TU.IH PA FEB iafctO bV : ' ' jb:n. T. JAMBS, i xrrros abt fhofbirtob. ' f eUESCSITXIOS8. POSTAGE PAJD. Oae'year, 500 8ii moctes, 52 50 ; Three , sioaths, tl 25 1 One month, SO cects. the pep will be delivered by carrier, free of barf e, in an y part of tbe city, attr- taove rata, ot IS cants per weak, Advertiaiftg TiUs low and literal Sabteriberi will plaae report any and n failure to receive their papers regularly. Hew Advertisements, RHEU1ATISI 5 Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sora Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No reparation on irth qnola St. Jurors Oil as a litre, simple and cheap External RrmeJy. A trial entails but tha comparatively frtfllnr outlay of oO Cent, and erery quo m Carina- with rain can Lit cheap and potitive proof ot iu claims. Erections la Elrren Languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN UEDICHTC. A.VOGLR&COM Baltimore, Hid., JJ. S. A, aprO H da wae id "iUif IMAGINE nOW i Flu.' Bbusswick, Co., Ya., NoTember 5th, 1881. Mrs. Jos Person; Pranklinton, N. C. Dka.k Madam: It is with pleasure tkat I write to tell you that your ralua' bid Remedy has entirely cured me of a m m a a a 1 . moat ieanui looKing ana painiui sore on or ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very paintui and baa loosing phue. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it beoam to very painful 1 could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. He told me he could care me if I would take my bed aid there remain for four or fire weeks, aad if I did not do to pretty soon.it eoald not be cured at all, as tbe bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. J ust imag ise how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or give cp all business either of these Re medies would have mined me. Mind yen this wag the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, aad this conversation took place lust February. I continued to born with caustic, as he advised until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment. I wa advised then by a friend to try joor Remedy. (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose tbe 17th of September, and J am now a well man, tbe sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk bb far, ua ace as much and jump as high as any man you know. Fut me back to tho 1st of September, let me know as much as I now do ef the virtno of your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it foriew. I think more of it than any Medicine in the world. It is not only tha beat Remedy to purify the blood and care all skin diseases, but I believe it will cure all kinds of blood diseases, and I Know it will cure a'lovc for stronpr drink. J hope yon will have this published, as there are taany sufferers who could bo cured, if they could knew c f and get yotir Remedy I am truly and respectful, JOS. R. MASON, South Gaston, N. C. jTKe Remedy is for tale in Wilrainjrton b Ur. Wra. H. Green. Send for circu lar oftestimnlals. nov U-daw Children's Cloaks . Ladies' Cloaks AND T7L37DH0, Jest Heceiyed. Lace Collars. Lace Collarettes, BTJG8 AS D 1LAT8 and many other saw aad pretty things. - B. r.l. r.lclntire. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY. DECEMBER s U T f NEWS. Xett Advzrtisemexth. ZiM.MKr.MA.' Fine Ccnff ctioncry William b Greek Holiday Goods James O Mt;;Dii)nigUt. ' v' Yatzc ChrUi.rnss yr- da IlEr:isut:XGEK-.K;aufitul lIp!ay L-X JTTETOicrnr,- pjrti.MilMr. Coccerr.ing "Altaftek, I'Ricf: A Co II-1 r,cl bath A fi Akxold tfc Co Waiitd N Gbee;;ewali. n;iir,j-brnoke -R M Ckoom Notice Pr. barfjne. Gcorqo. Davis arrivfd in At cost for tiisJi. 'rhc laro stock of booin and phies at IIowev's. - 2w Steamship Ucyitlot.or, Doane, hrace, errived nt N;tv York on th? 0th inst. Rrijf iCnyaie Tialc, Hillcian, was at Xavasa on tru: 30th v.It., to lead tor this port. Scbr. ITarry C. Whot f, Rich, cleared at Daltimoro ontlie 9th inst., for this port. Norwegian barque Chasseau, Johan een, hence, arrived at Liverpool, on the Sth inEt German barqo 3Iadura, Schuitz, Eailed from Hamburg on the Sth inst, for this port. German barque Carl Max, Beyer, sailed from Liverpool, on the 9lh inst., for this port. I Selling cut to close business at How nr's shoe store. 