'; :.v-;'l.v :: ' . - " - ' ; --:r----' '- "-- ' -;' : - '.: w 1 THIS Bnadavt tt C 7 k'ft vUlyaikA w ri cuiitt' J i M'RO. .a guWiCKirTIOH.l,0TAOB PAID, ne yetr,H CO , .8x iaontlu, 1250 ; Three DoBtb, I Ope zsonth, 58 oenta. rJ, of cbarje, ii of the city, ftttbe lbfi' rte,"or 13obm perwe. . ;. A4Tertkajr rteilowndilbri , v rnuv'erib"re wiljl6Be report any and u glares to receivc'inelr papere rcgtuarly. ujj35Uttriiat ! wr:tva "ao.j j . ,rr : . .. .. . And If is ciaL'y and cu-i-saiatly acd ti that- .x&h- doaa net always 'eedan tU iWitl'.ir'fetFerdtS nlw C taf N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 3. i8&2. NO 2 . v A TIP hi) 17i irr ;y, HWwiir M - i T-.,;..,.. . "i '.r-:-.-. . ! VOL. VI , WILMINGTON, ft ew Advorjfcisbnionts. 5 tSADB lEK ijjL RHEUMATISM. timiralnia. Sciatica. Lumbano. Backache, Soreness of (he Cnest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and . Scalds, General 3odily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. j;0 Pn-Tvaration o, farth equals' fy. Jacobs OrL i"h 9t, sure, simple snd cheap External :"mMy. A trial eotaila but tho comparatively trifling oHliay of 50 Cents, and every one iiiffer .. l wti) P0'1 -a!l hare cheap and pceittve proof t." its claims. Iirecllons in El-Tven Laupug. EOX-D ET ALL DRUGQTST3 AND DEALES IN HEDHUEE. A. VO&EXJBR &i CO.,. lialii wor, iiri. C. fif. -4, . J0 T- IMilOlfSEIHO W.I FELT." Ebjkswiok, Co.,Ta., N . November 5th, 1881. " . MS8.T0B Pkbsov, V Franklinton, N. C. Dkar Madame-It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that your valna ble Remedy has entirely, cured me of a most feartnl lookinp; and painful soie on niy ankle. It came more than twelve months apo, very much like a ring worm. I painted'it vrith Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then I comraenceel to try every thing I could thiok or hear of, until it became eojrery painful I could ecarcely walk, wheal went to the best doctor in tha country, for advice. ' He told me hecouldcure ine if I would take my bed and there remain for four orj five weeks, and if I did not do soprHty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot would have to be taken ofiVf Just imag itia how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the sore but to lose ' ray foot, or give up all business either of these Re mediea would have ruined me. Mind you this was the advice of one of the best doctors In the State of North Carolina and this conversation took place last February. I continued to bnrn with eaubtic, as he advised until September, but derived no benefit from his treatment. I. was advised then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitters and Wash) took . the first dose the 17th of September, and ' I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, o'ance as much and jump as high as any man you know. Put me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as I bow do of the yirtue ot your Remedy, and I wottld not hesitate to pay tea dol lars a boifle for it, if I couki not get it for less., J -think more of it tlan any medicitfe in the world. It is" no only the best Remedy tp purify the blood and fare all skin iseales. but I believelt will - cure all kinds of blood diseases, and I Know it will cure a love for .stromr drink. J hope you will have this published, as ' there a'e many sufferers who could be cored f they could know cf and get your Remedy I am truly, and respectfully,' JOS. R.' MASON, v ' South Gaston, N. C. ,. The Remedy is for eale in Wilmington by Dr. Wm. H. Green. Send for circu- lar of teBtimnials. nov 14 dw ; PLANTATION FOn SALE. rpHIMJND'ERSIGNED Commisioner, ap JL IJipted by the Judge of the Superior Court of New HaDOver.couuty, will expose to sale at public auction, on Thursday, 19th January, 1SS3, at the Court House door in the City of Wilmington, at 13 o'clock, fM. that valuable plantation in Pender cownty on Rocky Point, known as Pembroke, con Uinlng about one thousand acres of (ertile .ndfto wit: A certain tract of land In Pender county, bounded by a line - commen cing on the edge of Black Creek, near, the end of a bank across said creek, and run nin thence S. 10, E. 3d chains and 50 links to a pine and pine pointers on the Fast aide of Dark Branch, thence 8. S3, E. 93 chains jj the edg of the Tide Swaap at Ca?sar's flpring and thence In tn same