,BDiiibl erer, afternoon. Buadays j8 II . T. J A BI B 9 1 tliTOB AHD TROPBIETOE. ncBI FTIOyH, FOSTAGE PAID. JCa(TEthJ,fl 15; One month, SO cent. lie FFfr ' be delivered by carriers, cfctrf:,in"i7 pert of the city, sithe Lre rte, or 13 oests per w.k. AdTertiiojr rte! ,,,w Ed libn -Subscriber- will pleaserepcrt any ttd U frilsres to receive their papers regularly. pTew Advertisements. Ewrwffl? Biff r- ft ti$&ffl$&g& FOR tlfiUmAJLIdlTli Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of iho Chest, Gout, Quinsy. Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and , Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Vo Proration on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil f safe, surt, simple and cheap External km!-. A trial entail but the comparatiTcly trifliur outlar of oO Cents, and every one euffer irg with rn can bare cheap and positiro proof el its claims. Directions in Eeren Languages. EOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AM) DEALERS IN 1IEDICIKE. A. VOGSIiSR & CO,, HaltinuHre, MdL, V, S, JU tp:ill2'dair-liie tc "JUST imaoihe:how l-FELT." Brunswick, Co,, Va.t November 5th, 1881. Mk5. Jor Pkrson, Franklinton, N. O. Dear Madam: It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valua b!e Remedy has entirely cured rue of a most fearful looking and painful sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve months aj-o, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking plate. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. He told me be could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or five weeks, aid if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. Just imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or gire up all business either of these Re medies would have ruined me. Mind jou this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, nd this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with caustic, as he advised until September, Vint- M-it?nl rr lionnfit frntn Vila i ritmpni. I was advised then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and "Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect- ij cured, and l can now wai as iar, uauce as much and jump as high as any man jou know. Fut me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as 1 ww do of the virtue of your Remedy, ad I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lar a bottle for it, if I could not get it fcr less. I think more of it than any Medicine in the world. It is not only best Remedy to purify the blood and ore all skin diseases, but I believe it will re all kinds of blood diseases, and I ow it will cure a love for stronir drink. I hope joa will have this published, as there are many sufferers who could be ped, if they could know c f and get your kedy I am truly and respectfully, JOS. R- MASON, South Gaston. N. C. . "e Remedv is for sale in Wilmington JJ Dr. Wm. H. Green. Send forcircu oftestimnials. nov 14dw Child ren Cloaks Ladies' Cloaks AND llTBRs, .Just Received. it 61 d Uce Collars, Lace Collarettes. ! cGS AND MATS and many other new Pretty muz. JR. M.fclclntire. nn H VOL. V I WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. New Advebtisemexts. Jxo J Uedrick For the Holidays Alex. T, London, Com'r Plantation for Sale Heinsberges 18b2 Chatterbox 1832 William H. Greex Holiday Goods. James C Muxds Druggist C W Yates Christmas (io The days are now at their shortest One week to Xmaa,from to-morrow. Nothing to report in Magisterial clcs tc-day. cir- Supcrior Court adjonrned at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Sunset to morrow afternoon at 47 min utes past 4 o'clock. Selling out to close business at How et's shoe store. ' 2w Schooner J. J. Ward, Inman, hence, arrived at Baltimore on the 15th inst. Gent's Scotch Sole Gaiters and variou8 other styles at cost at Howey's. 2w Many pride themselves upon being wild young men, who are only wild beasts. Barque .Den 2den April, Sorensen, hence, for London, passed Deal on the 2nd inst. -There was but one interment that of an adult in Oakdale Cemetery this week. There was only one interment that of a child in Bellevue Cemetery this week. Barque