ji paoiUhod every aftereeon. Suadiv J', fx- eptea dt jOSD. T. JAMBS, OIT02 ARO BOFBTOB. 80B8CRJFTION8, POSTAGE PAID. 9bs year, $5 CO 8lx montks, 260; ThrK months. $1 15; One month, 60 cents. tne PFr wm be delivered by carriers, 1 ee of eharjre, in any par of the city, at the ibove rates, or IS cent per wees. Advertisinir rate low and liberal H8abcriber8 will please report any and 11 failorcito reesiTe their ppcrfrejrtlarly. Kew Advertisements, THE GREAT, llilltl RHEUHATISI, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Pr5xtkm on earth equal St. Jacom Oil m mafe, urf, simple end cheap Ext-rnal Remedy. A trial entiile but the eompuratirrly trifliBa outlay of 60 Coats, end erery one euffc r iTijwIta pein can here cheep and pwitlTe proof ef tte fltTrt Pireetiona la Keren Langnege. 80LD BT ALL DRUGGISTS a'bD DEALERS IU MEDICINE. A. VOGEIiER fc CO., Baltimore, Md.,U. 8. "JUST IMAGIHEIHOW I FcLT." Bkunswick, Co., Ya., November 5th, 1881. Mrs. Joi Peksoh, Franklinton, N. C. Dkar Madam: It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valna ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most fearful looking and painful soie on my ankle. It came more than twelve months afro, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. Fie told me he could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or five weeks, aad if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken ofif. J ust imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but t lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have ruined me. Mind you this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, and this conversation took place last pAhitr T continued to burn with caustic, as ho advised until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment. I was advised then by a friend to try " WW Pamedv Hitter sand vVasnltooK ;u- Anaaiho 17th nf Sentember, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, aad I can now walk as far, uaace as much and jump as high as any man you know. Put me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as 1 sow do of the yirtue ot your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it for less. I think more of it than any medicine. in tbe world. It is not only .the beat-Remedy to purify the blood and ralt'skin diseases, but I believe it will " cure" all kinds of blood diseases, and I Know it will cure a love for strong drink. I hope you will havo this published, as Vom an man v sufferers who could be cured, if they could knowcf and get your Remedy I am tW"' JOS. R- MASON, South Gaston, N. C. n, Turned is for sale in Wilmington . j - , - : bv tw Wm. 11. Green, oena lurcuu lar oftestimnials. nov 14-daw Children's Cloaks Ladies' Cloaks ANT) nLflTDaU, Just deceived. m. Lace Collars, Lace Collarettes, BTJG3 AND MATS and many other bw ant pretty things. R; iV.. RScIntire. 4m mi E VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY. DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. I . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - J C Stf.vexsox CbrUtmae on a Large Seal. , -Vm U Topp Lest or Mialaii Miss IS Karueh Christmas Millinery J II Hardtx Call,8ee and Price HEixsBZKGEK'ft Ibo Place to Iiuy Holi day Goods CT.oxlt & MofcRiE Wett InJia Fruit at Auction i W Yates Chiit.tmaa Good William II. Greek Holiday Goods. . Jamfb O MrXDS Drurgis-t -V-:-U.L. On tbe home Ftretcb 1881. liuckwheat cakes and sjrup arc in order. Domestic troubles come bunched like celery. New moon to-night at 46 minutes past 11 o'clock. - ' Selling out to close business at How et's shoo store. 