direction to elTj; Braneh'of Abe Cape Fear river, tboc4-aptOAliTerto the line of the Vats Plantation, thecee with that line to a itakc In the said lice opposite to a row cf Cdax r and thence to the beginning. i Terms libera and mads known at salt. y - ALEX. T. LONDON, LOCAL NEWS. New Adveutisemejcts. . J J A f rmsGFR Coal, Wood, Krick, &c waiii Kidder & fox otic. 1 Geo W Williams & Co Notice -fi W llEwLr.TT, ?ecr Att-ntio.n I Fire. men I B ki neb erg ER - A Hapr-y New Year to All ViLLiAii 11. GBEEy-Importe4and Lo- mettic 1-rur; ' ! . ; 4 C W Yates ;Chri6tma Good James oyuxD3 Drujlat Full moon to-morrow raoroiag t 44 minutes paet 5 o'clock. .. j ; TLc all important qncstbn Can (h)c do the nulroad? Steamship Santo Domingo , Penning tcD, hence, arrived at Now York, Jan. 1st. ! I A thick silvery far called the Rnesian cat iayery fashionable for dress and bon net trimmings. ' I . ! ! White camel's hair opera cloaks, cm broidered in Japanese figures and colors, arc much in demand, j . i i "i i i The matrimouiai rnarket is rery ac. live. 'W e suppose they call it market because the men are sold. - , : .) - A dollthat will open its mouth and ewaliow candy called the eating doll- is the latest French novelty. j ; The days begfn to lengthen. The old proverb runs thus: 'As the days begin to lengthen the cold begins to streog then. - .'I;- J;( ..'i . To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sashj Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get, all sizes and at the lowest price. - j s 7 German barqnejVoapero, Kreuiier, cleared at this port to-day for Hamburg, with 3,465 barrels i rosmi shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. j- 1 -Hi - I- Mr. i S. -VanAmringe , Clerk of the Superior Court, has appointed Jos. Cj Hill, colored, a Justice of ibe Peace ttf fill a. vacancy recently created. There wa3 a very, heavy frost herea bouts this, morning, the tops of the houses looking as though it had snowed during 4he nighi. At 7 o'clock the thermometer was at 25 decrees at the Signal Station. The fashion set by the Empress of Austria, and followed by the Viennese ladies, of wearing the Hair flowing oyer the shoulders, is adopted by some Bn glish ladles; it is conjectured that this ffasluon if it prevails,' will make trade very brisk for deal Ifcra in hir. fwjth rheut To all fflictrdwath rheumatism Mr. W. II. Fuller, of Rawhide, Ala.,' says Us.Sl,. Jacobs Oil tainlv te cured. 1 ana you will cer had rhenmatisn i in my feet f r seven months, and at i times was unable to walk &l. Jacobs Oil cured me. i i Returned. - Jefferson Davis Bell, recently Mf married in this city to Miss Lizzie Fow ler, has been on a bridal tour of two weeks to the northern' cities, spending over aweek in ew York. He returned, with his accomplished bride, on last Sun day to his home in Pender county. The happy couple are very popular and have a wide circle of relatives and friends. I Beautify yoar oomes by using the N Y. Enamel. Paint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold onlat JaCobi's. f City Court- ' ; A white man, name suppressed, for disorderly conduct. Judgment suspend ed.. A colored man, nfime suppressed, for an. assault and battery. Judgment eus pended upon the payment of costs. Gapt.! Frank Wilkinson lost $15 in gold three $5 gold pieces from his pocket last Saturday night, at the Prin cess street dock It was enclosed in a paper which was found at daylight the next morning, but the money was gone. Whoever may have found it will confer a real benefit to a very deserving man and receive a reward by retnrniDg it to the owner. i .. ! , i . Personal. We are pleased to know that Mr. Jas. Sprunt has so far recovered as to be able to ride out to day and to appear in his office for a while. It is his second ap pearance down town, he having made his first venture since the accident last week. We trust that his health may soon be entirely restored. Cenntx Ccnnliilonfrt. The Bord of Count r Commissioners met in regular monthly session yesterday afternoon. I i The Treasurer submitted his regular monthly report for December, which made the following exhibit : General fund. bal. on hand . . 817,922.31 Special fond, bal on hand . . 