1HIH PAPKa poiUbil every attera9m. Bus da 71 fa 'tQU-r by ' jVfU. T. . rDITOR A.J FBOFBIXTOR. fill t8CaiPTIO8tF08'yAGE PAID. c tear,t& CO Six Econtfcj, $350 ; .Tttcej noctbB, f 1 25 ; Oce month, 60 cents. the paper will be delivered by carrier?, I ree of ebere, in any part of tbe city, at the ttoT rtei, or 13 eeata pr wek. Advertisis g rate low and liberal J yfHebieribera will please report any and jll failures to receive their papers rejruiarlj. New Advertisements. Sa3 d rvta . FOIt bhehhat: Kairnlnia. Sciatics. Lumbaao Backachs, Soreness of ihe Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Fains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pain3 and Aches. So Preparation tr.i carlb. equal St. Jacobs 0. n tcrfe, sure, simple and c7uap Extemf t fcroedy. A trial otaila but tbe comparatively trifling outlay of 50 CntR. and every one euffer ir with ria baTo cbep aad poeitlre proor cf tt claims. IHrctlon ia Elffren l.augucg. BOLD BY ALL DSUGOISTS A!TD DEALEE3 IH 1IEDICINE. A. VOGEZE2 & CO., Hal 1 1 more, 2Td.t VSJL Pap'B It da who to tel ''JUST ItoAGIrlEHOWiiFai." B'jsswick, Co., -Ya., NoTember 5tb, 1881. Mm. Joe Peusojt, Franlinton, N. C Dear Madam: It isf with pleasure that I writo to tell ou that your vuloa ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most feariul looking ?nd painful sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve months afro, very much like a rin' worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I coold think or hear of, until it becam so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. He' told me be could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or fixe weeks, and if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as tbe bane would become disensed, and my foot would have to be taken oF. J ust imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to loso my foot, or give up all business either of these Re me4Un wonld have ruined me. Mind jou this was the adTice of one of the best I . ....... t ft U P..vnlirQ 1 doctors in tne state oi ruriu and this conversation took plate Isist February. I continued to burn with caustic, as ho advised until September, but derived no benefit from bis trent ment I was advitcd then. by a friend to try. your Remedy. (Bitters aud Waeh) took th 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now waits as lar, 6anrA an much and iumn as high as any man von know. . Put me back to tbe l?t f Rat emKpr. let me know as mnch as I AV frt nf the virtue of your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, ir 1 could not get u x tc T think more of it than any uu?uin in the world. It is not onty the best Remedy to purify the b.ood and care all skin diseases, but I believe it will -it fcin? of blood diseases, and I k'bow it will cure a love for strone drink. will have this published, aa tV-rir manv sufferers who could be eured, if they could . know c f and pet your Remedy I am truiy ana pp- j. JOS. R. MASON, South Gaston, N. C. Tie Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wm. If. ureen. oeou i- n lar of testimnial?. nov 14 d aw Children's Cloaks Ladies' Cloaks - I AND ULSMIIO, ffnst Xleceivcd. Lace Collars, Lace Collarette So RU68 AND MATS and msnv other new aad pretty tlirgs. JR. W. r.lclntire. TB VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. Nbw Advebtisemexts. PnoroaiLS Shares Capital 8tock W b WRK OiriNfEZiiGcn 1Ss2 Chatterbox 1S82 Villi am H. Oheek Holiday Good. James U IIusds Druggist CW Yates Cbrietrnaa Uooda NothiDg doicg in roagtstcrial eirclca to-day. . he receipts ot cotton "at this port tc foot up 684 bales. . Co, top adTacced in Now York ioA&j on spotaud on futures. At cost for cash. Tbe large stock of boots and fhocs at IIowet'6. 