1 1 THlb FAF&K .. U puliibed every after-soe, ftuadayi c epUtf bT . T . : , v J Or8 II . T. JAf.!R8, T -; ;-" - - - ' - ' " v KD1TOB A2TO FKOFBIKTOB. BOBSCBllTJOS.FOBTAGE PAID, jsa year, $5 CO Six csoctbj, 23 50 ; This noatha, SI -5 ; Ore moi.th, SO oc-nts. - the paper will ba d slivered ty carrier r, !fM of ebftrge, io any part of the city, at tie tbova ratee, or 13 coots per vei. Advartiaing rates low md libera ; Sabaeribera-will plvaso report any as- ill fallweato reeeive their papre regularly . ; Kew 'Advertisements. THEGREAT IHEDMTISI3 " fteurafgfa, "Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swsll- Tys and Sprains,- Burns and '. Scalds, General Scdily - Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted ' fffef fl7t ar5, a7c a ofer Pains and Aches. : . 2fo Preprtlon on arth equals St. Jacobs Oit . safe, eurr, simple d1 cAecip External Kemfdy. A trial ntaiLi hr.t the comparatively trlflinc outlay of 60 Cents, and every no nffer- . Ing m ith jHdn am haro cheap and positive proof of irt claims. " - - Direct kms in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DEUGGTSTS A!JD DSALEK3 ' . - IK 1IEDICINE. A.VOGBLER Sz CO,, .... ' 2alilmorct2Tl,Zr.,A aprfl H daw-oro te3 "JUST IMAGINE HOW ILT." Bausswicx, Co., Ya., , C November 5th, 1881.S lis?. Job Psssoyt Franklinton, N. C. Dkab Madam: It is with pleasure that I write to tell von that vonr valna-1 ble Remedy has entirely cured me of h most feartol looking and painful FOie on my ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct., Iodine, until it became a very painful and b;id looking place. Then I commenced to" try every thing I 'coo Id think or hear or, until it becama so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country , for advice. He told me .he could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or five weeks, and if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at 'all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. J ust imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, orl give up all business either of these He- xnedies would have mined me. M ind you this' was the adviceof one of the best doctors in the State - of North Carolina, and this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with caustic, as he advised until September, but derived no benefit from his trettment I was advifed-then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took Vi A r 1 TV. f CantAmViev ' ami I am now a well man, the sore is perfect- ly cured, and -I-can now walk as far. d'. -: . - , - . 3 : Ti - jr. : j l3SmjmXM. Jtat.Bio Janairo cu " - A t coaVfor cash, . --.8raKf'S - boots and shoos at aance'ae much and jump as high as anjwas fined Si, and the other was dis man yon know. . Put me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as I now do of the virtue ot your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay ten dol lars a bottle for it,' if I could not get it for less. I think-more of it than any medicine in , the world. It is not only tba best Remedy to purify the blood and care all skin diseases, but I believe it will care all 'kinds Jt blood diseases, ' and I know it will core a love for strong drink. I hope you will have this published, as -there are - many sufferers"' who could be cured, if they could know cf and get your Remedy' I am truly and respectfully, I ,-.;. rr JOS. R. MASON, ' . .-u r t - - South Gaston, N. C. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington ' by ' Dr. Wm; H.'Green. .Send for circu lar oftestimoials. -.nov 14-dw : Children's Cloaks - :. tKjt --5- tj.-.U'-i .-j- - . Ladles' Cloaks AND Just Heceived. . TJZiSw7Z1IIC, Lace Collar: . JLaee Collarettes,, RTJG8--KD MAT3 and many other , new and pretty things.--. ;V " P. TJ3. :LlcIntirep ; : ' " ' ' ' - -- - - : - - T .. "" ' " 1 1 " . . '. ', 1 .". rSSSmmmmr--- ' n " . - " - - ' - t 111? U ffff "PlTll-iWM ' I ill) . lAiii I ; JMi V 11) Vv. d VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY: DECEMBER 15 188J N05 , .,,, ' IIMIIM I MM HI I Mr HIT 1 Irrr ' "' " ' " ' ' ' "" ' ' ' t ' ' LOCAL NEWS. . New Adtehtiskmikts. Cronlt & M oHi8 BngRies, &c IlErrfSBEKGEK 18b2 Chatterbox 1&32 ; ..William IT. Gnixx Holiday Good. James J M usua DrupgrUt -CW Yate Christmas GoMi : i- Nothing doing in magisteriaP circles tc-day. The receipts of cotton at this port tc Jay foot up 651 bales. , Dot zgen, hence,' I'm . the 15th nit. The large stock of Howet's. 2w ' Schx Franconia, Falkner, hence, ar rived at New York on the 13h iost. lir. barque Susie, Kerr, sailed from Hamburg Cn the 33th inst for : this port. i j . b5 .Myber?, .ailed f-, t i ,uioi, u. ii.:. p " " Rev. Dr. Bemheim will preach in tha Methodist Church at Lumbcrtoo next m l uesqay evening. British baraae Resolute. Lawrence. cleared at this port to-day lor Liverpool, with 1,618 bales cotton, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Snrunt & Son. , ... : belling out to close business at How- et s snoe store. 2w The season has arrived when the small hnv nrnnlrl rtfhpi fttnnd nil Anv in t Jio r.nld nnd flal tpn liis nnso ncainst a snflW o window than sit in a warm schoolroom and throw spit balls at his neighbor; Our thanks are due to Mr. H. J.Kim- ball, Director General, for an invitation position at Atlanta on "Editors' Day tr ftttpnn thft intprnannnnl linttnn Kt. ... v. . . Docember 20th, 1881, and regret our inablitv to atteni. The man who invents a method of em? I bilming Christmas trees so that they can! bj stowed away in the back garret and brought ont gord as new the next year, wjj DOt only bettw an inestimable boon ' 1.: 1 l 4 U A .1st l ..i!.. I t 1 : 41, A f I iruui uuuua t iuC cuu u. C JCuiB. Gent's Scotch Sole Gaiters and various other styles at cost at Howey's. 2w Unmailable TJnmailable matter, addressed as i lows, remains in the Postoffice in this city: . : . -. On onvprnmpnt Rtamnftd envftlorA- no address; Charles A Lambert, Brook lyn. N. Y. ; Mrs. Mad Oablay, Caralow C. II.; N. C. P. C. Millett, New York, N. Y. : Alice Hollingsead, Green Creek jj. j . Grissie Thompson, Boston, Mass.; Kate Jeames Fujetteville, N. C. Children's School Shoes, both lace and button, Howev's. at cost for cash, at I 2w City Court. Two colored youngsters were brought before nis nonor this morning, charged with disorderly conduct, one of whom charged. nKolj Th Tho matter was altogether trivial. , - Vehicles at Aaction On the Thursday of next week , Messrs Cronly & Morris will sell by auction front ol the New Market, a number plpant bnirories and nfea-tons frftm thft I . . . l . . . - r I ceicoraiea manuiaciory oi me ijouia i . ... . . I UooK company, at Cincinnati. I he sale will be peremptory. These celebrated vehicles have been sold here regularly (or rears past and the make, finish and durability are well known. 