PAFEK ajtciWn every afternoon,: Sandaya, e-ttpfc- by jOSfl. T. JAMR9, cnn-o asd runj-BJjrros-fl0BS03JITlOif8.i'OBTAUK PAID, jae year, $5 00 9i ceoatfcs, f 250 ; Tl:e ajoathj, $1 25 j Ooo couth, 60 east, ft PPr '" be delivered ty earricr.i, y,, of fcare, in any part of the city, at the 4ot ratet, or IS oecti per wecfc. Adrertiaiftg f ate low and libera yBubaeribere will please report aay ted it fallareito reeiTsvii' paperi regularly Wb will be glad 'to receive eomsnslcatjf n 'rota our frteoda oa aay and all tn!!ivf renml fatereei but 9 eaxae of the writer 'csat alway b t niched la tha Editor. p v Oozaatusiaatfoas naaet b.T'Crr!Usn: oc "rly 3e tfds of ih paor. Partoaalitiee mni t ha avoided .... Asd It la epedalJy and sroalariy as4r 'tood that the JEditot does loot alwtyi endors the views cf enr rscjsdmti cnle eo $tv , cn tae e-lltoriI colp-rna, 4. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1881. NO. 298 . ' - ' - - .;. ...... -'.; " h - . ' . .. --: , .,-..-.- v -v - .---. - -- i . . - 1 1 1 111 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. ' W jScukxcx Knights of Honor H C Bitocav-Flre Works, .f C Boas km an Ho! for tbc Holidays. IIfmit 84Vi;n Sealed Proposals W J Mott Kxamine Low Price CW Yates Christraaa Good A.T.rrEu, PbicSsCo Hot Bel Sah CiTKUDorxG Frifcndi in the country Heinbbekokji 'Ih Fiucst Selection g ad Entertainment lit '. For Onslow U HScoTT Sarta Clan V.juum H. Gree Holiday Good. -Jit O Mrspa Drurgit " For other locals see fourth page. The sweet buy and buy tbij week. The dajs are short, and so arc we. Wood and coal now swell the roil. Selling oat to close business at How ei' saw store 2w Wood was selling from tho flats to-day for 75 cents a load. The receipts ol cottoaat this port to day foot up 970 bales. Barque Kate Stewart, Arnold, hence, arritcd at Liverpool on the 5th inst. , Brig: iStarli'jht, Atwood, cleared at Baltimore en tht 17th init., lor this port. The Rossi Theatrical troupe arrived en the hit night's train from the Nortb Gent's Scotch Sole Gaiters and variou3 other styles at cost at Howev's. 2w At cost for cash. The large stock of boots and shoes at Howey's. 2n Rer. Dr. Patterson was to hare preached At the Church of the Good Shepherd, in Raleigh, last evening. Dr. G. F. Lucas, of Cedar Dale, Pen der county, was in tthe city to-day and paid us a short but very pleasant visit. We are glad to learn that Hon. George Davis, who has been very sick, has so far recovered at to be able to appear on the streets again. Grown chickens were selling at retail La the city to-day for 25 cents each; live turkeys for Slt and dressed turkeys for 15 cents per ponnd. Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint. ready mixed and war raated. Sold nly at Jacobi's. t About the first order received at the PostofSce this morning was for 9,000 pro paid envelopes, for a party in this city. Pretty good for an entering wedge in the week's business. The 'ladies of Front Street -M. K Church will have a pleasant entertain ment at ike City Hall to morrow even ing when many nice and good things will be offered for sale. Deaili of Mr ilacliar. VTe regret to learn of the death of Mr. Alex.McRae, which occurred at his residence at Argyle, in Robeeon county, at 3 o'clock yesterday mining. Mr. UacRae waa a native of this city.but re moved Jinco the war to Argyle, where hsvade for himself a beautiful home. ThVVeniaina wero brought here this af ternoon on the Carolioa Central tram, and were interred at Oakdale Cemetery. Fair and Festival Our friends of the Hebrew faith are making arrangements to bold their Festi val oojthe 27th, 'JSthVnd 29 insls., which they intend shall be one of the most fArcAe affairs of its kind ever gotten ap in this eity. Ths display of articles will embrace the beautiful, the u8?foI, ernamenUl and substantial. .His non. or Mayor Smith, will tornnllj open the Tairand