r - - ... - ,-. I . - " . - . ? ' - v . " , .. J - ' ' - " ; .. i-.-' r-: , , . ' - -. . " -' m ..-. i- . m v m .. m . j .1 r i mm m a m 1 m- f ' - W iU beriad to rwlrt etmoaf'attoa jo on. T. JAMBS, r3 oar. frteo.d oa j an 4 alt iM T oft vTfif always b f TV - sorroa. ad peopbijtdb. gDB8B"Tl01ia.,OrtTAal PAID. 4 t: .- C& OO Rlx nontfec. 52 Si) Tr , im j vm l - ' - - , seithi, fl 2S Use corth, 50 ceafs. The paper will be delivered tj arrierrr , ym of eharra. to any part of tbe etty, at tt : Oocanttcsoccc-.t h-wrltta oit eely ai dee of tk f.t TmnoMlMm mint be aroided , - . ltd tt U ewJaJJj and r falarry nndW oc tfc&t tie K&iif does cot alftyi eadors jrAf'rvefrdents'-leas so stat-r n tas 4itorl eolar r .; , t tfroT ratea, or I on ta per wet. AdvartisiBg rates ov acd libera! WILMINGTON 'N. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1881. " NO 309 : ll ftllnretto reeeiTe Heir paperarerari . 11 TTTi AT TTTT. .- . ll u v w- w m m v, v 3 -i . ia w . ti i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1. 1 1 1 -1 1 ill 11 1 1 11. 111 - vol.. v : 1 : . If t v I - r j r I I J7ew Advortieomen'a r V 'J. i ite 1 "Tr? THEGP.EAT IS mmm RHEDBI ATISII 3 tfeuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Zxckacfie, Soreness of iho (ihest, Hout, Quinsy, Scro Tnroat, Swell ings and Sp reins, Burns and Scalds, General Scdily 5 f. Tv6:h;Ear. cni Hoadacho, Frcsfca' - - - Wf r " - .7 and d!l ether id'-' Ac h os.' - ;rlb effwdt t. Jacob Oit . D'J rhe&p External ". Ts . .; utiilf hut The u?MruuvHTk . Inf vicb a. Lars cJieup ena pciuv pwi Dtiwctiona la Eleven Laugoafei. BOLD BY ALL DSUGGIST3 ASH D2ALES3 A VOGEI.ER Ss CO., Xlaltlmor3ZiZ.,U.8.A. JOtT ir.UGIE.'HGW I FtLT." ; Bbusswick, Co., Ya., November 5th, 1881. lias. Jos Pxasoy. ; v---T- ,,' , Frankllnton,-N. -T. Peab Madam: It is with pleafurp that I writ to tell yon that yonr vnlna kle Bemy has entirely t-nnd nie of tost fpartnl looking nnd painfnl foi- on ay ankle. It came more than twelve . months aovery mnch like a rinpr worm. I paiated it withTinct. Ioline. nt til it . became a very painfel and bnd lookinir plate. Then I commenced to try every thinf I could think or hear of, until it becanv so very pinful I could ecrrely walk, when I went to th b 8t doctor in ji v&g-y.. . r ndvice.' He told m' T b etmldcure me if I would take mv hi d aid there remain for fonr or five weeks, . ojt jf I did not do sp pre7. soon, it told"not be cooat "all s tle bone would become diseased. nd my foot would have to be taken off. Jnpt invp: ina how I felt, to be told there ws no care for the sore but to lose my foot, cr gnre np all business either of thesp Re snedies would have mined m Mind yea this was the advice of one of the best ooctora la the State of North Carolina, and this conversation took plate 1ft February. I continued to hum with easatic, as he ndvised until September but derived no benefit from his tre tmert .Ivraa adviied then by a lri nd to try yoar Remedy, (Bitters and Waph) to k tin first dose the 17th of September, and j I an bow a well man, the wre is periect W cured, and I can now walk nsfir, -wnce as much and jomp bp bijh as mot caaayoa ktoow. Put me back to the Ut -of September, let me know as tnach es I aowooof the yirtue of yonr Remedy, and -J would not hepitate to pay ten dol lars a bottle for it, if 1 conM not g-et it feeless I thiak more or it than uny madicine in the world. It in not only tha best Remedy to purify the blood and IzAh ifltVUV :7lrlTlTZ7FTl will i.C?