TBIR PAPER is pooiixbed erar afternoon, Snxdsyi pt hv JO an. T. JAKH3, , JPITOK PrOKKIKTOK. v 8UBCKirTJON8,'tteJTAGB PAID, jn year, Hix csoatbe, f J 50 Thre months, 31 M; One raoatb, 50 osnta. Ite paper will ts delivered by carrier?, re ofehre, in any partof tbe oit7, fttthe iboe rats, tr 13 eeeta per wftt. AdrertiJia(r rate low cd libera? riubtcribere will pie are report any ltd rt failcres'to rec6iv their rperercEiariy. New Advertisements. FOR eheuiat: Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, ' Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and . Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily j . Pains, -Tooth, Earjand Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and. Aches, Ko Preparation on earth equal St. Jacobs On a afe, nr simple and cheap External MiidT. A triAl .entails but the comparatively trifling outlaT of 50 Cents, oad erery one suffer ing with pain can haTo chii and positrva procf cf ita claims. - I!rections in Eleven Languages. . . E0LD BY ALLDBTJGGTSTS AND DEALES3 IK MEDICINE. A.VOGE3LER & CO., "JUST IMAOiNEIHQW I FELT." Beukswick, Co., Va., Noyembernth, 1B81. Mrs. Joe Pbeson, . Franklinton, N. C. Dear Madam: It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valua ble Remedy baa entirely cured me of a most feartul looking andpainful sore on ihy ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a riDg worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. .Then I commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful I could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country- for advice. He told me he conld cure-me if I would take m? bed and there remain for four or .five weeks, and if I did "not doxso pretty soon, it could not be cured a all, as the Bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. Just imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have mined me. Mind you this was the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, and thie conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with caustic, as he ndviscd until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment I was advised then by a friend to try rour Remedy. (Bitters and AVash) took A- fW Hose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cared, and can now walk as far, uance as much and jump as high as any man you know. Put me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much, as 1 now do of the yirtue ot your Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a bottle for it, if I conld not got it for less I think more of it than any medicine itt-the w orld. It , i not only the best Remedy to purir.v the blood and - ! .. 1, ... t i Ko I iovo it. tci 1 1 care an BKin aiseafces, iv.v,. cure aH kinds of blood diseases, and I Know it will cure a love for strone drink. .1 hope you will have this published, as thereare many sufferers who could be ured, if they could know cf and pet your "Remedy '1 am truly and respectful y, :AV i JQS u MASon, South Castor., X. C. The Bemedy is for sale in Wilmington bv Dr. Win. H. Green. Send for circu lroftestimnials. nov.Hd PLANTATION F0 SSiE, i"ciWofVVllrnington,at 12 oc lock , iu. that valuable plantation m Z on Rocky Point, known as Pembroke con tainlng about one thousand acres of leruie land, to wit: A certain tract of Una in ' Pendercounty.bounded by a line commen cing on the edge of Black Creek, near the end of a bank across said c reek, aod run aing thence S 10, E. SO chains and 50 linki " ' to a pine and pine poin'.er on the fast siie of Dark Branch, thence t. 2. F. 0:1 chains to the edg of the Tide bwsmp at ( asar s Spring and thence in the m oirectionw v. v v .nrMTif.li of the Cape Fear liver, thenco up the. liver to the line of the Vats . rttation. thence with that line to a stake in the said line opposite to a row of Cedar - trees and thence to the beginning. : Terms liberal and made known at sale. ..'C .