at r f. i I I i - TflIB PAI'S-i. It cnnlUhed every afternoon, 8-sdaja; ijptf by; JOSH. T. JAMRH. kditos akdV-ofhiwok. SDBBCRIPTIOa.POHTAQE PAID. Jfte year, $6 00 Six monlbt, 12 60 ; Three BOBtha, f 1 16 ; Ob xsoctfc, 60 ceatr. The paper will be delivered t?y carrier, ree of charge, ia aay partcf the city, at the tbove rates, or 13 oenta per wee. AdvertMittg rate low and liberal JJO 8abicriber3 will pleaae report any acd 1! failures to reeeive their papers rejrciarly. New Advertisements. irort RHEUMATISM Ncuralnia. Sciatica. Lumbaao. Backache, Soreness of the Chest, 6 out, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. K Preparation on rtk equala St. Jacobs Oit. as safe, sure, simple and cheap External Smiy. A trial entails but the comparatlTely trinluc outlaw of 60 Cents, esd every one auflfcr las with pain co have cbap and roaitira xrcoot ct ita daima. Plrectlons ia Deren Language. BOLD BT ALL DSUQGT3TS AND DEALEE8 IN MEDICINE. A. VO GEU3R Sz, CO., Baltimore. Md., JJ. 8. A 'JUST IMAGIWE HOW I'FELT." BKTK8WICZ, Co., Ta.f NoTembcr 5th, 1881. Mrs. Job Pkbsox, Franklinton, N. C. Dxar Madam It ia with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most feartul looking and painful sore on my ankle. It came more than twelve months ttfto, very much like a ringworm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor m the country for advice. He told me be could cure me if I would take my bed anA ffePT remain for four or five Weeks, and if I did not do so pretty could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my 'toot would have to be taken off. J ust imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or rive up all business either of these Re medies would have ruined me. Mind you this was the advice of one of the best doctor, in the State ol North Carolina, and this conversation took place, last February. I continued to born with caufcticastte advised until September, bat derived no benefit from his treatment. I was advised then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, J. mn,h and iamD as high as any a now. Put me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as l ow do of the virtue ot your Remedy, nd I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it f.w t think more of it than any anedicine in the world. It is not only TTamaAvtn rmrifv the blood ana care alTskia diseases, bull believe it will core afi kinds of blood diseases, and I ; mrfl & love for strong drink. t u ni bave this published, as tvSLL anv sufferers who could be cared, if they could knowt:f and get your Bey I am tru.y an BO South Gaston, N. C. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington bv Dr. wm. . ureeo. Ur of testimnials. or 14diw Children's Cloaks Ladies' Cloaks AND mm km mm f PElllil - ft ' Lace Collars. Lace Collarettes, BU68 AND MAT8 and msor other new 'an prttty thiagt . rp TJl. TJlclntire. Tie -11. ,i i 11 VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER'21yl88jt;---rIsrO".?,300 LOCAL NEWS. New ADVERTiSEiTEXxa. HEixsBrnr.EK's We Ilare It Robekt IlENXiKC-Erecutor's Sale o Valuable Keal Ettate J A Sprixoxe Pressed Brick C V Tatee Christmas Goods William 11. Green Holiday Goods. J a mks ; Ml'xiw Drujrgist Xo City Court to-day. Nothing doins in magisterial cireles tc-day. ', .;t ,..,,,.,.,., .....:;,;. Busincss-istinitelivply on Water street to-day Barque Echo, Dyer, from London, for this port, passed Lizard on the Tth iost Schooner Irene K. Messervey, Hart, cleared at Baltimore on the ItUh inst., for this port. Children's School Shoe?, both lace and button, at cost for cash, at Howey's. 2w The travel at this time on the railroads in this section, both local and through,is very heavy. Schooner, Effi J. Simmons, Chadwick, hence, with lumber, previously reported at Woods Hole in distress, was towed into Friendship, Me., on. the 14th inst. full of water. To Builders and others Go to Jaco i's for Sash, Blinds and 'Doors, Glass &c You can get all sizes, and at th lowest prices. t Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at