-f:: L:-T ; S ' ; . " u::t.''M . Slid I ..'.' ! :'! tL i At ronp' irtnk. w-if ' Ti 1". -rnl.r.eJi as i,;f tt.fj c:zd L'.,rtt Briber yonr T" I" . iy 1 art trr.'y f ' - rf-fpetf.5i"y, ) ; . . JOS. ll. ArUiN. f TI Remedy i fa wde in Wilmington by Dr Wm fl Gnen. Send f- rrirru lar of testimnial?. nov 14 dw . PLANTATION FO . S S. rpilK U DEKMU ti" ommif tore.np. JL p4 t d by the Judte of the top nr l - e Hi ove- toumy v i l -xi e o sale a public iUC lob. Ou TliUc da , ti JiXt2ry, J8S2, at tbe . ourt llou e !i o it: the City of iIminton at 12 tViock, tatvJnabIepliiUtion iu leider coui.ty . on Ktky t-otnt, kioNi tvmbrck . c talniig abouiooe tboumnd ciec f irtt'e land; to wit: A rerulu tr-ct f lu.jtn Fooler county bt.uiidrtt bj a Hue c moieu dngon the edge ot BUck reck, ueir the ad pf a bank acmes ti creek. ad uu hC tbei.ee E. StJchsin- audX) ik- to a rlne and pine poih'.eri- on th- ti le of Dwrk Brai oh, tb- ct--s2 k 01 chtis to th'i;!g of the li1o jwamp ut aoir8 ffprli.j' id thence In tbe tsam-t cirtx ii .u i'J the fc i "oBr-i eh if thtape rear il.er. tLeacrt ith .Irertrt tbAie of ibe Vtr ",-i.e wUi ibt Ue to (t'rtak Within a DOU opi.'e toart W it CeJar tbino own icd& to the be. inning halfcd vBP Vd made known atctie. ' .-.-VciV ...i X- jUBJ: T. LONDON, '; . Cemcrfsfcloaar ' CAi. NK.WS. NEW ADVrUTIEMENT. CLar gi? f r h. dtle O C 11 R f.KhX- Oratrcg Hlinm-eiej. a lUpry New Year to All R M Vic Miar Clotlac Out iei AN ai-ud . : t4 B 1 n -IMtte! or-- Aoademy u e 1J ai di; Tax i ticc "Vili.ia?i H. Geexj.'-Iroportcd ind Lo- mettle I 'i t-tr C P Y.TT ChriMisaR Good T JaSirS v." y UI3-rIri:,CSln Da3 h-cth 9 hcurs a.t.d 36 minutes. Nolhiit t irpirtii ni:gt6it-rial circle Yi u may bi-elvi j ur old almanacs iSui;e-ot t(-tiio:r afternoon at 48 rein utt nasi 4 it -i k. 'I here '-t n i.u iiitt.iu.tnts in Oakdale Ct tin' i i t Lis wi ek ,'i'tu le vr rt- o interments in Bd.'evue C'.iiii i- rv Hi,; w tk. Norwegian h:iqu Aibova, Beruld nii, ht i e, crriv j at "1 1 vr- Dec 27th l.c c;i!ts bu ughtt.ui by the Uabtl Dnilirg un- vtrj fiue ai.d they are sell ing rapid ly. - Wood in demind this morning, but it sild from the fiats' at reasonable priic3. j here were three interments one adult and two children in Pine Forest Ct metery this week. As 1881 tep8 down and out on a cold day, let us speak of it us eighteen hnn- dreind frtzt to death. ThgVok8 Family will appear at the Opera Ikue Jan. 10th, lienevieve Ward J..n. 12th, und John T. Kuymond Jan 30ih. The Register of" Deeds issued eleven m rriigc licenses thisweek, tour of which wete hx uLite couples nd seven For col on d couples. A c Id in the head ig one of the best things tli.it can hapen to ; lady with a Icc iiuritiKerth ef i.d Dr Bull's Cough Sjrup ts o. c:detlly the besi remtdy to cure that told. This is the last day of the week, the last tl.y of the month and the last d.y of the year- t un any of our young rt-adei8 tell when such a coincidence wil' aguin occt5r ? Of how we h ve worked and what we hi ve done, in th yt-ar 1881, it beconuth 03 not to spe:k: but what we hope and intend Jo do lur:r. the year 18S2, we'll tell you about next week. To Bnihle rs and others Go to Jaco ki's for S.'Sh, Blinds and