-?.-..t,.-. - ALEX. T. LONDON, "ecif'tds Commtaionsr mnr UNDERSIGNED CommisMoner, ap TSfntid by ti!e Judae of the Superior sof New Wover ije nitiOD. on inurmi, x.-.u ayjyMWjglpr;,wsjsmm . y. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDA YlicppER; LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements, HciNSBEr.r.rn Tothe Patrons of the Lire J Cork store I William II. Green Imported and Do- mestic Drucs C W Yates Christmas Goods James C Musds Druggist No City Court to day. KnihW tn rr-nnr. in ma trial erial circles n 1 o I to-dav. , Nor. barque Follfesicn, Hadland, heucc, arrived at Rotterdam on the 27th . i - - Good ash wood was selling from the flats to-dav for 75 cents per load of a fourth of a cord i i - . cc 4.1 nff.wvn UOUrUlUCeut i "t'ik imo unv.uu. . , i mere naa neen no nre in lw rouux uur mg me aay. Doctorseay the gout may be inherited. I If any fellow were to leave us the gout, I we should contest his will on the ground I r r incntiil XT U01. .onagers Da8 guuo tu etteville on business connected wun mo ..... . . .1 !iL 1L. 1 proposed railroad from Wilson, tlui State, to Florenee, S. C: - Steamboatmen report a big freshet in t Sc. Cane I Fear, and that there is now twenty feet of water on the shoals be. fPP.n here and FaTetteville. ' - - " - . Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, smarting anuuw ww .... r iL. unuurjr . Kir.nnMAM ri ifrtcrtn r i ci nti rirf m cured D' rsucnupaiDa. Ayruggiais. icpn Jas. C. Munds. Lookoufor young sneak thieves, as there are a plenty oi them prowling about waitiDg for a opportunity to steal anything Irom a gold watch to a clothes pen. . v. t nr'lll. ." r i We learn that uenerai wuiiam mc- - . .. t J liae, lormeriy oi mis cuy, nas resigns bis position as Superintendent of the Western ana Aiianiic rauroau ui ueur- oria. I a - , .r - - z i ri i .... .1 fish Hooks and Lines. A lull asson. ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t Some men are so extremely careful about taking cold that they will lock themselves up in the back office for a week to avoid drafts especially sight drafts. z ... The press genera ly throughout tne F b .. 0 ... State have taken a respite lor mis -- " '"V T" f f htP(1 7.. . : u LconMon.JluxuneB and delicaeies for the tempted UansimaH wuck auu iU inoru nmmint are uuamc ti tLu uui . j Eirgs were retailiug lrem tne siores to-day for 25 cents per dozen; grown chickens for 30 cents each, and dressed turkeys at 16 cents to 18 cents per pound, according to quality. rn i.,rrfcii-. , . . . J Some stale roils, aivesiea 01 c u,.auu I. 1 P Una o(h hfl f 1 n A LP.ft- CUU 111 uui t, j. " rnn and cover it with milk till it is a soarked tbrougii. i urn it out uu rrt -a. A - . 4- a a plate, add a little more milk it jam of marmalade. and with Personal. Mr. E.A. Oldham, of the staff of the Newbern Commercial News, is in the city on a briet visit to relatives uuiiar. w. .a . vBMjf. friPTids dories the holidays. He gave us the nleasure of a call this morniBg, and we were glad to see him looking well and hearty. . Ucwto ak'o Heat Tender Cut the steaks the day before, into slices abont two inches thick, rnb them ovef with a small quantity of soda ; wash off r.eit morning, cut into suitable thick ness, and ceokas you choose. The same nrccess will answer for fowls, legs ot mutton, etc Try, all who lore delicious, tender dishes of meat. Booghnnts. 