J aoobt's. f Large numbers of turpentine hands from Georgia are now returning to this section for the purpose of spending the holidays at home. . , , I Kev ur Minunwrnv ie ' jt r ,i -it tstk,. I W. xvW r fn mil 0 DI IT A VTA v rnfll IX A IB nPfn I HWU...U...; on inur?aay evenmg. The schr. Julia Elizabeth brought out a lot of very nice fruit this trip. 1 he oranges, especially, are particularly fine, They have been selling from the ship to- day at $2 by thehundred and $18 by the thousand. - Eggs were retailing at the stores to- day at 35 cents per dozen ; grown chickens at 25 cents each; live turkeys from 75 cents to $1 each, and dressed urkejs from 15 cents to 16 cents per rjound. young ot both sexes to-day, wno are ooking abqut for their Christmas pur-j chases. The stores are also crowaearroo and the busy salesmen and attendants have as much as they can do to wait upon the throng of customers at the several counters.' Vennor's latest prediction is that we may prepare for a "polar wate aDoui a A I the 28th December,' ana irequeni, auow falls, increasing in severity, irom the lGth, with good sleighing on the entry oftheNewear. Iheresiois oi slow . i . hereabouts to-day; that's a faet. It's snow use denying it. the thermometer i- o'clock is at 6S, the sun shines bright and t is almost os balmy as in bpring. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stino-ino-. smarting: irritation of the urinary passages, uiseasea aiscnarger, cured by Uuchupaiba. Druggists. Dept a ' v. i i Jas. Kj. iunu. ' Baked bananas are said tobe a choice breakfast dish. To prepare them peel acd cut in halves lengthwise. Lay these strips in close order in a baking At a meeting of Wilmington Lodge pan, strew sugar and some bits of fresh No. 319 A. F. & A. M held yesterday bnttcr over end bake in a moderate evening, the following officers were elect oven about half an hour. Baste while ed for the Masonic year: bakin" wilha few spoonfuls of .bntter and sugar syrup. ro personal responsi bility is assumed in publishing tbis. A crotchet for Sew Tears The latest unique conceit, especially designed for New Year's receptions, is 4be magic toilette," which appears in day. light very handsome yet devoid ot any striking features, but under the electric or brilliant gas jets assumes perfectly dazzling hues, prismatic gleams and sil very lustres. These effects are attained hv thrt ingenious introduction of steel gold, bronze, silver and glass threads and Bmll ficuresioto silk, satin, moire, vei- and creoe. and the TBI, Jo."-t idescentl elaborate of ose. illuminated, irr i .JAILT Pender Court. Ths Fall term of Pender Superior Court, Judge Shipp presiding, conven ed at Burgaw on Monday, the 19th inst. The attendance on Tuesday, the 20tb, which is usually the day when there is the greatest gathering, was not cear as 1 irge as might have been expected. We ean, without hesitation, 6ay that Dr. Bull's Cough .Syrup has siren the best satisfaction. We have fold an im mense amount ot it during the past winter. Wallack, Hilton Sc Co., -;.-.Irogj:its; Lock Haven, Pa. A Good Chance Cor Investment . By reference to our advertising col- I ... m . Vl 1 A. u trios it will be seen mat Air. rtooert Hennibg, as Kxecntor of the estate of the late James Cassidcy, will sell, n the 12th day of January, next, very desira ble real property belonging to said estate. The store is one of the best lo cations in the city and -both pieces of property offer splendid inducements to investors. Hebrew Feast of Lights Chanuka, the Hebrew feast of dedi cation, commemorative of the purging of the temple and the rebuilding of the altar after the Syrians had been driven out, began Fi iday night at sundown and will eontinna eight days. It is a joyous festival, and in ancient times the temple and all the private houses were light" ed up within and without for eight days for which reason it called the Feast of Lights. , . . .. , . ., Terrible Loss of Life Millions of rats, mice, cats, bed-bugs, roaches, lose