Doors. Glass, Arc Yon c-n Met all sizeH and at tLe luwest prices A yonn: lady in GoMsboro, who is fully comjtetent ;nd whocao give excel l;nt reKretitJS, dyirs o position as t -ne'er either in a Jamdy or a sma!i B'.hool. h"i e advertisement in this issue. These who art liable to thft Schedule B tax are. n qa-s'td to read the adver-tia- ment if the Register of Deeds, to be f ui;d in another column of this issue. It in un im;;crMttt matter and inu3t be avtended to. There w;ie a heavy snow l.:st evening ia Chatham county,' rear Lock vi lie and PitrV boro, . although it continued for but a short time, only loug enough, infant, to cover the grtmnd. But for a time it was about;' the Ltercest suowslorm we have ever ste For th i"oath Athmtic States, fair c-atber, . wimis m st!y westerly, etation .ry er htyh-r temp r.ture and pressure. i.it.i' M il- for the Carolina Central Rai? nvtd will close ut the IVau.ffice hereafter ai 7: 10 p. ni , ami will arrive for delivery at b:o0 a m. Watch AUbt Appropriate religious tervlces will be held at the Fifth-Street. M. E. Church to bight, commencing at 10 o'clock and contiuuir g until .fter midoight, in nc cordages ith a time honored custom of au-bifg tbjjold jearoutand the new e-rQ" Beantify your nomes by using the N .Y. Enamel Paint, ready. mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi. f Cllotoi and a Railroad We ery rduch fear that ire shall iiot get the roa4 from Point Caswell to Clinton, after alL Mr. Beat baaaat his eje on the fair fields of Sampson conaty, and wants to gather tbem into hisoTer'coat ocket8. A-conference was held at L&Qraoe, ' a few dajs since, between a number.. of gentlemen from 7 "7 " : : :;fV, ,7: T T IntUcare of Indian Wlnstockv West eodentel the. Midland K, R;t II- q px H vas agreed that if the cttttenf cf!Tjjje y . H-iapscn county. will trrsde the -toad bedi - '. " , T, "if-,. ; ,j , foiwttuClintoo; bnbecribe 25 per cent, of the coet of the rojd, Mr. Beet will botid it and equip it, i lh! ill i?ruo to the tnbscribcn of the) &toe'25 per cent, of the cost of the uuder'aktng, stock in the MidUud lioad to reiraburge tbt-m lor tbe outlay. - It is fcaid tbat irh.j. Yates' smooth words and Mr. Btsl'e stiil smoother pro poeals have taken captive the fancy of the Snmponiane,' atid that ihey will at once go to work with a will to fulfil their part of the contract, believing, good, guile!e.-8 gentlemen, tbat Mr. Best la Dot only willing, but. able to do ail that he a. s. About $12,000 has ul ready been ! Dubsenbed toaerds the wcrk and there is a promise of on hundred convicts from tho State. In addition to those it is said that the work on the gr nd North Carolina system, which has already pro gressed to an enormous extent, as far, in fact, ts Stnitbfield, in Johnston county,' is to be abandoned and the force employ ed there put on tbe new North Carolina system, which is to pierce all of the way from the clam mud banks of the Neuse and the 1 rent, across the picey barren wastes, to where the whangdoodle mourneth for its lost love amid the bauks and braes and huckleberry bushes of tbe Cape Fear lowlands. But, seriously and it is surely ne laughing matter the people of Clinton want an outlet and they are going to lay hold vigorously of the very firxt op portunity which presents itself, and w cancot blame them in this. We believe