IflIB PA FEU 5 1 1 V ,' jl paoltsfcod every aft ra eon.. Saadays c v join. t. jambs, rMToft a vp rKorsirroft. 80B8CaiPTI03Jd.PO8TAaE PAID, j.. rear,SS 00 Six in on tin, S3 60 ; Three oaths, SI On month, 60 oenta, the paper will be dsliyersd by carrier t of ia uj part of the city, at the toots rates, or 13 cents pr week. Adrertistag rates low and liberal 8bsrfiers will please report aaj and 11 feiloresto reeeire their papers regularly. I7ex7 Advertisements: rLSASEEOTIC. r TTo will bo glad to reeorro aosaBiuaicatlcn . from o-ur friends on aaj aad tli raii-rfrtf reaerallstsrett bat" - Gs naat cf tU writer irjt si wa yi b fa s!xhd to lao Editor. OoaajB7mlcatfons nasi berritta; ca cHj oao d4o of the papor. Proaailtt-4ftboavoled And it is eepwaally and FarCcalarly Ut ttood iaat the Editor does sol alws js eadorT Uxo virm ot oorrespoadsnts vsless -tostsT fa. the editorial colatm. . id H JL. r ! 1 VOL. V 6 WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1881. NO. 294 l v.. jni .2) jj . TI IE GREAT RHEDHATISH, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Bout, Quins, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily , Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Bars, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil m a ae, ire simple and cheap External ti$j. A trial entails but the comparatively Wilier oadax of 60 Cents, and every one suffer tag with pain can hare cheap and potitrre proof f iSacWma, Mncttoaa la Eleven Languages. COLD ST ILL TJBTJGGISTS AKD DEALEE3 - IK MEDICISE. 1 A. VOGEjLER z CO., Haltimore, TUdL, XT. S. JL. , apr&ll-dawBs tel "JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Beunswici, Co., Ya., November 5th, 1881 Uss Jox pE&soy, Franklinton, N. C. Dkab Madam : It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that your rain hie Remedy has entirely cured me of a a. r i 1 - l . j r I most ieanui loosing ana paiaim uu dj ankle. It came more than twelve mouths ago, very much like a ringworm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then 1 commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so yery painful I could scarcely : walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country, for advice. He told me he could cure me if I would take my bed aad there remain for four or fire weeks, aid if I did not do so pretty soon.it could not be cured at all, as the Done would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. Just imag ie how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but te lose my foot, or give up all businesseither of these He- mearea wouia nave ruinea me. uuau yoa this was the advice of one of the best (doctors ia the State o! North Carolina, and this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with , caustic, as he advised until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment. I was advised then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect- ty cured.- and I can now wai as iar, Qtuce as much and jump as high as any man you know. Put me back to the 1st of September, let no know as much as I tow do f tiit virtue oi your Remedy, aid I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it for less. .1 - think . more of it than any medicine in the world. It is not only the best Remedy to purify the blood and care all skin diseases, but I believe it will cure all -kinds of blood diseases, and I Know it will cure a lovo for strong drink. I h ape yoa will have this published, as there are many 'sufferers who could be cured, if they could knowcf and get your Remedy I am truly and respectfully, JOS. R. MASON, T" South Gaston, N. 0. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by JrWaH. Green. ;Send for circu lar oTetlmhials. ' nov U-dw Children's Cloaks Ladies' Cloaks XJLQnilfl, Juit Received. Laco Collars, Laco Co 1 1 a r ettes, V, El mm BUGS ASH MATS and mtny other aw aa4 pretty tMrgf. J r ; fJclntire. LOCAL NEWS. New ' Advebtisemext8. J A SrnixGEB Diamond Rinsr Found Alex Sprun-t & Son Ship Notice Kcad ad Louisiana State Lottery Ofeba IIouse RoseiOtbello .' Prop Evekett Horse Traluiog nEiNSBERQEn Christmas is Comint; William IL GnEEK Holiday Gbods. James C Ml-KPSDruffist v C W YATES-i-CUristmaa Goods , No city court to day. JSo cases to report in magisterial ciri clcstoday Selling out to close business at et's shoe store. How 2w The receipts ot cotton at this port tc l.ij fwt up S82, bales-- I cere is a lad in this town, 14 years old, who weighs 190 pounds. si Scbr. IJoston, Cranmer, hence, arrived at Baltimore en the 12th inst. Gent's Scotch Sole Gaiters and various other styles at coEt at Howey's. 2w Steamship Gulf. Stream, Ingram, hence, arrived at New York on the 12th inst. yuite a number of strangers from the country are in town to-day, 'Spect they're arter Christmas fixins and sich. Barque Johann Daniel,, Nieman sailed from St. Vincent, C.V.,Nov. 12 th for this port. ' i ... . . nggs nave gone up . to 4U cents a dozen, and Christmas is as yet a week and a half distant. Bargains may be had in foot-wear at Howey's. Stock must be sold. Net cash. 2w Chickens sold in the market this morn. ing forlCg cents each, and they were very well grown at that. Barque Den 2den April, Serensen, hence, sailed from Falmouth, Eng. on the 30th ult. for London. Norwegian barque Hamhurgsund, Neilson, sailed from Plymouth., Eng., on the 11th inst., for this port. Dr. Chas. Lesesne, of Onslow county, formerly Assistant Surgeon of the "Bloody 18th," is in the city to-day. The steamship Benefactor brought! out from New York this week another large lot of water mains for the Water Works Company. . The Carpenter organ owned by the ladies of St. John's Church, will be raffled off tomorrow at Mr. Heinsberger'sJ Last chance! To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doora, Glass &c. . You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t . German barque "m Louisa Wiclcards, Ehnecke, and Norwegian barque "Wallc Wasrner. sailed from Hamburg on the llth inst., for this port. In clearing away the earth for the cxten sion to tne auey oi aiessrs. naucocK a ai it v rr l- Daggett's storey spoken of by us yester day, the remains of a brick pave ment have been disclosed, three feet below the surface. 'J he thermometer in this offico indica ted ,70 degrees at 12 o'clock to-day. j There had been no fire and the doors had j been open the entire morning. This may be taken as beinsr unusually warm for the time of year, even in this latitude. Making allusion toils valuable qutiU ties, John Stein, Esq' City Brewer, Danville, Ills., says: 1 have used bt. Jacobs Oil in my family, and recommend it to my acquaintances. It has always given the best satisfaction, and is truly a wonderful remedy. . The attention of our lady readers is called to the fact that a pound party, for be benefit of that excellent institution. the St. James' Home, is to be given at I the Rectory, on Market street, between Third and Fourth, to morrow evening. ImproTlns- We are glad to hear of Mr. James Sprunt'a continued improyemenL He has been able to sit up for a weet past nnA h&s once been rolled out upon the piazza. We are in hopes that he may be able to venture abroad before many 1 a!8- ' Freshwater Perch, Trout and.Blik I rv na or,ri r.inpa A fnll assort. I ment and lowest prices at J acobi'e. t Badly Braised. C. H. Strode, who is well known as a detective hereabouts, was picked up las evening at the foot of the City Hal steps, bleeding profusely, and with some pretty severe injuries about the had and face. He claims, we understand, that he was struck and knocked down the steps by some man whom he did not recognize Dr. Walker was called and rendered the necessary attendance, btrode s injuries are severe, but are not considered se'ri US. - " ." , a Every one has a will and a mind to think for himself, yet many will goabou hacking and coughing until a friend re commends Dr. Bull's Couzh Syrup for that cough. Pine Forest The regular annual meeting of the lo owners oi rme Jtoresi uemetery was Leld at the city court room last night. Daniel Howard was chosen chairman and J. S. W. Eagles secretary. Reports were received from the secretary and treasurer, and the following board of directors was elected for the ensuing year: J. W. Tel fair, J. G. Norwood, Lewis LeGrand, J. 11. uutiar. Hid. Dixon, i. Jr. ureen and J. H. Howe A vote of thanks was ten dered the City Council and Chief o: : Police for the use of the court room. Children's School Shoes, both lace and button, at cost for cash, a Howey's. 2w Fender County Pecan Huts Mr. R. H. Murphy, of Fender county having read in the Review about the pecan nuts raised in Brunswick county, called on us this morning to show us some J grown by him, on his place, at Moore's Creek in Pender county. They are cer tainlythe largest nuts ot the species we have ever seen, being, some of them, al most as large as butternuts. The kerne is full and delightfully flavored. MrM. has several varieties of the nut, all grow. ing from trees which were planted by him from nuts brought from Texas years ago. They would sell readily in this market. Terrible Loss of Life- Millions of rats, mice, cats, bed bugs, roaches, lose their lives by collision with 'Rough on Rats." Sold by druggists, loc. Profesor Everett. We call the attention of those interest ed to the advertisement of the above named gentleman, which appears in our advertising columns today. The Pro fessor, notwithstanding his misfortune ia lncinnr a TroTnoKlo hnrsA hv 1 h A Krnt accident at Big Bridge J?erry, is pre- pared to carry on his system of instruc tion in horse training and taming. - Socakinff of his misfortune of a few days ago, mention of which was made in our local columns at the time, the Pro fessor was in our office this morning and gave us a complete history of the affair. illustrating the same by a diagram which showed that it was one of those unforeseen accidents which will happen when least expected. Extravagant ru mors have been in circulation , regarding the matter, but it was simply, as we hayo ' stated, an unforeseen accident. At cost for cash. The large stock of boots and shoes at Howey's. 2w The Largest Yet. The steamship Santa Domingo, Cap. tain Pennington, from New York, arriv ed at the wharf of the Clyde line ot steamers in this city at one o'clock this p. m. She belongs to the Clyde line and her regular trips are to the vVest Indies, from which she is temporarily borrowed, while the Deneactor is withkrawn for a short time for the purpose or .having new boilers. The banta Domingo is 1,640 tons burthen; has double engines aggregating 800 horse power; is 260 feet in length over all and forty feet beam. She is square rigged forward; has three decks, and has a compli ment of 39 omeers ana men. She has first-class accommodations for officers, men and passengers, and is sup plied with all the modern improvements which make a sea-going ui lnuuieij more comfortable than it was 25 years n ... i i r l: ago. JJiverywung on ooaru a mp shape and .Bristol fashion' and shows that she is officered aad manned by men who know every part of their dutyH and see that it is performed. In fact, the Santa Domingo is a magnificent Bach u b&s seldom before visited our waters. We are under obligations to the Chief Tati- Mr. T. B. Tucker, and to other oQcials for cewtcsjes rendered Rossi &s Othello As will be seen by reference to our advertising columns. Rossi, the eminent Italian tragedian, will appear in the above character at the Opera House, oa Only Anperancein Wilmington of the illus Monday evening, the 19th inst. Us has luatrious Italian Tragedian, . beenbut a - short time in this country, but, wherever he has bjen he has carried the most critical audiences by storm. His impersonations have been pronounc ed faultless by the critics of Boston, New York and Philadelphia. Exports To -Day. Swedish barque Marie Louise, Jen- sen, cleared at this port to-day for Cork for orders! with 500-barrels rosin and 1,124 casks spirits, shipped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son; Norwegian barque Cathinka, Ovcrgaard, cleared for Liv erpool, with 1,322 bales cotton, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, and Swedish barque Ulrika, Cedergen, clear ed for Liverpool with 2,448 barrels rosin, shipped by Mr. C. P. Mebane. The Excursion Party from this city for Atlanta, via the Carolina Central B. R., will leave here to-morrw morning at 9:45 o'clock. TRIBUTE OP RESPECT. At a meeting of the Wilmington Light In fantry, held at their Armoiy. December 12. 