Sigyial, Williams, heace, for London, arrived at Gravesend, on the 2nd inst. . He who knows his ignorance is the possessor of the rarest kind of valuable knowledge. Day's length 9 hours and 34 minutes, and next Sunday will be exactly the game length. Steamship Regulator, Mills, from New York, arrived at her wharf in this city this forenoon. We saw a two horse wagon here to-day with a cargo of clay pipes, which was all the way from Oxford. Schponer John A. Grijjin, from Philadelphia, for this port, passed New castle on the 14th inst. t -7-; 1 There were five interments one adnltand four children in Pine For est Cemetery this week. A little spirits of turpentine added to the water with which floors are wash ed will prevent the ravages of moths. To-morrow is known in the Church calender as theFourth Snnday in Advent. It is the last Sunday before Xmas. When a young man wants to protect a young lady he naturally puts his armer round her. And she likes such a coat of male. The most confirmed case of dyspepsia can be cured by the following: Wheat bran, two tablespoon fuls, three times a day, taken dry. Dictionary holders have come into general use. Something is panted now that will hold an umbrella until the own er wants to use it. - Koosh.OD Rats." The thiDg desired found at last. Ask druggist for Rough on Rats. It clears out rats, mice, roaches, files, bedbugs. 15c. boxes. Rev. Frank 11. Wood, the new Pastor of Front Stieet M. E. Church, has ar rived in the city, and will fill the pulpit of the church to-morrow. Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f John Lewis, a colored boy, was ar rested at 12 o'clock to-day, by Officer Woebse, charged with the larceny ot a number of bottles from Mr. A. D. Wes sell, and will be brought up for trial on Monday,! Port Huron, (Mich.) Commercial. It Saved Mj Lire. Speaking to us recently on the subject, Charles Nelson, Esq., proprietor, Nelson House, observed: 1 suffered so much with Rheumatism that my arm withered, and physicians could not help me. I was in-despair ot my life, when some one advised me to try St. Jacobs Oil. I did so. and as if by magic, I was in stantly relieved, end, by the continued use of the Oil entirely cured. I thank heaven for having used this wonderful remedy, for it saved wiy life. It also cured n?y wife. J I Unnilliile Unmailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the PcstofSce in this city; r One government stamped envelope with no address; Miss Alice Hollingsear, Green Creek, Cape May Co, N J; Mrs Kate Flames, Fayetteville, N C; - one stamped envelope, with no address. An effort existing without a cause is an impossibility; tickling in the throat, huakinesa of the voice, vUTent coughing, etc, are the elects of a severe cold. 1 r. Bull's Cough "Syrup cures the cold at once and removes its serious effects. For toe Holidays Messrs. D. A. Smith & Co. nave just completed their arrangements for Christ mas week. For two weeks pat they have been in receipt of large shipments of furniture as well as of toys, and now, by dint of working nearly all night for several nights past, the unpacking has been completed, and the display has been arranged. They have not only an elegan assortment of furniture and housekeeping goods, but the toys and notions they display on their long bargain counter would make old Santa Clans': eyes glisten, to say nothing of longing little boys and girls. Children's School Shoes, both lace and button, at cost for cash, at Howey's. 2w Hon. A. 8. llerrlmoi. This distinguished gentleman has been invited by quite a number of the promi nent and . leading citizens of Pender county to address the people at Birgaw during Pender Court They invited him to speak on the Present Condition and Future Prospects of North Carolina, embracing the vexed question ot rail roads in this State. Judge Merrimon makes a courteous reply to the efiect that important professional engagements demand his presence lae where during Pender Court, but that on some other oc casion he will accept the complimentary invitation and address the people of Pen der, where he is very popular, on the subject proposed. Skinny Hen Wells' Health