Mr. E. S, Martin will deliver a address. There will be a concert, consisting of ecal and instrumental mnsie. by some of the best amateur talent in the city, on the second evening of the Fair. Several articles, intended for tho Fair . are now on exhibition at Kasprowicz's eigarstore,among which are a case of fine cigars, presented by Kasprowicz Sc Bro3., New York; an elegant smoking case with-everything pertaining thereto, a present ironi W.Demutb. of New York, and a box containing 1,000 cigarettes, preseuted by W. Duke, Sons & Co., of Durham, O. To Builders and others Go to Jaco ai's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass e. You eaaget all and at th lowest prices. Barque Vick jlebane, Hencks,"kaii ed from Newport Eq., on the 4th Ut.M1 Three for this port. ; Steamship Gulf Stream, Ingram, cleared at New York oa the 17th iast., for this port, and sailed the same day. Uen fruit retailed front carts this "biorning at threi dollars for a doeen we beg panJoD, we mean tared dozen for a dollar. . Indicators. For the South A!autic States sl ght y w.irmrr," fair wpaiher, followed by clouJifiess in western tjotUod, uortbjaft rly vrindf, itationary-tsr 'lower prefsure. Capt. Y.V. Hichardson, of Columbns, was in the city on Saturday on his way horae from Raleigh, where he had been for federal d;ijs as one of the committee appointed to oxaniiae the accounts of the State Treasury department. Mr. J. George U&shagen, of the Siu nal Serviee, the young gentleman who in company with Prof. King, the a?ro raut, recently had such . a fearful experi ence, has been granted a furlough and expect3 to spend the 'Christmas at hi home in this city. Another WUciingtontan. The Brunswick (Ga.) Advertiser and Appeal records the result of a municipal election held in that eity recently, and the first name which appears on tht list of the elected Aldermen is that- of our old friend and fellow-citizen, Jesse Wilder, Esq. The people of Brunswick are to be congratulated. Mr. Wilder was a good soldier and an excellent citi zen, and we know that he will make aa efficient Alderman. L'ntTClcorac News. Sheriff Manning received a tele graphic dispatch, yesterday, containing the sad information that his wife's father was sinking very rapidly and evidently near death at his home in Ruraford, Me. The venerable gentleman has been in feeble health for a number of years, af flicted with heart disease, and has been compelled to sleep in a chair for the past two years. Mrs. Manning left on the 625 o'clock train last evening to hasten to his dying bedside, where she will arrive on Tuesday evening mnless some deten tion of trains prevents. The distance is about 1,000 miles. Death or Mr- Salt We were all deeply pained to learn of the death, last evening, at his residence in this city, of Mr. Henry Nutt, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed of our citizens. Mr." Nutt had been sick but a short time, about two weeks, we think, and strong hopes were entertained of his recovery until on Saturday, when a change for the worse was noted and it became evident that his hoars were num bered. Mr Nutt wa3 in the 74th year of his ace. He wa3 either a native of this city or of tho county near adjacent there to. Hia father was High Sheriff of the county abont the years 1814 or 1816. Mr. Nutt embarked in mercantile life at au early age, and by thrift and enter prise had accumulated a handsome com petence. He was previous to the war a Director of the old Wilmington fc Man chester, now the W.f C. fc A. R. R., and since the war was known most prominent ly in his connection with the Cape Fear River and Harbor Works. As Chair, man of the Committee from the Chamber of Commerce, he give his his .time and bi3 attention gratuitously to this great object, and it is not too mueh to fay that the present advanced stage of the improvement was due more to his individual