2w . . Ktf flmohin Rrnnlnfnr. Mills. (d from New York on the 14th iDSt., for NnrwPiriiin baroue Leo. Andersen. L sailed from Stettin on the 11th inst for - D " 4 ' I this port. Schr. Eaqle. Newman, from Boston .1.; n?.t ni at Uinovaril HaTPn nn I tor this pert, was at Vineyard Haven on the 9ih inst. - : : . , n I et's shoe store. 2w The Com!ey-B.irlon opera company were to hve played Olivette m Char lotte last night. Some verv fine Myrtle urove oysters . i.:. were offering in market this morning at 75 cents. a bushel. Quite a number ofour country cousins are in town today, but the main force will be along next week. r, rr iOQ... ,a ineoieaui.uK for Beaufort this evening to get some scow tobeuBed for dredging purposes. Schooner Maru E. Vanleaf, Thorn dike, from Rockport for this port, was at Dutch Island Hnrbor on the 12th inst. : - TTTt t.u-- henr. L,avima r narren, uuuuaua, cleared to-day-at this pnri.for Port-au I r i vrnr i n tit riur kiiiiuii'ii 1 nince wua '"-"""""'"-rr"- by Messrs. tu. ivioutro. - T- TTIJJ f. Q I A man who does not buy a Christmas present for his wife cow and hide it, will 1 . r it. itnnnaKinn sith the legendary clay. Some of the young genueroeu av A A ;tu ni-airrmirinrr for a maSQUer I ftdeba!l to take place on tho 22d insf.. n it Thursday, at the Academy in that luuie;, a " 1 1 I'jnu- I . 1 The ccoi weather begins to affect men who reeularlv stand on the street corner TKr nat their hanua deep- iur"K. i er into tncir eu-iJ-.j -....-.r growing ,1 cunt,AreA I ouuuiuv.v-. I Children's School Shoe, both lace and button, AT cost fob cash, at I 2w nowsr's. T,..i- ;ii Ka revived, nn to 12 ,'clock of January 5th, at the office of it r w Thomnson. Secretary and Mr J. W. rhompson, oecrctary uu Treasurer, for the purchase for cash, at ia fcan nur of 2 000 shares of the uv : : ... f, A w.lJ. the boatswain iniured from be cnpiiai siock oi vuo mmw,. .R. -w- Citr Court. Charles Williama.a white seaman, was before the Court this morning for disor. derly conduct lie was sent below for lodavs. This was th 3 only case for con feidi rtion ibi mominjr. Bart-aiusmay be had in foot-wear at Howet'. Stock most be toia. we tasn. - i iv O UnnmiUblo ; matter, add i ri r-r -lli. . . annrpsKPU bh unmauauie ui. ' lows, remains in the Postoffice in this C1 One stamped envelope, illegibly ad dreBsed; Mrs Kate Flames, Fayetteville N C; Mis? Carrie Thompson, 76 Kedall st. Boston, Mass; MUs Alice Hollingsear, Green Creek. Cape May Co, N J; one government envelope with no address. Beautify, yonr nomea by using the N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted. Bold only at Jaqobb. t Praiso iho Drldije that carries Too. Though people vote itrightthat those -living in gl .ss houses should not tbrow stems' it is