J THIS PAP. PlRASB SOTfOS. t paoiiihed every afteraacn, Bos.dtyt.cc JOSH. T. J A-MK8. KttJTOS iVl PUOPHlrTOE. gUB8CaiPTI0KSt03TAGK PAID. .c year, f 6 00 Biz moiitfee, C2 6C ; ThrN noatha, SI 35 ; Oae nocth, 60 ceals. The paper will be delivered oyeerrieris rea cf charge, ic any part of tbe city, attb too re rates, or 13 centa per wek. Ad Tertian? rate? low tnd liberal ST1 Subscribers will please report any ere" il failures to receive their f aperireguiarlj. 1 tT will baa4 to reelTareoumsfeati a roa our friaada oa ay aad all nbi9Ve rnsr? tfri bo!" CTa bsbb of lb irrltor Ki always ha f alfW Edftor , " ' : SOoitrntnaiBatlofi tsrut b 'vrittea; cs'otly oee aid nf the pat?. : PartoaalitlM raart be avotdod . t Aad it is especially aad pxrtioalarly ftnder rtood tbat the Kdltrvdoe coValwya esdori tb rviwr of orr9TK'udeata axle to ttat !vtbe editorial enlut-tuk' r t:. i l.f'S . ii. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER; 22; 1881. NO .301 'Pit Til 1HK .Daily 1 X SI 11 II J Vr ft New Advertisements.;! fJPH SI V5 THE GREAT iron. RHEUIATIS Neural aia. Sciatica. Lumbaoo. Backache, Soreness or ihe Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings end Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other -Pains -and Aches. No Proration on earth equals St. Jacobs Pir, 9tfe, mure, simple Di cheap External Knjwdy. A tril entails b"t th comparatively trifllnr oatla-r of SO Cent. nd erery one suffer ing with pain can bar chap and positive pra-f cf its daunt. . Directions in Hern Languages. SOLO BY ALLDBUGGTST3 ANDDEALEK3 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., JBalttmore, ifef., V. S. A, ' JUST IMAGINE HOW I FELT." Bbunswick, Co., Va., November5tb, 1881. Mrs. Joe Person, Franklinton, N. C. Dsak Madam: It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valua hie Remedy has entirely cured me of a most feartnl looking and paint m sore on ray ankle. It came more tban twelve months ago, very much like a ring wor.ni. I painted it with TiDct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I weDt to the best doctor in the country for advice. He , told me he could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or five weeks, and if I did not do so pretty soon, ltJ could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. J ust imag Ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have ruined me. Mind you this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, and this conversation took place last February. I continued to born with caustic, as he advised until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment. I was adviged then by a friend to try vour Remedv. (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well mau,tbe sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, uance as much and jump as high as any man you know Put me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as I now do of the virtue of your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it for less. I think more of it than any medicine in the world. It is not only the best Remedy to purify the blood and core all skin diseases, but I believe it will cure all kinds of blood diseases, and I Know it will cure a love for strong drink. I hope you will have this published, as there are many sufferers who could be cured, if they could know c f and get your Remedy I am trulv and respectfully, JOS. R. MASON, South Gaston, N. C. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Win. H. Green. Send for circu lar of testimnials. nov 14 dw Children's Cloaks Ladies' Cloaks AND T7&8TSX13, Just jSeceived. Lace Collars. JLace Collarettes, BUGS AND MATS ad many other new iMni pretty thiols. Rlclntire. 1, LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. See ad Dr. B Ire William H. Grfex Importfdand Do rnefctJc Ercers HEJNSBiRGEJt't We Have It CW Yates Christmas Uoda " J'ame C ilrxns Drusf-nst Xa City Court to-day. , . Pumpkin pies are now all the rage. The crime of perjury is always punish ed perjury. Mu P. a oniinue small, orately adorned. bat are elab" Twenty two t-nows the present winter. Uc ding in bed is aie predicted lor a bad habit, and don't you indulge in it. Women resemble cigars only when tbey appear in wrappers. The latest freak, is lady's mantlo?, lined with monkey skins. Good wood W88 selliDg from the flats tday at 75 cents per load. The weather seems to be making its usual preparations for Christmas. Ihe blacking brush and the Brush electric light are both good shiners. A yath following his own bent is apt to get into straightened circumstances. A general shouldn't be too straight. He ought to lean aJittle upon his staff. Poultry continues to sell at reasonable prices, but eggs are enormously high. Br. schr. Equator, Alberry, hence, arrived at Nassau, N. P., on the 5th inst. 4 Rus. brig Atlanta, Nybcrgf, cleared at Liverpool, on the 7th inst., for this port. Now i3 the time to purchase cheap goods at auction the woods are full of them. ' o. c i n t ; Inn ripnrp. nrrivpn at Nftn vnrk on thft zuin insi. - 1 dui noi so wun a boh msssue an egg ori tomato. Billiards is a contradictory sort of I came, mere is more scratcning man kissing in it. Schooner William Wiler, Donohue, hence, arrived at rniiaasipnia on ine - a a e i 19th inst. British schooner Mabel Darling, Ran-I eer. hence, arrived at Nassau. N. P.. on he Clh inst. Some women are like guns. They wnnlrl nt tract no nttention were it not for their bangs. Anexcnange says: "Alan's average ife is 30 years." Dr. BuirsCoufifh Syrup . aT will always live. A 1,1 i..Jn1 rrm ono So no advantage in false hair it never turnd white in a single night. in our office at 3 o'clock this afternoon. with the doors open : no ere bavinsr been made during fhfi day. Schooner Eva Leonard, ' Macomber, from Boston for this port, was at Dutch Island Harbor on the 17th inst., and sailed again on the 19th inst. Buchupaiba." New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases. SI. Druggists. Depot Jas. 0. Alunds. There are a great many strangers, a majority or whom are colored peeple, in the city to-day. A large number came in on the different trains this morning, in order, we preaume, to make purchases for the holidays, but the weather has been very unfavorable for their purposes. To Builders and others Go to JacoI bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass kc You can get all sizes lowest prices and at th ? In tbe begining of March, says Mr. H. Schultz, Winnneconne. Wis., I had occasion to call on Mr. August Will, who had the Gout so badly, that he could neither lie down or sit, the pains were so terrible: his wife was also suffer- in with rheumatic pain. I gave them J a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, and by thwl next morning ooin were compieveiy i CUretl. 1 neerBJW iwu muro ii ft t . PcPlfe; Beautify yournomes by using the N I Ly. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t The Rain To-Day. The most copious ram in this vicinity for many days, fell to-day, and for a couple of hours Water street well de. served the name which it bears. The water, poured down in torrents that the gutters could not carey .off as fast as it fell, and the streets were flsooded in con sequence. Macii'rate'e f:urC John Lewis, colored, foi an assault and battery upon Dit;d Johnson, also colored, submitted and was discharged upon the payment of the costs. " ' Thomas Knnett, colored, for anaault and battery upon th3 above mentioned John Lewis, submitted, and he also was discharged upoa the payment of the costs. Unmailable Un mailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Postoffice in this city: ! James Hunter, Florence, S. C; stamp ed envelope illegibly addressed ; Patrick Monroe, 417 Cumberland street Brook, lyn, N. Y. ; Henderson Page, Columbus county, N. C; James O. Knealy, Tur keysait, N. C. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Bi ack 1 fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort. ment and lowest orices at Jacoii'i . t Catting Scrape. - A difficulty occurred in Pender coun- ty, not far from Castle Havne. on last Saturday night, between several colored persons, as a result of which one of them, a man who had been getting out timber in that section, was badly cut across the race, the breast and the arms. His as - saiiani was arrestea ana tne case .was e a . being tried yesterday. We did not learn the names of the parties. Ball at Borgaw. The young people of Pender county I are making arrangements to have a ball I at Burgaw on the evening of Thursday, I the 29th inst., and hope to make it a I pleasant and eBjoy able affair. From 1 r B I in rrai (inn if- nn va rtt7A nA 3nnHf 4Viaf i ... . . l it will nmM . Amnlorfl ennnaaa I 'havr u tLu 1 utuoiuaiwBYwuuswuuww una vikjr win remember the timeand the occasion and make it a point to be present. a Pniiawa ' Ahorse, attached to a buggy, the piujreivj ui wi. v. u.uiFwu, tnalr fnirht. at ahont I o'r.locK tnis o. t?. t.ofroaar, T.;nnAoa ni iar m., on Front, between Prmwss and Mar- set streets, ana ran to me corner or Market street, where he was stopped by .nmincr in rnnfAc.t with one of the tele- nhnne Hosts. The carrier and harness r r-- ----- .... were consiaeraoiy uamageu, uui, norse, we learn, was noi lniurea. in nis ruA thfl hnre rarne rerv near rnnnincM a little girl, but fortunately he . 6 J j . ever escaped. Pender Conrt. - .-J 1L.-J , lt was eipecicu ycemruajr tuai, Court would close te-day for the term, The criminal docket, which was tery e wees:, ana u was vnougni inat vue I . . , , . . . , . 3 uuaiucoo wupfcv-t --j. Judge Shipp and Solictor Galloway are both hard workers. The bar is largely represented. There were present yesieraay iweniy-.our A A A. liwyers, thirteen of them from this city. Duplin, Sampson and Onslow were also represented. Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South. FIRST BOUND. Wilmington, at Front Street, Dec 24-25 Topsail, at Union, . Dec 31, Jai 1 SmithviUe . . . Jan 7 - Brunswick, at Sharon, . Jan 14.-15 Waccamaw Mission, at Pise Log, Jan . . . . . 21-22 Whiteville, at Whiteville. Jan 28-29 Elizabeth, at Ehzabethtown, Feb 4 -5 Bladen, at Windsor. . Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 Cokesbury, at Bethany, . Fb-25-26 Coharie Mission, at Wesley-Chap el. . . . March 4 -5 Duplit, at Wesley Chapel, March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon, March 18-19 7The District Stewards will meet at Wilmington at the parsonage of the Front Street Church at 11 o'clock . m.. on Tuesday, the 3rd of January. 1882. 5.O. Bckto.v Presiding Elder. A fasbioa note reads: "Children's dresses are aftsia eui with low necks and bIiotI sleeves," Thauht they were cat wita a' pair ct scissors. TbeC F-Y. Y. B- R- As was generally foreseen, Dr. Canedo, of the New Yeik and Southern Rail way and Telegraph Coustrnetion Com pany, tasbeceme the purchaser of the Cape Fear & Yalley Valley R. R , which means, we trust, that Wilmington is to be connected, at no distant day, with a line of railway direct to the Ohio rivtr. I . Her Cargo The schoouer.Ar(rf2c Husted, now ly fog at! Messrs. Northrop & Camming'8 mifl, if from Miragoane, ilayti, and with a cargo of logwood and spiders and scorpions. We saw two or three speci mens of the latter to-day and they are truly villianous looking objects. : The receipts of cotton at this port tc dy foot up 1,051 bales. The Christmas turkey is now on the "ragged edge" for he'll soon baye to "step down and out." - Nature orders all things well. It is suggested that these dark nights greatly facilitate the stealing of Christmas poul try Schr. William Denting,' Hodgins, I 1 - J J. t A m -m c re 6 niS po" w-ay I0 waaaa- X0BiW Wlin 1661 iaaDer,.siiippei ft m r .t a r m Dy n ormrop e camming. I The dress makers are the best support ers 01 newspapers, particularlj during tne 8Pnn and lall they - patteroize everv one which faIls iato their hands, The river is. again low, there being only three feet of water on the shoals- There will be a reinforcement though lin all trobabilitv. if tolav'a rains ex'- tended into the interior. w r " m Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. The January number. is one of remark able excellence an J abounds with liter ary and artistic brilliants. Prominent amonar tbe latter is the colored frontia. I piece, "Ihe Finishing Touch," by Meyer Yon Bremen. Douglas Campbell con tributes a highly interesting article. ! 