II J -t- L .-aj I J.1W THIS PAPER & cfilied every afterneoa, Buiii yi c- jn. t. jams a, UBCKlPTJOW8.POTA3E PAID. im year, I & 00 Six ra otitis, $2 SO ; Three Boatbs, SI IS I One month, 60 eeat. Tfce ppr will b delivered 1y carriers, M ef eaarjre, In a f part of the city, at the rates, or 13 cents per wear. Advsrtisrajr, rater low and libera; ygflbicriben trill pleaserepcrt any and til failures to receire their papers regularly. Hew Advertisements. P rr.APK Marj. THECREAT mm iron RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, S well ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. jfo Preparation ou earth equals Sr. Jacobs Oil m xe, urr, simple and cheap External Xemody. A trUl n tails but the comparatively trifling ootUr of SO Cents, and every one Buffer ing with pain ca have cheap and poaitlre proof f It claim. Directions 1b Sleren Languages. BOLD BY ALLDEUGQT8T8 AND DEALERS IH MEDICINE, A. VOGEUER fc CO., JBatllmore, Md., V. S. JL. aerllll daw-ere td "JUST IMAGINE HOW I F1L1." BatrjrswicK, Co., Va., NoTember 5th, 1881 Mrs. Jos Person, Franklinton, N. C. Dkab Madam: It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valua ble HemwJy baa entirely cured me of a most fearful looking and painful soie on my ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ringworm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became bo very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the beet doctor in the country for advice. He told me he could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or fire weeks, aad if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. Just imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or gift up all business either of these Re medies would have ruined me. Mind you this was the advice of one of the best doctors ia the State of North Carolina, and this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with caustic, as be advised until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment. I was .advised then br a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first doee thi 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the eore is perfect ly cured, Aid I can now walk as far, dance as ranch and jump as high as any man you know. Put me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as I bow do of the virtue of your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it for leas. I think more of it than any atdwine1 in; the world. It is not only lha best Bemedy to purify the blood and Cre-all -akin diseases, but I believe it will ettcf ijp Icinds of blood diseases, and' I fciowit will cure a love for strong drink. I hope yon will havo this published, as there are any anfferers who could be cured, if they could know c f and get your Remedy I am truly and respectfully, ' JOS. R. MASON, South Gaston, N.'C. Tbe Remedyla for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wa 11. Green. Send forcircu hr oftestiraniala. - no U dw Children's Cloaks Ladies' Cloaks AND T7LQ2X3H8, Just Received. Lace Collars, Lace Collarettes. RUG 8 AJJD MATS and many other new ut pretty things. if. ,R. r.l. TJlclntire i VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY, DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. i - NEW ADVEKTjSEMEXTfc. I K & F B TnntBER & Co Good CofTcc Jaxcock it Dagoett Removal Heinsbekger Christmas is Coming Wilu vm II. GntEx Holiday (loods. JamksJ Ml'xps-DruarifUt C V '?ati:s "Christmas (io' d Nothing doing in magisterial circles to-daj A &i60uri lady has a collection "of 17,000 spools Even the revised, edition is getting dp3tj on 'some shelves. Thcreceipts of cotton at this port tc day foot up 1,760 bales. , . , Laziness grows on people in this res pect it resembles cores. It is more shameful to distrust one's friends than rb be deceived by them. Impossibilities, like vicious dogs, fly before him who is nzi afraid of them. Gent's Scotch Sole Gaiters and various other styles at cost at Howey's. 2w The moon entered her last quarter at 2 o'clock and 43 minutes this afternoon. It is only those that have done noth ing, who fancy they can do everything. Coffee drinkers should read the adver tisement in another column headed Good Coffee. Hen fruit, like Grant's army during the lute unpleasantness, coLtinues to advance. 