that they would prefer te come to Wil mington, but as our people do not seem disposed to help them to get here they naturally look to other for the helping hand. It is about 36 miles from Clin ton to LaGr-ingeand it is said that the distance from Clinton to Newbern is only about 30 miles farther than it is from Clinton to Wilmington. The question is as to whether the people of Wilmington will make an effort to se cure the entire trade of this rich section of country or will they quietly stand by and see it surely slip from their grasp. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, smarting irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiba. Druggists. Dept Jas. U. tduuds. Knights of Wise Men The following named persons were elected officers of Carolina Lodge o. 138, Knights cf Wise Men of the World, (colored), at the last regnlar meeting, to servo for the ensuing term: W C and Past E A GeoI Mabsoo. E A James H Price. W P Geo W 8beridan. S G William G Ross. vv W Phillip Loviogton. W H Lewis Legrand. Sentinel John D. Nixon. By virtue of his office, District Deputy G orge VV Price will install the officers, at their Lodge room, opposite City Hall, next Monday evening (Jan. 2d), at 8 o'clock, after which refreshments, will bo served to tboee pres nt. Change of schedule. There will beau important change of schedule on the Carolina Central R. R, to go into eOect to-morrow. The fast mail, exprtss and pas:eoger train is to be run at night and the slow train in the day, thus reversing the present order. Tbe day train will hereafter leave Wil mington at 5:45 a. a., and arrive at 5:55 p. m.; and the night tniu will leave at 8:20 p. m.. and anivo at 7:32 a. m. Sleepers will be ruu through between Wilmington-audi Charlotte, and closo connection will be made at night at Hamlet.. (Itj Court. James Holland, for disorderly conduct was sentenced to pay a five of $5 or go to the city prison for ten daja. lie paid the fine. -Margaret Bobey, disorderly conduct, was discharged. O. M. Ilatfitld, disorderly conduct, was discharged opoa his proaisa to oakt ameads for bJi bad behavior. . " ' Unmailabln Un mailable matter, addressed as fc'f lows, remains in the Poataftice ro this citj: r llrs. J.i'A. McKae, Savannah, 6a; Wiofield, $. O ; WU N. C; cte stamp ed envelope illegibly addressed: James McBride, Shoe Reel, N. V ; He l tie Mid d!lftn 1A f)i" m rra rr Amhortt ft ! Capt, C B. DetKion, Icoown a few year ago as coo of the most prominent teachers in tbe State, has concluded to ! reopen tbe Pitt&boro Academy, which . established seme twelfe jears ago, aBd jctndur.ied so soccessfally bybimfora number of years. Hs reputation as a gentleman of scientific attainments and as a successful instructor is too wel known to nt ed more than a casual refer ence to tbe fact by us. His terms are very low and full particular will be fur nished on application. The receipts of cotton at this port tc diy foot op 572 bales. In no disease is the correct treat men mote a matter of dispute than in Rhea mat ism. One remedy for it is known however, which is both professionally and popularly indorsed and concerning which, Mr. i. a iferschweiler, Butte ville, Oregon, writes: I had often read of tbe many cures effected by St. Jacobs Uil and was peruad'd to try the remedy myself. I was a sufferer from rheuma tism nd experienced great pains, my leg being so badly swollen tbat I could not move it. I procured oL Jacobs Oil used it freely and was cured. . I there fore deem it my duty-to publish this fact wishing tfejet other sufferers may find the relief.. I obtained from this most excellent preparation. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jaoobi's. t Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, Soath. FIRST BOCXD. Topsail, at Union, . Deo 31, Jat 1 Smttbville . . . Jan 7 -8 Brunswick, at Sharon, . Jan 14-15 Waccamaw Mission, at Pine Log, Jan , . . . .. . .'... 31-22 W hite ville, at Whiteville. Jan 28-29 Elizabeth, at Kliiabeihtown, Feb :a -6 Bladen, at Windsor, . Feb 11-12 i linton at Johnson's Chapel, Feb 18-19 uoitesbury, at Bethany, . Feb 25-26 Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap- - ei, . . March 4 -o DupliL, at Wesley Chapel. March 11-12 Ootdow, at Lebanon, ( . March 18-19 TThe District Stewards will meet at W.lmington at tbe parsonage of tbe Front Street Church at 11 o'clock a. m., on Tuesday, the 3rd of January, 1882. K.O. Buktojt Presiding Elder. 1 Sow Advertisements. Wanted. A TOUNOLADr deaires a positioa to tach either in a lamtly or small school. For addreea apply ot thie effice. d 9 a. ItdAw Oranges O ranees "TE ARE 8'LLISG Choice, Sweet 6-rJen Oranges, ex 4lMabel Darling", Jut arriv d. THE! ARE CHOICE. dec3l.lt CRONLT & MORRIS A Happy New Year To All ! Come and boy some beautiful IMew Year Cards -f To send to your fiieuds, at H KINS BERG EE'S, dec Si Live Book and Muflc Store schedule H and G iax Koiice. NL lK'S NS SU JiJT TO THE pa; m sat of Behedd B acd C Tax ara br by no Iflcd to e am rwra and pay ta t wi'hi V e trtt tea dsys U Ja arf, f r th i aat tlx tb a r4ix4 y law Ttli tax falls daj ea Um lei day of Jaaaary, - n&.m. SfBSt.1-"- - ' i- 49 Sl-tf ; - Zz?'lu - " - , V . - v Naw AdvertlEementa Ow AI$D AVTKH Jai. I. iA 3. V 1. Shnt4 will ha ?ytid ct? t ia RatTo-i t 1 Arrive at Obrf"Hs at..5.fc0 A wo arrive a ACitufa at.T.SJ a only, aod pnta9 Cilmtvi is lev osap ay's Time Table PAddfctiSS. AND iiw'ian'--; Dalj excepv Bvadtvt w- . Luti w'uratBfc-toa t. 6:10 A . ' 1 lirlve atOharlott st.. T A P w la Ofcirlo;e ai...... 4 15 A Arriba at WUmiTigton ?. 6 6i p SUKLbY DIVISION. P . tiriiLti ( EH, X A U EXfRBa AMD f RIQUT. Daily ezoapt Rnidijr. iiMve Obarlctte atMMMM.MMW....M,.Mfl.n IrrlTaat Shelby iuM.M.MMn..lS CO M tfare Shelby at.... 1:00 r ft. Arriva at Oaarlotte at.... 6A0 P Trains Nos I and 2 make elso s icDaatie Hmiet wihKs a Traioa to od (r r lirb. and at CJtarktte wi h Shelby ) i ialon Tran. , r&roaa rle)lag Oar btv Wilmlag ton aad O ar otteani ttr a? Cb . Train No. 1 mts oonncti n at Obarlntt rith A , T. 4 O k. K., fo- Meville, oooaeeting th re witK W. N. O. R, t. for all points on sat road. iral'B No 1 and h make ARtertIo- a lotte wi h A A N O U R fo p-mfd b irg, Greenville Ata jes, a tl nta at. d ai lata bey oi Tialn ft a a makes elose ronneooo at w'l Bnit'BvihW sff K-f r p In'i North Tra a No 2 mka olest cennto ioa vitu W , A a R CLOSING y DOIiIMilIIS, JACKETS AND ULSTERS Very Cheap ! LACE CURTAINS. A variety of good tyle., and the prices will aatonUh you, beiug so cheap. Lace Silk Tidies. LARGE BLANKETS At reduced prices, to o!ose but. Crib Blankets aad Spreads. CARPETS, RUGS AN DM ATS A beautifol asortment and the prices were never so low. R. Mm TJlclntire. dee 31 Pitts boro Academy gPlSG SESBtOt of 1 82, r pens J cu ary 9ih Stulscts cf any a resived,a: d urepar d for College o for Bn iaeas Ufa TnePiiaeipatha hadicaiy 'tan zpe I nee ta tsicM r. "i ' ." ' - - .