efforts than to those of any other person. The most enduring mon ument that en be raised to his memory is he breakwater which closes New Inlet and he will be remembered in connec tion with this s long as the works shall endure. Mr. Nutt wis a gentleman of the old schoolcourteous and considerate in bis intercourse with all, given to hospi tality, generous to the faults of others and ever alive to the calls of distress. He died full of years, many of which bad been spent in earnest and untiring ef forts for the benefit and improvement of bisnative town and his loss will be felt as a public calamity. The funeral services wiil take place to morrow morning from St. John's Church, thence to Oakdale. The hens have struck for Christm and turkeys are said to be looking for. ward with trembling antieipatioa. fit J Gen rt. hit men, whose, names we oppress by request, were arraigned this morning, charged with disorderly conduct In two of the cases $3 waa the fine, and in the other $1 was deemed sufficient, npon the payment of which they , were discharged. - ; . "Lives of great men always remind ca that we are all subject to die," says an exchange, but-norer cough yourself away s long as' yon mo raise 35 cents a bottle of Dr Bull' Ooogh Syrup. The Children's Unseam. - x - We baveTcrerod the Christmas num ber of tb.8 Chitdretl's Museum, aujillus t rated monthly, published for the benefit of the little ones. It is a very handsome publication, if the number before us is to be taken as aa index and furnishes lots of entertainments for the little folks. Published by F. B. Goddard & Co , 6 Bond street, New York, at $1 a year- . Children's School Shoes, both lace and button, at cost for cash, at Howet's. 2w Personal. Wc were pleased to eee oh the streets this morning Mr. - Robert Henning, for merly of this city, but now of Richmond, Va., who is here for a few days on a visit. VTe were in hopes when we met him that he was eoming back to stay among as again, bat he tells at that is impracticable although, to mse his own words, he says : "I would rather live in Wilmington thaa in any place lever. law. if Bargains may be had in foot-wear at Howrr's. Stock mast be sold. .Net cash. 2w A nedrick'i. Those who want to be happy this Christmas, and to make others happy, are referred to the announcemeat made in oar columns by Col. Hedriek. , A most beaatifal stock of linen goods will be found there, and surely there is nothing more acceptable as a Xmas present than a box of beaatifal handkerchiefs or a sat of table linen or a dozen or so of elegant towels These are Col. Hedrick's spe cialties, and in this line of goods, espe cially, he will be found ready to meet the demands of a large and a critieal trade. Othello To-Xignt. The notice that Rossi, the famed Ital ian tragedian, will appear in the above character, at the Opera House to night, has awakened quite a furor among our theatre-going people; and .YerjjSroperly too. In every city in which; hV has ap peared in this country he has been re ceived with unbounded applause, and the most censorious critics have been com pelled to place him aa one of the great est, and in some characters, the very best of living actors. His company is Amer ican, and is pronounce J very good. Al though the price of admission to choicJe seats is somewhat higher than with other companies, there is abundant evidence that he will be greeted by as over lowing house. ' ' Schr. Mdtild Trath, . partridge, hance, arrived at Jackson viHef Fla., on the 14th inst. i ; j Detroit feet A Tilbaae. It is gratifying to stive the following from Mr. Henry Dole, 350 Fourteenth street, this city I have a little girl who was troubled with a severe lameness in her legs, pronounced by some Erysipelas, by others Rheumatism. I had tried sev eral remedies without effect, when 1 was indueed to apply St. Jacobs Oil, aad I am happy to say that the use of bat one bottle cured her, and she is now able to go to school again- It also cured me of a lame shoulder, and I certainly would not be without it. DIBO. NUTT At hia rcaidence in thia city, at S P. M , Eonday, Dec. 18th, 1S1, HENRY NUTT, In th 74th y ear fkl age. Funeral will take place trora fit; John a Church at 11 A. 