u TBIH PAP? it crushed every flerooa. Suad'ijt fa JOf'O. T. J ZPXT02 AHn PBOFBIETOa aOBSCRIFTIONS.POSrAQK PAID. One year, 15 0 8ix months, S3 50 ; Thrr xcae, 51 25 One month, 10 oeats. the paper wi5' he delivered byearrierf, ;rvt of ehwr. nr Prtcf tbfldty.illU boTe rates, or 13 cents pr rtr. Advertising rate Jow and libera gy-Scbseritmrs will please report any aid jj failure to receive their cf crsr'ltrlv. ?few Advertisements. . ""V5 THE GREAT RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ngs and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. o Preparation on earth equal St. Jacobs Oil, ax safe, axtrr, simple and cheap External Xnaedj. A trial entails but th comparatirelj :rifliuK outlay cf 50 Onta, and erery one nffer ing with pain can Laro cLeap axkd potitlTe proof c-f 1U claims. Directions la Eleren Langnagw. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEE3 A. VOGEIiER cfc CO., Ualtlmorc, 2ItL, V. S. A, just imagine:how I FELT." Bbckswick, Co., Va., Novcmber5th, 1831. Mrs. Joe Pebsok, Franklinton, N. C. Dxjlr Mapam: It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy has entirely cured me of a most feartul looking and painful soie on my ankle. It come more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. He told me he could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or five weeks, cad if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. J ust imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have mined mo. Mind you this wbb the advice of one of the best doctor in the State of North Carolina, and this conversation took place last (February. I continued to burn with canbtic, as he advised until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment 1 was advised then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took tho 6ret dose tho 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can wow walk as far, Iance as much and jump as high as any man you know. Tut mc back to the let of September, let me know as much bb I now do of tho yirtuc ol your Remedy, nd I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I could not get it for less. I think more of it than any medicine in the world. It i3 not only the best Remedy to purify the blood and cure all ikin diseases, but I believe it will cure all kinds of blood diseases, and I nowit will cure a love for stroncr drink. I hope you will have this published, as there are many sufferers who could be eared, if they could know cf and get your Remedy. I am trulv andrespectful'y. -' JOS. R. MASON, South Gaston, N. C. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Win. fl. Green. Send for circu lar oftestimnialg. novl4dw PLANTATION FOH SfliE. ..u . nnhl r. alio ion. on x nurua , a..u ti a n January, 1SS3, at tho Court Houjc door in tho City of Wilmlnaton, at 13 o'clock, M. that ralaable plantation in fender county on Kocky Point, known a I'tmbrok-, con taining about one thousand acres of fertile land, to wit : A certain tract of laud io Pender county, bounded by a line commeu- elzig on the edge of Black Creek, near the end of a bank acroessaid creek, and run !n?r thence S 10. E. 36 chiina and 50 link- to a pine and pine pointer on the att side of lark Branch, theioe . 32. K XI chains to the edff of the Tide Snatup at ocsar'a Spring and thence Ja tha tm tiircetion t J theN E Brr,ch cf the Cape I'car jjver, thenco up tb i iver to the Hue cf the Vats plantation, thence ith that lice to a ttake In the aald line oppoelie to a row ul Cedar . lreea and thence to tne cecinnicg. Term liberal and made known at sale. ALEX. T. LONDON; 4e ntU Commluloner Vim t 7 4 h: J d8m rjXRZ UNDERSIGNED Coniinls-iouer, op I pointed by the Judee of the Super f N Hanover couDty. ui:l expose Tfiw VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER LOCAL- NEWS. Nirw Advertisemekt. IIesrt Savage, Trea Sealed PropoMl 'S W Fiizi ualti & Cc Peniori K M McIntire Iiht Jacket -William 11. Gkexjc Imported and Do mestic Brutrs IlEiK8rEHOER'& We Have It CW Yatls Chrjfctmas Good James O ilUKDs--Drulst To morrow i3 Christmas Kv. Fancy jroods stores are crowded now. Combination costumes are- out of fah ion. Flannel-6 oihed