their lives by collision with "Rough on Rats." Sold by druggists, 15c Caning of Bey Dr. Yates. A very pleasant affair occurred at the festival of tbe Front Street Methodist Church, at the City Hall, last evening when Mr. James W. King, in a very crediubIe manner presented ur. x aies. iQ behalf of the young men of the Sab- V bath SCnoOl.wiit KUttUra Dr. Yates was taken by surprise, having no intimation of this personal attack which was to be made upon him. but re- plied in a very feeling, touching and pleasant manner. Wilmington Library Association- At the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wilmington Library Association, held in their rooms, ou Market street, on Monday night, the following officers were elected tor the ensuing year : rresiaeni Aiex.opruuu; IV ice r resident xucaaru o . o uucs. Directors W. L. Smith, G. W. Wil- j Hanw, John Cowan, F. VT. JLercnner, a. Uallett, C. .H. Robinson, 'lhos. J. Mr. C. H. Robinson, the former Presi- dent wn0 has served so acceptably and g0 efficiently for several years past, de I clined a re election. Gem of the Season. Faahion8 ia jewelry change as often dQ fagWon8ia dre8S, the leading & pre8ent the spinel, tL.. rrgtaL tourmaline and jargon. wawi- " ' remarkable for their brilUant color3 and ftre wen adapted for a , . . Th Alexandrite, I ftmed Emperor f Bassia, is .merald green by reflected light, being therefore, green in the daytime and red at night. It is very rare and exceedingly I l . . , vaiaable. HJat's-eyes nave aiso crept iuw and ftre mach in demand for a . rtJ KV d amonda It is not so much what one wears now as is the exelosiveness of the design, Masonic. W. M. W. H. Chadbourn. S. W. K. li. uaricer. J W. E. S. Radeliffe. Treasurer A.J. Howell. Secretary W. S. Warrock. S. DCharles Schwarz. J. D. John II. Handy. Stewards Wm. Olerseo, U. Wenlzen- sen. Chaplain Samuel Northrop. Marshal J. L. CantwelL Tyler B. G.Bates. Tbe above officers will be installed cm Rt JnKn'a Dav. December 2tb, at 3 . w o'clock in the afternoon. Tbe almanae predicts snow for to-day and tomorrow, but it will probably aU I tA.Qarrow. . " f O i f nni - JLID JO ; V JLrJbd;; V V '.o; Knlrhts or Pjthias. At a regular meeting of Stonewall Lodge No. l. K.of P., held Monday evening, the following officers were elect ed for the ensuing year : C. a John H.Davis. V. C. Thos. D. Meares. Prelate James W. King. M. of E, W. S. Warrock. MimfF.i Wib.Tj. Jewett. K. of R, and 8. W. J. Gordon. For 1882 I ?We bavaitived a copy of the esiern rftrnwrs' Almanac tor ibb, puowsoea uj aieesrs. uonu r. aiuriuu t Co., Louisville, Ky. It contains, be a l : i -i sat. i i ..a.. t sides the usual calendar, a series of weather predictions for the year, and a weather map, in which the country is divided into districts, which might bo studied with interest and, possibly, profit. Aside from these, there is a large amount of reading matter, useful to the farmer as well as to others. The present number is for the 55th year of its publi cation. 1 : A homely young girl has the consols- tien of knowing that if she lives to be forty she'll be a pretty old girl. . When a man says he makes his living by keeping a country tavern, isn't it a sort of declaration of inn dependence. New Advertisements. Pressed Brick. s - - I AM REHEIVING a small lot Philadel phia Pressed Brick a very fine article ! Prices of COAL ANd WOOD very weak this warm spell, hurry In your orders before a cold snap fixes prices again. dec 2 1 J. A. SPRINGER. We Have It! Tram 0 - . UST THE THING TO SUIT. Call and see it and you will be cen7iaced that the live Booh Store i LHMlttwbayoa waat. From tbe immeaie aaBeriraent f 8EAUTI FUL CaWSTMAS P S8ENT8 every one and bis neighbor oaa be suited if they oaly oaU at HEINBERGES.'S, dee 31 Llv Book and ule Store M CROHXrK , Auctioneer BY CBONLY & MORUIS, EXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, ON THURSDAY. THE 12th January. . 