u IblH PAPKb pacileaed every afteraeoa. fenedart pt br J O 8 I J . T. J A BIER, CD1TOB AUB FKOFltlVTOK. FUBJJCKlKTIOrb.fOHTAOK PAID. & year, 00 8ix a.ontkf, S2 50 ; Thr xontbs, tl 35 ; One month, f0 ceata. "be paper will b delivered oy earner, re ofebaree, tr. kbt part of the eity, lb, bo-re rates, or 13 cmix: uer drertisin? r'?J ow libera srScbacribera will ti--f e-ei. ? wv faiiurea to receive r ir ifffjnih Will bc'd to rscwivs oamBtattn rosa ovr rrUJ on ey aod all tqbfeeif reitera? later bat .- ' Tk cam of t& vH?r tim a)vT b r ae aid of the paiMw. T Person all tie bbii be avoided 4n4kit ia wpwaHyaod c? iiri? iooi tbt th Sdtr.io lwTt !ors 'B tb tT -r-ii. ,.f. , ; , . VOL.- V WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1881. NO 33 TffiP DMLT Few Adv rtirmmj 3 51 m a. FOB BHEUIAT Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backachdj Soreness of ihe Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns tand Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, Vo Preparation on erih equals St, Jacob Oii a a afr, aurr, simple and eltrap External Kenedy. A trial entail tut th comparatirely trifilug oatltT of o0 Ccntt, ted every on suffcr ir; with rin jn Lar cbeftp and pcitrr pro: f ef ita elaima. rlrclons In Claren Z.Dguag. BOLD BY ALL DBUG GISTS AND DEALERS IS MEDIOIKE, . A.VOGEU3R & CO., ytaltimorc, JKiL, V. S. A. "JUST IMAQINEIHOW I FELT." Bu'8tcick, Co., Va.f NoTembOth,liS81. Mrs. Jos PeBgox, Franklinton, N. C. Dsab Madam: It is with plenpnre that I write to tell you that your valna le Remedy has entirely curd ne of a moat fearful looking and painfal sore on my ackle. It come more than twelve months a?o, very much like a ringworm. I painted it with Tinct. Iwline. until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the. country for advice. He told hip he could cure me if I would take my h d arid there remain for four or five we k, and if I did not do so pretty soon, it could not be cored at all. 88 the bone would become diseased, ard roy foot would have to be taken off. Just imag ine how I. felt, to be told there was no core for the sore but te lose my foot, or gite op all bn8i'nes8 either of these He tnedies would have mined me Mind you this was the advice of one of the beat doctors in the State of North Carolina. and this conversation took plae lBt February. I continued to burn with cauntic. as he dvised until September but derived no benefit from his treatment J waa advited then by a frindtotrj your Remedy. (Bitters and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as fir, dance as much and jump as high as any man you know: Put me bark to the 1st of September, let me know as much as I now do of the yirtne ot your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay teodol law a bottle for it, If I could not petit for less. I think more of it than any medicine in the world. It is not only the best Remedy to purify the blood and care all skin diseaees.bat I believe it will cure all kinds of blood diseases, and I Know it will cure a love for strone drink. I hope you if ill have this published, as there are many sufferers who could be jured, if they could knowcf and pet your 'Bemedy I am truly and respect fuy, JOS. R. MASON, South Gaston, N. C. The Remedy is for sale in Wilmington by Dr. Wm. H. Green. Send for circu lar of Ustimnials. nov 14 dw PLANTATION FOaSaiE. THE UNDERSIGNED Commlioner, ap poloted by the Judgo of the Superior vortof New Il&sover county, will expose toeaie at puDiic auc ion, ou iurtu, January, 1SS3, at the Court lloute door la I the Pity of Wilmington, at 13 o'clock, M. A thatvaipable planUtlon In rentier couniy on Koeky Tplnt, known as I'embrok-, cod taining about one thousand acres of fertile land, to wit: A certain tract of laud In Pender county, bounded by a line eonnien elng on the edge of Black Creek, near the end of a bank acroassald creek, and run niag thence S 10, E. Z6 chain and 50 link ie a pine and plna pointer? on the t- att side of Dark Branch, thecc H. ?2, K On chains to the edg of the Tide Swaup