cloths are much ine macd. None bat !3tkctcs wear short waista jst now. . Nothing doing in magisterial circles to day. New Derbies have low crowns and no roll to.the brim. Shaded feathers are a marked feature in winter millinery. Fancy jewelry has mutiplied itself ad infinitum this winter. - Bodices show a variety, ef styles both in shape and trimming. Wreaths of roses and other flowers are revived for ball coiffures. Spanish lace, both black and white, is as much the rage as ever. k Cuffs are made very deep, reaching sometimes almost to the elbow. . The Church adornments for Christmas will bo very elaborate this year. The horn brigade were out in force last night and made the night hideous. Ger. barque Unkel Braestg, Ohlf, hence.arrived at Antwerp cn the 21st inst. "Frightened mouse" color is a pale gray with a dash of greenish brown in it. Brig Eugene Hale, Hillman, sailed from Navasau, on the 8th inat., for this port. Good wood was selling from tho fiats to-day for 75 cents .per load of a quarter of a cord. Seal brown cloth, with plush to match' is the favorite material for elegant pro menade costumes. Ribbons striped in moire and plush, oi moire and satin, are in high favor for bonnets and hat trimmings. Gros graiu silks in the rich blue and olive shades nuke up beautifully, asso ciated with brocaded velvet. Large bats with obelisk crowns and halo brims are the first choice of the most fashionable young ladies. Brigylto r. Cole, Mitchell, hence, was at Jeremicr Dec. oth, where she ar rived Nov. 30th, dUchareing. for New York. Pine apples sold to-day on the schr. Jt-Ua Elizabeth at $2 a dozen. BVnanas were po!d at auction, commanding god prices. Fender Superior Court adjourned for tt,e term last night at 9 o'clock. The civil docket was not taken up until yea terduy morning. 'The ballasting of Third street has been completed as far North from the City Hall as Mulberry street. It is a great improvement. The storm signal was displayed last night and was raised again this morning. The wind got around to the Northwest during the pight and it was clear, coo1 and blustery this morning. Eggs ware selling from the stores to day at 30 cents per dozen; grown chick ens at 25 tenis each; live turkeys at 71 cents to $1,25 and dressed turkeys 15, 18 and 20 cents per pound, according to quality. i Mr.W. W. Carraway1, alias D. R.Walk er.fepresentiog the Rileigh Stxcn and Observer, was in the cjty to-day in the interest of his paper. He gave us the pleasure of a brief call, and we were truly glad to see him, far he is one of Nature's noblemen. City Court. One ca-e of d. and d. was brought up before His Honor' thjs morning Dis charged. Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranUd. Sold only at Jaoojii. t M) A TT Y Foreign ( sports. Nor. barque ylJcr, Johanosen, clear ed at this port to-day for Liverpool with 1,669 bales cotton, shipped by Messrs Williams & Murchiion; and Ger. barque Soli Dei Gloria, Meyer, cleared for Hamburg, with 3,949 barrels rosin, ship ped by Messrs Paterson, Downing k Co. Personal. Rev. Frank H. Wood, the newly ap pointed pastor of the Front Street M. E Church, arrived in the city last evening, with his family, and stopped with Mr John F. Garrell, where they will remain for & few days until some necessary re -I pairs upon the parsonage can be com pleted. The Philadelphia Time writes prop erly "Am : Historical Turnpike.' Morning Star: - Yon have slipped up' this time, Bro. K.. A historical turnpike is correct, according to the 5est rules. If the "h" in historical was silent, then "an" would be correct, but as it is not silent, "a" is the proper article to be used. Iodleaildns. For the South Atlantic States cooler fair weather, westerly veering to north ly winds, higher prepare. The Chief Signal Oficer of the army furnishes the following bulletin to the Press: Cooler fair weather is indicated tor Saturday east of Mississippi River, and for Sunday in New England, the Middle, South At Untie and Gulf States. Foor Lives Saved. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup relieved four of my children of a most alarming attack of Whooping Congh, from whieh their throats and necks became so swollea as to' prevent them from swallowing. Noth ing would give them even temporary relief, until this Syrup was tried. One bottle, in one night, saved their lives, I verily believe. Gio. W. Eabhabt, Captain of Police, Baltimore, Md. A Fowl lToceedlni One of the grocers on Water street this morning presented one of the at taches of the Review office with a very fine turkey, whereat the latter is glad, and hopes that the generous donor, Mr. F. A. Newbury, may live forever and die happy. There are several other married men in the Rsvisw office, incla ding the proprietor, whose turkeys are yet on the wing. Bed-Bags. Roaehes. Rats, mice, ants, flies, vermin, mosj quitoes, insects, fcc, eleared out by 'Rough on Rats." 15c, boxes at drug gists. .- -. - The Cape Fear. The water in the river at thia port is discolored but there is no freshet to re port as yet. Tho steamers . Murchi son, Wave, Gov. Worth and Bladen are all here, expecting to leave this af ternoon, with large cargoes of Christmas supplies. When they left Fayetteville yesterday H was raining and it continued to rain all of the way down. It was also raining very hard in the interior yester. day and we think that better water is euro to result. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Saab, Blinds and Doors, Glass, Ac. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. . . t Accident to the Wm. Kyce While the steam tug Wm. Nyce was towing a vessel from Messrs Parsley Wiggins' saw mill ! this forenoon, the connecting rod broke, juat below the crosahead, and the follower flew up and broke the cylinder tacdin four pieces, besides breaking iherlm'oftht cylindsr. This, of course, rendered her unserviceable for the time, and she was taken in tow by m the little steam yacht Wavassa, and brought to the wharf at the foot of Market street where she now lies and is being repaired. Fortunately ilo one was injured by the accident. . Can't something be done for Chestnut street, between Second and Third. It i in a fearful plight, as the result of the recent rains. Condensed Benefit The way people now use the great bev trace beer it would be supposed that each glass thereof is brimful of benefit: it may be. ' Bat there is another liquid of national reputation, every bottle of which is filled with immeasurable bene fit to such as need its services. Mr, Edward A. Kenney, Supt. Boston Beer Brewery, Boston, Mass., thus speaks of it I distributed several bottles of St, Jacobs Oil among those of my men sub ject to severe pains caused by exposure to care them. I can therefore safely reeoBXsend H to all parties suffering frcra paici of aaj kind. ------ ; . .. ;;. .;. , . .- v - ? . -.., - - . . The receipts of cottoaat this port c dy foot up 753 bales. Look out for Santa CUus under the auspices of W. H. Scott's Minstrel Troupe, at the head of the old market Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District of tlw Methodist E. Church, South. FIRST ROCXD. Wilmington, at Front Street, Dec 24-25 Topsail, at Union, . Dee31,Jai 1 Smithville . . . Jan 7 -8 Brunswick, at Sharon, . Jan 14-15 Waccamaw Mission, at Pine Log, Janr "V" i 1 . ; 21-22 Whiteville. at WhiUviMev Jan 28-29 Elizabeth, at Klizabethtown, Feb 4 -6 Bladen, at Windsor. . Felr 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel; Feb 18-19 Cokesbnry, at Bethany, Feb 25-26 Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap- el, . . . March 4 -5 Duplin, at Wesley Chapel, March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon, : March 18-19 G5"The District Stewards will meet at Wilmington at the parsonage of the Front Street Church at 11 o'clock a. m., on Tuesday, the 3rd of January. 