eminently proper that those orkioein gUss houses should say a Vood word" for anything of especial ben tBt to themselves, lu thls connection. Mr. Isaac Correy, Manager Salem, N, J. Ulass Works, remarks: I am pleased to f av that 1 have usd the Great Remedy, t nil fnr Rheumatism with ex- cellent results; other members of my fam Schooner EMe . Simmons. Chad wt& I nr - hence, Tia Wood'i Hole, where he put io, cut down by cqjlision and full of water, arrired at Portlands Me., on the 13th tost bound to Waldoboro. o-rtt ' Thejiirywert discharged from farther serTico for this term of court. The day has been passed in hearing-mot Ions, and in arguments upon quesUons of Uw. The court will probably not adjourn until to- morrow. t ilce BpniedT tortM.- - h Ar hot ' Iematvade is one of tne - oeat ' '11 Ti 'l .lt1 remeaies wr a coia. a ac prouuj and efficiently, and has no unpleasant r aiWT euects. uob saoa.u fiW,u,M' a. ' . fcr a. - S A.wlJ kA MAfMn4l squetse. cut it slices put witl sugar -it . t.if KaU DO COTBreu wim a uu a iu v waier. . i i m 3 a.. mam mam i aAVj.i i m an t anaaono.epo juuj., niT. t nia raraKav win waiu uu out 01 i tack of chilis andferer, if used prompt- .t-m j ir -- Tk. jmM,ot Vn Tttfn.tA nn is I logt for the winter He should sling ft..tL.. a1 awd tinnnmM I together some sweet oil and liquorice ana onng out u cougn un . . I t- Unii'. iinnnh Mcrnn nrvps nni tirv i " " v""u j-r ' rf I Disappeared' Mr. Robert Reece, a stranger in theL. cit bas been in the employ of Messrs J Altaffer. Price & Co-for about a week and hh nam on in inn iksl niuru&v i . . . ft f 1 i. CI - A 3 I r r . . . . n A 8 u.Jf , ' . . ... . . bill in full, and since then has not been either at the mill, or at his recent boarding place. Fears are entertained bv his friends for his safety. 1 ' . usmana reanuHunrara. We learn from . friend that a barn LontainiDg 250 bashels of peanuts. I the Tiies, on the plantation of Dr. J. Q. Bhepard, at Hcotta Mill, . was aestroyea by flre on the nignt oi tne mi tn The barn was partly covered Dy jnsur- a u. .--4.. -hch helonirBd werr 0IL m mm in.nrAd. Several hundred bushels or - Deanuts bad been stored in the barn and had only been removed the day before the fire, thus, fortunately, escaping dc .1 . TV. Am mi (Airionlftl. Don't Die In the Rouse. , drj8t8 for ..Rouxh on Rats." t An ..fn mtM Kpi hnera. roach es, vermin, flies, ants, insects. 15c. per 601. " " ' ... tAM.1. !... A uujmMR - f Br. barque Mary -amv Damn, ncocu, ror ixmaon, nas arrive CJ, uKt in aisiress auarepum I . . .0 v la ..,.i.-na ofi arAiencea a saccessioa 01 btotj uwij?ot ino rfiiminsum jsibum, wi r throusrnout tne paawge. vu .. .. . 1 2lst ult., snip was strucs: ny a nearj bulwarks and main rail on L M hr bflam. uu, !iU" :rr. " I " " enas ior severa noura. ah tides weae washed off the deck and sail had to be cut away and part of the cargo iettisoned in order to Tighten the ship; ijeiuauaBu Tinrino- the also damaged. During tne boats are aale the mate had his conaroone awto- ste had his collarbone aisio- , - . . . i-S knocked oretboard o.d b.cit .gam- i To Bnflders and others Go to Jaco , f Rash. Blinds and Doors, Glass y0u can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t. . oitflazratlon v ..i... -sii, .hnnt