at sesar's Bprlng and ther.c in the tam direction theii Jl Branch of the Cape Fear tirer, it race up th i iver to the Hue of the Yat plantation, thence with Out Hue to a eUnke 5a the said line opposite to a row el Cedar iraea and tbencc to the becinning. Terxoa liberal and made known at sale. AUX T. LONDON, atac Vf-t&i CowunlMimtT C I VKWS. FW ApVERTIEMEXTf. K Walker, Caeh'r Dividend Notice Iltbte Fir rtty Hall . v iLMAM H. Gheen Imported and Do me tie Lruira " IIiiiN8DERr,EK'-s.VVe Tlave It C W Yate--Christmas Go da 4am E3 J MUXD9 Druggist Day's length 9 hours and 34 minutes a . i , I, . I,,,,, , m Nothing doing in magisterial circle to dnv. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 47 minutes past 4 o'clock. Th receipt a of cotton at this port tc diy foot up. 686 bales. chr. Brave, Bennet, cleared at Phil lulelphia on the 2Ut inst., lor this port Schooner A'pha, Salisbury, sailed from Je rem ie on the 4th inst,. for this port. Schr. S. C Hart, Kelley, sailed from New Bedford, on the 21st inst., for this port. Br. barque Annie JUand, MicCormiek hence, arrived at Bremen on the 22nd inst. ' Schooner Hattie A. White, Griswold hence, arrived at Port au Prince on the '"inst. Schr. Arthur Burton, Coombs, clear ed at Baltimore on the 22nd ioet., for this port. Nor. barque Raguburn, Olsen, sailed from Charleston, on the 20th inst., for this port. There was but one interment--that o an adult in Believue Cemetery this week. There were four interments two adults and two children -in Pino Forest Cemetery this week. Steamship Santo Domingo, Penning ton, cleared at New York, on the 22nd inst.; for this port. Briff Ellen H. Monroe, from New Prle;ns. for this port, sailed from Port Eadson the 22nd lost. The First National Bank ot this city has decl.ired a dividend of 3 per cent., payable January 5th, 1882. . Ger. barque Charles, Longhoff, from Rio Janeiro, for this port, was spoken Nov. 17th in iat. 18 S , long. 29. Brig Wm JJasons, Adarrs, hence arrived at Aux Cayes, Nov 25th, for Auqin, to lead for the United States. Nor. barque Colnmba, Stray, and Edmund liichavdson. Jones, hence, ar rived at Liverpool on Jthe 2 1st iuBt. In Oakdule Cemetery there were two interments both adults one of whom was brought here for burial, this week. The Southern Express Company has been crowded with business this week in carrying and bringing Christmas goods. Rev. Robt. 0. Rurton, Presiding K der ef this District, will preach at the Front Stnet .V:eihcdiat Church on to morrow at tho nsual hoors. British barque Susie, Kerr, from Ham burg (13th inat.) lor this port, was aban doned on tba 18th inst., in a leaky condi tion, in the North Sea. Part of the crew saved. ' One year-Binco Mr. H Young of Kan kakee, Ills , fell from a roof 18 feet high and broke his wrist. Since that time it has given him great pain, which noth ing would subdue until St. Jacobs Oil had been applied, which relieved him at once. The skin of a boiled egg. so it is said, is the most efficacious remedy that cin be applied to a boil. Peel it carefully, wet and apply it to the part affectedr It will draw off the matter and relieve the 4 i sorens in a lew nours. Several young gentlemen from Sara- ter, 6. C, are here on a visit to Prof gostini and that gentleman will give a hop ic their honor at Ransm Hall, on next Monday evening. We return thanks for an invitation to attend. Dinner for the Prisoners. The prisoners in the county jail, we are informed by jailer Howard, will be supplied with & Christmas dinner on Mon day, of roast pork, roast turkeys, chickens, cakes, broad &c, as i3 the asual cus torn on Chrhtma8 day. Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint. ready mixed and war ranted. &ld oily at JAtwxr. t Oxford Orphan Aijlun. If you wish to manifest your, apprecia tion for the blessings of the past year and at the same time do good just hand over a few dollars to Mr.. William M Poisson for the Oxford Orphan Asylum No tetter time to contribute than while all ate enjoying the Ohnstroas festivities. "What fs heaven's best gift to man?" she asked, sweetly smiling on bim, -Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup," he replied, with prudence. He bad just been cured by it of a bad cold Celebration of St. John's Dsj St. John's day, 27 tb tost, will be cele. brated by tbeMasooic fraternity of this city. Installation of officers id the after noon at the Lodge Room and an address by Dr. Eugene Oriswm, of Raleigh, at the Opera House at bight The public are invited to attend the exercises at tbe- Opera House. I ReYolntlenary Belle We have received from Messrs Han cock & Daggett an old six-pound can non ball which was dug np in the base meot'of the new building they are to erect at their old stand on Market street. It was found several feet below the surface and is withont doubt a relic of revolntionary days. It is quite evident that this building was the site of one or more structures in other days. An old brick wall has been unearthed and It wo brick pavements have been found at In tervals beneath the surface. City Conrt. Obadiah Jenkins was befose the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly con. duct. He was found guilty and sen tenced to pay a fine of $5 and he paid it. Moses Maultaby made an assault last night in Paddy's Hollow with a deadly weapon on one John Weatherspoon, both of the parties being colored. The weap on used was a shoe knife and Weather spoon got some painfnl, bat not very deep, cuts orr the back of his head, M aultaby was bound over to the Criminal Court in the sum of $190 and will spend his Xmas in Jail. To Builders and others Go to Jaoo ars for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, ate You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices T i The Jewish Fair. The Fair to be given at the City Hall A xt week by the congregation of the Temple of Is7ael,and for the benefit of the Temple, promises to be one of the roost elaborate affairs of the kind ever known h 're. We were at the Hall this morn ing and found the preliminary prepara tions well advanced under the supervis ion of Mr. A. Weill, Chairman of the Executive Committee, assisted by Mr. J. I. Macks. The most prominent fea ture on catering ths Hall is the cen tre piece, an octagonal structure, which is to do tne r torai aianu, nonaui it is a mossy well from whence tne "sonl inspiring lemonade" is to be drawn and South of it and directly in front of the stage is being arranged a large V shaped structure with glass front and with boxes, where refreshments and confectionaries are to be sold. The post- office is on the West side of the hall and there are a number of booths for the sale and display of fancy articles at various points throughout the centre balL The gallery and the body of the hall will be decorated with the ''flags of all nations.'' The Fail will be formally opened on next Tuesday evening and will continue for three nights. The opening ceremo nies will be inaugurated by a few remarks by Mr. Weill, after which Dr.Mendel sohc will deliver a prayer, tlen M. E. 8. Martin will deliver an address and at the conclusion of the address Hon. Wm. L. Smith; Mayor of the city, will declare the Fair foimally opened. There will 'probably be a large attendance on each evening of its continuance. The Register of Deeds issued eleven marriage licenses this week, two of which were for white couples and nine for color ed couples. . Mr. J. H. Savage, Superintendent at the Poor House, will give the inmates of that institution on Monday next a regu lar old fashioned Christmas dinner of poultry, roast meats, Ire. There are 26 barques, 6 brigs and 0 schooners, a total of 41 vessels, in port at this time; and there are lfi barques, 3 brigs and 1 schooner, a total of 19 vej- I elV bouad for this pert- Banting around to buy Christmas nrpivnt M fnnnt n Ana (imrtmpnt rJt pocket knives, silver plated ware, table cutlery as well as some of the beat stoves we have seen, at Jacobrs Uardware De pot and their prices were lower than we expected to find. Foreign