4 nucltupa.ba." New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary -.Sections, smarting, frequent or diilicult urination, kidney diseases. $1. Druggists. . Depot Jas. C. Munds. Grumblers. .It takes no special genius to t a grumbler, some one has said ; but show us, please, the first person not a grumb bier, when suffering with face-ache or neuralgia. 2ir. J. J. Kline, East Berlin, Pa., writes in'this wise: Sometime ago, Mr. Michael Trostel, of Paradise town ship, Pa., visited my store and complain ed of suffering with toothache ana neu ralgia in the faco Happening to have a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil open, I induced him to rub his face therewith. It acted so quickly that when he left all pain had vanished. " He took a bottle of the Oil for bis wife, who - was 6ick abed with rheumatism. Scarcely two weeks had passed, when my friend and his. wife re turned, happy over the result of the Oil; es it had cured her almost instantly, a WlHalnstoniui'g AdreaUro la ; "V ; . Cbarletton. : ; Mr. I. Bir&chbcrf , of this city, a well koown agar manufacturer, was in Charleston last week in attendance on the races ia that city. He lodged, while there, at a hoULthe name of; which we will not mention at this time. Aboat 3 o'clock, on 'Thoreday morning, he was aroused from sleep by hearing a noise in his room.,- He sprang from tlte bed and found a man in the room, who instantly ran jro tint the 5 passage, v Mrr- C inch; berg followed him and ran down into the passaze and into a room' which'; it seems this man had occupied. -The room had; I a larire window oneoioz on a lon&r veran da, which wss but one story abore the street. The rogno plunged through the window and dropped from the veranda into the atreet and so diaaoneared. Mr. mvv vuo iura bum sv uuajpooiGu. ur. Hirechberg mado an inrestigation and found that the thief had zone throneh -r- "T.".!! KTT on uwwu, anu gmAiaro laeieuuia uo I imuin a jtQ .i ..... TT . , the bulk of Mr. H.'s money, was secured about his person. That night (Thursday night), before going to his room, Mr. Hirschberg made up his money into a package and took it to the hotel office, where he dePite ifc for safe keeping, I taking a recsipt for it The next morn- mg, uu camng xor u, i ccmia noi, w I found. The night clerk was sent f and he 8tated he had given out a number of packages and I among them was probably that left by I "Mr TTireliKavi ha mnat Iibva 1 frivn nnt h mt.1rA: Thava waa nna I "J ' I package left, containing $123, which was I tendered to Mr. H. in lieu of his. which - - .-m- iuaw geaucmau ufcuraii reioaou iw ac , .V ; " I Z 8L , . , 1 Ul 111. OT 11 1 1 . LI KUUMfclUCU AMUU. . lid A&U LCI ' una. nuiuu uuukaiucu nuu. iub autci proprietor refused to make good the I " V ' " wu,. Mr. amount when he was cooly informed that he could recover nothing as he, the pro - prietor, was not worth $500. Mr. H. I thereupon consoited a lawyer who ad vis- oa mm to enter suit in the U. b. Uourt, stating that he thonghtthe amount could ha AAvAArl wVt ink kaen i)fn. 1 m FT;,.hKorn. tV,.. wtnaA iha 1,xfol I " 6 " and paid his bill, notwithstanding the dis. inclination of the hotel man to receive it, who stated that the amount had best be charged to him on account; and also Bjaiu iciuacuw buwh duo avaago vi S125 This be did under advice ot his lawyer. Mr. Hirschberg has retnrred here. He J8 1 hat his case is in able bands that he will be able to recover the entire 1 amonnt. I Havinsr been troubled with a very bad I Cough for about two years and having tried almost every cough mixture that was ever made, I have found none that has given me such great relief as Dr. Bull's Coueh Syrup and I earnestly re commend it to all afflicted. Bzxj: F. Dugqax, 14 Park Fl.. N. Y. The Easb tor Seats. The rush this morning at Dyer's for wvm. .w m . ... n ww - - . 