'One large egg, four and one-half ta blespoonfuls " melted butter or lard, one coffeo cup sugar, one cup sweet milk, one teaspoonful ginger bought at the drag store, two of cream tartar from same place, one of soda dissolved in the milk. Mix the cream tartar with floor enough to make th dough just stiff enough . to handle, fry ia hot lard, take out and lay on brown paper a moment, then, in a dish and grate sugar over them first on one side and .then on the other; do not .ii fn rnril bzfore BUttlUf On aiiU TT lutut w . . u the sugar. -. . Rati Street laproyencnU The improvisnents oa Nutt street, wbicb hare been in progress for aomo time, under the supervision of Mr. B. H. Beerv. the contractor, have been com plcUd Rnd tbere is ndw &D excellent thoroughfare from the loot or Aiuioerry street to the Carolina Central Depot, a distance of 1,750 feet. The entire dia tance j9 now with three-inch plank, which, from its i appearance, will proTe serviceable for a number of years. purchase Returns. Under the laws ot 1881 it will be neces sary. that, a return oi all purchases made for the sir months ending December 1st be rendered before the end ot the momn. ... . . . Privilege licenses will also nave o dc renewed by the 10th of next month. ' U J :il Ko fnr oi loo revuruB vw w mnue, . br the Reffister of T. , , f-ilnra to comnlT with the law is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than $50, or lmpnson- ment. 1 HgjUVUO ... .OAn ... nA :-Veio-k. last mttn . ttf thtt refiidence ef "'"'"'"'U v.& " ' . . . ih Anthem sec .. . tr5ed to Create a I V w ay f ww - disturbance. The husband being absent at the time, the wife shut the door in the I.. - - - , 9 , i - intruder's lace ana wonia nave noiniax w I do with him. A short time subsequently I . . ... I a knocking was heard at tne gaie ana . . itt thlt inTnftteaof the house Utuinuu mww - . which Tery prop, - t ' ,.fn to A ftnd a moment later a i , pistol was fired from the -outside, ine bullet passing through the door and fjijn- behind the ceiling on the opposite id e the r00Dlr The pgjgon who first cajlled at the door ig tn0'wB,but it is not yet definitely I known who fired tne snot. ..... . r?1p, aa othftra Go to Jaco I w 7 . . , , , D Glag8 K Yva-cm get aU sizes' and at the loweat nrices. 1 t I . . n-l 8 ueureir irair. Thn ftftAndanitA ftt the Cltv Hall last I . - . evening, the second of the Hebrew Fair, was equally as large as upon the open j iUR night, and embraced the worth, cul ture, refinement, fashion, beauty and I grace of our city. The managers were I assiduous in their efforts to make the I occasion pleasant and agreeaoie. ine I - " a mt t.Jiaa lianinoliapffa nf fhft refreshment "-""6 - It-Moo with their assistants, disoensed appeilic, wuuo -v -- . -p , , disposea 01 arucies. fancy, ciui uu ul. to williner Durchasers. The ua UMwa - a m patr j0UrnaL the oldest paper ot its d - tte gte, was -for sale by tbe new8b0ys and'eagerly sought for by isitor8 I One of the features ot the evening was the voting for the gold watch and rhain to be awarded to the most popular At midnight the rote stood I - . as follows : Miss Ella Weill, 10 i voiesj , T7ii T?i4iiK1fltA. 73 - Miss M. Green I .wa -- ' w - MrkR ft. Mies WttiU' 1 ' " E. Loeb, 1. The 'ote for the gold-headed cane, to be awarded to the most popular gentle mftn, stood at midnight: for Maior C. M. SUdmaa, 61; Hon. A. M. Waddell, 17; The musical programmeor,io ctcu ing consisted of the foUowin