TBI8 FJPKB a f tainted Tri afternoon, eaadayt r- br J o 8 II T. J A M J? 8 , XCITOK A2I reOPKIETOK. 80B80PTION8,FOHTAGS PAID. year, f 5 0 8ix Eoutfcs, $150 ; Three soBti,fl 35; Ou-n:cnth,50c8Bti. ffce PPer wi!I b slivered byearrier?, ofbxjre,i part of tbo tty, attfcf rt rates, or 13 cd par wlc KjT?riia:irfcte)Tr axd litem y-Scbeeribera will pleaae report any acd ,!l f5icrM t reeeiTetfccir papers regular y. j?ew Advertisements. ' J fevJ M M THE G SEAT iron RHEUMATISM Heuralqia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, - No Preparation on artb iTiala St. Jacobs Oil. n mfe,ur, thnple ani cheap Eitcrcal B'fitKlr- J1 trial "tail but th coa:paratlTe!j trldior cutlar of 60 CVnra. and every on (nffer lot with r..ain cm Lara cbocp and poaitiTa proof ! lUriefnt. lirrtinos in Irrn Language. GOLD BY ALL DBUG&ISTS AND DEALERS IN HEDICIHE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, JSTd., V, S. jL. tpiil 11 da w-eao to. JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Brunswick, Co., Va., November 5th, 1881.; Mb?. Jos Fkrsok, Franklin ton, N. C. DsAtt Madam : -It i itb - pioasw that I write, to tell you that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most fearlul looking and painful sore on ny ankle. It camo more than twelve months nyo, very much like a ringworm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to -try every thing I could think or hear of, until it becajne so very painfnl I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. He told me he could cure me if I would take my bed and the re remain for four or five weeks, tad if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would havo to be taken roff. Just imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to loso my foot, or giTe up all business either of these Re medies would have ruined me. Mind jou this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, nd this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with caubtic. as he odvised until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment. I was advised then by a friend to try your Remedy. (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose tho 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, dance as much and jump as high as any man you know. Put me back to the 1st of September, let roe know as much as I now do of the virtue ot your Remedy, snd I would not hesitate to pay tcj dol lars a bottle for it, if I conld not get it forle8. I think more of it than any medicine in the world. It is not only the best Remedy to purify the blood and care all skin dieasB. ut 1 believe it will cure all kinds of blood disees, and 1 tnow it will cure a love for stronjr drink. I hope you will have) this published, as there are many sufferers who coulihbe cored, if they could know c f and pet your Remedy 1 am truly andreepectfury, JOST R. MASON, South Gaston, N. C. Ti e Remedy is for tale in Wilmington by Dr. Win. H. Grejen. Send for circu lar of testimnials. 1 nov 14-dw Children's Cloaks Ladies' Cloaks AND ULBTimO, Just Received Lace Collars, Lace Collarettes, RUG8 AND MATS and many other new tad prttty thinjt. R. LI. YaClntire. - - if feia- bifJiaiJ 1. The VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. iC FRIDAY, DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. Nrw ADVERTI2EMEKT5. Jons L Dvulkt, S-c'y Notice Ovebx Uor? - Lecture on Floiida An Excarf-iou vt Carolina cntral R II JouvT Patrick Ifotncc for theLaborers A G Ricacd, Ceui'r ba!o tf Rtal Estate H ei !fs 3 lug ur.'Wt fe ! Givoa Hint : James C Mux ra Druggist W YaTEs-Christmas Uo-ds Tie receipts oi coito'a at this jiorfto hj fjot up 1,332 bales. lyrtlc GroTO cjatrs wcro eelliug in market thi3 monjicg at SL-psr-'ynshel. Here is one tbicg -cf which people arc really willkg to die, and that is old age. ' Uy ib it that a woman will make excDtes for her bread when it is the- bes1 the ever made ? Selling out to close buainesg at How. et's shoe store. 