1882. R.O. Bdxtov. Presiding Rider. Comnllcatloni. If the thousands that now have their rest and comfort destroyed by complica tion of liver and kidney cemplaints would give nature's remedy, Kidney Wort,a trial they would be speedily cured It acts on both organs at the same time and therefore completely fills the bill for a perfect remedy. If you have a lame back and disorderded kidneys use it at once. Don't neglect them. if rror and Farmer. -. : MARQIGD, HARDIN MANNING At tae resideace of the bride's parents, at Wrightsville Sound, near Wilmiaeton, N. O., on the 14th lnat., by Rav. J. B.Tayfcr. Mr. JOHN H. HARDIN and Misa FANNIE B., daughter of Capt. E. W. Manning. ITew Advertisements. nrHQinv1 For 8OUDXBII81 rEUOlUaW widows. ratbeM.mothert ei ehUdrea. rhoosandfyetatiUd. Paaioaiirii ior PliciiB- Thousand ef pjOBr n land trarraatt prorwiW. boa ght and sold. Sgldieri and heirs apply ior your nuts a one. -stamps for "The Citlaen-Seldier." aad Psasiea and Boentr laws, blank aad instructions. Ws ouMfwu thotiaanasof Panaionsrs and Cutnts. deo 2;.dAwlm ; Office Clerk & Trea sitter, City of Wilmington. IT C. December 7h, 1881 v SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until December 23d, 1681, for the purchase of $33,000 City Coupon Funding Bonds, bearing 6 per cent. Interest, payable semi-annually, aald Interest being made receivable for city taxes or any other indebtedness to the city. The bonds are ex empt from city taxes. The bonded debt of the city is $572,100; less linking fund in the bands of commissioner, $40,500; net, $531, H00. No floating debt or past due in tercet. Assessed value ot taxable property, $,8o6.oo?; value of real estate owned by city, $75,000, being in exeera of nine dollars of taxable ptopcrty for each dollar ef debt. The right Is rese ved to reject any or all bids. By authority. HE NRT SAVAGE, dec 23 It Clerk &Treas. LIGHT JACKETS U latere i And CLOAKS It JUST RECEIVED. DOLMANS ! PLAIN AND DIAGONAL. Children's Cloaka S, 10, 13 and 14 years. RespeetMlT, R- RI. LTclntire. de 23 FOR IijBJBOHBHS. T DKhIRK TO PLACE &D GOOD, PO. ssr and DrjrtHsori uviues en 6O good farakhed aid stocked fraa!a as healthy sedoa of eoaatry as there is !a h ntata, ad fir thesa half of varytatac ikev make, -- 9 No eh vgafcr arv4oea rendered. Address, JuBS T. PaTBICX, KmLxraUia Agt Tor DixieJ : i f - - Arrirmltaral AsstiiAttoa, dje$ ikw TJsdsxbcTH O 3 0 ,u:i it . T.&ft vr.v ri - - I 23. 1881. ' NO 302 Hew Advertisemeiit3 WILLIAM H. GHEEHj -yTTIOLESALE A VD RETAIL DEALER IN IMPORTED AND DOME3TIC.DRUGS Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparation, Brushes, omb, ExUaci-, Ac. dec 22 MA RKET STREET. Pressed Brick. AMRE ElViNG a mall lot Philadel phia Pm fed Bxicl- & very fine articlr ' Prices of COAT. AND "WOOD very weak this warm spell, hurry ia your orderb before a rold snsp Tea prices aairu . dec 21 .1. A. 6FRINGRR,. Wef Havel it JD8T THX THl0 TO eDir. Call std tee H and you will be ceo lsocd that the Ijiive Book Store , Has last what you waat. From the immessa asiortment cf BEAUTI- - , ... , ......... FDL OHRISTMAB P BSENTS every one aad bla neighbor can be ' suit d if they osly eall at HBINaBERGEK'8, Live Book And Kusie Store dee 11 A Holiday Sinoke, TIE -BEST OF CIGARSand Tobacco and Tobacco Goods. Beet 5 cent Cigar In the city, warranted. Ju&t received a beau tiful lot of genuine Meerschaum Pipes and Cigar Holdera. Suitable for Holiday Gifts. Will be pleased to exhibit these goods to all. , . ;N. GREENEWALD, ' South Front at,, two doora below , dec 13-3 w Exchange Corner 1 - "' ; ON A . . ' r v .-- -AT J. c. J IIAHKET STREET. 2,000 LBS CANDIES, the best and cheapest; 15c, 16?c, 20c, and 35c for the finest French Candy, or 3 pounds for $1. Ojiaxqbs aud Coooaxtjts by 8tmr. to-day, Lordon Layer Raisins and Leghorn itron of beat quality at retail. ONE THOUSAND PACKS Iire Crackers, 200 Doc. EGG8; 1.000 Iba. Assorted NuU I expect to have, on or before 8atur day, a bountLtul aupply of Dressed and Live Poultry of all kinds, and will take or dei a during the week for Saturday. Come early and secure your Christmas Turkey and avoid the rush and danger of not gettiog one. I will try to beprepared to meet all the requirements of the trade, and wait on customers promptly and deliver goods promptly at their houses. 