1 1 , II.. est were taken before .9 o'clock. The obliging business manager stood at bis port, howerer, like .man, and fingered the cash a, rapidl, a, it ... tendered and a few mystem M'hifi .irrlA at triim. It was fan I - ----- r- v Vw. hit m fcUUO wuw tsw " ' 1 they baa to pari wim me nam caaa, um. it was Ihard on the o. m., wno iosii his breakfast to -accommodate other I people. .The fact that the price or re.l served seats was placed at $1 50 each ! rather seemed to add a zest to the rush far t Ha twfit rdaces. But we saw a band K I eome young mena o r' j i i - I stih as he nanaea out a ten aouar om &r b: and got his pa.tebo.rd and I one dollar in return. Wl iminstonlans In Durham. I . r- . 4. .w- r uA I The Durham Plant thus speaks of the new dry goods house recently opened m i that town by Capt. R. M. Mclntire, of! this city : - , , . lt.T-iS C u.ki;.).mafi ill .a11v a. credit to Durham. Their stock I ia la r ire and composed of the best goods, I and the arrangement is simply tnagnifi- cent. Mr. Muse, one of the .firm, and I who is in ehanre, promises to keep pace with the wants and necessities of our oeonle. and we have no doubt he will kA fiia nmmua to the tctv letter. 'W.e nave never seen a more complete stoek or I a' better cl&rs of goods in' cur large I ttieJt 1 I.. ' . - I auicklv show hew the thing is done. " s u tiistadii a ; cv?--: . -- - -- . v w a -- v am ia mtjk t m m. m m s- - - . . 0f I 8 trips oi pasteooara, wi-u some priaung i - i b-b-uh arm nnrBso w iAOOi jl . -A " , -i i j. ous figures enclosed :tn I bis tor easn, inma and ioors, iilass I t77- -r - r. ,vy-ri -The raf3e Jbr the organ which wad announced to take place at - Helnsbenr- ert to-day has been postponed. There area tew ucKetanot yet taken. - Only nine persons left here this morn ing for xAtlanta, but the nnmber was) expected to be largely increased between eighty excirsioniste to Atlanta oirer the Carolina Central. , " ; i" . i An Icxlclent Fire. There wsllan alarm of fire this after noon at the residence of Mr. Joseph Near- man, on Orange street, between Second and Third. "It seems that the chimney ba1 mb barned out this morning and no onehadtho elightest- snipicion that ay danger was to resnlttherefrom. But some of the woodwork behind the man- - tel.piece caughtjfire and smouldered nn" til this afternoon, irhen it suddenly burst ht. a TK. m.nt.1 - .J5IKP" oper tke direction of the Gen- -w. w -- 1 fell to the floor and burned a. lanra holal thftM tnH th i Ml ba aTf F Ilia sustained. The alarm spread through, out the neighborhood and a few buckets of water suppressed the flames before the engines, which had turned out, eonld ar rive at the scene. SQperlor Coort The attention of this tribunal- has been engaged during the day ia the trial of the case ot D. J. Gilbert ts. J. D. H. Klander. H case is concerning the 1 title to some real estate, and is being i.: Ur.- 1- " i " - I lt DIM. I otft.Wt I T5ii.,. Tft . . ' -.. iTffle this morning report the river A8 beiBg very l0Wf a great aealof difficulty in navigation in SOme I 'y rfw.. .... 