Rxports. Nor. barque Erragon, Weber, cleared at this port to day for Liverpool with 1,633 bales cotton, shipped by Messrs Williams & March;wn; Nor. barque Pallas, Pedersen, for Liverpool with 2,230 bales cotton, shipped by Messrs xxtvx. oprunt poo; fo. oarque. mar - At O A t- c-l : 1 . - grcth e, Hansen, for St. John's, P. R. with 136,664 feet lumber.4 shipped by Messrs K. Kidder & Son?; Ger. brig Ribnite, Fretwurst, for Liverpool with 076 bales cotton, shipped by Mr. 8. P.l Collier, Agent, and Ger. barque Graf Bismarck, Klust, for Cork for orders. with 1,276 casks spirits turpentine, ship ped by Messrs Chess, Carley fc Co. m m m Quarterly Heetlngs For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South. FIRST BOUND. Wilmington, at Front Street, Dec 24-25 Topsail, at Union, . Dee 31, Ja 1 Smithville . . . Jan 7 -8 Brunswick, at Sharon, . . Jan 14-15 Waccamaw Mission, at Pine Log, Jan . . . . . 21-22 Whiteville, at Whiteville. Jan 28-29 Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown, Feb 4 -5 Bladen, at Windsor, . Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 Cokesbury, at Bethany, . Feb 25-26 Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap- ei, . . ... March 4 -5 Duplin, at Wesley Chapel, March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon, . March 18-19 C5The District Stewards will meet at Wilmington at the parsonage of the Front Street Church at 11 o'clock a. m. on Tuesday, the 3rd of January. 1882. R. O. Buxroar. Presiding Elder. Notf AdvertiBementa. Notice. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON, N. C. A SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of three and a half per cent, haa been declared bv i the Hoard of Directora of this Bank payable tfanua y ova, ukw. dtc24-4t A. K. WAKKBR, rash'r. HebrewFair. rjtHE FAIR AND FESTIVAL, IN AID OF THE TEMPLE, will be held at the ? CITY HALL, beeinnins- with next TtTEaif AT. DMnilvr S7th, at 8 o'clock, P. M., and continuing for three nights. General admiaUon 10 eta. dec LI HT JACKETS Ulsters ! jBLnd CLOAKS II JUST RECEIVED. DOLMlISTS ! PLAIN AND DIAGONAL. Children's Cloaks 6, 10, 13 and 14 yeara. RespecttPlly, R. Rl. aiclntire. dc 33 HOMES FOR TEE J Dfc?lSB 1Q PlsCK AJ GOOD, BOS- ear AND DtT.iiOi'a FiMIblE oa SO good fatal had aad aaocked farm la aa healthy etioaof eoaairy aa there it la h cut, aad gira I aeoi kaif of ewjthlor they make. No ea rga fir aircej raadartd. Addrea, jOH!f J, PATRICK, tsBlgraOoa Agent for Dixit Agrismltoral Assoaiiitio, dHl dat WaaUtboratlfO w AdvertiseiiiTJt ILL!Ain ft. U'lfcfcfTj XTJHOLESALE ASd'retaIL PEALER I f ' ' . 1M jarUKI KU AWU DOMESTIC DKUOS Chemicals, Pharmaceutic Preparation?, Brushes, t omba, Extracts, &c. &c. dee 22 MARKET STREET. Pressed Brick, a . - i . 1 r I AM RE 'E1VINU a ma!l lot Philadel -phUPrefeed B.ick a very fine article LM ri , i uuyu rJJk I . , -..... j ixiv.u vv 1 a coja tnsp nits pticct zln. dec 21 J. A. SPRINGER. We Havo it ! IU8T Tfls THo to -ViV. Oil! 4td eaa it and you wi i be ecnrlrc-cd that tho Live Booh Store 1 Hat fart what you .want. From the immeaaa 8ormnt cf BEAUTT- yDL0HKI8TMA8 P BSKHTS every ona and his neighbor can be suikd if they osly eaUat HEINBBERGER'3, dec 31 Livt Book and Mnslo Rtore A Holiday Smoke. Ill" T T a n T nr a wrs m T Tobac BTTl tEe city, warranted. Just received a beau npHE BEST OF CIQARSand Tobacco and I tiful lot of genuine Meerschaum Pipes and hp, ii . vrar Holders. Suitabla for Holiday Gifrs. wm he pleaaed to exhibit these goods to all. . -. - , 2:JCBNJt1WALU' wvun. a una so., vwwiawio WiUn dec 134V Fxehanire Corner hirisfmas ON A AT J. & TJABKET STREET. I- 2,000 LBS CA" DIES, the best and cheapest,' 15c, 16,2, and S5c for the fiueat French andy, or S pounds for $1. . Osaxoss and Coooaotts by Stmr. tay. AiOPoon layer Kauin- and Leghorn ltron of beet quality at retail. ONE THOUSAND PACES Iire C rdekers. 