selection: "ll Trovatore. duett, by Mrs. is. Kahnweiler and Prof. K. D. Coodman. lt was a I)ream,w soprano solo, by Miss Rosa Macks; "Only Thee," piano solo Galop de Concert by Prof. YL D. Cood- man; Soprano Solo, Mrs. D. B. Kahn weiler, and a piano sole by Master Isaac Green wald. It is enough to say that the entire prograssme was artistically rendered and that the listeners were de lighted at the musical skill displayed. The Fair will open this evening at 7:30 o'clock; at 9 o'clock the raffling will commence; at 11 o'clock the polls will be closed, and the articles remaining on hand will be disposed of at auction. If the raffling shoald not be concluded at the hour appointed for closing the polls, it will bo resumed after the count- ing or the votes, as n wbw . Committee to. conclude all the business to-nighL . " . . sajBsWBSBiissisBsss"ssBBasss"s""""""" -TerriDie Loss cfLIfa- . uininnaar rata. tnic. cats, bed-bugs roaches, lose their Urea br coUniion with "Rough cn ittts." ota oj urujs-i, 15c The Fir? t TTadeahoro Later intelligence of the disastrous fire at Wadesboro, of which we gave a Krfer -nnr tf" -oiMitprda RkVIBW. gives the probablejoes as about $20,000. 1 nrr. .t.;t, (!, U InRiimncB to the I . . ' , j- I amount or v'J.uuu. i ne losses are tributed as follows : William and Alex ander Murr, - tinware and groceries, $2, 500, upon - which, there was an insurance of 1800 ; Gl-Psifiorton. groceries. 52,-! S0O. inannimAmmOO: Dr. B. B. HortOB, , . 9t Artft :om I general merchandise, $4,000 ; no insur-1 auce; W. Nr. Pinkaton, groceries, $800, , f . u-vr oi nnft no insurance; N i MensiDg baker, 91 ,vuu -1 no insurswee: T. S.Crowson, dry goods; $3,4 covered by insurance; the Misses Lester, no insurance and loss not known; loss on building $1,200; insurance $800; A. G. Bnrner, market, loss considerable j $200 of which is covered by insurance. These are the estimates and the facts will probably not differ materially tom these figures. j The man who stops his paper to econo. I mise ought to cat off his nose to keep from buying handkerchiefs. Quarterly Meetlngi For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South. MUST KOUKD. Topsail, at Union, . Dec 31, Jai 1 SmithviHe . . . Jan 7 -8 Brunswick, at Sharon, . Jan 14-15 Waccaxnaw Mission, at Fine Log, ' .Jan . . . . . - I. 2122 l- oool White vUle, at Whiteville. Elizabeth, at Elizabeth town, Feb 4-5 Bladen, at Windsor, . Feb 11-12 Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 pwok Ttofhanv "Ph 2'i-26 Cokesbury, at Bethany . leb ZS-b Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap- - el, . March 4-5 Duplin, at Wesley Chapel, March 11-12 Onslow. at Lebanon, . March 18-19 tv. TT. V , 1-The District Stewards will meet at WUmington at the parsonage of the xTOni Direei.viuurca. xi u uiwik . on Tuesday, the 3rd of January. 1882. R.O. Bcbtox Presiding Elder. Tl A 1 A J"tt -' . L 1 1 .MAnk A tM I Hew Advortifiementfl. WILMINGTON WELDON B'ilL COm Office of Secretary and Treasurer. Wilmington , N. C Dee. 24, 1881. DIVIDEND OF THREE PER Cent. on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company will be paid on and after the 14th January, 188, to all who are Stockholders of record on" the Books of he Company on the Slst inst. J.W.THOMPSON, dec2-td" - Sec'y and Treas TO THK PATRONS OF THK Live Booh Store ww . - . thanks fr thalr libera! natronasre daiiear - the Holidys, and I do earnestly hops ttat their selections have proved satisfactory ia aver Instance. i would a a bar ts fsmlod tboa or tne un mense assortment and great variety of Heaa - tifnl and Dsemt MsW uau rsssKNio new eo ex ibi-ton. ail at ore and mate l ear selection at HKIIt BEKOEK'B, dee 18 LIts Book and Music Sure IN AND J A C K ETSI ' Prices on the above will be made from ten to twenty per cent, lower, for the purpose of closing out every garment. CARPETS We are selling at very low figures. PERSIAI1 RUGS AND MATS : - ,To arrive by Steamer t-day. A few CMldren's Cloaks on band and will be sold at very lowflguree. R. 