8,122.22 Educational fond, balance ' . on band . .).... v 7 602.99 It also exhibited 4 bonds of the de nomination ef $100; aUo 8 coupons of the denomination of $3 eaeh, and one coupon or the denomination ot $io i which said j bonds and "coupons were burned in the presence of the Board, j. The Register of Deeds submitted his official bend in the sum of 3,0Qti, with Fanny Saapson, F, W Foster and S H Manning as sureties, whieh said bond was found correct in form, received sod entered in the record ol official bonds and filed. Nicholas Carr, Constable of Harnett Township, submitted his official bond in the sum of $1,000, with W H McDade and Geo F Til ley as sureties, which was found correct in form, received and or dered entered on the record of .official bonds and filed. Application of Cronly & Morris wa8 granted. . Justice A A Moseley made bis annual report of fines and forfeitnres eolheted, and the same was received, ordered en tered upon the record of official reports and filed. , 1 . Upon the representatien of the ta:c assessors of Wilmington Township, that by them an error was committed in tap assessment of the property of N. piles & Co., it was ordered that the assess ment of said property be fixed at $10, 00d, instead of $20,000. j . It was ordered that the regular Fi4 nance. Committee be requested to settle with the Sheriff onjome evening dt next week. . . The Board proceeded to draw a venire of jurors for the. next term of the Crim inal Court, which convenes on the second Monday In February, as follows: I . John L. Corbett, Henry Sheppard, P L Bridgers, J O Nixon, Geo A Peck, W J King, T B Henderson, Jno B Rob inson, Thos Henderson, W 3 Hewlett, Jno M Robinson, WJ Mott, Emanuel Muck, Isaac Northrop, Thoa Ravera, W U RoobinB, Jno H Pngh, Jas I Mettst A Liebman, Jos Lucas) L M LeGwin, John G Norwood. Jehn T Keen. Sol Bear, M E Bobbins, Fj H Keathley, J H Bryant, Henry R uhl, Simon F Craig, Aleseo Hewlett. On motion , the Board adjourned to the first Monday in February, 1882, at 2.30 o'clock. BOARD OF EDUCATION. The Board of County Commissioners resolved itself into a Board of Education, when the following proceedings were ad: The recommendation of the school committees for the 1st and 2d Districts in regard to the pay of teachers, etc was, on motion, adopted. On motion, the resignation of Wm. B: Giles, School Committeeman of District No. 5, in Harnett Township, was accept' ed, and George'Hooper was appointed in his stead. , The Board then adjourned. The violation of any of nature's laws brings its warning by the feeling of discomfort. Exposure will induce colds, throat diseases, consumption, etc all of which ! give warning by a troublesome cougbT Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in time, and remove both the cause and effect' of your discomfort. j Blh-neel Shoes ... I ; High-heel shoes are. agairj becoming the prevailing fashion for ladies, and it would be well tor -those using them to understand some of the ills arising there from. It is true that high heels make the instep seem higher and give the foot a more graceful and shapely appearance, but as the heel of the foot is kept up above its proper level, the muscles, whose doty is to raise it, are enfeebled by the loss of that exercise. These muscles are the calf of the leg, which will thus d win die-away to the leanness of decrepit agt and become a thin, unshapely shank if this distortion be long persisted in, for exercise unfolds the muscular system, producing a full, bold outline of the limbs, and if the high heel is substituted for the muscular action tie limb is sure to bseest thia and caxhapely. Cspt. V. Ai Robeson, .who has for so many years past been pirt owner of the steamer Wave, has purchased the re- rialning interest from the Express Steam l oat Company, and will hereafter run her ou his individual accocnt. Vessrs. Geo. W. Williams & Co. being agents here.! The Wave is a. splendid steamer, and has been lately overhauled and ' repaired. '. The Beantlfol Snow f . ' ; ' : ': ' ' ' i " 1 he snow commenced falling pretty' generally throughout i he Eastern section of the State cn Saturday Isst-iand' Von- tinued unt.l near coon oh Sunday: I? extended also well into the interior. In Raleigh thera was sleighing on Monday. Five inches o snow fell at Rockingham, in Richmond county, and the storm ex tended dowV as far aa AbbottEburg, On the W. & ' W. . Railroad it extended down as far as Rocky Point, and