'The Past, Present and Future of New York's Water Supply," which is pre fasely illustrated. "Distinguished Inva lids," "in tbe Land ef Pyrenees," "Chats- worth," by N. Robinson, "Hearing," by T.Jeffrey Parker, are a few of the Inely I fntif ,m4 A1 nnfanr(hff ortTnlo. n.M M Carlton's serial. "Leonie. Emnresa of the Air' is continued; and among the admir able short stones are "The 9:30 Up: i "us. tieuue: or. Actress ana w oan. "Sister Mariruerite" "Saintv'a nhHt.l mas Gifts," and, "The Murder in the7"" cheapest; 15c, lec, 20c, and i w. "J ww . I ciu iwio mo ecTcrau poems of merit, an unpublished one by ir Wftlter gcott - Iiar interest. There are also descriptive and personal sketches: paragraphs on a variety or subjects entertaining, inter ?.8wn "a -anoramg vaiuaDie iniorma- on inenumoer contains 125 quarto pages and about 100 illustrations, and is ouerea ai. me low price oi cents, ine annual snDSCnptlOu IS ad. sent TJOSt-tree j, ,- r i fnu,u and 5. Park Place, New York. uuinyiicauona. it . I Tf Ik. J iL.l I iL.! XitUO IUUUMUUB UOW lUTC UeiT ftnd rnmfort rlestroved hv AnrrmlW. tion . of hver and kidney complaints would give nature's remedy, Kidney , therefore comnletelv fills the hill for r ' a peneci. reraeay. 11 you nave a lame back and disorderded kidneys use it at I JBce- Don't neglect them. JVror and Farmer. Heir Advertisement I Fine Confectionery. HAVE JUST RETURNED WITH THE ! iaest and Cheapest assortment ot Confec tionery that can be bought in the city. ZlMMfcK&lAN S, Sweet Penny Corner, dec 12 Second and Princess sts. PLANTATION FOfl SALE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED Commissioner, ap-1 apoiu&ta oy me wuage or ine superior Court oi Ser Hanover county, will expose to sale at public auc ion, on Thursday, 19th January, 1SS2, at the Court House door in the City of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, M. that valuable plantation in Pender county on Kocky Point, known aa Pembroke, cOn taining about one thousand acres of fertile land, to wit: A certain tract of land in Pender county, bounded by a line commen cing on the edge of Black Creek, near the endof a bank across aaid creek, aud rup. ning thence S l- E. S6 chsina and 50 linkn to a pine and pine point era on tbe side of Dark Branch, thence 8. S3, K. 93 chains to the edge of the Tide 8waiup at Cseaar's Spring and thence in the same direction to theN E Branch of the i ape Fear river, thenco up the ii-cr to .the Hue of the - Vats plantation, thence with that line to a ataks in the said line opposite to a row of Cedar trees and thence to the beginning. : E . ; t Terms liberal aad made sinownUsale. ' ALEX T. LONDON, 4ee lT-tds ComalssJoner; ITew AdyextisementB WILLIAM H. GIIEEri5 HOIALEAJJD RETAIL DEALER IN IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRUGS Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparation, Brushes, t ombs, Extracts, Ac. &c. dec 22 MARKET STREET. Pressed Brick I AM RECEIVING 'a: email lot PlnladeL phla Prcwed Biiclf a" ve. fle atticle Prices orcOAT. A JfD AVOODVvery weak this warm spell, hurry ia yoar orders beTore a c)ld nap lixep;ic aijairu .---if . ' ' " dec2l i f J. A. SPRINGER. " We Hive It ! J UST TH TRfx (i TO 8D1T. Call ttd ee it aa4 yon vrll be cninced tbat tha Hai jttii what you want, v From the immeti5 saorfment ef BEAUTI FUL CHRI8TM A8 P B3KNT8 every one and his neighbor can be tufted if they only eall at . ;-: . : . HBIlTBBERGER'fi, dec 11 Lire Book and Mnale 8tore A Holiday Smoke. TIE BE8T OF CIGARS and Tobacco and Tobacco Goods. Best 5 cent Clear in cwy, warrantea. just received a beau tiful lot of genuine Meerschaum Pipes and Chrar Holders, Suitable for Holidav Gifts. Will be pleased to exhibit these goods to all. I. UKUJUNEYVALD, South Front St., two doors below deel2-2w - IT xchange Corner KirlaiirTw.a'8 ON A AT J. c. ZXABKET STREET. C fff LB3CANDD2S. the best and i candy, or 3 pounds for SI. I Obanges and CoooxjrrjTS by Stmr. to-day. Layer RtknB nd itron of best quality at retail. ONE THOUSAND PACKS iFire Crackers, 209 Dos. EGG3J 1.000 lbs. Assorted Nuts I expect to have, on or before 8atur day, a bountiiul supply of Dressed and Live take orders during the week for Saturday. - Corns early ouunmui buodiv oiiressea ana Lire and secure your Christmas Turkey and avoid tbe rush and damrer of not getting one. I will try to be prepared to meet all the requirements of the trade, and wait on customers promptly ' and deliver goods promptly at their houses. ts? If you are contemplating