2w British baique Lydia, Chalmers, hence, arrived at Liverpool on the 9th inst. Ss.hr Lizzie Major Foster, hence, for Gonaives, arrived at Port an Prince on tbe 11th uk. Rev. Dr. Patterson, of this city, was to have preached in St John's Church, ia Fayetteville, on Yesterday. Steamship Benefactor, Tribon, cleared at NeWYork on the 9th inst., for th S port, and sailed the same day. Sceooner James A. Brown, Amherst hence, arrived at Jeremie on the 17th ult., with loas of part of her deck load. Steamboat men report a slight falling off of water on the shoals between here aad Fayetteville, although boat3 can yet pass, without delay or difficulty Freshwater Perch, Front and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort' ment and lowest prices at Jaoobi's. t Mr. Owen Feunell, formerly sheriff of this connty, but now a resident of Samp son county, 13 in the city to day. We are glad to sec that, notwithstanding his venerable jears, he is looking well and hearty. Gent's Scotch Sole Gaiters and various other styles at cost at IlowEt's 2w Sir. Louis J.Gtterbourg, of tha Men's Wear Depot, on North Front street, has his show-case covered with pictures ot the jurymen and tho officers ot the court in the Gniteau trial. The assasain is himself also pictured. The wife of Police OQicer Walter B. Ruby, York. Pa., had her feet so badly rosted, that she was unable to wear her shoes and scarcely to walk. She applied St Jacobs Oil on a Saturday night, and tho next day she was able to wear her shoes and walk to church. Her feet were frtc from soreness and as well aa over. An Attracilio Offer. Capt. John T. Patrick, Secretary of tho Dixie Agricultural Society, at Wadcsl'oro, tulvertises in the Review aud Journal for families of laborers to settle ou lands in the Pee Dec section. He offers some very attractive inducements, andean place fifty good families on aa many farms, already stocked and furnish ed, on which they- can work oa Ehares with tho owners. He has made special arrangements with the management of v the Caronila Central Rail Read whereby very low rale3 may be secured for those who may take advantage of his oiler. Anson county cotton, it may not be generally known, ranks among the finest upland staple made. This is not ah attempt to depopulate North Carolina, but will rather serve to keep her people within her xwn borders. The Pee Dee section is less than 150 miles West of Wilmington. lUd-Bujrs, Roaches Rats, mice, ants, flies, vermin, mos, quitoes, insects, &a, cleared out by 'Rough on Rats." 15c boxes at drug giiti, Oar Little Onci. The December issae of this charming little njonthlj has been received. It is the holiday Cumberland the illustrations are as handsome as they are profuse. It i a publication which might appropxi; ately be found in crery iousehold whecre there are children. We.know nf aothing of the kind designed for their Instruction and amusement which is superior to it Rosjell Poblighing Company, Foaton, Mass. . ., .. .-... ... .. ', Coal Oil or-Petroleum raay.be Tory nice (or itlominatiog or lubricating pur posea, bat eorely it is not the proper thing to cure a cough with. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is looked upon as the stan dard Cough remedy. Acts of Kindness Kitty Ftaher, colored, commonly known as "Crazy Kitty,' and Josb .lames Foy Loftin, colored, commonly known as "Big-headek Josh," have been sent to the County Poor House by a commission de lunalico inquirendo, where they will be comfortably provided for. The buildings appropriated to the use of the insane have been recently improv ed by the introduction of good heating apparatus, and other additions for the accommodation and comfort of this un fortunate class. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You can, get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t Fell into tbe Hold A white man, by the name of Daniel Jones, a seaman on board the British barque Northern Queen, now lying at Eagle Island, opposite the city, yester day fell through the hatchway into the hold of the ship and met with, some pretty severe injuries. His left kneepan is injured, his nose is cut very severely and there is a tangthy gash in his head He was removed to tha Seamen' Home, where Dr. Bellamy is attending him His Injuries are not serious, but it will probably be a month or more before he can recover. Rt-al Estate at melon. Two pieces of property belonging to the estate of the late Dr. J. Francis King were offered for sale on Saturday last. One, the vacant lot corner ot Third and Chestnnt streets, was sold to Mr. A D. Wessell for $965, and the other, the three-story brick building, ad joining Odd Fellows Hall, and directly opposite tbe City Hall, 29 feet on l bird street and running back along the alley 66 feet, was knocked down to Mr. J. A. Walker for $2,500. We understand that the sale of the corner lot will be confirmed but that the sale of the brick building will not be confirmed. Third Class Matter. Any parcel of third-class mattor (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.,) or fourth class matter (merchandise or samples,) deposited in a postoffice for transmission in the m ails, which is sealed, nailed, sewed, tied, or fastened in any manner so that it cannot be easily ex amined, ia subtect to postage at the rate of three cents ier naif ounce or - - fraction thereof. Tho parcel may be tied in such a manner as to be capable of easy examination, in which it will pass at the lower rates of postage. As the ruling of the department will bo Btrictly enforced hereafter, it will be ad visable for the sender of any parcel to have his or her name and addrees printed or written on tho wrapper, so that it maybe returned if "held for postage." Bargains may bo had in foot-wear at Uowet's. Stoek must be - sold. Net eash V 2w Sew unslc. The World goes Bound and Round" x the title of one of the Hutchinson's sugar-sweet songs, just published by Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston. Words are by Dr. Holland, and price is 30 cts They also send us Bamby's Beggar Maid" (30 cts.) and the charming song byEarzials, "A Basket of LoTes" (30 eta.). The Handsome Corporal Polka" (30 cts.) by Herrman, next come march ing on, perhaps to -Twickenham Fery,, (35 cts.) which is arranged nicely for Violin and Piano, by Winner- In com pany, we have the queer little, easy "Rat-Catcher Waltx" (25 cts.). of the Horse-Shoe Set, and a grand "Pell Meli Galop" Brilliant (35 cts.), by Gobbaert. With the music cornea also an accepta ble copy of Ditsoa t Coa Weekly "Musical Ktcord," Dextoa Soitb, Editor. His Majesty. The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot up 1,117 bales. The receipts to date are S7,gi bales as, against 84,532 bales to fame date Ust year, an increase in favor of this year of 3.079 bales. And yet we are not happy. It in a curious fact that the receipts ot cotton to dale this month have ery naarly kept pace, bale for barrel, with the receipts of rosin. Children's School Shoe?, both lace and button, at cost -fob cash, at A Car Dcropft. On Saturday night last as traiu No 40, on tbe W. &, W., Railroad which is tbe fast train coming from the North, was about two miles from Rocky Mount, the baggage car was discovered to be on fire. The car was immediately cut loose from the rest of the train and every effort made to extinguish the flames, but without avail and it together with a few pieces of baggage was distroyed. Tho rest of the train was not damaged. How the fire originated is unknown bnt it is thought possible that it might hare been caused by the explosion of a lamp. Beautify your nomet by using the N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jaoobi's. f City Court. William H.