at Moore's Creak, Pender county, it if 11 to the depth of two inches. It -began to snow at Fayetteville on Saturday even ing and continued, until Sunday noon during which time there was a fail of four inches. The . snow extended down the river as far as lizabethtown. The cars on the different 'railroads came in with their tops laden with the, fleecy element, and when the steamers Wave and Governor Worth arrived here they naa tnree mcnes oi snow on tne upper decks. In fact hardly any place escaped in this section, save upon the immediate gsa coast. j When the steamers left Fayetteville, yesterday morning the river was rapidly declining, although there is yet an abundance of water. It is "expected that if warm weather should ensue with in a few days to thaw the snow.that'has recently fallen, the river will again rise as h igh as it was at the time the freshet was at its highest, and possibly higher ' Freshwater Perch,' Trout tind Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort, meat and lowest prices at Jaoobt's.1 f ' The Insurance' Question. We publish herewith a petition which has been circulated In this city and pretty extensively signed, applying for a reduc tion of rates on insurance here, in view of the fact that the Water Works are an accomplished fact, and that the risk by fire is thereby j greatly lessened. The application is signed by a large number of our leading citizens,1 many ot them among the most prominent business men of the city, and itia safe to say that the insurance they represent will run cp into millions ot money. In .other cities, we understand that. a reductibn'of rates has been made, and we suppose that it will also result here. To our mind, a reduc tion of rates will entail an increase of business, rather than a diminution. The application, which we publish, roust command the consideration of those ,to whom it is addressed : - ' :NOTICE TO INSURANCE COMPANIES. Whereas, VVtlmiogton is favored with a thorough and complete system of Wa ter . Works (just completed) extehding through the main streets where the greater portion of the most valuable property is lceated, nnd whereas , the said A ater Works are upon the most modern improved and complete system as a 'protection - against fire and which so greatly lessens the risk and danger from loss by insurance companies and whereas the premiums paid on insurance are mnch higher in our city than in many other cities that have less water. Drotee lions', &cf therefore we the undersigned,- ask and urge the agents of the various insurance companies doing business in this city to consider the above and cause a general reduction from . to of one per cent.upon premium rates heretofore paid. We ask itf in simple'! justiceto ourselves, knowing the risk On property to be much more reduced than what is above requested' We hope the above may be granted, and that a general re-, duction ofj insurance heretofore carried, or the entire cancelling of policies may not be necessary on account of tho vari ous insurance companies declining to grant a reduction which is so manifestly .nst. ' Suicide and Djspepstn. " A most remarkable cure for dyspepsia "Wells' Health Renewer." The great, est tonic, best bilious and Liver Remedy known. Si. Draggists. Depot Jas. Ci Munds. I The cotton receipts at thsa port for' the two dsys foot up 112 bjilesy Let the poor sufferers Irom female complaints take coaragc and rejoice that a painless remedy has been found.' We refer to Ljdia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound. It is prepared at 233 West ern AvenneLynn, Mass. Sead to Mrs. Piskham for pamphlets. Km a r Rf r BELT FOWLEU t ths re ldce Vf the bride's father, 1 1 th'j civ n the eve- ticgoi tne ls lXcercbsr; l?Sl. by the tlty. J B. Ta Oor. Sir. JKi? h F.X iSl vV I B E LL, cf PVier t Mi?s L1Z2 1 K -1 ( . LLR daughter of Jlr. N. H. Fowler. CQAt. V2C0. ic. j onrv-f,RD wo'od, ioooTONSrOAL- Kannfv. s,' ioo.oooRl,,-Hi'-s- A - All for sale t loweet "ran'rkct prices; by jaa R - J A tPIiINO B, .6tlCjb.:i- r- w.tdraw-frii. lii S.ui f if W Ul KlUDiSK !i rOS. t-.a bc'r.M'-wilt' 'b costlovoi a te'rt.t-. a- the coier c-ed Off." ' ' - , 5n;8-lt GKOj;e KtDi:.t. rpas n TiSd and a';oou5T3 ur inz late firra'of '"i "; . "' . -" -. WILLIAMS & MTJCIIISON7 hue bsea plaoai ia car hands for csllec- tioa, and all no are indebted to that firm ara earnestly requat :d to m .kn getUern jx tt Wittoat ds'ay. j j-.