-- ! an, per t'eesira tt SO weks, Eoa d and TaiUon ITS. fef-rs to E- ltir of th Raviaw4 Fr par tie ilars, addres OY B. DEN80V, dee Si tf Priaeiptl Notice. FIRST NATIONAL BASK OF WILMINGTON, N. C. SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND cf three and a half per cent, has been declared by the Hoard of Dire, tor of this Bank payable Jaoua y 5th, 1832. dec24-tt A a TvAKKER, aah r. WILMINGTON A WELDON R. E. CO.. Office of Secretary and Trf asurer. Wilmington ,X.C Dec U, 188 1. UiiaiJnfl A DIVIDEND QF THREE PER Cent. oa the Capital Stock of tae Wilmington A Weldoa Kailroad Company will be paid on aad after the lit January, 28:2, to all who are Btocxaclders "of record on Uie Books-of ths Ovzuzj ca lb m tAf a"fi- I a ' -Zjjr 1 out Druggist, ' TS NOW OPENING ONE OP THE l.rrea Goods i lolletew. VaseF.in Rronm n.l r:n Iuloid fiet in cae, Ac. t allafad cxamlna -e , J HAVE -jrjST RK1URNED WITU THE i tyXTSCtrimat. "of Con fee- Uonery tb i? can bn Vurht In th oit? , ' ' .' 7II in mi i t....' - Sweet Penny Cornrr." . ' dec 12 Secood and Princees sts. ; TO THINK ABOUT H 3V.B2D SASH. PLEASE ORDEB EARLY. fiSH, -. DOORS AFID 3LIHDS BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMHERdie ALTAFFER, PRICE k CO. dec 18 Everybody Say Y A T VJLi 7ln LAHCEST ASSORTMENT1 AND ;UE PRH-Ynicsr Christmas GoodsD In town. ' ;. deo 18 inn. kl f - raa6i,Ta'iea ? locifi of UoMdav ever trorip-ht tr 5 ' hr isiwiiais i: ok a ; LARSE SCALE ' '- AT ,-'" X C. STEVENSON'S MASKET STJiET. V',.! 3 .!.. : 2 nrf LIHCAVDIES; the best and ,UUl 1wapt; 10;c,2!V:, and SJe for the fiutfet French . Candy, or 3 pou'ud lor 51. Oranges and Cocoaxuts by 3tmr. to-day,. Loroon- 1 ayer . KkMih tnd Leghorn j itron of Let quality at retail. 05E TII0USAM) PACKS XV' ire Crackers, 200 Dor. EGGS; 1.000 lbs. Aborted Nul tf I expect to have, on or before Satur day, 'a bountiiul supply of ireed and l ive Poultry of all kiods, and wH tike oideia duiiag tbe week for Saturday. , Coma earlv and etc are 3-our ChiWrnai Tarkcr atd- avc id f)e ru:h and danger of not getting one. 1 will try to bn prcpand to tueetail therequiremeuie of the radtvand watt oa customers promMly tthd deliver iBTKda promptly at their boua-. - ld& If you are cont tnplatlrg ; charging ' your accounts for the New Year, or b-iu-ntng one fur coiivetjituce, f don't think 3 0a , C4i do U-tfer th.n trj- iie.T wi'J t.ke great jleajure in showlcg you a rou..d and giving my price. m. Jqs9 O. Stevenson. ;. d e '.0 ' Christmas Miiiineiyl NOTRER ASSORTMENT OF ELEGANT MILLINEKT By Exprees. Fancy Good an3 Einbrolddy" . deelscs cew and detirablc, Jutt in. Ladles please come eiry to have t haiatmis ciders 1 ' - Ailed to sat U faction. ' . . " ' Millinery a d Frftcy Oc4 Drpartmenta are always full of ttyl Vi ajt'cle. - A large assortment of Ladi.V nd ren'a UnderweJr. - J' HISS F. KABRER, dec 20 Eirhre CoTser WILUAffl H, G ltEiJ, "T-HOLESALE A D RJTIL DFALES. IN JMPQTHteaa j wtl: r.f H'eteiit di. t -r i.-.5 ne ereat- r ir';-errj ia wil iijgt r,.r parti n apj.iy.ti 1 3.1 8 UfnOfi. if Mr 9 'i'Y

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