Renewer. Absolute cure for nervous debility and Weakness of the generative functions, $1 at drug gists. Depot J. C. Minds. Yesterday's Fire It is now ascertained that Mr. Garrell's loss at the fire yesterday atf'SansSouci," is considerably more than was at first anticipated; but not as much as has been stated by some. It will amount, in all; to about $7,500, while the insurance was about $5,000. These are the amended figures, and are about as exact as they can be made. The barn was a very large one and was almost quite new. It contained a large quantity ot straw and about 1,500 bushels of rough rice, which had recently been threshed out. It is impossible to state how the fire occurred t and Mr. Garrell is loth to-think that it could have been incendiary. Personal and Historical Maj. Gen. H. G. Wright, Chief 0 Engineers U. S. army, and, after the death of Gen. Sedgwick, at Spotsylvania Court House, the commander of the Sixth Army Corps, during the war, was expected t arrive here last night, on a tour of inspection to the .works at tne mouth of the river. He did not, how ever, arrive, and it is not now definitely known at what time he will be here. Gen. Wright's corps, the Sixth, it will be remembered, held thelS&d line in the Federal army at the battle of Cedar Creek, and it was those troops that first offered any forceful resistance to the Confederate troops on that day, the two other lines of battle, composed respect ively of the 18th and the 19th corps, having been driven back likerclouds by an angry wind, before the impetuous onslaught of the Confederates under Gen. Early. General Manning, of this city, was Chief Quartermaster on Gen.-Wright'i staff during a large portion of the war, and it was through, him that we learned of the expected arrivaL Bargains may be had lafoot-wear at Howxr'a. Stocsf uzst be told. Net cash. ' ' 2w A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man., Kites rise against and not with te wind. Even a head wind is better than none. No man ever worked his passage anywhere in a dead calm. The receipts of cotton at this port tc day foot up 935 bales. goed lady on Third street is threaten ed with insanity, because she thinks a story she heard at the Sewing Society is true-. . - . - The Reg-'ster of Deeds isssued six marriage licenses this week, three of which were for white couples and three for colored, couples. Imported silk handkerchiefs :have a centre of one color, and a border of a contrasting one, with a dewny little chicken embroidered in one corner' The idea has become prevalent that the young ladies who practice tight lacing are fast. This is an error, as they are really the most stayed among their sex. At cost for cash. The large stock of boots and shoes at Howey's. 2w At Flanagan's. If Santa Clausjhasn't taken up his headquarters at Flanagan's this year1 he has at least made it one of his prin cipal depots for supplies. Mr. Flanagan has always been noted for the large as sortment and the excellent display he makes about Christmas time, and this year he has certainly excelled himself. We have never seenin Wil mington a handsomer and more extensive assortment of those things which go to make up the children's Xaas. His store will be crowded every day next week. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You can get all sizes andatth lowest prices. f Depredations at Oakdale. The lodge at Oakdale Cemetery was broken open on the night of the 16th inst., and the desk of Mr. Donlan, the Superintendent, was rifled of a suit of oil cloth, a light coat and a gold-moon ted penholder which was especially valued a1 a present made to the Superintendent some 18 yeara ago. There was also taken one carpenter's brace and evera other articles of value belonging to the Cemetery company. The entrance was made by prying up a window and the desk was opened by breaking the lock with a stove iron. The loss to Mr, Don lan will amount to about $30, and that o the Cemetery Company to about $15. Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District ef the Methodist E. Church, South. FIRST SOUND. Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Dec 17-18 Wilmington, at Front Street, Dec 24-25 Topsail, at Union, . Dec 31, Jai 1 Smithville . . . Jan 7 -8 Brunswick, at Sharon, . . Jan 14-15 Waccamaw Mission, at Pine Log, Jan . ... . 21-22 Whiteville, at Whiteville. Jan 28-29 Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown, Feb 4 -5 Bladen, at Windsor, . Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 Cokesbury, at Bethany, . Feb 25-26 Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap el, . . . March 4 -5 Duplin, at Wesley Chapel, March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon, . March 18-19 The District Stewards will meet at Wilmington at the parsonage of the Front Street Church at 11 o'clock a. m on Tuesday, the 3rd of January, 18s2. R.O. Bolton Presiding Elder. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A fall assort. ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f " cnorcn services. Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows; - v''V: ST. JAJCX8 PARISH. , Corner Third and Market streets, Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Rector. Fourth Sunday ia Advent December 17th. Celebration at 8 a. m. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. SuiidiY School : at 3 p. m. .Evening Prayer at 4 o'clock. : FIRST BirriST CIIDRCH, comer of Market and Fifth streets. Rev J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School a 9:30 a. m. Services at 11 a. xn. and 7:30 n. m. Brooklyn Sunday School at 3 p. m. Young Men's Prayer Meeting Tues day night at 7:30 o'clock, rriyer Meeting Thursday nlghUt 730 o'clock. -ST. rxuL's xvAjra. vothksmx csubch, Comer Sixth and Market streets. Bev.'G. D. Bernheim, L. D-, pastur. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Ki gUsh terries at 11 a.m-and 730 ft m. FRONT S1JUCXT M. K. CHURCH, (SOUTH) corner Front and Walnut streets, Bev. . a. Yates. D D pastor. Services at 11 a. m- and 8 p.m. , Sunday School at 3 p. m. , W. M. Parker, strrU Christian As aodation meets Tuesday evenings after th first and third Sundays in each month Prayer Meeting and Preaching Wednesday evenings at oxuxx.2 17, 1881. NO. 297 Uott Advorticemontfl. EdD3 Ae I AM OFFERING A C1REAT VIUETY OF NE AT AND HANDSOME ARTI- jc ctttt dt.p wnif TrtKKTYTS : - I offer the largest and cheapest stock of Handkerchief?, in V fci'ev ( tear La wrj'okred "Borders and Fancy Hsndkerchiefs. in Fancy Cartots. -All Lireti L'ordeietl Jlankerctieff, at 10 c!s. each. A Variety of Cotton Handkerchiefs as 1 y as 3 rents. For G-oza.1;leYTn 033. L. C. Handkerchief, In handsome carton with ( hristmas Card; Gent's Colored Box dr L. C. Handkerchief a, ivnperior qdality.. . Ladies', Gents and Children's Silk Handkerchiefs, ia every style and quality, at prices ' from 15 cents to $2 each. j Spanish Lace Ties and Fichus, at prices which dafy competition. Silk and Lawn Ties, Collars and Collarette. Gent's Neck Ties, the largest stock in the city. Boy's Neckties, at 5 centSftipwards. A number of low priced handsome articles, suitabl lo servants. . Our Christmas Towels surpass , all others. Table Cloths, Table Covers, Piano Covers, Handsomo Napkins andDoylas. Corsets, Calicoes, Cheap Goods for Men's Ladies and Gentlemen desiring to make invited to give me a call. die 17 Everybody Says BA9 TBB LARGEST : ASSORTMENT AND THE P&ETTIKST Christmas .Goods !' Xn tows. ; .1 dee IS Book and Stationery Store. Holiday Goods. ALARGK AND ELEGANT aaaortment of ARTISTIC and USEFUL goods, buitahle for Holiday Presents. At greatly BXnUCXD PRICES. Open every night until 10 o'clock, . WILLIAM H. GBEEN, dec 12 Druggist, Market st Fine Confectionery! 