2w The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot up 1,431 bales. Fat turkeys and yellow-legged chickens are bow disappearing. Gent's Scotch Sole Gaiters and various other styles at cost at Howet's. 2w The crreat difference between some men and others is their wives. Too much whiskey makes a man frisky. a little more mikes him roar. Scores of weddings will be celebrated during the next thirty days. The last straw which breaks many camel's back leads to a mint julep- Mr. Robert II enniog, whose presence in this city we spoke of yesterday, leaves to night on his retnrn to Richmond. Steamship Gulf Stream, Captain-Ingram, from New York, arrived at her wharf here this morning. Reantify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sojd only at JxcoBi'e. t The flags at the Consulates and on the shipping ia port have been at half mast today in respect to the memory cf Mr. Nutt. , Pender County Superior Court is in session this week with J udge Shipp pre siding and Mr. Swift Galloway at his post. Schr. Julia Elizabeth arrived here to rio-c frnm "NT n cirri with, a fine cargo of fruit, the sale of which will bo begun by Messrs Cronly k Morris to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Bargains may be had in foot-wear at tivHrpv's fitnek mnst be sold. Net liUllii pf- w cash. " 2w Thomas Jefferson, a colored boy about ten vears of age, charged with disorderly conduct, in Jhrowing rocks on the . , I f tL too a t p.. on v case ueiurc iud " " J Mayor to-day. lie was discharged. Children's School Shoes, both lace and button, AT COST FOR cash, at Howry's. 2w The Comet Star Cadets, the colored military organi3tion of wnicn toe iaie Frank Fuller, who it will be remember- . ir T . or! n-aQHrrtwnp.il when the Mart near was lo3t recently, were present in a body on last Sunday afternoon at Trinity Chapel, tin the First Ward, where a rnnerai sprmnn wag nreached by Elder tUUV i ' - Morton. UoS as Utltettu ' v shnll not attemDt an elaborate report of the performance at tbe Opera House last evening by the Italian trage dian.Rossi, who presented Othello.for the reason that our pn would utterly fail of doing iostice to the subject. It was the largest intelligent audience assembled in the Opera Douse this season, every seat being filled. The 44 wit and fashion and beauty" of -WilmiDgton were there and it is safe to say that a more delighted audience had cevcr assembled within the walls of of-the Opera House. Rossi wm Rossi, as we' have have read of him In other cities, and his support was, to our indsraent. an excellent one. The troupe io.nifrht for Charleston the ien xiB.o - - rm havinir been delayed for them a Jm Thev lav in Charleston buuv . this evening.- ' Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black -v" rrVa and Lines. A fall assort. jfi A-a - - ment and lowest prices at Jaoobi1. BAST Foreign Fxports. Nor. barque Atlantic, Knudsen, cleared at this port to-day for Liver pool, with l,H2l bales cotton, ebip- padby Messrs Williams & MarchnoE; and tchrTViR'e Lawry, Spear, cleared for St. John's, P. R , with 4.0,000 ahin- glesand 164,011 feet lumber, shipped by Messrs rortu & uummmg. . Tne LHit of Eartli. The last offices were porformjdj to-day over the remains of Mr. Henry Nntt. "Tbo funeral irervices took place at St. Joh o5 Church, of which deceased had been for many years a vcetryman, and from thence to their last resting place io Oakdale followed by o large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives. The following gentlemen were the pall-bear- org, vir: uoi, James u. uurr, vui. m L. DeRosjet, and Messrs James A. Wil lard, Alfred Martin, B. F. Mitchell, Jas Anderson, James H. Chadbourn, Alex. Sprunt, O.G. Parsley and Jno.S. James. In the bright autumnal days the temp tation to comfortable exposure yields its fruit in a most pericious cough and irritation of the threat. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup stands unrivalled as a rem edy for throat and lung diseases. 25 cents a bottle. - The Safest Seat. The frequency of collisions on railroads has raised the question, which is the place of greatest security in a railroad train? The Railroad Journal gives the following as an answer : It is very well known that the car nearest the engine is exposed to the least dust, and that the rear car of a train is generally safer thnn the front car. The safest is probably the last car but one, in a train of more than two cars ; that is there are fewer chances of accidents 9 this than any other. If it is a way train at moderate speed, or any train standing still, a collision is possible frnm an nther train in -the rear; in which the last car receives the first shock. Again, tbe engine ana toe iruut cars of aT train will Often -ran o?er broken rail, era cow, or stone, without detriment, while the