- :..,:;;' Q&J W.. WILLIAMS 4 0,t . Enocea'o ta jaa S-lw-sae HlUm & Muicbiaon. ATTENTION ! FIREMEN ! THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF C- M. Ptedmari Fire Compmy are t'o tified to meet at their Hall 'o-morrjwS fJan-u-ry t ; ) t- veuiug, at S o'clock, for the pur pose of electing officers t terve ior the en puing year A promp-. a'te-vdmee 1 desi rable Per order of the President, jan 3-lt E. W. HEWff LbTT. Sect'y MF, JJTO. V; WILLIAMS has eold bis interest, in the firm of Willi m & Murchi son, Wilmirigton,'and vurcbion & Co., New Yoik. to the remaining paitr era, and has purchased from them their interest ii .he firm ol j. D. Williaos v Co., Fayette- ville, N. U. K M, MURGHISDN, J. IT. WILLI a Ms, ijr. W. W(. LI AV 8, I. R. MUfiUHISON, W. F. bORET. Jan 1, 18S2. ':::,;'Wofii;;.':-;::.v': THE FIRM OP WILLIAMS & MTJR- CHISON -will bs diacontiFjued from tbi date. The firm of Murcbison & Co , Now Torb, will be comiuued, and the firm of D. Ri Murchison1& , Co.. baa been estab lisbed at' Wilmiogton fir, the purpose of carrying on a C'r.nvnis?ion and I xport business in Cotton and Naval stores. K. M. .VUR'HISON, , T D K. MIJK'.HIS'JN, ' O. W.WII LhMS, Jan 1. 1882, ' W. F, SOR tY. Notice- MR. HBNKYjC, McQUE N has been admi ted as a partn r in rur fi m from ihis date. D. Ri MUiiCHISON & CO, jan 2, 1582 . ' u eo. W. tViIliams & C.5 SUCCESSORS TO WILLI AMS & MIJH C BISON, Commissiorf Merchants aiid VV holes ile DeaJe s, Wi'm.irg on, N. C. A larie stock of Kirat-Class Gods on hand wblih will be sold at verv closi d ic3i f jr cash, or to promppayijg custoiiiers. jan 2, 1883lw Dissolution. . rpBE FIRM OF HARDING JOHNSON & CO., is this day disso'ved by mutual con sen 8. P. 8 hotter retiring. The atseU and liabilities are assumed by Hard luff Johnson, who will feign in liquidation. I - HARDIVG JGHNdON, I ; 8. P.8IIOTT R. WUmiogton, N. C, Jan 1, 1889. jan 2-tf i Everybody Say Y A LARGEST ASSORTMENT : AND TEE PBSTTIKST Christmas Good IS In towa. dec 18 . Book and Stationary Store. FOR QUI HOUSE, , Wibmssrosa If. O. I.SU PERttV. Prep Lat Propwtor Atiar.tia Bote!. .. Ftre Olsff i t Vt it a?ii te? S;i. il'qVertiKb mo at i.f " : v ,; ' .- -. r Loi or M inlaid. rinTircTn No. l.C03. for i tW w -mi vs fc-v.;-k.1n h3 Wilm n eidon Hs.i roafl Compiny, ii Ktly, an 1dted May 5 h 183 ti.vi; will be ru u;e to tic Pekl j vS fer. nk ia hs WiimlnPtAn wed to E V. .utt 1S34 Appilc-( rcffrtjflcat, in Hsu of .lb.'rde bdnls ncn. tne above: . Happy Mew Year ro All ! i m ' Cocje cad Sy scuta-beantifai ' , to eead t' your' f.icr, at 5 ' t ' I ; ufelXSBERGER'S, jxu 2 J lire l:ook and Miuic ; , Store fs 0NIN'G O.N'E OFrnE lirres X atJd m.0 tyijiedto.cfes of Holiday Goods ever brou4fct to this citv. ennal.tfn Tcitet cts Vaseiyi.j BroiiZe aud - Gilt. Cel. ttuloid Scts;inca.e9, &c. t alland cxamlni j TO THINK ABOUT HOT: BED SASH. i: PLEASE OBDEH EARLT. BIUCKETS, MOULDING, LUMBEKAo A LTAFFKj dec 16 WILMINGTON. & WELDON R. U.CO, Q12.ee of Secretary and Treasurer, r Wilmiogton , N. C, Dec. 24, 1SS1. DIVIDEND OF THREE PER Cent; ou the Capital Stock of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company will be pai'd oa and after the 14th January, :8SS, to all who are Stockholders of record on the Bcoka of ike Company on the Slet irvst. - , J. W THOMPSON, dee. 28-td It gec'y and Treaa GlaOIL ' .' : :: ''- AND. -. '.':';;'; ; .j -: ULSTERS. Very G heap ! LACE CURTAINS. ''..;.' . ;''.,-' '".'vi z 't 1 A variety of' good styles, and the prieea will a-t.toi.Lh' you, bei-jg so cheap. Lac bilk Tdie. . :: , ' - ' LARGE BL AN KET3 At reduced picea, to c0o out. BlaLke;s aJ. 'Spread. ' i UARPETS, HUGS M B?v!ATS ' A beaulifai a--bortmeat "were never so low. . gad .the. prica E;cSrstire.' dec 3t Sciiedule II and i) 9aXi a T8B ii pajm;atci &etaniea2d r Tax rber by notiCcd i cttai- -rvzi aad ta ; , I- i , ' a e wl Lia the C": ti d r,i ia Itnauft f r ta y aat six corn , rt- ,utd br Jw Thla tax fUi dj nxt t&? I if of jarnrjf WILLIAM K. GIlE3, i "Y7HOLE3ALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN IMPORTED AND t 0 1! E iTIO DRUG I Chetaicils, ; Pharsiaceutlial Prepsratio&af Brushes, Combs, Extracts, V j Sco2t MARKET &TU2X. cilia , m w

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