l R00 t Oc uru, wb'ui - . bashels of rice, at the Sans 'Swa-plan ution .belonging to Mr. John if. urren,i I - . . . ii ttr nna rnia mnrn i wkb lomiiv uhuuicu u; ing. The rice destroyed was bnt a sniall I f4ka Mn mIii1 hv Mr. Gurell I iwfuu" . i ..... hiaar hnt.fortnnatelT.Uie larger por- tion had been sold and delivered, or the loss would hare been mueh more severe. The alarm was sounded and the fire de partment turned out promptly, three of the companies, the A. Adrian, the Little Giant and the Hook and Lad der. havinz jrot across the Fourth street bridce. when they ascertained tbat the fire was outside of the city limits and turn bow the fire eaia. .- " nnVinated. as both Mr. GarreU and his fnwman Mr Brav. were ia the City when fT' There was tai usiuuu in- riv... - aLa f n nort ranee on tne rice w w "V j and on the barn for $1,000, both Insured in the London Assurance, of which Mr. Samael Northrop is the agent in - . this city. . . . i V . v (f as ten tU rompiun pio Our reader. wiuproDaoiyreoc kdailar'cntexTbstfBaMr tee Prtacri! mp mw-iMiiiiini. MEVIEWo ' Ferioni!. ; , . f - : We were glad to receife a call to-day from Capt. Swift Galloway, the Tery eS cient, and at the same time Tery popular Solicitor of this district. He is here to witness the closing scenes of the Super! - art lor this .County, but ,as it isall btmnese, there is nothing for him p. - Bn ff Mon; day, .where Jadge Shipp will hold court next week. ; . 5 ent's scoicnisoiouatiersana Tanora other stylesjat etJtHowxt2w tTho Knows t , . . n rArfl-.j at ' . tJllf .d to Messrs 1 1 j .T. W. TTlJala na. Th eard is from piu parporta to """w "T rr , ... n h. n P mn ivMtmFAt that wlace. It states tbat a stranger edat that place haTing a lm. there .fa Tlcittit7 atngot ia pwag oi mewouw 5 wu. on a big spree ; that he lay down at some little distance from tbe road, and it was said that he was frightened oft . . .. ..... . t ftnd not abje to fln(J tne afterwards. , . ft . . . ; m x, .: rkuiaL lost., a colored man found the package, which was examined by Mr. Bryan Ad ftA, T iW ,n-ii.i- -n w.i. . trm v, a m on the bottle . nna wno. M.i. n nTe 7 ae wno 108 man coma of Death of Mr Flunuaer. We are pained to learn that Mr. John Plummer, the venerable father of Capt John W. Plummer, of-PlumnersTille, itobeson county, in tuii State, aiea ai hn residence, at Fairbault, Mmn., en i. n,k hn ta .r Th UmmaAt .t. U.a f hi. Jth an jdent.wlifch'occwiwl to hint a few diyi belore Hu;Ie amux a ttrett in yairbaHit , at a time when a horse was driyeri rapidly along the same 8tre. ; a0t beiQfir rr deal, not .-- f l.r f ihm Jf " wrto to wUch .f.i.ii .m,ir him Inth Wd M(J friustlired his skull, from which he never recovered, although had the best of medical attendance. ' I ti. rtt .1 UI.M.11 V,m birth, but had been a resident ot this country since 1851. He was ths father i 01 cniiuren, xi. wi whom are now imng. The Prairie Da Chein Courier, iQ Peakin dth says - oThni mhaiI tT another irood man. I r " I m i i.: - . ....... Vf . 1 10 uuh aiui v twy " man ia every MnB6 of Uie word ... V I .. .. ,r . i c,t. 1 aieinoaub cj. vaurun, ouuu. FIRST B0T7XD. Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Dec 17-18 I Wiimington. at Front Street, Dec Z-i l Topsail, at Union, . Deo 31, Jat -1 I Smithrille . . . Jan .1-0 Brunswick, at Sharon Jan li-15 Waccamaw Mission, at Pina Log, vv&ltevi ie, atvy niteviue. an o- Elizabeth,at Eluabethtown, Feb 4 -6 Bladen, at Windsor, . reb.Xl-121 jjiaden, at Windsor, . reo hji Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 ri,.K Rnth.n. X" rV: r:7w'!.; Ch.. i uuaaaaw aa w m w - I n,-. tWeslev Cha'riel. March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon. . March 18-19 rJ3The District Stewards will meet at w.lmington at the parsonage of the Front Street Church at 11 o'clock a. bl. on Tuesday, the 3rd of January. 182. i - . - CV. V. OV MLTUM 4 Presiding Elder. i I.. 71 Frfhwater Kerch- LrOTit ana Diacsi . . . fisn Hook8 ftnd a full assort. I . . . x. I mpnt and lowesx unces ai lanoar t Female School. BCR A JAMXP.PraeSpaJs uUu m a ('iraniKn u.rMi iimmmm rpQR KIOHTKbhTH AOaL, Heasioa X cf taia 8bool ill eomntsea a d.Jf October ath, lssi. and dow atxmspe pm?iu W1D mtsr afur Brtt mf wia I ba ahred o&!v from data cf eatraaee, bvt itlseapaetadtfiaywifl attend eohod tha ra- . d17Zf.Y- 4oa uiea otheriae pra - I vented by ill health , or rea vai irota wa U " 0MM of "l uKiwiwww- . . - I Th tflniM bf iutraetloa will b as bera-I toiV,boroub and f staati, aaeh catld rACeiTlfiC indlTidcal ataati a fro a tba ria - clpal. - - - .aa GUUIHUI " IV W . w wwwwwww mm 1 krg-. Castlof. Fni.Ua oatstde the KlAOOL VUUBf 1 W IW IM WtWHi eaa,ea-at withsait nia DDiiiiituu .ym ? vli!!?," rfTFritr " . a . . . - ' " " w . & - 16. 1881. NO; 296 I7eT7 Advortisemerjta Proposals "11 7 ILL? BX RECEIVED for the purchase at ot less than par, cath, of not . exceed. Ing.TWO THOUSAND 8 OA RES of the Capita Stock of the WilmlogtOB &. Weldon Railroad. 8ealed bids to be addressed to J. W. THdMPSON, Treasurer, Wilmington, N. C., marked "ProposaU', up to 12 o'cik. Ttoraday, 6ttiaanary1832. ' dcl5Stawt5thJ i e 'v': ' ' 1882 Chatter b x 1882 : - .. Is B ard and Oloth. ; 1883 Biaries 18S3 OAT a OLIO PRaYutt Bt0K, latctiy bovad. J AM I LI BIBLES KALO-1IRD A GOOD R, iasportoJ from v " ' Chlaa ' ;' ' . RUSSIA LOATHES GOODS. Another ot Just revived at - - HIW BERORt'g, dao 1ft Uvt Hook and aste Htora OPERA HOUSE. Only Apperarceln Wilmloeton of the Ulu- laatrieua Italian Tragedian, RIOISISIII- Sntmorted bv Mr. MILNE 8 LEVICE and aa AMERICAN cOMPHY Mondoy, Dec. 10, 1881, will be presented 0 't Iol ell Tragedy In Five AcU, by Wllliim Phaksa. paaro, sa ipiea ana penonnea oj ERNESTO RUS8I. BOSS I - BoKs of the Plays presentedby t Stgnor 1 Koal during nit American garew Jiro. ctired iron yi indants DIAMOND BINQ FOUND. FOUND TO-DAT on Market street a DIAMOND RING. Owner can have aamebv calling at mr COAL AND WO'D wharf, and bujing a ton of COAL-prtco low down. j. a. orttinua.rt. do ti . : ; Everybody Says Y A T HAS THE LARGEST A8S0RTMEHT AMD THS PRETTIEST C h riotmao C do d s la town. ' : . daolJ Book aad Stationery Store. Holiday Goods. . LaBq ANo ELEGANT aaaortment Aof ARTISTIC and USEFUL goods. emitable tor Holiday Freaenta. At greatly! suitable for Holiday rreeente. At greawy aroucxn PBicsa -: -: v . I oneu ererr i tent nntu to o'cick. lUAM B. OBBBN. dec 12 Druggist, ; Market st Fine ; Confectioneiyi I HAVE JUST RETURNED WITH THE nest and Cheapest assortment of. Confec