- Forbes, colored, for dii orderly conduct on the streets last Sat urday night, was fined $2 and the costs, upon the payment of which he was dis charged. Edward Roderick, for being drunk and disorderly on the streets last Saturday night, was fined $2 and costs, which he paid and was discharged. William Cowan, colored, was druck and down Saturday night He as dis charged. Emma Jane Sidbury, colored, taken up as a nuisance, in sleeping ia the streets and alleys, was turned over to tho authorities of the Connty Poor House, from whence it is thought she had but recently escaped. One party taken up on suspicion! which however, proved a mistaken one, was discharged. Oliver Spicer, colored, for assault and battery, was fined $10 and costs. Full grown chickens conld be bought in the city to day for 40 cents per pair, which is a very reasonable price. Horse Drowned We regret to learn that Mr. H. G. Everett, the horse tamer, while return ing to his home, on the Sound, Satijirday evening, had the misfortune to lose bis horse and sulky when crossing the river at the ferry. It seems from-what we can gather from our informant, that Mr. Everett had gotten his horse upon the ferry boat, when from some cause the horse fell overboard, taking the sulky with him, and was drowned before he could be rescued. Ifcw Advertisements 3C 3&dE TO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. PLE ASE ORDER EARLY. SASH, 0003S AMD BLINDS BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Ae ALTAFFKR, PRICK A CO. dei2 Christmas HUlinery 1 A2 NOTHER ASSORTMENT OF ELEGANT MILLINERY By Express. Fancy Goods and Embroidery designs new and desirable, just in. Ladles pleaee come eirly to hare Christmas oiderg filled to sal it fact ion. Millinery and Fancy Goods Departments are always full of stylish articles. A large assortment of Ladles' and Child ren's Underwear. Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, dec 10 ' Exchange Corner PUR CELL HOUSE. UVDEft n FW aLAKAGBM EJTT, B. jL. PERRY. - - Pap LaU Pxopri r AUaatia BetaL first Cla-a la all iti apa-diataaats. ITa'B 8l.t9t flpraay. Ubs-U 12. 1881. NO. 292 New Advertisements. Holiday Goods. A LARQK AND ELEGANT assortment XX. of ARTISTIC and USEFUL goods. cuuaoie ior MOJiaay t resents. At greatlj Opei erenr nteht until 10 o'clock. WILLIAM H. GREEN, dec 12 Druggist, Market st Fine Confflfttifmoru. T HAVE JUST RETURNED WITH HIE FluwtandChe.rwt.ssortrowt ot Confec- uDery i0g( can o nousrnt ia tne city. ZIMMkRMAN'S, I Sweet Penny Corner, dec 12 Second and Princess sts. & Holiday Smoke. rpHE BEST OFCiGARSand Tobacco and X Tobacco (rood. Best 5 cent Cigar In the city, warranted . Ju9t received a beau tiful lot of genuine Mwrachaum Pipes and Clear Holders, euitable for Holtdav Gifts Will bo pleated to exhibit. Uie6e goods to all. N. GKiENEWALD, douui uront et,, two doors below decl2-2w Fxcnange Corner Notice. T DESIRE TO INFORM MT FRIENLS and the public generally, that I am now pre pared to accommod ite c-uest, either per manent or transient at my Hotel at Burr gaw, In Pender county I have also a good comfortable and commodious livery statle attacned, wnere norse can be hired ot boarded. All my charges will Le as reason able aa tne times will permit, dec 13 2w d&w K. M. CROOM. "ITTANTED MANUFACTURING COV- TT cern wants a business man In I mlngtoa and In every city (not already i laaenj. a tew nundred dollars necessary to pay for roods on delivery after order have been secured for the same; $150 per mo ia n pront guaranteed The mot earch- lng investigation solicited. A S. ARNOLD & CO., 129 i Broadwav, New York, dso 12-6. PARTICULARS CONCERNING Otterbourg': 1 m - O. O. Express Sgrst e m T7RI k N D3 AT A DISTA N C K You need JP some n-w and ptylish clothes don't jou? vv hen you buy you w& t your mon ey's worth, aud do not wish to be cheated, do tou ? You can't spare the time t come to the city, c m you ? Well, read these lines j careuuly, and th n do as we advise you Utte bounr, as you have doubtless heard, 1- the mot-t extend lvt clothing dealer la North Carolina; he carries a-tock replete with tbr very choicest selections and patrons can rely on getting the latest laehtons when or dering by letter or buying of us in person. In the country opportunities are scarce wherein a man can get just such clothes as are adapted to his taste, and to wear gar ments that do not please, offers but a por relief to the old suit of a previoas seuon. Correspond then, with L. J. Otterbour,ask for particulars concerning good- ai.d prices Otterbou'g will answer all enquiries prompt ly and with pleasure Give a trial oruer on an Ulster. Ulsteret'e or Overcoat, or on a Drees or Business a ult; state in every In stance style of Coat, color of goods and price de-ired. fend particulars as near as possible and It. will astonish you. So near can Otterbounr strike your fancy. No risk to rnn, privilege to examine in every case. tST"8endfQr steel engraving of the trial of I uulteau, seventeen pictures from life, of tne Judge, Jury, Attorneys and the Aisaa- 8ln.