by ballot. Mr. Peschau will accept, as he humorously remarked to us yesterday, in response to our interroga tion, that if the call should be extended to him unanimously, he could do no less than accept unanimously. Mr. Peschan left the city last evening for Nashville, where he is to preach next Sunday. He is to enter upon the pastorate of St. Paul's on tho first of January, and will probably preach his first regular sermon in that church on New Year's Day, which falls on Sunday, Children's ;School Shoes, both lace and button, at cost fob c abb, at Howet's. 2w Itavasta Guano company. At the Annual Meeting of the stock holders of the Navassa Guano Company of Wilmighton, held this morning at lheir office in this city, the following offi cers were . re-elected for the ensuinff year: Hon. R. R. Bridgers, President. Donald MacRae, Secretary and Treas urer. Col. C. L. Grafflin, Superintendent. CoLW. L. DeRosset, Superintendent of Agencies. Directors Hon. R. R. Bridgers, J . C Grafflin, Edward Kidder, Winfield S. Dunan, Walter E. Lawton, Smilie A Gregg, Donald MacRae. The report of the Company's business for the past year was very favorable: the demand for the Company's products continues in excess of their ability to supply, giving evidence of the great pop ularity of the Navassa Guano. To Builders and others Go to Jacoj it's for Sash, Blinds and -Doors, Glass te. You can; get all fixes aad at the loratFTfcsJ. ' t A slight change of schedule went into effect yesterday on the Carolina Central R. R. . .. ; . Some half a doze -weddings, or more, are on the tapis for celebration in this city this month. Correction We stated yeeterday that Mr. Henry 3. Hainet was General Superintendent of the Savannah, Florida & Western R R, but -he fills a much more important position than this. He is General Mana ger of the line running from Charleston to Florida, said to be one of the most f mpprtant railroad positions is- the South. The Telephone Serrlee. We had a visit to-day from Mr. J. 0. White, Manager of the Telephone Ex change in this city, and we learn from' him that hs is satisfactorily serving about 75 subscribers wiUs more than a fair prospect of additions to the present number. We learn that all the instru ments are in perfect working order, and it is the determination ot the Manager to make the Exchange what it should be a reliable and sure convenience to the businessmen ot Wilmington. Progress has also been made in regulating the fire alarm, and will soon be completed. It is of the utmost importance that this branch of the Telephone service should be in perfect order, and no pains will be spared to make it so. Beautify your oomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f New Advertisements Mountain Beef I fJlHE PRETTIEST TOU EVER SAW ! "Will be found on my 8talls every day thla week. Also, fat and tender Veal, Mutton, Pork Ac. . Call and examine and leave orders for any day ahead, which will be promptly niiea. GEO. F. TILLEY, dee 2 11 Sull No. 1, New Market. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD "COMPANY. Owtea Onnii Svnrmivmmr, Wliamxton.. a. Dc , lest. Cbahos or Sghxduijb i V AND AFTER Dee. T, 1881, tit fol low in Behodalt will be operated ob t la Railroad t PAriSENGKR, MAIL AHD KXPRKS8 TRAIS. DXls ozeept H&4?t'. Lore WUmlngtOBWMMM.9.4a A M 1 Arrive at Charlotte at.ft.4ft P M BTo 1 . ) Lear Charlotte at.......ro a Vo 1 S Arrive at Wilmington at. 8. 