2w iNor. barque Loveland, Bastrop, hence for Helvoet, was at Browershaven- on tho 14th alt. Schooner E. H. Drummond, Ilig- gms, cleared at Baltimore on the 7th inst for this port. When a law becomes a dead letter why don't; they send it to the dead let ter office? When a man threatens to give you a piece of hia mind he wishes to destroy tne peace of yours. Every lawyer ought to keep his office as warm as an oven, because fit is there ho makes his bread. e are sojnach angrier against him who shows us our error thau against him who leads ns therein. Though beauty hates the beast so much, she usually takes him if there's nothing better in market. Gentlemen may cry cashier, and cash there, but when the board of directors Do you think it is because of the great improvement in spring beds and mat treeses that people lie so easily? Capt. W. S. Norment,formerly of this city but now of the Lumberton bar, is here in attendance on the Superior Court. Ship Republic, which we quoted yes terday us clearing at Liverpool for this port, was for Wilmington, Gal. The error waB not ours Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f The regular meeting for the annual election of officers of Section 221, En- downment Rank, Knights of Pythias, will be held this evening. Valuable real property, belonging to the estate of the late Dr. J. F. King, will bo sold at auction to-morrow at 12 o'clock in front of the Court House. At cost for cash. The iarge stock of boots aud ehces at Howzr's. 2w At this season of the year many per sons are troubled with chapped bands. The folloniog receipt, it issid, will af ford reiief. First wish them at night b -lore retiring in toft water with the best soap, theu take two spoonfuls of eream aud one or camphor, and rub the hands with it until dry. Follow this several nights, aud be sure to always wash the hands in soft water. " In effecting an arrest, police officer D. Mtv reay, of York, Pa , had the misfortune to sprain his wri3t so badly that.it swelled up and became very sore, rendering Lira unable to use it. Before retiring he applied St. Jacobs Oil accord ing to direct iods. and in the morning all soreness was removed. City Court- Juliana Hunter, colored, for being drunk aud disorderly, was fined $3 or to be sent below for 10 days. Not having the money, she was sent to the basement. Indian Department," Washington.D.C I am anxious to introduce Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup among my Indians, having used ft myself for several months, and think it one of the finest remedies I ever found. I assure you, it is the only tning that ever relieved me of a protracted cough, brought on by exposure while on the Sioux Commission last year. , A. G.BOONE, Agent for Pcncas and U. S. Com'r. To Builders and others Go to Jico bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You can, get all sires and at.tbe lowiit prices. . t. Tb attentiofl oftlw Court bas beea taken np the entire day in the trial of the case of fcjut ton and wife t. Schon- wald. etals. It was not concluded when oar report closed. Meesrs Russell k Ricaud and D. J. Do jane are ccmnrtl for the plantiffj ond Meesrs A. T. London aod K. S. Martin for the defendant. - MaC,uraa a couri William Beattr, colored, waa brought np to-day charged with the larceny of a bag of sweet poU toes from G, W, Hat per. a no met & Tras auegea to JdaTB Dees m a f n . . . . I committed about two years ago, but the eyidence was sufficient to warrant the magistrate in demanding a bond., of. 8501 for tho aDDearance of the Arrauul at tru next term of the Criminal Court. Bargains may be had in foot-wear ail Howet's. Stock must be sold. Net Cisb. 2w The Lecture To Pilch t. We trust that our citizens will im nrore the onnortnnit nffcred therm tA L t.; m-u. .