'M., 'iuesday, Dec 30th. The friends or the family are invited to at und mit Hew Advertisements. Santa Glaus, w ITH HIS 14TN8TKaL T-OUFR. wil appear ca aofl i'ai oo atthaHeadof ihi O.d Market n aad bear. W. H. BOOTT, dscivi'. . , Manage. DIAMOND nillQ FOUND. FU5D TO-PAY on Market street a DIAMOND RING. Owner can have aamcby cailiagat my COAL AND WOOD wharf, aad buying Va0fSmG? low down. . A. SPKIAeRB. 4 14 HeTrAdvortisombTita t oEntertainiiientw qpUE LADIES OF '.'FRfJsT ST. if. E. HURCH will have aa Entertain went TUESDAY. NIGHT at the CITY HALL. Muah that U good will b for sale. ; ' A Knishts of H ono r. ODMfONS to atUn SxHilirfMeeting, Otbis (Monday ), evcainri . J ftiU 'lBiti; at P, M.Iroportant matteriJr iliel cood of t he order; .financiUrrepoxta; irterly. noa; ieeuA or new bneftt certiScaU;; &3ei tlon cf oHlcrtt-fer-ow -erna iitor&ett&yiT Supreme jCpqe. i; By order V ; N. W. 8CHENCK, D. Geo N. lfABRjse, Reporter, dec lS-lt Fffe Works; rpHE FIRING OF ANY GANNON, Gun, I Pistol or other Fire Arms r Fire Works within tho eity limits is prohibited by a City Ordinance, except Canton'Crackera, and Fire Worka are allowed, between 24th De cember and 1st January, dec IS 2t nac II. O. BROOK, Chief Poliee Ho I for the Holidays SAMPSON COUNTY BEEF, guaranteed to be the heaviest, largest and fattest in tola market. Also, Pork, Veal, Roasting Pigs, Sausages, Turkeys and Chickens, Dressed and Alive. Call and convince yourself or send your orders in early. I Very res pectrully, i J. C. BORNEMAN, . North Side Market, between 2d M 8d sts dec 18-lm-mAf Ho I For Onolow. BOOKS OFSUiiSCBIPTIONTO THE Capital Stock of the Wilmington, Wiightsville and Onslow Railroad Com pany were opened, Monday, Dec 19, at tho Stores of Capt. John L, Boatwright and Mr. George Myers, In this city, and at other points on the line of the proposed road. Capt. F, M. Wooten and Mr. George M.Crapon have charge of the sub scription boolrs la Wllminguoa. dec 18 lOt. .." . , The Finest Selection Q BPLIDAY PRE3HTS, 8 JOH AS Jtveliy Casef, . ,y '. Works 8oxe, ' " ' . Toilet Cases, Opera Glasses, Aatograpb Albuu, -, ler aat bound Foeias. ALO-UKUAI7A1U, ..U ,A Sorap Buketi Wall Poekets, Match Safes, Bteel ngrariagt, Ac, at HEIVdBESQE&'8 dte 19 Live Boek aad Hails Btore Examine Low Prices -pOR THE HOLIDAYS : Beet Loins, Ribs and Rounds, 10c.; Chucks, 8. Clod and Briskets, 6 to 8c. Posk Ham, Spare Rib, B. Bone, Ac, 12) cento; Roast Phrs, $ 1.50 to $2; best Fresh Pork Sausage in the city, 12fc ; Hoe Head Cheese, 1214c. " Txjbkbts Dressed, IS to 20c ; Live $1 to 81.50 Jowls 500 lbs. lor New Tear, f 'oRHXD Meats Pork and Spiced Meats, 12U cents. 1 am prepared for a large trade till New Year. Have the above articles In any quan tity. I mean business. Call and I will suit you no trouble to please. (Old 5 and 10 Cent Store) W. J. MOTT, Market at NoTica I will fill orders on Friday, Dee. 23d, from the officers oT benevolent societies to the amount of 200 lbs of Beef. dec!8-:t W.J. MOTT. Friends in the Country Prepare for Christmas, AND Order Your Clothing? TOBB SBIPPED BY EXPRESS FROM OTTERBOURC THE WIDE-AWAKE, GO-AHEAD, CLEVER AND b E LIABLE T .CLOTHIER OF WIL MINGTON! Send for a Shirt, a dozen Collar?, a Vest, a Pair of Pants, a SUIT or ONE HUNDKED SUITS; send for an Ulster, Ulaterette or Overcoat; send for anything iu the "MKN'a WEAR LltfE," Otter bourg can and will please you; and make no mistake. OttefDourg has made the Wants of those in tha country a study. He wiH attan 1 personally to the selection ot goods ordered and patrons can. rely