15 P M Traiss 5oi 1 sad 1 stop at rtf alar stations only, aad points designated la ike Camp ny'i Time Table, PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. (Leave WOminrtou U. fitSO P It Arrive at Hamlet at. 1:38 A k " at Charlotte at. 80 A U (Leave Charlotte atMMMTt30 P D Arrive at BanJetatMM. ItXS A at WUminfion at 8? SO A B No. 6 b dally exeept Bnnday, bat no connection far Raleiirh on Batarday. 5o. Is dally exeept Saturday These trains make elote connection at Charlotte with trains Hoe. 8 and 4 for Bbe- 8BKLBY DIVISION. Pi 88KNOKR,M All EXPRESS AHD P EIGHT. . ; jjeeve Charlotte at........8;8S A t Bo f Arrive at Bhelby atMMMM.13:SS P v Leave 8helbyaU.M.MMMM. 1:8ft P II f Arrive at Charlotte at 6;3J P H Trains Boe 6 and 6 make elnee eoaneotle at Bmlet to and from Raleigh, exeept at above. Through Bleeping Can between Rale! and Charlotte Train No. 5 makes eonntctin at Charlotte with A , T. A O. K. K., for Btatesville, oonneetisg th.re with W. S C R. K. for Aiheville and all points on tai road. Trains Koe 1 and ft make eonneetlo a Chs lotto wi h A A v C a R fo" pprtsn barfr, Greenville. Athsss, atl nta aad all poiaU boy 01 fi Q JfORSBOM, -die 8 - Reriteriar t ADMINISTOATOR'S nOTlCE. rp -E UNDEBSIG5ED hav ingqaalifled as the AdminUtrator of John Dawson, ?eed, In the Probate Coart of New Haa -ver eoaa ty, all Fersons havi g el aims arai-itt the es tate of raid intetttt. era hereby notified to present then to the nadersJued before the 28th tfar ot October, 6i2t otherwise this notice will be pie dd in bar of recovery. AH cer.osj indebted to said Utestate wQl mekepayntenft to the nadersignad immedi! atelj. . R. CAMPBELL, etS6-laww Adadalstrator land Spring and all poipte on Bhelby XH rion. NORTH CAROLINA HOUSE. JOHN .D. STELUES, Proprietor. The beat of Wines, Liquors, Imager Beer and Cigars. . OYSTERS IN EVERT STYLE. MEALS AT ALL .HOURS DAT AND NIGHT. . (Cc?r4CmaiariPrast3. 99 . Heir Advertisf merits. . IhnrflstoiniSLS XW3 havaroada extensive arrangement to meet tVe demand for IIOUOAY GIFTS if) FURNITURE AND HOUSE FUnNlSHINQ GOODS, &C, - Our stock Is now Urg and is being added to by exteaslvo receipts every day, by Steamer and Rail.'- "1 ' ToSer r,lth our Large Supply cf Useful Furniture tor Holiday Gifts, We offer our usual Foil Line of Small 'Wares, ; CHILDREN'S WAGONS CARRIAGES VELOCIPEDES ROCK HORSES ! And every description of Toys, fcc Call BnBn"jaaneasnaa Come and see our GREAT BARCSXKT COTJETTER 2 You will find lots of pretty things there at prices that will astonish many people,' 07" Satisfaction guaranteed in eyeiy instance. D. dec 8 Given Away Nierlitly I AT THE NEW OIFT ENTERPRISE STORE! Ko. 23 South Front Street, fee 7-lw CALL, SEE AND PRICE ! A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE assort ment of Wedding, Christmas and Holi day Present for sale low down at J. H.HARiIN'S . Drag and Chemical 8tore, dec 7 Mew Market Grand Twlati nee I AT RANKIN HALL, on 8atorday after noon, December 10th under the direc tion of Prof. F. M. Agoetini. No admis sion charged, but each guest Is expectc i to bring a pound package for the benefit of the poor. '"' dec 7 it JAIIES C. IIUIIDS, Druggist, IS NOW OPENING ONE OF THE largest and most varied stocks of Holiday Goods ever brought to this city, consistiog of Toilet fete, Vases, in Bronxe and Gilt, Cel. luloid Seta