'M. TJlcIntire. GALLj SEE 113 PRICE ! A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE atsart- A. ment ot Wedding, Christmas and HeU- dav Presents for aale low down at r n mnnna DrUg and dtesieal Etc . 4tc S9 - iNtirlltrkst ,1881- NO. 307 Hew Ad vertisements Proposal & XT' OR THK ERECTION A TOWf.R Md HifrT will be recalrtd uUt Jauniry 2, l82.atibe Mtor'0?cd t Pla aad apeei ficationi to beieeo atefficaof tit Treisarei f L. 8JUfl. ; ' Major, dee S3 St FIRST NATIONAL BANK F WILJflNGTON. mHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock- X holders' of this 'Bauk forthc election of jyfiecton will be hhi t their BaaUo I Uopsc ia ' -Wilmington; on Tneaday. the JlOthday ot Jaauarj, at 11 o'clock, a r. . A K. WALKER. . dec 2S 4t-23, 29, A jan ?. 9 . Cashier i Woticev. FIRST NATIONAL B VN K OF. WILMINGTON, N. C. SEMI-ANNUAL PIVIDENP of three a half per cent, has been declared by uoara or uirectors of this Bank payable dec 24-4t a. K. WAKKEB, Oash'r. Hebrew Fair. THE FAIR AND FESTIVAL, JIN AID OF TB1: TEMPLE will bs esntinued at the -, CITY HALL, this (Wednesday) evening aad to-morrow (Tanr.aty) vening, at 8 o'clock, F, M. i uenerai adaL'S on, 10 cents de& za-2tnic. A BEAUTIFUL CtRG N. the Mozabt'' New Style, No 12(60, 27 Btopi. 10 foil set Golden Tongue Rseda, SOL.1D WAL nable improvemen's just added. 8tool,Baok, ussK Boxed and deUvered on board care here, price hit Bixtt Dollam, Net Cash. tfabsfaotion forant?ed in eTery particular or m rVaaded after oe year'a u8e. Kre y onetid MOther, U is. a sued. leg advertisement. , Order at Once. Noth ins; Saved bj, Oorreapoideace. My new fae- tory jwt melatJ, Q.paeity 2000 Ins tru weals r.ry'as days rerlatee labor-earing WOod-workJn machinery. Tast Capital me to manufactare better goods for D&NIKL F BEATTY, dee 28 Washington, New eraoy Da r 9f CT A for 1882, with 1m larV I" re oroved Interest Table, Oalendar, ete. Bent to any address on receipt of two Three-Cent Stamps. Ad dress CHARLES E. HIRED, 48 N. Delaware Ave. Fhlla. dee 28-4w AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE ! to sell the Life and Complete History of THE TRIAL OF QUITEAU. Asksteh of his erratic career and FULL HldTOST of the strange scenes and Start, .ing Disclosures of bis trial; the most costlr and remarkable in the annals of crime. Well Illustrated, .Will sell immensely. Agents outfit 60c. Terms to agents liberal. Address Hcssia 9 Jtfaos,, fublisners, Atian deo 38-4W I GOLD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR, n j A new cat Medical Work. warraatad sue Met ana ensap. t, indispensablo to rnty du, entitled "the Seience of life. boand in finest t rnch tnaaUn, ezaboa ted, full (riit, 300 Daea.cm tains beantif al steel naTSTiaxs, I2i prescnpi ' price only $15 sent by i k filnssrated sample, 6c: i prescriptions. sow. Aaarese f eaooay ai eai- (OlitHi'Sllf. UMoBlnncaa.stMtoa. ITS POPULARITY IS UNPARELIELEO ! 