-El Free to all. Address, OTTERBOURG'S, Men's Wear Depot, dec 12 Wilmington, N C Beautiful Display QF HOLIDAY GOODS, saeh at Buisia Laaths Goodi, Kalo-Meda Goods, Imported from China, I MtgaacHozM orrapar, , . Prang's Chris t ma i Goods. At HKINBBZXGEti'd JTJVKNILI HOLIDAY GOODS, Phr togrsph Albums, Aatosraph Albs ma, A baatfal aworrmant fast roirrd at HVIirBEKGEVfl. dse IS Uvt Book aad Hasle Stora Everybody Says V A T HAS TBS LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND TBS P&eTTIKST GhriGtmao Goods la towa. Cecil Book aad Htatloaary Store. The Club House. ADDITIOV TO ITS FINE stock of Wtnea, Llquora, Beer aad Clxara. la offering to Its customers and friends NEW RIVER OYSTERS, served In any style desired. My motto la to pleaae and to this end no effort will be spared. Respectfully, F. W. ORTMANN, Frowriator Ortmana's Club Houae, ( PLius sotiom. We will brad to reosfrs tornmos Vatfoa xa trUn&t oa aay aad all mbiMto ? menll&terei feat B JTul to tat Editor. - iftur w mt m rw SOoanuaSeatfoaa et UJ-vriita: oaVtJj aeaiiacta papa?. Parirmalittaa aaij fc avob!l Afid it Is rcpMiaiiT and - a tha editor!! colaii. wtw ,U T Li&3 UiUU IS, S550 Given Awayiishtly ! AT THE NET GIFT EFJTERPniSE STORE ! No. 22 South Front Street. I CALL SEri AuQ PRICE a A r?71 I xX moot of u clJIns:, Cbrltnia and llolf- das Freents for sale low down at" J. II. JIAJHHN'3 Urn- and Chemicnl Store, 4cc 4 ' New Market JAMES C. HUHDS, Druggist, . TS NOW OPENTVG ONE OF THE largest I and most varied stocks of llwUdat Gooda ever brought to this city,, consisting o Toilet .-eta, VWe. iu BroiiZo and Gilt ,VI- luloid 8eU in cases, c . t allaod examine . 300 TOJNStOAL' Ju8t Ia 1,ird 400 Afloat, will arrive in few days. 200 crds Wood' 50,000 At Brick. All at low figures, J. A. SPRING FR'8, Coal and Wood Yard. dec 5 rk8 Coralfne Corbet 100 S0Ll IN one. wee PRICE $1.0? Full assortment of elxei. nov 12 J.J. FIEDRirr. MULES AND -'V2-Q9N FOR SALE. TWO LARGE, FINE MTJLE3 and on two-horeo Wa? d. Suitable for ter pentine farm or lumber bu laeas; For sala cheap. Apply to deel tfd&w JNO. F. GARRELL. The Gosmopol itan BAR IS THE PLACE WHERE YOU can get the coolest. ccre9t and mnt scientifically mixed Summer Drinks to ba found in tbe city. Tho vi ry best Winea Champagnes an Liquors si ways on hand ithe best 5-ceut Cigar that Is made. Droa n and cool off. " JOHN' (iauhoi.t. 1 8 . Prnnrle for. WATER WORKS. rpHE UNDERSIGNED having cngsge4 a aompetentand experienced PLUMBER, from the North, be to notify the publla that they will Kereaftcr combine with their present Iron and Copper Wcrk the business of PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. By doing FIRST.CLAS3 WORK , .h . bIe prices they hope to merit any oiU 4ml - wicii tuswuen may leave witn them. nor2S- HART DAILY AGO. TOITHE PUBLIC, v Kockt Poixt, PrxDra Co., Noy. 1831. v TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Tha undersigned, neighbors of Mr IL C Everet-, take pleasure in roluntaHiw derlog him this endorseraeat and recom mendation as an efficient t.mer and trainer of hotses. There Is no qaickry or hum buggery In his system; bnt it is founded upon science, art and common ene. Hie methods are practical, eaay of application, and successful in breaki'iar. to every kin r service, the wildest or tbe most contrary or vidous horfe. We have beon hi pupileand we testify from oUervatlon and experlenca aa well as from his ffeueralratitatfnr, rhM he is known. (iigued) If- T. Corbett. Dr. Tt. T. Pan ders. J. B. Durham. Davi i WiilUmsJ S. 3. D. IL Atcutrong. dc l0-2t French Candies. JUST RECEIVED, a' fall line of fine French Candle. warr.u.t4-d rmrm fresh . Also, Hom'sMaae inllea. Fruits, cecend street. ." door below PoatoQc f Oil k NOBTH CAROLINA HOUSE. JORN J. 8TELLJE3, rroprleton 1 The bttt of Wine I Llauora. Lacer nm and Clgara. OYSTERS DC EYERY STYLE. " MEALS AT 'ALL HODM Tvlv ivn NIOBT. . . Tr UornaTjJecondtoaPrlBwaets. 1 txi