137 If you are contemplating changing your accounts for the New Tear, or begin ning one for convenience, I don't think you can do better than try me. I will take great pleasure in showing you, around and giving my prices." . ... ,,.;? "... J a o. C OtevenGon. Ohriotniaa' IHllinery! NOTHER ASSORTMENT OF ; ; ELEGANT MILLINERY By Express. Fancy Goods and Embroidery, designs new and dedralile, juat lal 'Ladies please come early to have Christmas ciders filled le satisfaction. - Millinery and Fancy Gooda Departxaenta are always full of stylish article. : A large assortment of Ladles' and Cfcfld- y w tf use es - - ; rea-a uaaerwear. ; v i ; ' ; ; ' Etipertfttlly "V ' - '- - li ' JfJES E..KAERiB, r dec 20 jv:v! - Exchange Corner Mo I lRpr On BOCKS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO THE Capital Stock of the Wilmington, Wrigatavilla tad Onslow Railroad Com pany were opened, llonoay, vec iv, ax the Qcses cf Cspt. JobaL. Boatwiigbt and ilr.Oeorra livers, -in -this city, and at other petal on the line of tho proposed road. Cant. F. M.. ; Wooten and Mr. George U, Crapon have charge of the sub- senpuon dooes la Yf lixningtons deeWitOt. mm mm UJLJU I JJAlMlAI U PUSABBHOTlGJs. We will be clad to rteatvw omviunuatioa from our friaas oa aay and - all tabis i jreei fBt?rt trol Tfc asne nf the wr1t?r amrt always be fm elebed K ht Bdltar. : flomattalaatloas mmsi be.'rttisa: oa tily osaaid of taa papar. .- ; rerscsalities mst he avoided Apd It It espseially and psrilealariy and a ttooJ "that tlsa EdiWdoM cof always eadora the vlwtof florrt-jpof dents snlst so atat ia ti a editorial eo!n"r p. -:- : ' - "1 Kew Aflvertioments, . JAMES " 0. lilUHDg, Druggist, IS SOW OPENING ONE OF THE Urges and most varied stocks of Holiday Goods ever brought to this city, consisting o Toilet -e, Vaws.in Bronze and Gilt, Cel luloid Sets in esses, Ac . Call and examine fee i '. . - ; Fine Confectionery. J HAVE JUT RETURNED WITH THE i iaeet and Cheapest a;Eortinoit o! ' Confee lioncry that can be bought Io the citv . Sweet Penny Corner,. dec 12 Second and Princess sts. TO THINK ABOUT HOT j& ED.. SASH - PLEASE ORDEE EAKLY.' ASH, DO 33 S AM BlIH 3 S BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Am ALTAFFER, PRICE A CO. deo 18 Everybody Says f IT HAV3 TH3 LARGEST ASSORTMENT ' AND THE PRSTTTIKSr Christmas Goods deo 18 Book lid Stationery Store. Female School, NIBSES BURk A j am kRm..., Priacfpals Um. M. t. CUStilNG, Mos.cal Iostruotress TflK EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL Session of this r3obooi-iu comD(Eo on Wednsa, day, October 6th, 161. asd close abonttho third week in Jnan 1682. Paxils wo enter sftcr the flrit mrcthwill be ch.rcd osly froto date cf entraoee, brt It is expected they will attend ecbool the re mai' der of tho ats ioa unlets otherwise pre vented by ill fceatt or rem ul from tho city. Dedocticn made in all esses of rrc tr acted sictness. The courses of iai traction will be as here tofe" thorough and s jstematic, each oild receiving indiTidn&l atttx.ti z. from tlw Prln oipals. 1 be school of Motio -ill bs eotd noted by hn.U. M Cnebicg. Paxils natslde e tbo School.iwisbicg t et.tr fr this branoh of edaeatioc, can i e accomw. edited with aalta ble bonis rj early appliction. A liinitfd cumber of boarding scholars can be reojired irr tbo tatuily cf one of the Piln tii al-?. ' ; cr farther ps'tiaulsrs, see Prineicals, or end for circaU's aay f 0 THE MMim STARE THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RH spectfully notify his friends and the public that he has recently re turned from a visit to the Northern tVJarkets whero he has purchased the ' Handsomest Display OF MILLINERY. FANCY Q00DS NOTIONS AND HOLIDAY GOOD X, hehas ever offered injthis'city. Myatockia Large, Complcto And in I bave thousands of things which it would take columns to enumerate. My fine. fresh FRENCH CANDIES are specialty. I lead in these goods as my patrons well know. I have an elegant variety ox - Millinory Ooodai, nata-, ' Triinminjrf, &c. To which I invite the attestioa of the . Ladies. ' My stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS Is full and complete and having been bought low will be sold low. I respectfully invite a call and irupes tion. L. FLANAGAN, Variety Store, . deo 19 No. 42 Market street. GALL) ScE AND PRICE ! A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE assert. JX. mentot Wedding, Christmas and llolU day Present for aale low down at J.H.HARDIN'S Drug and Chemical Store, dst$ iUtwJis&st