tionery that can be Mu?ht t the city . Sweet Penny Cormr. dec 12 .. Second and Princess st. A flOlidaV t lllOkP. rflHE BEST OF CIGARS and Tobacco and X Tobacco.Gooda. Beat a ceni igarmi the dtv. wrranted. Jut received a t-au- tUU lot or gsuioe Meewcnaum npe ana Clnr Holds' s. enltable for Holiday Gifts Win be pleased to exhibit these goods to au. 1 Bonth Front at two doora below JAI1ES G. IITJIIDS, Druffgiot, T8 VOW l I W OPENING ONE OF THE largest caoat w led stocks of Holiday Goods brocffht to this dty, consisting of ToU.t Vae,la Bri and GUt.Cel- iiiiini4 8etafneaaea.&. (Janand examine. I ' - " ' 1 -TF rt ra rt mr n n I S f n n w I m i. . -n vi n I m it. . ttttitd v . VI 11 ui K-C . ... . . . . . Jt . I OnQHS AriQ ntUHS . . ..Ml 111 n. M ri I I Chap an " Liquora alw.ya on band Kh. bciVcCx that ? m.iK Mm.TT I B trieeel cZU JOIUl OAJtRDLL, . . : PLSA8B NOTIGX. T7 V0 be f lad to receive eomjnrrJ-eiiJps from omr Wend oa. amy and al fabJeottT , CMcnl lstarwt bit : " , WW tsae of the writer t&zti always be fa aiiaed to the Klter. " ' - Oomnaal tknu aaxt feejwrittes; ob alj eae dda- of tbe paper. v jranonaiiusa men o avoissa And tt If eepeeielly and ortisalarly under flood that the F-dJrn does not alwys endon : the rie ve of edrreepocdeata r sales so.ftst bi tie editorial eolu"-o,. 17o w Ad vertiem e n to. " FALL AND VjNTEQ GOODS AT Dff Iff.; EATS'. ' I bronght to th t tity, with all the lAtett ffcv ! eltits ard f hades la DRESS GOODS. ?a In HarveCleax, Satin d Lynn, RhaA.' ; ' amf nrraht, Brocade , Uoira Ao tiqoe, din' Hair, i ilk Val- - Ttf FlOJbeS . COLORED. BLACX AfiD ULUMIUA' TED CASHMERES Bnriettu, Mohairs, Saitiagi, Alpstas Ud IMd t j cndltM virtttj, Puiametts Is, Fxicges and Trhnmiogi,Whito Qoodf, OOILMANS. CLOAKS MID SHAWLS, Ken asdBnv's Wear, Flannels Ifsrlao Ul darwaar. Hosiery, Gloves, CorMta, Aiaees and : Edgsgi, ' . CTJRTATKT LAOBO, Staple & Domestic Goods, In soort everytala desirable. Warranted to one np ia price sad qaalltr to'aay sisa J. . ni;rrom retail homes North. . . 1 . Ca'l ana e -- froas ne. I. I. KATZ, 36 Market Street ootSl " THH VARIETY STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RD spectfnlly notify his friends and tht public thatbe has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern Marketc where he has purchased the Handsomest Display ' , .' ; of . . .m , iiirov FAMCy Ofinnfi MiLUniKTt l-AMCT UUUUJ. fiQTICflS AND HOLIDAY OQQDti he has erer offered in thiscity My stock is ' . - - -nd in "; .. ' I have thousands of thines whi.h It would takdcnlnmns to en am-rate. Iff fine.frrsh FRENCH CANDIES are a specialty. I lead in these goods as my patrons well snow, x have an elegant variety of AIillinry- Good, Oalu, to which 1 invite the attention of the Ltdies. My stock of CHRISTMAS G00D3 is full and complete and having beta bonght low win be sold low.- ' 1 respectfully invite a call and inspec tion. LL. FLANAGAN. - Variety Store, . nor 6 No. 42 Market street ; TO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. PLEASE OBDEB EABLY. BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBSJL 6a ALTAFFER, PRIOi: t 00. ily bayo also been greawy wcsw i nir Cain ens ....... I mM m m-mmf- lit ltjuii.

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