changing your accounts for the New Year, or begin- nieaanr firtri, r ".Jr a uuvnui& j vu aivuuu uiu khiuic p"ces. . J QOaj C GtGVetlSOn. dec 20 CHlriotltiag TTillfriCTyl jNOTHEB ASSORTMENT OP ELEGANT MILLINERY ByJExpress. Fancy Goods and Embroidery, ! designs new sad desirable, just in. Ladles please come early to have Christmas orders filled to satisfaction, ' '" li I; 1 ? : Millinery and Fancy Goods Departments always fall of stylish articles. A large SAaortmeirt of Ladies' snd ChUd. ren's Uaderwear. :':T.l u "' ; ' - Eespectfully, dec 20 ; " Exchsiige Corner Ho 1 7 For- Onoloyv BO. KB OF EUxISCBJPTION TO THE Capital Stock of the , Wilmington, Wzightsvma aad Onalow Billroad Cojxj panj were opexaed, - Uonday, Dec 19, at the Stores of dpt.. John I - Boatwright and 12r. Oeorgs ilyers,v in this city, and at ether points on the line of the propceed read. Cipt. Frs JI Wocten sjwfMr. Gecrgs It. Crrpcn have ciargs cfthe sub scription booSa Ia THhaington i dsc Id 10U .v STEVENSON'S T?ow AdTortisomout8 37 CGnrt Placs, LOiiiSVILLE, KY., t'um.'4'., t his j-racute wilt ptvvr. Gcros cJl forms of PRIVATE, OHONIC and SEXUAL DISl iirjermatorrlioa anil ' IznpotencT( ' n t.' K-uU .or vgf-jtbii-te ia youth, arxual tuutn ia nta : j'tr jfjrt or ctiacicaasm, ana prtimin j soaitar Ine f.!- . .11 rrrt.jne, Siiual Kni(.4oua. (nijitt rui. . lr iir"iinf). I)imn. of icht, Itfaiie.J-twr.t. Fby t-ii-Tir, Hmi4toa Kac, A vrmvnu- Pocirtj ( l-'tn. k t, . "o-ii i.-iin of IJ-'iw:. (, c bexualVcvcr, L., rcBdcrir. " ijirir or nahao", art thr.rtmg bly and permn- "iSS11 (ima a '": Gonorrhea, GLEET, S'-rktura, OnctiUs KmWa.iofRtiiar.J-, i; h sc!f-e i.i'.at ifcat .iiT slrtnu boiTJ uperinlattcntioa - to err'Ma dii of Uli-aj. wud treatluf thvcoa anun. ll.r. ncvj.iipes KTvi .kill. rhfciolaBS kDovUic UiU frt otv-a fl,''MrB i pri'i t9iT tw When i! U uounrui. nl t vi,t tn? i ;tv for ireatnicnt. motaciBoa cn bo tut frtvattly ui rMtlf by wall tf exprc. nny feer. - Cures Grtaranteed in all Coses nndcrtaken. .u-ui'a'i his iTopnT or hr Mier trer tefl Inrl'M. Gtais iOi.-DO!ilc ud convapondence airictly oouflU.uunl. PRIVATE COUNSELOR Or 200 pxges, cnt to any addres, , t-cur!Y apaled, foe thirty W) cenu. Should b rvad tr alL AddrvM aa . OSre tours frcm 9 X. M. to t P. M. Scadaji, J to 4 r. U. d.c i.-iw y . ; '. - ; JAMES C. MUHDS. Druggist, IS NOW OPENING ONE OF THE largest and most varied stocks of Holiday Goods ever brought to this city, . consisting o Toilet rets, Vases, in Bronze and Gilt, Oel-j luloid Sets in cases, &c Calland examine oeo a 71 M 353 TO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. PLEASE ORDER EARLY.' SASH, OOO.S Af2D BUMDS BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Ac ALTAFFER, PRICE CO. dec 18 Everybody Says Y A T' HAy THE , LARGEST ASSORTMENT and iHE raaTTiisar Christmas Goods In tswa. . dec 18 Uook aad Htstionery Store. THE VARiEW STORE THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE spectfully notify his friends and tho public that he has recently re turned from a, visit to the v .-.Northern Markets wherp he has purchased the Handsomest Display . OF MILLINERY, FANCY GOODS, fJDTICjrJS AND HOLIDAY GOODS. he'has ever offered inthis"city. My stock is ' , Large, Complete And in . I have thousands of things which it would take columns to enumerate'. Mv fine,fresh FRENCH CANDIES are i specialty. . I lead in these goods as my patrons well know. I have an elegant variety of " Millinery Crooda, nalit Trimmingi, &c., To which I invite the attention of the ; . . .- Ladies. My stock of CHRIS TMAS GOODS is full and complete and having been bought low will be sold low. 1 respectfully invite a call and inanec tion. variety Store, iA If rt' . dec 19 No . 42 Market street. Ho ! for the Holidays. Pigs, Sausages. Tufks hi-i r'n-v- Dressed and a live. ci! and convince yotirself or send yur onlew In early. J. k:. IlfiRVPAf a v North 8i Je Market, between 24 fc 31 its CALL3 SE aD PRICE I A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE assort ment oi Wedding, ChrUtmxs and HolU day Preeents for sale low down kt KJ to be the heavier, U'gc t utd fittest in . J. U. HARDIN'S . . Drug and Chemical Store, dec 30 iNewMarktt

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