-u. j . ucur buo icvurc upon a? tonus, w 09 uo nverea at me upera uouse to-mgbt by the Rev. Thomas D. Pitts, rector of St. -Tnrin'a Ohnrrh. in thin r.itv. Thu lhm ,...v- i.-jA j:.---.' ... uneiuo uuu uiscusBes is a irunim one, and the lecturer will Undoubtedly esting and instructive. .. . , ... - uo: i or Aiian w; as may do seen rjy reierence 10 our . . - t . . 1 advertising columns, there is a plan of fered by which we may all go to the At- luntA "Ernmiftion. A nartv nt fiftv im beingmadeup, but we presume if a few more should be added they would be ac. commodated. The Exposition is a big thing-big for the SoutMhe North and th nntir nntnr and Vrr nn -Ki can spare the time and money should certainly attend, and this offer will be the best that can be made. Read the ad. aid secure a ticket at once. Children's School Shoes, both lace hnftAii it rumm vaq n . art at I Howht's. The Paekage Matinee We think it likely that there will be a large attendance to-morrow afternoon at the pound package matinee to be giveninRankinHalibyProf. AgestinL It is a novel idea ior an entertainment and will most likely "draw" well. Those who contribute will bear in mind that the poor will be the beneficiaries of the entertaiament and that they need not confine their offerings to a pound package, although that matter is entirely optional with them. The package is the only ticket of admission required but this will be insisted upon. The doors will open at 3 o'clock, and the entertainment will begin at 4 and will entertainment will begi terminate at 6 o'clock. Rossi. The announcement is now definitely made that the illustrious Italian trage dian, Rossi, will appear at the Opera Bouse on Monday evening.. December 19th. Mr. St. Maur, Agent for the great artist, arrived this morning from the North, and has arranged that Rossi will give a performance, either of his splendid role of "King Lear" or "Othel lo." In both of these characters he . ... j j : has created me mess proiouna uumina - tion in Boston, New York and Phila-LA. delphia. The Press of the latter city speaking of Rossi s impersonation of the King of Britain, says : We have had no such representation of this character since Forrest's, and Forrest's was beneath Rossi's in dignity and repose, and lacked the exquisite fin- lou VI lUlo YIUL a lb w o9 m uvituauiyg upon which it would be pleasant to dwell, and which would, stand the most careful analytical treatment, but the story is told, after all, in the, record that the Italian tragedian, speaking in his own tongue, commanded throughout the breathless interest and almost teaxfal sympathy of an American audience. Without any straining at effect, the effect was so powerful, in such strong scenes as the old king's momentary re covery of his reason and recognition of Cordelia, that applause seemed almost impertinent. The tour of Signer Boss! in the United States is so limited ia extent that he is only able to give one representation in this city. The eminent actor is sup ported, by an American company, who have received high commendation. The tale of seats will commence on Thurs day, Dec 13. The prices for