1 Myrtle blossoms are sometimes worn at weddings now, in place of the tradi tional orange flowers. At cost for cash. The large stock of boots and shoes at Howey's. 2w The store windows are adorned with many beautiful and enticing goods suita ble for Christmas presents. Steamship Benefactor, Tribon, from New York, arrived at her wharf in this city at 11 o'clock this forenoon. Eggs are retailing to-day for 40 cents per dozen. Christmas cake ia bound to be expensive thi3 year and egg nogg ditto r Selling out to close business at How et's shoe store. 2w The almanac promised us mild weather for to-day and mild weather it is. It also promises snow for next week and says that it will be cold on Xmas day. Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint. ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Ger barquear of IJope cleared to day at this port for Bremen with 1,063 bales cotton shipped by Messrs Williams & Murchison. Swtci Revenge "Cutting" treatment is so often ap plied to marble, that when it gets the chance to "cut back," it uses it. Mr. Wm. Will. 1613 Frankford Ave.. Phila delphia, Pa., furnishes this examplc-in a late communication: Some time since J received a severe injury to my back, by falling again3t tho 6harpedgeqf a marble step, the stone penetrating itatleust a half inch, and leaving a very painful wound. After suffering lor a time, I concluded to apply St. Jacobs Oil, and am pleased to say, that the results exceod cd my expectations. It speedily al Iayed all pain4and swelling aud by con tinued use, made a perfect cure. 1 really think it the most efficacious liniment I ever used. Delns Enlarged and Improved. Messrs. Hancock & Daggett are mak ing some very extensive improvements to their store property on the North side of Market street, near Front. The building j which i3 now of two stories,, is to be ex tended clear to the alley in the rear, and raised two stories more, making it four stories in all, with a basement. The building, when completed," will have a front of 22 feet, a depth of 92 feet and a height of about 50 fact. It will be one of the handsomest business house.s in the city. The improvements are now in progress and will be pushei .forward as rapidly as possible to completion. In the mean, time, Messrs, Bar.cock & Daggett have removed temporarily to No. 5 Market street, where they will be glad to see and accommodate their customers. They will .move back into their old quarters with a new stock just as soon as the repairs are completed. , . 1 Flies & Mosquitoes. A 15c box of Rough on Rats" will keep a house free from flies, mosquitoes, rats and mice, the5 entire season. Druggists. Cnniilable Unmailablo matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Poatoffice in this city: One white envelope, illegibly address ed; one stamped envelope, no address; Commercial Union Assurance Co, 37 and 38 Wall at, N. Y.; Cbts. A. Lambert, 20 Uerkimer st., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Alice Holliugsear, Green Crk, New Jersey; W.i). Bogio, Sumter, S. C; F. C. Mai. iett, 115 Pearl st., New York. Otj Court. J. H. Lof tin and Robert Blount, two colored yonngetors, were before Bis Honor this morning, charged with the larceny of a pair of shoes from the store of Messrs. Evans & VonGlahn, and were bound over in the sum of $25 each for their appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. One party, whoso name we suppress, kept his store Open a little too late on Saturday night, in consequence of which he was brought up for keeping open and selling on Sunday. He was discharged upon theppyment of the costs. Coffee drinkers should read the adver tisement in another column headed Good Coffee. The Package Matinee. The paekage matinee given by Prof. Agostini at Rankin Hall on Saturday last was largely attended and the affair was not only a decidedly pleasant one in every respect but decidedly successful. In all, 241 packages, representing about 350 pounds of edibles, were received Those were tnrned over to the St. James' Home, Mrs. C. G. Kennedy, President