1881, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted j It is very right that we who still wait on the borders the summons to cross the river. should place on record our estimate of the lives and characters of those of our comrades who have passed over and sleep under the shade of the trees; and, whereas, among the many wnom it is our pride to number and claim as eUr brothers in arms, our late fel low member, Theodore Calhoun James, took rank with the foremost in those quali ties which made up the character of the brave, chivalrous, hizh-toned soldier and gentleman: be it Resolved, That we mourn with no ordin ary griet our loss in the death of our friend and brother, and feel, alas, too sensible the feebleness of words to express in fitting lan guage tne til Date we would pay to a cour age as dauntless, and a sense of personal honor as chivalrous, as ever victor of battle field or tourney could boast. Resolve, That in the death of Theodobe Calhoun James, this body has lost a brave, upright, kind and just member and com rade; removed from among us by One "who doeth all things well." Resolved, That a page of our records be dedicated to his memory, as a memorial of his worth, and a testimonial of appreciation ot his character. Resolved. That to the parents and loved ones of our deceased brother, we tender our proiound and heart! el t sympathy in this, their and our affliction and bereavement. "We shall know the loved who have gone belore, I And joyfully sweet will be the meeting, we trust, When over the river, the peaceful river, The Angel oi death shall carry us." , H. W.Shaw, F. A. Lokd, J. R. Latta, Ciias. D. Myees, Jxo. L. Cantwell. Ifow Advertisements DIAMOND RING FOUND. .luuiNU iu-uai on Market street a r DIAMOND RING. Owner can have same by calling at my COAL AND WOOD wharf, and buying a ton of COAL prico lowaown. l. A. BfKiNUfiK. dec H X Ship Notice. ALLPERSON3 arc hereby cautioned against harbor- ing or trusting any of the crew of the Br. Barque GEO. DAVIS, c as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Master or uoneignees. - AJLKA. SFKUtfT & SON, dec 15-lt Consignees Notwithstanding: T1ROFESSOR EVERETT - misfortune in iubb tu uis none hu quukv ub nas again fitted himself up for teaching his wonderful theory of Horse Training, and will periorm a: Mr. Jonn x. uarreirs plan tation near Smith's Creek. He will handle a young' horse that has not yet been worked. .Let every horse owner investigate this mat ter to his entire satisfaction. dec 15-lt Everybody Says YA T 0A4 THE LftRGE8T ASSORTMEflT AND IBS PSTnK3r Christmas Goods Ia town. dee 11 Book aad Htationery 9 tote JAHIE3 C. HXJnJDS. Druggist, TS NOW OPENING ONE OF THE largest J 1 and most varied stocks of Holiday Goods I ever broujrht to this city, coaslstinsr of I T.n M-. Vmrnrnm f- Hwwm. 2n .'.1 I lulodd Sets incases, &c. CaUanffeTairrine. Mww Hew Advertisements. OPERA HOUSE. -RIOISlSlIi- Supported by Mr. MILNES LEVICK and an AMEWCAN COMPANY Monday, JDec l, lS81, will be presented O) "t la. el l Tragedy in Five Acts, by William 8hakes peare, adapted and performed by ERNESTO ROSSI. OTH E L LO... . . ROSS I Baoksofthe Plavs nreseuted Rossi duriner hit American tour can be iro- cured iron the attendants. dec 14 4t Particular Kotlce. All the drawings will hereafter be under tne exclusive SUnervision and enntral nf GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARJj and JTJBAL A. EARLY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTTJN'IC- Virt dr-a-nt Tct.iK j1awu4 aiiyuiUUI'lVU Class A, at New Orleans, Tuesday, Janua ry 10, 1812 140th Monthly Drawing. Lonisriiia State Lottery ConmaDT. Income-rated in 1863 for 25 reara hv t.hA Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital oi $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $650,000 has buh3 own aaaea. by an overwhelming nonular vote its franchise was made a Dart of thanrMent own voiiBuiuuon aaoDtea ueeemher 2i. A. D., 1879. Its Gsako Sijtglk NunBm, Drawings win tare place monthly. It never scale t or postpone. Look at the following Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Doixabs Each. Half-Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of - 1 Capital Prize of - - - 1 Capital Prize of - - 2 Prizes of $2,500 - - . 