resenrei seats is fixed at $1.50 and $1. Gent's Scotch Sole Gaiters and rarioa otter styles at cwt t Hoim'. - 2fr llfHW. thif oorninff for New York with cootistiag of IJC3 btlti cotton, M caaka tpuritt twj&itine, IW barrels tosin, 180 barrels- tar. 5 btmh crail tvpeatbe, 50 bafrelf pitch, 899 bagi rice, 85 tierces rice, 115 bsgt rice flonr, $Q,iO0 test rsaber aad 40 packses raer- i cfiandaer. r DcaBla IB tte H0BHU i. Aik drncTials forBonffh on Rata eletn oat rata, mice, bed-bofs, roach- I vLa' 3tui, cU. 16c per I Uxtifl ioaaeasi brtslnst the N Y. EcaocIPaht, ready nixed ad war-; ranted. Soidoalyat Jatesx'a. f I J ZT67 Adttrttwmento Notice. TUB MEUBKi 0? XCTION So. tSlt B., K. 6t p. are aertby aotlfiet that Bejralar Meetta wfll be held I X o'olock. Aaaual eleeOoa of to-mfKkt. at Officers JOHHL. DUDLKT. 1 eeeg.it Cec'yasd Treat. gale of Heal Estate. I nPHE IALB OF THE 8TORB an Tfcfrrl 1 j atrectt enotiU Cltv Hall. f o,. I lot aaouthwett corner of Third and Vm"wui ovtmgmg so ua estate ortae late I will take plaee to-morrow Saturday) at IS e'clock, k, U froat of the Court House aoor. A.o. JUOAUD, Coa'r UCTOIIE ON FLOniOA, rBE TacD.Pm wfll deliver . M ryrAtTni Wa- ln.. . - 7Zl TJ.- 7 4t " HOU-E. AdmltfK.. 85 eeatt- Tkketl to be bad I afc fy M At Dtl Stores ef W? H Oreea tad S, S. MeHaeaay. By order of the Cotamlttee, dtet t FOB THJJ I T OB81EI TO PLACE 69 OOOD, HOE Mf AMJjl iMU8TEI00B FAMILIM -v t " tloeked.fm.Ia Vk1J seetUaef eewavy as tbereltU tha Bute, cad five fees aaif of rmythlaf I ther Make. 3 Heebarffer eerTiectreidercd Addrtff, JOHFT. PATBICX, Emigration Agat for bide Afriealtaral Assoeiattea, defdw TTadetboro. H O AM (T II LP fl I O Tl riy -iiWMlmIWW TIATHB Carolina Central R. B4 Q5 Paatt or Fimr FOn THE ATLAFJTA EXPOSlTIOfJ. i PARTY 07 PUTT 18 BEING made up, who propose to leave for ATLANTA about December 15th, Extra lndacement !. offered in a rate which will laclade Railroad Fare as well aY Hotel Expenses for aa en tire week ta Atlanta. Ladles and Geotlemea should take ad vantage of this opportunity, as many are already en the list to go. For laformation apply to dee 9 2t CAROLINA CENTRAL R E C5CO Reward. WE xrUh FAT THE AB3T4 reward for ear eaee of Ltrer Ooaplalat, Dya pepsie, 8kk &edae - ls41fefUoa, Coasti patio or OcttTeaeat wweaaot ewrewita Wer fa TtUbU Urn FUle, wbea the dU leettoae are ttrtetly-' eenetled wttk Tbay are pwreiy Tefetable, sad aever fall te gtre wtitfaftton. 8f wr: eoatod - Large bwxea, eoataUiag Jr&s, ti ceata. For sale by all Draxxttts. Ceware of eowatarfatta aad latutfoaa. Tbe eeewtae saemafiaetaret oalj by JOHif O TTfcJT JTOO,. Tbe PCI stX kers," 111 U XT iUHmm 8t, Chteec Freetrlalpct3arlseat by oc3 pr7lda rtatvt at a &cgaurrsa . Odd wl 9. 1881. NO. 290 Hew Advertisements- We have made extensive arrasgements to meet tie demand for HOLIDAY GIFTS IN FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHING nnnnc p.p Our' stock it uow Urga aud i. being added to by extanslvt . rteelpts every day by Bteamar and Bail.- : L . Together with onr Larga Supply of Useful Furniture for Holiday Gifts. Wo offr our csual FuU Line of Small Wares, , v - ' ' CHILDBEH'S WAQ0N8 CARRIAGES. VELOCIPEDES ROCK HORSES ! And erery descrrpUon of Toys, dc. Call and examine and remember our low prices, o Come and tee our .