of the Ladies Benevolent So ciety, and a few private charities. It is in order for the Professor to give a repe. titionof so successful a scheme for tbe benefit of the many poor among us. The Dallr Review. Five years ago the first issue of the Daily Review was launched on the un certain sea of journalism. We trust that we will all live until Christ mas 1886, and then call it ten years. With life and health and strength spared to us we will endeavor to accomplish this. In the meantime, any felicitous remarks which our brethren of the press may see fit to indulge in in regard to this, our five years of accomplished journalism, will be "thankfully received and gratefully ap preciated", but we can't promise to pub lish them all in fullr we are opposed ' to such things on the principle that we can furnish something more interesting for our many subscribers to read. Bargains may '.be had in foot-wear at Howey's. Stock must be sold. Net cash. 2w Personal. Messrs. C. E. Browneli and A. E. Purple, cotton manufacturers, from East Haddam Connecticut, arrived in the city last evening, stopping at the Purceell Uouse. They have been in the South about two weeks, during which time, as a matter of course, they took in the At lanta Exposition, where they remained four days. They express themselves as highly pleased with tbe exposition. They also, while in Atlanta, visited the new cotton factory thereand thought that a lack of system, probably caused by inexperience in the maflageroentof the mill and its operations, was tending rather to retard its complete success. 1 hey also visited the mills at Augusta and mentioned one of thom as being conducted upon a perfect system, and as doing fine work. , To our inquiries upon the subject, they stated tht the only hindrance they could see to successful cotton manufacturing- in the South might be in the long continu ed hot weather being too severe for the operatives to endure. This not being the case, in their opinion we can manu facture cotton at one cent less per pound than they can at the North . They expressed themselves warmly and cordially upon the courteous treat ment they had everywhere received, with pleasure at what they had seen and .de light with our general climate. Dur ing the day, with Mr. F. A. Newbury as their chaperone, they visited the Cot ton Compresses, the Wilmington Cotton Factory and other places of interest to strangers in the city, and were especially interested in the working and power of the Compresses. They leare this even ing for Richmond, where they propose to stop for a day or two before returning home. Wc were pleased to meet to.day with Mr. Adam G. Latta, fonnerlv of this city, but now of Savannah, Ga., who is hereon a short visit. The components of Dr. Bull's, Cough Syrup apj daily prescribed by the ablest physicians, whose success is due to the specific influence of these components. Dr. Bali's Cough Syrup, skillfully pre pared for immediato use, i for alc by all druggist. The steam dredge intended far work at this port,before reported at Beaufort, left that port on Saturday and is expect ed ia below to-day. z Children's School Shoe, both laco and button, at cost for cash, at flowTtv's. 2w Mr. James H. Low, of Atlanta, Ga., who was a resident of this city during tbe war, and for some time after its close, is here on a visit to his son-in-law, Capt. A. L. DeRossct. The news from up the river is not en couraging. Steamboatmen who arrived here last night report the river so low that they have considerable difficulty in navigating over the Shoals between here and Fayette ville. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, G lass &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. . f The change in the weather has been remarkable. Yesterday morning it was cold enough for -hot fires and heavy overcoats, and to day it is necessary for comfort to leave the doors and the win dows all open, We very much regret to learn that Mr. Henry Nutt is quite ill at his rest dence, in this city, and sincerely hope that his sickness may be but of a tempo rary nature, and that he may soon be restored to his usual health. . Appointment of Deputies We understand that Mr. W. P. Cana day, Collector of Customs, has appointed Mr, R. C. Myers and Major Charles E. Taylor as Deputy Collectors at this port. Mr. Myers is appointed Special Deputy, and in addition to his other duties, will take charge of the office here during Mr. Caaaday's absence or sickness. His com mission will be confirmed by the depart ment at Washington City. The appointment of these gentlemen will give general satisfaction here. They are both excellent business men, thor oughly qualified for their respective duties by long service, and have won the esteem and regard of the entire mercan. tile community by the courteous and considerate manner in which they have transacted their duties. Fires In the Country. From information received here, we learn that the dwelling house of Mr. G. A. Roper, situated a few miles lrom Laurinburg, together with the furniture therein, was destroyed by fire on last Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock. Some of the furniture was saved, but the larger part was destroyed. The fire is thought to have caught from a stovepipe. In cured for $1,600 with Messrs. John W Gordon & Bro., in the Liverpool, London & Globe Insuraucc Co. On the 10th iust., last Saturday, a lot of naval stores at Sarecta, on tho North East Uivcr, in Duplin coonty, the prop erty of Mr. D. W. Beney, was burned, it is thought by an incendiary. His loss was $1,000, also insured with Messrs. John W. Gordon & Bro., in the Liverpool, London & Globe. Canaries, All birds at this season require extra food. ' Canaries should have all through the year German summer rape, Sicily canary, and millet seeds mixed in equal parts, and care should be taken to have the seeds fresh and of the best quality. In addition to the seeds, feed canaries daily one-fourth part of a hard boiled egg both yolk and white, and mix with t as much cracker dust as can be taken on a 10c piece. Fresh water, both for drinking and the bath, and plenty of coarse, washed gravel daily, will usually keep a bird in health. Twice a week give it a piece of apple or lettuce. If the bird has not yet finished moulting, keep him in an even temperature of about sixty-five or seventy degrees, and let him hang where there is no possioility of a draught blowing on him. If not -yet in song hang a half inch strip of raw, fat salt pork in the cage, and. let him pick at it for & week or so. 13. 1881. NO: 293 PTew Advertiseriients. Removal. rpHE UNDERSIGNED have remoTed, X teratKjrarilj, to No. 5, Market street, near Water, where cur largft stock of PainW, Oils ami Glass Sash, Blinds and Door nre offered cheapcr-than ever to make room for the large nej stock to bo opened in our new ttore early iu the New Year, dee 13-lt HANCOCK & DA.GGETT. Christmas is Cominsr ! AiD TdK BEST haY 13 TJ COME early and bav your Presents patatid " Tfcii fi to avoid th ruh it ETrlNSBERGE A Art Gallery. JHA.VE JiIT Heeeived a Beautiful Let of riieel JSngrari'gs. uomeanliook at tna-n at HEIN8BERGE&'S, dec 12 Lire Hoos and unslo Store . Holiday Coeds. A L, IRQ AND ELEGANT assortment of ARTISTIC and USEFUL goods, oultabh for Holiday Presents. "At greatly BEDUCEO PRICES. " Opeu every right until 10 o'clock. WILLIAM H. GREEN, s dec 12 Druggist, Market st Fine Confectionery. I HAVE JUST RETURNED WITH THE nest and Cheapest assortment of Confec- tionery that can be bought in the city. ZIMMERMAN'S, Sweet Penny Corner, dee 12 Second and Princess sts. A Holiday f moke. rpHE BEST OF CIGARS and Tobacco and JL Tobacco Goods. Best o cent -igar In the city, warranted. Just received a beau tiful lot of genuine Meerschaum Pipes and Chrar Holde s. Suitable for Hnltday Gifts Will be pleased to exhibit these goods to all. N. GRKENEWALD, South Front fit., two doors below decl3-2w Exchange Corner GOOD COFFEE. . Everybody wants 1 but very few get it because m st people do not know bow to select coffee, or it is spoiled in ' tbe mast ing or making, To obviate trese difficul ties has been our study. Thurber's pack age Coffees are selected by an expert who understands the art of blending various flavors. They are roasted in the most pe feet manner (it is ion possible to roast well ia small