last car, having nothing to draw it into the line of the fM n i trn to leave ine irac. HA teaeei - - to the forward car the rear car is proba1 Kiv th moat unsafe in the train. The 'j t safest seat is probably near the centre ol the last cariut one, and in a very long train, in the centre ot tne iasi iwo or three cars next to the last. JtUil MeeilUff At a ioint.meeet of the members of the Chamber of Commerce and Produce Exchange, held at the rooms of the latter yesterday afternoon, at 3 o'clocK, tne first Tiee President ot tne uaamoer, bit. E. Peschau, called the same to oraer and announced that it had been called to take some action with reference to the loss that has been sustained in the death of Heary Nutt, Esq , an honorary mem ber of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Alex. Sprunt moved that a com mittee of three be' appointed to draft suitable resolutions, and; the chair ap pointed Messrs Alex. Sprout, C. H. Robi nson and Thos. Etans said commiu tee. j The committee retired, ; and, after a abort absence, returned andLreporUd as follows: ' ' Wheeras, This Chamber having heard with the deepest regret 01 tne oeraise vesterday. of our highly esteemed fellow citizen, Henry Nutt, Esq., desires to -pass the following resolutions : ,,z,rf. That in the death of Henry Nutt we hate to mourn the loss of one of the most prominent, expwwuwu, cui gotic and wise members of onr Chamber arA f thie nmmnnitv. who commanded our highest respect aad esteem during the period of more snan naa 77 , JL That wa rearard the death of Mr. Nutt as a great loss to our com mprrial interests and publie improve ments, in which he too me warme interest and perseveringly promoted. Kesolved, That whilst bowing to the will of the Most High, we shau ever herleh hii memory, as one wnose aeatn we shall long deplore; wnust we see to follow his example as a worthy, . -i . i high-toned citizen and Christian gen n,rdv(d. That hii bereaved faaily kevA onr sincere svmrathy and condo lence under this great affliction; that a snecial record of Mr. Kutrs death be made by the Secretary in our miante A. book, and that a copy of these resoln tions be sent to the family. It was further resolved that the mem bers of both bodies attend the funeral meeting at the rooms of the Exchange ftr that purpose one-half honr before the appointed time. Tka cteetlBj the adjourned. (!) 1 1 Ify Ar : 111 P :y V ii At gtCTenion's- We Wvite attention to the handsome Xmas advertisement of Mr. Jas. C. Ste venson, the Market street grocer. He has what may be truly called a superb stock and has made the most extensive pre. paratioas to meet the demand for the holiday trade. In addition to his large and varied stock of family supplies, he has made arrangements for the reception ot a large stock of poultry on Saturday next and will lake orders at any time this week to be delivered on that day. ' At cost for cash. The large stock of boots and shoes at Howet's. 2w Knights of Honor- At the meeting of Carolina Lodge, No. 434. Kaighis of Honor, held last night,) the followisg officers were elected for the new, term ending 31st Dec, 1882: S. P. D.-N. W. Scbeock. D Clayton Giles. V. D. Josh. G. Wright. A. D. C. W. McClammy. Chaplain Rev. J. W. Craig. Financial Reporter Jno. L. Dudley. Reporter Geo. N. Harriss. Treasurer Wm. A. Willson. Guide Walter Smallbones. Guardian Jas. P. Williams. Sentinel Jas. M. McGowan. Lodge Medical Examiner Dr. P. W Potter. Trustees 0. Fennell, Jr., Alex. John son, Jr., John C. James. Auditing Committee by appoint ment John L. Cantwell. J. P. Wil liams, DeWitt C. Love. The installation fof the new officers will be on the third Monday in January, 1882, under direction of D. G. D., John D.Taylor. . To Builders and others Go to Jaoo bi'b for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass c You an get all sizes and at th lowest prices t Naked truth ts entirely too uttsr for the majority of people. AutuBin leaves,Tiko pretty girls, look prettiest when pressed. Hew Advertisements I Aef av nfliftlniri. .woe, we -NTP.RTrFTf!ATE No. l.3. for three I Rhst.rM stock In the Wllmlncton and I Weldon Railroad Company, Issued to E. V. Keliv. and dated May 5th 1854. Applica Mnn will be made to the President and Di rectors for a re-issue of cartiflcate, in lieu of the above. WM. H. TOPP, . dec SJ-lawiwtu Ad m'r de bonis nen. WEST INDIA FRUIT AT AUCTIOn, M- CBOJIiY, Aucl'r. Br CBONLT & MORRIS. mHE Schr. JULIA ELIZABETH is here and we shall .commence sale of her earge of ORANGES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES ! and other Fruita om to-morrow, Wednes day, December 21, 1SS1, at llo'clk, A. M. dte 30 It hristDTfufflSi ON A AT J. C. MARKET STKEET. 