- - . : " RESjB.1 E JB.R HalLIJS ' CWIHIITIIR ii Yon wUl find lots of pretty things there at prices" that wUl astonbh many people.' XST Satisfaction guaranteed In every instance. . D. dec 8 Given Away Hiffhtly I AT THE NEW GIFT ENTERPRISE STORE ! No. 2S South Front Street, fee Mw CALL, SEE AND PRICE I A LARGE AND ATTRAOTIVE i awort mentot Weddlnir. Chrittmas and Holi day Presents for sale low down at : J.H.HARDIN'S Drug and Cbeniical Store, ecT New Market JALIES C. HTJIIDS, J)ruffcriot. fa son sk saciu on ic ut iui, largest and most varied stocks of Holiday Goods ever brought to this city, consisting of xouet rets, vatee. la Bronze ana uut. cel luloid sets in eases, c . Call and examine. dee 4 300 TGNS AL' Jast 1x1 Tard ACn " Afloat, will arrive la a 4UU few days. 200 Cords Wood, 50.000 Brick. All at low figures, dee 5 Coal and Wood Yard. Everybody Says HAS THE L ARE EST ASSORTMENT AND TEE P&ETTIK9T Christmas Goods - In towa. - deeft Book and Stationery 8 tore. Wife l Give a Hint! rpo TOUR H08BAND TO BUI ONE of thoet beaatifal ad brllUant VIIEELOCK PIANOS. Upright and Pqaare or oae of -ota CHARMING ORGANS. Grand la Power, Charming la 8weetnets, Pleating la Tariery. Resmbtr. Wlret. tola w u'd ba a Beautt- ful Lriatzaaa Pretest Con&e ard Uoa at taem at HKIS'4BESGER'8. dee Lire Book and Katie Store The Club House, TN ADDITION TO ITS FINE and Cigars, It coertng to Its euttomera and . frieoda NEW RIVER OYSTERS, served in any style desired. My motto ia to please and to this end no effort wHlbetpared. Respectfully, Wm W. ORTJiANfi, - - Preartttor Ortmaaa'a Clab House. eel 25t Beent Cvrrie'a Bleak ; I JO RTI1 CAROLINA HOUSE, JOHN .D. 8TELLJE8, Proprietor. The best of Wmes.1 limion. Larer Beer aadCara. ' OYSTERS IN ETERY STYLE. ItXALS AT ALL norma DAT iVn zrxaiiT. , - , - ccrsrr?:ei asflPrlrttss tta, est PL2ASISjrOTXG3, - TTe wfll bt tlad to roeeire aonaaaioatf oa ffeacnulatemt bat ; ef taa writer Karl alve j ba r a'abadto t Editor.. - aaaBaJBatloajaaftwritteaa aJj' oaa tH of tha paptr. Pcno&aUtfe nut b aTok4 Aid It ti espMially aad paniaalarjy tredat tood that tha Edltfjfdow cot alir,j ,adclr7 tht riairi of oorropeadaata u1m to ttat Utha dltorilooIuKn. . . ' . 77ow Adrortitemon ts,J A. Sn3ITH &. CO. The.Coraline Corset 100 80LD IJT ONE WEEK. LTO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. PLEASE ORDER EARLY.V -' ! RASH, DOORS AHO . BLINDS - BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, & ALTAFFER. PRICE & CO. BOT 21 Something: ftfew JN THE WAY OF NECKWEAR, Collar ettes, Spanish richues, &. Material for Fancy Work for Chriatmas. Mlllloery al wayt new and stylish, nair Uoodt and Ladlst and children's Underwear. Respectfully, MISS J5. KARRER, E0T 0 Exchange Corner WATERWORKS. rjlHE UNDERSIGNED having engaged a competent and experienced PLUMBER, from the North, beg to notify the public that they will hereafter combine with their present Iron and Copper Work the husinete of PLUMBING AND OAS FITTIMO.D By doing FIRST CLASS WORK at reason able priees they hope to merit any xde theiicuatomera may leare with them. , P0T2S- J' U.HART, BAILY A CO. Strayed, JROM THE PREMISES of the under iCD cOW re4 aU orer, with a swallow fork in eaeh ear. A citable reward will be paid for the recovery of aaldcow. dee 1 JNO. H. JAMES. MULES -AND .mQOH FOR 3 ALE. TWO LARGE, F1S& MULES aad o.e two-horae Wagon. SaiUble for tBr! pentine farm or lumber bu-iaest. For aalr Cheap. Apply to "Ie deel tfdAw JKO. F. GAKRELL. The Cosmopolitan BAR IS THE PLACE T71 ERE YOU eanget the co!esv purest'and moat entLflcally mixed Summer DriX? & found In the eltj The very Uat Wteel ,?fPeB V Liquors ahrayt on hand ithe beet oeat Ciar that La nJule ; a aad eoel off. JO h. C ARkOLL, P Proprte t.r. French Candies. TUST RECEIVED, a full line of aaa tf rreneb Candles, warranted pure and xreaa.- Alto, Home-Made Can die,-Fruite " Seeead sire st, 8 deors belew PetleSte ' WV if ' ' - " 't t il r

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