200 Dos. EGGS; 1.000 lbs. Assorted Nuts I I exnect to have, on or before Batur aay, a oounuiul aupply of Ureeted and Live PoUlrrT Of s.11 bl rA onH u.1.1 Kba nidtfii I duiinjc the week for Saturday, t ome early ana secure your enristma? Turkey and avtidt e rush and danger of not getting one. l wiu try to prepared to tueet all the requlrementa of the .trade, and wait oa cuatomera promptly and deliver good promptly at their bouses. Ids If you are contmplatirir chanirfrir your accounts lor tne New rear, or begin ning one for convenience, I don't think you can do better thn try me. I will t-ke great pieaaure is snowioa: you around and Kivirur my prices. Jac, C. Stevenson. Ghriotmao Hiilineiy ANOTHER ASSORTMENT OF ELEGANT MILLINERT By Express. Fancy Goods and Embroidery, deaigna new and desirable, Justin. Ladies please come early to hare Christmas ciders filled to satisfaction. Millinery and Fancy Goods Departments are always full of stylish articles. A large assortment of Ladies' and Child, ren's Underwear. t Bespectfully, MISS E. KARRZR, dee 20 Exchange Corner Ho I For Onslow, BO KS OF8UCBD7TION TO THE Cspitil Stock of the Wilmington, Wrigbtsville and Onslow Bitlroad Com pany were opened, Monday, Dec 19, at the Stores of Capt. John JU Boatwiiht and Mr. George Myers, In this city, and at other point on the line of the proposed road. CspL F, M. Woolen and Mr. George H. Crapon have c&arge of the sub scription boc&a la WlholngUgw - STEVBNSDN'S 0. MUNi)f T S NOW OPFNIVQ ONE OF TFTE lnre 1 and moat va ied tockcof Holiday Goods ever brought-to Ihh ; city, corsistlog o JSir, " bronze ana Uilt. Cel. t a. land exam In a . ea 4 Fine Confecrionejyf I HAVE JUST RETURNED WITH lilB lioe&t ard Cheapest assortment. ofCoiTfar- i wry jnfKi. can Tn5Cht U tii cifi ZIMMKRMAN'S, Sweet Penny Corner, . dec 12 Second and Princess sts. TO THINK ABOUT HOT BE D SASH. PLEASE ORDER EARLY - ASH, D08HS AM BUKD8 BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, de ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO. deo 18 Everybody Says VAT HA1 THS -LARGEST ASSORTMENT ANI 1UE PK;TritoST Christmas' Cooa.s3 In town. dec 18 Book aod Mtationery R ore. Ferr,aie School M I88E8 BUk A Jsi' .JWclcela Jlti. ii. r.UJHnfU, Mua cal Itstruoirets rpHK FIOHTKKNTit .A1SNOAL Hesafon 1 of thl Wobol ill coitniet on Wdne day.'ct. b 6th IH . mi cloee about the tbird weit m Ju If 82 Po. iln w o enter tU rtbefint la nth will be ch rfed or.lv rrrm dte i f entrance, bet it i expected tbey w il attotd echool the re in! der ntih . s uii nalm ttht)ria rr- entai by l! ha!t. or rem ya' from the ot. leductin mada In all eaaea of ro tcactad rxc'tu - ' The cou aea .f iottrcctfoa will be as bero tott ihtro'usb and maum-iatic, each c iid riviiig individul aluiti u (max ih Pria oipls. i he - choofof Mtsio ill bn cot dactod by .r.M m-CbsH-,jc. Fu Hi nnttla o the school. wisri!gt cr-tar f r tfa-s brneh of fducto , cn e area i.ti edited witn saita b e hoa a t j e.rlv ppicti n. , " A hmt'fcd i. a ber of corr io tebfiars can be ro iTtd in thj laiaiiy uf oae cf the Prin- i al . r farther partioaUri, eo Princtrtia, or end fo- irrolfa 0". lH..VAmTtSTdRE. THE UNDEUSIfiNED WOJLD RH spectfotly notify his friends Ind the public that he has recently re turned from a viait to the W o r t h e r n ? a riets where he has purchased the Handsomest Display OF MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS. . flOTICHS A0 HOLIDAY GOODS. ... he has ever offered - irthiscity. . My stock is , e, Complete And in - GREAT nXBTST I have tbouand3 of things whi;h it would takecolnmns to enumerate. My fine, fresh FRENCH UANDIE4 aro i specialty. I lead in these goods as my patrons well kaow. I have an elegant variety of Millinery OoofN9 Uat, ' Trimmingi, fcf., To which I invite the atiection of the Ladies. My stock or CHRIrf rjj AS GOODS Is full and cnmr!e:e and baring 'been bought low will be eoid lov. . I respect foil y invite a call and inspec tion. L. FLANAGAN,. Variety Store, dec 19 No 42 Market street: CALL, SHE r.m PfllCH ! A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE aftort meDt oi Weddioff, Ch-Mmas and 11 oil day Presents for sale low down at J. H.IIAR'UVa Dxvg and Cfcunleal Store, dewM iVewMai 1 Hi r