oa his end taite and soud judgment accruing lorn Icag etf-erieoce In the business. Utterloars will ship, C O. D. goods tn r is line at the Lowest risible ITwes. When orderiog a SSi.U ra-nlicn stjle of Cost d si ed: ute if lrk, light or tndi am coK r is wi.led. Take assure arennd breast for sizfc of Coal and VeAt, aud send waist ai;d inseam m-aure (or rirsot Taots, Tbb is au excel -ent oppottuniiy to ge; the very latest iu Heady Made Okbinc, and at PiUCE SA'l "ISFACTORV- lif EVERY ONE. rjy Ib-J priTileg of examinaliou wRl be iveu, provided the rec-irer agrees to pay return charges fbxiU gooda not euit. Send a tIl order md ba cunvicosd of our ability to plaae y a. . - L. J. 0TTERD0UR6, 23, 24, 26 and 2S N. Front St-, dec 19 WOjniagtoB,vN.. c Hotf Advorticement3 Eft 03Td!O 11 & 1 3 SOUTH HAS ALWAYS jAe well as at all other and Choicest -IF'Sasaa.ily P ARTI C U LAl ATTEfJTIOM IS CALLED TO THE NEW L iaJ O R J) EP i U T lE NT ! - WHEBE CAN BE FOUND THE BEST 8KLE0XED Ol' Old Fine Sherries. , Brandies Champagnes, Cordialo AND THE ' WELL-KNOWN BRANDS OF SO LONG BOLD TABLB JSTD COOKIIXTG HAISHNTS J THE USUAL VARIETY OF NUTS AND FINE CANDIES ! PLUM PUDDING ! m 170RKS MD Everything will be sold low; try ones and ycu will call again. H and 13 South Fjont Street, dec 18 JAUIES C. HUIIDS, Druggiot, IS NOW OPENING ONE OF THE largest and Most varied stocks of Holiday Goods ever brought to this city, consistlDg of Toilet feta. Vases, in Bronze and Gilt, Cel luloid, Ste in cases, &. :' Call and examine. dee a THE VARIETY STORE THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD BE spectfnlly notify his friends and the public that he has recently re turned from a visit to the orthern TJarkots where he has porchasedthe Handsomest Display MILLINEQYi FAfJCY GQODSr N0TI0I1S AFJD HOLIDAY Q000S hehu ever offered injthia'city. My stock ii Iaai?co, Gomplcto .,.t. . jt j Aad ia ., I have thourand of things which it ould take columns to enumerate. My fine, fresh FRENCH CANDIES are a specialty. 1 1 lead in these goods as my patrons well now. I tare aa elegant variety !.. v , . -.. t: - .- Millinery Croods, UaU, To which I invita the atUntkm of the Iadi. i My stock, of CHRISTMAS GOODS is . fall and complete and caving been bonght lew will be sold low. 1 respeftfollT iavite a call and inspec tieo. . - , L. PLANAOAN, variety Btore, dec IS Kt. AS Market stmt How 'AdwrtUemontd. Y. 9 PROFIT STREET. DURIfiG THE OUT) times, offered tho Finest so?ection of BY THIS HOUSE. FIRE HACK Office Clerk & Treasnrer, City-of Wilmington. C. - Pceember 7th, 1851 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this ofllce utitil Ieeemb-r 23d, 1881, for tbe t urt hate of $ ;8,C00 City Com o. iunding: Botds,! eaiiog prr ctnt. latcrc-st, payable semi-annutlly, tald inte- at brintf maderec Ivable for city taxes r aoy o'her lndebteduess to tfce city.' Ihc boiid are exempt from ity Uxe& The bonded debt othe city U $572,100; less iukiug fund la hands of ommisfeiorier, $40,500; uet, (531,. 000. No floating debt or raa' due interest. At6e??ed Value of taxable pro erty, fl.MO, 557; value ol real estate o by el'y, $75, 000; beioff la excess of niue dollars of taxa ble property tor each dollai of debt. 1 he rteht la reserved to reject any or all bide. By authority. UK VKY SAVAGE, ' decl8-3t Clerk and Treasurer TO THINK ABOUT HOT BSD SASH. PLEASE ORDER EARLY.I sash, Dooas Am 3u;t3i; BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, 4 ALTAFFER, PRIOR k CO. dee 18 Everybody Says Y A T . V t'A J IIJS LARGEST ASSORTMEfiT: AND .2iK PAT Zl&AT Christmas Goods la t W3. de18 Bnot est Stationery Blare, Holiday Goods. ALARG. ANi E LEGANT anaortmcnt of AliTIdflG ar.d USEFUL goods, citable for Holiday l reui. At greatly EXOCCrD FBICIS. ; Open every tight until 10 o'clock, WILLIAM U. UREEA, dee 12 Druggist, Market st i

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