1882. I will sell, at Pnbllc Auction, at tbs nice of Messrs. Otonly Morris, in Uufl city, at 12 o cltck, M., tbe following DE - SI t ABLE REAL ESTATE, situated ia . , . . ' .1 the Uity or wumingcon, ana oeionging to the Estate of tbe late James Caa&idey dee'd, to wit : That large and commodious STORE AND BK.1CK BUILDING, four stories high, containing rooms, situated ou tbe North siee or Market, between JTont and Second streets, at present, cc.-upied by Mr. T-.11 O . . 'I ' U i' . . I . fin 1 1 tbe Lest style for the Dry Goods business, 100 ft deep. THE TJfiNANTlSONE Of THE BEST IN THE CITY. ' The Size Ol me J-ow ia ice u juvuct un iyaj- ketstreeunmug North to Tpm. era Alley, loi feet. . i r ii t. i- ..... a (. -.3 Also, that DEilKABLK LOT AND DWELLING, situated on Church street, auu wru &UUWU as tun rvaiuauuo vi mo late James Cassiaey. lbe u.use contains twelve rooms, with every convenience, all haviog beeu lately repaired, papered Mid painted. There are water, stables, and all necessary outbuildings ou me premises. Mze of Lot 166 feet ou Church sweet, and ruumog ioria aioug lue iitmu jiuo vi Surry street.coutinued about 2bM feet more or lass. Teims oi Sale One third cash; the bal - ancuoj a crtuit w twcive, ciuicnu aua twenty-four months, with interest at 6 per ceui. psrutuuj auueu, iuo nmus curea oy raongago on tire pruporiy, uuua iugs to be losurea a d policies transrerreor. uOBftRT HKiNlNU,xectxtor, f r state James Caasidey, detfU dec 21Utrdec if I. 28, jn 11 Holiday Goodo. .. . 'V A LARQBANO ELEUANT assortment Jof ARTISTIC and USEFUL rioods. bulla Die lor Uoitday I'Tcaents. At greatly BEDCCXD PBICE5. Open every night until 10 o'clock, j 1 WILLIAM U. GREEN.i dee 12 Druggist. Market it CALL) StE AllD PR!BT A LARGE AND ATTRACTlVfi acsorL ment ol Wedding, ChrUtaaa asc Holi day Preaeata for sale low down at J. H. HARDIN'S Xhug and Cieatleal Steaa, dee 20 pfcwMsrVet j NbwAdvertisemonta A Holiday Sxraoke., rpiIE BEST OFCIGARSand Tobacto and looac'o licoa. ie5t o cen vieac ia the city, warranted. JnU received a beau tiful lot of , genuine iieerchaum,i,ipe and t;irar liolae. feuuable rr Holiday Outs Wfll be pleased to exhibit thte goods toall OKfcESr.WAljl). Boutli Front St., two doors below dee VZ-lw Fxebantra Comrr Fine Confectionery, J IIAVE JUST RETURNED JVITH TOE 0C8t and Cheapen artmeat of Confer- tionery thatcanbebouffhlin the city. - ZlMAlhKllA.N'S, , . Sweet renny Corutr, dec 12 Secobd and Princess sts. 1 ON' A . '.-? AT J. G. UAEKET STREET. 2,000 LBS CANDIES, the beat and cheapest; 15c, 16c, 20c, and Soc for the finest French Candy, or S pounds for $1. Oranges and Cocoi.xtiT& by Stmr. to-day. Lordon Layer Raisins and Leghorn ltron of best quality at retail. ONE THOUSAND PACKS Xire Crackers, 200 Doz. EGGS; 1.000 lbs. Assorted Nuts mr I expect to nave, on or before Satur day. a bountilul suddIv. of Dressed and Live I rouitry or all kinds, and will take oraers L,Ti,f fva WMlt rJn... r nnmrU a tuBj wmv w 'Vea ayi w a va ""J wwmlw - j and secure your, Christmas Turkey and avoid the rush and danger of not getting one. I will try, to be prepared to meet an the requirements of the trade, and wait on customers promptly and . deliver gooda nrnmnt.l at t.h!i hnn4. ' ' "' your accounts tor the -New xear, or Degin- l r- ,,nn..nn T . think- wrnn SJSe: Twin take great pleasure pn showing you around and giving J ao, C. Steve neon. die IP Ghristmao nuiiiieryf- i NOTHER ASSORTMENT OF - ELEGANT MILLINERY 1 1- n- a tuLu... , J,, .M. VJ. I designs new and desirable, just In. Ladles I - . I please come early to have Chriatmaa oidera I 1 filled to satisfaction. I I Mlllbiery and Fancy Goods Departments . 