1 HAVE JUST RETURNED WITH THE "nest and Cheapest assortment of Confec tionery that can be bought in the city. ZIMM&BMAN'S, Sweet Penny Corner, dec 12 Second and Princess sts. A Holiday Smoke0 THE BEST OF CIGARS and Tobacco and Tobacco Goods. Best 5 cent Cigar in the city, warranted. Just received a beau tiful lot of genuine Meerschaum Pipes and dear Holders, Suitable for Holiday Gifts. Will be pieasea to exniDii inese gooas 10 au. N. GREENEWALD, South Front St., two doors below decl2-2w Exchange Corner JAHES C LTLTUDS, Druggist, IS NOW OPENING ONE OF THE largest and most varied stocks of Holiday Goods ever brought to this city, consisting of Toilet Hets, Vases, In Bronze and Gilt, Cel. lulold Sets in cases, & . Call and examine. The Cosmopolitan BAR IS THE PLACE WHERE YOU can get the coolest, purest and most scientifically mixed . Summer Drinks to be found In the city. The very best Wines Champagnes an c Liquors always on hand Mhe best 6-cnt;Ciir that is made. Drop n and cool off. JOHN CARROLL, el Preprietor. DIAMOND RING FOUND. FOUND TO-DA.Y on Market street a DIAMOND RING. Ownr can have same by calling at my COAL AND WOOD wharf, and buying a ton of COAL price low down. J. A. 8PRINGER. dee 14 Propo sais "YyT ILL BE RECEIVED for the purchase at not less than par, cash, of not exceed ing TWO THOUSAND SHARES of the Capital Stock of the WOmlagton & Weldon Railroad. Sealed bids to be addressed to J . W. THOMPSON, Treasurer, Wilmington, N. O, marked "Proposals'-, up to 13 o'dk Thursday, 5th January, 1SS3. deelWUwtSthJ U Tfs will be glad to recaive amnanicat!?a from our friends on any and all cubiei? general Interest but nxsie of the writer tstsi alvayt bs fa nlshed to the Editor, QOoamunieatlon mt bswrlUen! os ocly one side of the paper Personalities nest be avoided , And It Is especially and particularly unrf r r stood that the Editor does sot always endoif the views ct corroBpcsdenti uriees so stat In the editorial column !gw Advertieemontg, Mom X imoroiaerea. Dress Goods, Counterpanes, and Boy's Wear. selections for Christmas, are respectfully I jxtfo. j. nnpRicu, PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED Com rnlseloner. ap pointed by the Judge of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, will expose to sale at public aucion, on Thursday, 10th January, 1883, at the Court House door in the City of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, M., that valuable plantation iu Pender county, on Rocky Point, known as Pembroke, con taining about One thousand acres of fertile land, to wit: A certain tract of. land in Pender county, bounded by a line commen- . cingon thoedge of-Black Creelr, near the end of a bank acroes said creek, and1 run. ning thence; S. 10, E. 30 chains and 50 links to a pine and plue pointers on the Kast si Jo of Dark Branch, thence 8.. 83, E. 93 chains to the edge of the Tide Swamp at Caaar's Spriog and thence in the 8amu direction to -tbeN E Branch of the Cape Fear river, thenco up the liver to the line of the Vats plantation, thence with tint line to a etake in the said line opposite to a row of Cedar trees and thence to the beginning. ; Terms liberal and made known at sale. ALEX. T. LONDON, dec 17-tds Commtoioner OPERA HOUSE. Only Apperaocc In Wilmington of the Illua lustrious Italian Tragedian, RTOl S I S I II- Supported by Mr. MILNES LEVK and an AMERICAN COMPANY Monday, lec. 19, 1881, will be preecntcd . ,s 0 -fc Ijl e l l o, Tragedy in Five Acts, by William Shakes" pcare, adapted and performed by r. ERNESTO ROSSI, : OTI I ILL(0......(j....,.......m..m....m.IIOSS1. Books of the Plays presented by Sinor Rosel during his American tour can be pro cured Irom the attendants. dec 14 4t M. CROAX1?, Auctioneer HY CKONLY & MORRIS. yARGE AND PEREMPTORY SALE by Auction of Bu;'Ic and Ph:rtoca, Mauufac -tured by the LovU Cook Company. By consent and under the direction of the Gen eral Freight Agent of the t heareake & Ohio Railway Company, and for account of au concerned, weLiall $cn at Public Aue 37. TOP liUGGlZH. 15 OPEN do. S SIDE-BAR do. . 2 PHYSICIAN PILKf ONS. dec l"-t-U-17 0 , . 18S2 Ohatterbo 18S2 Jo Rf ad sad C.ith, CATHOLIC VLYiZ BOUKtT, tenOj b uai. AHILY UruLS-KALO-MKDA COUDH, ibjoftsd f.-ora I : ' . . . ' ct.r . . ' ; BUdSLi LlSATHc: I COODi. Aaoihor lot joet retire! st " "'' , ,e h i V 'BEliOEL'fl, dec 1-5 Lir Uoos sod JCcsio Store Strsved. PREMISES, of at a lortnLrht a T3SOM .THE PREMISES of th tm,w. rfSV50 ,,0rtLTht ago, aSMALL COW, rtl all over, with fork In each ear. a sw&iiow A suitable rcwAniwtii ttA V4 ujc iwwcr 01 saiucow. (.1 . ... , . . - aee 1 JNO. 3, JAiiES, Uon, at the ew Market Hou-e la th City ofWilmington, N.-C, on THURSDAY, De cember 22. 1831. at 11 o'clock, A. M.,

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