in eases, &e . Call and examine, dee 4 gQQ TONS COAL, Just In Yard. 400 Afloat, will arrive in a few days. 50 000 Brlck AU at low teax ' At J. A. SPRINGER'S, v, dec 5 Coal and Wood Tard. Everybody Says HA8 TH8 ....... LARGEST ASSORTMEIIT AND THE PRETTIEST Christmas Goods Hi dec! Book aad Stationery Store. Wife ! Give -a Hint ! rpo TOUR HUSBAND TO BUT ONE of tkos beaatlfal asd brllUaat . WHEELOCK PIAHOS, Upright aad Square or oae of ttcse CIIADMINQ ORQAUS. Grand' la Power, Charming in Sweetnew, Pleas'ag to Variety. RexBember, Wives, this wa'd be a Beauti ful hrlstmas Present. Co&e aad leek at taem at HEW BERG Ek'8. deo 6 Ltrs Book and Untie Rtore LECTURE ON FLORIDA, E SET. TH03 D, PITTS wffl deUver a Leetore en "JLORIDA", on Friday Klght, Ota tsat., at the OPERA ROU E Admrsston 25 cents. Tickets to be had ah Djsr's and at the Drug Stores of W' H Grea aad J. K. lXclThennj. V r eWsr of the Cwamlttee, dsei. tfxrcTjCxxsx Th PLEAHE BOTIQ, ' . - 'i. . - TJe will be glad ta recaIve"eomn:nalcaac from our firlaads oa aiy and fall rabjfffft e gnerall&lereft tut . Ste BXBt of tie writer Kt always be f &lhH to the Editor. ... , 4- QOoBmsziattionj exit b;; wrl rte ca 0 n.'y oaedde of the paper. - r Pertonallflee must be avotSa And It Is especially and pa-tiefclarty under stood that the Edlimdoes cot always ecdorT the views ot corretpc&dcttf kunleu fo.stav tn the editorial colxtTsaa. v Never Aavortiemont". 1 oods . ;v - . ft ' and examine and reaiamber our low prlcs. A. SilllTH & CO. CHfllSTMflS ! CHRISTMAS! HAT AND BONNFT3 ITaving receiv ed a handsome stock of Milliuery, I am b:e to 6Cll them below cot.t, f.om fifty cente, arjy price you would like. Ladies are invited to cU and Fee' my i-tock, Mar ket street, up stairs, at Mrs. M. P. Pickett's, dec6-2t MR A. 8. J. BaKKR. Excellent MOUNTAIN BEEF, Fat, Tender, Sweet aud Juicy. Car load just ar-ived and -lor.tale every day. Also. Fi c;h Pom, Corn -Fed, and our choice Sausages - beat in mar- ket. tiecure thaicocuu early. r ? 8IKKS & bOWDEN, - ; : Becond Street, Corner Purcell House A lC ley. Also, Corner Red Croes and Fourth streets. dtc i5-eat-mon-th Pine Forest Cemetery I THE ANNUAL MEETING of Lot Own ers of Pine Forefct emetery will be held lathe Mayor's Court Room, in the City Hall, on Thjrtdiy evening next, at 8 o'clk, JOHN G. .EsOKWOOD, dec 6. 2 1 tuth Secretary" The Coraline Corset 100 80LD IN 0NI WEEK PRICE f Lot Full assortment of sizes. nov 13 J. J. HEDRICK. LTO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. 'PLEASE ORDER EARLY. " SASH, DOORS A M brackets; MOULDINO, lumber, ALTAFFER, PRICE ic CO. B0V21 Something: fJew JN THE WAT OF NECKWEAR, Collar- euesr SpanlBh Fichues, Ac. Material for Fancy Work for Cbriatmaa. llfllinerv al. rIf ?e,rDd atjllah. ' Hair Good and Ladle' and whildren'e Uoderweaiv Kesj.ectfulJy, - V Misa k. KARRER, xchangc.Corner nov SO Strayed.; T7M THE PREMISES, of the nnder TEnf? ,ortDUht ago, aSMALL KaD cOW rel aU over, with a swallow h- lf?iCer- A ulu' reward will be paid for the recovery of said cow. deel - JXQ.8. JAMES. MULES AND V4G0JJ F03 SAtE. TY?JnGll & MULES and one two-horse Vn. fiaiuble for tni pentlQelarm or lumber bu.ioess; For sale cheap. Apply to V decl tfdAw JKO. P. OAItRgT.T. llFrench Candies Urn JUST CEIVED. a full Mae of fina 9J rrench Candies, warranted pure at d -a-eab. Also, Home-Madc Candlei, Frnlta. - ecilf at 8 tfwWew Pi: i r