5 Prkee ot 1,000 - - - 20 Prizes of 500 - - - . 100 Prizes of 100 ... . 200 Prizes of 60 - - - . 500 Prizes of 20 . - - $S0,000 10,000 - 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1000 Prizes of 10 - - . - 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Approximation Prizes of $3002,700 9 Approximation Prizes oi 2001.800 Appruiimaaon rnzes 01 1U0 000 1W7 rnzes, amounting to - - $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation TTUX UO jptUU. or iurtner lnformatioa, write elearlr. giving full address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by xuttu, aauresseu ONLY to M. A. DAUPOIPT, Now Orleans, La or II A DAUPHIN, at No. 212 Broadway, Mew Yor called to the fact that the entire number of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing ts sold, and cowteqitenity all the prizes in each drwAng are u'wi u.ra inn, ana paw. dec U-wed-sat-4wdw Christmas is Coming ! A w ittis. ULaT WAY 18 TO COME early and have your Presents pat aside This is to avoid the rush at HaJNSB KEGELS Art "Gallery . I WUOT Beautifal Lot; of 8fl EncrSTl-ffi. uomoanaiooK at then at HRIJf SBEBGEVfl, dee 1 J Ure Book and Koilc Store Holiday Good Urn A ,A?1AND ELEGANT assortment jtV of ARTT8TIC and USEFUL rrwi. Suitable for Holiday Presents. At ereatlv uuibu r Jutes. ' ' Open every night untfl 10 o'clock. , WIxjLIAM H. GREEN, dec 12 Druggist, Market st Fine Confectionery. HAVE JUST RETURNED WITH THE neat and Cheapest aasortment ot Confec- tionery that can be bought In the'eity. - . : ZIMMkBM AJ'S, Sweet Penny Corner, 11 " dec 12 " Second and Princess its. AHoUday Smbfe. rfTHE BEST Or CIGARS and Tobacco and JL Tooacco Goods. Best 5 cent Cigar In SfulloY of genuine Meec I Clar HoldlS. Sultabteto HrfidaSfiit?? Will, be mlea&ed tA rfitMt thf-m n .n I Z'TZZZ.ZZJT" I South Front U two doora below I arc iz-zw A Kxtrnsnoti nnmi i 3?ow Advertieementi FALL'.ANO: WINTER GOODS AT. brought to this citj, with all the Utsst ffov e'ties aod Shades ia ' DRESS, cd.dpsr Statin AfarveL'lenx, Satin de Lyea, Itbtd-S axer, w urrahs, Brocades, Afoiro Ah- ' tiqae, Camel'd Hair, T ilk Tel vsti, ' lashes, " COLORED, BLACK AND ILLUMINA TED CASHMERES, Henriettas, Mchalrs, Buitiagf, Alpacas and Plsids ia endless variety, Pasiamenterio, Friogei and Triaiciicffs, White Goodj, Eonaekeepiog Cocd, DOLLMflNfi. HI HflFfQ AMfl 1 w,.tllw fiiw SHAWLS, Men andBoy's Weir, Flanrela, Iferino Ua derwear, Hosier j, Gloves, Ooraeto, Ataocs acd Idgcgs, Staple & Domestic Goods, In snort everything desirable. Warrtatsd to came up ia price and qualitjj to any a m nle from retail Louses North. ; r Call and faye extra expepss by baying from me 36 M arFcet Street. oct3l the mmm STORE. eLsj THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD HE Bpectfully notify hi3 friends and tho - public that he has recently re- ; . turned from a visit to the , - Northern Markets wherc he has purchased tho Handsornest Disnlav . ': A . . OF ' '.. '7" ':; MILLINERY, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HOLIDAY GOODS, he has ever offered in thiscity. - j My stock is Large, Complete ; And in . GREAT TTARIBT1T I have thouanda of thincrs whish it would take columns to enumerate. My fine, fresh FRENCn CANDIES are a. specialty. I lead in these goods as my patrons well know. I have an elegant variety of . Millinery1 Goodg, Hat, Trimmings, &c, To which I invite the attention of tfci My stock, of CHRISTMAS GOODS is - full and complete and having been bought low will be sold low. 1 respectfully invite a call and insnbp- tion. fcL. FLANAGAN. ; A Variety-Store, nov 6 . No. 42 Market street TO THINK, ABOUT HOT--S E O S ASK, v PLEASE ORDER EARLY.- SASK. B00H3 t i3 BL!33 MHOnJ WJaJ ,iJ OUiJO MfiTTl.nrw: MTvrnrT j... ' ' ' " ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO. oan 12 I. mm