quantities), tben put in pound packages (in the bean, not ground.)bet Ing our signature as a guarantee of gen uineness, and each package contains the Thnrber recipe for making good Coffee. We pack two kinds, Thurber's "No. 84 strong and pungent, Thurber's "No 41." mild and rich. One or tbe other will suit every taste. Tbey have the three great points, good quality, honest quan tity, reasonable price Asc.your Gro cer Jor Thttrber's roasted Coffee in poundpackage8, "No. 84' br "No 41". Do not be put off with any other kind yoor own. palate will tell yon what is best. Where persons desire it, we also furs cish our ' Ideal" Coffee pot, .the simplest, beat and cheapest Coffee-pot in existence. Grocers who sell our Coffee keep them. Ask for descriptive circular. Respectfully, &c , U;K. & F. B. TflUBBER & CO., Importers, Wholesale Grocers and Coffee Roasters, New York. P. 8. As the largest dealers in food product in the world, we consider it our ioterost te manufacture only pure aod wholesome goods and pack them in a tidy and fasfactory manner. All goods bear ing our name are guaranteed to be of su perior quality, pure and xchousomt, aad dealers are authorized to refund the pur chase price In any case where customers have eause' for dissatisi action. It ia tbereforo to the interest of both dealers and cinsumers to use Thurber brands. dec 18.1aw4w-tu-w4w Everybody Sayi . - BAH THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND THE Pa KTTIKSr C hriotm as C oods - la towa.' dee 12 Book aad Stationery Store, 8 c. uronDs, Druggist, IS NOW OPENING ONE OF THE largest and moat varied stocks of Holiday Goods ever brought to this city, consisting of Toilet feta, Yaaes, la Bronze and Gilt, Cel luloid Sets in cases. Ac Call and examine, dee 4 . J : r- PLZASE SOTICE TTi will beglad to recaivt tommariif atjaa from our friends on aay aai u rsbfaeU T retr<sttrett buf 7 - ZZ Cae ease of iae writer ssvjt alvays be f BlaUd to ii Editor. SCfomauIaatloBSR-ut Uvrltieo: oa oaly 0esid of the ptpar. PertoaaUtlai nut be avoided Aad It Is espeelally acd partieclarly unitr stood that the EdlVu does not always ecdorT the views ol eorr?poc dents Calais so stmt la tie editorial eolaans. ow Advertisements. FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT m rat. b:iltz ipiE BEHT ASOSTED BTOCS EV R bronht to th s citj, with all tb UtestKov ; ' eltler asd Ehds ia v- ; - -" . ' DRESS GOODS,';-! Batin ilarvei'leor. Satin d Lyon, Rbtd-2 amer,4 ur: ahs,-Brocades, WolreAn- Uqae, Camsi'a- lialr, t ilk Tel- ' vet, flushes, COLORED. BLACK AND ILLUMINA TED CASHMERES, isnriettis, McLairs, Baitiors, Alpscas and Plsids H endless variety, Paameate ie, Fringes and TrlmsiinW bite Good), fiousekeeiiog Gocd, . DOLLMANS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLSj . . . fen andBoy's Wear, Flannels, aferini TJa derwear, Hreiery, Gloves, OarseU, Heel and dDgs, CURTATE LACES, CREPES,, Staple & Domestic Goods. t In short everytfcin desirable. Warranted to cine up ia prioo and quality, to any itm nle from retail bocses North Call and save extra expense by buying frcm me. . 1. ft Kffl, 36 Market Street. THE VARIETY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RK spectfully notify his friends and the public that he has recently re- . . turned from, a visit to the Northern EVlarketd where he has purchased the . Handsomest Display OF MILLINERY, FAMCY GOODS, NOTIONS AMD HOLIDAY GOODS; he has ever offered in this'city. : My stock is Largcj Complete . , And in GREATVAaSBTY I have thousands of things which it would take columns to enumerate. My fine.fresh FRENCH CANDIES are a specialty. I lead in these goods as my patrons well know, I have an elegant variety of Millinery Oood, Hat,' Trimmingf, &c, To which I invite the attention of the Ladies. My stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS is full and complete and having been bought low will be sold low. I respectfully invite a call and inspec tion. fcL. FLANAUAN, ' .Variety Store, nov 6 No. 42 Market street. ' ' "S S3 " TO THINK ABOUT HOT BED DASH. - PLEASE ORDER EARLY. SASH D33HS A.iD 8LIH33 BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBZS, c ALTAFFER, FJXLOZ & CO. oep IS : V - t