1 are always full of stylish articles. I A large assortment of Ladies' and Child. I ren's Underwear. ; miss e.:karreb. dec 20 ' Exchange Corner XX 0 I0T til 6 HOlluayS. CI AMPSON COUNTY BEEF, ruaranteed tnis market, i Also, Port, .veal, noasung , .' qv,,w.' n(a Ghiekna DJil 'Si nvS yourself or send your ordenTln early. . VeTT ".jTf RonwutK. I N0rth 8ide Market, between 3d A Sd at I deelr-Sf Ho I For Onslow, I TOOKS OF SUi3SCRIPTION TO THE I 11 coital Stoek of thA Wilmington. ' I Wrigbtaville and Onslow Railroad Jom- i pany were opened, Monday, JJec lv, at J the Stores of Capt. John L. Boatwright I mryA Oflfrprft in thia citv. and 1 other Minta m tha line of the crorx)sed i wvad. Cant. F. " M. WOOten ana Mr. I Gecrga M; Crapon have charge of the sub SGTiptlOn DOOCS Hi WinaingtOXW i . jqj. THE CLARENDON WATER T'.t rf i GIVE - NOTICE THAT THET ARE ' "'". ' '" .. .. ml . reaxiy receiva apiuicaucraa waier. Iafomation In regard to rates, &c., eanbalud,aiidaitioA mnstbo -- at the 6nerlendenVs oflce.No.l Jonraal bnflitag, Prixstreet,rori 0 to 11 A II. m tarn crctr tswxocn we appucauons . .... STEVENSON'S BtVJI-tl wr will jtttl4 to roive oc3mQotcatlB 'rm riaa o r ad all tbtl . ra"a! !tert bnl " The Asia cf tb writer taf alway b faj nbitAi a'lv. Wttnr - ?aiBaBleatinnt tsut b; w?!tt: o -vedde of ih pat : ' yenncalltiea But be avoMe lod It U evilJiy and i - ;-iaHv nnlt .-oo tfcat the i fiditr dooe sot aiwjt eodora tbe views oi oorrwvot dents calees so tat la t sdlterlal etla ca. :'" ' - au : -How AlTortieGriieiit3. " JASOSS a MUHDS, Druggist, IS NOW OPENING ONE OF THE Urgest and mot varied stocks of Holidav Goods w brought :tD 1his citv. censlstiuj? a Toilet hets, "ases,in Bronze and Gilt, tl luloid Sets Incases, &c. , Call and examine - . "'cea 4 . 5 ; 'Office Clerk & Ti-easnferT " City of. Wilmisgtoxb 17, C. Ceeember 7th, 188 1 SEALKD . PROPOSALS will be received at tbu office ucttl December 23d, 1SS1, fin the urvba$e of $5S,C00 City- Couron Tnuding Bunde.teating C per cent, interest. iayabie ceml-annutlly, 6aid; Intercat bting I made roclvable fbr cltv taxs tr anv other indebtedness to. tbe city. The bond are exempt from citv taxes - The bonded deb., of tbe cjty id 1 572,100; less Flaking fund in hands f 'oinmis loner, $40500;uet, S53lr 600. No floating debt or pat due interest. Afe?sed value of taxable pro - erty, $4,8.i6, 557; value'of real estate owned by city, $75,. 000; beingia excess of nine dollars of taxa ble property for each dollar of - debt. The riht is reserved to reject any or 11 bids. By authority. II ENRT SAVAGE, ' -dcc l9-3t Clerk and Treasurer H? ;J 353 : TO THINK ABOUT . HOT BED SASH. PLEASE ORDER EARLY. J J SASH, DOORS A?,D BUNDS BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, &e ALTAFFER, PRICE '& CO. dec 18 Everybody Says V A T E S ' : HA TBK ! LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND TDEiPRSTnEar " Christmas Coods -'- . Ia town. dec 18 Boor and Htationery Stare. Examiae Low Prices JjlOR THE HOLIDAYS : iiEEF-r-LoluB. Klbs ,and Hounds, 10c.; Chucks, S. Clod and 'Briskets, 0 to 8c. . obk Ham, Spare Kibf, B. Bone, Ac, 12 cents; Roast Pia;s, i 1.50 to $2; best Ftesh Pork Sausage in the city, 12Jc ; Hog Head Cheese, 12c. Tcbkbts Dressed ,18 to 20c : Live $1 to $150 Jowls 500 lbs; lor New Year. roKNED Meats Pork and Spiced Meats, 1 cents. - prepare fQr a are trftde tm Year. Have the above articles in any quan- I tity. I mean business. Call and I will I suit you no trouble to please. I 10 Cents Store! I W. J. MOTT, Market at I ' NOTICTE--I will fill orders on Fridav. Dee. 23d, f om the officers of benevolent societies I to toe amount or 200 lbs ol Ueef. dec 19-3t W. J MOTT. THE VARIETY STORE THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE gpectfully notify his friends and the public that ho has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern Markets where he has purchased the Handsomest Display . OF MILLINERY FANCY GOODS NOTIONS AND HOLIDAY GOOD? hejhas ever offered injthisjeity. My stock is And in I have thousands of tLings whub it would take columns to enumerated My fine, fresh FRENCH CANDIES are a specialty. I lead in tbes-e goods as my I natrons well know. I ha7c an elegant variety or I a v a ' M 4 . ' mm' i-ouit, Ainiiv, j .Trimming, To ,-hich I invite the attention of the ' Indies. 'M Z ZZ . fuu D(j coa,piete and Laving been axe i non. . , x a.i Auan, . . - . r DT 1 T . . -9 . Variety Store. die 10 No. 42 Usrkttstnstj and t prisraatle beads.