1 I niATA. "h Miwrt (kit thm a 1 Vhitehal! last night. aU though it rained at times in torren to here I ' r a ' I flnnner thA Pari v nni4 urtha ntrvhf l Bargains may be' had in foot-wear at I Howet's. Stoek mrxst be sold?TNet j cash. 2w Personal. The Newbern Nut Shell says: Bey. on Wedceadav or Thumda nprt tr t.lrA . ' r w - " J"" charge of Front street Methodist Church. his charge for the ensuing year. Al though having been stationed in this city bat one year, Mr. Wood has won the high esteem of all his people and given entire satisfaction in his congregation. while he is regarded as a floe preacher j and a good man by all who are acquaint" A with him irran(tiTA 'of tn )nrkm? . . "uw wi aurcj. flace your fork m the lower jart of the breast, so as to hare the turkey at perfect command. If you understand your business the entire carving of the fowl may be done without extracting the I fork. First remove the wing and leg on one side, then the other wing and leg. Then slice off the breast, remove the "wing bone," the neck bones, and the neck itself. . Then cut through the ribs I and the job is fairly done. With proper I . . m m m ..I WUC tUCtC U av UCWNlliT VI UllUK bUO I I "V-r w--7;TJ ' . . r V v i' inn innn n nirawn it n n-.ra.Ti nnuu. r ri 1..1. ke? " ' h'?th. tkfJ"'Vl . a. 1 iL. . . .1.. 11 ' Ac. You can - get all size and t tb I u s . I lowest prices. - r T I .Sweet Penny Corner, : gameriy neeunsi 1 tro- he For the Wilmins-ton District of the Methodist E. Church. South. yiRsr mttkp. Nmit hVIIIA ' - " -I e 1 S I . - . i ' Brunswick, at Sharon, - . Jan 14-15 vv accaraaw Mission, at rmt uog. I Ja.m - . j v.- vi;mi.. .,T!iMi.ii. x-u , e Bladeo. at Windsor,-.' . . - Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 0olwib;Bt Bethany, Feb 23-26 (joharie Mission, at Wesley Chap-. el, . . - , V? arch -4 -5 wnminjton, at Fifth Street, M'iT.UlTVC,Mndl : irimminr , Aopsau. a uoiuD, . .Aec ol uai ;i x tlful lot of rennlne Mearaehaum Ploea and I waica a jnviie me attention of tte nn!. rK.n V m.k ifiiol?TrfcrougId .w-w, . ...w-i . aT no -iricv nvewaroi win meet I at Wilmington at the parsonsga of thai Front Street Church at 11 o'clock - 14 1 t,.-.,. rfMr ; on TossdayYTtbe 3rd of January; R. O. BCwtTOx Presiding Elder. Freshwater PercITront and Bliii tsh Hocis 'z scd JUses. i A full tzzcrU ec-it tzi 9tzzx vrizzj atJAeczrV J f Advortisernon to-" 1 882v c CHatterb JX f 1882 7 1 - " h ZiP1?' 1883 Diaries ' 18S9 bif ao wot pa ym BMKi- laiaaUy vKAXO-lRlA GOOQ8; importsi frcn " 1 ill . a ' iBUaJAXTUftS XiOQDa.. A&othsrlot re!lTr at . - f. 7 IlFtN .BEEGEfc'8, ... L4re Book aad Ksalo 8tore .deel lU. CrtOOTLiX, Auctioneer ; fBYJBOLf & MORlis, T ABGE AND PEREMPTORY SALE by (.- --si j-'-. -.--,. .7 Auction of Buggtes and Phtons, Mauufac tared by the, Uu .Cook Company: By rai rreirnt Acent oi i&a LhManealrVi A Ohio Ball war OomDany. and for account nf vwuvwimu, ru.u ecu i jriuww AUC of Wilmington N. C.,-on THURSDAY, Dc ttoI8 BIfGGIE8.l0Ck, 'M'lV ' UUU AAWUOO III but) Xby Do- 15 OPEN do. 8 8LDE-BAR do. 2 PH Y8ICIAN3 PHAETONS, lee 15-Xt-15-l7-20 " OPERA HOUSE. Only AppcraBce In Wllmlnarton of the Ulus- lustrions Italian Tragedian, " I f , Q . I C! I Tl . I V !V- i 1 I -S- I 1 Supported by Mr. MTLNES LETICE and an AMERICAN COMPANY mrAM(lAV w- 11 icci I - wlu prceeaiiea ft, . ' i. m m m - ,:Jtl 1 1;Q, Tredy 1,1 Act8 8hakea peaxe, adapted and performed by OTHELLO ROSSI Books of the Plays presented by Slgnor Roeci during his American totir can be pro cured iron tne attendants. dec ,14 4t DIAMOND md FOUND. L"U I'l-DA Y on Mark Lunu on .varKet street a X1 DIAMOND RING. Ownr can