9 frf LBSCAmco, tno Desiaaa ,.l II H I eheanest: 15c, 16?c20c, and ' 3oc for the finest French Candy, or 3 pounds for $1. Oringes and Cocoaxuts by Stmr. to-day. Lor don Layer Raisins and Leghorn Citron of best quality at retail. ONE TH0TJSA5D PACKS IV'ire Crackers, 200 Doz. EGGS; 1.000 lbs. Assorted NuU I exDcct to have, on or before Satur day, a bountilul supply of Dresaeel and Live roultrv or all kinds, ana will taxe oraer s dui iDff tbe week for Saturday Come early and secure your Christmas Turkey and avoid the rush and danger I of not getting one. I will try to be prepared ; t meet ail the requirements of the traqe, and wait oa customers promptly and deliver goods promptly at their houses. fcaj ii you are conismpiaung cnazguig your accounts for the New Year, or begin ning one for convenience, 1 -don't think yea can do better than try me. I will take great pleasure In shewing you e round and giving ray prices. . , -5 Jas, C. Gtevencon. STEWS 20. I88i. NO 299 IT&mt Advertisements CALL, SEE AND- PRICE ! A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE assort jtX mtntot Wedding, Chrtftcvas and Holl dav Presents for 6ale low down at .v J. H.HARDIN'S liruj: and Chemical Store, ice 20 . Kew Msrtet Heinsberser's 13 THE PLACE TO Y TOUIl HOLIDAY' OOOi). Freieet f aM ludi i Iain a d ia y, Bandtr m aid bst-ntisl ' Call r dtti f r joa tf nni joa willte tO irlnotd taat it U - f be Proprl tor and bif'Aesiaiantf will t trrea pleasure tn she wing whatever rou de sire to tee TflK Iff SHT DI8Pl.Ar IN TflE RTATR li here pretonted to yoar ijt. r'. rocev i as beentpi'ed to make the TO STUf W attractive, aad in retu r t' e prcprlstor wk tt examination cf his So jc, heintr cndert that he can sttt v he m et rei ed. THE LITE 80' R STORE inTitdo yon ail fo call. djosO Christmas tMiiiineryl NOTHER ASSORTMENT OF ELEGANT MILLINERY By Express. Fancy Goods and Embroidery, designs new and desirable, just in. Ladle please eeaae early to have Christmas orders filled to sal ia taction. Millinery and Fancy Goods Departments are always full of stylish articles. A large assortment of Ladles' and Child, ren's Underwear. Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, dec 20 Exchange Corner Ho I for the Holidays SAMPSON COUNT BEEF, jruaranteed to be the heaviest. laro-eFt and fattest in t la market. Also, Pork, Veal, Koaetloe Plffs, Sausages, Turkeys and uaicicena, Dressed and Alive. Call and convince I yourself Or send your orders in early. very respectiuuy, J. C. BORNEMAN, North 81 jejfcjjv- Ho I For Onsl owr BO KS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO THE Capital Stock of the WilmiDgton, Wrightsville and Onslow Railroad Com- i pany were openea, Monaay, uec aw, ai I the Stores of Capt. John L. Boatwilght the stores or Uapt. John Lj. ioatwjignii I and Mr. Georee Mvers, in this city, and I at other Doint on the line of tbe proposed I road. Capt. F. M. Wooten afd Mr. George M. Crapon have charg of the sub scription books in Wilmington, dec 18 lOt. The Finest Selection O f HOLIDAY PRE3EHT8, 8 JOH AS Jewelry Cases, Works Boxes, Toilet Cues, Opera Olasses. - f Autograph Albums, . Ilerant bound Poems, t ALO-MKUA WAKK, Fcrap Btiketi, Wall Pockets, Match Safes, Steel angraviats, Ac, at HEIlfSBKBQKS'S. . aeelS Live Boek and Mnsle Btora BI. CBOIVXT , AucUoneer i BY CRONLY & MORRIS; T ARGE AND PEREMPTORY SALE by i Auction of Bufireies and Phaetons, Mauufao tured by the Louis Cook Company. By consent and under the direction of the Gen eral Freirht Agent of the Chesapeake A Ohio Railway Company, and for account of I all concerned, we snail sen at runuc Auc tion, at the New Market House in the City tSSSSgSSSSS! 