130.000 SOLO XS&S&SS. to bZ. wonder fol and increasing demand forty iar THIS BEST, most pOpn- ar u larand 0BEAPK8T Life of Garfield! Price only 2, I Thir wora u rroraseiv iiinstratea, tens 1 the entire thrilling story of hlseventlal life I aad tiag o aeata;nas oeen enticauy. rev sea I and approved by one of bis most intimate friend; has tar outsold all other editions be eanse the best and cheapest, and on terms to arents are the most liberal of any. Bnpeib Steel Plate Portrait Free I Outfit (to For or of of excellence, saleabilitr success of Agents' aad terms address at ones, BOB. a iko b sua., rnns r nna. . oee is -aw .I." - mm THE HIGHEST AVAHOSpESS tn tbe GSSAT WORLD'S PAlg tn LONDON, 1S51; at the GRSAT EXPOSITION tn PARIS. 19ST; at the TNTLUNATIONAL EXPOSITION tn CHILI. 1875: aad at the grand CENTS3 yiALExMBmoa toPiifcia, urs. , -An wfaUaf U for. amimA its ssepee nfmlr in- TUC4SOTUU c:uo:!Eni::a 6 Gonai CO Fins iUcat, K.T. ! m Trrwrt U Borb 4 PLSAKBSOTIOiC. - TTe Will b clad to rwetra otnsetiBteflfn froa our frfer.ds oa y and all nbt CprJ Interest bat lYfe eas cf tA writer wast alwayt ba f lsbw4 tl::Rd!tftr. CoyjaBiw!ttmi ce1 b wrtttl q ctlj cos eid of iha pse'. PmrnjalitiM tacst ba aT0iid v - .... . .' . . , . Aa4 It Is erJdlly and rt!Mlrly t4ef " ttowJ that the E4Itn?dow B5t always ecdori tfa vim at Krrrpoc dents rles to ttat fn t edltorlnf fl"-;n ' ;- ' Fow AWertiviricata. JAMES C; MUNDS, Briiggibt, IS NOW OPENING ONE OF THE larffea and moVvaried stocks of Holiday Goods ever brought to this city, consisting o Toilet f'ets, VaseF.la Bronze and Gilt, Cel. luloid Seta incases, c . Call and examine Fine C6iifectioneiy. J ITAVE JOST RETURNED WITH inE Fioeet and Cheapef t assortment ot Colc- tionery that can be bought io the city .ta ZIM Alt U.MAN'S, ' Sweet Penny Corner, ;deo 12' Second and Princess sts. v ; X - jHS TO THINK ABOUT HOTSED-SASH.. : PLEASE ORDER EARLY.' f5ASH, OOORS At!0 QUH DS BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Ac ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO. dec 18 Everybody Says A IF - - ; flA j the : ; V . . LABS EST . ASSORTMENT 7 AND iTHE PRS.TriK3r Christmas GoodsO ; In town . ; dec 18 Baox and Stationery BtOre. ON A AT J. G. MABKET STEEET. I- 2 Tin A LB3 CANDIE3, the best and UUU cheapest; 15c, I6c,20c, and 7 Z3z for the finest French Candy, or 3 pounds for $1. Obakoes and Cocoanuts by Stmr. to-dsy, Lordon Layer Kaieinn and Leghorn itron of best quality at retail. ONE THOUSA ND PACKS irire Crackers, 200 Doz. EGGS; 1.000 lbs. Aborted Nuts tST" I expect to have, on or before Satur day, a bountiful supply of Dressed and Live Poultry of all kinds, and will take orders during the week for Saturday. -Come early and secure your . Christmas Turkey and avoid the rush and danger of not gettiog one. I will try to be prepared to meet all the requirements of the trade, and wait oa customers promptly and deliver gooda promptly at their houses. If you are contemplating' changing your accounts for the New Year, or begin ning one for convenieucc, I don't think jou can do better thn.try me. I will take great pleasure in showing you arouud and giving . my prices. - ' JaSej C. v Stevenson. dse iO . .. ' . . : : - ' Christmas ISiliiiiery jNOTTIER 'ASSORTMENT Q? ; El.n(JANTMILLINEEY By Express. Fancy Goods anl Embroidery, designs new and desirable, just la. Ladies please come early to hare Chrirtmas ci-lers-filled to salisfactlon. ; .Millinery and Fancy Good Dcpartmects are . always full of stjlish article. A large assort meat of Ladies' ' and hild ren's Underwear. ' ; r : TiqmruUjt . : - M IS3 E. KARREIi, dec 20 ' : Exchange Corner VILLIAM: H. Gj?EE!'j XfTHOLESALE AND RKTAIL DEALER TN DIPORTEb AND DO MEdTIC DRUG 3 Chemicals, TharniacenUcal Preparations, Brushes, Combs, Extracts, Ac, c. -. . . , . die 25 y MARKET STREET, STEVE SON'S 1