have A MOND RING. Own aame by calling at my COAL AND WW D wharf, and bnyitg a ton of COAL price lowaowo. ;vt :. W. A. HrKlNGcK., LEveiiwdy: Says Y1T . BAM THE " LARGEST ASSORTMENT - AND THE PgTTfKet ; Chrictm i ab Goods ' In' town. dec 11 Boot a atauoaery 8 re. Holiday A IABG AND ELEGANT- assortment buiuble for Holiday Presents, i At greatly --" ' . s , . Open every nhrbt until 10 o'clock. WILLIAM H. GREEN. v. . . . . . aec xmggist, juarket st - iPinfi finT.ffl.HnTlBT.J , Jne,V0nie.Ctl0neryk tlonery that can be bought ia the citvl i ? : p 95111 if h TIM ATC J , ; : r luutftMANB, dec 12 r r s Second and Princess sts. A Holiday Smolrca, tM TT.1J. - - - ... . iinr-uotanr bbiudib iot nonur uura. W ill b pleased to exhibit t heae rood to aU . , x.uttJU-xj-WAjr WKSESL c ;Ezehasge Corner ' JAOES'ICIIIJIJDS, 18 NOW OPENINd OJrE.OP.THE largest and most varied atoeks of Holiday Goods TeAlmtfrnm VT-Ma n nn. . f I inioi oeta meases, e. cailand examine. -fNr T h Q , C nn mfinol i tnVi l"l,an Tl AE IS TI2 FLicS - IB can ret 'thA eonlftrL.' nnrMt. mnif 'mMt acirtl2canri-lxed Buzomer Drfnlta to U round xn the city. -The :verv: best Wioeah vnampagnes an itsebest B .aslcoel - JOHJf CABKULL f I j,r.. pyeprutor. . f . U0X7 PLKAHB ITOTICfi. 3.J V9 mUl hglad to rmtre ouiBm'at!ra ftpa ovt frlaf oa amy au4 all ffrbk ef j' o gaaraltaaptt bat - - IS Fia una of ta wrtlar sa rst l vaja b f aiJd to 'tta Kdltor, " " . Ooaauaiaatlotti cut tsjwrlttat: on only oaacMaof tha papr. PamnalltlM mast b avoided and It la eapMiaiJy and panicalairly csdrr ttcod that ta Edifrwcoe not alwajs andorT thavitwaot eorravpoadeati cc!et so.itiTT to to-editorial eolus-na, " , y FALL AND WINTEQ G OODS AT. AViL. ra. ifc j, . rpBV Biiar A8302TED STOCK EVER brought to thla clrjj Uh all tha. Uteat Wov Mm eud Bhadea la i?atin MaTTelJleax, Satin do Ljon, Rbad-S atnrt urrahr, Brocadei, Wolxo An- ;. ' . tlqa Casae;i Hair, t ilk Tel- , C0L0HE0 SLACK AHD ItLUf.IIWA TfD CASHMERES; C Haariettas afohairs SaiUngs," Alpacas and Plalda ia'endlcas variety, Paaiameatarle, Friogea and TrimmlnjW hits Goodj, Houaeiwpiog Good', DOLLMANSj CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, Ilea andB ov'a Wear, Flannela, lferln-Ua derwear, Hoalerj, Olovea, Ooraeta, , I Laoea and Idgcga, w iORBPBS, J Staple & Domestic Goods. Ia eaort every taia deeir able. Warranted , to c?me up ia price and .quality, to'aoy ttmx sUpqm retail hcuaes North.' - Call and va extra experaa by laving from me. ffi. 36 Market Street ootSl TH M?im StaRE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RD spectfully notify hts friends and tho public that he has recently re-. , t turned from a visit to the, Northern Tarketo v : where -he has purchased the : HsLndsomes.t Display OF MILLIflEQY. FAWCf GOODS. ' nOTICFIS AMD HOLIDAY GOODS V he has ever offered in thisity. 1 : i I - - My stock is . - ' c, Gomplcio . And in l1 ir JKVtj gjfp-g I have thouands of. thinim x,hlrh i would take columns to enumerate. My fine, fresh FRENCH CANDIES specialty.: , I lead in these goods as my patrons well know. I have an elegant variety of. ' , " Millinery Good, n.ifs, ' My slock, of CHRI3TM AS nnnhcr is full and complete and having been bought low will be sold low. ?I respectfully invite a call and inspec tion. -r &L. FLAN AO AN, , Tkriety Store, nov 6 ' No. 42 Market street. -.-i TO THINR ABOUT ; . t HQTBEO SASH, ; : PLEASE ORDER EARLY. S fl DIlOrSR Afl RHM1Q rrr : Tww:r , , ALTAFFER. PRinPi Vnn . . . - - -- VV. mil