37 TOP BUGGIES, 15 OPEN da. 8 SIDE-BAR do. 3 FHYSICIANS PHiETONS. dee I5-8t-15-17-20 THE CLAREtlDOll WATER WOniCS GOMPAUY GIVE NOTICE THAT THEY ARE ready to receive appiicauons ior sappijmg water. Iafonpjtfan In regard to rates, Ac, can be had, and applicattons mnst be made at the BuperfartendeEt's office,No. 1 Journal building, Princess street,from to 11 A.M. land 8 to 5 P.M. Service p1p -ffl be laid intheorderim which the applications are received. aovSl-tx JOHN C. CHASE, Sup't. Holiday Goodo. at LARGSiAND ELEGANT aasortment Of ABTISTIC and .USEFUL roods. At rrasSy ' ft Suitable tat Holiday Presents. One arerr nls-ht mtul 10 o'clock, t , . . , , XJTC1AA21 H. GREEN.' imU - -Drsisisi; litrltt it wrt SOTIOiS ' .We will begfad to receive oiomnalctaoa trifm our friends oa ay and all ?nbtlr " ,He &ana9 of ta writer Kim always be fa a'taaj ti"ihi RMlor.' ' " . - . )," - -. , -Ooruntalimtfosi aatl beJwTten.' 69 only one eide of the pap. v : - . PrswaeHtlet atoit be avoided ' Aad It !seepeially'and'r't:ctflr&etf tood tLat the Kditi doea t al wnys esdais tba views ct correspondent! crJea to vtat ta tae edltorieloplara, FTow Advertisomeats. - JAMES "C.: EOTSDa,.-.; ist, 13 NOW OPENING ONE OF TIIE Urgest and raost vailed stocks of Holiday Goods ever' brought to this city, consisting o f Toilet fete, Vase?, in Bronze and Gilt, Cel luloid Sets ifa icases, Call and examine; ;p'j 4 i Office Clerk & Treasurer, ' City of Wiimingtoni R C. . . - Pcecmber Ttb, 1811 SEALED ' PROPOSALS wUl be receited at tLla oSce until December 23d, 1331, for tbe purcliasc of $SS,C00 City Coupon Fuiiflius: Bouds.leaiirjg (I percent, interest, payable semi-annually, taid lutereet b'ing' luade receivable for city taxes cr any oiber i::debtcdnes.g to the city. The bonds are exeropt from citr taxes The bonded deb of the city i3 $572,100; less sinking fund ia hands f 'ornralstioner, 940500; net, $531, tiOO. No floatiDp debt or past due inUrest. Assessed value of taxable prorerty, $1,836,- 57; value of real estate ownd by city, $75,. 000; beiog in excess of nine dollars of taxa ble property for each dollar of debt. The riijlit la reserved to reject any or all bids. by authority. HE hIRT SAVAGE, , dccJ.S-3t - Clerk and Treasurer - ' TO THINE ABOUT HOT BED SASH. PLEASE ORDER EARLY SASH, OOORS AD BLINDS BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Ac 1 ALTAFFER, PRICE & 00. dsc 18 Eve ry bodv S ays Y A T '" 'riA i THIS LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND 7lILJPflTrik!3T 1 i In town. f mTjJsJ?EZ& dso 18 Book and Stationery 8tore TrVflTTl ITlft LOW PrfftPfl - . -e-OR THE HOLIDAYS: Beef .Loins, liibs ana Kounds, ioc: Checks, S. Clod and Briskets, 6 to Sc. . Vobk Ham. spare Rib, B. Bgme, Ac. 12K cento; Roast Pisrs, $1.00 to $2: best Fresh f orK sausage in tne city, izfc ; Hor Head Cheese, 12c. . . ' TtrnTr.Ta Trnio..l 1 Si n Cn' T lira I K .... . ' okned Meats Pork and Spiced Meats, 1214 cents. lam prepared lor a large trade till .New Tear. Have the above articles in any quan tity. I mean business. Call and I will suit you no troubio to please. Ula 5 and 10 Cents Store) . . ' w. J. MUTT, Market st Notice I will fill orders on Friday," Dee. 23d, from the officers of benevolent societies to the amount of 200 lbs ot Beef. decl8-at W. J.MOTT. THE VARIETY STORE THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE spectfully notify his friends and the public that he has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern Markets where he has purchased the Handsomest Display OF . MILLINERY FAfiCY GOODS. NOTIONS A0 HOLIDAY GOODS. hehas ever offered in'this city. " . My stock is " larsG? Complete ',-. And in - . - - m : GREAT ITHHIBTir I have thousands of thins'S which it would take columns to enaraerate. My fine.fresn i Kisruii UAmJiS are a I specialty, l lead m tbe goods as my I have an elegsnt J p( patrons wen know. Wfll0,v; rjf-, "m-eV Trimmings, &cM To which I invite the attention of the ' : Ladies. M. My stock, of CHUIS ' MAS GOODS -e .-e. is fun ana complete na navmg been I bought low will be sold low. I" ' I respectfallv invite a call and inspsc- ' I ttna. - : DA aia aua. A Variety Store. " I diolt , Mrrket strestr .-

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